Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 286786 times)


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1245 on: January 05, 2014, 06:51:54 AM »
Rin replied to Archer's statement with a sly smile on her face. Granted, with a blush still on her face from the gentle hug. "I guess I'd know better than anyone, wouldn't I?"

She then turned to the portal, glaring at it. It's presence there made her rather uncomfortable, nor was she sure where Lin was getting the food from.

Ryoko's veins seemed to pump ice water as Rider entered the house- she could hear her voice echoing through the halls. Desperate to escape, she tried to get up from the chair before sliding to the floor. Ryoko decided to just lay there like a slug. It was her only defense.

Tom continued to blush as Forest let the water run down the drain. "I would like that, thank you. If it's not too much trouble of course. And again... thank you."

He listened to her second statement, contemplating it quietly. He took the towel from her and began to dry himself off as well. "This may seem somewhat of a particular thing to say, but... you're quite a good person."
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 11:12:16 PM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1246 on: January 05, 2014, 06:55:21 AM »
Rin chuckled "I had honestly hoped you'd have picked up the sub text here Rin. When I was in the fifth I had to lecture Shirou about talking in front of enemies. Did you not do that? In any case" she paused pointing at Jack.

"He's my enemy" she said "Now I'll ask you another question, would Rin Tohsaka ever waste magic when her husband is an equally frugal person? in the case now the man beside you for the purpose of this question."

she paused again. "And seriously, I'm just teasing about Zel, don't get your panties in a bunch" she finished pointing the beer crate out to lancer as she set it on the floor.

Satoshi and Tsukasa reappeared checking the map "we're here" Satoshi said sighing.

Tsukasa was bouncing back and forth.

"no tackling" Satoshi stated seriously.

Tsukasa quietly nodded as they headed for the door.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1247 on: January 05, 2014, 07:03:40 AM »
Archer grinned and said, "Well, you seemed to enjoy it."

Then he looked at Ryoko, frowned, and said, "Did she just deflate?"


Lancer found himself at Millie's room and gently knocked on the door.  He said, "It's me, Lass.  May I come in?"


Forest wrapped the towel around herself and turned back to Tom.  She grinned as she replied, "I swear its not a problem.  Here."

She took his towel from him and started to dry his back for him, then fluffed his hair with it.

"This may seem somewhat of a particular thing to say, but... you're quite a good person."

Forest blinked at that, looked down and the smile on her face didn't quite reach her eyes.  She wrapped the towel around him and said, "Thank you.  I try to be, but there are times where I just feel . . ."

Like people are taking me for granted or no matter what I do it doesn't matter.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1248 on: January 05, 2014, 07:23:16 AM »
Rin grinned right back at her lover. "You know I did."

Then she looked at her daughter, lying rather pathetically on the floor. Rin found herself both concerned and embarrassed at the same time.

Anything to distract her from the atrocity happening in the kitchen, Rin spoke to Archer again. "I think we should help her up. She seems a bit pale."

Mille had been sitting there for quite some time, waiting patiently. She had fought off her exhaustion just for the sole purpose of awaiting Lancer's return. And as time had passed, she had grown... oddly sad. Like he was never going to come back to her. Minutes seemed like hours.

Then, at long last, there was a rap at the door.

Quote from: Lancer
"It's me, Lass.  May I come in?"
Mille's eyes were bright, but she tried to hide her sudden burst of enthusiasm behind a more serious voice and face. She was failing somewhat. "Of course you can come in. I've been waiting for you."

Tom blushed even deeper as Forest helped him dry off.

There was a moment's pause, however, as she heard what he had to say.

Quote from: Forest
Forest blinked at that, looked down and the smile on her face didn't quite reach her eyes.  She wrapped the towel around him and said, "Thank you.  I try to be, but there are times where I just feel . . ."

Like people are taking me for granted or no matter what I do it doesn't matter.
Tom found himself feeling... oddly sad at that. But soon after, he quickly found himself a purpose. "I can understand that. Perhaps not quite in the same way, but... I can understand."

Steeling himself, he approached her and gently cupped her chin so her eyes met his once more. "But what you do does matter. You've already done far more than me tonight than so many others have done in years. You deserve to feel like your actions matter."

He let her chin go, and began to blush again. "S-so then... If I must be the one to help you feel that way, then so be it. It's the least I can do, after what you've done for me."

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1249 on: January 05, 2014, 07:51:32 AM »
"I think the idea of Rider being here terrified her," Archer said with a bemused grin. 

Then he frowned, remembering how Rider liked to chase after teenage girls.  "Do you think . . .?"  Then he moved to Ryoko's side and helped her back into the chair.  It felt sort of odd doing this, but yet not.  He picked up the wet rag again and rested it on the back of her neck.


Lancer sighed as he walked into Millie's bedroom.  He pressed the cup in her hand and said, "It tastes sort of like arse.  I'm sorry.  It isn't swamp water though."

Sighing, he sat down beside her on the bed and ran his hand through his thick, blue hair.  "It's been a fucking nightmare.  I'm sorry its taken so bloody long.  So, this vampire comes in and needs to feed right?  So Forest being Fore is all wanting to help.  Anyway, someone provokes this guy into going all riestaid and of course Forest goes to stop him.  So he chomps on her.

"Wellll apparently his bite is like an aphrodisiac and she's lust crazed.  Like it's painful.  I don't know what to do to help her; I can't sleep with her.   Not now anyway.  A week ago I would have carried her away and stated us both but there are other factors now.  Besides, she's someone I pledged my loyalty and spear to.  I can't just fuck her.

"So Ryoko, you'll meet her later, has this asshole cat man kiss her.  He suddenly decides to go all possessive.  I was going to get your brother.  Well, I still got your brother and I think there was a threesome; no one has shown back up after this.  Forest might be wearing them out.

"Anyway, this other version of Rin comes in all high and mighty and what not, bossing us around and threatening the poor vampire guy, who's name is Jack by and by.  She thinks Jack was going to eat her daughter.  Not that I blame Jack, tasty helpless morsel you go after it.  Then a whole bunch of other shit happens and now you have your tea."


Forest blinked as Tom gently tilted her chin to look up at him.  Those violet eyes bore into hers as he said, "But what you do does matter. You've already done far more than me tonight than so many others have done in years. You deserve to feel like your actions matter."

She blinked, wide eyed, as he let her chin go, his own fair skin flushing pink.   "S-so then... If I must be the one to help you feel that way, then so be it. It's the least I can do, after what you've done for me."

Even white teeth worried her lip as her fingers wrung the edge of the soft towel.  Cold tears stung her eyes and she briskly wiped away a bloody tear.  "You don't have to . . . I mean . . . Lord and Lady I . . ."

Gritting her teeth, she wiped away another crimson tear, as bright as a ruby, and then another and another.  "Bloody hell," she whispered before she started to cry.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1250 on: January 05, 2014, 08:35:38 AM »
Rin sighed at Archer's question. Knowing Rider like I do, that's exactly what I think.

She took Ryoko's hand- a somewhat alien and yet familiar gesture all at once, and looked into Ryoko's eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Ryoko turned and looked at her parents. Her body relaxed somewhat, though the color didn't quite come back to her face.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She smiled, but there was a fakeness to it. Her normally exceptional acting ability had fled her entirely.

Rin sighed and gave her hand a pat. "Maybe we should get you up to bed."

She looked at the money still being clenched in a vice-like grip. "We'll go even on the pizza money, how's that sound? I pay half, you pay half."

Ryoko looked at her mother in astonishment before nodding. "Sounds fair." But then she hesitated for a moment. Suddenly, she shoved the lot into Rin's hands. "You can pay me back half of it. Not that it really matters to me that much anyway, but it'll save you a trip upstairs or whatever. Sound good?"

Rin considered the offer for a moment before nodding. "Alright." She frowned. "But I will be paying you back. You understand that?"

Ryoko chuckled, a huge grin on her face. "You wouldn't be you if you didn't say that, Mom."

Rin turned back to Archer. In his ear she whispered, "we should get her upstairs. I don't think she's fit enough to handle whatever happens down here right now."

Mille sat there for a long while, absorbing everything Lancer had just told her. Guilt began to swell up in her, for being so impatient. After all, he'd gone through so much.

Struggling to keep tears from welling up in her eyes, she pouted a bit. "W-well, what are you apologizing for? I mean, you went through all that mess just to get me some tea to make me feel better, i-it doesn't matter how horrible it tastes, I should appreciate it no matter what!"

And with that, Mille drunk down the tea. It didn't take long for Mille to start gagging a bit.

No, no, Lancer went through hell and back to get me this tea, and by all the magic circuits in my body, I will drink this tea and keep it down! I won't let it defeat me! I won't let this tea be my downfall! I! Will! Not! SURRENDER!

Had she not been drinking the rancid tea, the halls of the complex would have been filled with her resounding warcry. As it was, she drank down the mess with heroic vigor, until at last not a single nasty drop of it remained.

She placed the cup on the bedside table with perhaps a bit more force than she should have and wiped her mouth. She was shaking a bit, but she had done it. And she wasn't even throwing it up.

"I-I drank it... All of it." She looked up at him, giving him a pitiful attempt at a smile. "I-it tasted just fine."

Tom's eyes widened with a touch of worry as he rushed over to Forest's side and gently began to try and wipe away her tears. Realizing it wasn't doing much good, he instead took her into his arms and held her tightly, his fingers running through her hair.

They stood together in silence, for there were no more words to be said.

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1251 on: January 05, 2014, 02:29:04 PM »

Max frowned as gunshots began to rain over the busy rooftop, tearing into the ranks of the magic circle's defenders. The attackers, holding AK-47s, were approaching from the adjacent buildings, moving as though performing an organized assault. Even without the Beast's warnings, he could tell just by looking at them and taking into account the circumstances - these were Deacon Frost's vampires.

But even from where he was, he could tell that these vampires were not the same as the handsome man in the duster wielding the sword. He felt different from them, even if he wasn't a Kindred proper either - unlike the ravenous, unrelenting, feral figure in deteriorated remains of armor that was feeding on the fleshy, and now bloody, titan with frenzy-like brutality. And he had no idea exactly what the exotic looking man standing alongside the not-Kindred vampire was, but he was sure he wasn't mundane either.

Those three that had previously been fighting alone against the creatures set to protect the magic circle and their master apparent, were for the time being being ignored by the advancing armed vampires. Whatever the magic circle was supposed to be, and whomever the redhead in the cape was, it seemed Frost thought them the greater concern. Yeah, if even the local power accumulating, morally questionable crime lord vampire didn't want them around with such fervor, they were likely not the advents of anything good.

Then again, from Max's experience, people like that disliked any sort of force that could oppose them.

The sound of gunfire still echoed in his ears, and Max scoured around him as something came to mind, scanning the rooftops. The vampire troops in engagement were acting as a group, despite not appearing to be professionals. More likely than not there was someone giving them orders on the go.

In this situation, he wasn't going to act against the commander. But it was always better to have as much control over the situation as possible. Especially if he came to need it.

His eyes caught a lonely figure in a building further away, and he smirked, already moving to a new position in the battlefield.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1252 on: January 05, 2014, 04:40:38 PM »
Shuya chuckled, before Ryoko reaction. She was rather hilarious. She looked like the funny and overhappy kind of drunk. Were it in other circumstances, she could have been a good drinking pal. Well, if she actually did have a better tolerance to it.

Quote from: Ryoko
I kinda needed to get drunk fast.

Shuya couldn't help but nod. "We all do at one point. No point dwelling on it. You ain't supposed to care about anything once inebriated."

Jack gave him a rundown about one of the vampire factions.

Shuya pondered over that. Usually, it was rather difficult to get rid of a vampire's nest. And this guy was apparently well organized to deal with such a large covent. Jack had been well aware to keep to his own business. That's what Shuya would have done. A religious leader meant zealots unafraid to die for him. And in that case, it was the already dead kind of adepts. Not much to fear when you're all but immortal to most weapons.

Shuya sighed. Probably a bad idea to get on that Frost's bad side. Still, a vampire able to walk under the sun... "I assume he isn't too fond of sharing his secrets, right?" That would be bad news if the guy could mass produce daylight vampires.

Quote from: Jack
As for feeding, I did that about 15 minutes ago. And everyone seems to think I'm a monster for not feeding on someone who didn't offer to be a source. Seriously, fuck Connor McDickless for lying about who I was going to feed off of.

"Don't mind them. People around here are bloody saints and the like." Shuya had vaguely noticed Lancer ordering Connor about accompanying Kiyoshi before taking his leave himself. Connor was supposedly his son from wherever. He was also the very same dude who got in an argument with Lawrence.  "Bet you would get along just fine with Law." The kid probably intended well, but seemed to screw up quite often.  Shuya gave the vampire a crooked smile. "Even if he's a stupid boy, don't kill him just yet. The Sin-Eater would come after you for stealing his target."

Quote from: Kiyoshi
So what if Aunty Rider smells of blood? She's a far, far better person than you are, and that's all that matters. And, sure she harms bad guys, but she'd never truly harm a good person, unlike you.

Shuya watched Kiyoshi leaving the room without a word. There wasn't much to say, the young magus hated him anyway. Not that he didn't deserve any of it. Well, at least Purplehead was back, contrary to his expectations. Rider's arrival triggered a slight change in Jack.

"Ease up, man. No need to be so tense. Forest is of the forgiving type, so, I bet she will overlook that offense of yours. But come on, she will be pissed off if another conflict happens when she's back." He pointed at the old Rin. "She will probably freak out knowing someone used magic inside already."

Meanwhile, Ryoko oddly decided to lie flat on the ground. He raised and eyebrow unable to fathom what could have triggered this. "I don't think you should let her drink again." He declared to her parents.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 04:46:17 PM by Daiki »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1253 on: January 05, 2014, 04:57:37 PM »
Rin chuckled "I had honestly hoped you'd have picked up the sub text here Rin. When I was in the fifth I had to lecture Shirou about talking in front of enemies. Did you not do that? In any case" she paused pointing at Jack.

"He's my enemy" she said "Now I'll ask you another question, would Rin Tohsaka ever waste magic when her husband is an equally frugal person? in the case now the man beside you for the purpose of this question."

she paused again. "And seriously, I'm just teasing about Zel, don't get your panties in a bunch" she finished pointing the beer crate out to lancer as she set it on the floor.
"Oh, this looks like a waste of fucking magic to me. As your 'enemy', I think that's a fucking stupid fucking thing to do," I said. Really, Satan Bitch was a total moron. Whoever she was in her universe, she obviously wasn't in charge, and if she was, I pitied whoever was below her for having such an incompetent and stupid leader.
"And really, I'm not your enemy. McDickless lies."

Shuya sighed. Probably a bad idea to get on that Frost's bad side. Still, a vampire able to walk under the sun... "I assume he isn't too fond of sharing his secrets, right?" That would be bad news if the guy could mass produce daylight vampires.
"Yeah. Neither am I honestly," I said, shrugging.

Shuya had vaguely noticed Lancer ordering  Connor about accompanying Kiyoshi before taking his leave himself. Connor was supposedly his son from wherever. He was also the very same dude who got in an argument with Lawrence.

"Bet you would get along just fine with Law." The kid probably intented well, but seemed to screw up quite often.  Shuya gave the vampire a crooked smile. "Even if he's a stupid boy, don't kill him just yet. The Sin-Eater would come after you for stealing his target."
So the idiot mick had another person who wanted to beat his face in for being, well, and idiot mick? Couldn't blame them for that. "I'll keep that in mind."

Shuya watched Kiyoshi leaving the room without a word. There wasn't much to say, the young magus hated him anyway. Not that he didn't deserve any of it. Well, at least Purplehead was back, contrary to his expectations. Rider's arrival triggered a slight change in Jack.

"Ease up, man. No need to be so tense. Forest is of the forgiving type, so, I bet she will overlook that offense of yours. But come on, she will be pissed off if another conflict happens when she's back." He pointed at the old Rin. "She will probably freak out knowing someone used magic inside already."

Meanwhile, Ryoko oddly decided to lie flat on the ground. He raised and eyebrow unable to fathom what could have triggered this. "I don't think you should let her drink again." He declared to her parents.
"Eh, maybe not straight malt whiskey. Beer's probably more her speed."
Watching the situation with Ryoko resolve itself and the door opening, I moved out of my seat into the doorway, with the woman smelling of blood. I needed to keep a close watch on her for the moment. "Rider, right?"

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1254 on: January 05, 2014, 06:23:27 PM »
Kiyoshi stood stroking the gentle horse.

"Kiyo, I need to desummon him, he can't come inside", Rider said.

"Oh, OK", Kiyoshi replied, stepping away.

"OK, my boy, you can go now", she said with a smile.

With a bright flash, the horse vanished.

"Let's get inside", Rider said.

Kiyoshi nodded, and moved to go inside. Before he could, though, he noticed two people come around the corner. Satoshi, and some young girl who looked clearly excited. A young girl with purple hair and eyes, just like...

Mummy? he thought, his face brightening.

She was clearly too young to be his real mother, but it could easily be a past version of her. Kiyoshi stood there and watched her come closer.

Who else could it be?

The girl's face and body looked too much like a younger version of his mother not to be related to her, and he knew that his mother's hair and eye colour was not natural, and thus would not be passed on to her children.


Kiyoshi ran towards her at top speed.

"Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!" he shouted, excitedly.

Rider looked in his direction, sighed and nodded her head in exasperation at Kiyoshi's enthusiasm, before turning around and walking into the house. She knew that the girl was not Kiyoshi's mother, or even an alternate version of her, but there was no point trying to stop him. Tsukasa and Satoshi would correct him soon enough, and she knew they could be trusted not to harm him.

Kiyoshi ran up to the girl and glomped her. In his excitement, he had not considered the fact that, even if it were an alternate form of his mother, she would not know him. He was just too happy to see any form of his beloved mother here.

"Mummy, I missed you", Kiyoshi said, tears in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Rider had entered the house, not shutting the door since she knew the others would soon be following. She saw Kiyoshi's little sister, Taiga, and two people she didn't recognise, one of whom seemed to be connected to Taiga somehow, judging by how they were standing.

Before she could greet them, though, one of the men spoke up. She couldn't help but notice that he looked somewhat unusual, although she couldn't understand how.

"Rider, right?" the man said, somewhat gruffly.

"Yes, that's me. So, who are you?" she said.

Then, she turned to Taiga.

"Hi, little Taiga. How are you doing?", she said, smiling.

Finally, she spoke to the other new person.

"Hmm, so who are you, then? Are you one of Satoshi's family too?" she asked.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 06:24:16 PM by Cherry Lover »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1255 on: January 05, 2014, 06:31:23 PM »

My hands slipped inside my coat pockets, casually slipping on the brass knuckles within. Can't always use the claws in polite company, and some mugger had been more than willing to donate these after some feeding. The stench of blood coming off the woman was nearly overwhelming.

"And the other guy is Connor McDickless. Mind if we have a short chat in private Rider? Forest is a little tied up at the moment."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1256 on: January 05, 2014, 06:43:23 PM »
Connor blinked "Right sorry, I just started thinking a bit too deeply there. My name is Connor, I'm a family friend, my dad is the guy you probably know as Lancer. Me mum is his master from the fifth Bazzet. As fer the kiddo there, he just gave Tsukasa a real compliment. Sakura got a bit messed up so she ain't here but her mum came by, I'm sure she'd like ya meet you" he replied.

Satoshi chuckled "well ok, some tackling"

Tsukasa hugged Kiyoshi tightly for a moment  and then let up "Not quite Kiyoshi, I'm Tsukasa, I'm your big sister but thank you for the compliment, mama is very pretty." she replied hugging him again.

Taiga fidgeted and then replied "There's a bad man in the kitchen, he tried to eat Sakura, Connor and Kiyoshi saw and then miss Forest got hurt I think. I was downstairs at the time but Kiyoshi and Connor aren't liars, that's him" she said pointing to jack, fidgeting anxious to see her brother.

Rin sighed as she continued to load the cupboards and the fridge "even if I believed you, and I don't, Connor, Kiyoshi and Lancer all contradict you and are far more trust worthy" she replied.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 06:45:27 PM by lantzblades »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1257 on: January 05, 2014, 07:04:25 PM »
"Not quite Kiyoshi, I'm Tsukasa, I'm your big sister but thank you for the compliment, mama is very pretty", said Kiyoshi's 'mother'.

"Oh...", said Kiyoshi, disappointedly.

He had so hoped that this would be an alternate form of his mother. For a moment, the disappointment was clear on his face. But, as he thought about it more, his mood lifted again.

Yay, another big sister! he thought, his face brightening once more.

"Nice to meet you, Tsukasa-nee" he said, hugging her tightly.

Whilst he was disappointed that she wasn't his mother, he was happy to meet another family member, and one connected to his mother, at that. She seemed nice, too.

Still, Kiyoshi was rather curious. If she wasn't his mother, then why did she look so much like her?

"Hmm, Tsukasa-nee, why do you have mummy's altered hair and eyes? Me and my siblings have her natural colouring, like Aunty Rin", he asked, curiously.

"Jack", the man said, slipping his hands into his coat pockets.

"And the other guy is Connor McDickless", he continued. "Mind if we have a short chat in private Rider? Forest is a little tied up at the moment."

Rider licked her lips at the thought of Forest being tied up.

No, this is not the time for fantasies..., she thought.

Whilst Rider thought that the man's actions looked somewhat suspicious, she could see no reason not to agree to his request. If he had bad intentions she very much doubted she couldn't handle him and, besides, if it did come to that she would rather not have Kiyoshi get involved.

Before she could speak up to agree, though, Connor responded.

"Right sorry, I just started thinking a bit too deeply there. My name is Connor, I'm a family friend, my dad is the guy you probably know as Lancer. Me mum is his master from the fifth Bazzet. As fer the kiddo there, he just gave Tsukasa a real compliment. Sakura got a bit messed up so she ain't here but her mum came by, I'm sure she'd like ya meet you" he replied.

Rider smiled at Connor. Whilst she had never met a "Bazzet" and barely knew of Lancer either, she saw no reason not to trust him for the moment. And, she would certainly be glad to meet another version of Rin.

Then, finally, Taiga spoke.

"There's a bad man in the kitchen, he tried to eat Sakura, Connor and Kiyoshi saw and then miss Forest got hurt I think. I was downstairs at the time but Kiyoshi and Connor aren't liars, that's him" she said, pointing at Jack.

Tried to eat her? Rider thought.

It was obvious that Jack had done something pretty bad, but the fact that Taiga had used the word "eat" made it sound like he had a motive beyond just malice, and Rider was hardly in a position to judge him for that, at least without more details.

"Hmm, he did, did he?" Rider said to Taiga.

"Well, I think me and him had better have a little chat", she added, glancing menacingly at Jack. "I won't condemn him for being what he is, but nor I will not allow anyone to harm my master's family, however hungry they are...."

Then, she turned to Connor.

"I've never heard of a 'Bazett', and I only really know of Lancer as the guy who tried to kill my master's husband. Still, Kiyoshi seems to be OK with you, and you're Satoshi and Taiga's friend, so I am willing to trust you, for now at least."

Finally, she turned to Jack.

"OK, well, then, let's have that talk. I would like to hear your explanation for why you attacked Sakura...."
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 07:43:20 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1258 on: January 05, 2014, 08:00:18 PM »
Connor nodded as Satoshi, Tsukasa and Kiyoshi appeared suddenly.

"That's why, because I have all of mama's powers" Tsukasa answered Kiyoshi.

Satoshi patted Taiga on the head and for the first time in hours she smiled "Big brother!" she exclaimed.

Satoshi lifted her out of the chair into a big hug "Sorry I was away for so long, won't do it again I promise." he replied.

Connor raised his hand and Satoshi instinctively high fived him "Sup dude?"

"Nothing big, cept this arse tried ta eat your sister" The red head replied.

"Makes sense with aunty's call, ok fangs, now I've been to a vampire dimension and I have a number of vampire friends, so I won't hold the whole blood to live thing against you. However that doesn't mean I will overlook any attack from this point on. Touch my family or my friends and I will make certain you go away permanently" Satoshi replied staring at Jack.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1259 on: January 05, 2014, 08:02:41 PM »
Archer nodded to Rin and whispered back, "I think you're right."  He did lean forward and add, "Rin, you can't ask her too many questions.  If you do, you might endanger her existence.  The chance of a Paradox is slim to none, but it is still probable."

He moved over to Ryoko, lifted her up and said, "Apparently you're a lightweight like your old man is.  Come on, let's get you to bed before you do something stupid."


Forest cried as Tom held her, his fingers tenderly stroking his hair.  She calmed herself down to wipe her own bloody tears away with her towel, glad that it was black and would hide the blood stains.  She gave him a wan smile as she rested against him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to become such a girl just then, but . . . No one's really offered me what you just did and thank you," she said in a weak but happy voice.