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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #150 on: October 03, 2016, 03:55:51 PM »
Name: X

Race: Ghost

Age: Unknown, appears like a man in his 30s

Height: 173 cm

Weight: Weightless


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Human

Other Abilities:

Ghost: There was once a ruthless killer who wanted to live a quiet life. That murderer is no more, however, his spirit lingered and still haunts the world. 

As ghosts, normal people cannot see them or feel them, although they can be heard if the ghost chooses to allow it. Their bounds of human capability are removed, allowing them to perform various acts of supernatural abilities such as floating. They are completely intangible, but can grasp and impact on objects if they concentrate. Only spiritual means can destroy a ghost.

They have no shadow and no particular scent, although some animals like dogs are able to sense them better due to their greater spiritual presence, and will attack them as soon as they notice their presence. They also have reflections.

Ghosts also need to follow certain rules in their existence. They can only enter a room if it's empty or if someone inside has given the ghost permission. They have the ability to manipulate objects, though they are not able to feel them. If a normal person learns of the existence of ghosts, the person must be eliminated, otherwise the uncovered ghost and the witness will both be executed by cleanseners.

It is also said that ghosts are unable to develop physically unlike living beings. If a ghost is touched unwillingly by someone they break down and can lose their limbs, so most spirits just shrivel and hide in the shadows to avoid bumping into people.

The Hands: X can exert some sort of spiritual power thanks to his ghost properties in order to draw the crumbled ghost remains of the damned and manipulate them. Doing so, he can produce arms on any surface around him or along his trail, up to 13 ghostly arms each as strong as an adult. These arms act as an extension of himself, and he can use those arms creatively to achieve various results

Equipment:  Nothing, not even a penny.

Origin: No one knows about the killer’s past, not even himself. Unable to recall his life, his vile murders or even his name, the one thing he is sure of is that he will not go to heaven. Wanting to leave a peaceful life without trouble, he is unable to escape his fate forever. However, due to the circumstances, he was offered a deal.

Forced to work as a cleanser, he keeps the balance of souls in check by keeping an overwhelming amount of ghosts from manifesting, killing whoever would cause a certain amount of deaths. A tiresome chore that bears no fruit, he still seeks to find joy in the simple, quiet peace that this new unlife provides him while finding a place to call home.

Weakness: The limitations of his ghostly existence bring as many advantages as disadvantages. He is fairly squishy and spiritual means fare better against him than physical ones. Those with some spiritual connection can faintly see him, while those who can freely see the spirits of the departed as they leave the body and interact with them will have no problem seeing him.

Likes: Classical music, literature, movies, pleasant scents, indulging himself peacefully, being undisturbed, himself, putting annoying brats in their place, toying with his “victims”, beautiful women.

Being bothered, needlessly troubling himself, making enemies, fighting, overtly complicated things, the inconveniences of being a ghost, having nowhere to be, annoying brats, children, troublesome meddlers, loudness, needless attention.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #151 on: October 05, 2016, 06:02:26 PM »
Name: Methuselah

Race: Dark Demon Avatar

Age: As old as the concept of darkness itself.

Height: 2 meters

Weight: Weightless


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Incredible

Magic scale: None (this time i got it right)

Other Abilities:

Dark Avatar: Methuselah cannot remember the origins of his birth. However, he is aware that he was designed as the embodiment of darkness. It is what he fundamentally is, a facet of himself he has accepted and surpassed. As such a being, he exerts immense control over darkness. He can shape and bend it to his will as he please, no curse or dark magic can bind him easily, and if given a small time window and focus to invoke his abilities, control the dark energies of the universe to deliver powerful attacks.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Nihili Est Qui Nihil Amat:Methuselah shapes darkness constructs and gives them physical form for a myriad of effects. Release dark constructs that break concrete, blades of shadow that can pierce flesh, form whips and rope that can move heavy objects, shape them as weapons, limbs, or use them as destructible tendrils that spread within an area and sense other presences.

Vive Memento Mori = Acta Est Fabula: Methuselah’s signature ability. By charging and drawing into the void of darkness where the universe birthed, he can freely unleash waves of pure darkness (enough to engulf a large room at most, but only when charged up to par of course)  that  gradually devour and oppose all in their path for a moment before dissipating as dark energy, corroding matter, spiritual energy and magic alike before dissolving it into nothing, nomming everything up at the same speed ignoring durability (but not volume).

The projectile and spread speed is moderately slow, characters with movement speed above “Exceptional” should be able to dodge as long as the terrain is favorable, assuming the miasma does not grow too far and there is no more room left to move.  When releasing smaller quantities of the miasma, the wind up time and cooldown are much smaller than when charging larger ones, though still enough to be exploitable by faster foes.

If he receives damage while channeling, the channel will be interrupted. Finally, those who reach 0 hp due to this ability cannot respawn, since their body and spirit will be completely devoured, making it a serious threat against immortals.

He can’t move as much while channeling/releasing larger quantities of darkness. Alternatively, landing a solid hit should dispel this nasty little aura fog, even at further ranges. For example, you can deflect it with energy attacks and chip it down before carving your path, though weaker spells/smaller projectiles will likely dissolve before reaching him, assuming the amount of miasma is sufficient.

If the darkness penetrates you through Methuselah’s direct hand contact, the damage over time will be much greater, while if you are only touching the farthest edges, it will be negligible at best. Since it’s not a fast moving wave, it is discouraged to use it beyond mid to close range, which presents another kind of risks.

Magna Voluisse Magnum: Methuselah summons up to three sloooooow moving orbs of immensely powerful dark energy that rotate around him and can be sent out independently. Despite their low speed, the destructive force they release is nothing to scoff at. If touched they will release powerful shockwaves of overwhelming dark energy that sear the flesh of whatever comes in contact with them, attract whatever they touch further inside the orbs before exploding into an immense shockwave that deals no damage but sends whatever the dark energy claimed away at insane speed.

He can also have the orbs collide to charge a powerful dark energy beam. But this attack is fairly telegraphed and obvious, just move out of the way. While the dark energy is strong enough to melt through steel beams, it can be blocked by more powerful defenses or supernatural weapons.

Dura lex, sed lex: Methuselah can cloak himself and things in shadow to conceal them. Sunlight cannot penetrate it, but anything else and supernaturally guided light can.

Undying: Methuselah is only a facet, an avatar of the concept of darkness. While age does not bind him, his body is still alive. While he has lived for millions of years, eventually even gaining self awareness, his body is both mortal and immortal. Simply put, killing him will destroy the current Methuselah, but as long as light and darkness both exist, another Avatar will eventually rise. It still doesn't matter since his body will die when killed though, but as long as humans hold the concept of darkness in their hearts, the darkness can never die.

Flight: Being the manifestation of the physical darkness in the universe as well as the darkness in everyone’s hearts, Methuselah is not bound by the cosmic laws as humans are. Simply put, due to his nature as a weightless shade, he can exert himself to float and take flight.


Cross pendant: A silver pendant gifted by a friend.


Methuselah cannot remember the origins of his birth. However, he is aware that he was designed as the embodiment of the mother darkness, the womb where all things are born and eventually end. For eons, he simply was, existing solely a great force of nature of calamity beyond the physical realm. However, as mankind emerged and evolved, there was a shift and the darkness became personified, self aware. It knew and felt of its existence, and gained a body that was fueled by the imagery and metaphors that
changed and distorted the meaning of darkness. And with a form, it also gained sensation.

But that gift was a double edged sword. This body of his was a beautiful, grand thing made of the different names humanity gave him, of the thoughts and feelings associated to him. But so many names could not fit in one body. All the power, the sheer power that he once possessed as a force of nature could never be contained in a vessel, but as long as humanity recognized him, he could never strip himself from his imposed body.

He was simply a convenient existence created by mankind, a blank page to be filled with all evils, curses and hatreds in order for them to escape their own darkness.

His spirit would rot and decay, but never crumble. Whenever it died it would rise again from the hearts of men. He had gone too far, become an existence far too encroached into the universe. He had lost control of his life, his body, and even his very meaning. All that was left was the same pain and suffering that humanity projected onto the once pure veil of darkness.

He tried to end it. Again. And again. And again.

One more try, just a little more, it would always be so close. He would bring the end to all things, because he was the end personified. And yet suffering would never end, the shackles that bound him would never end. Once more, the blade would slay him, the hero that he sought.

Once more he'd wake up.

He would never end, and yet that end he yearned for was always so close within reach. Literally sitting in the palm of his hand. It was maddening, it was annoying, it was infuriating, all these emotions that were inserted into him like pieces of a block puzzle jammed into a hole they just don't fit into!

And yet, despite all these motions he could understand as one understands the words of a dictionary, he could not feel a single one of them. Living among men yet unable to understand them, seeing the same things, touching the same hands, kissing the same lips, tasting the same wine, hearing the same words. Like an empty darkness, chained and torn by those who would call it a god, cursed to end all things, dying to the same hero's blade yet again.

If he pointed it towards the humans who would torment him so once more, would the ending change this time?

Aah, of course not. Even now, he never could.

He never could.

The dark god stepped down his throne, it would remain vacant ever since. But for the first time, he smiled and felt lighter than ever before.

His powers are not sudden and immediate, requiring a time window in order to activate (the size depending on the potency). Those with greater mobility, agility and speed should have little problem taking care of him.

He is also more vulnerable to light and innately dislikes sunlight, even if he can use some abilities to protect himself from light he will still be pushed on the defensive until he can overwhelm the light with his darkness. Anything that has an innate resistance against darkness will, logically, resist him. His stronger abilities do strain him over time, so they are unreliable for extended use.

While he can prove kind, gentle and merciful, he has absolutely NO PITY against those who truly revolt him. If outraged to such an extent, even he will not control himself any longer, for better or for worse.

Finally, his lack of speed/mobility hurts him. Even in flight he is somewhat slow(not any faster than he can move on the ground), and his ranged options are fairly telegraphed and unreliable against more skilled opponents. Even at close range, while he does use the shadow constructs as physical extensions he has no impressive skill at hand to hand combat and will easily be overwhelmed by skillful foes if they breach his range and give him no time to activate his abilities.

He's also a big guy.

Peace, quiet, soothing things, indulging himself, teasing others, books, simple things, elaborate clothes, worthy individuals, vices, those who try to one-up him.

Dislikes: Conflict, immortality, boredom, routine, arrogant mortals, blind zealots or followers of dogma, trouble.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 08:19:38 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #152 on: October 07, 2016, 05:47:40 PM »
Name: Hazama

Alias: Yuuki Terumi

Race: ? ? ? Ghost

Age: Unknown, but has lived through countless time loops and stuff

Height: 183 cm

Weight: 61 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Amazing

Constitution: Incredible

Magic scale: None. However, he is a hotshot at using ars magus, pretty much magic that isn’t magic that uses seithr.

The first notable difference is its use of seithr as opposed to mana. Seithr was released in large quantities into the world during the Dark War by the Black Beast, an immeasurably strong monster that wiped out nearly half of the world’s population. Seithr is harmless to humans in small quantities, but in larger dosages it is a highly toxic substance that is lethal to humans and mutates animals into powerful and aggressive monsters.

Ars Magus was developed by the Great Sage Nine during the Dark War to allow humans to utilize the powers associated with magic in order to fight the Black Beast, which was completely immune to conventional weapons. Humans were unable to manipulate magic in its base form, and after a great deal of research, Ars Magus was developed to circumvent this problem.

By using science to manipulate the vast quantities of seithr that leaked from the body of the Black Beast as a fuel source, a user can generate a vast number of effects. In order to activate an Ars Magus, one has to recite an “Ars,” or spell.

Some people have higher aptitude than others in the use of Ars Magus. For example, to activate a specific Ars, the average person would require twenty units of seithr while someone with a high aptitude for it might require only ten, or even five units to achieve the same effect.

He can use his ars to create a barrier that lets him jump twice or jump then hop sideways mid-jump like some videogame character.

He can also use ars to summon snake energy things that he adds to his attacks to make them hurt much more. His ultimate attack involves chaining someone up with his Nox Nyctores, send him flying with it and summon a bunch of the snake guys to make an even bigger snake guy that eats you for MASSIVE damage, but is tricky to pull off and leaves him open and tired afterwards.

Finally, he can use his ars to summon top hats, knives and gel his hair?

Other Abilities:

Puppet: His body is a puppet vessel built for Yuuki Terumi by the man himself, Relius Clover. It’s sturdier, stronger and better than a normal human body, and is also the Blazblue! Pretty cool, huh? Like the Blazblue, it runs on Seithr which the Nexus has sufficient amounts of without being deadly. This lets him manipulate seithr and thus use ars magus with much more ease, but it is a double edged sword since anything that would remove seithr or nullify it would not only neuter him, but cripple him to the point he’d be very weakened.

The science guy: While he is no Relius Clover, Hazama seems to be a pretty knowledgeable and smart guy who isn’t stranger to the scientific approach. Heck, he invented a bunch of stuff like the Blazblue, and is knowledgeable about cauldrons, the boundary and the susan unit. This means he’s no chump when it comes to being a nerd.

Dance Skills: Hazama is a top notch dance master with moves so sick he incorporates them in his knife fighting style. Graceful like a cobra, as deadly as a viper, deceitful like a snake, he is a very skilled fighter despite appearances.

Boundaried: Hazama isn’t quite human, his mind has been exposed to countless time loops, meaning he has also been exposed to countless reruns of bad television. This is enough to drive anyone mad, just look at that poor trash heap Arakune. However, while he is certainly crazy he is by no means insane.

Due to his peculiarities, the fact he isn’t quite human and the fact it’s been exposed to the motherfucking boundary means that his mind is pretty much the last thing you want to see. It also probably means he has IMMENSE control over himself and self awareness, that and being an observer and all.

Hate Ghost: Yuuki Terumi is an entity that feeds off sadness, despair and hate. Literally. The more hate is directed to him, the stronger he gets and the stronger he gets the more you hate him. But even so we all love the man. It also observes him passively, which means he needs to be hated in order to SURVIVE. Luckily it’s not really a problem.

Observer: Hazama has the power of observation. By looking at phenomena, as in, anything around him, whatever is around him becomes real instead of just another possibility. He basically confirms the existence of things, i see therefore it is kind of deal.

Soul Eater:
The Blazblue is really a Chinese knockoff of the black beast, Rags having the shitty knockoff while Hazama has the real awesome knockoff. The important thing to note is that the Blazblue works on life force, souls and all that good stuff, which includes memories. Hazama has been shown to "eat" memories from people, like how he made Jin forget about that one time he disarmed his brother in a friendly brotherly match.

However, it is a bit tricky to pull off and becomes more feasible if the target is weakened/unconscious, like a Pokemon. However, the memories aren't always completely gone and it is very possible to recover them with the right conditions.


Balisong butterfly knives: Knives summoned with an ars that he carries around. They aren’t really that special, but being able to parry powerful blows from bigger and stronger weapons one can assume they are quite sturdy and, being an application of an ars, can interact with magic or spirits in a way.

Nox Nyctores - Gemini Anguium Ouroboros:

Nox nyctores are powerful weapons crafted with the souls of the black beast. Originally made by the bitch Nine, they are weapons that can interfere with causality to a degree. That and the fact they hurt the soul makes healing from wounds inflicted by one considerably harder than normal wounds.

Ouroboros manifests as chains with a snake-like head and a blade-looking tail. The chain seems to move at his will remotely, but can also be commanded with Hazama’s movements for more complex actions. Despite appearance, the chain is deceptively fast and strong, useful in many versatile ways.

Offensively, the chain can prove to be a powerful ranged weapon. It is very fast and strong, enough to be seen as a blur for even more perceptive characters, and a blow from it is strong enough to pierce through a normal man’s chest.

Defensively, Hazama can wrap it around anywhere or his whole body to protect himself from even extremely powerful blows. If he envelops his whole body with it, he can form a “barrier” made of Ouroboros that can even block other types of powerful attacks, but such a barrier has gaps that physical means could penetrate assuming one is quick enough to strike in blind spots where the chain cannot shift its configuration easily.

Utility wise, Ouroboros can wrap and bind opponents, drag, move and slam them as the chain pleases, kinda like Hazama’s relationships. However he  only has the head and tail to do so, and such moves leave him more vulnerable due to having less chains to do other things like protecting himself. He also can’t bind people for very long unless he’s already kicked their asses to substantially weaken them.

Mobility wise, Ouroboros can zoom in very, very, VERY quickly and  bite down anything, including nothing. The chain will then reel back rapidly and drag Hazama along. This greatly amplifies his mobility options, and makes him an absolute monster in aerial combat. However, he can only get where the chain bit down and can’t quite defend or attack when using it this way since he uses the entire chain to pull this off.

Due to the nature of Nox Nyctoreses, Ouroboros can influence the mind of those it interacts with. Of course, being the crazy bastard he is, Hazama is all but affected. But needless to say, it is such a powerful Nox in that regard it mindfucks those it hits as well, amplifying their emotional wounds and vulnerabilities massively and picking their mind apart along with their body, but this can normally be resisted to an extent unless the target has been considerably weakened.

Blazblue: Hazama, being the amazing guy he is, CREATED the Blazblue. That’s right suckers, even if the Blazblue itself is a fake that taps in the power of the azure, his fake is the original and thus less fake thus better. While Ragna’s Blazblue is his arm, Hazama’s is his ENTIRE BODY, which once activated improves his physical abilities all around to a degree, boosts his strength to Fantastic and releases a visible snake aura thing in his proximity.

The Blazblue gradually drains all life in its range and gives it to good ol’ Hazama. However, he needs to stand there and activate it, which makes him vulnerable. If hit, his Blazblue stops working for a moment, and since the Blazblue is his body you want to combo away and not let him recover in order to disable the life drain for a longer period.

Origin: A longassfucking time ago in a town called kickapoo, Yuuki Terumi was chilling and lol-ing and kek-ing with his buddy/servant/bitch Relius Clover when their soup cauldron went haywire and became the black beast.

That was a major pain, but luckily they both survived and got thrown in the boundary and everyone except the rest of the world was fine. Relius had made a shining brand new body for Terumi, named Kazuma Kvar, who was rused into doing his bidding but eventually they became kinda the same so it was like they were both doing their own bidding so it was cool. However, the cat fucking bitch had to ruin everything and kick Terumi in the balls so hard he became her manservant to defeat the black beast along the six heroes. Or so she thought.

Because Trinity was such a retarded glass-eyed bitch, it was easy to trick her into removing the mind eating curse. Seriously, she was so stupid he’d be surprised if she still wasn’t after his junk after he killed all her friends. Or tried to anyway. You see just as he was about to murder everyone, the now deceased Nine’s fucktoy Jubey just HAD to pull out some random ability out of his feline ass. Hakumen then dragged him down the boundary and that was supposed to be it.

But it wasn’t.

You see, while Kazuma was pretty much fucked due to the boundary doing what the boundary does, Terumi’s spirit survived. Again. And luckily Relius had made a spare body just in case, Hazama. However due to lingering effects of the mind eater curse or something, they didn’t fuse quite as perfectly, so while Hazama and Terumi are the same person they aren’t. It’s confusing, but bear with it.

Anyways now with the six heroes out of the way, they didn’t let their plans get in the cauldron. They built the prime field devices and founded the N.O.L and had a great time. After the events of continuum shift, he revealed himself due to finally being observed as good old Terumi again, and being the pussies that they were the losers skedaddled.

Relius and Hazama were investigating phenomena in different continuum shifts when suddenly, something dragged him, blew his life link and pulled him in.

Weakness: Aside his Ouroboros, he has absolutely no long ranged poke, and using it offensively limits his options in other areas. Extending his chains, like any chain weapon ought do, which inevitably leads to openings such as when he has to pull the chain back to him.

His knife skills are pretty damn good and he can use them to fight against people with bulky weapons, but they are still not very effective against weapons that have longer range such as anything bigger than a knife. Thus he needs to get REEEEEALLY close when going for melee, and going REEEEALLY close means he can’t use his Ouroboros’s defensive capabilities effectively and is more vulnerable.

Likes: Pain, suffering, inflicting people pain or suffering, inflicting people pain AND suffering, despair, manipulating and toying with others, killing people, hurting people, killing people by hurting them and making them suffer, humiliating people, stomping on people to death, you get the drivel by now, hard boiled eggs, but most of all himself.

Did I mention he likes hurting others?

Dislikes: Joy, happiness, kittens, being looked down on, stupid shits, everyone who isn’t himself to a varying degree, pretty much the entire blazblue cast when they’re not entertaining him, having to NOT kill or hurt others unless it’s to kill and hurt others more later, time fucking loops.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 08:51:36 PM by Sinib »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #153 on: October 21, 2016, 05:46:29 AM »
Name: Arbeter. Goes also by Al.

Race: Promethean, of the Tammuz Lineage.

Age: Apparent: Late 20's to mid thirties. Actual: Less than a year.

Height: 7 foot 3 inches

Weight: 290 lbs

Appearance: He weathered face streaked with the wrinkles and creases of a far older man.Al has dirt brown hair and eyes, and skin tanned heavily by long hours of work in the sun. Under this guise though, is his true body. His body is made of clay, baked in sun and his joints made from chains. Embossed across his chest are the words that make his clay heart beat, words of gods and men long dead and long lost. Where his eyes would be, there is only fire, divine fire that animates him and carries him onward.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human. Despite being an unnatural creation, he does not possess supernatural strength, though he is roughly as strong as the average human male of his weight and build.

Agility: Human. While he can press these limits, for now there is no way for him to surpass them.

Constitution: Being made of clay, and literally made to work, Arbeter can keep walking and moving long past the point where someone of true flesh and blood would drop dead from exhaustion. He does not need to sleep, the extremes of weather cause him no discomfort or harm, and he can eat pretty much anything he can fit in his mouth, inorganic or not. Arbeter's body is very durable - he will remain 'alive' even if he loses limbs, and his clay flesh can take a beating even before that. He can still come back from 'death' such as it is for one like him, as long as most of his clay heart is still intact. As such, his constitution is tentatively rated as Incredible.

Other Abilities: Arbeter is currently, in his own way, refining himself to figure out what exactly he is as one of the Created, along with what creatures like him really are. This action has caused some alchemical reactions within his own makeup. He is unconsciously stoking the furnace of the divine fire giving him life, and as such when he harnesses that fire, he becomes stronger in many ways. His fire can modify his clay form to be faster, tougher, stronger, and quicker to react and think than even another of his kind harnessing it would be able to. It even can temporarily provide him physical abilities and changes at least temporarily that he otherwise could not access, and his stoking of the divine fire can fill him to the brim through willpower alone. Instinctively, he is also able to take a bit of the edge off of the unnatural revulsion he causes in others, though this is temporary at best, and once it sets in there's no stopping it.

Origin: Once, there was an old man out in the country. All his children had left him, and without them, his farm was falling into ruin. The men in suits came, and told him if he did not have a good enough harvest his farm would no longer be his anymore. He could not accept this, and as such he dug out the old book of tales his grandfather had left him when he was a boy, tales of a man who had carved another of clay and had him come to life. He could make it through this harvest he thought, if he had but a younger man to help him. It was desperation, and hope and need that caused the old farmer to take the chains out of the barn. It caused him to sculpt a heart of clay, and bake it in fire under the full moon. It was need, that caused him to carve a face out of the same clay, along with a body and hands and limbs, and bake the chains into them. Hope is the most dangerous of all emotions, and desperation the most dangerous of motivations. He buried his false man deep in the black soil where his crops would need to be planted, and prayed and recited the rituals and lines from the old book, and dared take the role of god himself in making a new man. Divine fire animated the construct, which dug its way out of the ground, mute, confused, lacking any purpose but to work, but now also alive.

The old man gave the new man of clay a name from the old language he barely remembered, Arbeter, worker, and together they made the land grow green again. But all was not well. The old man was sick, very sick. His act of creation had taken something from him, and as time passed and the crops grew, death came closer. Arbeter watched him pass, the last words of his creator a simple instruction. "Work, until you find your own words. Mine aren't good enough anymore." And so Arbeter worked, until the men took away the old mans work. He left that farm behind, and traveled, looking for the words that would be his own. Maybe in this strange place, he will find his own words, and earn his own flesh and blood.

Weakness: Arbeter is an existence that should not be. The earth around him rejects his very presence, and he instinctively causes revulsion when he is around people too long, though he can suppress this feeling at least temporarily. Fire is also anathema to him, contact with mundane flame causing his clay flesh to lose consistency and the spark of life within it. Fire, despite it baking and hardening his flesh before it was given life, is what can and will kill him no matter what.

Likes: Honest work, interacting with people, reading books

Dislikes: Being taken for granted, his presence causing others unease, lack of knowledge about what his path is, people with false words


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #154 on: November 07, 2016, 02:54:39 AM »
Name: Forest
Spoiler for Hiden:

Race: Vampire
Age: Like really freaking old.  Ancient.  Over 1,000 years old.  Looks in her late teens though.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 125-ish
Physical Attributes:
Strength: Amazing
Agility: Amazing
Constitution: Amazing
Magic Ability: Low
Forest does know one spell- it’s a small fire spell that she can use to light small fires such as pilot lights or candles.
Other Abilities:

The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.
Mind Reading: Forest can read the minds of others.  (For the sake of the RP, if a character is actively thinking in her vicinity Forest can hear it if she chooses unless they are blocking their thoughts.)

She can also “download”, store, and process thoughts from others this way (for PCs it would only be if the player allows).  IE: If she needed a combination to a lock or to help learn a language.  The harder the task is, the longer it takes to absorb and gain.  Because of this, she generally uses this for simple things like learning the layout of a building if she’s never been there before and needs to get around fast.
The more intense the thought, the “louder” it seems to Forest.  Also people who are particularly intelligent project their thoughts more than say someone of below average intelligence.
Communication: Forest can communicate by “speaking” into someone’s mind.  It has the same basic connotations and functionality as if she was having a verbal conversation with someone else.  However, if Forest gets “loud” it’s akin to having someone shout in their ear.
Mental Manipulation:
This is the ability to manipulate what others perceive or don’t. Like making people see things that aren’t there (she’s fond of making people see chickens) or not see things that are there (“What absurdly large gun?”).
This allows her to also send impulses into people’s minds as well.  Like perusing things that aren’t there or to act irregularly.  Or to ignore things that are there in front of them as well.
She also has mild emotional manipulation as well.  She generally uses this to spread calmness or quiet unease.
Memory Access:
With focus, Forest can read past someone’s current thoughts into their memories.
Mental Bonding: (For PCs if their player wants to have their character have a mental bond with her.)
Forest forms a mental bond with a person.  This bond can be temporary or permanent, as it is with Gabriel Umbra.  This bond allows the other participant to communicate with her over great distances as well as share thoughts and feelings to her and vice versa.

If Forest does not shield herself, the other party in the bond can witness her thoughts and feelings as easily as she can theirs.
She can choose to share what she is physically and emotionally feeling with the partner as well.

People who have bonds with Forest cannot read each thoughts or communicate that way unless she decides to open up a communication channel.  Example: Character A cannot have telepathic communication with Gabriel just because they have a bond with Forest.
Telepathic Shield: Forest can hide her thoughts from others and is guarded from mental attack.  She can also shield her mental presence from someone else if needed.
She can also protect multiple targets at once with this ability.  However, the more people she shields the more toll it takes on her, weakening her, and she can only shield people within a city block radius from her location.

She can also block one being from influencing a group of people if they are in range.
Telepathic Relay: Forest has the ability to act as a mental relay station for a group of minds, allowing said minds to "speak" to one another through the user.
Remote Telepathy: She has the ability to use telepathy over great distances.  However, it’s easier for her to do so if she has familiarity over the subject in question.  (Like if she already has an established bond.)
Telepathic Combat: An ability that Forest picked up when she was alive was that she would read an opponent’s thoughts to see how they would move next in a fight.  The more cornered she becomes in a fight, the faster she’ll start to rely on this so she can attempt to turn combat to her favor or to survive against someone who is much stronger than her.

Mental Immunity: Because of her strong telepathic ability and skills, Forest herself is pretty much immune to mind control and mental manipulation.  If someone attempts such a thing on her, they would see imposing black crystal walls and hear the caws of a murder of crows growing increasingly louder. 
Regeneration: Forest can heal rapidly from any physical injury as long as it isn’t fatal (see weaknesses).  Bullet wounds, cuts, and stabbing can heal moments after the damage has dealt.  She can even recover lost limbs as well. If a limb is severed but can be recovered and grafted she would have full use of it in about an hour.

If she needs to regrow a lost limb it takes three days to regenerate it to full functionality.

Heavy head trauma (such as getting shot with a lower caliber bullet or bludgeoned) will knock her unconscious.  The worse the trauma, the longer it would take for her to wake up.  She generally suffers from short term amnesia after a head shot until she feeds again to spur the more fine tune healing.

It’s In the Blood: Different supernatural blood can affect Forest in different ways. 

Werewolf blood can energize her: intensifying her senses and giving her a slight boost in strength and speed.

Fae blood (or any other highly magical being) has an intoxicating effect on her.  It can run the gauntlet from a loss of inhibition and giddiness to an almost aphrodisiac effect.

Blood can also help her heal even faster.  IE if she’s lost a limb.  It is needed to regain her short term memory after head trauma.

Art of Fighting: Forest has studied unarmed combat for most of her existence.  Part of it is because she gets a thrill on trading blows with an equal, but another part is, in her world, a lot of supernaturals don’t really have skill with their supernatural ability.  Because of this, and for a love it as well, Forest has mastered multiple forms of martial arts in her lengthy existence.   

At this point in time, she’s the one that masters come to learn from if they knew what she had learned over the ages.

Axe To Grind: While Forest is more than proficient at most melee weapons, she is best with an axe.  This is a skill that came from when Brónach was alive.  She knows how to best use it against other weapons, even when at a disadvantage.

Lilith’s Lineage: Forest is an Elder in her point of origin and has some unique abilities that vampires sired after a certain point don’t.

The first of those is she can actually use semen as a limited form of feeding.

The second is that she has a subconscious Lure that she’s not even really aware that she has.  (Gabriel knows of it.  He hasn’t told her because of it because it’s Gabriel.)

This Lure causes her to appear more attractive and desirable to people who’s “type” she wouldn’t normally be.  It also makes her appear far less of a threat than she is, much to her chagrin.   It also causes people to notice and approach her that normally wouldn’t as well.

Orgasmic Bite: Part of the Linage of Lilith.  Forest, whenever she bites someone, causes them to orgasm.  She cannot stop this and she doesn’t get off while doing it much to her chagrin. 

The only person she’s bitten and they haven’t gotten off on it was Gabriel, thank the Lord and Lady.

Genre Savvy: Being a giant nerd who reads a lot, watches a lot of TV and movies, and has been around a really long time she generally has a “basic” idea of how things work. 

“Never, ever say you have a bad feeling about this.”

Linguist: Through her travels, and with the use of telepathy, Forest can speak a number of languages.

Has trouble speaking and understanding Spanish though.

Pony Car Enthusiast: Due to her love of muscle cars, Forest is an extremely talented driver.  She can coax things out of cars that even professional race car drivers (normal mortal ones mind you) would have trouble believing until they saw it.  She’s also learned basic upkeep over the years such as oil changes, how to perform a tune-up, tire changing, fuse replacement and maintenance and upkeep.

Of course, she can drive a stick shift.

An Ear For Music: A sort of random talent, but because of her love of music, Forest studied up somewhat on music theory and how to play the violin.

PARKOUR WANKERS! Dance Dance Revolution: Forest knows how to parkour.  She’s also an accomplished gymnast and knows how to ballet dance.  It helped build speed and precision with her martial arts back in the day.

Heightened Senses: All of her senses are heightened: sight, scent, hearing, taste and touch.  Sight, scent, and hearing far beyond a human into animal territory to make her a better hunter. 

She also has a sixth sense that alerts of her danger and supernatural otherness within her near vicinity.

Because her sense of touch is heightened it makes pain and pleasure that much more intense for her . . .

Ain’t Got Time to Feel: Forest became well acquainted with pain a long time ago.  She’s learned to either ignore it or to keep working despite it while she heals.  Things that might down someone else in agony, Forest would keep going out of sheer stubbornness.

Invitation Only: Forest has to be invited into a living area before she can physically enter it.  However, if she’s invited once then she has permission to enter it whenever she wants, until the home/apartment ownership changes hands.

This is not an issue for entering another vampire’s lair though.


1967 RS Z/28 Camaro: The Forestmobile itself, the infamous muscle car.  It still has most of the original factory specs, save for a modern radio so she could better listen to music.  V8 Engine and 4 speed manual.

The .44 AutoMag: The semiautomatic version of the .44 Magnum. Clip holds 7 rounds and Forest generally keeps a round chambered, giving her 8 shots before she has to switch magazines. Currently her primary gun because she doesn’t have to reload as often (8 shots vs the Revolver’s 6).

The .44 Magnum Revolver: Forest actually prefers the revolver to the AutoMag because it’s she can have custom bullets made/make for it, it’s more accurate, and it’s actually a bit more powerful than the AutoMag.  Plus she just more comfortable with a revolver than the automag.

She generally only has one of those guns on her person at one time.

The Compound: Her base of operations and home.

The building is four stories with a full basement and completely subterranean level that serves as her living quarters and provides her protection against daylight because it’s completely underground.

The top story is a dormitory of sorts that can house many people if needed.  It’s also used as a storage area.  The 3rd floor is more plush guest rooms complete with some of them having their own baths.  The second floor houses a living room, a gymnasium, and conference room.  The first floor has the library and kitchen.  The basement leads to the garage.  The basement is also where she keeps her armory and a shooting range.

The subterranean level is Forest’s living quarters with a study, her bedroom, an absurdly large bath, a room for her crystal collection, and a private living room.  There’s also a panic room as well.

The panic room is almost completely impenetrable.  It’s reinforced by heavy spells to keep things out and keep Forest safe within.  (Could be broken into with enough “Fantastic” force.)

The compound also is fortified:

There are alarm wards that let Forest know if someone is breaking and entering.

Her living quarters were reinforced like a bomb shelter, and could theoretically survive a heavy explosion. 

Other wards include:

Lost and Confused - If someone has not been to the compound or being taken there by Forest, there is a ward that will trigger that will make the person trying to get there not see it despite passing it over and over again.  If Forest is leading them there or they’ve been in there, this becomes a non issue. (This only affects “mundanes” those who are not supernatural at all.)

Invitation Only- Forest can easily turn on a switch that only allows people to physically enter with an invitation by her.  If someone has not been invited and tries to gain access they will find themselves blocked by a strong mystical forceshield.  (Can be broken with “Incredible” Force.)

Harm None- Forest can also activate a “non-violence” spell that calms people from wanting to do violence.

Small Armory: Forest has a small armory.  It used to be larger, but she sold a lot of stuff when she got here.  Still has a MG 42 and a rocket launcher though.

Money: While not as well off as she was in her home dimension, Forest had to adapt quickly to her new lack of means in the Nexus.  So, she remembered her time with some Vikings and got rid of some unsavory elements and absorbed their resources as her own.

She also occasionally turns bounties in as well.

So while she’s not Bruce Wayne Rich, she’s more than decently well off.

She is looking for a safe investment to start building on.  Just Nexus really doesn’t have anything “safe”.

Origin: A long time ago there was this lost tall blond dude with an axe who shacked up with a Pict clan.  He fell in love with one of their priestesses and she reciprocated.  She got knocked up.

She died giving birth.

Distraught, this warrior/pirate dude named the surviving Brónach, which meant “Sorrow” and then . . . Died suicide via battle, leaving Brónach orphaned and in the care of her mother’s family.

Things kind of sucked for young Brónach.  When puberty was starting to hit, she started to be able to read people’s thoughts. She was crushed to find out that her uncle wished that she had been a boy because that would have been easier to deal with because he already had one daughter.

Almost in defiance of this, Brónach took up her dad’s axe and became one hell of a fighter. She used those mind reading skills to make her virtually unbeatable in the skirmishes that a Scottish barbarian culture used to have way back in the day.  She grew up, learning what she could of her dead father and the crow goddess he held in reverence.

Until one night she met a Roman Bastard who’s mind she couldn’t read and who she couldn’t beat back with her axe.

He was a monster, and even though Brónach was a bit of an outcast amongst her people, there were still people she loved and wanted to protect.

Like her cousin and her comrades in arms.

So when this Roman Bastard gave her an ultimatum: come with him and let him make her like him or see her people slaughtered before her, she chose to go with him.

Which really sucked, literally, because the Roman Bastard was a vampire. He made Brónach’s turning as unpleasant as possible because he wanted to see if he could break her.  Even though bloodied, beaten, and defiled, Brónach was anything but compliant. 

Becoming a vampire intensified her mental abilities to the point that she could shrug off his control over her.  So she bashed his head from a rock and ran.  She ran to find her father’s people on the island to the south and lived with them for a time.  When it became apparent that she wasn’t aging, Brónach left, drifting from place to place, lost, alone and learning to control her abilities and hunger.

Until one night years and years later, standing on the bow of a ship shaped like a monster, was someone who offered to actually teach her how to be a vampire.  She spent years with them, learning from the jovial warrior vampire as she found somewhat of a family with him and the men and women he traveled with.

During their travels, she renamed herself Forest, putting Brónach at rest.

Eventually, she parted ways with the Vikings (it was very messy and she doesn’t like to talk about it).

Forest eventually became one of the most sought after mercenaries for the supernatural until she built up enough wealth and reputation to strike out on her own, where she eventually earned the title Law Unto Herself given to her by a vampire bard with a serious crush. Of course, she made plenty of friends and enemies on her rise of power. Had her heart broken by an unusual Faerie that she loved but he didn't love her as much in return. Found her beloved cousin reborn several times, befriended one Lady Wynn Noreen Umbra of the Unseelie court and became godmother to her "abomination" son.

Flash forward to modern times where Forest is, as she was titled, Law Unto Herself with a good deal of money and freedom due to her hard work, saving, and when the stock market became a thing, good investing. These things gave Forest the luxury to do things that most vampires would never due to fear of the Vampiric Council and the Circle.

One night she found herself pulled into the Nexus.  She patrols the streets of Nexus helping the helpless, but is quickly finding herself in over her head against beings more powerful than her.  She’s questioning her existence, her validation, and reason for being.  She’s terrified that she’s a relic who’s outlived her usefulness and has no idea what to do with her existance now.

Weakness: Losing a limb- if Forest cannot graft a limb back it takes 3 days for her to regenerate it.

Beheading. It could be argued that destroying her brain completely would do the trick as well, but it would have to be completely destroyed. 

Wooden Stake through the Heart. Pretty much instantly kills her.

Sunlight.  It takes a few minutes for sunlight to completely immolate her.

Fire.  She can burn to death/ashes.  However, she really doesn’t burn any faster than a human.

Silver.  Silver isn’t fatal to her at this point, and in fact she’ll heal from a wound dealt by silver almost as easily as by steel, but silver can bind her.  A slim silver chain can bind her and keep her from escaping unless she can slide her hands/body free.  She cannot break it though.

Garlic. Garlic cannot kill her, but it’s unpleasant if she ingests it and can even blister her skin with prolonged contact.

Have to Have Faith For It To Work On Me. Religious items can repel her/ward her back, but they have to be wielded by someone who has true faith.  Just the item alone isn’t enough to do it, the person behind it has to believe in the power behind it or just that it would work.

“Theoretically, if someone thought a Chrysler symbol would repel me hard enough it probably would.”

Necromancy. A powerful enough necromancer could control her, but they would have to be extraordinarily powerful to do so, and they could only control her body, not her mind.

Blood Is the Life: Forest can only drink live blood from a living source.  Cannot drink from the undead (literally, she’d throw it back up) or stored blood.
Likes: Edgy makeup.  Gothic clothing. Fruit! Orange juice.  Oranges.  Citrus.   Good heavy metal.  80’s horror and action movies.  Bruce Campbell.  The Evil Dead series.  Really porny paranormal romance novels. Pop culture.  Comic books.  Mythology.  Pony Cars.  Crows.  Ruggedly handsome men who are taller than her, super bonus if they’re also redheads.  Gabriel.  When Wynn isn’t Grabby.  Fingernail polish. Kids. Electric Blankets. The Morrigan. The color purple/violet.  Lavender (the plant). Leather dusters and steel toed boots.
Dislikes: When strangers touch her without permission.  That Roman Bastard.  CGI laden movies with bad plots. Most modern music.  Cloying sweets.  People who mistake over use of body spray as an alternative to bathing. Being told she can’t do something because she’s a girl or some other reason.  Being judged by what she is instead of who she is.  Being cold. Jukeboxes that don’t have Iron Maiden or any heavy metal on them.  Being alone. 
« Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 03:54:38 AM by Elf »


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Name: Lorenzo Remei

Race: Undead fire mage

Age: 26

Height: 5”7'

Weight:As heavy as her fc and size would match up to.



Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible (Heroic reflexes due to Hawk's Eye)

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Scale: Extremely High

Pyromancy Specialization- enhanced: Lorenzo is highly proficient in the spell craft of fire, being able to manipulate and bend great amounts of fire to his will without much effort and quickly surround an area in flames. From fireballs to blasts of heated pyre or pretty much any shape he desires, he can deliver as much fire gusto as there can be. At his highest output he's capable of easily melting the sturdiest of man-made materials. While more flames with greater power are more costly, he has trained to be able to reach his higher levels of output with much more ease. He refined his technique, and can cast spells seamlessly and spread devastation however he sees fit.

Fire elemental creation- refined: Imbuing fire with a shaped will and harnessing it's life, Lorenzo can create flame-like living beings that not only serve as scouts, but can even be used offensively by exploding remotely at will. This ability is not mere pyromancy, but something that is more alike to speaking to fire itself to create fauna or flora of great power.

While Lorenzo's senses are linked to the elemental beings, they cannot communicate directly to him if he is not present. Surprisingly enough, this ability is rather mana efficient. Do note that the familiars can grow in size, being able to cover wide areas if fed with enough flames. Making them grow without a large amount of fire nearby is possible, but much more taxing without the fire readily available.

On the other hand, the larger they are or the more magical power is fed into them, the stronger they will be and the wider the explosion will be. Finally, these familiars can take many shapes, up to the limits of his imagination. It is also important to note that the familiars can be imbued with varying levels of intelligence and sentience, and even take abstract shapes to strike foes.

Other Abilities:

Masterful Swordsmanship: After years of training at the art of the sword, Lorenzo has acquired a tremendous mastery of sword fighting, being able to hold his against sword masters with any blade through through his deceitful fighting style.

Hawk’s Eye (included in agility): Because of the harsh seas, Lorenzo developed his perception and eyesight to a great extent.

His eyes sharper than most men’s, he can quickly avert his gaze at a moment’s notice and analyze all elements that surround him to the most scrutinous detail. The pirate’s eyes can detect movement at speeds that would be normally impossible to notice, giving him a great edge in battle.

Undeath: Being an undead being with an artificial body, killing him the normal easy way ain’t gonna happen. He can feel the pain mind you, but he doesn't technically need any of his organs to survive. In a way, he's like a zombie, except a very pretty one with a body as functional as the real deal, courtesy of his new bosslady. Only special weapons, magic, anti-undead anythings and cute ladies can hope to topple him.


Rapier: A seemingly simple steel rapier. Light, solid and sharp, it provides a great close range offence when coupled with his skillful swordsmanship. The blade is coated with harmful venom that cripples those affected, slowly paralyzing the body from the wound.

However, this sword is no regular blade, for it is in fact a “key” to unleash “the Fiery Moon”, a colossal spectral ship that will soar into the skies if Remei was to dig the blade into the ground and utter the required incantation. Because this rapier is a great artifact, it will not be destroyed easily, and will reform even after being shattered, although the required duration of the blade’s recreation depends on the severity of the damage.

“The Fiery Moon”: Plunging his sword in the ground and chanting, Lorenzo summons a colossal burning front half of a magic haunting ship that leaves a ghostly trail of fire behind it. It is the very manifestation of Lorenzo’s dream of becoming the greatest pirate, a subconscious memory of his fallen ship materialized into ethereal form.

Even if the ravages of time and her opponents (Sepulchure) have been unkind to her, even fallen and burning, it boasts a beauty unlike any other.

Like a falling comet, a sword of fire cleaving the skies, the boat boasts speed competing with massive Dreadnoughts (40 km/h) and amazing destructive power. The damage is spoken through a massive amount of cannons that, when fired at full power, pour burning magic burning metal balls on its opponents like a lass squirting calamity from the rainy heavens.

While the cannons are immensely powerful and have a wide scale and range, to the point a house will crumble into ashes and rubble if hit directly by one of its barrages, they are not meant to be used against individual. As a whole, they can cause serious damage to a location, but they are not able to be aimed with precision at smaller scale structures.


42 cannons:

Main Deck: 18 cannons

Gun deck:
20 cannons

Forecastle: 4 cannons

Bow: 2 triple-barreled bow chasers

Even if it's not any sturdier than a regular boat of it’s (huge) size, it does have a sort of particular property that lets it slowly repair itself. Even damaged, it will grow back to it’s original form, although the greater the destruction, the longer it will take for the ship to recover, up to a day or more if entirely annihilated.

While he can handle this lesser version of his ship with much more ease, it is still a final trump card that leaves him open when summoning it and taxes him.

Spyglass: A spyglass telescope composed of a metallic cylindrical casing; it contains lenses that magnify images from a distance.
This spyglass is light and sturdy, thus easy to carry around.

Awesome pirate clothes: This amazing piece of fabric didn’t summon itself. Why waste gold on defenses, information or shelter when you can buy swagger?

There was once a pirate who sailed his seven seas. He had many companions, and even more lovers, but one day a beast sunk his ship, leaving the captain as the sole survivor. He found himself in an island, and after a while stumbled upon the Nexus. He lived bravely, condoning love, manliness and freedom above all else. However he died tragically saving a cute girl he had taken under his wing.

Bring us back to the present, Anna is an accomplished scholar who is nearing her elderly years. Knowing that her death may come soon, and having lived a life full of regrets after the death of her son, she sought the forbidden arts of necromancy in order to see him one last time. That idiotic, foolhardy boy, he just wanted to see her one last time. Kindling the flames of her life one last time, she performed the taboo and brought the dead back to life.

Being summoned by a mage, part of her memories had been implanted in him. He knew she had sought her son, and knew full well that he was not the one she had sought. The woman had failed, and used up the last threads of her body and her light in order to be granted this one miracle. Perhaps she knew it too, but he never confirmed it. Perhaps it was the right thing to do, even if it meant deceiving her.

In her last dying days, he had told her stories of books he read, tales of fantastical adventures and pirates at sea. He tended to her like a son, and even when she laid blind on her deathbed she cared for him like a mother.

She died a few weeks later, and for that he would weep. But in his heart, there was a fiery resolve that could not be shaken. A wish that resonated in all his being, shining his dark path with incandescence.



Magic resistance greatly limits his options since it nullifies most of his firepower. Anything that would extinguish flames not only lessens the effect of his own but can also weaken/kill him. Using his own flames is risky because his life depends on them, so having no nearby source of fire or combustion leaves him in a disadvantage.

Being undead, anything that works well on them works well on him. His bombastic larger than life persona also means you might as well throw the stealthy approach out in the water.

Pyromancy is a passionate craft, the arcane powers he uses and that sustain him are partially fueled by resolve, strong emotions and life essence itself. Weakening either of these will greatly compromise the quality of the flames and weaken him considerably. Alternatively, while weakening his magic somehow might not break his resolve, it can seriously weaken and cripple him outright.

His ship takes time, chanting and requires him to lay his weapons down and not burn anyone, which leaves him vulnerable.

He is also still unable to swim.

Likes: Elizabeth, his new bestie and rival captain Nepnep, wealth, adventure, discovering new places and things, fruit, food, women, men, the heat of battle, honest people, companionship, tea, treasure, pleasure, the wonders of modern society and capitalism, family, treachery.

Dislikes: Being tricked, bad food, sea monsters, smug rich people, smug people, self-righteousness, swimming, being sick, being undead, killjoys, the french, those who would harm a lady, his loved ones being hurt.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 09:19:06 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #156 on: December 17, 2016, 10:53:49 PM »
Name: Liseth

Race: Human

Age: 20

Height: 6’1

Weight: Relatively light. Kind of. She’s a little heavy.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

God Machine: There is an order to the world. Perhaps not one that can be seen or felt but it exists. Liseth is not only attuned to this order but something inside her has emulated it. Has learned its secrets and how to slip through the cracks in reality as it does in order to let Liseth achieve her mundane goals.

Many of these powers are very subtle. For example, from her pocket Liseth can pull out anything that could reasonably fit inside of there. On a grander scale she can open empty closets and boxes to find things that she has seen before inside there. Perhaps not the exact object but close enough but close enough. She can disguise conversation she has as ordinary chatter or whisper across a room as if she was right next to you. She can even erase evidence of her existence from an area, gain knowledge from consciously created things or structures as if she had made them piece by piece, unlock mundane objects and machines, and even vanish in the crowd to the point where even the most advanced cameras couldn’t spot her in it even if it had ages to do so.

However, there are more overt backdoors in reality that she can take. As long as there is no one around to witness her movements Liseth can move impossibly fast (Fantastic speed). She can pretty much walk out of the way of bullets or finish a race faster than most supernaturals could ever hope to. However, the moment she enters someone’s line of sight she is dragged back to reality and resumes normal speed.

She can also connect openings. A door may lead to another room inside the same building instead of an exit. But this a relatively localized phenomena. While you may end up somewhere else in the block you won’t end up on the other side of the city. She also has to know where these other openings are. Liseth can’t just send you randomly through doors.

Now that she has more experience Liseth has a few more options available to her. With a moment of time and privacy from the eyes of others she can instantly change her clothes as she sees fit. This goes well with another ability which allows her to assume the skills of any job at a professional level so long as she's wearing matching attire. Liseth may also speak to machines. She can tell them to do things such as open a program and type a message or refuse to work.

Her more overt abilities have also advanced with the power to outright tear a hole into reality leading to another plane of existence. The worlds of the Fae, the Underworld, and the many other strange and wondrous realms that border the real world are available to her. This doesn't protect her in any way from the dangers of these places, but it's still pretty neat.

However, her most potent ability is the ability to create Infrastructure. Unseen to even most supernaturals, the gears and pistons of Infrastructure hide within the structures of society and respond to Liseth's unconscious demand for additional power. It exploits the occult processes of the world through careful manipulation of those within its boundaries. It's nothing overt. Maybe you absentmindedly decide to fold a couple newspapers that ultimately end up getting burned up in fulfillment of some strange system.

Regardless of how it occurs the Infrastructure stores the power gained by exploiting these processes and uses the surplus to grow and collect even more energy. A cycle that allows Liseth a greater deal of power than usual.

When within the vicinity of her Infrastructure Liseth is aware of everything inside it as if it was her own body. When combined with her innate understanding of how a building was created and what it is composed of that makes hiding from her near impossible.

She can also enhance her natural abilities so that she can fill up rooms on the other side of a building with her powers so long as they are unobserved, or she can link up several doors and windows at once along with remotely locking and unlocking doors to keep someone confused or trapped in a building unless they start breaking things down.

It does take time to perform this act. Even after all this time Liseth only has Infrastructure at her own home and at the bar she frequents. Destroying the physical place that the Infrastructure is rooted in can destroy it, and unless she's either inside it or in the immediate vicinity its benefits are not available to her. Infrastructure also typically has a keystone. A vital component that will stall the machinery if it is removed or destroyed.

Cooking: She can steam rice, boil water, make scrambled eggs, and fry bacon. That’s basically it. Don’t judge.

Driving: She can drive, but she can’t do it very well. Liseth is terrified of actually steering a car.

Gamer: MLG. Plays all kinds of games. RTS, RPGs, map painting, FPS, and some more action and stealth oriented games. Sometimes she does fighting games as well. Mains White Justice against the Black Menace.

Quick Reader: She reads pretty fast. Comprehends about as quickly as well. It was a useful skill in English class, but wasn’t as useful outside of it.

Big Eater: Even for someone of her size Liseth can eat a pretty hefty amount. Only her equally hefty metabolism keeps her in her current state.

Origin: Liseth is completely normal. Or rather, she’s almost completely normal. She can’t remember when she heard the stealthy song of the orderly machine that didn’t really change her life all that much, but she knew she was young. There was something comforting in the grinding of gears and the flawless sound of shifting pipes. It resonated in her, and it wasn’t long before something inside her began to sing back.

It didn’t really alter her life in any spectacular way. She still went to school, played video games, argued with her parents and siblings, and binge watched anime while reading crummy fanfiction, but it was still there. Then one day she was out of lunch money and pulled out a twenty dollar bill to pay off the meal anyways.

Still, things didn’t get much different. It was more handy than life altering. She graduated high school, went to highschool, and just lived her life as simply as possible. Sometimes she would open the door to her house and enter her college, but so what? It was easier, less scary than driving, and she could erase any record of it if they found anything. She had a few 'jobs' here and there but they were mostly covers for the theoretically infinite amount of cash at her disposal. She took a loan and bought a house to everyone’s worry but her own. Furniture just happened to appear out of nowhere in no time and she had settled into a comfortable, leisurely life. Then the Nexus happened.

Weakness: She’s only really good at getting places. Can’t fight, can’t swim well, and at best knows some high school first aid. Almost everything can kill her.

Likes: Games, her online friends, anime, sleeping the day off, not having to pay for anything

Dislikes: Being reminded she isn’t home, people who talk like they’re objectively right, people who don’t look at all the facts, having her game time interrupted, being interrupted while listening to music, having to cook, having to drive, having existential crises in the shower, etc
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 12:02:12 AM by Umbra of Chaos »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #157 on: December 17, 2016, 11:18:34 PM »
Name: Meti

Race: Human

Age: 22

Height: 5’8

Weight: Somewhat light.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Master Swordsman: Meti has reached an impossible level of skill in regards to the sword. Her cuts, singular and perfect, slice apart all mundane materials. Her strikes, even when slower than her opponents, perfectly parry their blows, even if their skill is equal to what normal humans would consider akin to a master swordsman, and she does it without the slightest effort. Projectiles that she can react to are all but useless at her level of ability. If she can cut it then it will not harm her.

Example skill:

The Maybe Sword: Until a cut is made who can tell where her blade will strike? When Meti attacks her movements are impossible to read. Before she swings she lacks any style or stance, and when she does make her slash the sword is remarkably deceptive. Strikes filled with the intent to kill are mere feints, while cursory cuts are revealed to be deadly moves. This is only worsened by Meti’s capacity to redirect her blade. She can shift it in any direction, even the opposite one, without seemingly any loss of momentum.

Insight: When dealing with swords Meti is remarkably quick to catch onto its details. Even when holding a completely unfamiliar blade she will instinctively know how to properly use it. She also has some idea of what the blade wants. While most are fine just cutting people apart and shattering lesser weapons some may have more sophisticated desires that she seeks to fulfill.


Sword Cart: Meti has a cart filled with mundane swords she lugs around. It’s rather heavy despite her efforts, but it’s the only way for her to carry the small arsenal otherwise.

Origin: Meti is a child from a long line of reputable sword wielders, but she was exceptional even among them. At ten she defeated her father in combat and took his place as head of the family. He would never forgive her for this, and she would never forgive him for being such an irresolute swordsman.

In time an attack would be made against her by a branch of the family under her father. The fire licked at her flesh. She killed them all anyways. Then she simply took their blades, the family’s ancestral sword, and left. Anything in her way she cut down.

Eventually she got over it (kind of). What were those petty grudges to the immaculate beauty of a sword? So she relaxed and simply journeyed. She challenged swordsmen across the land. Those that lost also gave up their blades. If their sword was especially wonderful or their skill considerably atrocious she cut off a hand as well. Sometimes she had to kill them.

Weakness: She has no defense to magic. Ghosts and other intangible beings also cannot usually be hurt by her as most of her repertoire is made up of completely average swords. Meti can also be put somewhat off balance by large amounts of fire and while it won’t win a fight it’ll give you some advantage. As Meti’s swords are entirely mundane anything that they don’t cut through will probably shatter them. If her opponent is skilled or strong enough the cracking and ultimately the destruction of her blade will be inevitable, and if she’s far from her cart she can run of swords. She’s also nearly useless without a sword. Even if she does use the rest of her body when fighting all that does is complement her swordplay. Even a kick would be something to set up a slash. She pretty much can't fight without a blade

Likes: Cutting, swords, sword maintenance, sword training, sword maintenance equipment, cool lakes

Dislikes: Knives (just use a sword), staffs (that’s just the raw material for the hilt of a sword), polearms (if you need to overcompensate for something the sword is the original and best way for that), her burns


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« Reply #158 on: December 30, 2016, 06:48:10 PM »
Name: Neptune, Nep-Nep, Purple Heart

Race: CPU

Age: 10000+

Height:164 cm

Weight:48 kg

Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes




Other Abilities:

CPU Goddess : Neptune is the Console Patron Unit of the nation called Planeptune. As the Console Patron Unit she's tasked with being the nation's guardian diety and in exchange draws power from her subjects faith commonly referred to as Share Energy. Being a CPU she's both immortal of the unaging kind as well as immune to all common diseases. She also stays in peak physical condition no matter her diet.

Share Energy usually lies dormant in a pocket dimension, ready for her to draw out a moment's notice. Share Energy replenishes over time with the rate of it and the size of the reserves being proportional to the number of believers she has. Should the number of followers ever grow to a truly high number, she'd gain access to other abilities beyond mere stat increases when in HDD Form.

When not under the influence of Share Energy she appears to be a genuine average human with nothing supernatural about her.

Main Character

Neptune is the main character, what this means is that she has unprecedented knack for stumbling upon things she might need even if she doesn't realize it as time. The Main character is always right and can never be beaten unless the plot dictates it.

HDD Form :

As the goddess of Planeptune, Neptune is capable of undergoing a transformation using a Hard Drive Divinity disc. This changes her to her goddess form Purple Heart. In this form she becomes substantially more powerful and she also gains the ability to fly However due to the large strain put on her body she's only able to maintain it for a few minutes. She also gains a sword that looks like it originates from some far eastern land.

Appearance Purple Heart

Physical Attributes




Neptune Break

The ultimate final attack, legend has it this mysterious technique could even break the game. Whether or not that's true, it's still a devastating high speed combo that's destroys the opposition in 15 crushing blows. can only be used once in a while. Using this while in HDD form makes her go out of it.

Equipment: Wields two swords of great quality in her normal form and one in her goddess form. The sword she wields in her goddess form is a manifestation of her powers and thus is virtually indestructible.

Origin: There's a number of nations in the world of Gamindustri, all of them ruled by a Console Patron Unit like Neptune. Neptune herself has ruled as the goddess of Planeptune for a very very very long time. So long in fact that it's hard to even remember how long. Well ruling might be overstating things as bit as the day to day affairs of the nation is handled by the administration of the Basilicom as well as the oracle Histoire. She mostly (read 25 hours a day) played video games like a total shut in otaku. And only occasionally, very occasionally, saved the world from whatever villain that wanted to destroy it. Not that most of them were even that bad to begin with in retrospect. No. This is not the time to ruin the main character’s introduction, they were totally bad guys, who stole candy from children and all that mean stuff. Anyways, Where were we? Oh right introductions. Let's just cut to the chase. Neptune like the usual klutz she is fell through a portal....again.

Weakness: She's naive but also genre savvy (note: she's both somehow, don't worry about such minor details when there's villains to smash.) Her HDD form isn't a permanent transformation and she's usually unable to use it for a while after it's been used.

Pudding, Lazying off, playing video games, pudding, Being the main character, pudding, Plutie, video games. Someone's who's name might start with Ne....Nah that can't be right. Her first mate Lorenzo and also... cuddling with dogoos.

Eggplants, mean people, villains, people who make her work, eggplants. Having her name pronounced the wrong way.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 05:20:01 AM by Sinib »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #159 on: January 02, 2017, 02:39:15 AM »
Name: Butler

Race: Abhuman

Age: Unknown

Height: 190 centimeters

Eyes: Hollow, but the center of his one visible eyesocket shines with a yellowish light


A tall, lean man dressed in a formal suit vest set completed by gloves and immaculate black shoes. His face appears like that of a fleshless skull, with an eye patch covering his right eye socket.


Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Incredible


Magic Ability: None.

Other Abilities:

Teleportation: Butler is able to disappear from one place and reappear at another in an instant, up to a distance of tens of miles. He can also stretch this power to bring other people and large objects with him.

Total Life Support: Butler can ignore every kind of physical need such as sleeping, eating and breathing, is unaffected by environmental conditions of every kind, and is immune to the negative effects of toxins, disease, radiation, pressure and vacuum. His body is also unaffected by the passage of time.

Fighting Skills: Butler is an extremely skilled combatant, experienced in wrestling, martial arts, and firearms.

Myriad of Proficiencies: Having a honed logical mind, Butler is skilled with languages and sleight of hand, acquainted with military protocols, an experienced driver and pilot, and knowledgeable in the occult. His awareness and attention to detail also border on superhuman. He possesses other needed proficiences of a butler, of course. And he makes great tea.

Mental Resistance: Butler has been trained in mental resistance, and so has an unusually efficient ability to withstand things that target his mind.

Who Butler was before he became the being he is today is largely a mystery. The most certain fact about his past is that he has always served a master to the best of his abilities, no matter who that may be, and only left them once they were permanently struck down from their position. His first and most important employer was a magician who dabbled in the taboo, who he once served as a human. This long-dead magician was the one who gave him his current body by reaching past boundaries that mortals should not touch, and shaped the person who he is today.

Weakness: When he teleports, there is an opening that can be exploited, like the action of opening and stepping through a door. This delay makes it at best dangerous to use the ability in combat or similarly risky situations.

Likes: Serving others, tidiness, entertaining masters, showing off his skills, dedicated people
Dislikes: Unprofessionalism, boorish people who fail despite ample chances to tip the scales in their favor
« Last Edit: January 04, 2017, 03:24:35 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #160 on: January 15, 2017, 07:50:28 AM »
Name: Gojira

Race: Mutated Kaiju, formerly a Gojirasaurus

Age: Unknown (Became sapient when arriving at the Nexus a few weeks ago)

Height: 6 feet 6 inches

Weight: 200 lbs



Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Fantastic

Magical Ability: None

Other Abilities:

Atomic Breath: A powerful energy beam that glows a neon-blue. The heat ray burns at extreme temperatures, and causes a small explosion on the point of impact. This ability requires around four seconds of charge up, and it causes her dorsal plates to glow noticeably blue. Excessive use is draining, forcing her to rely on physical fighting for the most part.

Nuclear Pulse:
A burst of short-ranged energy that explodes outwards from her entire body. Knocks foes back, but, like the Atomic Breath, is taxing on her radioactive heart.

Regenerator G-1 Cells: These mutated stem cells reside in the bloodstream, quickly latching onto damaged flesh and healing her body. While they can't regrow limbs or prevent death, they allow her to heal rather grievous injuries in the matter of hours or days (Depending on the injury).

Burning Form:

When Gojira lets her rage overtake her, she overclocks her heart (which is essentially a biological nuclear reactor). Her body's temperature reaches to the point that being in close proximity to her could cause wood to spontaneously combust, steel to melt, and flesh to burn. Her Atomic Breath becomes more powerful, taking on a red violet color. This form could only be maintained for a couple of minutes, or else she risks her body melting. Afterwards, she would be on the verge of passing out due to spending most of her nuclear power.

Gojira has the ability to breath underwater as well as air. She is also a pretty strong swimmer.

Heat Resistance:
Gojira is immune to natural heat hazards (Up to and including taking a swim in a volcano), and has high resistance to heat based attacks.


None. She only has the clothing on her back.

Gojira was once a dinosaur, surprisingly. She was of a species that survived the K-T Extinction, and lived on the Bikini Atoll island chain. During World War II, her slumber was interrupted by American soldiers, whom she promptly slaughtered only to be laid low by artillery fire from offshore naval vessels. The reptile somehow survived the encounter, and was there when the United States used her island for atomic bomb tests.

The radiation altered her form, the pain turned her into a monster.

Gojira quickly grew in size, rivaling skyscrapers in height. She gained the ability to breath atomic fire, and her wounds would rapidly heal. In the year 1954, she left her bombed out island, seeking revenge on those who hurt her so much. She soon found a colony of those puny apes, the inhabitants calling it "Tokyo." The Queen of the Monsters promptly brought fire and brimstone to the city, swatting away the pathetic resistance the humans put up with ease until she tired and returned to the sea.

A few days later, a couple of humans dived to her resting place, and set off something in the water. The pain was so intense - it was like her body was literally dissolving. Gojira tried to swim away, but she couldn't escape. With a final, defiant roar, she tried to destroy the human vessel that floated on the surface above her, only for her body to fail. The beast drifted to the bottom of the bay, eyes closing for what she thought would be for the last time.

Miraculously, she awoke again, but not in Tokyo Bay. She was in some new city, with a form that mostly resembled the very things she hated most. But with this new body came intelligence and clarity - though she despises humans, she respects the power that some of the other inhabitants of the city have. The Nexus shall be left intact...for a time.

Weaknesses: Physically, Gojira is weak against electricity and low temperatures. Destruction of her second brain in her waist would also paralyze her from the waist down - at least until the Regenerator G-1 Cells heal her. Enemies that have high strength could also seriously hurt her. The beast's arrogance, short temper, and pride would often get her into trouble. Though her nuclear heart naturally produces power, it can only produce so much at a time and the lack of atomic power plants in the city prevents her from recharging "on the fly."

Gojira also lacks finesse while fighting. This means that, while she has a mean roundhouse kick, she doesn't have any form or discipline when going into melee, instead relying on brute force to overcome her opponents.

Strength, confidence, warm places, fish/whales as food, respect, swimming

Those who don't know their proper place, the cold, humans
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 07:22:04 PM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #161 on: January 15, 2017, 08:19:18 PM »
Name: Adjutor

Race: Human?

Age: Late 50s to early 60s (Looks to be in her late 20s due to the modifications slowing her aging significantly)

Height: 6’1

Weight: ...Maybe a bit on the heavy side, but it’s muscle, I swear!


The eyepatch was a one-time deal, never to be seen again. Mistakes were made.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible(Fantastic Stamina)

Magic Ability: Medium. While possesses a massive reserve of magical power, Adjutor generally doesn’t make as much use of it as she could, focusing more on the physical side of things.

Elemental Magic: While she’s been improving her capability with fire, earth, air, and water elemental magics, most of her skill lies in defense, both with and against her elements, and utility. For the most part, she’s limited to mediocre manipulations like pulling up some cover from the ground, pushing herself along with a quick gust of air, or walking across water by making it push her up.

Miscellaneous spells: She’s picked up some magic for hardening and reinforcing, though it only works on inanimate things. She’s also managed to reverse-engineer the technique for binding and unbinding the metal bound to her, which is how she got her hands on more after escaping. She also has knowledge of a number of rituals for more rapidly restoring her mana on her downtime, ranging from ritually prepared potions to tantric rituals, and a few more inbetween, though these require too much time to set up to be usable in the midst of a battle.

Other Abilities:

Mana Sight: As a side effect of the modifications, Adjutor can see mana and observe its flow and movements. While it served to help build her skill with magic, her experience with various mages allows her to discern details on the type of magic someone has a predilection for by observation. If she could find a proper teacher, she could probably expand her repertoire a bit faster than usual.

Monster Hunter: She hunts monsters, both non-human and human, for fun and profit (Mostly the former), and thus is highly adept against non-humanoid opponents or those that use abilities or fighting styles based off such creatures. Furthermore, due to her experience, she has a nearly encyclopedic knowledge base on monsters she’s encountered, with very few gaps.

Be very quiet, we’re hunting: As a result of her chosen profession, Adjutor is an expert in tracking her prey and moving undetected in most environments, though her more recent preference towards head-on combat has lead to her growing a little rusty in this department.

On second thought, this is more fun: Over the years, however, Adjutor has grown more confident in herself and her abilities, opting to take on her targets head on at times. To that end, she sought out the best teacher she could find and ended up spending time learning from someone for whom being found was an ordeal in and of itself. As a result, her skill with blades, blunt weapons, and her bare hands alike are around what would be considered master-level skill from the likes of mortal men, and her ability to improvise is nothing to be scoffed at.

Xarrest: Adjutor shares part of her mind with a Darkling who goes by the name Xarrest. Sorta. She’s given up on getting Adjutor to say it right, so they just stick with that.

While it’s not as good as another pair of eyes, they can still accomplish degree of multitasking and combat awareness that Adjutor would be incapable of by herself. Xarrest can also manifest some of her own natural abilities through Adjutor. They can see no matter how dark it is, and with some focus, they can turn any two shadows within line-of-sight into portals, though the link will break if they’re interrupted, so this is mostly used to get the drop on superior opponents.

Xarrest also provides some benefits that Adjutor remains mostly unaware of. She keeps mental intruders out of her host’s head as she’s already taking up place there. They’ve been working on the mental issues together, but it’s been slow going.


Armos: It took a while, but she finally figured out a name for the damn things. In essence, it’s a mass of thought-metal bound to her, though a fair amount of it was taken from less scrupulous users of the stuff. In the interest of focusing all her attention on the given situation, she leaves control of the Armos to Xarrest, though she’s perfectly capable of taking over when they switch out.

The metal is fairly strong, easily able to withstand blows from mundane weaponry. She doesn’t have much of it, so it can form little more than the equivalent of a long sword, leaving the purely defensive uses limited to rapidly shifting what metal she has to defend against incoming blows. Furthermore, there is a slight delay on it becoming solid.

Cold Iron club: For Fae and their types, you know the drill.

Silver sword: For werewolves and the like, though the metal itself is considered holy back home and it’s received a few blessings here and there. Not actually made entirely of silver, for obvious reasons.

Regular-ass (Not really) sword: Just a well-made blade kitted out with a few runes to make it extremely durable and so that it never loses its edge, along with a couple more to make the runes unerasable.

Twine: You can never have enough.

Journal: A book of forbidden lore about the Monster Hunter herself, touch it and die.

Origin: At first, Adjutor didn’t remember much of the events that had changed her so, little more than periods of time that were strangely absent from her memory, during which something was changed about her. Xarrest was probably the most surprising of the changes, but she wasn’t the last.

In the end, she ended up leaving on her own, or at least she felt like that was the case, and put as much distance as she could from that place. Soon, she found herself delivering her own brand of justice wherever she went, though she did have to broaden her repertoire after a while to keep food on the table.

Time passed and she slowly regained something of a regular sleeping schedule, when she found herself purchasing the services of a mage to unlock those blanks in her memories, reasoning that she should face them sooner or later.

At the time, she quickly found herself wishing she hadn’t, and some tiny sliver of that sentiment remained, until recently. Of course, landing this strange new world was another kind of shock entirely, albeit one that’s proving to be easier to adjust to than what she’s already with already, mostly a matter of getting used to all the shiny new things.

Weaknesses: Adjutor has virtually no ranged combat options. Furthermore, due to her modifications, any spells that hit her are magnified by a portion of her own mana, making spells affect her approximately twice as much as would a normal person.

Likes: Sweet, spicy, or sour food, Xarrest, alone time, most animals, strong men with nice personalities (Broad-shouldered is nice too)

Dislikes: Bitter food, being alone, Xarrest, mental manipulation, supernatural or otherwise
« Last Edit: January 28, 2017, 01:07:22 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #162 on: February 11, 2017, 09:05:34 PM »
Name: Jasey

Race: Human

Age: 18

Height: 5’8

Weight: Lightish


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Exceptional (Fantastic in Shift)

Constitution: Fantastic

Other Abilities:

Accidental Blessings: Inadvertently, Jasey has attracted the attention of a god and now acts as a font of its power and influence in the material world. She understands absolutely nothing about this and doesn’t know much at all about its true nature. Jasey would never be cruel enough to reject a good friend, after all.

Along with her greater powers it also provides some minor boons. Her messes are always cleaned up with the bodies vanishing without a trace. She also always managed to get her hands on a weapon. Even if you were to disarm her in a moment’s notice a new weapon or tool would be in her grasp, just as ready to cut down her opponent. She’s not a stranger to introducing spirits to these implements either.

Legend: Taking the form of her hockey mask, Jasey seems completely unassuming and normal with this power. The moment she puts on the mask she becomes someone else. An icon of murder and savagery. It is impossible to reconcile the two images, and if no one sees her put on or remove the mask then figuring out that she is a killer is nigh impossible.

She is also only capable of using her more advanced abilities while her Legend is active. As it is nothing more than a physical representation of her power losing the mask is also impossible.

Unstoppable: Elevated above human physique by her friend, Jasey is an incredibly hardy being. Small arms fire all but bounces off her flesh, knives break against her skin, and getting hit by a car is more like receiving an especially flirty love tap. Pain is inconsequential to her. Broken bones, bullets, or stab wounds won’t even make her flinch. Jasey has no need for vital organs. A knife in the heart or bullet to the head will at best slow her down for a moment.

About once per battle Jasey can call upon the apex of this ability. She shimmers with an unearthly light and becomes impossible to move and even harder to harm. Because of its short duration it’s less of a unstoppable onslaught and more of a combo breaker which disrupts the flow of battle and puts it back into her favor. The despair and terror that it sometimes causes is just extra fun. Its potency also restrains her from using it more than once per most battles or chases.

Shift: The god that she represents opens up a whole new world to Jasey. A dark reflection of the mortal realm, she can perceive the shadows cast by souls even without her other senses by peering into there.

She can also transport herself fully there in order to move far faster than she could ever manage normally. Her presence in the real world is heralded by sudden chills, darkened shadows, and the feeling that something is there with you. As she is within another plane Jasey can pass through most barriers and defenses without anyone being aware.

While she is faster in this state the transition is far slower. The folds of existence peel back to allow her entry, but the speed at which they do so makes it unviable in combat. Ambushing, on the other hand, is far more potent with this power.

If she is harmed Jasey can Shift into this realm to heal to a degree. It is a patchwork job, more meant to hold her body together than truly heal her. For example, if she was torn apart she would ultimately come together again, but when returning to the mortal world the seams would be visible and cuts along them would harm her far easier. Eventually she would heal in full, but she would need time.

Absolute Terror: Even in her normal state Jasey can be intimidating. She could make a wild animal back down with a look and scare off armed thugs without much of an issue at all. With her Legend she becomes paralyzing.

With a bit of focus she can intensify this effect. A wave of crushing terror that simply stops the hearts of animals and make men forget to even breathe. It cannot be used more than once on an individual as the effect loses its potency with overuse, and anyone with the confidence to move past it also breaks the effect.

Eternal: While Unstoppable is about the unrelenting force of her body then Eternal is her unending spirit. Even if every bone in her body was shattered she would force herself to stand and and shamble towards you. Even if her body was torn apart her severed arms would reach up to choke you. Even when fully destroyed her spirit clings to this world through its stillborn sibling found in her Shifts, and she will incarnate in a mere 13 hours, albeit only held together by the healing properties of the other world. Her state will be as if she had been repaired by a Shift.
Weapons that usually rend souls apart hardly faze her. Magic which strikes at the soul tangles with one that has an unrelenting will that holds itself together in the face of all things.

Origin: Jasey killed someone one day. It was entirely by accident, but it stirred something up in her. Something that made her try it immediately with such fervor and want that she attracted the attention of a god.

She fed it pizza. It cleaned up her kill. And a friendship was born.

In between school, attempted relationships, and work Jasey worked hard to fit in various murders. They were usually against bad people, but it was more of a preference thing than anything else. It’s not like she was that picky. And that was just life. Just a little complicated, enjoyable, and with a bit of stress.

Weakness: Jasey is a serial killer and murderer, not a fighter. While sheer strength, durability, and her powers can give her an edge she’s not really that much of a fighter. She has no ranged options or gap closers unless she’s given time uninterrupted to Shift. If attacked while Shifting out of the world she can be interrupted and the opening will close.

Likes: Spicy food, horror movies, chocolate, long showers, murder, spider god.

Dislikes: Drawn out murders, forgetting something at the scene, forgetting homework, being too full.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #163 on: February 22, 2017, 06:10:02 PM »
Name: Nero

Age: 19

Height: 6'1"

Weight: Normal for someone of his age, height, and body type. Could use a bit more meat on his bones, though.


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Incredible (Devil Bringer is Fantastic)

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible (Devil Bringer is Legendary)

Other Abilities:

Demonic Physiology: Being only a quarter demon, Nero doesn’t actually seem to benefit much from his demonic blood aside from being physically far and above most normal humans and in his Devil Bringer. Of course, he's not aware of his demonic heritage and it hasn't fully awoken yet.

Air Hike: Nero can create a temporary platform under his feet from demonic energy to jump again in mid-air.

Table-hopper: Essentially a stylish short ranged dash, primarily used to get some breathing room.

Combat expert: Nero is an expert swordsman and gunslinger, both from his training with the Order of the Sword and his own experience in fighting demons.

Devil Bringer: A literal devil arm that is Nero’s right arm. It is fairly conspicuous, between the bright blue glow, chitin-like plating, and sharp claws, and as such he keeps it wrapped up in a sling to keep from drawing too much attention. In addition to being substantially stronger than Nero and impossibly tough, the Devil Bringer can send out spectral arms to grab and manipulate things within a decent range, and to absorb and sense demonic energy with surprising accuracy. Nero also uses it to maneuver by sending out an arm and pulling himself towards whatever he grabs. If the need arises, the Devil Bringer’s projections can scale up to match the size of the task, though only up to a certain point.


Red Queen: A Durandal sword commonly used by the Order that’s been heavily modified. The primary modification is in removing the limiter on the system that allows Nero to ‘rev’ the blade, spraying a flammable propellant on the blade, with the resulting blaze increasing the power and the range of his attacks. Furthermore, the system is powerful enough for Nero to be able to use it like an impromptu jet if the need arises.

The sword itself is surprisingly resilient, capable of withstanding blows even from powerful Devil Arms such as the Rebellion or Sparda.

Blue Rose: A specially designed magnum featuring a double-barrelled design that lets it fire off two shots in rapid succession. Though the Order frowns on the use of guns, Nero makes good use of it anyway, and the rounds are powerful enough to damage all but the hardiest of demons if he lands a clean shot. For some extra kick, Nero can charge the shots with demonic energy from his Devil Bringer, to the point of the bullets exploding with the force of a grenade shortly after impact.

Origin: Nero was left at an orphanage as a child, his earliest memories being of his time there. He met Kyrie and Credo early on and took a liking to them, becoming good friends with both and looking up to the latter. Though he lost his faith in things like god after the deaths of their parents, he still followed them and joined the Order of the Sword later on. Between his lone wolf nature and his unorthodox approach, Nero was often saddled with the solo 'special jobs' by the Order, not that he minded too much.

One day, however, he was injured on an assignment to help out Kyrie, along with Kyrie herself. While she recovered completely, Nero's arm changed on that day as it healed. While he was initially worried about it being some sort of infection, he started training with it when he realized what it was capable of. Even so, he kept the arm hidden while in public, as best he could. Then, one day, on the eve of the Festival of Blades, Nero found himself transported to some strange new place in the middle of a training session.

Weaknesses: When he gets worked up, he tends to rush into things only to make them substantially worse.

Likes: Good heavy metal, a decent fight, poker, pizza, working alone, showing off

Dislikes: Demons, pasta, being called a kid, having to use the Devil Bringer in public, missing mom/dad jokes, having to sit through religious stuff, silent types
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 04:16:01 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


  • Spiritron
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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #164 on: March 03, 2017, 01:55:14 AM »
Will Jasper
Race: Human
Age: 18
Height: 6’1” (185 cm)
Weight:  170 lb (75kg)

Appearance: Left forearm is made of silver, from the fingertips to halfway to the elbow. Silver hand’s fingertip nails are filed to a point. Left arm is covered by a long and thin green glove. Lanky build, with strong legs and arms. Silver hair. A green patch over his left eye (hides a golden iris with a cat-like pupil)

Strength: Exceptional (Up to incredible under moonlight, proportional to moonlight).

Agility: Exceptional (Up to incredible under moonlight, proportional to moonlight).

Constitution:  Exceptional (Up to incredible under moonlight, proportional to moonlight). Silver arm is Fantastically durable.

Magic: Low. As a result of his origin, he was infused with magic using light. He can therefore manipulate light, but cannot create it. He can shadow himself to hide in a crowd or crevice, or more evenly distribute light from a lantern to illuminate the blind spots that occur outside of the light. In a pinch, he could focus it onto someone’s eyes to blind them. Maybe store sunlight against a vampire.

Other Abilities: Skilled with a sword and wrestling. Good handyman know-how when it comes to machines or general jerry rigging (could sew a wound, kindle a fire, rig a tripwire or other trap etc). This intuition stems from his crafting forte: manipulating materials under heat (like a welder or blacksmith), in particular softer materials like silver or glass. When working with softer materials, he can etch out runes that confer Incredible-level bonuses. Light wounds regenerate within minutes. This rate is faster the more moonlight available. Severe wounds like amputation require hours under moonlight. His silver arm repairs chips in seconds. Total loss of the silver arm would require weeks to regenerate.

Equipment: Always carries flint, a whetstone, and a high-quality knife. Has a finely crafted steel word laced in silver runes.

Origin: Apprenticed as a blacksmith to his father. Family was killed by werewolves when he was 12. Volunteered as a guinea pig for a mage’s research project to create anti-werewolf weapons. As he was too young for experimentation, he was allowed to live at the mage’s tower in the meantime. Here he practiced his blacksmithing with renewed fervor (using softer materials available at the tower), trained with a notable guard captain at swordsmanship, and received tutelage with other mage students in reading, able to duplicate at least their runes and had knowledge of their spells (although he could not use it himself). The day he was experimented on, he was put under sleep for the process of unknown length. He awoke in Nexus City, half of his left forearm silver and his left eye able to see in the dark (and track Fantastic speed). Body hair was fuller. Wounds regenerated. His muscles were more pronounced. All of these attributes increased under and in proportion to moonlight. Will had also developed a slight affinity for magic that manipulated light—although this did seem to share any connection to the level of moonlight—and he used knowledge from the mage courses to wield it.

Weakness: Same as any human, although his silver arm is magically reinforced and tougher than bone. He is sensitive of his new features and attempts to hide them with a glove and eye patch. He will react as self-conscious if they are noticed, and become aggressive if pushed too far to reveal what’s underneath.

Likes: Quiet and calm. Helping others. Loves food.

Dislikes: Creatures of the night, in particular werewolves. Bullies. Persistent prying into his secrets.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 12:04:47 AM by Sinib »