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Messages - Alice

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After sunset it is- honestly I was thinking about that time anyway since nighttime makes any covert-ops stuff easier, plus it gives time for everyone to have heard of the job and take care of anything they need to take care of first. So now we got a time and place. :3 Pretty much all that needs to happen now is a confirmation Day 2 has started for sure and whether the Nazi Hunt people just want to skip to evening if they want to start right away.

It's okay, now you know. Now this gives me a chance to get a bit of feedback on what time IC people would like in terms of meetup/starting before I make that first post with Tom and kick things off.

Nah, there's probably a way for him to still find out for it to still make sense. be honest, Franco's kinda jumping the gun here. Majorly. Because I kinda wanted to, once I had some set up done with Tom, just jump to everyone being there to avoid stuff like this happening. That and save time. Because I wanted the time the invites were sent out to remain ambiguous so there weren't time restraints so it'd be easier for people to meet up and not have to worry about exactly this sort of problem.

(Basically, it's generally better to let even your pseudo-GM have the first move/say so they have an easier time with set up. Having a character move before the GM can even do any set up makes things harder on them)

EDIT: Thinking about it a lot, Franco, do you mind removing that Lorenzo post? It honestly puts a big huge wrench in the works, in that it both puts a big old timestamp on when things are without my say and also assumes they're going to meet at Tom's building (which they wouldn't, because that could flag them as working for Tom. Smarter to meet someplace with no direct connection to Tom's company).

There's a reason the GM always goes first when a group has an RP session. I know you meant well, but it does make it harder on both me and the other players, so if you could do that, I'd appreciate it.

As for that meeting time, in terms of IC stuff, is there a time of day that would work best for everyone in that regard? As in afternoon, evening, etc? Things would still be ambiguous beyond that for ease of people getting together reasons, but that would maybe help with the problem Knick was going to potentially have.

For convenience sake, I'll say the building is just some random rundown place that's easy enough for everyone to access that would also be guaranteed to not have any form of surveillance or bugs from the Nazi guys. Again, to make things easier on everyone, hopefully.

Something I didn't think of while explaining the whole Nazi Raid thing. They won't be meeting at his building. They'll be meeting at a different location. Probably some hideaway building or something like that. I'll just dismiss Lorenzo as forgetting the location or misunderstanding and have the secretary redirect him.

Quote from: Saber
The blond nodded and said, "That would be best.  For this, we should rest up for the quest tomorrow.  Shirou and Rin, would you care to join me for dinner?  I can provide funds to cover your meals if needed."
Rin smiled. "Sure, I could do with something to eat. Though I don't mind covering the meal or paying you back later." She looked over at Shirou. "What about you, Emiya-kun?"

Not even midway. Pretty much at the very start.

That about sums it up really. And most all of it revolved around a certain personage that thankfully isn't participating in 3.0.

Alright. Hopefully that stuff gets fixed up soon.

Also, posted finally! That's one step closer to moving on to Day 2 for good.


Quote from: Mia
“Hmm, is that so…” She hummed in reply to Rin, obvious doubt on her face.
Rin suppressed a sigh. It was obvious the girl wasn't going to buy anything she said, even if it was the truth. Though the girl's gaze seemed to suddenly grow more... distant, which probably meant her focus had already gone elsewhere. It might well have had to do with what Saber said next.

Quote from: Saber
"Officer Riggs made an uncouth comment about Forest's lack of attire, which she presumably lost when she fought you, Shirou.  Not to mention she lacks body heat and it is a very frigid night.  Also, any establishment that we would have taken her to in that state would have turned us away.  Knowing her, she left for our benefit and to hunt the monster who slaughtered that family."
Rin nodded. "Yeah, that'd do it. Can't exactly blame her being grouchy after all that." Rin gave the group a wan smile. "Let's give her some time alone. She'll probably feel a bit better if she has time to sort things out. We can check on her later. For now, we should get that food."

The magus nearly jumped as she finally noticed the officer that'd snuck up behind them. Did he need something? He certainly hadn't said anything.

Bleh, I miscalculated I think. I'll try posting this evening, sorry for the delay.

Thanks for speaking up guys. :)

...also I might not be posting this evening. I think it's my turn to be sick. Nothing nearly as bad as what Knick is/was going through, but enough that it's hard to concentrate on writing. I'll see if I can pull it off regardless, but I can't make any promises for sure.

Gotcha. :) I have a dental appointment this morning, so I might not post until this evening, but I'll go ahead and go next.

Also ouch. :( Get better soon Knick! Don't push yourself too hard until you're feeling well enough to leave bed. Also make sure to drink plenty of fluids.

...Also, in terms of Nazi hunting, I'll need a roll call. ^^" My brain's been effectively shot for the past few days, so a refresher on who's all in so it's easier to keep track of everybody would be really helpful. I think YOLF, Umbra, Knick, and Franco are all in, but I'm pretty sure there's one or two people I'm forgetting.

Just waiting for YOLF to post with Tar before I post. Unless Tar's content with just standing there listening in, in which case I'll try and post something asap. :P


Tom's back unconsciously arched towards the caress of Forest's fingers. He found he missed her hands and their touch, so Forest's sudden freedom didn't bother him in the slightest. While already flushed from their lovemaking, his cheeks went just a bit redder with the kiss to his forehead.

Through their connection, he could hear Forest pondering whether to sever the connection or not.

That is up to you at this point. The purpose of the connection has been served, it would not bother me if you wish to end it.

He repositioned himself so it'd be easier for the two to snuggle. While the whole experience had been exhilarating, and physically he could do this all night, mentally he needed a slower period, whether they chose to go for a third round or not. Hopefully Forest wouldn't mind.


Already kissing her as he was, he decided to answer telepathically.

Yes. Very much so.

He took advantage of her pulling him close with her legs to put his arms around her, his hands caressing her back, enjoying the less breakneck pace now that things were slowing down.

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