Name: Costin Andrei
Status: UnDead
Race: Dead apostle
Age: Looks 17 physically, 197 actual years old.
Height: 6 feet (8 feet as wolf LADY)
Weight: 65 kg
Physical AttributesStrength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible
Magic: Very High
Blood Control : Though her family was one of skilled bloodmancers, she was not fully trained in the usage of her crest, and was formally only taught the basics. While her father could perform much more intricate feats of blood transmutation and even form potent fields through circles, her skill and affinity focused solely on the physical manipulation of her blood. She is able to manipulate her blood, shape it as she pleases and crystallize it for a myriad of effects.
She likes to form spikes, chains and claws of crystallized blood to add upon her feral and unorthodox fighting style, but most of all, she can use her mage-craft to alter its properties, turning it into a highly reactive explosive. Using her massive strength, she can even fire bladed balls of blood at her enemies by slamming them at his opponents with her baseball bat, or throw blades of her own blood at high speed only to have them return to her due to her curse.
Other Abilities: Combat Skill: Andrei possesses great strength, agility, fighting experience and beast-like reflexes, thus making her a complete monster in hand-to-hand combat.
She fights with ferocity, going as far as using dirty tricks such as blinding or biting her opponents if it can assure victory. Her fighting style resembles one of a raging beast, attacking relentlessly with great might and considerable speed without giving her opponent time to breathe, using a combination of feral strikes, swipes and wild attacks, moving quickly around her opponents to attack them from every direction, tiring her enemy until she leaves a fatal opening to land a killing blow.
Mystic Blood: Through a strange side effect brought by the experiments on her, her blood has gained unnatural spiritual properties. Its taste is like sweet honey, its pangs make your heart throb like a rich wine, and the more you take the more it will slowly sit at the back of your mind like a drug. When absorbed in someone's organism, it can easily close non fatal wounds to an extent, and minor wounds will vanish as if they had never been there in the first place. However, while it can deal with lesser injuries and alleviate them, grievous damage cannot be completely restored.
As a side effect, those who ingest or have it flow directly in their bloodstream will suddenly feel tired and disoriented, their senses shook as if in a drunken state. Even if it's not potent enough to quite knock someone out, because of its spiritual properties it is difficult to resist it completely even with higher constitutions, though the side effect will be reduced.
Mystic Eyes of Enchantment: These are mystic eyes that all vampires possess, though not all of them are equal in power. If someone's eye contact meets hers, she becomes able to control their mind. In contrast to her brutal fighting style, her eyes do not brute force their way into one's subconscious, but slowly slip through its cracks.
With it she can mind control mundane animals, humans or those with a vulnerable heart, and have them dance to her sweet tune. Through her mystic eyes she can make an ordinary person forget things or remember completely new things, or just have them act as she sees fit. Only the strong of will, those with magical resistance, or those who do not meet her gaze and hear her words, can resist. However it is harder to do so, or rather notice that there is a manipulation in the first place, when the hypnotism is more subtle, and she doesn't incite you to do something you wouldn't in the first place.
Wolf Beast Form: Costin isn’t a werewolf. Now that we’ve gotten this out of the way, she still has some form of shape shifting ability. This doesn’t make her physically stronger per say, but shifting into a great hulking wolf beast does give her some form of bestial quality and edge to her movements and attacks. Bigger jaws to tear you apart, sharper and longer claws to gouge your entrails, legs to propel herself and leap on her foes…. and most of all a bigger target so she can feel the pain!
Due to modifications from the experiments, she also has some sort of dog form she can convert to. It’s no stronger, faster or harder than a normal wolf, but it does have some sort of resistance to sunlight. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say it’s Costin’s weakened form, which she can revert to whenever the need, or sun, arises. While she can’t use her abilities or curse of restoration under the sunlight in this form, feeding would still help her recover if she was injured.
Battle Continuation: Costin cannot be incapacitated by normal means and has an unnatural insensibility to pain, being able to shrug off most excruciating wounds and keep fighting at her best constantly. No, perhaps insensibility would be the wrong term, but she doesn't really give a shit about it and heck, it makes her feel good. Alive! That along with her regenerative abilities makes him a force to not underestimate.
Heightened Smell: Due to her unorthodox vampirism, most of Andrei’s senses are only as low as a mere human at her peak could allow. However, her sense of smell reaches absurd prowess, being able to instantly deduce things such as sex, age and state of mind of others based on smell alone, yet the smell she is most keen on recognizing is the smell of blood, to such an extent that she could track a wounded man from miles away without too much trouble.
Curse of Restoration: This ability operates under normal conditions and causes the vampire's body to regress through time to its original vampiric state whenever it receives an injury.
This curse is exceptionally strong in Costin's case, it will take extremely severe continuous damage to definitely kill her, but recovering from fatal damage over and over and over does put a burden on her overall stamina and after a dozen or so times, she’ll probably stay down till the sun rises. Of course, you can prevent her by donating blood today!
Magic Reisistance: She has only the most rudimentary forms of resistance against magic. She could dismiss weaker binding spells and basic magic, but her body offers little to no resistance against more complex or powerful spells.
Familiars: Vampiric familiars are created when a vampire feeds his blood to a living creature. These creatures cannot disobey their master and nor can they hide their thoughts, as the vampire can now read their mind. It works on animals rather well, but humans and more potent creatures will either downright resist it or take a prolonged exposure to her blood in order to become her familiar.
Degradation: Dead Apostles are in a constant state of degradation. The sun can accelerate that condition, while sucking life force through blood or semen reverses this effect.
Turning (NEEDS GM AND PLAYER PERMISSION): By injecting her black blood into someone, she can turn a human into a ghoul. A complete mundane would be instantly turned, but more powerful characters would need to be weakened, and depending on how supernatural they are they could downright resist it.
Equipment: MP3 and Headphones: Andrei constantly listen to music, be it day or night, even in battle she will play her favorite tunes. They say heavy metal makes people violent, but not having her music makes her really fucking violent. Thus she always keeps her headphones and music on at an obnoxious volume, especially in libraries. Truly she is an irredeemable monster. Her favorites are classical and jazz, because she's classy.
Metal bat: It’s a goddamn metal bat. She bashes skulls with it. Need I say more?
Origin: She could still remember the flames…
It was a small village in Romania, a chilly winter day in a small village in Romania.
It was a chilly winter day
_______ spent with her brothers and sisters and Mama and Papa in her chilly home.
_______ heard a knock knock that day, a knock knock knocking the door of
_______’s chilly house in a chilly winter day in a small chilly village in the chilly land of Romania.
And then she heard the screams.
Screams of pain, screams of anguish, cries of fear asking for mercy.
She saw that man, a giant man, she saw the giant hooded figure of a man, pyre dancing around him, inferno burning her Dad’s chilly nose, her mom’s chilly toes, her brother’s chilly heads and her sister’s chilly beds.
She saw the flames, slithering closer and closer, until they engulfed everything, in a chilly winter day in a small village in Romania.
The girl closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she saw ashes surrounding her frail little body, and the hooded man.
The hooded man smiled, she saw a smile, why did the hooded man smile?
Why did the hooded man laugh?
Why did the hooded man grab her hand and drag her far far away?
5 years she spent with the hooded man, 5 years of pain and suffering and misery and pain and more pain and suffering and tears and more pain and more tears and more pain and the pain, the pain, the pain, the pain…
Until one day the pain stopped, the tears stopped, and along with them her whole world stopped.
And she saw the same smile, the hooded man’s smile, his smile, she always would smile, but why?
And for the first time in 5 years, she smiled.
A voice that drilled in her ears like a rusty screwdriver burrowing in her very marrow.
For the first time in her life, she heard the hooded man’s voice.
The man’s voice was a blissful voice, a soft voice that spoke with gentleness and joy.
The hooded man spoke of many strange things, words she didn’t understand.
_______ potential, The _____, ______ Circuits, ______ Apostle, True _______, ______, Crest, ________ Association...
The mad wolf laughed and howled alone under the moonlight, alone and spited, on a hill of bodies, a river of blood...
That was 175 years ago…
In all this time, she learned of her identity as an heretic, she learned how to keep her hunger for blood satisfied, how to hide from those who wished to destroy abominations such as herself, and how to survive in an underworld where killing was a regularity.
She learned how to live in the dark world of dead apostles, and learned how to enjoy it.
Weaknesses: Ax Crazy: Yeah, sure, personality doesn’t count as weakness, but Costin is kinda… special. When fighting, especially when in a blood boner frenzy, she just can’t help or control herself. She fights like a berserker, extends fights just for her amusement and really doesn't give a shit. She just wants to enjoy herself, you can afford to yolo when out don't even die. Sure she dodges, sometimes she also lets you hit her straight in the face for the heck of it. It's just fun and games no matter who's on the receiving end. If you realize her... tendencies, it becomes easy to bait her.
Vampirism: Being a dead apostle, Andrei requires blood in order for her body to not deteriorate. The sun’s light will effectively destroy her unless she is in her weakened form, thus she can only walk around freely at night. She also has the inability to cross bodies of water by foot. Of course, this also means rituals and holy weapons/artifacts are pretty nasty to her. You won’t see her in a church any time soon!
Complete lack of long ranged abilities: Andrei’s strength lies in close to mid-range combat, she has absolutely no forms of zoning control aside praying she can somehow reach her target before she becomes vampire paste or throwing her blood/stuff at her enemies.
Vampiric impulse: Costin has yet to control fully her blood thirst, or perhaps its more accurate to say she has no interest in doing so. As an unbridled monster who fully relishes the carnage, she can act irrationally when tasting/smelling blood, be it foe or ally. She will often lose herself in the joy of bloodshed and battle, and when smelling the blood of her foes, she will enter an utterly berserk state.
Insuppressible killing intent: She has absolutely no way to control emotions such as rage and blood lust, thus when going for the kill, sneak attacks or back stabbing are completely impossible for her.
Since anyone could sense her incredible fury and terrifying presence, one would quickly notice her had she any sort of hostile intention.
Light sensitivity: Her eyes, used to the dark of the night, are sensitive to light sources. Anything ranging from an electric torch to a flash bang could irritate or outright blind her.
Likes: Honest people, dogs, fierce capable fighters, fighting fierce capable fighters, walking around at night, helping people, listening to music, lazing around, pain, slaughter, looking classy when bashing skulls, blood, movies, terror, murder, the old in and out, chocolate parfaits.
Dislikes: Liars, ghouls, magi, dishonorable foes, weaklings, unfun battles, having to hold back, being late for work, animal cruelty, overly hot or cold weather, bright places, the sun, lightly lit places, fire, smoking, boredom, facial moles, sun chips and bugs, not getting to feel the pain.