Character Template
Name:Race:Age:Height:Weight:Eyes:Hair:Appearance:Alignment: Charisma:Strength:Agility:Speed:Magic Resistance:Magic Ability:Other Abilities:Origin:Weakness:Likes:Dislikes:Name: Forest, also known as Law Unto Herself, born with the name Bronach, but never ever call Forest that. Also goes by Fore.
Servant Class, if Applicable:
Race: Vampire via Celtic and Viking blood
Age: Around 1,350. She's old. Physically, she's 19.
Height: 5'10
Eye: Indigo, violet-blue
Hair: Blond
Appearance: Forest is tall and slim with the body of a gymnast or dancer. Toned muscle but without much bulk. Forest is more about speed and agility than power, even though she does have more than enough of that to spare. Most of her height comes from her legs, and they are lovely and perhaps her favorite feature about her body, other than her slightly longer than waist length golden blond hair. She has a classically pretty face with high cheek bones, an Aristocratic nose, fairly large violet-blue eyes (she likes to relate that they're the color of iolites), a mouth with a lower lip considerably plumper than the top, giving her a bit of a pouting look. As a vampire she has very pale skin, which is even more emphasized by the fact that she likes to wear dark red lipstick and black clothing.
Forest knows all about cutting a rememberable silhouette and is rarely seen without her fitted black leather duster. It hits her at about mid calf and has Celtic knots stamped on the back shoulders, on the back of the sleeves and tapering down to her waist. She is very fond of this coat and hurting it in anyway is a sure way to piss her off. She generally wears black jeans, Doc Martian's steel toed biker boots, a black camisole (even though she has a red one or a purple one) or black turtleneck. She also wears her .44 Super Magnum at her hip in a sort of modified quick draw holster.
She barely has any bosom to speak of (She's either on the large size of A or the small end of B depending on the brand), but has a nicely curved bottom due to her dancing and tumbling. She has long, clean limbs but feels awkward and gangly because being turned at such an early age where she didn't get to fully develop. She's one of those sporty pretty girls that has no idea how gorgeous she actually is and dresses more for practicality and recognizability than to look good.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Stats:Strength: B-
Agility: A
Physic Abilities: Telepathy: A, Not only can she read minds, she can communicate over great distances this way and also hypnotize and control most people with ease.
Magic: E, she has knowledge about magic, but can only do some very minor protection spells.
Intelligence: General: C Linguistics: A, Forest has a natural talent for languages and can speak more than 25 at this time.
Charisma: B+
Noble Phantasm/Reality Marble:Weapon: .44 Super Magnum or the Axe she carried around with her in life. She's more than skilled with almost all forms of weaponry as well as many Chinese and Japanese forms of Martial Arts, her particular favorites that she uses are Jeet Kun Do (Learned from Bruce Lee himself, she was a big fan), hop-kido, Wing Chug, and traditional kung fu. Anything that will take out an opponent as quick as she can.
Speed: B+
Other Special Abilities/Limit Breakers: Regeneration, heightened senses, strength and speed greater than a human's. She can also tap into her blood lust to up her speed and strength stats if pushed. Orgasmic bite, much to her embarrassment. If Forest feeds on someone, it's guaranteed to be a very good time.
Weakness: Since Forest is a vampire she's not fond of holy objects with true faith behind them, holy ground pisses her off, especially Christian churches. Fire, Sunlight, wooden stakes to the heart, and beheading are the four ways to kill her. The only way to bind her is with magic or silver.
Origin/Background: Back in the days before the Dark Ages back when the Celts were still Celts and the Vikings were still kicking around there was a Viking man who was captured when his ship picked the wrong Celtic Village to attack. The rest of his people left and he was left alone, seeing that the guy really couldn't do anything to hurt them now, he was let go and sort of adopted into the clan. There he fell in love with the sister of the Chieftain's wife, who came from a powerful family of magic users and telepaths. They were wed and the Viking's wife and the Chieftain's wife had daughters on the same night. However, the Viking's wife died in childbirth. The viking tried his best to raise his new baby daughter, but not too longer he was struck down in battle as well.
So the little girl, Bronach, was taken in with her aunt and uncle while her cousin was being groomed as the next High Priestess of the Brigid for their tribe. The two were as close as sisters and the clan thought their shared birthdays was a blessed thing. Except as the redhead grew as a powerful healer and Druid, the blond Bronach was apparently born for battle. So Gormlaith represented the healing and light of the trinity Goddess the Brigid, Bronach represented the Brigid's Dark Side, the Trinity Goddess the Morrigan. Yet Gormlaith and Bronach were unseperatable despite being so different.
Bronach grew into a warrior that could best most of the men of her Clan and her name was feared in battle. She always seemed to know who to strike and at what time, tapping into a telepathic talent she wasn't quite sure of at the time. This was all well and good until a little after she turned 19 when she drew the attention of a Roman vampire that had his ass handed to him by Bodicida and still had issues with Celtic warrior women who could kick ass. So he nabbed Bronach one night while she was paying tribute to the Morrigan and turned her, offering her power to become closer to her goddess and a lot of pretty lies.
Then he proceeded to make her life a living hell trying to break her will.
Except he didn't count on Bronach being a natural telepath and having enough will of her own to break free of his control long enough to club his head in with a rock and getting the hell away from him, no matter what. So for a while she was half starved and half mad until she got a hold of the whole vampire thing. Then she encountered an incubus trying to rape a defenseless girl one night. Despite all of his power, the incubus really didn't know how to use all of his strength, while Bronach did. He fell, the girl was safe and Bronach had an epiphany.
And then Forest was born while Bronach died.
Forest became the most sought after assassin for the supernatural until she built up enough wealth and reputation to strike out on her own, where she eventually earned the title Law Unto Herself given to her by a vampire bard with a serious crush. Of course, she made plenty of friends and enemies on her rise of power. Had her heart broken by an unusual Faerie that she loved but he didn't love her as much in return. Found her sister reborn several times, befriended one Lady Wynn Noreen Umbra of the Unseelie court and became godmother to her "abomination" son.
Flash forward to modern times where Forest is, as she was titled, Law Unto Herself with more money than most current day cooperations due to good investing and a shrewed mind for business. These things gave Forest the luxury to do things that most vampires would never due to fear of the Vampiric Council and the Circle.
Personality: When she's not in Law Into Herself, Forest is maternal, playful, sarcastic, quippy and very kind. She's not the sort to turn someone in need, unless they were evil or didn't deserve it through previous acts. She also has severe ADHD and slight ADD. She tends to get distracted by shiny objects like jewelry and sports cars. She's also someone who doesn't let the past bog her down, not anymore.
When she's Law Unto Herself her sarcasm and quips take on a dark nature and she's all business.
Random Facts: People under Forest's protection or a close ally are given crow pendents, a mark of the Trinity she still pays homage too. She also likes vampire and horror movies. She's terrified of zombies due to an incident where she was held down by a necromancer's power as zombies ate on her. She loves fast cars and collects them and gemstones. Even though she wears mostly black, her favorite color is actually purple and she likes lavender.
Name: Lancer, but his true name is Setanta and later he became Cú Chulainn
Servant Class, if Applicable: Lancer
Race: Celtic Demi-God
Age: Early to mid-twenties when he died.
Height: 5'11
Eye: Crimson
Hair: Blue
Appearance: Lancer is taller than average height, but not overly tall. He's muscular and lean, like an Olympic athlete or Martial Artist. Think Bruce Lee. He's handsome, and would be described as beautiful if it wasn't for his roguish qualities. He smiles easy and broadly, displaying slightly longer than normal canines.
He wears his long, blue hair in a pony tail most of the time and is never seen without his silver earrings. In his Servant's gear he wears a blue body suit with paldrons. ("Its for other Masters' and Servants' repression. Had it my way I'd be painted blue and bare arse naked while kicking some arse!") With his casual clothing he wears black leather pants with a wallet chain, boots, and either a white T-shirt or an oboviously loud Hawaiian shirt.
Alignment: Canon says Lawful Neutral, but to this writer he's got a few Chaotic Good tendencies too.
Physic Abilities:
His Prana Level is C, but his Rune Knowledge and abilities qualify him for Caster
General: B. He's got quite a bit of magical knowledge. However he's not one for devious plans or schemes.
Noble Phantasm/Reality Marble:
Gae Bolg
Gae Bolg is a cursed spear that was obtained from Scathach in the Country of Shadows by Cú Chulainn. Scathach had wished for him to slay her with the spear, but she had already ceased being mortal by the time he received it from her. It is a glory given to only the most gifted of warriors, and it was not utilized once after he left the Land of Shadows until his fight with his close friend, Ferdiad. He later used it again on his son, Connla, when he was backed into a corner during their fight. The spear leaves behind but one regret: that it has only taken away the lives of his loved ones. It killed his one and only close friend and his son that grew up in a distant land, even though it was meant to have killed one woman before them. It is unique in that it functions in two different ways, each different enough to have them be treated as separate Noble Phantasms. The Anti-Unit thrusting technique of the spear is the main offensive ability he utilizes, but the Anti-Army throwing ability is the spear's true function as a throwing weapon.
Gáe Bolg: Barbed Spear that Pierces with Death
This is an attack focused on a single target, created by Lancer to suit his own style, that strikes a fatal blow that always pierces the opponent's heart and ruins their body from within with its thousand iron thorns. It literally freezes the mana in the air, and it can easily be perceived as a sure-kill technique by all those around simply from being charged with prana. Once Gáe Bolg's name has been called, the cursed spear reverses the nature of causality, the meaning of "cause and effect" in the order of things, to make it so the cause of the "lance being thrust" comes from the effect of the "opponent's heart being pierced" by it. It determines the opponent's fate simply through its use, an always fatal move that pierces the heart with one thrust. It is also possible for him to activate it without actively striking the heart.
The actual action of the thrust is merely a formality, as the lance has already pierced the opponent's heart before the attack has even started. The "result" of "the heart of the opponent has been pierced" is created earlier than it is thrust, while the "cause" that "the lance has pierced through the heart" is generated later. Aside from great luck, it is a technique that determines "if it is released, the opponent is dead." Its range of effectiveness and power are weak compared to its other ability, but it has a low energy cost. Even with its nature of interfering with destiny and effect of "almost certainly will destroy the enemy's heart", the attack only utilizes prana in the double digits compared to a single spell from Caster costing hundreds of units of prana, and each activation is a sure kill, making it one of the most efficient Noble Phantasms with extraordinary usability that can be used up to seven times before Lancer must obtain more prana from his master.
The lance can move at impossible angles, signified by turning into a red beam of light, that always manages to reach its target. Even if he thrusts directly at the feet of the opponent, such as in the battle with Saber, it will immediately point upwards towards the heart without growing, bending, and or any movement from Lancer, and if it is thrown from a distance of ten meters, or rather than truly being a throw, "Lancer's own body is fused with his soaring spear", it will change its path around any obstacles or pierce through any wall in order to reach its target. This action looks completely normal to onlookers, as if it it were already piercing the heart, because rather than truly changing its course, it changes the means to match the result, simply as an action meant to prove the fact that the heart was pierced. It can only be used against living beings, so it would have no particular effect against inanimate objects like rocks or houses.
The lance curses the target upon striking them, delivering wounds that cannot be healed while Gae Bolg still exists in the world. While Lancer mentions that even a regular thrust through his heart would be hard to heal, being struck by the Noble Phantasm gives the greatest effect. As the "lance of cause and effect", it curses them, leaving them unable to change their fate without great luck. Those who are cursed will bear the wound until they die unless Lancer is killed or the spear is destroyed. Saber is only able to heal her wound on the outside, while she is able to fully heal a much greater wound from Berserker in a matter of hours, and she is plagued by it for weeks afterward. Shirou is able to recover slightly with Avalon, but the wound still persists until Lancer's death. Its curse is no longer effective against him with the scabbard's protection, but it takes over half a day to heal even with its potent regenerative abilities.
The attack delivers damage equal to the opponent's own health limit plus the damage from the spear itself, so the wound will be fatal no matter the opponent once they are struck. If the target has "100HP", the attack will deliver "the damage caused by the spear + 100", making it a surety that they will die.[3] This makes it especially effective against those with high durability, even those who can survive being hit by Excalibur.[5] Even someone like Arcueid Brunestud, who is very much superior in numbers compared to Lancer would be kill as long as she wasn't saved by her luck.[6] There is a small disadvantage against Servants who can move around even without their hearts like Heracles. The wounds from its attacks are rather clean, spilling only a small amount of blood compared to a regular wound of comparable size, and while a heart would normally explode from such a strike, it instead stops working with the singe strike.
It is like Tsubame Gaeshi in that the best measure against it is to not allow it to begin. Unlike Tsubame Gaeshi, which there is no way to stop once it has been used, it is possible to find a countermeasure for Gae Bolg once it is found out that it will go for the heart.[7] It is impossible to dodge the thrust of the lance, no matter how agile, well guarded, or far away from the lance the opponent is standing. Even having EX rank agility would be useless, so the only benefit would be allow the opponent to back out of the attack's range before it is initiated.[8] While it would normally be ineffective against Berserker's God Hand, Lancer could take at least one of his lives by using his runes to power up the rank of the lance to A to bypass God Hand's nullification ability.[9]
The only way to effectively defend against the attack is to have a high enough degree of luck or divine protection as to be able to alter fate, which would be heightened by also having good reflexive instincts, an auto-resurrection ability, a shield that overwhelms the magical energy of the lance, or, as a countermeasure of knowing it will strike the heart, by following Archer's strategy of quickly backing out of the attack's range before it is initialized.[10] Even if the opponent manages to avoid it with luck, as with Saber, it still leaves a heavy wound on her that takes a long time to fully heal.
The conceptual strength behind it is strong, so it will clash with something like Fragarach. Even if Lancer is killed and the attack is nullified by returning it to before it was activated, such as when going against Fragarach's unavoidable counterattack, the lance's curse will wind back to the moment "Gáe Bolg" was chanted in order to carry out its purpose of striking the heart. Fragarach alters the order of events, but Gae Bolg reverses cause and effect. It has already pierced the heart as the result, so even its master's death will not impede it from fulfilling its duty. The two opposing laws clashing against each other leaves both Lancer and Bazett dead afterward.
Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death
This is the true use of Gae
is the largest and most powerful attack delivered using the spear. It is the “attack that unleashes countless darts at the enemy” that is spoken of in the legends. It is the attack that made him a hero which utilizes the full potential of the lance's curse, converting all of Lancer's prana into energy and releasing the accumulated power after the spear is hurled, detonating on impact with enough power to blow away a multitude of enemies.
Lancer prepares to use this ability by backing one hundred meters away from his opponent, taking a crouching position on all fours, and accelerating through an approach run by dashing fifty meters before taking to the skies. He arches his back as if drawing a bow and hurls it towards the ground with all his might. It distorts space to create a "tapestry of action" that splits into numerous spearheads that pour down over the enemy. It is said that it split into thirty in his legend, but it seems that the number has increased after Cú Chulainn became a Heroic Spirit. Compared to the very little usage of prana with the anti-unit technique, this ability has an intense consumption of energy.
It does not carry the property or concept of “always pierces the opponent’s heart”, but both the power and the area of effect are increased. Rather than dispatching a single foe with absolute accuracy, its focus as a technique is to attack the enemies together with the surrounding area in a carpet bombing fashion to cause massive destruction. Due to being hurled with all of his energy, it cannot be dodged or blocked under normal circumstances. Even resilient bulwark or agile body are not immune to its power, so Gáe Bolg will send the enemy horde flying. If it were to also have the ability to directly strike the heart, it would be closer to the level of Lugh's power as a higher level version of Fragarach.[10] The idea that Archer is capable of blocking it with Rho Aias after the spear pierces through the first six layers seems impossible to him.
The form and damage caused come close to Lugh's Brionac, but having the ability "No matter how many times it is dodged, it will strike the enemy" makes it a Noble Phantasm closer in nature to Odin's Gungnir. Archer comments that it surpasses the original Gungnir in power, and that out of all the spears he knows, it is the only one able to pierce more than one layer of Rho Aias. The spear travels at mach two, and the farthest he has thrown it is forty kilometers. Shirou believes that his actual range could extend to the other side of the Earth. Lancer thinks only two other people, three conditionally, in the world could beat that record.
Speed: A
Other Special Abilities/Limit Breakers:
Battle Continuation A, Disengage C, Divinity B, Rune Magic B, and Protection From Arrows B.
Cú Chulainn is
a hero from the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. He is a demigod, the offspring of a mortal woman, Dechtire, and the deity, Lugh. Although born with the name Sétanta, he adopted Cú Chulainn after killing the hound of a smith, Culann, and promising to replace the slain canine while another was reared. Cú is the Irish Gaelic word for "hound." During Cú Chulainn's expedition to the Land of Shadows in Scotland, he trained under a sorceress named Scáthach and acquired his signature weapon, the cursed javelin, Gáe Bolg. With his heroic exploits, Cú Chulainn acquired a reputation of savagery in battle, though he was a well-meaning and courageous young man. However, above all, he is best known for keeping his word.
Lancer was originally summoned by Bazett Fraga McRemitz, an Irish representative of the Mage's Association. However, Kirei Kotomine betrayed Bazett and severed her left arm to obtain her Command Spell, leaving her almost dead. He then used her stolen Command Seals to gain the allegiance of Lancer and enter into the 5th Holy Grail War. Despite his wishes to avenge his fallen master, Lancer was forced to bend to Kotomine's will. Lancer is disgruntled at having to serve a Master who uses such cowardly tactics, but he is forced to obey Kirei's wishes.
Kirei chooses to employ a passive strategy regarding Lancer. He has Lancer go out on reconnaissance, and scout the locations and identies of other Masters and gauge how dangerous their Servants are. During his fight with Archer, Lancer noticed that Shirou Emiya had witnessed his entire battle. Believing Shirou to be an ordinary human, to preserve the secrecy of the Holy Grail War, Lancer silences Shirou by stabbing him through his heart.
Later, Lancer realizes that Shirou has recovered from his mortal wound, so he tracks and corners the young mage within the shed of his home estate. Before Lancer is able to strike a mortal blow, Shirou is rescued by the recently summoned Servant, Saber, who then engages Lancer in combat. Outmatched, Lancer flees the scene just before the arrival of Archer and his master.
After being driven out of his church by Caster, and faking his death, Kotomine orders Lancer to cooperate with Shirou and Rin. Lancer helps them with their plan to defeat Caster by fighting Archer to distract him, so that Rin and Shirou are able to enter the church. Ostensibly defeating Archer, but choosing not to conclude their battle, he later reappears to offer his aid again to Shirou and Saber after Rin is captured. Upon rescuing Rin, Kirei suddenly appears and orders Lancer to kill Rin. In addition to his previous disgust with Kotomine, Lancer has come to admire Rin, and therefore refuses his order. In response to this, Kotomine uses a Command Seal to force Lancer to give himself a mortal wound. However, before he fades away, Lancer manages to kill Kotomine, and bids goodbye to Rin. Before his death, he sets the Einzbern castle on fire.
While he was content to die there, Lancer awoke to find himself in this strange city alive again and without the need of a Master. So now he makes his new life in this strange city seeking both the company of fine women and battle.
Personality: Lancer is a fierce, but balanced warrior who enjoys combating a worthy opponent. He has a playful attitude and takes a very carefree approach to life, but is quick to work himself into a frenzy during a heated battle.
He has a playful attitude and takes a very carefree approach to life. He enjoys fishing, hunting, and hitting on cute girls.
Lancer is a proud warrior, someone who can't abandon a fight just because he's losing. He's ready to fight until the end, for the sake of his fighting will and also for his Master. He easily loses his cool, especially to insults calling him a dog.
He's not interesting in killing innocent people, though he still strictly follows the rules of the war to kill bystanders like Shirou. He's very keen on his mission and somehow professional in his "work". He's noble and he can't really stand people who're joking with him or simply betraying his trust. He's also easily touched by others problems and if he chooses to protect someone, he'll do his best till the very end. He really enjoys dating women or simply to spending his time in relaxing hobbies like fishing.
Random Facts: Crows sort of set him on edge due to the fact that the Morrigan had her bit of a stalker crush on him. Archer pisses him off to no end. He likes fishing, climbing, and good beers. Also the Japanese can't make beers for shit.