Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 287327 times)


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1440 on: January 31, 2014, 05:29:58 AM »
Old Apartment

"You want me to kill you?" She had never recieved such an odd request before. By this point she had already realized he was no living breathing human, perhaps something closer to her own Servant would better describe him.

"Fine I'll grant your request." Still slightly hesistant at such an odd offering she casted a quick spell nonetheless to a Servant it would be easy to dodge and even for a human it wouldn't be impossible, the best to way to fine out how serious he was would be something like this.

"πάγος!" 3 Icicles shot out in quick succesion straight towards the man, if he wanted to die now was his chance.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1441 on: January 31, 2014, 06:27:31 AM »
To give Medea a better target, the red man stood, stretching out his arms and baring his chest. As soon as he saw three icicles heading his way, the man moved to dodge. Within human levels, his eyes registered the action, and the nerve signals were sent to the appropriate neurons. Everything came together with maximum efficiency. A reasonably fast and agile athlete would have a fair chance of surviving in that situation.

He was barely able to flinch before three daggers of frozen water pierced his chest. One went straight through his heart, and the others put an end to his lungs. Limply, with blood erupting from his mouth, the man slumped backwards into his chair.

A moment later, his arm rose and ripped an icicle from his chest with a sickening crunch. Discarding the bloody point, he repeated the action with the other two, the entire process taking about 30 seconds as he struggled to get his hands around the slick weapons.

When he straightened, there was no sign of injury. Even his clothes had somehow repaired themselves.

"Fascinating," he said, smiling easily again. "Not the desired result, but I hardly expected a casual miracle, so you may consider your payment accepted."

He bowed slightly. "You may call me Sissel. I too am one who was summoned into this world, though I know not for what purpose, or who is responsible. There are others like you and I, sharing only circumstances in common. Though no name exists for their - our kind, I usually refer to us as Drifters, ones who for some reason were drawn to this city. I've witnessed monstrosities appear in the streets, only to be slain by confused men and women, boys and girls with blades of steel and fire. I've seen vampires infest the Nexus in less than a week, and Kings bereft of their kingdoms prowling the alleys and cursing the heavens. Lichs, sentient machines, necromancers, all manner of aberrations exist here. To explain them all would take hours."

"Is that satisfactory, ma'am?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1442 on: January 31, 2014, 07:26:53 AM »
Old Apartment

'Advanced regeneration? Perhaps even greater then my own, he would have made an expert specimen back home.' Of course if she had wanted she could have done much much worse than a few simple Icicles but for her it was better to keep such secrets under wraps, the less people knew about her, the better.

"You must have good eyes if you have kept track of all this by yourself... However given the situation it is good enough for the time being."

Pausing to think for a moment she checked her surroundings once again before continuing.

"My name is... M-m... Caster, you can call me Caster for now. You mentioned before that this was your base of operations?"

Pausing yet again to get a feel for the area she determined that as far as bases go his was only so-so, of course nothing compared to something she could whip up. But given more time and effort perhaps it could be improved upon?

Finally lowering her finger and returning it to her shadowy side she thought for another moment before speaking yet again.

"I suppose you'll have to forgive my earlier rude behavior. As you may have guessed, I was a little bit shocked at my situation. At the moment I have little trust to share and I'm sure you're feel the same way, however if possible I would like to see about getting out of this situation as quickly as possible and I'm sure you would too. Therefore I would like to make a proposal of sorts. Why don't we make an alliance?"

Perhaps it was because she had softened up a bit thanks to her previous Master but she decided that at least for now that she'd need the time, energy, and manpower if she was going to find a way back home and she couldn't do it alone, if she was going to get back to him then the fastest way would be though the help of others.



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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1443 on: January 31, 2014, 08:43:08 AM »
Satoshi nodded to himself "keep the questions you have in the back of your head, I'll answer them after we clear out the bad guys" he told Rider. Her face had said it all although even knowing that she had them he couldn't tell what the questions were.

moving out Satoshi heard the sounds of steel piercing bodies but before he could turn to find out the exact situation he was confronted with two clearly dead bodies. He paused wearing a frown as he knelt down to examine them.

the male was completely beyond hope and sadly the girl was long gone as she didn't even twitch when Satoshi tried to heal her. Blood stuck to his armour as he rose up.

"I'm sorry" he muttered placing a barrier spell on the bodies to make sure no one disturbed them.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 08:44:44 AM by lantzblades »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1444 on: January 31, 2014, 10:19:19 AM »
Shirou fell to his knees as soon as the swords were on their way. His body was burning from the strain he had placed on it, his circuits practically cooking his body from the inside. More blood trickled out of his mouth as he slowly got back up: that single punch had come close to pulping his innards. He would need to get some medical attention for internal bleeding sometime soon. He coughed out more blood from the effort. Scratch that, he needed it very soon.

He looked up just in time to see his swords hit their target, practically ripping the creature's body to shreds. He cursed though when he saw the two swords fly through the target, forcing the cat-like thing to block. In that short interval of time, the creature's body fell to the ground, where its wounds began to heal at its previous frenetic pace.

"I knew it," Shirou muttered. The thing needed a connection to Earth to sustain its powers. Reinforcing his legs, ignoring the pain from his protesting Circuits, he leapt up to the two creatures. The humanoid was being suspended in the air, but he could see that it was starting to break free, a desperate final attempt to save itself.

He contemplated shooting it in the head, but realised that wouldn't stop him one bit. Though added pain may drive him insane again, Shirou saw no alternative.

His face blank, he traced out several pure iron swords. Methodically as a surgeon, He sunk each of them up to the hilt into the creature's body, aiming for its joints to restrict movement, ignoring the screams it emitted as he did so. His job complete, he stepped away, wiping away a bit of blood from his face, confident that the cat had it under control.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1445 on: January 31, 2014, 09:18:58 PM »
"My name is... M-m... Caster, you can call me Caster for now. You mentioned before that this was your base of operations?"

"Indeed it is, Caster," Sissel replied. The name was a strange one. Most likely a title of some sort, signifying magical ability. But to use it as a name suggested it was unique. Perhaps there were other, similar titles? Sissel discarded the thought for later. Now was not the time for idle musing. "Well, it's one of many, actually. I have a few more underground bases in different parts of the city. I rather like this one, though. This building deters visitors and prevents people from finding the entrance, and is an excellent vantage point from which the city can be observed."

"I suppose you'll have to forgive my earlier rude behavior. As you may have guessed, I was a little bit shocked at my situation. At the moment I have little trust to share and I'm sure you're feel the same way, however if possible I would like to see about getting out of this situation as quickly as possible and I'm sure you would too. Therefore I would like to make a proposal of sorts. Why don't we make an alliance?"

"It's fine," he said. "At least you had the courtesy of speaking before shooting. Some of the others I've met here were not so polite. As for your offer..." Sissel's grin faded into a contented smirk. "It would be a pleasure. A mutually beneficial agreement is always welcome. Let's work together to find the truth behind our circumstances."

He extended his hand, waiting for her to take it. Not exactly a legally binding contract, but in a pinch, a handshake would do.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1446 on: January 31, 2014, 09:54:40 PM »
Old Apartment

Pausing only for a split second to dispel her shadow making sure to keep most of her face still hidden under her cloak, she cautiously took his hand.

"I don't suppose you could show me around? If this place is going to be our base of operations then I'd like to see about strengthening it as much as possible, and for that to be done I'd need to know more about it."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1447 on: February 01, 2014, 05:01:43 AM »
Lady Wynn Noreen Umbra flicked her fingers as one of the lizard men came rushing at her.  Shadows came to life in rippling raven ribbons and surrounded the beast before hardening to something akin to steel with a razor edge.  Blood oozed out first before squiring forth as the shadows sliced the lizardman into small bits before she released the shadows.  Reptilian chunks splattered the ground as the Faerie continued to walk, a slight frown marring her features.

Her heels clicked the pavement with each step and as she went about on her quest for absinthe.  The hairs on the back of her neck rose on end as she sensed something akin to her but different.  Turning, she looked up to find a bar with most unusual clientele.  Curious, the Lady of the Shadows walked in.


Any other moment Forest would have rolled her eyes at Satoshi's over dramatic transformation and "challenge".  However, her concerns were elsewhere.  Her keen nose followed the scent to Isa's blood and she stopped cold at the sight of Isa and Shuya's corpses. 

Blood was splattered everywhere, staining the carpet and the walls.  Shuya's head was nothing but paste, and Isa . . . Poor Isa.  The vampire's hand shook as she lifted it to her hand as she looked at Isa's glazed over eyes.

Under the smell of all the blood and gore, she also smelled Ruu's odd scent and nothing else.  Puzzled by all of this, Forest stored the information for later and continued running towards the sounds of fighting.  There was an oddly beautiful sound of metal clanging over and over followed by gunshots.  She was in motion again and was first greeted by the sight of many swords stuck into her walls and floor.

Then she saw the man with auburn hair pinned to the wall by multiple blades, Shirou on his knees and a giant purple feline.  Her eyes widened as she recognized a very familiar pair of violet eyes.  She shook it off and stared at the man who decided to break into her house.


Lancer was heading to the sound of the commotion when he heard the sound of blades clashing.  He looked at Millie flying at his side and nodded.  His keen nose smelled the scent of blood and he scowled.

As they ran down the steps, Lancer came across a very familiar form and stopped cold in his tracks.  Shuya and Isa were almost unrecognizable in a spray of gore and blood.  "Hell," he whispered, shaking his head.


Deacon Frost didn't flinch as the spell ripped through him.  There was pain yes, and his body was torn asunder by the spell, but the damage was quickly being repaired.  Hell, even his clothing was mended to true as well.

His eyes turned completely red as he smirked at his attacker, showing his fangs.  "Nice try, sweetheart," he said with a hiss before lunging at her at superhuman speed.


Gabriel lifted his bleeding wrist over the circle as the Knight grabbed Angel's hands and looked him over.  The vampire's monstrous face looked confused and he looked at Gabriel.  Gabriel shrugged, more intent on stopping Downy Reed's circle.

"Introduce yourself and enlighten me on this place. What exact purpose exactly does serve this magical circle?"

Before Gabriel could answer, Downy Reed appeared right as Gabriel's blood hit the circle.  "That my dear, was my doing."

"My name is Downy Reed and I am the creator and summoner of this magical circle." Gabriel noticed his polite bow, but the wizard made sure that he didn't take his eyes off Angel and Gabriel.

"The circle itself was created to gather magical energy then use it to summon beings outside this world. Meaning if you were perhaps summoned by it then you've come to aid me?"

Angel scowled and said, "He created this magical circle to destroy the city."  Those golden eyes looked at Gabriel and he asked, "Right?"

Gabriel smirked and grabbed Angel's arm again as the magic circle died.  He bowed at Downy Reed and said, "I doubt our knight friend would be able to aid you.  Not against me anyway."  Then he grabbed Angel's arm and drug him into the shadows.

Once they were there, Angel's features shifted back to normal and the vampire asked, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Strategic retreat," Gabriel answered, "We've stopped the excuse for a magic user for now, but we'll need reinforcements.  Fortunately for us, I know where I can find some."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1448 on: February 01, 2014, 05:37:07 AM »

Something like this isn't supposed to happen. I suppose I underestimated these people and creatures living with Law Unto Herself. Vampires seem to surround themselves with powerful allies - even as I struggle to break free in a last-ditch effort, I am seconds away from collapsing-

Quote from: Shirou
His face blank, he traced out several pure iron swords. Methodically as a surgeon, He sunk each of them up to the hilt into the creature's body, aiming for its joints to restrict movement, ignoring the screams it emitted as he did so. His job complete, he stepped away, wiping away a bit of blood from his face, confident that the cat had it under control.

I scream as iron swords are forced through my joints, crucifying me to the wall above the ground. I've never liked iron, and this is a crude (but effective) way of stopping me. I'm rapidly weakening… this is bad. My enemies seem to have figured out how to weaken me, and I'm nowhere near full strength.

My struggles become weaker and weaker, until, still snarling, I lose consciousness as my blood drips down to the floor, but not until I catch a glimpse of the vampire I came to destroy staring at me. She looks almost human - I haven't regained enough strength to regenerate from a pool of blood, so I can't do... much... else...

My head slumps as my conscious fades, still crucified to the wall with iron blades.
Spoiler for Hiden:


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1449 on: February 01, 2014, 06:06:02 AM »
Mille didn't know what to expect when she headed up those stairs. She certainly didn't expect what she saw.

Her skin paled as she surveyed the carnage before her. Bits of skull and brain matter still stained the walls. Blood was everywhere. Isa's sightless eyes stared endlessly, right into Mille's soul. The whole room smelled of gore and death.

It took considerable resolve to fight back the nausea and lightheadedness, but somehow the young magus managed. For a long while, she just stood there, silent and staring. Even Ruby had nothing to say. But eventually, as Lancer quietly swore in the background, she walked closer to examine the corpses. Her body's reaction worsened, but through sheer resolve she kept herself from vomiting or falling unconscious. There wasn't much more that the blood spatter could tell her for the moment, not by itself.

She turned her attention to the damage in the wall, not willing to examine the dead much longer. There was a noticeably human shaped hole in the wall. Careful not to disturb anything, she looked through the opening. A series of similarly shaped holes went on for quite a considerable stretch. She could see the night sky.

Mille turned back to Lancer. "I think we can track the killer if we go through here. I'm going to go investigate."

Without waiting for an answer, Mille pushed forward through the holes, her body small enough to walk through them unimpeded.

At last...

With some relief, Tom released the auburn haired man from his grasp. Holding him up was no longer necessary, as he was rather firmly pinned to the wall. To the psychic's shock, his adversary was no longer dead, merely unconscious.

We cannot let him touch the ground. If we do, this could happen all over again.

Tom shifted his gaze over to his kneeling ally. He was plainly injured.

He was quite useful, so it may be in my best interests to restore him to health. Tom slowly walked over to the redhead, doing his best to try not to startle him. He kneeled down so he was on the same level.

I am certain that you are rather wary of my approach. Tom said. There was no gentleness in his voice, just a frank firmness. Shirou, is it? Do not be alarmed, I am merely here to heal your wounds. But I must have physical contact to do so properly. Hold still.

He placed a three fingered paw on his patient's chest and began to focus. Wounds began to heal, cuts closed up in an instant, bruises vanished into nothing. It would do nothing for Shirou's exhaustion, but at the very least, most if not all of his injuries were gone.

Tom stepped away from Shirou rather quickly, not fond of being so close to someone he knew so little of. By the time he had stood up again, he caught a glimpse of a very familiar figure out of the corner of his eye.

The psychic's features softened considerably as he turned to face his beloved.

Forest, you're-

Then his mind registered what she was seeing. The hint of a smile that had been developing vanished, his eyes took on a sad cast, the tail that had been wagging back and forth ceased it's movements and drooped a bit.

His features became serious again. This is the intruder, Tom said, gesturing to the pinned fae, now addressing everyone in the room. We cannot let him touch the ground. If we do, he will regenerate, and fast. He was actually dead a moment ago until I was forced to drop him to prevent myself from being skewered. For now at least, he is disabled.

He stepped a bit closer to her, but not completely, not as close as he would have liked. She likely still needed to adjust to his appearance.

What do you wish to have done with him? If we keep him prisoner, he will have to be suspended off the ground at all times.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 08:11:42 PM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1450 on: February 01, 2014, 06:42:58 AM »
Satoshi marched to the the room where he heard the battle. He found Forest, Shirou and a large white creature holding a man skewered by no doubt projected swords.

Satoshi thought about commenting on the fact that a Pokemon was standing in the room but quickly reconsidered given the city's insanity.

"Two dead upstairs, I'm sorry, is the attacker here still alive?" Satoshi asked.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1451 on: February 01, 2014, 07:13:41 AM »
"Well, I'm sure as hell going with you," Lancer said, gingerly easing himself through where Millie was going.  "Shuya can't take revenge, but I sure as hell can."

He wasn't as small as Millie, but he was flexible enough to travel through the holes.  It would just take him a bit longer.


Forest watched as the giant cat-like creature healed Shirou.  She made a note to chide the Magus Killer later about treating himself better, but right now she was concerned with other things.  First off there was some dude all but crucified to her wall, blood everywhere, and her boyfriend was apparently a male Jean Grey kitty cat werepuma thing.

Tom's harsh features softened when he saw her, his mental voice reaching her.  Forest, you're-

Then she realized she must have been staring with some slack jawed expression because something like pain crossed in Tom's eyes before he moved closer, but still keeping some distance between them.  Tom's voice was serious as he said, This is the intruder, Tom said, gesturing to the pinned fae. We cannot let him touch the ground. If we do, he will regenerate, and fast. He was actually dead a moment ago until I was forced to drop him to prevent myself from being skewered. For now at least, he is disabled.

He stepped a bit closer to her, and even though she wasn't empathic she could sense that he wanted to be nearer to her, but there was a combination of shame and hope of acceptance.

What do you wish to have done with him? If we keep him prisoner, he will have to be suspended off the ground at all times.

Satoshi arrived in his resplendent armor and completely free of his taint.

The blond man said, "Two dead upstairs, I'm sorry, is the attacker here still alive?"

Forest eyed the intruder and nodded, "He's not looking too pretty, but he's not going to die anytime soon.  Apparently this wanker gets his power from the earth, so we can't let him touch the ground."

Then she moved closer to Tom and sent, Somehow I'm not surprised you can turn into a giant cat.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1452 on: February 01, 2014, 07:47:23 AM »
Mordred looked at the approaching figure with interest. She could sense his ability to use magic and nodded as he introduced himself.

"My name is Downy Reed and I am the creator and summoner of this magical circle."

He bowed, and Saber relaxed slightly. At least, the man didn't forget his manners even in this confusing situation.

"The circle itself was created to gather magical energy then use it to summon beings outside this world. Meaning if you were perhaps summoned by it then you've come to aid me?"

She was about to speak but, the Dead Apostle decided to give his take on it.

"He created this magical circle to destroy the city."

Behind her helmet, a surprised expression as she turned to the mage. Before she could ask for an explanation though, the Vampire was yanked forcefully out of her grasp by his comrade.

"I doubt our knight friend would be able to aid you.  Not against me anyway."

The sentence, full of confidence, made her grind her teeth. Then, they disappeared, merging somewhat with shadows.

"What an impudent ruffian... I will make sure to make him regret these words," she growled.

Before giving her attention to the necromancer, she walked by her sword and picked it up. She refrained the envy to destroy her surroundings and turned to the only other person left in her presence.

"If you're indeed my Master, you'll show me proof of your right to command me. Show me your hands, let me see your Command Spells." Her sword lying on her shoulder, Mordred walked to him. "And then, be kind enough to justify the reason you tried to destroy the location for the Holy Grail War."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1453 on: February 01, 2014, 07:54:03 AM »
Quote from: Lancer
"Well, I'm sure as hell going with you," Lancer said, gingerly easing himself through where Millie was going.  "Shuya can't take revenge, but I sure as hell can."
Mille turned back and nodded, a determined light in her eyes. With that, she pressed onward, through the many holes and destroyed furniture and plumbing until she reached the opening to the outside.

She looked down and reinforced her eyes so she could see. Another corpse. This one what appeared to be a young boy, but in this case, Mille knew better. There was a lack of blood from where the head was torn from the tiny body, which told her that the boy must truly be a familiar.

Mille turned to Lancer. "There's a body down there. I'm going to fly down and investigate." With that, Mille flew down to the ground, landing near the fallen familiar.

She observed the blood. Whoever had made the man-shaped holes must have been the source of the bits of blood spattered about. Mille crouched down and examined the familiar more closely. The blood on the familiar's body... It must have been the killer.

The young magus stepped away from the broken familiar, waiting for Lancer to jump down after her. It was best that she didn't continue on alone, even with the power of a Kaleido Stick on her side. After all, who knew what else was lurking about this night, especially after that assault on the Complex...

Tom found himself relieved as Forest closed the distance between them even further. So far, while she was naturally still absorbing the nature of his true form, she didn't seem repulsed by it yet, something he was quite grateful for.

Quote from: Forest
Somehow I'm not surprised you can turn into a giant cat.
He couldn't help but smile a bit at that. Like in his human form, it looked more like a smirk.

Ryoko described the tension between the Hound and myself as similar to the natural animosity between a canine and feline. If only she knew just how very correct she was.

Tom was just glad that Forest was alright. He wanted to take her into his arms, to confirm for certain that she was safe and well, but... For now, all he could do was help her with this situation however he could.

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1454 on: February 01, 2014, 08:21:59 AM »
It hurt.

As if something was broken. It couldn't feel its body. Yet...

It hurt a lot.

Its sensations were numbed, as if something was gone. It could see its twisted body lying a bit farther. It shouldn't be able to feel anything. Still...

It hurt so much.

A lone figure under the night. A familiar scent. It couldn't see clearly the person because of the conduct watering his eyes, but it could smell Finn. Why...

Did it have to hurt so much?

It couldn't see anymore, its vision too impeded at this point. It wanted to apologize. It wanted to repent. It wanted to be punished. It wanted to say goodbye. How...

Could it be so painful?

Flash of what happened. Killing a man. Piercing the girl. There was no way to make amend. So, that was the reason...

It felt like been torn apart inside.

It couldn't move anymore. Couldn't breath. Couldn't blink. There was only one thing it could do. With the remnant of what was left of his artificial life, the not-boy emitted a simple sentence from its distorted jaws.

"S-sorry Finn, Ruu can't be friends with you anymore."

Tears finally rolled but it was dead before the drops could reach the ground.

The Familiar's final words didn't reach his friend. In the end, it couldn't be granted this simple request. A price fitting for one who committed ominous acts.