Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 294173 times)

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1020 on: December 27, 2013, 01:36:31 AM »
"The Kiss induces pleasure but I wasn't expecting this to happen. I still need to lick the holes closed by the way. If she latches onto me, problem solved, and I might need help in getting her off of me. Let's get to it then."

Pulling myself to my feet, I grasped Forest by the shoulders, bending down and quickly running my tongue across her pale neck, over where I'd taken a bite out of her. That should close it up good as new, but how she'd react as I dragged her towards an empty bedroom with her boy toy still attached was anyone's guess.

Truly, mine was a cursed existence tonight.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1021 on: December 27, 2013, 03:03:53 AM »
A blinding wash of light formed in the room  dying out as a woman in a red sweater and black sweats stepped through it. "Oh hell, Satanists?" she muttered scanning the room.

"no wait, Lancer? Connor? What the blasted hell happened?" she snapped seeing Sakura on the bed.

Connor didn't take his eyes off the vampire. "Sakura projected a car, although this guy tried to eat her ma'am" Connor replied.

Rin nodded "Ok then, I'll send her for treatment in a minute, Lancer please, if you weren't already getting those two out of here then do it now. Not to be selfish but getting freaky in the room of an injured girl is tasteless at best." she requested calmly.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1022 on: December 27, 2013, 03:34:31 AM »
Quote from: Elf
Forest trailed her kisses from his lips to lightly lick at his throat, rising on her tip-toes to do so.  His smell wasn't human at all, but that didn't matter.  If anything, she hadn't smelled anyone like him before. 

The musk of his own lust tickled her nose and she could fell the beginnings of his thick length pressing against her.  Automatically she rubbed against him, nibbling lightly at his neck.  A gasp tore from her lips at the overload of sensation, but it wasn't enough.  Her skin was tingling and she was aching.
A low moan escaped tom's lips as Forest lathed at his throat, the pleasure he felt intensifying to almost painful levels.

Suddenly, he felt his partner shiver and cry out... but not from anything that he himself had done. He turned to see that another man had licked at Forest's neck and was beginning to drag her (and him along with her) towards an open bedroom.

His rational thoughts still dulled and his more primal senses awakened, he recognized the other man as competition and a threat. From his throat came a low, feline growl as his eyes fell upon the competition, his pupils now slits. He pulled his mate away into his arms and carried her into the bedroom, placing her down as he began to work on removing her shirt. 
Quote from: Elf
"Ryoko, we'll talk later, lass," he said, shaking his head at his predicament.
"I'm just trying to help," she muttered. Ryoko looked at Tom's actions in shock. This was a side of him she had never seen before, or ever thought she'd see. She found herself feeling oddly sorry for the vampire and gave him an awkward pat on the back. The redheaded magus shut the door to the now occupied bedroom before turning back to Lancer.

"Let's get this guy a drink and get Finn up here then. Though I don't know how we're going to get Finn in there, Tom's being oddly aggressive. It's so weird, I've never seen him like this before."

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1023 on: December 27, 2013, 03:48:05 AM »
Wet warmth laved at the sensitive bite on her neck.  She arched back with a cry, her hands tightening on Tom's arms.  She was dimly aware of being pushed or pulled out of the room, like they were being lead some where.

Then suddenly Tom growled, a low, oddly feline sound as his slitted pupils glared at Jack.  Before she could react, she was swung up into Tom's arms and carried to one of the still unoccupied bedrooms.  She gasped as he started to pull off her T-shirt, the unsure young man gone and replaced with a hungry predator.

She shivered in a combination of fear, anticipation, and lust.


Lancer glared at Rin and said, "The reason she's like that was because she sacrificed herself to protect your daughter.  So you can properly thank her later."

Then he shut the door, leaving the happy family together and him dealing with all of this.  Jack hadn't expected this to happen.  He'd been starved and Forest, in typical Forest fashion, offered herself.  Lancer gnashed his teeth at his Landlady's generosity before Tom growled at the vampire and took off with Forest with all intents to claim her.

He clasped the vampire's shoulder and said, "Aye aye, you can start making amends by getting Finn.  He's the guy sitting in Forest's office down stairs.  She'll need to feed too, and I don't think the Tom Cat would be too good for her right now."

He looked at Ryoko and said, "Well, we have to try.  Sure, I'd be excited getting into Forest's nickers, but maybe if Finn's explains he's there to help and feed her, that blasted cat will be okay."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1024 on: December 27, 2013, 03:53:48 AM »
Brother Worm, Brother Worm, squirming in the dirt. Rise from your tunnels and make their blood squirt.

He rose from the dark earth to serve the Senex, the dead senate who represented all civilized vampires, all Propinqui across the domains of the Roman Empire. He fought the enemies of their government, the Camarilla, in the Mortuus Legio. He stood shield to shield in phalanx formation with his dead comrades against the barbarian, the criminal and the owl. He tore the impious from their columbaria, made them pay and staked them in the Pantheon to meet the dawn.

His name was a mask, his marker that the Praetor could attach identity and meaning to so he would never pay attention to the eyeless worm beneath the armor. Brother Worm skulked with his Brother and Sister Worms in the tunnels of Necropolis, digging with his dirty rotten hands to build the city of the damned.

He lurked in the shadows of the minds of their foes to bring death unseen. He was the Destroyer, who gave no quarter and gorged himself on blood and terror.

Dedicate each death eaten to Pluto, each war fought to Mars, each arch built to Minerva and each law enforced to Roma. Centurion with less than a century to lead; Equestrian of the night and the muck.

Keep to heart the Hidden Ones, the deep gods beneath our feet all hair and feelers and crawling things where light never reaches that wrap you up in screams, whose blood fed the Brothers Worm and made us Nosophoros.

The daymares had no end; dusk did not spare him the terrors of the days. The fog of years smothered him as easily as the stones and earth above and below and around him. He was dead but dreaming and crushed within the shell of what had once been armor.

Worms would touch him but not chew, knowing one of their own as eyeless as they were.

Nobody came this deep into Necropolis anymore, and even if they had they would not dig as he and his brothers once had. No, he was to sleep his restless sleep of death until the earth grew hot enough to sear his impurity away.

The taste of ancient blood was ash on his senseless tongue; his decrepit lungs filled with dirt.

Brother Worm do not think, the still and dark is your palace and tomb evermore.


Unfortunately for the dreaming chthonic gods whose blood he shared, someone out there had a sense of humor.


The two children of Hibernia fought their battles against the beasts summoned by the un-virtuous warlock with a fair sense of tactics, and much skill indeed. But neither they, nor the beasts, were ready for the distant sound of thunder to echo in the night, and the sound of soil and stone cracking and sliding against itself from above...

To crash down with great force like an earthen waterfall on the grounds of the battlefield, and upon the heads of the unearthly creatures.

The thunder was drowned out in short order by cracking and screeching.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 07:46:54 PM by Aiden »

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1025 on: December 27, 2013, 04:06:30 AM »
I sighed as the freaking crazy Tom Cat dragged Forest into the bedroom. Problem sidelined and I wouldn't need to jump out the window to escape a lust crazed vampire. Again.

"Right, let's grab Finn. I can probably take Tom with a little help, or at  least distract him long enough."

Turning to Lancer, I gave a grin. "If she needs to feed she can take a nibble off of me. I'm tough enough to deal with it, and fair is fair after all."

With that I practically glided downstairs, knocking on the office door.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1026 on: December 27, 2013, 04:43:08 AM »
Rin blinked "Sakura better be clean or I'll have your parts young man" she stated looking at Connor.

Connor waved his hands "no, ma'am I haven't done anything of the sort"

Rin laughed "Kidding, fill me in so I can figure out a plan."

Taiga wheeled near the kitchen "Kiyoshi, Do you like it here?" she asked.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1027 on: December 27, 2013, 04:47:11 AM »
Tom appreciatively admired his partner's torso, oddly delighted at the shiver that coursed through her frame. He found himself licking his lips in anticipation before his lips crashed against hers once more, his hands working at her bra. His lips wandered from hers down to her chin and then to her neck, where he began to lick much like she had done for him earlier. He found himself reveling at her taste. He began to gently nibble at her neck as his hands began to gently massage her breasts.

Ryoko watched the vampire run off, glad that he seemed a bit happier at least before turning back to Lancer. "Hopefully. I don't know what the hell's gotten into him. I mean, he's basically a nerdy shutin at heart for all his posturing. I never would have thought he'd turn into crazy dominant cat man." She sighed. "Despite what I just said though, be careful around him. I saw him break a werewolf's neck with just a snap of his fingers. With telekinesis that strong, we need to be careful about getting close, especially since he's not exactly thinking anywhere near rationally right now."

Tom blinked in surprise at hearing the knock at the door before rushing over to open it, perhaps a bit too eagerly. A big smile was on his face... which promptly dropped when he saw that it wasn't Forest, but a new man instead. But he couldn't really hold it against the guy. He gave the newcomer a small smile anyway. "Hey there. Welcome to Forest's office. Somethin' up?"

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Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1028 on: December 27, 2013, 04:58:37 AM »
Tom appreciatively admired his partner's torso, oddly delighted at the shiver that coursed through her frame. He found himself licking his lips in anticipation before his lips crashed against hers once more, his hands working at her bra. His lips wandered from hers down to her chin and then to her neck, where he began to lick much like she had done for him earlier. He found himself reveling at her taste. He began to gently nibble at her neck as his hands began to gently massage her breasts.

Ryoko watched the vampire run off, glad that he seemed a bit happier at least before turning back to Lancer. "Hopefully. I don't know what the hell's gotten into him. I mean, he's basically a nerdy shutin at heart for all his posturing. I never would have thought he'd turn into crazy dominant cat man." She sighed. "Despite what I just said though, be careful around him. I saw him break a werewolf's neck with just a snap of his fingers. With telekinesis that strong, we need to be careful about getting close, especially since he's not exactly thinking anywhere near rationally right now."

Tom blinked in surprise at hearing the knock at the door before rushing over to open it, perhaps a bit too eagerly. A big smile was on his face... which promptly dropped when he saw that it wasn't Forest, but a new man instead. But he couldn't really hold it against the guy. He gave the newcomer a small smile anyway. "Hey there. Welcome to Forest's office. Somethin' up?"
Well, he wasn't a bad person it seemed, and I couldn't say he was bad looking either. He'd do.

"Finn, right? Looks like you lucked the hell out. Forest is in a funk and needs your help, and the way to help her according to Lancer is with your dick. So upstairs, before some tomcat takes your fair Forest on a ride. And quick about it!"

I grabbed him by the collar and yanked him out of the room. "Come on, she hasn't got all day."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1029 on: December 27, 2013, 05:05:46 AM »
Forest hungrily returned his kisses while she felt him fumble with her bra.  She cried out again as his tongue ran over the raised scar on her throat, her body tensing ever so slightly at the momentary white-out of sensation.  Shaking her head, her braids gently smacking her face, she pulled back to pull off her shirt and the sports bra she was wearing.

Clothed she could pass as a normal if unusually pretty teenage girl who just happened to be very pale.  Unclothed showed she was something else.  She was slim, but muscular, her body elegantly toned.  Her small breasts were tipped by bright pink nipples that were already hard, begging to be touched.


"I'll be fine.  I'm not the one I'm worried about though.  I don't want him hurting her," Lancer said with a frown.  "I mean, Forest is a fine lass, but what the hell made him snap like . . ."

The first time he ristaid he'd been stopped by the naked women of the village.  However the first time he was with Scathach's daughter he broke her fingers because he'd been so excited.  "Hell."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1030 on: December 27, 2013, 05:31:36 AM »
Finn was about to say something before he was grabbed by the collar and dragged upstairs by the strange man. Finn sighed. While he was eager to help Forest in any way he could, even he had a few reservations about this one.

Tom began to undo Forest's braids as his attention went to her firm breasts. He began to kiss her left nipple before caressing it with his tongue, pleased as he was with her reactions thus far.

Ryoko gave Lancer a concerned look... before remembering Lancer's ristaid. "...crap. You think he's gone berserk and Forest making out with him was somehow the trigger?"

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1031 on: December 27, 2013, 05:42:46 AM »
Forest arched to the warmth of Tom's mouth, need pooling and pulsing within her with each pass of his slightly rough tongue.  Her fingers ran through his thick white hair as she shifted restlessly.  "Lord and Lady," she whispered in a hoarse voice, pressing herself to him as much as she could.


Lancer nodded and said, "Yeah, I do.  Repressed nerd boy has some predatory streak in him.  Pretty vampire girl kisses him back and he goes into 'Claim My Mate' mode.  Jack's bite broke the dam in Fore and Fore returning his kiss broke something buried in that asshole Tom Cat.  Hopefully Finn knows what that little nubin hidden in a girl's folds does so my Landlady can enjoy herself."

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1032 on: December 27, 2013, 05:45:41 AM »
"Well, if he's gone berserk with lust or instinct or something totally different, I got the kid. Gird your loins Fish, because that tomcat won't let go easily, and that's why you should have had me do it in the first place Lancer. No risk of the kid ending up drained dry."

I dragged the kid onto the landing, looking towards Lancer. I was lying a little. I might have frenzied during sex, or something else. My experience with this aspect of the undead nature was entirely lacking sadly.

"So I'm guessing on the count of three then, we shove open the door, distract Tom long enough for Fish to start a threesome or something, and then bail before he tries to kill us?"

I'd been involved in far stupider plots before. This one sounded damn well swell.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1033 on: December 27, 2013, 07:38:57 AM »
Ryoko found herself fretting as Lancer and the vampire talked. Damn it, I wasn't anticipating this. I thought this would help them both, but...

Finn shook his head. "Nah, might be best if I just go on in there." He gave them a grin, albeit a bit of a shaky one. "Wish me luck in there!" He quickly darted inside and shut the door behind him.

Ryoko blinked before sighing. "Well, he's in there anyway. Now to just hope he doesn't wind up dead or worse..."

She looked between Lancer and the vampire with a concerned look. "You think we should get him out of there?" The magus blinked before turning to the vampire. "Oh, by the way, I didn't catch your name."

The sound of Forest's voice returned a small part of Tom's rational consciousness. ...But only a small bit. Only enough for a satisfied smile to cross his lips, a contented sigh escaping his lips from his mate's fingers running through his hair as he began to pull down her flannel pajama pants.

Suddenly, the door swiftly opened and closed, and standing in front of it was a young, dark haired man around his own age.

Tom's eyes narrowed at the intruder. The young man suddenly found himself floating in the air, and with a flick of his wrist, the psychic slammed him against the wall. A dark smirk crossed his lips as the youth struggled under his telekinetic grasp, like a mouse pinned under a cat's paw.

With a considerable amount of effort, the dark haired intruder spoke. "W-wait! Gngh... I'm here to help! F-forest... she needs blood..."

There was enough of Tom's consciousness awakened to realize that the stranger's point had merit. Her skin, succulent as it had been, had been a bit cool to his touch. And she was indeed a vampire.

Not saying a word, Tom floated the young man over to Forest's side and dropped him somewhat roughly on the bed.

Finn sighed in relief, even if he wasn't out of the woods just yet. He pointed towards the other young man's glasses. "You might wanna take those off, you know. An' your coat and shirt, too." He gave his best effort to smile warmly at his antagonist, somehow managing to succeed. "Name's Finn, by the way."

Tom tilted his head for a moment before complying, levitating the glasses over to the bedside table before taking off his beloved longcoat and tossing it aside as if it were nothing, and then working off his shirt. His lean, muscular frame rippled as he tossed the shirt aside. Even Finn couldn't help but whistle.

The now topless psychic simply regarded Finn with a dismissive glance before resuming his work on Forest's pants. He had little time to be concerned with the opinion of his mate's meal.

Finn swallowed, still a bit rattled from Tom's rather inhuman, predatory gaze, so unnatural on such a handsome human face, and turned to Forest. "Hey there, Forest. It's me, Finn." He tilted his head and exposed his neck. "You probably need a bit of a boost." He chuckled a bit, albeit a touch nervously. "Just make sure to leave enough in me to keep me goin'. Apparently the people out there want ya to get yourself a threesome, and well, if that's what ya need right now, that's what you're gonna get. But first you'll need somethin' in ya."

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1034 on: December 27, 2013, 12:46:03 PM »
Rin nodded and pulled out a cell like device "scout injured, mission is black list, treat but do not detain" she said, a "yes mum" came as a reply and Rin picked up her daughter after drawing forth a portal and then placed her inside "extraction is complete" came on the cell signaling Rin to give a sigh and shut the portal.

Connor understood it was time for him to explain as much as he could and he began explaining by first giving Rin Sakura's cell.