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Messages - Elf

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Quinn didn't blink as the loud mouthed Asian woman approached, calling the Japanese guy Rock, and asking if he got himself into trouble again.

Then she said something about Quinn putting his cock into pants when she slapped his hand away. 

First thing he realized she was fast, especially for a human, and then there was the moment of skin on skin contact.

Blood.  Guns.  A tall American black guy.  Booze, lots and lots of booze.  A PT Boat.  Violence.  Explosions.  A regal Russian blonde woman who was half covered in burn scars.  More guns.  Blood . . . And death . . .

His canines throbbed in response and he had to clinch his jaws.  She smelled like gunpowder, booze, sweat, and guns.  Whoever this woman was, she didn't just walk hand in hand with Death.  She pushed it into a broom closet and fucked its brains out with wild abandon.

The clairvoyant could taste the blood and booze on his tongue and smell the sulfur in the air.  For a moment he was lost in the vision he'd gleaned from her.  It wasn't intentional, not when meeting someone new anyway.

Dark blue eyes dilated before going back to normal.  Before he could retort, he heard, “RAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!”

Fuck me, what the fuck is going on now? he thought as he turned to see Saber's friend distort.  A black haze over came him, obscuring his features and armor save for the glowing red from his visor.  His stance changed as he stepped between his former king and the dhampire.

"Fuck," he whispered emotionally to himself as the woman, Revy the remains of the vision supplied, took a stance with her guns.  He put his badge up but didn't pull out his glock.  He reasoned that the gunslinger was good, but she was human.  Quinn was half and half something else.  Something better.  Something dangerous.

"Enough!" Saber's voice rang out with bell like clarity, the former king's natural charisma and bearing forcing everyone to look at her.  She walked up and placed her hand on the knight's shoulder and said, "Lancelot, my friend, as . . . rough . . . as Quinn shows himself, he would never harm me.  Please, be at ease.  We have quite a bit to talk about and I am growing hungry.  Matters such as this would be best handled as we dine."

Then she looked at Revy and said, "That said, we mean you no ill will, but your associate did interrupt a private moment between my friend and myself.  His intentions were pure, but admittedly he was making a nuisance of himself when the situation proved to be beyond his means.  I apologize for this situation."

Quinn felt the ache in his jaw fade as laughter bubbled up in its place.  He quelled it for the most part, but he couldn't help his snicker at Saber's words.  Her green eyes narrowed at him as she said, "This is not amusing, Quinn."

That made him actually laugh.


Wynn frowned and asked, "Why would you ruin it so?  Part of the joy of the drink is the ritual.  Drinking it as you are now simply dulls the senses.  It does not bring you to the higher enlightenment that the true potion brings."

Doujin Projects / Re: The Law Unto Herself Chronicles
« on: August 19, 2014, 01:32:27 PM »
Chapter Twenty-Six and Chapter Twenty-Seven have gone live!

Forest realizes how hopeless her situation truly is, Wynn rallies Hawk and the werewolves while getting a tiny bit drunk on absinthe, and Gabriel uses his natural abilities to his advantage.  Oh, and Forest can hear you having sex. 

As Lancelot rose to his feet, Saber rose with him even though he dwarfed her by a good foot.   She smiled and said, "We have much to discuss, my friend . . ."

Her eyes hurt by the brilliant flashes and she gritted her teeth.  The Press was closing ever closer and Quinn straightened up.  He was slight in stature, but there was something other about him.  She knew what the cause of that was, and also knew his tolerances were quite low for this sort of thing.

Then a Japanese man in a white shirt and green tie came forward.  "Enough, all of you! This man is clearly suffering from some form of head trauma following that impact if he thinks you are King Arthur of all people. You really think joking around with someone in his state is a good idea!? He needs medical attention!"

He placed a hand on the armored shoulder of the man. "Sir, are you alright to walk?! Do you need an ambulance? You were just hit by a Semi!"

Saber felt her cheeks heat up and retorted, "I am not jesting with him.  You have no right to . . ."  She looked at Quinn, who's dark blue eyes narrowed.  He met Saber's eyes, and she sighed before giving a tiny nod.

There was a flash in those dark eyes and then Quinn smiled, and it was not pleasant by any means.  There was no hiding of his elongated canines, in fact he directed that feral grin at man attempting to "help" Lancelot.  He stepped towards the guy and pulled out his badge, shoving it into the guy's face.

"We've got this under fucking control," Quinn said, still smiling maniacally at the now unfortunate man with the sort of expression that Saber reasoned a shark might muster if it could. 

Doujin Projects / World Building for Urban Fantasy Spin Off of LUHC
« on: August 17, 2014, 11:38:38 PM »
So, I'm getting ready to finish my online serial The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: The Stolen and originally I was going to just segue into the next Forest story.  It's called "Scream Queen" and takes place during the 1980's.  You know, that wonderful decade of Reganomics, movies that were unapologeticly violent and awesome like The Terminator, Aliens, Robocop, and so on and so forth, and hair metal.  It just happens to be the decade I was born in and the one I will probably always feel nostalgic about because dude, seriously The Terminator, Aliens, Robocop, and a whole slew of other movies I could spend a blog entry talking about.

Well, the closer I'm coming to finishing my serial, which if things go right I'll have published in novel form after JukePop releases it, I need a follow up.  Thing of it is, even though "Scream Queen" is something near and dear to my heart and something I've wanted to write for a while, I have another idea.  Or rather, an old idea that LUHC spawned from.

See, long time ago I had an idea for an Urban Fantasy series that involved four supernatural types human and other who were part of a police force to take care of supernatural crimes.  The whole basis was that the supernatural had been discovered and was common place now.  Sort of like the Anita Blake books or the amazing Anno Dracula series but it was a fairly recent thing. 

Well, my husband pointed out to me that if the supernatural was discovered an X-Men like situation would be the best case scenario.  The more I thought about it, the more I realized my proofreader/editor/hubby was right.  Then I realized how much more fun it would be to have this sort of maverick and dysfunctional group keep the world they live in secret from humanity.   They would essentially be working outside of the law to keep it secret even though one of them is a police detective. 


Of course they would have sanction to do this.  There are shadowy government agencies for a reason.  Plus the Cloak and Dagger stuff is really fun to write.


I'm collecting my ideas together, and the cast of characters is a lot broader than LUHC, even though it takes place in the same universe.  In fact, those readers of LUHC will see several familiar faces in this series and Forest herself will make guest appearances from time to time. Of course, it has a totally different feel.  Say LUHC is Buffy if I'm using my Whedonverse examples because biggest inspiration and all of that, then this will be more like Angel.  Less tongue in cheek and more dire situations.  Not to mention a somewhat darker tone.

Now here comes the kicker.

What shall I call my motley crew?

The original concept was SPF short for Supernatural Protection Force.  Which, the more that I think of it, its kind of goofy.  Sounds like sunscreen.  Now of course, I could make jokes about vampires needing sunscreen and all of that but it would get lame really quick.

I was thinking something like The Shadow Guard or Umbra Praesidio which is Latin for Shadow Guard.  Plus its a play off one of the group's last names.

So, what do you think, true believers?

Forest blinked at Henry's statement and said, "Well, when you can't go out for twelve or more hours of the day, you need space.  If not, you go a little nutters."

Then she sighed and said, "Its not something to be jealous of.  Big empty space with only you to occupy it.  Either the cabin fever or the loneliness will do you in."

There was another knock on the door that she didn't recognize and one of the voices of the Space Marines going, "Excuse me."

Her eyes narrowed.  She hadn't invited these people into her home.  They needed help, which is why Henry brought them here, but there was something off about them.  She had a feeling if she lived in their society she would have totally started a rebellion.  She was about to open the door and ask what did they want when there was a loud crash over head that made the building shake.

"Oh, what now?" Forest asked, her voice thick with sarcasm.


Wynn smirked as the man bowed to her, before taking a shot of his flask.  She eyed the flask as she smelled the familiar scent coming from it and asked, "By any chance, is that absinthe you are partaking in?"


Gabriel smiled and said, "Well, I can help you if you can't eat it all.  I am rather fond of French Toast.  We'll pop by your hotel later on today and retrieve your things, if you wish."


Quinn followed his admittedly adorable partner as she ran to the fallen knight guy.  Her green eyes were wide as she went to the man's side.  Obviously it was someone she knew, and from the heavy armor it was from her past life.  He knew who Saber was and then he decided to come clean and tell her what he was.

Ironically, this was the longest and best partnership that he had in the force.  It was almost like they known each other for years, or were just oddly naturally compatible for this.  Then the knight bowed down and said, "King Arthur."

Now the fucking press is going to go nuts over this, he thought with a sigh as he began to play with his silver cross.

Saber lowered herself to the knight's height and took his hands.  "Rise, my friend.  I am no longer king.  We are equal and it pleases me to see you."

Forest continued to toy with the pillow when another voice joined in with Henry's.

"You are bloody lovely, Forest, so please let us in. I brought tea."

Despite everything, she felt her lips curve up ever so slightly as she rose from the mattress.  Still hugging the pillow, she padded over to the door and opened it.  Indigo eyes peered at the living vampire and the Servant from above the pillow before she moved to go sit back on the bed.

Wynn would have chided her for acting like a child, but right now she didn't care.  Her voice was somewhat muffled by the pillow, "Thanks."


Gabriel entered his room and sat the tray on the nightstand beside La Folia.  He smirked and said, "Folly, I have brought you breakfast."

There was French toast, an omelet with cheese, mushrooms, and red peppers, and fruit.  He had a glass of milk there as well.


"What can you tell us about these murders?  Are we talking about a serial killer here?  Who's the teenage girl, Detective Frost?  Why is she here?"

Saber had only worked with her partner for a week, but she was already starting to learn Quinn's tells.  His dark blue eyes were narrowing.  Literally the calm before the storm or the bleakness of a shark's eyes before they attacked.  The reporters swarmed closer, pushing microphones and cameras in Quinn's face.

The former King saw her partner's nails start to lengthen and sharpen as he clutched the podium.   Saber smoothed her hair back and straightened her leather jacket before moving towards the masses.  She said, "I am employed by the Nexus Police Department as a consultant to assist Detective Frost with supernatural threats that are beyond the scope of the police.  You may call me Saber.  As to your questions, Detective Frost has graciously answered them to suit your needs.  Do not turn these tragedies into a farce to feed the bloodlust of this town.  We merely wish to warn the magic wielders of this city of this potential danger.  That is all.  We will release more information once we have it."

The reporters went loud, trying to thrust their cameras, flashing lights, and devices in her face.

Quinn's dark blue eyes met hers and again she was struck by the sheer beauty of his face, a rival for even Diarmuid's.  She could appreciate it like a fine piece of stained glass or artwork.   The former king smiled slightly at her partner and he smiled back, careful not to show his elongated canines.

"Saber, what do you have to say about this?"

"Saber, why would the police employ a teenage girl to . . ."

Saber turned to face them again and said, "Enough!  Detective Frost and I have . . ."

She saw something in the distance.  Something familiar that caused her chest to tighten and her breath to catch.  No, it can't be . . ., she thought as she saw the familiar black knight standing there.  Then he began to cross the street, in the midst of on coming traffic.

Of course, the knight didn't realize what a car was and was promptly hit by a semi.  "No, let me through," Saber shouted and people parted for her instantly as she rushed over to the fallen, gleaming Knight with Quinn on her heels.

Well, at least give us warning right after sort of a cliffhanger event thing.

And hey Drac still got Lucas.

Forest blinked as she heard a knock on the door and looked up.

Henry's voice came through the other side, "Forest? Are you alright?"

She frowned and answered, "I'm bloody lovely."

Forest, admittedly, was sulking.  She was sitting on her mattress, holding her favorite pillow with her lower lip thrust out.   I was bloody overruled.  In my own damned house, she thought as she rested her chin on top of the pillow.

The Impaler got to take Lucas.  Wynn had grabbed her and shadowed her to where La Folia was still sleeping to let the fiend take the surly elemental.  Once she had ran back downstairs they were gone, the Space Marines were looking like they wanted to kill something, and there was Karna.

So she retreated back to her room to keep from punching something or screaming at someone.


Godmother wasn't in the mood to talk, and Herr Rattus seemed like a nervous sort, so of course he told Mommy Dearest about him before heading to the kitchen.  La Folia would probably be waking up soon and need something to eat, so he started to make her a good breakfast of French toast and eggs.


Wynn emerged from the shadows behind the man in the black duster sitting in Forest's public study.  She folded her arms under her breasts, smirked, and asked, "May I help you, sir?"


Lancer smirked and said, "So, you up for a wee bit of a run then?"

GM Ruling Time!

So, talking to the group I've decided to implement the 24 Hour Rule.

What this means is, after we've waited for Mooncake for over 24 hours (the second time none the less), we're going to move ahead.

Now, what this means for the plot is that Wynn, Henry, and some of the others overruled poor Forest's "Kindly sod off" to Vlad and let the Impaler take the Elemental home with him to be his Forever Pet/Bitch.

There has now been a sort of a time skip for those who want it after Vlad leaves with Lucas (I know Puck-Chan and I wanted it).  Now, those who don't want the time skip can proceed if they want how they want.

And that has been my ruling.

Character approvals updated.

Role Playing / Re: Grail War RP: Electric Boogaloo
« on: August 14, 2014, 01:52:34 PM »
Any Master slots still open?

I'm still debating on if I want to join or not.

Why would a space marine be allowed if Jar Jar is not?

Because as a die hard Star Wars fan who claims that the prequels are not part of actual canon, Jar Jar was part of my loathing for the Prequels.

I was hoping for Jar Jar to die in each movie, but he didn't.  He annoyed the piss out of me, and not to mention he is a touch offensive.

And I loved "Aliens".

Gabriel said, "Right this way."

He had half a mind to take the German to the armory.  That's probably where Godmother would have taken him to let him know she had a good supply.  Then again, does she even have a weapon's dealer here in Nexus?

At their home dimension, there was a family who had started out as blacksmiths and became weapons dealers that Forest dealt with.  She'd been dealing with them long since he was born, and his godmother had "brand loyalty" as she called it.  He mused that like most immortals it was the fact she found a system she liked and it worked, so why get discombobulated changing it.

He wasn't sure what his godmother would think of this man.  So far, from what Gabriel had seen, he had the personality of dried toast and the cardinal sin of being German.  He lead the somber man into the study, or at least the one that Godmother would talk "shop" in.  Her real study/living room was downstairs and filled with entertainment.  He led the man to that and said, "Take a seat.  It maybe hours before she gets to talk to you though."


Lancer nodded and smiled as well.  He wouldn't cross blades with Saber again now, not with the potential of being with Rin dangling in his grasp, but he could make the opportunity known to the blond.  Fighting against the bowman had been frustrating because he cheated and made sure, even though Lancer was stronger, faster, and better skilled, that Lancer couldn't close in on him.

He looked at the screen and said, "Aye, I know exactly where that's at.  I can get us there in a blink if you don't mind me carrying you."  His smile turned a slight bit wolfish at that.

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