Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 261945 times)

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #285 on: September 18, 2013, 02:09:24 AM »
Rider and Kiyoshi watched as Shuya led the vampires that he had been fighting into a trap made by some new girl who she didn't recognise, where they were incinerated. Further, Shuya seemed to be back to normal, which meant he was no longer a threat to Kiyoshi.

Ah, good, now we can actually get some rest, and I can get some prana..., thought Rider.

But, even if that mess was dealt with, Kiyoshi was still suffering the effects of meeting the alternate version of his father. She knew how much Kiyoshi loved his father and that he wanted to follow his father's former ideal, so to see the results of that so plainly was a big shock to him.

Both Kiyoshi and Rider awaited Shirou's response to his question, but none was forthcoming. Instead, they noticed Archer and Hakuno whispering to each other, before Archer came towards Kiyoshi, and started to speak.

Rider was not overly surprised to hear his words. He was, after all, yet another version of Shirou. And, like the one who been asked the question, he had managed to royally screw up his own life in pursuit of heroism, albeit not quite as awfully as Shirou had. So, it made sense that he would attempt to talk Kiyoshi out of following the same path, although it seemed likely that Hakuno had restrained him somewhat.

Having calmed down somewhat, Kiyoshi spoke in response.

"I don't get what you mean. Of course the baddies have to die. What's so wrong with that?", said Kiyoshi, somewhat missing the point of Archer's first statement. "Good people don't, though, regardless of what he might say", Kiyoshi said, pointing at the alternate Shirou. "Daddy saved mummy when she went crazy. He never gave up on her, but he didn't just leave others to die either. That's what a real hero does. Protects their loved ones and everyone else. Or, at least, they try", Kiyoshi said.

Then, looking in an annoyed fashion in Shirou's direction, he continued.

"A real hero never gives up on an innocent person, and they certainly don't kill innocents, no matter what."

But, even if Kiyoshi had missed the point of Archer's lecture on the nature of heroism, the rest of his statement, and what Rider had said, did sink in somewhat.

"You're right about my life, though. I have the best parents in the world, and my brothers and sisters are really nice too. I just want to protect mummy like daddy did, and protect everyone else like they all do.

I know mummy and daddy would be very sad if I got hurt, but I have the power to help people, I can't just do nothing...."

Kiyoshi started tearing up once more.

"I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt them, but I can't just let innocent people die...."

Rider hugged him once more, before answering his comment.

"Kiyo, helping people is fine, you just have to know your limits. If you rush in when you're out of your depth, you endanger us as well as yourself. You're a ten-year-old boy surrounded by mythological heroes and supernatural creatures, you can't expect to be able to fight on our level. Protect those who we cannot and train yourself to be stronger.

But, Kiyo, don't ever think that your own life does not matter. Even if you do not care about yourself, other people do. Your mother and your father, your Aunty Rin, your brothers and sisters, me. All of them would be distraught if anything happened to you.

Your father always used to think his own life didn't matter. He still does to some extent. But, I've seen the results of that. I've seen your mother crying silently into her pillow because the man she loved was not certain to ever return to her side. He sacrificed himself to save her, and only a miracle brought him back. He meant well, but I honestly don't think she would have ever recovered if he'd not come back.

You're the same, Kiyo. You mean the world to your mother, just like Shirou does, and you should never, ever forget that. You have to keep yourself safe, for her sake as much as your own. Even if you don't care about yourself, don't destroy her happiness."

"I..I don't know what to do, Aunty Rider. How can I be a hero if I can't save people?" Kiyoshi sobbed, still unsure of himself.

His mind was in a mess. He wanted to be a hero, he wanted to save people. But, at the same time, he didn't want to hurt his sweet, kind-hearted mother.

"Shh, Kiyo, look, it's over now. The vampires are all gone. Let's just get back to Forest's house and rest for the night", she said.

And, with that, she walked towards Forest and the rest of the group, Kiyoshi still in her arms.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #286 on: September 18, 2013, 03:35:02 AM »
Shirou sat by as he watched the others interact with Isa. He was particularly relieved when he heard that Forest had something which could possibly heal the mutilated girl: few people ever deserved to be ravaged so badly, and this girl wasn't one of them. He was still worried about her psychological state though, there was no way that anyone could pass through such an ordeal without any mental scarring. She would need to be treated gently, constantly surrounded by loved ones, if she was to truly recover. She had mentioned a sister who she was worried about, so he would have to start there. He wasn't any use here anyway.

He quickly got up to his feet, but soon regretted his rashness as a spike of pain slammed into his mind. He would have to recuperate before he could begin the search.

"Isa, do you know your sister's last location?" he asked as gently as he could. Once he heard the girl's answer, he told her to also tell Forest, before slowly limping off, preparing to head off to investigate the area.

As he walked past Rider, he overheard Kiyoshi's frankly callous statement, and scowled. What the hell was his father thinking when he raised the boy? What sort of person was he that he, based on the boy's ability to trace weapons, would actively steer his own son onto the thorny and insincere path of the hero? It had been alright for Shirou, who didn't have as many loved ones who would mourn his loss, but to teach a boy with a loving family to abandon them so he could play vigilante? Shirou's opinion of his alternate self lowered drastically.

This boy wasn't like him. This was a young child, naive and bright, who had yet to experience any truly distressing event. This was a child with a firm sense of self, who hadn't been emptied by the Fuyuki Fire. If he saw the boy on the battlefield again, he would make sure Kiyoshi gave up on the notion of being a hero.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 09:36:03 AM by OPOI »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #287 on: September 18, 2013, 05:03:54 AM »
Mille nodded at Shuya, his words making her realize once more that there were other people present other than Lancer. "I guess I owe you that much. Thanks for playing the bait." She scowled a bit. "And I'm not short. But thanks anyway."

She turned back to Lancer, giving him a solemn nod. "And don't worry about me. I can walk just fine." However, she wobbled as she straightened herself out, and was rather unsteady on her feet as she attempted to take a few steps forward.

Rin gave Archer a brave smile. "That we shall."

She took his hand, and prepared for him to sweep her into his arms so that they could make their descent to the group below.

"Well, the hag can heal her, but not so much as she can with my power~ With my help, that missing arm, that big old cut on her face, all her other cuts and scrapes? All fixed~" said Ruby, bouncing about rather cheerfully for what the situation was.

Finn made his over to the main group. He at first made his way towards his sister, but noticed that she was still making googly eyes at Lancer, and decided to give them some alone time. He saw the glistening of Forest's golden hair, and decided to introduce himself to his new landlady. He walked over closer to her, only for his smile to fade. He saw Isa for all her wounds and trauma, and felt sick to his stomach. The young freelancer rushed over to the group.

He spoke softly. "Anything I can do?"

Archer had expected the boy to not really understand all that was said, but eh, he'd tried. The boy seemed pretty normal, so hopefully it'd just be a phase he'd grow out of, regardless of who his father happened to be. If it looked to be otherwise, though... well, he could always try to scare the kid out of it when Hakuno wasn't around to hound him into playing nice about it.

He turned around to give his Master a shrug, but noticed that she'd gone over to yet another group. One look at the now conscious Isa, and he could see why. He rushed over once more to Hakuno's side, observing Isa's condition.

The missing arm, the slash across the face... he'd seen many wounds like this throughout his lifetime, in the war, out playing hero. Even so, seeing those wounds on an innocent girl still made his gut twist in anger, though the only sign of this on his face was a grim scowl. Plus, the way she was acting, the nature of some of her wounds... it suggested rape, and that within itself made his blood boil. But he remained calm, as he knew from far too much experience that allowing his emotions on such matters to blind his judgement would do nothing to help Isa.

Hakuno noticed her Servant's arrival and turned to him. "I called for Rin. She's on her way to help Isa."

Rin? He turned to look for her, before seeing- "...Yare yare." His smirking, differently dressed clone filled him with bile, almost enough to distract him from Isa's need for aid. He sighed. "It's bad enough having that twisted Shirou running around. Now there's another me to contend with," he muttered.

For once, Hakuno found herself somewhat inclined to agree with him. She got down on her knees and gave Isa's hand a gentle squeeze. She turned towards Rin's direction, anxiously awaiting her arrival.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 05:33:37 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #288 on: September 18, 2013, 05:34:24 AM »
Lancer righted Millie as she wobbled before looking at the one armed man who had just been in the middle of a Warp Spasm.  The other man's eyes were looking over Lancer, sizing him up and ranking him.  Lancer smirked at the look and said, "Yeah, but the girl's a might bit prettier than you are."

At the other man's question, Lancer shook his head and answered, "Not anymore.  However most people of this time butcher my actual name when they try to say it, so I'll just go by Lancer for the by and by for now."


Archer swept Rin in his arms with a smirk before gracefully leaping off the rooftop.  He noticed the obviously broken Emiya Shirou, the idiot version of himself with the mousey magical girl, appreciated Rider's form, and then noticed the blond vampire kneeling beside a girl who should have been dead.  The corruption in him whispered that the girl was weak; that she had been food and worse.  That there wasn't anything to salvage there.

Then he noticed a young woman who looked a lot like Rin, but curved like her sister and even with his height.  He tilted his head curiously at her, knowing it wasn't another version of Rin.  Rin was petite; it was part of his attraction towards her.  This girl was like an Asian Amazon.

Then he heard his "good" doppelganger's words and chuckled.  He replied, "I'm not relishing the thought of having to deal with a version of me who obviously traded down, but that makes me the lucky one doesn't it?" 

He gently set Rin on the ground to let her get to work.


Forest gritted her teeth as she heard Isa's thoughts in complete clarity.  Then the girl, understandably, caved in on herself and started to cry.  Theoretically, she could erase the event from the girl's mind, completely wipe it out as if it never happened.  However that was going into territory that Forest didn't tread.

That was too much like Playing God, and as a friendemy had once said, everyone had to have standards they set themselves to keep them from going off the edge.  He had been right in that, and, unless absolutely needed, Forest didn't like to hack into people's minds.

"Well, the hag can heal her, but not so much as she can with my power~ With my help, that missing arm, that big old cut on her face, all her other cuts and scrapes? All fixed~" said the Stick, bouncing about rather cheerfully for what the situation was.

Forest eyed the stick and said, "Rin's not a hag, and you'd better help, or I'll lock you in a box and throw you into the Mariana trench."

 "Anything I can do?"

The blond blinked as she looked up to see a newcomer with a rifle slung over his shoulder looking down at them.  She nodded and said, "There's a duster by that Buick with the door ripped off.  I'd like to get her covered up."
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 05:38:28 AM by Elf »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #289 on: September 18, 2013, 06:08:13 AM »
With the fighting concluded Taiga had heard the speeches. To her account they were all very stupid people.

dreams, her brother had once said were the whole reason he could do everything he was able to and these people were all simply broken inside. Dangerous or not it was her chance. She wheeled herself across the street and into an alleyway while the attention was focused on the girl.

Taiga more then anything want to have her family,with her but Sakura would have told her to stay put.

the ground rumbled as the castle grew again Satoshi continued creating the soldiers and weapons  without pause .

Alter was served a meal and while her instincts told her no her body demanded food so she begrudgingly dug into the food.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #290 on: September 18, 2013, 06:24:08 AM »
Mille's flush returned at Lancer's compliment. She whispered a quick "thanks" at him righting her, and attempted to make her way off again. However, her consciousness wavered, causing her to nearly collapse. She cursed under her breath. She'd forgotten about the prana she'd expended on the werewolves from earlier, so she was even weaker right now than she had anticipated. Stubborn as ever and not wiling to show weakness, however, she attempted to soldier on.

Rin quickly rushed from Archer's arms over to Isa's side. She grimly surveyed the girl's condition. Hakuno looked up at her, and Ruby floated away from her grip. Rin watched as the now untransformed Hakuno gave Isa's hand another squeeze.

Ruby spoke up, still dissonantly cheerful as ever. "Oh, I certainly intend to help, Miss Vampire~ Just as long as Miss High and Mighty over here doesn't screw up." She wiggled about in Rin's face. "Now remember, you're just a guest user~ Hakuno's my master now~"

Rin gave her a sharp glare that clearly said, "I'll deal with you later," and grabbed a rough hold of the wand, strongly suppressing the urge to snap her in half. Rin quickly changed forms. Pushing aside her embarrassment of wearing such a humiliating outfit in front of so many people, Rin concentrated on the momentous task before her.

"Prana output, 100%."

"You got it~" Ruby glowed in response to Rin's command, her gem eyes glittering.

"Heilen!" Isa's lost arm returned as if from the ether, bones, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, everything. Her remaining wounds then began to heal, the great scratch across her face vanishing as if it had never been, all signs of injury fading away. Even if the trauma of her terrifying experience would remain, at the very least, the physical signs of it no longer remained to haunt her.

Rin gasped once her task was complete- the prana was not her own, but even so, she could feel the immense energy being spent to pull off such a feat. And with that, Ruby forced herself away from Rin, switching to her more portable state.

"And that's that~ Phew that was a doozy, I think I need to rest up for a bit~ Whelp, I'm done with you now~ ❤" She fluttered back over to Hakuno's side.

Rin, however, also found herself done with Ruby. She marched over and started tugging on Ruby's wings. "Oooooh? And who did you specifically request to help you pull off this little miracle, you stupid stick? Believe you me, once we get back to the apartments, I'm not finished with you in the slightest!"

Hakuno didn't hear most of this, however, happy as she was that Isa's arm was restored and her wounds healed. She looked up at Rin and gave her a relieved smile. "Thank you, Rin."

"See, Ruby? That's what gratitude looks like." She violently began to pull on Ruby's wings again. "Try learning that along with some obedience, would you?"

"Glad to see your attitude is still as pleasant as ever, Rin-chan~" Rin's name was pronounced with some spite in spite of Ruby's usual cheerful tone, but Rin ignored it in favor of her continued efforts to tear the flying winged sphere into two separate pieces.

Hakuno continued to ignore Ruby and Rin's squabble. She had since turned back to Isa, giving her hand another squeeze, trying her best to give her a comforting smile. "How are you feeling? Any better now?"

Finn nodded at the beautiful vampire. "On it." He quickly went back to the decimated Buick and retrieved the duster, making his way back with haste. He blinked in surprise as he noticed the girl was now completely healed, missing arm and all.

"Well, would you look at that," he whispered in awe. After giving himself a few seconds to adjust to the sudden change, he gently draped the duster over Isa's small frame. "There you go, kiddo. Hang in there."

He turned to Forest. "You think she's gonna be alright?" Finn whispered, quietly as he could.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 06:33:48 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #291 on: September 18, 2013, 05:40:31 PM »
And I'm not short. But thanks anyway.

Shuya shrugged, not in the least interesting in last second gratitude. "Whatever, big girl. Give out your name then." He noted the red hair and smiled to himself. She was clearly not japanese, so chances she would be kin were null.

Yeah, but the girl's a might bit prettier than you are.

Shuya started to laugh wholeheartedly, it sounded like a bark. The guy was definitively a good pick. "You got a point there." He admitted. "Although she might not be quite legit yet."

Not anymore.  However most people of this time butcher my actual name when they try to say it, so I'll just go by Lancer for the by and by for now.

The swordsman nodded. "Lancer, then. What you say about a good fight?" Shuya lighted up a fag since he had lost the previous one before the battle. "Well, that's what I would propose usually, but I'm out of stamina for a bit. Maybe a booze contest? Can hold up a solid drink session?"

Brown irises shifted on Mille. It was clear the whole blaze took a toll on her. Poking fun at her might be entertaining and thus, Shuya flashed blood stained teeth. "No need to hide your state before your crush, you know. Might be the best moment you got to have a ride on his back."


Isa, do you know your sister's last location?

The words brought her back to her senses. That's right, her sister was still out there, alone. The girl shook her head. "I don't know." Her voice was coarse. "I went back to where I left her, but she was gone. That's my fault, she probably went looking for me." She said pensively.

If she's not captive or worse...

Concern overpowered her own condition and she clenched her fist in inquietude. Just when she was about to get up, a warm hand pressed with hers. "Huh?" Isabella almost jumped from the unexpected contact. She pushed aside the reflex to scream and withdraw in a panic just barely. Dilated pupils looked around in answer to the stimulus and met with Hakuno's face. She was the one who reached her hand for her. Ironically or not, their roles were reverted this time.

She's there for me. Even though I look like that.

The idea that people could still approach her without grimacing from disgust warmed her heart. She wanted to thank her. But all she could manage to do was to squeeze back feebly. No, now that she locked her hand wth Hakuno's, Isa didn't want to let go of this precious link. Otherwise, she would be left alone again. As pathetic as it looked, she couldn't overcome this hurdle by herself.

Words were exchanged but Isa was too exhausted to pay attention. She only focused on staying awake. She didn't even notice someone healing her until the sensation of pins and needles in her right arm started. Isabella blinked, unable to cope up with the fact that someone healed her. Blue eyes focused on the forearm that wasn't there an instant earlier. "Ah." She closed her fingers, feeling blood circulating almost painfully in  veins. She was lost in her contemplation of the limb. A part of her, she considered lost for good, was back. She looked up and saw Tohsaka Rin in a curious outfit. Isabella eyed the magus with an astonished expression.

How did she do this?

Healing magecraft couldn't accomplish such a miracle. For something entirely gone to be restored without a scratch, it would have to be something on the scale of Magic, like time travel. Or operation of parallel worlds. It made sense. Tohsaka Rin was an apprentice of the Wizard Marshall Zelretch, himself user of the Second Magic. Could it be she mastered the Second? Or was it the result of an external device? And instant later, the costume disappeared and Isa looked at the flying stick with surprise. That thing?

How are you feeling? Any better now?


Thinking of a way to properly thank everyone, Isabella was cut in thoughts by someone draping her with a duster. Wasn't it Forest's? The lingering scent of lavender surrounded her and she looked timidly at the unknown man.

There you go, kiddo. Hang in there.

Isa nodded, not sure what to say once again. Then, she turned to Hakuno. She had to say something or they would keep worrying in spite of their efforts.

"Better, yes. Thanks. Though, I may need a hand to stand." She answered with a shameful smile.


"Don't really care, but you sure ain't gonna do shit in your condition. You might even put her in a difficult situation." Averted Shuya to Shirou. "Better to get some rest and start looking later." The half demon grinned savagely at the magus. "I'll go with you."


In the empty room Ruu emerged from his sleep with a cry. "Kitty!!!" For some reason, he had a weird image of Rin imprinted on his mind.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Still dreamy and in an attempt to cuddle her, he fell head first on the ground, followed by the heavy book hitting his temple before closing itself on the side. Ruu rubbed both hands on his head. "Ruu wants to hug a kitty." He said with envy. A quick look around made him realize he was still alone. Did the others not come back yet? It was rather late according to the darkness outside.

The familiar got up with a enthusiasm and put back the grimoire in his bag. Then, he went into the kitchen. He had a vague idea of what the fridge was for. However he never saw most of the ustensils hanging around. An idea quickly came to his mind when he looked at an apron. It would be a first but Ruu never ran away from challenges.

"Ruu will make dinner!!!" He declared proudly with a fist raised to the heaven. He didn't really know why he did that pose, but decided it was acceptable anyway. He reached for the protective piece of cloth and sealed it around his head, in a way that didn't allow him to see anything. "It's quite difficult." He said with knowledgeable nod. "Humans sure are skilled if they can manage preparing food like that. B-but people says cooking is a question of determination!!"  And then, the familiar proceeded with the next step. "Now, to find a knife to open the eggs..."

« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 10:27:35 PM by Daiki »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #292 on: September 19, 2013, 02:41:02 AM »
Lancer grinned at Shuya's words and then eyed the cigarette the half demon lit up.  He replied, "I'm Irish, of course I can hold my spirits." 

He didn't know to laugh at the half-demon's words teasing Millie or come to her defense.  From what he'd seen of the little witch girl, she was very proud, and part of the enjoyment was the fact she was so stubborn.  However he made sure to follow her as they walked over to the majority of the group.


Archer watched as Rin with the aid of Ruby healed the girl.  He had to even show some reverence at Ruby and Rin's power to completely heal the girl like that.  It was as if she never had been injured at all, but he knew the mental truama was still there. 

Still, there was the sight of Rin in the magical girl outfit to appreciate.  More like the ears and the tail, which seemed to suit Rin rather nicely.  After she had finished her work, she began to berate the powerful Mystic Code as she went back to her chosen master.  Archer chuckled at the sight, leaned over to Rin and said, "You seem frusterated, Rin."


Forest blinked at the young man's question.  She whispered back, "Physically, now yes, mentally . . . that's something else.  From that truama it could take years for her to fully recover from."

Then aloud she said, "Thank you, and I'm sure Isa appreciates it."  She turned back to the girl and asked, "Isa, do you have anything from your sister's on you by any chance?  Maybe someone here can scry to find her."

She was pretty sure that Lancer could scry with his runes.  It would be easier than looking half cocked through a city this size.  She looked at Shuya and Shirou before rising to her feet.  She said, "I've only got a couple of hours before sunrise. Also, the clock for Isa's sister's ticking.  This isn't going to be something we can wait on if the girl's in danger or even just lost."

To Isa she said, "I'll have your sister to you before the sun rises.  Right now though, we're going to get you back to my stronghold.  Nothing's stupid enough to attack there.  You'll be safe and you can rest."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #293 on: September 19, 2013, 05:29:06 AM »
Finn was silent for a moment as the pieces clicked together. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. He opened his eyes and turned back to Forest, his eyes ablaze with determination. "Then all we can do is be there for her the best we can," he whispered back.

He then put on a smile. "Hey, it's no trouble at all. It's the least I could do for her." Finn patiently waited for Forest to finish talking to Isa about finding her sister before adding his own two cents. "If you need help finding Isa's sister, I'm here for ya. I didn't get too roughed up from the vamps, so I can head out with ya as soon as you're ready." He then smiled a bit sheepishly. "I guess I should introduce myself, huh?"

He smiled a genuine smile. "Finn Garrison. Nice to meetcha."

He then turned and looked around the area to see his sister struggling to get over to them. He saw Lancer keeping an eye on her, but had to strongly suppress the urge to pick her up and carry her himself.

"Mille Garrison." She shuddered a bit at the half demon's blood stained teeth, but held her ground regardless. "W-what makes you think I'm in bad shape?" she said, indignantly. "I'm completely fine. A little prana loss isn't enough to stop me."

Stubbornly she continued towards the main group.

Rin had been so focused on trying to tear Ruby in half that Archer's question startled her. The floating winged pentagram wiggled herself mockingly in Rin's direction before hovering behind Hakuno, where Rin couldn't reach her.

Rin sighed with exasperation in reply. "Let's just say Ruby and I have our... differences."

"More that bad attitude of yours than anything~ And you hide it so poorly, tisk tisk~ At least Little Miss Firebrand is more honest about it~"

Rin glared at Ruby once more before noticing "Little Miss Firebrand" herself stumbling in their direction. She also noticed Lancer following her. She rubbed her temples. "Garrison, just let Lancer carry you already. Think of it as a reward for pulling off that trap of yours, I don't know, just stop being a dummy and admit you need help walking already."

Mille glared at her. "Like I said already, I'm fine. I don't need any help."

"Sis, just let him carry ya. You worked hard, it's OK to admit that you're tired."

"I told you, I'm-" She nearly stumbled, her consciousness threatening to abandon her at a moment's notice. She pinched her nose. Fine, fine... I know when I'm beaten.

Mille turned to Lancer, looking up at him, the words caught in her throat as she was far too proud to say them.

Hakuno nodded at Isa and helped her to her feet, making sure to keep the duster from falling from her shoulders. "It's no trouble at all," Hakuno said with a smile. "Like Forest said, let's get you back to the stronghold. I think we could all use a good rest."

"And get you a hot meal to eat as well. You could use the extra strength," added Archer.

Hakuno smiled at him. "Are you going to fix it yourself, Archer?"

Archer's eyes became a bit shifty, not entirely ready to admit his passion for the culinary arts to the crowd at large just yet. "...Possibly?"

Hakuno smiled. "Archer's a great cook, so your meal will be in good hands." She gave Isa's hand one last squeeze. "And we'll find your sister, I promise."
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 02:31:14 PM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #294 on: September 19, 2013, 07:54:35 PM »
Thank you, and I'm sure Isa appreciates it.

The teenager bowed slightly. "Yes, thank you Sir. And everyone for helping me."

Isa, do you have anything from your sister's on you by any chance?  Maybe someone here can scry to find her.

"I have this." She provided a flashy pink cellphone with panda straps. Lots of them. Grimacing slightly at the fact that it showed the eccentric side her sister had. "It's Vanessa's, she always forget to carry it." She wasn't sure how it would help tracking the twin though.

I'll have your sister to you before the sun rises.  Right now though, we're going to get you back to my stronghold.  Nothing's stupid enough to attack there.  You'll be safe and you can rest.

Isabella genuinely felt warmth enclosing her.

Thank you. She thought about voicing it but that would be embarrassing to start crying again. Plus, Forest didn't need words.


Finn Garrison. Nice to meetcha.

Shuya's face twitched at this.

"Nice to meetcha." He repeated with a grin. "Sure, is a first I hear that addressed to a blood sucker. Might change your opinion soon, though."

Normal human or magus like Mille? It was hard to tell. Mainly because a magus rarely traveled with guns. Or maybe he was an oddity? Shuya shrugged and approach the vampire.

The swordsman tapped Forest's shoulder and gestured her to sidestep from the group. "You can't go fetch for the girl." He pointed a finger to Isabella. "I brought you this one in order for you to take care of her. Won't help anyone if you get a permanent sunburn." A side glance towards Shirou. "Besides, someone needs to keep this guy in check and Rider needs prana." Without mentioning how she looked after the battle. It was sure to gather attention. Shuya breathed out smoke. Obviously, he didn't think Forest would accept that so easily. "I'll go in your stead." He said seriously before turning to the tainted Archer. Without boring to whisper anymore, he clearly declared his intention for everyone to hear. "I'll take the smug faced twin, Lancer and that guy with the rifle, who seems eager to die early." He ruffled his own hair. "You do what you gotta do for everyone else. Let the asshole team deal with it." He didn't know if the vampire would accept, but he already decided to go find the sibling anyway.

Of course, going like that could be dangerous, that's why he turned to the Servant carrying Kiyoshi in her arms.

"Hoy Rider, care to give back my katana?"


Isabella got up with the help of Archer's Master.

It's no trouble at all. Like Forest said, let's get you back to the stronghold. I think we could all use a good rest.

And get you a hot meal to eat as well. You could use the extra strength.

Are you going to fix it yourself, Archer?


Archer's a great cook, so your meal will be in good hands.And we'll find your sister, I promise.

The casual exchange made her forget, for an instant, her worries. She felt a knot in her stomach. They showed such kindness to her, the girl needed to speak. "I'm sorry." She said. "I'm causing you all trouble." She felt deep regret at that. She knew that depending on them was wrong, for they weren't even close. Yet, she knew they were good people that you can count on. "I don't know what I would have done by myself." She squeezed Hakuno's hand again, to confirm she wasn't day dreaming to escape her situation. "Even now, surrounded by people, I'm still scared." She had to voice it, even as weakly as her voice could formulate it. "I'm truly grateful and I'll do my best to repay you..." She paused, looking alternatively at Hakuno and Archer. "I guess I need a bit of help to overcome this."


He had tried many things he thought to be suitable for his new companions. It ended up with a crispy pizza(charcoal would be more accurate), a salad floating in a unidentifiable mixture of what looked like melt chocolate with egg shells. A curious soup as hard as concrete. Red and green waffles. And toasts made with the most improbable ingredient combos. Everything was served in the dinning room but it seemed an hurricane had stopped by, here. The floor, walls, even part of the ceiling, were covered with flour, salt, sugar, a large selection of sauces and liquids. Dirty utensils piled up in he sink way over its capacity. The fridge was lying on the ground, its content half broken, half spilled around. Then, cutlery and plates. Half a destroyed set spread about everywhere. For some reason, a broken chair was also part of the mess.

And in the middle of this chaos, a lone figure, covered in more elements that the rest of the room combined. Half buried under the refrigerator, Ruu looked at the devastated kitchen from his point of view with a satisfied look.

"Now, dessert!!" He said on professional tone.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 07:23:33 AM by Daiki »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #295 on: September 20, 2013, 03:06:55 AM »
Rider noticed Shirou scowling at Kiyoshi's comment to him, and frowned.

Hypocrite, she thought.

How he could be offended by Kiyoshi's approach to heroism was beyond her, after all that he had done.

She continued to walk towards the group, noticing Isa sitting on the floor, Hakuno gently holding her hand.

I hope she'll be OK, Rider thought.

Still, she was glad to hear that there was a way to repair the girl's arm. At least the physical effects of her attack could be fixed, even if the emotional effects might be longer-lasting.

She awaited Rin's arrival, still hugging and comforting the gently-sobbing Kiyoshi. She was, however, somewhat surprised when she appeared in the arms of yet another version of Archer. This one, though, looked somewhat different.

Rider shuddered and tensed as she noticed the tell-tale signs of Angra Mainyu's corruption. She knew what effect that corruption would have on people. But, she held herself back. Rin seemed happy enough to be carried by him, and she knew all-too-well what the corruption did. So, he was most probably not a danger.

She looked on amused as Rin changed into Magical Ruby. Rider had seen it before, of course, but it was still amusing to see her embarrassment, and her bickering with Ruby. However, she was also rather pleased to see Isa healed. The girl had been very kind to her, and she had hated to see her hurt.

Rider listened as the others continued to talk, about finding Isa's sister and about food.

"Archer's a great cook, so your meal will be in good hands", Hakuno said. "And we'll find your sister, I promise."

Hearing that, Kiyoshi spoke up.

"No, I'll cook dinner. I like cooking. My mummy and daddy are the best chefs ever", he said.

Rider laughed slightly.

"Kiyo, Archer is another version of your father", she said, hoping to remove his fixation on the more idiotic version. "I'm sure he is a very good cook. If you want to help, though, I'm sure he won't mind".

Then, she turned to Hakuno and Isa.

"If you need help in finding her sister, then I'll happily join you, provided Kiyoshi is safe. I'm a heroic spirit, so I don't need sleep."

"He's daddy? But he looks totally different..." Kiyoshi said, confused. "And, I want to come too!"

"Yes, he's your father, although another alternate version. I'm sure he'll explain it to you later. And, sorry, Kiyo, but even little heroes need their sleep. It's already late enough as it is, and we could be out all night. Leave it to those of us who don't need sleep...."

Before Kiyoshi could reply, though, they were interrupted by Shuya talking to Forest, offering to go searching for Isa's sister with Shirou, Lancer and a few others.

She scowled.

Those three will probably end up killing the poor girl....

Then, Shuya turned and addressed her.

"Hoy Rider, care to give back my katana?"

"Erm...", said Rider.

Oh, damn, she thought.

In all the commotion, she had forgotten all about the Katana, and she wasn't entirely sure where she had left it.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot all about that in all the commotion. I think I dropped it back there.

As for your plan, though, do you really trust that idiot to find the girl?" she said, pointing at Shirou. "If you come across her in any danger he'll probably put a bullet in her head, like he tried to with Hakuno...."

Rider listened as Isa spoke, clearly low in self-confidence.

"I'm sorry", she said. "I'm causing you all trouble. I don't know what I would have done by myself. Even now, surrounded by people, I'm still scared. I'm truly grateful and I'll do my best to repay you.... I guess I need a bit of help to overcome this."

Hearing that, Rider placed the now calmed Kiyoshi down, and walked towards the girl.

"Isa, it's not your fault what happened, and you're not causing us trouble. Even the strongest people need rescuing sometimes", she said, thinking back to her master's plight in the War.

"The only 'repayment' we want from you is for you to get better and be able to smile again. You're a lovely girl, and I would be happy to be your friend and to help you in any way I can."

Meanwhile, Kiyoshi looked around at all the people present. There was Sakura, yet another version of Archer, a bunch of people he didn't know, and....

Aunty Rin!

Even with the massive age difference, it was quite obviously his aunt. Her outfit was one he'd often seen her wearing in older family photos, and her hairstyle was one that she often sported even as an older woman.

"Aunty Rin!" he shouted, excitedly, before running in the direction of the alternate version of his aunt, arms outstretched in a "hug me" pose.

As he did so, though, he looked around.

Eh, where's Taiga?

He wasn't particularly fond of the girl but, nevertheless, he felt it his duty to protect her, in the absense of anyone else doing so. And, since her sister was still here, she evidentially wasn't.

"Erm, Sakura, where did Taiga go?" Kiyoshi said as he ran into his "aunt", grabbing hold of her tightly.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 03:09:10 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #296 on: September 20, 2013, 05:35:52 AM »
Lancer swept Millie into his arms and said, "Don't worry, I won't jar you around too much."  Then with a wink, he started to carry her over to the others.


Forest replied to Finn with a wiry smile and replied, "I'm Forest, and thank you.  I have a feeling I can use all the help I can get."

Then Isa gave her the pink wrist band.  Forest took it with a sad smile, it was exactly the sort of thing a young girl would wear.   "Hopefully someone can use this to track your sister.  Because it's hers, it should have a tie to her," Forest replied.

Then Shuya gestured her away and gave her a hard dose of logic.  She looked at Shirou and said, "I can't force him to come with me.  Well, technically I could, but it would be wrong."

Lancer approached with the girl who made with the Flaming Death trap.  He asked, "So, I have marching orders then?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind," Forest said with a wince.

"I can think of worse things to do with my time than saving innocent maidens," Lancer said with a shrug.  Then he looked at Shuya and asked, "So, rescue mission then?"


Archer grinned at Rin and said, "Maybe you should be truer to your feelings."

Then the one armed half demon presumed Archer was going to help them on some rescue mission.  Especially since he had just been reunited with Rin.  He reasoned he could probably just see the girl from one of the highest points in the city.  Sighing, he said, "Fine, let's get to one of the higher rooftops and I can see the girl.  I assume she looks like her, right?"

"If you're unwilling to help, sod off," Forest said, the scantily clad vampire stiffening.

Archer looked at Rin, shrugged, and said, "It's not my concern."

"Rin, tell your asshole he's helping us or I'm going to take it out of his hide," Lancer said with a grin.

Archer returned his smile and replied, "You could try, Celt."

Forest sighed, shook her head, and looked at Rider. She said to her, "With Lancer and Finn there, I think they can keep Warp Spasm and The Magnificent Poof in check to get Vanessa back safely.  Shirou's not going, if he tries I'll drag him back to the compound to rest myself."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #297 on: September 20, 2013, 05:53:50 AM »
Sakura blinked at Kiyoshi's question and turned to find the girl gone.

Sakura cursed in Chinese and pulled out her phone "Hey idiot, Taiga is headed your way" she stated as the phone connected her to her younger brother.

"figured as much, why exactly, she knows to stay with you?" he replied questioningly.

"Turns out another version of Shirou and an alternative version of my dad, there's two by the way, one is dark, should I be worried? Well they gave the kid, erm. Kiyoshi their version of what a hero is and that's when Taiga disappeared, so likely she's going to tell you to beat them up" she answered.

Satoshi smiled. "speaker phone, and hold it up so everyone can hear it." he instructed.

Sakura shrugged and did as he asked turning the volume up to maximum.

"Alright I have an announcement to make, first off Kiyo, normally I'd whip your ass for leaving my sister in the lurch like this but since Barbie's teenage vampire  didn't give you the message imma let you off the hook this time. Rider you over emotional freak if you want to fight me you're welcome to, I'll tape it and prove to the kid how weak you are, oh fyi imma kill his mom if you don't come fight me. As for the Shirou and Archer pair. You three are chumps and Alter is in the throne room  so that slim chance you had just dropped to zero. I do plan on beating your faces in on principle alone, stomping a dream into the mud is not what heroes of any caliber do. So get past my defenses if you dare but if I were you I'd stay out of the knight's  way. Up to you chumps" the call then abruptly ended.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #298 on: September 20, 2013, 12:51:52 PM »
Though he'd planned to go after Vanessa immediately, Shirou stuck around to hear the plan, getting a bit of rest whilst he was at it. His eyes narrowed as he listened to Shuya insulting him as if he wasn't even there, but it was something he had gotten used to nowadays. Well...he'd gotten used to it a while ago, all the way back in his first ventures as a mercenary. People generally didn't have high opinions of people like him.

"With Lancer and Finn there, I think they can keep Warp Spasm and The Magnificent Poof in check to get Vanessa back safely.  Shirou's not going, if he tries I'll drag him back to the compound to rest myself." he heard Forest say, in response to Shuya. Like hell he wasn't going. Beyond rescuing someone, this was the perfect opportunity to wipe out the threat to this city's civilians. He couldn't sneak off though, Shuya had the strap to track the girl down.

Suddenly, the Tohsaka look-alike held up a phone, clicking a button to place it on loudspeaker, from which Satoshi's voice sounded.
"Alright I have an announcement to make, first off Kiyo, normally I'd whip your ass for leaving my sister in the lurch like this but since Barbie's teenage vampire  didn't give you the message imma let you off the hook this time. Rider you over emotional freak if you want to fight me you're welcome to, I'll tape it and prove to the kid how weak you are, oh fyi imma kill his mom if you don't come fight me. As for the Shirou and Archer pair. You three are chumps and Alter is in the throne room  so that slim chance you had just dropped to zero. I do plan on beating your faces in on principle alone, stomping a dream into the mud is not what heroes of any caliber do. So get past my defenses if you dare but if I were you I'd stay out of the knight's  way. Up to you chumps." The call ended, Sakura putting her phone away.

Evidently, he'd over-estimated the idiot's character. What the hell was the alternate version of himself teaching this kid? Hell, what the hell were all his alternate versions teaching their kids? Every kid of his so far has ended up with severe hero issues or have become borderline psychotic. Maybe it'd be best if Shirou never had a kid if everyone single one of them turned out like that, not that he'd been planning to.

Initial shock over, he analysed the idiot's words. The idiot evidently had some form of grudge against Kiyoshi and Rider, as well as all three versions of him currently present. In addition, he had the help of someone called "Alter", though the abilities of this "Alter" was unknown to him. Alter was evidently short for alternate, but alternate version of what? Of whom? In any case, it would be best to avoid this character if possible. The idiot had said 'throne room' so that evidently meant a castle of some sort. He hadn't seen a castle in his initial scans of the area, but he'd have to recheck later. He couldn't ask Sakura, she might warn the idiot that he was coming. Finally, it was highly possible that the idiot had a hostage, probably Kiyoshi's mom, whoever she was. Kiyoshi had aquamarine eyes, so maybe another Rin? He didn't know anyone else with the same eyes.

Conclusion: the idiot may be a threat which needed to be taken care of.

Shirou was torn. On one hand, he felt that he needed to find Vanessa. On the other hand, there was an imminent threat nearby.

In any case, he'd need to get to higher ground to survey the area once more. He began walking off, throwing a quick "I'm going to survey the area," over his shoulder.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 10:04:40 AM by OPOI »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #299 on: September 20, 2013, 02:40:40 PM »
Archer shook as head as he heard the punk over the phone.  He hadn't even talked to the boy and really had no plans to.  Unless Rin wanted him to, then he would have been convinced.

He walked over to the Amazonian Rin, bent his head to the phone and said, "First off, your 'sister' has her facts twisted up.  I didn't talk to the Mother's Boy, and if he wants to live a miserable life trying to be a hero, that is his and his family's business.  Not mine.  Secondly, the 'Barbie Doll Vampire' has been neck deep in a swarm of vampires that was apparently hired to attempt to kill her and administering first aid to some of the injured in the area.  Partly naked.  So she really hasn't had a time to really tell anyone what's going on.

"Thirdly your priorities are vastly screwed and as for Saber in the throne room?  Kid, you have a ticking time bomb there and she will explode. And you're a giant hypocrite."

Then he lifted his head, smirked at Sakura and said, "Frankly, I don't care, but there is only so much hypocrisy I can bare."

With a shrug, he walked back to where Rin was standing.