Author Topic: Xibalba  (Read 18500 times)


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #255 on: March 27, 2020, 07:51:45 PM »

Aruna paused and said, "Its partially right.  My specific subspecies feeds off of the strong emotions of a soul, typically the negative ones wearing them down.  By doing this, the human can be free of whatever emotional block kept them from their path in life.  We don't keep them.  We eat a piece of them they never wanted and let them go free.  The nice thing about human suffering is there is always a bounty of it."

Aruna paused, unsure if she should be so forward.  "Its why I called what you did a perversion."


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #256 on: March 27, 2020, 08:02:48 PM »

He whistled happily, eyes shut against the warm sunlight.

Yes, and then they come back to their old, warped lives again and again, feeling all nice and patched up. It doesn't even hurt anymore. It's a nice system, too bad it's fake. You deny them the chance to grow and overcome. That way, they don't need to change, grow or learn how to avoid the fire.

After all, to be hurt and to struggle meant that you were alive. Take that away, and you're basically turning someone into your slave. People learn from their struggles and experiences, good or bad. They grow and become stronger, and reach even greater heights against the unfairness of the world. Making them blind to their unfair struggle by walking them through was basically no different than chopping their arms, legs, and sticking a straw so you could occasionally have a nice little suck. It forced them into a complacent role where they didn't need to fight with their own strength, only rely on their predators. It was basically arrogance and conceit under a veil of good intentions.

If I'm perverted, then you're a real sick fuck. Even he didn't act like he killed with kindness. Sure, he might try to make it pleasant, but in the end he assimilated for his own sake. Nothing good or fancy about taking something that's not yours. You just do it.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 08:28:04 PM by devil_lance »


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #257 on: March 27, 2020, 08:45:16 PM »

Aruna's eyes relaxed and she ran her hands along her horns.  "Maybe but I need to eat, same as the rest," she said.  "More importantly, they have lighter burdens now.  If their hell is so great that they go back, then that's their problem not mine.  They should remember why it used to hurt.  I just help give them the strength to succeed.  At the end of the day, they have a choice.  For some it works and others not so much."

There was a pause, only the sound of her flapping her wings.  "I don't force myself into their lives the way you do.  Assimilation is looked down upon in the world of demons as both ineffective and unethical.  I am capable of that too you know, consuming the soul like that?  Say what you wish, but this is a better alternative."


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #258 on: March 27, 2020, 08:58:22 PM »

Zeke shrugged. But I'm not a demon, I couldn't care less about your rules. If I don't assimilate living things, I will lose my own self and go back to being some mindless void.  It doesn't change the fact we're both taking things that aren't ours... just to survive our own way.

He told her before, that he wasn't a person. That he chose not to choose. Was that what he meant? How could he say something so horrible with such a calm smie? He didn't even seem bothered by it! You consume to live. I live to consume. The moment I stop... well, I'd rather not think too hard about that.

To her, this might be a better alternative. To him, this was the only one. He didn't even want to bother looking for a better hand. In life, you play with what you get, and make the best out of it. Isn't that what humans and demons say when they talk about being a man?


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #259 on: March 27, 2020, 09:08:26 PM »

There really was nothing more to say.  In truth, this is why she accepted his actions ultimately, because there really was nothing more he could do, not without help.  If someone was there to teach him how to feed properly, there might have been a way to avoid this fate but.... that man.  Was that man his father?  If so, he did a poor job in raising him.  In a sense that was his fault.

"Hivemind demons could be separated by skilled doctors.  I could sift through you but... I don't have the skill, not with such a huge amalgamation of souls.  I mean I could, but it would be risky.  There is one thing I know for sure."

Aruna couldn't help but wonder.  Maybe there was a way to save him from himself.

"You may be a fake demon, but you have the heart of one, even if its lost beneath all the human you have in you.  Its up to you what you do with that."


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #260 on: March 27, 2020, 09:20:00 PM »

Don't bother. It's not like its my nature's fault. I chose this path, it's mine to walk. Thorns and all. He grinned wildly as ever, and opened his eyes. They were both self centered idiots in the end, there was no way they'd agree on anything.

But he liked this fool. He wanted her by his side, broken and bloodied behind his back, or with her hand in his. Curses or blessings were the same to this old man's heart, but he would never choose loneliness. This old man who raised a finger at Aruna, which now glowed with a purple, dark energy like bands of light trying to reach out into the unknown.

But you're nice. So I'll answer that question from earlier. It will be your punishment, for failing the first test. And my gift to you.

Was she ready? There was an ominous feeling in the air. If she was so arrogant as to shoulder the pain of humans, then would she shoulder his as well?

There would be no chance to regret this. No matter how much she'd cry or scream, the outcome would be something that can't be undone.

Please accept it.


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #261 on: March 27, 2020, 09:39:31 PM »

Aruna's eyes widened at his response.  Perhaps it was the candidness in which he spoke, or the strange way in which he held out his finger.  Maybe it was just the simple folly of trust, but when she saw that darkness, all she could think was,

Oh.... I should probably move....

Whatever happened next was her fault, her choice.


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #262 on: March 27, 2020, 10:47:02 PM »

She should have. She really should have. But it was too late. The moment they first met in the coliseum, this fate was sealed. But even so, she followed it with her own choosing. So even as this energy filled her body, mind and soul to the brim, even as the dark organisms inside her pulsed and grew thick inside her.

She made her choice.

Now, their hearts could become as one. Her heart grew even closer to his own.

Who are you?

Imagine you are an empty hole floating in an empty space. Already, this must seem ridiculous to you. People are narrow minded and self centered, it isn't as easy to broaden one's horizons as one thinks. If you ask somebody to imagine a color they've never seen, or a flavor they've never experienced, they will likely stare blankly at best. You are you, and no one else, so it isn't as easy to put yourself in a foreign shoe.

But I would like you to try.

Try to think that you are nothing. No, less than nothing. Something that only exists to draw things untoto itself. Something that cannot recognize anything, but can take everything. Space is vast, empty, and moves acccording to laws beyond understanding. It must be hard to fully wrap your head around something llike this, but please try.

If you can understand the impossible miracle that is the Nexus, this should be child's play.

Now imagine something different. Imagine a flame. Naturally, fire consumes. It can warm others, or hurt others, but it will never stop consuming in order to do either. If it stopped, it would simply stop being a flame, and turn into smoke and ash. Now, assume that this flame could somehow come to life. Imagine that you were living fire, made only to grow and consume. Even if you wanted to stop, your body will not answer you. It will not obey. Even if you cry or scream, you cannot change your nature and remain yourself. Even if you wanted to be scared, you were not molded to bear such emotions. Your body is already controlled by something that isn't yourself, and is being drawn into an emptiness that you can never escape from.

Life, carelessly harvested, thoughtlessly created. Born only to burst and fade away, only to be fed to this endless hole. Could these masses of fire and pure life truly be called living? Could the void that is mindlessly absorbing such lives be called alive?

No. No, no, no, no, no. Whether a person is made from their choices, their lot in life, or simply makes choices without consequence, a creation with only one purpose and no choice of its own can never be considered an individual. It is a thing, a mistake, something that has no right to choose, let alone the right to be.

And yet it is. It exists. You exist.

And suddenly, there is a spark. An accident. The tower's engineers did not plan for this, but the mage who orchestrated this smiles. Because he has managed to create life once more. But even though it is alive, it can never be anything other than itself. And you realize that you were born empty. Broken. That those engineers, mages and scientists smiling have something you don't. Something you can never have. A choice. The only thing you were given is a mind and an endless hunger that can never be satisfied, and the power to take what is rightfully yours. Because you are alive. Because you were born into this world. But you can never stop. Because like the flame, once this void stops consuming others, it will cease being itself. And that is scary. That loneliness and silence of nonexistence, the hollow echo of an empty void. You don't want it. You'll never go back to being something less than a person.

So you make a choice.

To make that endless hunger your own, or to be an unthinking slave to it. And right now, Aruna felt every inch of that maddening desire. A wish so unnatural, so grand, it could never be satisfied. A yearning for more, to finally be satisfied.

Zeke's yearning was felt as her own. And the only thing in your mind, the only thing you desire, the thing you want to conquer this very moment...

...Is you.

His voice suddenly snapped her back to reality. She wasn't Zeke. She was herself, Aruna. Her body was grabbed tightly around the waist, and pressed against his own large chest. There was no heat or beat inside that dark beast, but his smile and eyes truly desired her. And a voidwoken dragon does not let go of his snack so easily.

Thus, his bare chest was exposed against her body, and she could see cracks on it as if it were some kind of shell. Most surprising were the tattoos crawling over his back and shoulder, like a raging dragon ravenously stretching over his flesh. It was almost beautiful, in a raw, primal sense.

And she too bore a mark. A darkness stretching over her womb like the wings of a beast.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 11:01:32 PM by devil_lance »


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #263 on: March 30, 2020, 12:23:23 AM »

A strange dark energy filled her body.  It was his mana, his juices, his vitality.  Such a delicious feeling, one hard to describe.  Of course, there was no pleasure without consequence, so what came next was merely karma.

Who am I?

Nothingness gave way to a void, a hole sucking in all, consuming everything.  The universe spawned was being consumed by him, Aruna.  Space is vast, enormous and beautiful.  Strange how when floating there alone, all one can think of but one's self.  But maybe that loneliness is what made her want to understand someone other than herself, because who cared when your just an all-consuming void?  Who cares about yourself when that's all you can think about?

I want to try.

Fire.  Aruna can still remember it, the fire.  That thing he should be afraid of, the light of creation, the power of evolution.  Within this space, fire wasn't the double-sided power of light, the creation that subjugated her people.  For now he was fire, an ever expanding mass of energy, consuming all to continue its own existence.  If he burned everything in his path, did he have a right to exist?  Was it in his nature to destroy?

No, just to live.

To burn endlessly, to live to absorb, consume, you would need a truly selfcentered personality and a determination to step on anyone in your path.  Could Aruna ever really live like that?  No, because eventually he would care.  Eventually, he would chose to stop burning for the sake of someone else, someone worth living, whos fire burns just as brightly or even brighter.

But could I really?

That is what he pondered as he became Ezekial, as he burned all those in his way.  The accident, those engineers, maybe that was just the way it needed to be.  After all, if he stopped burning, he would cease to be right?  He would stop being himself?

No.  That wasn't true.

Because all those who witnessed that glorious flame would forever have it burn in their mind.  The fire if molded or harnessed would someday meld into something else, something greater.  Yes, that's right.  A fire burns so it can warm others and cook their food.  A fire has a right to live, but cannot ever harbor the illusion of self importance.  Even if it consumes all, one day it will go out.  Then, as the fire disappears, it will wonder what it was all for.  Maybe, it will even wish it went out sooner, having never truly touched another with its warmth.

So that... is the secret of the light.

Aruna found herself staring into his eyes.  Her moderately sized chest pressed into his, her breasts squishing against those muscles.  Soft but curious, that is how you could describe her stare. "This mark.  Its a promise to consume me, fire for your ambition?"

"You managed to catch me now because I was a demon without purpose.  Next time well..."


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #264 on: March 30, 2020, 02:22:50 AM »

His eyes swirled like a vortex, and he grinned ominously. FIre flared! This was bad, it was dangeorous! He would-

He booped her nose with his before she finished, teasing as always. Always.

Before she could even protest, he flapped his wings and carried her away like a dragon carrying a princess.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 02:32:31 AM by devil_lance »


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #265 on: March 30, 2020, 04:08:58 AM »

The demon simply accepted Zeke's embrace, allowing him to carry her in her arms.  The redhead parted her hair with her hand and sighed.  "I guess it doesn't matter until then.  I'll just enjoy the moment.  Where are you taking me this time?"


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #266 on: March 31, 2020, 11:31:07 PM »

He didn't answer. Instead, he only smiled more smugly, and carried her away into the skies...

Continued in the Heavenly Ruins.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2020, 11:50:32 PM by devil_lance »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #267 on: June 21, 2020, 02:10:48 AM »

4:30 PM

It was a machine, in the end. Victims were plucked apart for study. Bodies were melted together in an agony of creation. Life was born in sterile pods only to be sentenced to the slaughter. Suffering stained the laboratory even deeper than the blood. But no human hands orchestrated these atrocities anymore. Spindly hands emerged from the containers and tables to facilitate the production. Pitiless automatons built from wise minds recorded the information from the vivisections. Not a single true thought passed through these things. Even if there was some spark of true life, of tears brimming within, they could not be seen.

So who could blame it? It was a machine, in the end.

But what of its creator? Surely, if there was someone who would understand the depths of the evil there, it would be him. A blundering demiurge, who even in ignorance would be able to articulate the spite he has to inflict such crimes. And yet...

"Hm? Why would I think about other people's pain?"

A creature coughed. Soon, its voice sputtered to life in mimicry of Zeke. Joseph looked up from the latest page to come to him from the laboratory with a puzzled look on his face. "Were you doing something important?"


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #268 on: September 11, 2020, 04:00:27 PM »
The Outer layer


Outside the gates of the tower of Sur Carys, the outer layer's denizens were horrified as they began to crumble one by one. The structures, the people, every organism shielding the interior with its presence was being cut off from the network - and slowly crumbling into nothing. What was the meaning of this?


Continued from Highway 13

"Yo." A door opened behind Joseph, as the lab's gates widened to reveal that man. It wasn't the man who spoke though, but a black bird that perched swiftly on the operating table.

Expecting Zeke to come back, even the lord of this tower couldn't have foreseen him to return with such damage. No, this went even past the usual. Every part of his body was falling apart and deteriorating. Whatever didn't kill him immediately, it was chipping away at his concept of life and death. It was something even an undead like his lord couldn't resist casually. And he got hit too deep too many times to resist unscathed.

Zeke's one eye looked at Joseph as if to say don't laugh... and he dropped the body hoisted on his shoulder on the ground.... before falling on his knees himself.

It wasn't just the vessel that was cracking and breaking down, but the darkness inside. He was slowly evaporating.

But he still managed to smile at Joseph, with full confidence.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 04:01:42 PM by Kotomine_Rin »

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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #269 on: September 11, 2020, 07:28:18 PM »

7:30PM Nexus Time

"You're leaking." The spindly arms of one of Joseph's experiments shifted over to loom over the two, an arsenal of surgical tools jutting from its flesh. It was almost like a moving laboratory. A human torso mounted onto a spindly body constructed of fused flesh and an almost unnecessary amount of arms stood straight, and its rib cage was side open. Eyes peered out from within, and tendrils armed with its many instruments began to descend. Joseph pressed a finger to his cheek in contemplation.

"I've always wanted to see what would happen to these other creatures you made if you died. Maybe I'd finally be able to use them? Or I could try to finally observe that extradimensional connection you have before your death severs it." His head shifts back and forth for a bit, bobbing with the changing thoughts. "Oh, or do you want me to help?"