Name: Forest
Race: Vampire
Age: Like really freaking old. Ancient. Over 1,000 years old. Looks in her late teens though.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 125-ish
Physical Attributes: Strength: Amazing
Agility: Amazing
Constitution: Amazing
Magic Ability: Low
Forest does know one spell- it’s a small fire spell that she can use to light small fires such as pilot lights or candles.
Other Abilities:TelepathyThe power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.
Mind Reading: Forest can read the minds of others. (For the sake of the RP, if a character is actively thinking in her vicinity Forest can hear it if she chooses unless they are blocking their thoughts.)
She can also “download”, store, and process thoughts from others this way (for PCs it would only be if the player allows). IE: If she needed a combination to a lock or to help learn a language. The harder the task is, the longer it takes to absorb and gain. Because of this, she generally uses this for simple things like learning the layout of a building if she’s never been there before and needs to get around fast.
The more intense the thought, the “louder” it seems to Forest. Also people who are particularly intelligent project their thoughts more than say someone of below average intelligence.
Communication: Forest can communicate by “speaking” into someone’s mind. It has the same basic connotations and functionality as if she was having a verbal conversation with someone else. However, if Forest gets “loud” it’s akin to having someone shout in their ear.
Mental Manipulation: This is the ability to manipulate what others perceive or don’t. Like making people see things that aren’t there (she’s fond of making people see chickens) or not see things that are there (“What absurdly large gun?”).
This allows her to also send impulses into people’s minds as well. Like perusing things that aren’t there or to act irregularly. Or to ignore things that are there in front of them as well.
She also has mild emotional manipulation as well. She generally uses this to spread calmness or quiet unease.
Memory Access: With focus, Forest can read past someone’s current thoughts into their memories.
Mental Bonding: (For PCs if their player wants to have their character have a mental bond with her.)
Forest forms a mental bond with a person. This bond can be temporary or permanent, as it is with Gabriel Umbra. This bond allows the other participant to communicate with her over great distances as well as share thoughts and feelings to her and vice versa.
If Forest does not shield herself, the other party in the bond can witness her thoughts and feelings as easily as she can theirs.
She can choose to share what she is physically and emotionally feeling with the partner as well.
People who have bonds with Forest cannot read each thoughts or communicate that way unless she decides to open up a communication channel. Example: Character A cannot have telepathic communication with Gabriel just because they have a bond with Forest.
Telepathic Shield: Forest can hide her thoughts from others and is guarded from mental attack. She can also shield her mental presence from someone else if needed.
She can also protect multiple targets at once with this ability. However, the more people she shields the more toll it takes on her, weakening her, and she can only shield people within a city block radius from her location.
She can also block one being from influencing a group of people if they are in range.
Telepathic Relay: Forest has the ability to act as a mental relay station for a group of minds, allowing said minds to "speak" to one another through the user.
Remote Telepathy: She has the ability to use telepathy over great distances. However, it’s easier for her to do so if she has familiarity over the subject in question. (Like if she already has an established bond.)
Telepathic Combat: An ability that Forest picked up when she was alive was that she would read an opponent’s thoughts to see how they would move next in a fight. The more cornered she becomes in a fight, the faster she’ll start to rely on this so she can attempt to turn combat to her favor or to survive against someone who is much stronger than her.
Mental Immunity: Because of her strong telepathic ability and skills, Forest herself is pretty much immune to mind control and mental manipulation. If someone attempts such a thing on her, they would see imposing black crystal walls and hear the caws of a murder of crows growing increasingly louder.
Regeneration: Forest can heal rapidly from any physical injury as long as it isn’t fatal (see weaknesses). Bullet wounds, cuts, and stabbing can heal moments after the damage has dealt. She can even recover lost limbs as well. If a limb is severed but can be recovered and grafted she would have full use of it in about an hour.
If she needs to regrow a lost limb it takes three days to regenerate it to full functionality.
Heavy head trauma (such as getting shot with a lower caliber bullet or bludgeoned) will knock her unconscious. The worse the trauma, the longer it would take for her to wake up. She generally suffers from short term amnesia after a head shot until she feeds again to spur the more fine tune healing.
It’s In the Blood: Different supernatural blood can affect Forest in different ways.
Werewolf blood can energize her: intensifying her senses and giving her a slight boost in strength and speed.
Fae blood (or any other highly magical being) has an intoxicating effect on her. It can run the gauntlet from a loss of inhibition and giddiness to an almost aphrodisiac effect.
Blood can also help her heal even faster. IE if she’s lost a limb. It is needed to regain her short term memory after head trauma.
Art of Fighting: Forest has studied unarmed combat for most of her existence. Part of it is because she gets a thrill on trading blows with an equal, but another part is, in her world, a lot of supernaturals don’t really have skill with their supernatural ability. Because of this, and for a love it as well, Forest has mastered multiple forms of martial arts in her lengthy existence.
At this point in time, she’s the one that masters come to learn from if they knew what she had learned over the ages.
Axe To Grind: While Forest is more than proficient at most melee weapons, she is best with an axe. This is a skill that came from when Brónach was alive. She knows how to best use it against other weapons, even when at a disadvantage.
Lilith’s Lineage: Forest is an
Elder in her point of origin and has some unique abilities that vampires sired after a certain point don’t.
The first of those is she can actually use semen as a limited form of feeding.
The second is that she has a subconscious Lure that she’s not even really aware that she has. (Gabriel knows of it. He hasn’t told her because of it because it’s Gabriel.)
This Lure causes her to appear more attractive and desirable to people who’s “type” she wouldn’t normally be. It also makes her appear far less of a threat than she is, much to her chagrin. It also causes people to notice and approach her that normally wouldn’t as well.
Orgasmic Bite: Part of the Linage of Lilith. Forest, whenever she bites someone, causes them to orgasm. She cannot stop this and she doesn’t get off while doing it much to her chagrin.
The only person she’s bitten and they haven’t gotten off on it was Gabriel, thank the Lord and Lady.
Genre Savvy: Being a giant nerd who reads a lot, watches a lot of TV and movies, and has been around a
really long time she generally has a “basic” idea of how things work.
“Never, ever say you have a bad feeling about this.”
Linguist: Through her travels, and with the use of telepathy, Forest can speak a number of languages.
Has trouble speaking and understanding Spanish though.
Pony Car Enthusiast: Due to her love of muscle cars, Forest is an extremely talented driver. She can coax things out of cars that even professional race car drivers (normal mortal ones mind you) would have trouble believing until they saw it. She’s also learned basic upkeep over the years such as oil changes, how to perform a tune-up, tire changing, fuse replacement and maintenance and upkeep.
Of course, she can drive a stick shift.
An Ear For Music: A sort of random talent, but because of her love of music, Forest studied up somewhat on music theory and how to play the violin.
PARKOUR WANKERS! Dance Dance Revolution: Forest knows how to parkour. She’s also an accomplished gymnast and knows how to ballet dance. It helped build speed and precision with her martial arts back in the day.
Heightened Senses: All of her senses are heightened: sight, scent, hearing, taste and touch. Sight, scent, and hearing far beyond a human into animal territory to make her a better hunter.
She also has a sixth sense that alerts of her danger and supernatural
otherness within her near vicinity.
Because her sense of touch is heightened it makes pain and pleasure that much more intense for her . . .
Ain’t Got Time to Feel: Forest became well acquainted with pain a long time ago. She’s learned to either ignore it or to keep working despite it while she heals. Things that might down someone else in agony, Forest would keep going out of sheer stubbornness.
Invitation Only: Forest has to be invited into a living area before she can physically enter it. However, if she’s invited once then she has permission to enter it whenever she wants, until the home/apartment ownership changes hands.
This is not an issue for entering another vampire’s lair though.
Equipment: 1967 RS Z/28 Camaro: The Forestmobile itself, the infamous muscle car. It still has most of the original factory specs, save for a modern radio so she could better listen to music. V8 Engine and 4 speed manual.
The .44 AutoMag: The semiautomatic version of the .44 Magnum. Clip holds 7 rounds and Forest generally keeps a round chambered, giving her 8 shots before she has to switch magazines. Currently her primary gun because she doesn’t have to reload as often (8 shots vs the Revolver’s 6).
The .44 Magnum Revolver: Forest actually prefers the revolver to the AutoMag because it’s she can have custom bullets made/make for it, it’s more accurate, and it’s actually a bit more powerful than the AutoMag. Plus she just more comfortable with a revolver than the automag.
She generally only has one of those guns on her person at one time.
The Compound: Her base of operations and home.
The building is four stories with a full basement and completely subterranean level that serves as her living quarters and provides her protection against daylight because it’s completely underground.
The top story is a dormitory of sorts that can house many people if needed. It’s also used as a storage area. The 3rd floor is more plush guest rooms complete with some of them having their own baths. The second floor houses a living room, a gymnasium, and conference room. The first floor has the library and kitchen. The basement leads to the garage. The basement is also where she keeps her armory and a shooting range.
The subterranean level is Forest’s living quarters with a study, her bedroom, an absurdly large bath, a room for her crystal collection, and a private living room. There’s also a panic room as well.
The panic room is almost completely impenetrable. It’s reinforced by heavy spells to keep things out and keep Forest safe within. (Could be broken into with enough “Fantastic” force.)
The compound also is fortified:
There are alarm wards that let Forest know if someone is breaking and entering.
Her living quarters were reinforced like a bomb shelter, and could theoretically survive a heavy explosion.
Other wards include:
Lost and Confused - If someone has not been to the compound or being taken there by Forest, there is a ward that will trigger that will make the person trying to get there not see it despite passing it over and over again. If Forest is leading them there or they’ve been in there, this becomes a non issue. (This only affects “mundanes” those who are not supernatural at all.)
Invitation Only- Forest can easily turn on a switch that only allows people to physically enter with an invitation by her. If someone has not been invited and tries to gain access they will find themselves blocked by a strong mystical forceshield. (Can be broken with “Incredible” Force.)
Harm None- Forest can also activate a “non-violence” spell that calms people from wanting to do violence.
Small Armory: Forest has a small armory. It used to be larger, but she sold a lot of stuff when she got here. Still has a MG 42 and a rocket launcher though.
Money: While not as well off as she was in her home dimension, Forest had to adapt quickly to her new lack of means in the Nexus. So, she remembered her time with some Vikings and got rid of some unsavory elements and absorbed their resources as her own.
She also occasionally turns bounties in as well.
So while she’s not Bruce Wayne Rich, she’s more than decently well off.
She is looking for a safe investment to start building on. Just Nexus really doesn’t have anything “safe”.
Origin: A long time ago there was this lost tall blond dude with an axe who shacked up with a Pict clan. He fell in love with one of their priestesses and she reciprocated. She got knocked up.
She died giving birth.
Distraught, this warrior/pirate dude named the surviving Brónach, which meant “Sorrow” and then . . . Died suicide via battle, leaving Brónach orphaned and in the care of her mother’s family.
Things kind of sucked for young Brónach. When puberty was starting to hit, she started to be able to read people’s thoughts. She was crushed to find out that her uncle wished that she had been a boy because that would have been easier to deal with because he already had one daughter.
Almost in defiance of this, Brónach took up her dad’s axe and became one hell of a fighter. She used those mind reading skills to make her virtually unbeatable in the skirmishes that a Scottish barbarian culture used to have way back in the day. She grew up, learning what she could of her dead father and the crow goddess he held in reverence.
Until one night she met a Roman Bastard who’s mind she couldn’t read and who she couldn’t beat back with her axe.
He was a monster, and even though Brónach was a bit of an outcast amongst her people, there were still people she loved and wanted to protect.
Like her cousin and her comrades in arms.
So when this Roman Bastard gave her an ultimatum: come with him and let him make her like him or see her people slaughtered before her, she chose to go with him.
Which really sucked, literally, because the Roman Bastard was a vampire. He made Brónach’s turning as unpleasant as possible because he wanted to see if he could break her. Even though bloodied, beaten, and defiled, Brónach was anything but compliant.
Becoming a vampire intensified her mental abilities to the point that she could shrug off his control over her. So she bashed his head from a rock and ran. She ran to find her father’s people on the island to the south and lived with them for a time. When it became apparent that she wasn’t aging, Brónach left, drifting from place to place, lost, alone and learning to control her abilities and hunger.
Until one night years and years later, standing on the bow of a ship shaped like a monster, was someone who offered to actually teach her how to be a vampire. She spent years with them, learning from the jovial warrior vampire as she found somewhat of a family with him and the men and women he traveled with.
During their travels, she renamed herself Forest, putting Brónach at rest.
Eventually, she parted ways with the Vikings (it was very messy and she doesn’t like to talk about it).
Forest eventually became one of the most sought after mercenaries for the supernatural until she built up enough wealth and reputation to strike out on her own, where she eventually earned the title Law Unto Herself given to her by a vampire bard with a serious crush. Of course, she made plenty of friends and enemies on her rise of power. Had her heart broken by an unusual Faerie that she loved but he didn't love her as much in return. Found her beloved cousin reborn several times, befriended one Lady Wynn Noreen Umbra of the Unseelie court and became godmother to her "abomination" son.
Flash forward to modern times where Forest is, as she was titled, Law Unto Herself with a good deal of money and freedom due to her hard work, saving, and when the stock market became a thing, good investing. These things gave Forest the luxury to do things that most vampires would never due to fear of the Vampiric Council and the Circle.
One night she found herself pulled into the Nexus. She patrols the streets of Nexus helping the helpless, but is quickly finding herself in over her head against beings more powerful than her. She’s questioning her existence, her validation, and reason for being. She’s terrified that she’s a relic who’s outlived her usefulness and has no idea what to do with her existance now.
Weakness: Losing a limb- if Forest cannot graft a limb back it takes 3 days for her to regenerate it.
Beheading. It could be argued that destroying her brain completely would do the trick as well, but it would have to be
completely destroyed.
Wooden Stake through the Heart. Pretty much instantly kills her.
Sunlight. It takes a few minutes for sunlight to completely immolate her.
Fire. She can burn to death/ashes. However, she really doesn’t burn any faster than a human.
Silver. Silver isn’t fatal to her at this point, and in fact she’ll heal from a wound dealt by silver almost as easily as by steel, but silver can
bind her. A slim silver chain can bind her and keep her from escaping unless she can slide her hands/body free. She cannot break it though.
Garlic. Garlic cannot kill her, but it’s unpleasant if she ingests it and can even blister her skin with prolonged contact.
Have to Have Faith For It To Work On Me. Religious items can repel her/ward her back, but they have to be wielded by someone who has true faith. Just the item alone isn’t enough to do it, the person behind it has to believe in the power behind it or just that it would work.
“Theoretically, if someone thought a Chrysler symbol would repel me hard enough it probably would.”
Necromancy. A powerful enough necromancer could control her, but they would have to be extraordinarily powerful to do so, and they could only control her body, not her mind.
Blood Is the Life: Forest can only drink live blood from a living source. Cannot drink from the undead (literally, she’d throw it back up) or stored blood.
Likes: Edgy makeup. Gothic clothing. Fruit! Orange juice. Oranges. Citrus. Good heavy metal. 80’s horror and action movies. Bruce Campbell. The
Evil Dead series. Really porny paranormal romance novels. Pop culture. Comic books. Mythology. Pony Cars. Crows. Ruggedly handsome men who are taller than her, super bonus if they’re also redheads. Gabriel. When Wynn isn’t Grabby. Fingernail polish. Kids. Electric Blankets. The Morrigan. The color purple/violet. Lavender (the plant). Leather dusters and steel toed boots.
Dislikes: When strangers touch her without permission. That Roman Bastard. CGI laden movies with bad plots. Most modern music. Cloying sweets. People who mistake over use of body spray as an alternative to bathing. Being told she can’t do something because she’s a girl or some other reason. Being judged by what she is instead of who she is. Being cold. Jukeboxes that don’t have Iron Maiden or any heavy metal on them. Being alone.