Author Topic: Nexus Campus Town  (Read 41349 times)


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #330 on: September 26, 2020, 06:39:01 PM »

"Thanks... most people think my eyes are freakish...." She looked away in embarrassment, despite her own words on it she couldn't help it. Genuine compliments like that was rare for her. People either mocked her for her looks, looked down on her for being so young or a girl when they'd expected something else. There was even a rumor floating about that she was just the secretary of the real blacksmith... The fact that her workshop looked like a cluttered mess with designs spread out everywhere, regardless if she were moving or not certainly didn't help that image.

"Oh right the price... Yeah that's for hiring me, I won't be taking any other commissions while I'm working for you, so I hope you have more than one order, or else I'll get pretty damn bored." Neptune nodded and fetched the rifle in question.

"I don't have any materials on me so the stuff I can do is limited buuut...." As her hands danced over the pipe the weapon begun glowing and shifting in subtle ways. Her eyes were completely locked onto it and their color matched the color of the glow surrounding it. "Hmm hmm, Making it shift between pump action and semi auto by thought yeah yeah... Homing bullets why not... Transmogrifying every bullet within to be either, incendiary, explosive, normal or stun... yup... Here all done." She handed it back to him.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #331 on: September 27, 2020, 04:29:53 AM »

The drink he was sipping almost came spitting right out, and cheeks inflated as if he were a massive chipmunk. No way oh my gosh, that fast? This isn't a blacksmith, it's a compact arms factory! With a big heavy gulp, he swallowed the coffee and took the rifle in his hand, inspecting the make and changes of it more intimately and up close.

This, I like.

Feeling it up, Marc couldn't hide his wolfish grin. He was like a kid in a candy store, or right in front of Santa Claus! How couldn't he grin!

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

--------------------Time almost seemed.... to slow down.--------------------


The gun spun in his left hand, and the other pounced down like a guitarist slamming his strings. He pointed a finger to the sky while posing like a rockstar - and the lights went out there and then. Only one shot down on him like a spotlight.

And suddenly, music started playing.

"Ha! Hyah! Kah!" Sparks gleamed in the dark, as the gun flicked and spun around his body like a nunchuck, opening and closing to reveal the bullet shells flying out. A bullet flicked as he pulled it out, held between his teeth. Moving and posing to the rhythm, he showed off his gun's two-handed and one-handed forms thoroughly before tossing the gun in the air. As if surrounded by shiny confetti, he let the gun rotate and fall behind his back, only to catch it at the last second.

As the bullets he tossed in the air were all swept into the chamber, he threw his arm to the side and tossed a dozen of roses in the air.

"Un! Deux! Trois! Et voila! Bang!"

The light show of bullets sparked out of the chamber. One handed. Two handed. Noscope. The bright yellow sparks came out of his guitar and showered the flowers with love, homing and zipping into intricate patterns. All that was left was a bunch of rose-heads, each falling on one of the crates lying around while the bullets hit the floor with a dull thud.

It was almost like the sound of coins dropping one after the other...

Marc aimed the gun at the open exit one last time, right at the wall of an opposite building. The final shot fired straight out of his one unrecoiled hand. Posing, he had only one thing to say.


The burning bullet smashed against the adjacent wall and burst. Not enough to smash the wall... but enough to break a heart pattern into it. And as he blew the smoke off the barrel like a cowboy, the lights came back on to normal.

I always wanted to do that.


"GODDAMN IT JAMES! YOU ALMOST BLACKED OUT THE WHOLE DISTRICT!!" A construction worker smacked a scrawny looking guy. "O-ow! Sorry...!" The scrawny guy jolted, as he hopped back from all the exposed wiring.

"Seriously James... all you had to do was set up the guy's WIFI, not burn the whole place to toast. You're lucky I'm the one grilling you!" He smacked him on the head again for good measure.

"Guuh...I'm sorry..."

But the apology only got him smacked again. This time, on the back. Not that it did the poor kid any better, since even a friendly tap from his coworker sent his face straight into the concrete floor.

"Hm. Don't worry, it looks like we avoided the worst of it. The power should fix itself in a few seconds... hey James, you listenin'? GODDAMN IT JAMES! DON'T JUST DOZE OFF ON THE JOB!!"


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #332 on: September 29, 2020, 12:07:59 AM »


The blacksmith had slumped onto the couch fully, lazily lounging like some empress looking over her riches, or at least her inventions. She was watching him with barely restrained apprehension, the tension might make her snap sooner or later.

"So ya like it or not? I could try harder if you don't...."

Please like it, I'd die if I handed over something dissatisfying...
« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 12:09:29 AM by Bern »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #333 on: September 29, 2020, 12:16:47 AM »

He blinked at her sheepishly for a second. Wait, so something this awesome isn't even her 100%? Woah! The rifle twirled before resting on his shoulder, and he walked up to her with a relaxed wink. Now then, what part of that little show he put up didn't look like he wasn't loving every second of it?

"C'est magnifique." He kneeled in front of the 'empress' and kissed her hand like some prince charming.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #334 on: September 29, 2020, 02:38:45 AM »

"Ah stop it, the princess treatment is really lame, and you don't even fit a knight, way way too much bad boy aura." She pulled her hand back and shook it, still she didn't seem to miffed by it.

"I'm super duper happy you liked it,  But that's only natural, I have the best quality and you won't find anything as good anywhere else, and now you got full access to me. Now you gotten a first taste of what that means, or maybe you ant a more in depth evaluation, I have more toys you could play with..."


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #335 on: September 30, 2020, 02:08:23 PM »

"Wait, no waaaaay! You've got more? That's just ridiculously awesome." He rested his arms over the rifle at this point, letting it rest on his shoulders like some kind of pole. "...Will it be okay though? I don't want to mess up your shop. Actually, I know just the spot where we can test toys out undisturbed."

He grinned at Nep cheekily.



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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #336 on: October 01, 2020, 06:18:16 PM »

"Nah that would spoil you too much I'd rather keep you waiting for now, and fan your anticipation..." Neptune said as she flipped up from the couch.


Her index finger pushed against his chest almost teasingly, with how close she was coming it was beginning to reach inappropriate territories. "Instead... Why don't you take me along and show me what your group does? If I see it first hand, then I'll have a much easier time making stuff that's customized for your specific needs, and I guarantee that will blow your mind hehe..."


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #337 on: January 11, 2021, 10:22:09 PM »

Some time later that day

Lily idly twiddled with her new school uniform, the fabric was very soft and colorful. IT would be rather cute if it wasn't so revealing. The shirt left the bottom of stomach bared and her skirt, no it was more of a miniskirt, ending barely halfway down her thighs if even that, at least she demanded stockings to go with that, but that most likely only enhanced the sexual appeal of this uniform.

Whoever designed this uniform was a total pervert, and her inner succubi was quick to praise the work that must have gone into both designing this and mandating this particular dress code for females across the whole of Campus Town.

After leaving Coco and Hannah she'd quickly realized that something was wrong with her, that last attack had somehow drained her spirit, no damaged her spiritually somehow and she wasn't about to crawl to her new mother for help, again....

She wasn't above abusing her position to have some of the lower rank demons create a student visa with her name on it. Sure that would give away who she was but it also provided a perfectly legal way for her to obtain a solution by herself.

Or at least that was the plan, but she'd forgotten about one thing. The design of the uniform did nothing to lessen the blow of her supernatural charm, she was gonna have to spend time together with a bunch of horny teenagers who'd drool at her feet and probably beg to fuck her. Even feeding off of that passive lust almost wasn't worth the trouble.

Maybe this was mistake.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2021, 10:22:49 PM by Bern »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #338 on: January 11, 2021, 11:56:48 PM »

Continued from Albion

14 minutes later

The hallway was packed with students of all races, ages and sizes. A district built for the sole purpose of learning, where knowledge was a prized possession and scholarship was a valued trait. There was no wonder that many found such a place attractive. And to begin with, lunch break was done.

But of all the strange sights you could see, no one would have expected to see one of the more respected and stern teachers dashing about the halls along his zootopia of familiars, eyes driven with focus even as he dragged his body and panted. With that mountain of books and study materials on his back, it was no wonder that he wasn't already crushed by the weight of it all!


Running in the hallways was a most looked down upon practice. However, there are times where one must break the laws of this world if one wishes to attain a noble goal. Still, Lawrence seemed most composed compared to the panicking mass of fire and... panic.

" *pant* now now, relax. As they *heave* say... The hours of folly are measured by the clock, but of wisdom; no clock can measure.”

Still, there was no doubt making it this far this fast was straining. With all the materials carried about, he might trip any moment. No, just as he passed a certain redheaded girl, his body nearly collapsed on itself. It was then that catastrophe struck.

His balance shifted - no, broke. If no one saved him, the teacher would be crushed by the books - and worse, he'd be late for his lecture.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 12:04:43 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #339 on: January 12, 2021, 01:48:02 AM »

The redhead blinked, surprised by the sudden appearance of this strange individual and his falling heap of books. Surely he couldn't be a student here, was he the teacher? She blinked and watched on with fascination as he begun his descent towards the ground.

The sudden gust of wind by his arrival had made her miniskirt flutter and almost reveal her underwear for everyone in the hallway to see, but that was of no concern in comparison to the sitatuation unfolding before her.

Should she halt his fall, or merely help him up?

If he was a teacher, would that offend his pride, to he helped by a student?

The redhead decided she didn't really care and slid in underneath him to catch him before he struck the ground. And at the same she caught the falling books too.

"Are you okay sir?" Her voice was was soft and gentle, downright seductive even, which wasn't so strange when the tail that stuck from underneath her skirt gave away her race to all but the most dim.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #340 on: January 12, 2021, 03:09:33 AM »

The balance was breaking. Yet, just as the world seemed to turn upside down, a hero stepped in. A bold, burning being, who fearlessly strode into the unknown.


It was so fast, no one could have possibly appreciated the swift and graceful movements. But Lawrence was most definitely appreciating the person-shaped pillow under him. His eyes even sharpened at that, actually.

If he was smiling, no one in this cosmos could possibly see. "I'm... fine. Thank you. It was kind of y-" "HEY HEY! WHATCHA WAITING FOR!? YOU'LL BE LATE DAMN IT!"

If Lawrence was frowning, Lily could certainly see it.

" *ahem* A true master is never late, nor is he ever too early. He arrives precisely when he means to." He helped himself up, wiping the dust from his black coat, and gave the redhead a good look. "I can't say I've ever seen you before. Are you a transfer student perhaps?"

She was quite the beauty. If she had walked these halls, she'd have definitely have been swooned over a dozen or so times, given hundreds of compliments. But she wasn't getting any from him. Even grateful, his eyes were as devoid of life, joy and emotion as ever.

He did offer her a hand to shake though. "Lawrence Wright. A pleasure. Don't mind the bird, he's a hopeless skirt chaser."


Okay, devoid of life or not, he might've snickered a little there.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #341 on: January 13, 2021, 03:41:34 AM »

"Mhm..." She shook his hand and nodded. Her grip was just as warm, it wasn't a scaling heat though, more like a comforting bonfire after a long journey. In some ways it was even invigorating and Lawrence should be able to feel at least some of that fatigue be drained away. It wasn't his physical tiredness that was melting away.... No the redhead was passively draining some of his stress just by touching. Even a handshake was enough skin contact for a tiny portion of her powers to work.

She quickly pulled back and looked all embarrassed over it. "Sorry, I forget how strong my drain is sometime.... Uhm....." She cleared her throat and pulled out her brand new Student Id that showed exactly who she was. This poor teacher had fallen on the daughter of Elizabeth.... A princess of the Succubi race.

"I'm looking for the class about Life Forces but... but everyone I've asked has been too busy gawking to say anything so.... I'm pretty lost Sir..."


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #342 on: January 14, 2021, 01:06:37 AM »


Her powers had certainly worked something on Lawrence, yet it was most strange. There was a sensation like electricity, and they both instinctively let go of each other at about the same time. There was a familiarity though, almost as if this was also expected. Hrm, she’s the one who fought the elven whelp. How fascinating.

“I see, most curious.”

Her drain was a wonderful ability, but what Lily felt was more of an aftershock. As if she didn’t actually pull anything from him. Or as if she couldn’t. Like trying to drink from a desert, pull tears from a snake, or drawing heat from absolute zero.

As if he were fundamentally empty.

And yet he smiled looking at her card, with something close to genuine joy as he read the letters inscribed within. And for a second, that joy turned into a peal of sinister laughter.

“Fu fu fu. You have come to the right place, Lily.  God, ember or demon, we welcome those who wish to learn in these halls.” And with a dramatic twirl of his cane, he advanced his stride with newfound vigor.

“Do follow. I don’t know if it is fate or your strength that brought you to me, but I shall not waste your time. Our lesson begins.”

And with that, he took his march to the classroom, grasping its gates with strength unearthly. A few seconds, precious as soul aetherial, but spent nonetheless. Yet in leisure and work alike, he'd act in his own time. And with a smile as wide as the abyss, he unearthed the classroom, opening its maw widely for both to witness. Spells flew about wildly, jocks messed around with the girls, and meek boys had their pants wedgied so fiercely, they squealed like babies.

The chaos inside... it was worse than he thought.

"My, my. What a predicament. I do swear, it's not usually this rambunctious." He glanced knowingly at Lily with a wry expression. "Oh, what shall I do? What would you do?"


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #343 on: January 15, 2021, 12:53:25 AM »

That's sad, to be so empty was horrible. She almost felt like comforting him in some way, but it wasn't her duty to do so. She barely knew him, yet some part of her, some new fraction of her being, cried out at not being able to bring him comfort. That wasn't a true emotion tho, but rather a desire brought upon by her recent change. She let it go, instead she'd try to help him here as much as she could.

And that opportunity presented itself quickly.

"Hmm hmm... Maybe you should introduce me to the class Sensei? That ought to get them to shut up." It was true, even without actively doing anything, she'd appear to be breathtaking to those who looked like her. Not merely the boy but the girls would fawn over her too. "And it does give you the perfect excuse for running, you were showing me around after all..." A total lie, and one totally believable too, it turned the image of the teacher around from a lazy slob, to a caring professor, with just a few words.

It was an absolute win.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #344 on: January 15, 2021, 05:30:23 AM »

"Hm hmmm." He rubbed his chin pensively. This was quite the devious scheme, a deception befitting a demon. Ah, but that's why he asked her in the first place, even though he had that idea already. That way, it wasn't his clean conscience that'd bring up a scheme like that.

It made him feel more like a good guy.

Thus, with a dramatic snap of his fingers, he entered his classroom, guiding the succubus along with the room's... charming presence, one he genuinely held dearly.  "My, my! I take my leave for a few minutes, and I see you youngsters are full of mischief already. Good, good. It will be my pleasure to squeeze this infantilism out of you all for the next few hours... down to the last drop." With the burning eyes and downright evil smile on his lips, he definitely came across as the more demonic of the two.

And yet, Lawrence bowed courteously - while Phenex flared up, ready to barbecue the first misfit. Was that what shut them up, or the stunning beauty that followed the ashen professor?

"Hrm, but I do welcome this excitement. I'd rather you all be awake right now, as we have a very special guest within these halls. I was showing her along with the facilities, but I wouldn't have dared spoiled the surprise. Oh, your faces look wonderfully lovestruck."

He waved his hand dramatically and brought it in Lily's direction with a deliberate motion. "She will be our newest addition to our class - please welcome her as a transfer student and an integral part of our little family. Oh, come, don't be shy miss. I'm not sure if I can handle the pressure of introducing you myself."

But all the while, every other student pretty much had a singular expression.

Something like Woooooooooooahh.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2021, 05:31:31 AM by Kotomine_Rin »