Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 261938 times)


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #390 on: October 26, 2013, 05:07:26 PM »

Shuya turned to Rider when he heard her. The half-demon gave her the broad smile. "Since you propose yourself then, I won't refuse." With a hand gesture he invited her to pick him up. He was joking, but whatever to make him forget about the gore he was covered with... 

Forest's words about beating Team Asshole some more didn't go unnoticed. Shuya faced Lancer and gave him a bemused look. "You've been living with someone like this? How desesperate were you, really?"


Nessa looked extremely pleased with Ruby's intervention. And even more when Archer started talking. Her mischievous grin widened and she nodded slowly. "Guess I get the rough idea." Her gaze fell Master and Servant, longly did she stare,  but she didn't say more about it. She still had the face of someone winning the lottery. Surely, it wouldn't end so easily.

Then Shirou approached and expressed concern about Hakuno's wellfare. The older twin simply shrugged. "That's how girls get closer, but I wouldn't expect a guy to understand." To which Isabella answered. "No, that's only how you act with others." If Nessa heard these words, she didn't seem to notice. Instead she looked at the Kaleidostick. "So, are you a mystic code? Never heard of self aware items. And even less about some able to talk. Who created you?"

On the side, Isabella faced Shirou. "You would understand if you lived with her." She answered to his teasing with a pouting face. His next words touched her and she became silent for an instant. Her eyes searched for the pendant she left him but she didn't saw it around his neck. Did it mean he wouldn't rethink his way of living? Or was there something weird in the way she formulated it? Still, there was something different right now. He clearly had a softer expression.

"You have my thanks. And twice as much for bringing my sister with you. She's a handful at times, but I'm happy she's safe." Her free hand reached for his own with hesitation. "Would you come along? I would like to discuss about something."

Nessa who had been keeping an eye on them, brought her face close to her sister. "Can't refuse a maiden's request, dude.," she insisted.

Isa rolled her eyes as Nessa started laughing.


The twins and the hybrid eventually reached Forest's place. They followed the vampire inside, showing different levels of interest. First reaction coming from Nessa was to pull her sister. "Come with me." Isa sighed, but eventually gave in. "You don't need to yank me so hard.". Shuya growled and turned to those present. "What is it with girls always going to the bathroom together?"


Ruu was sitting in the middle of the room, a neutral face observing the vampire who just arrived. The cause of the catastrophe raised an open hand casually as if to welcome Forest. "You were late so Ruu had to prepare the meal." Then, he let out a sneeze, sending some floor flying around.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #391 on: October 26, 2013, 07:45:12 PM »
"Now?" Axe Cop paused. "We wait for bad guys to show up, and then we go chop their heads off. Usually something would happen around now. Maybe a phone call from someone saying their pizza was stolen, or a bunch of aliens deciding to invade."

He waited a minute. Nope, nothing.

"Maybe we need to do back stories," he ventured. "Those are usually saved for after the first bad guy, but this city is a bit weird, so schedule is probably a bit messed up. Gun Cop, we already had your tell yours, so Inferno Cop, I think it's only fair that you go nex-"

Axe Cop stopped. Not for a lack of words or a sudden brilliant idea to create the world's largest trampoline. No, he paused because he smelled something in the air that he hadn't smelt in a long, long time.


"Here it is, boys," he whispered. "I'm not sure if it's bad guy I'm smelling, but it's something. Be on guard."

He marched out to the front of the building, storing the half spent banana gun in his mus- pocket as he did so. The axe was still looped through his belt, and his bristles were still as bristly as ever.

The guy sitting at the Tryout desk looked like bad news with a capital eleven. He smelled like the sight of a baby robbing a bank with nothing but a giant lollipop. His grin reminded Axe Cop of the terror one feels when their phone is at 4% battery and they just realized that they forgot their charger at home.

Axe Cop walked to the desk and sat down in the chair, sitting across from the crazy guy there.

He paused again to collect his wits and find the perfect one liner.

"Do you know martial arts?"

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #392 on: October 26, 2013, 07:50:38 PM »
"...I know Cocaine Fu."

Doomrider shifted in his seat to look the man right in the Aviators. "And I have a bike. That can fly."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #393 on: October 27, 2013, 02:10:21 AM »
Shirou sighed.
Whilst he would normally refuse, Rider would have left to find Satoshi almost immediately after they arrived. Besides an overprotective Archer, there wasn't really any risk of a fight erupting if he did go. And he would have a chance to scope out the area. He carefully weighed out the pros and cons of going, before finally making his decision.

"You lot really want me to come to Forest's house huh? Alright. I'll come along just for tonight. It's far too late to continue my patrols anyway..." he said. He frowned as he noticed Isa looking at him, almost as if searching for something, but didn't remark on it.

He was a bit surprised when she began reaching for him. He looked at her hand questioningly, but let her take his anyway.

"I won't be staying long though."

« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 09:29:15 AM by OPOI »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #394 on: October 27, 2013, 02:44:26 AM »
Lancer shrugged at Shuya and replied, "Back in my day it was for protection.  One girl ducks behind a rock to do her business and the other takes watch so some brigand doesn't come and claim them."

Then he grinned and said, "I'm not like that with the Landlady.  Don't get me wrong, I'd bed her in an instant if she wanted it, but . . ."  He shrugged, not knowing how to put into words the joy he had when he had found someone that spoke his native tongue and was raised in a culture pretty much identical to his.  No one in that Holy Grail War got him.  Rin had a good inkling, but Rin was a clever girl and Good People.  The boy and the Bowman, apparently the same person but at different stages of their lives, hadn't.  In fact the Bowman had even mocked him for it because Archer was an asshole.

He eyed the half demon and said, "Imagine you've been dead for over a thousand years and were brought back for one last glorious battle.  Then some wanker steals the chance for you to have that one last battle and no one else understands why you want a fight like that.  In fact a few assholes even mock you for your conventions.  You die protecting your spoils.  Then you're brought back, for real, in this fucked up world where people are rather lacking.  You don't fit and you find yourself feeling a bit down.  Next thing you know you run into a woman who's voice sounds like yours, speaks your language, and understands the need to fight.  Then wonder beyond wonder, she makes sure that you can in a way that'll make sense to all of these other people who think you're bloodthirsty and crazed.  Wouldn't you pledge yourself to her?"


Forest looked at the disaster that had once been her kitchen which had completely killed her unreasonable elation that Emiya Shirou had came back with them.  Nothing here was edible and smelled like hot sick ass shoved in a coffin.   The faerie blood she ingested threatened for a moment to come back up, however she swallowed her gorge down and eyed the Familiar.

"Well, thank you Ruu, but you didn't need to do that," she said, trying to force a smile on her face.


The blackened Servant looked at Rin and asked, "Have you picked a room yet?  Or do you want to look around?"

He was amused that the twins had managed to talk that idiot into coming with them.  Knowing he made that potential version of himself uncomfortable- and feeling a thrill at that fact - Archer walked up to Emiya Shirou.  Smirking, he said, "Look, you've made so many people happy that you've come, and not just those twin magi.  Even that vampire has fallen under your simple charm."

With that, he chuckled and walked back over to Rin.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #395 on: October 27, 2013, 02:51:25 AM »
"Flying bikes are pretty cool," Axe Cop admitted. "But as far as I remember, cocaine is illegal in most places. I've had to take stashes of Super Cocaine from the Cocaine planet into custody, because it's even illegal there. And now you're coming here and wanting to try out?"

He cocked his head to the side.

"Are... you a bad guy?"

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #396 on: October 27, 2013, 03:09:44 AM »
"Doomrider isn't a bad guy man. Doomrider just wanna RIIIIIDE. And he rides for Good! I'm a good guy!"

Doomrider smiled his trademark crazy grin, and executed a trademark good style frontkick of justice.

"Now do I pass?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #397 on: October 27, 2013, 04:39:03 AM »
Satoshi finished the first part of his plan, ten thousand suits, they weren't much right then but he would awaken them with magic later, twenty four  guards weren't enough to guard the gates, much less the compound.

Sakura walked along with Kiyoshi and then stopped. "Kiyo" she said "you told Taiga you were going to be a hero, didn't you?" she asked softly bending down so that Kiyoshi could be on as much of an even level as possible.

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #398 on: October 27, 2013, 04:57:17 AM »

Kiyoshi scowled slightly in response to Rin's determination to train him in her way. But, he had more important things to deal with, like finding Taiga, so he did not bother to reply. Instead, after saying a temporary goodbye to his Aunt, he left with his new-found sister.

However, Rider felt she should clear things up with Rin somewhat. Whilst she did trust Rin to look after Kiyoshi, Sakura had made it quite clear that her children should be allowed to live their lives as they wished. Even her beloved sister wasn't allowed to try to impose her way of thinking on them.

"Rin, I know you mean well, but please don't try to force Kiyoshi to follow your path. Sakura doesn't want her children to have their lives controlled like hers was, she wants them to be able to do whatever makes them happy. You can help look after Kiyoshi and train him, but you can't make him follow the path of a magus. His mother knows all-too-well what it means to be forced down that path, and it's not something she intends Kiyoshi to go through", Rider said.

Rider was somewhat surprised to see that Lancer had slightly misunderstood her statement about travel arrangements, and had responded in a rather annoyed manner to the statement that he was capable of carrying someone. Similarly, Shuya seemed to take her statement that she was capable of carrying people as an offer to carry him.

Fortunately, though, Forest came up with a more sensible solution. Those of them who could travel on foot would follow Lancer, and the rest could go by car. However, before they left, Rider still needed to straighten things out slightly.

"Lancer, I was merely stating that you were capable of carrying people, I wasn't volunteering you. Or myself for that matter...", she said, staring  at Shuya pointedly.

"And, I guess I could carry you, but I fear I might accidentally throw you at high velocity into a concrete wall", Rider said to Shuya, icily. "It's your decision".

Rider walked away, awaiting Lancer's lead. However, before they could leave, there was still the matter of Shirou to deal with. She looked towards Isa and her sister, who were talking with him. To her annoyance, Isa reached out for his hand and, then, asked if he would come with them.

"You lot really want me to come to Forest's house huh? Alright. I'll come along just for tonight. It's far too late to continue my patrols anyway...", he said.

Rider frowned. She didn't really want Shirou there. But, after what Isa had been through, she didn't want to upset the poor girl and, plus, she didn't want to antagonise her new housemates by telling Shirou to stay away. So, she said nothing. However, she did give a slight sigh of relief in response to his comment that he wouldn't be staying long.

Ah, good, then he won't be able to corrupt Kiyoshi, she thought.

She waited for Lancer to leave and then followed him, making no effort to check if Shuya was serious about being carried. She ran along the rooftops, following Lancer, until they approached a four-storey building, which Lancer motioned for them to enter.

After entering the house, they met Forest, who showed them around. Rider realised that, before she left, she'd have to reserve a room for Kiyoshi. Even though the house did have a dormitory, she knew he would rather sleep in his own room. However, when they came to the kitchen, Forest noticed a funny smell, and ran in quickly, telling them to wait.

Meanwhile, Lancer and Shuya got into a conversation, Lancer explaining how he came to live with Forest. As was about typical for him, it boiled down to wanting to fight more.

Stupid blood knight, she thought, sighing.

Still, at least as long as he was with Forest he would be fighting for something worthwhile rather than just killing for the sake of killing, which was good. People like Lancer were generally OK as long as they were on your side. It was when they were against you that they became insufferable....

Rider noticed that Isa and her sister had left, and saw the darkened Archer approach Shirou. As much as she hated the guy, she knew she couldn't do anything to him directly. Forest wouldn't allow it. But, at the same time, she had to make sure he didn't do anything to hurt Kiyoshi. She doubted he would do anything to cause him physical harm, but mental harm was very much a possibility, given his issues.

Rider walked towards Shirou and spoke.

"Shirou, I will be going after Satoshi soon, so I won't be here to keep Kiyoshi safe from you. So, please be careful with how you act around him and towards him. He idolises his mother, and he doesn't seem to get that you're nothing like his father, despite sharing his name and genes. If he finds out that you murdered his mother in cold blood it will destroy him. So, please don't let him find that out", she said.

Then, without waiting for a reply, she turned and spoke to the rest of the people in the room.

"OK, I'm going to go and find a room and call Satoshi", she said.

Then, addressing Finn, she added, "Is it OK if I use your phone to make a call? I'll give it back straight after.

Also, I don't think you have introduced yourself yet. My name is Rider."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #399 on: October 27, 2013, 05:17:44 AM »
Axe Cop frowned.

That front kick... it wasn't evil, that much he could tell. A front kick was a very good way to tell someone's alignment, and never, ever, ever failed. So yeah, the rider wasn't evil. But he wasn't exactly the perfect good guy either. Axe Cop let the front kick replay itself in his memories a few times to get the exact taste.

It was Chaotic Neutral.... ish. Not an easy call to make.

The guy did do a lot of cocaine.

But he had a flying bike! Those were way too cool.

Finally, Axe Cop shrugged.

"You passed my test. I'd be fine with you joining, I suppose."

Then he turned to Inferno Cop and Gun Cop.

"But it isn't just me. What about you guys? I say we put it up to a vote. I'd rather not bring Simon, Paula, and Randy into this after last time's fiasco, so just give me a yes or no and we'll see where it goes."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #400 on: October 27, 2013, 06:47:19 AM »
Quote from: Elf
"Don't go beating up on your brother, there's Team Asshole who deserves a whole host of punishment to make them toe the line."
Mille blinked. However, it only took her a few seconds to figure out that her new Landlady must be some sort of telepath. The redheaded magus titled her head before reciting her answer as if she were answering a math question in class. "Oh, don't worry. I wouldn't start with him anyway, I'd risk killing him. He is family, even if he is an imbecile, and it'd be bad form to kill him in an experiment. I'd probably need to start with some sort of stationary target first. However, that's an excellent suggestion. A Servant and half-demon can take far more punishment than a human can, so I can practice without fear of killing them."

Finn shook his head. "Sis, it's not nice to just beat people up just because there's an experiment you wanna try."

Mille turned to her brother. "But this is important, and I have to see what my limits are. Besides, it's not like anyone would get killed."

Finn sighed. "I think you're missin' the point sis..."

Rin was a bit miffed that the darkened Archer had spoken for her, but it dissipated quickly enough. After all, that would have been her choice anyway, so there was little need to be angry over it.

However, she then got a bit of a speech from Rider about letting Kiyoshi make his own decisions. Rin sighed. "Don't worry, I won't force him, just... strongly encourage him a bit. But like I said, I can't even do that right now, I have bigger fish to fry."
With that, Rin made her way to her travelling companion, ready for him to whisk her away to the Stronghold.

Quote from: Daiki
"So, are you a mystic code? Never heard of self aware items. And even less about some able to talk. Who created you?"
Ruby wiggled cheerfuly at Nessa in response. "Oh, all those questions?"

Hakuno found herself listening intently- she was also curious about the strange stick's origins.

"....I'm not answering any of them~"

Hakuno nearly groaned in exasperation. So much for her answers. She didn't know whether the stick was being obtuse, simply didn't know, or was just hiding the answers for her own purposes. Still, Hakuno decided that she'd have to try and wrangle the answers out of Ruby later, one way or another.

Archer, in the meantime, found himself agreeing with Forest in terms of Rider's plan. She was walking straight into a trap, and she had no guarantee of any of the things that had been said about Satoshi being true, so it was foolish. However, she was free to do as she willed, and it was none of his buisness anyway. Besides, he had more important things to do. He went over and rejoined his Master.

"Don't mind me, just untangling my Master," Archer said with a somewhat amused smirk as he gently prized Nessa's arm from around Hakuno's shoulder. He scooped up Hakuno, prompting her to blush, which made him blush a bit in turn. The bowman turned to Forest. "I'll carry Hakuno."

Hakuno got a strange thrill from hearing Archer say her name instead of just referring to her as "Master." Still, it felt nice to be in his arms. Plus everyone could finally get some rest.
**At the Stronghold**
And so Mille, Finn, Archer, Hakuno, and Rin all arrived at the stronghold, one way or another. They followed Forest on her grand tour, until they encountered a certain disaster....

Archer shook his head. He didn't know how the little familiar had managed to make such a fine mess of things, but he had certainly done a number on the kitchen. Still, the bowman had repaired worse disaster areas then this, and he refused to leave the kitchen in shambles like this. He turned to the understandably horrified Forest.

"I wouldn't worry too much. I can repair and clean this entire kitchen for you." He figured she wouldn't believe him without a demonstration, so he went and picked up the pieces of a broken chair. "Trace on." He analyzed the composition of the chair before using his Reinforcement magic to not only repair it, but make it as if it were brand new. He set the chair away from the mess. "I'll go ahead and make us something to eat once I'm finished. I'll need to take a quick shower first, but I presume that won't be much of a problem?"

The bowman then turned to his Master. "In the meantime, it might not be a bad idea for you to get cleaned up and get some rest. I'll come get you once the food's prepared."

Hakuno nodded, giving him a grateful smile. Then she turned and realized that her clothing wasn't... quite in the best shape.

"I'll repair that later," Archer said, gesturing to Hakuno's uniform. He blinked and turned back to Forest again, his face a tad bit flushed. "You wouldn't happen to have any spare clothing, would you? I'm afraid we're a bit lacking."

Finn replied to Rider with a smile. "Hey, sure, no problem." He grinned. "Just give it back to me in something resembling one piece and we're all good." He gave her a bit of a friendly salute in reply to her introduction. "Lotta names that are also professions around here, aren't there? Name's Finn Garrison. Nice to meetcha."

Mille rubbed her temples. "You idiot, she's a Servant, just like the Archers and Lancer are. Her name relates to her class, just like with all Servants."

Finn rubbed the back of his neck. "Heh, can't blame me if I don't know much 'bout that. Don't know much about the Grail War stuff, never was plannin' to fight in one."

Mille rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She addressed the group at large. "If you need me, I'm going to do what Kishinami's doing. I need my full strength if I'm going to perform my experiment properly."

Finn sighed as his sister trotted off. He was going to have a rough time ahead of him keeping her from going too far.

Quote from: Elf
The blackened Servant looked at Rin and asked, "Have you picked a room yet?  Or do you want to look around?"
Rin nodded. "There was that one room with the nice view. Well, nice as this City has to offer, anyway. Plus it's about the right distance from the restrooms. I'll take that one."

Her potential roommate then went over and said something to the messed up version of Emiya-kun. Rin took the opportunity to note what Hakuno was up to. From the looks of things, she wasn't going to be able to get her and Ruby alone yet, not in a manner that wouldn't garner some form of interference from Archer. She'd have to wait for another opportunity.

Rin noted that this wasn't necessarily a bad thing, as the corrupted Archer returned to her side. She was curious about her new companion, and they had some catching up to do. "So then, in regards to that room..." The raven-haired magus smiled up at him. "Mind helping me unpack?"

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #401 on: October 27, 2013, 08:37:58 AM »
The Twilight Network isn't exactly a well known organization - hell, it isn't even an organization at all. The Twilight Network is more a system of code, fraternity, and general agreement among the Sin-Eaters in the know.

Lawrence spotted one of the more common symbols of the Network as he was searching for a place (Which unknown to him was only a couple of blocks away from the strong hold) that he could stay. The building it was marking wasn't exactly in the best of shape, but the symbol was still there, clear as day. Spray painted onto a wall was a human skull, stylistically shaded with a key drawn onto the forehead - "Sin-Eaters welcome, please contact me."

Lawrence pulled his car into a nearby alleyway, killing the motor and locking his vehicle as he strolled into the still open pawn shop. The ringing bell alerted the clerk - and it was obvious what he was at first glance. His Geist, a skinny man with legs all bent crooked and skin clinging to the bone stayed right behind him, regarding Lawrence and the Redheaded Driver with a cocked eye before whispering something into his hosts ear.

The communication was entirely non-verbal. Both Lawrence and the owner knew what they were. The shopkeeper flipped the sign on the window from 'Open' to 'Closed' and proceeded into the back, Lawrence following without a word.

The conversation and the deal that followed were swift.

"None of the local krewe's are in need of a drifters assistance or want it. There's been nothing unusual around the area within the Twilight."

"I need somewhere to stay, and some weaponry. I don't think I'm packing enough for this city."

"No leads on the first but the second? For a brother, a discount, and access to my special stock."

Lawrence exited the shop with a duffel bag containing a cut down shotgun, silver buckshot, an old and battered Kalashnikov with a wire folding stock, and enough ammo for all of his weapons to keep him going for a couple months, easy. For far less than sticker to boot.

If the .45 wasn't enough to scratch the Don, maybe this would give him enough time to run for it. Then again, he was probably lying about that but considering the size of the man... Lawrence wasn't taking any chances.

Just as he was about to leave though, the keening wail of a group of ghosts came from nearby. Victims and causers of violence. As Lawrence drove towards them, a prickling at his neck told him that they weren't the only spirits around - and the ones they were hanging back from were capable of easily ripping him in half. As if to make it worse one felt... wrong. Like he was stained with tar and bubbling pitch.

Let them try me. I will make them bleed. They will learn what it feels like to die...

The Redheaded Driver wasn't going to back down from this. And neither was Lawrence - whatever those spirits were, he wanted to find out.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #402 on: October 27, 2013, 10:16:24 AM »
Shirou's head snapped to the left, in time to see Rider approaching. Though his initial reaction was to reach for a weapon, he quickly realised that despite being extremely biased against him, Rider wouldn't do anything unnecessarily cruel whilst the twins were around.

"Shirou, I will be going after Satoshi soon, so I won't be here to keep Kiyoshi safe from you. So, please be careful with how you act around him and towards him. He idolises his mother, and he doesn't seem to get that you're nothing like his father, despite sharing his name and genes. If he finds out that you murdered his mother in cold blood it will destroy him. So, please don't let him find that out", she said bluntly, spitting it out as if she was addressing someone below her. Before he could reply, she turned in an unnaturally smooth motion, her lavender hair drifting gracefully through the air behind her, before stalking off.

Anger welled up in him, and he quickly called after her, "That'll only happen if you keep screaming it out at every chance you get." It was childish of him, but he didn't care at that moment. With a sigh, he turned back to the twins and said tiredly, "Shall we get going?" standing up as he did so.


Shirou had to admit, Forest had a nice house. Much better than the glorified loft he was staying in at the moment. If he cared more about creature comforts, he would seriously consider moving in, Rider-be-damned. As it was, Shirou simply continued his survey of the building, noting down possible entry points, potential weapons and its feasibility as a base in his head. He quickly checked on the twins, before turning to follow Forest on her grand tour. Strangely enough, whenever she saw him, the vampire seemed to gain a slight spring on her step, almost unnoticeable, but there. What was that about?

They turned the corner and entered what appeared to be a kitchen. Or what was left of it. Shirou bit back an almost instinctive melodramatic gasp of horror  as he stared at the mess. Forest seemed to be having a similar reaction, understandably. He walked forward and patted her on the back, unsure of what to say in the face of such a disaster.

He heard Archer offer to help clean up the kitchen, and almost volunteered straight after him. He hesitated though, before saying, "I'll make sure the twins and the kids get settled, then I'll help you out with the kitchen." He patted her on the back once more, before walking away.

He was quickly approached by the dark Archer though. He stared blankly at him, pushing down the familiar surge of hatred which occurred whenever he met an Archer. The Servant smirked, before saying mockingly, "Look, you've made so many people happy that you've come, and not just those twin magi.  Even that vampire has fallen under your simple charm." Shirou looked at the Servant questioningly, but Archer had already walked away towards a waiting figure. A familiar figure, twin tails swaying as she listened to Hakuno. Rin.

The sight of his old friend, alive and sane, every bit the school idol she had once been, stirred up a wave of bitterness within him. He gave a small wave, a sad smile plastered on his face, before continuing on his way.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 10:17:56 AM by OPOI »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #403 on: October 27, 2013, 10:27:48 AM »
Shuya listened Lancer sharing a part of his story, his fingers playing on the scabbard by his waist. The mixed blood never aimed for him to confess something personal, but now that he had started, the least he could do was to pay attention. Surprisingly, he felt some sort of understanding for the guy. Denying him a last battle would be, for the swordsman, the ultimate disgrace. He could all to well understand how bitter of a death it had been.

As for feeling alone, it was his routine for years. Something, you would never get quite accustomed to, wanting it when you're surrounded by other individuals, yet rejecting the void you would feel when by yourself. Nobody to talk to, nobody to share with, nobody to understand, nobody to listen, only this deep empty hollow never quite quitting you.

So, yeah, he could understand the appeal to have someone to treasure. And that's why he could never desire such a thing. It was never meant for the likes of him.

When the former Servant asked his question, Shuya's face froze for an instant, but it was quickly shadowed by a frown. He didn't expect Lancer to aim for his opinion. More confused than than he should have been, he still gave him a reply. "I would not." His words were firm. Shuya knew what kind of answer Lancer expected, but he could not offer him this simple satisfaction. He gave him an amused look. "My path is only one of destruction. There's nothing else. I'm not fit to protect spoils." If he were to be honest, he would admit that he was envying the demigod for such a positive thing in his life. In the end, Lancer was just like Rider. As mighty warriors or legends they could have been in the past, all of them longed for a peaceful life with people who would acknowledge them. It probably held true for the two Archers as well.

None but few insane persons would seek loneliness by themselves. He thought of Shirou for an instant, wondering what would be his opinion on the matter. "Besides, I don't give people my trust. Nor do I expect people to reach for me." He paused for an instant. "Perhaps in another life... If I weren't born a monster in the shape of a human, then maybe, I would have been able to dedicate myself to such a person."

He left these words behind, before walking away from the group.


"It wanted to be useful. Ruu thought people would be too tired to cook. It was hard, but it did its best."

The little guy observed the vampire with round eyes.

"Does the Landlady feel sick?"

His initiative didn't bring him praise, so it must have been a mistake. He looked around, finally recognizing the disaster for what it was. He spotted Archer and a girl he saw with him earlier.

"Ruu will clean too," he said simply.

Humming a song his creator learned him centuries back, the familiar knelt down and gathered broken pieces of a plate. After a moment, he peered with insistance at the Servant.

"Kitty is not with you. Does Dark Eagle took it?" He questioned curiously.


"So, you and Shirou, eh?"

Isabella pinched her sister's side once again. "Would you quit it out?"

Nessa laughed, clearly enjoying teasing her twin while washing Isa's hair. It wasn't uncommon for them to take showers together. However, the only thing Isa allowed to be touched was the head, much to Nessa's disappointment.

"Hey, he's not that bad looking, if you want my opinion." Insisted the older sister.

"Good thing I'm not asking for your opinion. Nor would there be a reason to ask for it." Replied Isa with a neutral look.

"Oh come on, you did give him the please, come along, I want to discuss about something with you... line. Kinda cheesy pick up, but I guess he's weak to the innocent type like you... "

"It really isn't like this." Insisted her sister. "He needs help to find himself again."

Nessa smiled at that.

"Oh, you wanted to be the one saving this poor soul. That's quite romantic."

"You're a terrible excuse for a big sister you know that?" Growled Isa.

"I do my best." Answered Vanessa.

She inspected her sister's body but couldn't find any trace of wounds left. Nobody would could tell she almost died from laceration and had an amputed limb not so long ago. Whoever healed her did a efficient job. Her skin was back to be as smooth as a baby. Still, she was a bit disappointed by what she saw. Clearly, there was room for improvement in some areas.

"What the heck are you staring at?" Asked Isa.

"Just checking in details if nothing healed wrong. That's my job as the big sistargll..."

A shove to the face stopped her short.

Her complaint was immediate. "What was that for??"

Isa gave her the cold stare.

"Nothing in particular. Just felt like hitting you for some reason."

"How's that even fair? I didn't do anything worth such treatment from my cute little sis."

"Ask Hakuno-san. Pretty sure she hates you right now."

Isa was simply lying, but the reaction she got was priceless. It was as if Nessa had been struck by a thunderbolt.

"No way... Was I this rude?"

"Not much more than usual, I suppose."

"Then, there's nothing to worry about," said proudly Nessa.

Isa let out a grunt. "There is every reason to worry about."

Once done with cleaning themselves, Isa looked at her sister who was surrounding herself in a large towel.

"Don't tell me you forgot to request for changes of clothes," she said without much hope. Nessa gave her the lopsided smile. "Well, it's not too late for it, if you don't mind going to Forest and ask as you are..."


Nessa gestured to her sister to tone it down.

"Shh, I can hear someone getting close. With some help from destiny, it will be your charming prince."

Isa gulped down words she shouldn't pronounce in presence of sensible ears. Nessa called out for some assistance to whoever was on the other side of the closed door.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 05:40:29 PM by Daiki »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #404 on: October 27, 2013, 10:54:34 AM »
Damn, he should have noted where they went. Shouldn't have gotten so distracted with the...poor poor kitchen.

Shirou continued wandering around, trying his best to find the twins. Where had they gone? He turned at the corner, and was confronted with the outline of a door, white light peeking out through the cracks between the frames. Could this be it?

His suspicions were confirmed when he heard their voices through the door, though too muffled to make out any words. Suddenly, he heard one of them scream, "LIKE HELL I WOULD DO THAT!"

He walked towards the door and knocked, calling out, "Is everything alright in there?"

One of the twins went behind the door, Nessa he thought, and quickly explained to him the situation. Despite himself, Shirou felt his face become slightly heated. Why did this stuff happen to him all the time? He still remembered that girl in Denmark...

Getting too far off topic

"I don't suppose I could say no?" he said dryly, pinching his temples, before continuing, "Alright, sit tight whatever you girls do."

He quickly headed back towards the kitchen. After a few wrong turns (the place was huge!), he finally made it, and quickly headed towards Forest. He hesitated. How should he word this without embarrassing anyone? In the end, he decided to just go straight to the heart of the problem, subtlety be damned.

"Uuuh, the twins...forgot to get a change of clothes," he said hesitantly, "Could you help me out and lend some clothes?"
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 11:09:31 AM by OPOI »