Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 261979 times)

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #255 on: September 10, 2013, 12:55:36 AM »
Rider's face twisted in annoyance at Taiga's mention of her defeat at Perseus's hands. Of course she lost to him when he was shown such blatant favouritism.

"Perseus only won because of the damn gods, though. I'd like to see him try taking me..dusa on without all those damn Noble Phantasms", she said, angrily, before realising that she probably shouldn't announce her identity with Shuya standing behind her.

After all, she went by a class name for a reason, and Shuya was a potential future enemy.

"What is it about Medusa and Perseus? Gilgamesh? What's a phantasm thing? And finally, what kind of evil are we talking about?" Shuya said.

"Medusa is my Au...", Kiyoshi started saying.

But, realising what he was about to say, Rider talked over him.

"Awesomest, most favourite mythological person, right Kiyoshi. You don't need to tell everyone that", she said, desperately looking for a way to finish his sentence.

Then, she turned to Shuya.

"Have you never heard of Gilgamesh? Or even Medusa?" she said. "As for the rest, Noble Phantasms are the most powerful weapons possessed by servants like me, Lancer and Archer. The explosion we just saw was most likely Lancer using his.

And, the evil to which we refer is Angra Mainyu, which is a manifestation of all the world's evil. It corrupts people, too. It corrupted my master, once, and the results were not good. Regardless of what Taiga might say, I do not believe that Satoshi can be trusted not to harm her in this state, especially if the corruption has complete control of him".

Then, she turned to Taiga.

"I agree with Shuya here. You can't help your brother as you are, you should come with us, get some rest and then we can plan a way to help him. Even if I cannot defeat him alone, we surely can manage it as a group".

Then, Kiyoshi spoke up.

"I'm not leaving you alone, Taiga. I will follow all the way to the castle if I have to.

I don't care what Perseus did, Aunty Rider is still awesome, she'll find a way to help your brother."

Hearing that, Rider gave off a massive sigh.

Damn it, Kiyoshi, I cannot fight him.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 12:56:39 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #256 on: September 10, 2013, 01:46:15 AM »
Sakura finished her climb and then stopped as she exited to the roof she began to sing causing her magic circuit to switch on, first she separated her senses and found each prana source, a few like her father but one especially familiar to her personally.

breathing deep Sakura reinforced her body and took and running leapt off a near by crane using the wind to propel her through the air and totaling a car as she landed not thirty feet from Rider, Taiga and the two boys.

seeing Taiga Sakura strolled over smiling "sup lil tiger?" she asked unintentionally ignoring her dynamic entry and the three other people around the the wheel chair bound red head.

"Satoshi got taken by Avenger again" Taiga stated politely.

Sakura smiled and patted Taiga's head "well ok, big sister will take care of it then, don't you worry"

Taiga nodded and smiled quite relieved by Sakura's presence.

Sakura turned to the other three "Stand there, as in don't just. Names, relations, why you are within ten feet of the leader of the thundercats, first you, then you and finally that one" she stated pointing at Kiyoshi then Rider and finally to  Shuya

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #257 on: September 11, 2013, 01:07:18 AM »
Rider and Kiyoshi were waiting for Taiga and Shuya to respond when they heard a loud crash. Looking in the direction of the noise, they were surprised to see a girl standing on top of a crumpled car. As the girl approached, though, they couldn't help but notice that she looked like a much taller version of Aoi, except that her facial features were more like those of her Aunt Rin than even Aoi's were. And, she was wearing a coat much like the one Rin often wore.

She looks like Aoi-nee! thought Kiyoshi, excitedly. Maybe she's mum's daughter.

Kiyoshi felt excited at the possibility of meeting another half-sibling. Hopefully this one would be somewhat nicer than Taiga....

She's like an even hotter version of Rin, thought Rider.

Plus, she was tall, which meant that Rider would feel less self-conscious about her own height.

The girl walked up to Taiga and, smiling, said "sup lil tiger?"

Ah, she must be from Taiga's universe, thought Rider.

Judging by her looks, Rider guessed that she was probably Rin's child, or maybe Sakura's. Of course, who the father was she had no idea. Presumably someone tall....

"Satoshi got taken by Avenger again", Taiga stated in response to the new arrival's question.

Again? thought Rider, astonished at how the two girls reacted as if it were a common occurance. How often does he end up like this?

"well ok, big sister will take care of it then, don't you worry", Sakura replied, patting Taiga's head.

They're sisters?

Both Rider and Kiyoshi were rather surprised by this turn of events. Both had presumed that the girl was related to Rin but, seemingly, she was actually Taiga and Satoshi's sibling. The matter-of-fact way that she said she would "take care of it" seemed odd, too, given that Rider knew even she would struggle to defeat Satoshi in a fight.

Then, the girl turned to them and spoke.

"Stand there, as in don't just. Names, relations, why you are within ten feet of the leader of the thundercats, first you, then you and finally that one" she stated, pointing at Kiyoshi, then Rider and, finally, Shuya.

What the fuck is she on about? thought Rider. And, is everyone in her world a tactless moron?

Rider found herself rather annoyed at the girl's attitude. She just shows up out of nowhere and starts demanding stuff of them, without even explaining who she was first. Especially since she almost certainly knew damn well who Rider was.

Kiyoshi was equally annoyed and confused by her statement. Unlike Rider, he understood that the "thundercats" statement referred to Taiga, but he had no idea what her first sentence meant, and he saw no reason why they should explain theirselves.

Rider, however, spoke up first.

"Isn't it usually polite to introduce yourself before demanding it of others? And, you know damn well who I am, so why even bother to ask?" she said, clearly annoyed by the girl's beligerant attitude.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 03:04:19 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #258 on: September 11, 2013, 03:31:20 AM »
Medusa is my Au...

Awesomest, most favourite mythological person, right Kiyoshi. You don't need to tell everyone that.

Shuya closed eyelids. The way Rider just interrupted the boy was far from being natural and felt awfully forced. When he finally opened his eyes, he met with Rider's face.

"Have you never heard of Gilgamesh? Or even Medusa?

Of course he heard the names. Someone with a passion for history like him knew probably more than your average fellow about them. What he didn't understood was why the names were ever mentioned.

As for the rest, Noble Phantasms are the most powerful weapons possessed by servants like me, Lancer and Archer. The explosion we just saw was most likely Lancer using his.

So, there was more than herself around? His attention fell in the direction of the nearby battle instinctively. What kind of person would the others be? And what would Rider's Noble Phantasm be? As a warrior, his curiosity was picked.

And, the evil to which we refer is Angra Mainyu, which is a manifestation of all the world's evil. It corrupts people, too. It corrupted my master, once, and the results were not good. Regardless of what Taiga might say, I do not believe that Satoshi can be trusted not to harm her in this state, especially if the corruption has complete control of him.

These were probably bad news but the half demon felt a thrilling shiver run through his back. Was it something much like a tainted touch? Or a conscious being who would take over someone? All the world's evil sounded rather pretentious though. Evil acts were accomplished daily, and claiming it to be only an entity's fault was rejecting responsibility and/or being delusional. He was well placed to know it. Rider didn't seem the kind to blatantly lie, so he chose to not comment about it. No matter what, letting the girl go alone wouldn't feel right.

I agree with Shuya here. You can't help your brother as you are, you should come with us, get some rest and then we can plan a way to help him. Even if I cannot defeat him alone, we surely can manage it as a group.

Logical step. Going with a group of Servants, or whatever they decide to call themselves, wouldn't hurt.

I'm not leaving you alone, Taiga. I will follow all the way to the castle if I have to.

I don't care what Perseus did, Aunty Rider is still awesome, she'll find a way to help your brother.

It probably escaped him without realizing, but Kiyoshi pretty much dropped what Rider probably tried to act from Shuya. He was seriously surprised to hear that and it showed on his face. There was no doubt she was something entirely beyond humans, but to think the girl he tried to kill earlier would be someone he read about was... Wrong? Frightening? Exciting? Confusing? None of these seemed to have enough emphasis to translate his feelings about it. But again, it did fit with how she was able to understand how alien he was to humanity. He detailed her carefully, not sure what to expect from her after learning this.

He saw her sighing for some reason. Something irritating scratched at the back of his mind and he growled for himself. Why did she feel the need to hide that? Didn't he just told her about himself? Shuya gritted his teeth, clearly annoyed without being able to understand why it mattered at all. For an unknown reason, he felt some akin to treason. Such behavior could only be answered with violence. He wished her pain. To tear apart her white neck with a wild bite. Open her ribcage with burning hands. Drink her sweet sanguine fluid with a grim pleasure. Rip her beautiful traits to shreds. Break each of her bones like a melody.


He eventually looked away while rubbing his face. His distorted mind was asking for blood. Although being able to keep it in check for now, it was affecting his trail of thoughts. With time, it would grow enough to force him to let it out, in one way or another. He had to get rid of the teenager soon, otherwise, things would get complicated.


Not good. Damn it. It was hard. He didn't have to hold back for years. The sudden resistance seemed only to serve a foothold to push him back.


When a girl wrecked a car upon landing, few meters from them, Shuya looked at her with eyes of predator, her loud arrival raising his demonic instincts further.


Brown irises followed the unknown woman, emanating only murder intent towards her.


The prey discussed with wheelchair girl. And then addressed to the boy and traitor. Then him. In a condescending manner.




Shuya's head tilted and Isa fell from his shoulder, without him giving a care in the world. His demon blood thickening enough to sent an heat wave washing over all witnesses in the surrounding area. A deafening bellow resonated as his lungs emptied and blazing red hair flashed. Scarlet eyes peered through the scathing aura already surrounding him. An instant later, the humanoid bullet of pure hatred and violence rushed straight to Sakura at a speed way above what he ever showed in his previous clash with Rider.


A burning claw directed to the girl's face, his evil grin widened.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 03:32:23 AM by Daiki »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #259 on: September 11, 2013, 04:01:01 AM »
Sakura quick drew a katana from her jacket and spoke "element metal, come forth." she said causing an metal sphere like bubble to enclose Rider, Kiyoshi,  Taiga and Sakura herself and protect the group from Shuya's assault.

Admittedly Sakura had picked a terrible barrier overall but at least he couldn't break it down in a single strike.

"Barrier's up, I had expected to keep the casual attitude Rider but captain crazy stopped that cold, I'm Satoshi's half sister and my parents should be blindingly obviously. Taiga when this Barrier drops you and the boy there need to run for safety, I'll deal with this idiot." Sakura stated

Taiga nodded "ok" she stated quietly.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #260 on: September 11, 2013, 04:34:07 AM »
Mille looked up from the rune she was drawing as heat suddenly washed over her. One of the figures in the group she saw before let out a loud bellow and attacked another figure who she didn't recognize from before. The newcomer put up some sort of strange metal barrier around the other members of the group to stop the assault.

This doesn't look good. Mille turned back to look at the sprawling melee, where she knew her brother to be running around in somewhere, who could be dead now for all she knew. But we have bigger problems. I can't stop now.

The group over there would have to be left to their fate. This trap was going to take a massive toll on the young magus once completed, and it made her wary even sparing the extra prana to reinforce her knife to keep it from dulling as she etched runes into the pavement. She had made good progress on the outer ring, but she still had work to do. Mille turned back to the task at hand, hoping that with this, at least one conflict could finally reach its end. 
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 04:40:56 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #261 on: September 12, 2013, 04:22:44 AM »
What the hell?

Rider and Kiyoshi both felt a wave of heat crash into them, before hearing Shuya let out an almost deafening bellow as his hair and eyes changed colour. Then, dropping Isa onto the floor without any care, he charged at the newcomer, his speed far greater than he had previously shown.

Crap, he's inverted, thought Rider.

Shuya had told her of his demon blood, and Rider was aware from Rin of some of what that entailed. Plus, he had told her previously that he needed to keep his violent impulses in check. She was unsure of what, exactly, had triggered him to invert in this way, but from the way that he was going after the newcomer he had obviously found her attitude even more grating than Rider herself had.

More worryingly, though, in that state he could not be trusted not to attack the children. Indeed, the way that he had suddenly dropped Isa indicated that he couldn't really care less about them any more. And, with Kiyoshi as he was, that meant he could be in real danger.

Rider considered her options. She could protect Kiyoshi, or she could help the newcomer. Honestly, she suspected the girl could at least protect herself against one attack, so she didn't see any reason to make a move right now. Once Kiyoshi was out of the way, then she could help defeat the opponent.

Kiyoshi, on the other hand, had nothing to consider. Summoning his swords, he prepared to jump in to protect the girl, as Rider mentally cursed the hero complex he'd gotten from his father. However, to Rider's relief, Kiyoshi's movement was not quick enough for him to be able to protect the girl.

Her relief, and Kiyoshi's, further increased when the girl pulled out a Katana.

Ah, good, she can at least put up a fight, thought Rider.

Then, the girl spoke.

"Element metal, come forth".

And, with that, a giant metal sphere formed around them, with her and Kiyoshi both inside, along with Taiga and the newcomer. Then, the girl spoke up.

"Barrier's up, I had expected to keep the casual attitude Rider but captain crazy stopped that cold, I'm Satoshi's half sister and my parents should be blindingly obviously. Taiga when this Barrier drops you and the boy there need to run for safety, I'll deal with this idiot."

The girl's statement momentarily confused Rider.

Half-sister? thought Rider.

She couldn't understand how that could be. It was obvious from her looks that her mother was either Sakura or Rin, but Shirou wasn't the sort of person who would cheat on his wife in that way, but Shirou couldn't have a child with two people.


Oh, of course, Archer..., Rider thought.

Rider knew of Rin's affection for her former servant, so she could easily believe that, in a universe where servants had survived, they could have married and had children. And, that meant that Taiga and Sakura were, in a sense, half-sisters, in the same way as Kiyoshi seemed to consider Taiga to be his own half-sister.

Kiyoshi, on the other hand, was more bothered by the second part. He had no intention of running for safety, not when someone was in danger. He was going to stand and fight alongside this new girl who, judging by her looks, was his mother's daughter, although she was apparently also somehow Taiga's sister.

Rider, though, knew exactly what Kiyoshi would be thinking.

"Kiyo, we'll deal with Shuya. You need to get Taiga to safety, and protect her if the idiot comes after you two", she said.

Of course, Rider knew that Taiga likely would not need protecting. Her eyes could quite easily deal with any threat. But, she also knew that the only way to get Kiyoshi to keep out of the fight was to give him someone else to protect.

Kiyoshi turned to her and spoke.

"OK, Aunty Rider, I'll protect Taiga", he said, smiling.

Then, Rider turned to the newcomer.

"So, since we're going to be fighting together, I guess we should introduce ourselves.

You already know me, I'm Rider from a world where Shirou married Sakura after the Grail War. This here is Kiyoshi, their son. I assume you are the daughter of Rin and Archer, but it would be nice to have a name to call you by", she said.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #262 on: September 12, 2013, 01:55:22 PM »
Shuya collided with the barrier at full speed, his hand failing to catch his designated target. Although it was a last second defensive move, it proved to be efficient enough to stop his charge. Frustration kicked in and he sent his front crashing against the solid metal, cracking its surface. About to strike once more, he froze, holding face with his unique hand.

NO. There are kids in there.


Shut up. There are better opponents for now.



The reverted being, turned his head towards the vampire battle, then back to the metal sphere.

There is more blood to spill over there.


Yes, let's slaughter them.

After a short hesitation, he gave up on Sakura and ran to the vampire confrontation. He passed a few inches from Mille, stepping on her not yet finished rune circle, without sparing her a glance. 

The demon dashed forward, entering the melee with a mighty laugh. He took hold of a ghoul's skull about to leap forward, sparing Shirou to deal with it. The head blew up under the mere pressure from his grasp, covering Shuya in disgusting fluids.

Without stopping his course, he smashed through a vampire formation and bodies flew in all directions. With a content smile, his kick split apart an opponent, a punch beheaded a girl, an arm got bitten off, an head ended up being stomped on. A few tried to escape, but none could escape such hurricane of destruction. Shuya kept up the massacre, mutilating the blood suckers like an happy children on his birthday. There was no humanity in this, simply a beast feasting on preys. Showing no mercy, he literally bathed in cold blood, his
ruby eyes rolling from pleasure.

These vampires were ideal to satisfy his blood lust.
With a provocative gesture, he invited more to attack him as he readied his improvised weapon, a muscular man with broken limbs. He let out a powerful shout, gathering more attention from the numerous opponents. Then, the massacre truly began.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #263 on: September 12, 2013, 06:46:24 PM »
The castle in the distance expanded to accommodate the steel soldiers it now housed.

Satoshi paused and mumbling incoherently he continued his work.

Sakura waited a moment and sensing Shuya's departure dropped the barrier. "he's utterly mad, I suggest we have a plan in case he comes back." she said with a sigh

"I'm named after my aunt" she added after a moment.

Saber finally reached the castle and seeing it gain a east and west expansion in real time caused her to pause in thought. Checking the wall she found no entry point, it was likely one did not exist but she was still somewhat optimistic so she began to search the next side

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #264 on: September 13, 2013, 05:15:49 AM »
As the barrier started to crack under Shuya's onslaught, Rider moved in front of Kiyoshi and prepared to protect him, with her own life if necessary. But, thne, suddenly, the assault stopped.

What the hell? Rider thought.

She had not expected Shuya to give up so easily, not once he had inverted. He had been after blood, and she very much doubted that a metal sphere would be enough to frustrate him into giving up.

Unless, of course, he found another target....

As the barrier fell, Rider looked around to see what the situation was, and where Shuya might be. The first thing she noticed was Isa lying on the floor in a heap, still unconscious, and with some significant wounds.

I hope someone can heal that arm..., she thought.

Looking further afield, in the direction of the explosion she had seen before, she noticed a girl in the distance who seemed to be drawing some sort of magic circle. And, behind her....

Ah, I see.

There was Shuya, happily tearing into a mob of people. Rider felt somewhat conflicted. On one hand, the mob of people were not Kiyoshi but, on the other hand, they were presumably innocent people, although they did seem to be fighting back somewhat. Then, she noticed a familiar-looking blonde girl, next to a guy in a blue leotard.

Hmm, I guess the explosion was Lancer.

And, from the look of it, they were also fighting the mob, which suggested they were very definitely not innocent.

Ah, thank the fates, Rider thought.

Shuya had seemingly found a way to use his bloodlust in a constructive manner, at least for the time being. Which meant they would likely not have to deal with him. Hopefully he would turn back to normal before he returned.

The newcomer spoke up once more.

"he's utterly mad, I suggest we have a plan in case he comes back", she said, sighing, before adding "I'm named after my aunt".

Rider could only think of one Aunt she would have, so she presumed the girl was called "Sakura". Honestly, she found it a little odd. She didn't find it odd that Rin would want to name her daughter after her little sister, since Sakura's other three children were named after her mother, the guy who had tried to save her and Shirou's sister. In fact, she thought it was rather sweet. But, at the same time, to name your child after someone who they regularly interact with was surely bound to cause confusion....

"Hmm, Sakura?, I don't think he's going to be coming back any time soon. He's found more interesting 'prey'", she said, pointing in the direction of the fight.

Kiyoshi looked in the direction in horror. His eyesight was not as good as Rider's, and all he could see was a mass of people getting massacred by the monster who had just attacked them.

"God, those poor people!" he said, before turning and running as fast as he could in the direction of the fight.

"No, Kiyoshi, it's OK! They're bad guys!" Rider said, frantically shouting at him to stop.

Eh, but Shuya is a bad guy too...., thought Kiyoshi, as he stopped in response to Rider's comment and stood confused looking at the massacre in the distance.

"Our friends are over there fighting some sort of monsters, we need to go and meet them. The blonde woman offered us a place to stay, I'm sure she'll happily welcome you if you want", Rider said.

Then, Rider walked over to Isa and bent down to pick her up.

"This girl needs help. I'm going to go and talk to that girl making the magic circle, perhaps she'll know more of what is happening."
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 05:24:36 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #265 on: September 13, 2013, 10:24:57 AM »

At this point, Shirou was running on auto-pilot, literally mowing down the vampires with Forest's .44, not a single bullet going to waste even in his exhausted state. No matter what condition he was in, he was simply too skilled in shooting, be it bow, or gun (though it took much longer to acquire the same accuracy with a gun), to miss his target. Judging by the Archers' own random sword volleys, this was the case for most beings known as Emiya Shirou out in the multiverse.

Shirou quickly swung the gun around, aiming at a vampire charging towards a girl magus who had shown up with Rin, only for a demon to swoop down on it, crushing its head like a rotten egg and splattering brains all over the demon.


He knew that man. Touzaki Shuya

Taking a quick check, he noticed, to his disgust, Rider within a barrier, body tensed as if she had been preparing to fight. Then he noticed a bloody heap near her, a girl who he only just recognised as Isa. He began moving over to Isa, to get a diagnosis of her injuries, before noticing a small boy uncomfortably close to the fight. He scooted over to the boy, shooting down any vampire who managed to miraculously get past the demon known as Touzaki.

"Boy, you're way too close to danger for comfort. Listen to Rider, and follow her. Let the grown-ups deal with this," Shirou said gruffly, pasting a fake smile for the youngster's sake, before pushing the boy slightly in the Servant's direction as he lay down covering fire whilst braced on a knee. With a push of his legs, muscles screaming in agony, he dived into the fold once more, embedding his knife into a vampire's head whilst blowing another into dust with a single squeeze of the trigger, the .44 pulping the creature's head.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 03:21:01 AM by OPOI »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #266 on: September 13, 2013, 10:57:47 PM »
As Kiyoshi stood there watching the massacre, unsure of who he should be fighting, a young white-haired man who looked strangely like his father approached him.

No, it's just a co-incidence, he thought.

After all, his father was a lot older, and this man had different hair. Still, he looked remarkably familiar, and Kiyoshi felt strangely comfortable around the man. As he got closer, he spoke up.

"Boy, you're way too close to danger for comfort. Listen to Rider, and follow her. Let the grown-ups deal with this," he said, gruffly but with a smile, before pushing Kiyoshi slightly in the direction of Rider and opening fire on the mob of monsters in the distance.

Seeing that the man had been fighting the monsters too made Kiyoshi's mind up for him. For some reason, perhaps because of the strange similarity to his father, Kiyoshi felt that this man was someone he could trust. He must be a good guy and, therefore, if he was shooting the monsters they must be bad guys. It was a little odd that Shuya was fighting on the side of good despite his obviously evil current nature, true, but it was clear that all he was really interested in was killing things, and there were a lot of things to kill, so it made sense that he would be happy with the situation.

Kiyoshi summoned up his weapons once more, browny-black ether versions of the swords his father fought with, emblasoned with angry red lines from his mother's shadow element. Then, he turned and spoke to the man.

"Hey, I'm not a little kid, I'm a hero, like my daddy!" he said. "I want to save people, like he saved mummy. I can't just leave bad guys to walk around hurting people!"

With that, the man ran off, rejoining the battle. Kiyoshi looked around at Rider for a moment, before following him.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 11:53:43 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #267 on: September 14, 2013, 03:17:02 AM »
Shirou dodged under a powerful arm thrust, the claws of the vampire's hand lightly scratching his scalp, dyeing part of his silver head red. With a gasp, he thrust his knife forward, burying it deep into the enemy's stomach, before using it as leverage in order to throw the creature to the ground. As he fired, he turned over the boy's words in his head.

"Hey, I'm not a little kid, I'm a hero, like my daddy!" the boy had said. "I want to save people, like he saved mummy. I can't just leave bad guys to walk around hurting people!"

An admirable goal, but ultimately a foolish one. If his daddy had truly been a hero, he would have done all that he could to stop his son from going on that blood-soaked path, protect his son from all the pain and anguish which came with being a hero. The wish to be a hero was a wish for others to be in danger. It was a paradoxical path, and one that Shirou couldn't help but regret going on sometimes; he had sacrificed too many loved ones in order to view the role of a hero in the same light as he used to. He hoped Rider had enough sense to break the boy of his destructive dream.

He noticed movement from the corner of his eye. He quickly swung around, gun at the ready, only to find himself pointing at the same naive boy charging into the fray with what appeared to be warped versions of Kanshou and Bakuya. Whilst the boy seemed to know his way around those swords, this wasn't a fight he could win. With a snarl, Shirou quickly aimed at a vampire also charging towards the boy. When he pulled the trigger however, he didn't hear the familiar roar, or feel the heavy recoil thump into his arm. Out of bullets.

Shirou prepared to throw his knife, but was tackled from behind. He quickly rolled with his foe, coming out on top as he sank the blade into its eye. However, as the body vanished, he realised that the blade had cracked in two, having taken far too much abuse. He cast a desperate glance back at the boy, still moving towards the vampire, before reaching into his flagging mana reserves.

He charged the pair, body screaming in pain, as Kanshou and Bakuya appeared with a golden flash into his hands. He quickly used them to decapitate the monster, then sank to one knee, gasping.

"Boy...Even if you're a hero like your daddy, you're way too young for this. Go back to Rider now before you or someone else gets hurt," he grit out. He held the boy's shoulders and stared into his eyes, his now-golden eyes pleading with the boy. Now that he had time, he took in the boy's features, noting dully that the boy appeared almost identical to Shirou, with the exception of a pair of bright, almost beautiful aquamarine blue eyes. Without a doubt, this boy was definitely Shirou's son, maybe with Tohsaka, somewhere out there in the multiverse. All the more reason to make sure that the boy wouldn't be stained with blood at such a young age, for the light in those familiar blue eyes to fade away.

"I can't let a child do this. Not so soon, before you've really had a chance to do anything in life. So please get out of here," he said softly, "I don't want to see you hurt."
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 10:27:50 AM by OPOI »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #268 on: September 14, 2013, 04:16:30 AM »
"By the Morrigan's cold and dead quim, what is wrong with him?" Lancer proclaimed as he pointed at the inverted Shuya as he entered the fray.  The one armed demon was tearing into the vampires as if he was caught in the middle of a warp spasm.  Having been affected by ristaids a time or two in his life, Lancer knew what it was like to be caught up in a frenzy.  Except this guy's frenzy was a lot different than what Lancer remembered.  Lancer remembered just wanting to fight, this guy was taking pleasure in death at wholesale.

He also noticed that he ran right through the runes that Millie was drawing.  He blinked as he read what was inscribed in her circles and smiled.  The battle wasn't a fun one; the vampires died easily enough if one knew how to strike.  Sure they had power and strength, but ,unlike his landlady, they didn't know dick about using it.  Tired of the whole tedious affair - after all it was starting to feel more like work and not combat - he ran to the redhead young woman's side.

"Need a hand?  I know what you're planning, and its brilliant, but this fighting is getting boring," Lancer asked with a grin.


Archer raised his eyebrows at Finn watching the scantily clad blond with the sword below.  He was curious to see what she was going to do once the blade had dulled to uselessness.  It was obvious she knew how to use it, her technical skill was incredible, but he knew the weapon wasn't for her hands.

He also noticed something else about the "young" woman, and how she wasn't reflected in her blade.

Smirking, he asked the young freelancer, "So, into necrophilia then?  Or do you enjoy giving blood, because you're gawking at a vampire."


"By the Morrigan's cold and dead quim, what is wrong with him?"

Forest looked up to see what Lancer as looking at and simply answered, "A lot."  However, he missed her quip because he went to go help some young redheaded young woman carve something into the pavement.  She recognized fire runes in there and figured it was some sort of spell. 

Right, just gotta keep this up until it's finished.  I can do that.

Then she heard Rider's voice and looked up to see a redheaded boy start to run towards them.  Luckily he was halted by Rider's words and Shirou's intervention.  However, the kid wasn't easily swayed and was back in the running with two swords in his hands to suddenly start to fight a vampire.  Cursing, and unable to witness a child hurt on her watch, she started to make her way over to the kid.

Just Shirou was there and she watched as he finally ran out of bullets.  His white hair was now stained with crimson, and he used the last of his reserves.  He sank onto his knee and spoke to the boy, but Forest knew alone like this the pair were going to end up dead. 

She shouted, "Lancer, I'm ready for this to be over!" 

Then she reached the two Asians sides, and for a moment she was taken aback about how alike they looked.  Taking the katana into her right hand, she started to help Shirou up to his feet with her left.  She looked at the boy, forced a smile, and asked, "So, are you by any chance Kiyoshi?"

She looked at Shirou and sent to him, I think this is going to end soon, apparently Lancer's helping that redheaded girl cook up something.  However, you're coming with us.  I wouldn't feel right if I let you alone like this.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #269 on: September 14, 2013, 08:26:50 AM »
Satoshi continued to build away creating armors and weapons as Alter having found the entrance was shown inside.

Sakura sighed watching Kiyoshi run off.

Taiga grumbled "Kiyoshi you big dummy!"

"boys always are tiger, you'll get used to it." Sakura replied  wheeling Taiga over to Isa.

Sakura looked at rider "go on, we have this under control" she remarked looking over the wounds.