Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone  (Read 95127 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #135 on: March 26, 2016, 06:40:50 PM »
Name: Shiro

Race: Kitsune

Age: Hundreds of years old

Height: short

Weight: variable

Appearance: Shiro takes two main forms, a pure snow-white fox, and the female human form that she seems to prefer over even her form as a fox.

Her human form looks like that in the picture, except that when she chooses to have ears and a tail, they both are pure white. She can also change the number of tails that she shows, up to her real number of tails, six.

Her fox form can vary as much as her human form, it can be small like a normal fox with but a single tail or much larger, up to the size of a large bear with six tails.

Physical Attributes
Human form
Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Exceptional

Small fox form
Strength: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Giant fox form

Other Abilities:

Immunity to mundane stuff

Shiro is immune to all mundane harm, as a spirit. Her physical form can be damaged, but her true body, her soul, cannot be harmed by such an attack. It takes something supernatural to harm her, the more supernatural, the more potent it will be.

Shapeshifting: As a Kitsune, Shiro possesses a mastery of shapeshifting that is unparalleled by most creatures. She can transform in about a few seconds, depending on the size difference, with a single thought into almost anything she can imagine, provided it’s at most the size of a large grizzly bear

Foxfire: A Kitsune’s ability to utilize fox fire is directly proportional to the number of tails they possess. The Foxfire is a physical manifestation of their soul, and as a six tail, Shiro has high degrees of fine control over hers. It cannot be easily put out, and is completely immune to all sorts of water except that which is blessed by the gods or other sorts of attacks which harm the soul directly, and even those would deal significantly less damage than normal.

She is able to control a large amount if it, enough to completely surround her true form with about four inches of white fire with an unearthly pink outline. She can also throw it around in the form of fireballs, and she can decide what it burns. So, for example, she could easily cover someone she likes in protective fire, and they would simply feel comfortably warm, or she could do the same to an enemy, and it would incinerate them, even if they possessed resistance to fire, it still could deal damage to them.

Sakura Blossoms: For most of her life, Shiro has lived underneath a holy Sakura tree, protecting it from danger. As a result, some of its holy powers have rubbed off onto her and infused into her. She is able to control the blossoms of a cherry tree and use them to bolster her own powers, and can to a very limited extent create them out of thin air, like magic. With some effort she can create a small pile of them, the size depending on the time she puts into it.

Shiro can mentally control any cherry blossoms in her vicinity to about a fifteen foot range around her, causing them to obscure her opponent’s view of her. While she is controlling them, she is able to instantly cover them in her fox fire, turning them into a storm of deadly tiny projectiles.

Supernatural Perceptions: Shiro can sense other dimensions, and is capable of sensing all spirits and other supernatural stuff as if they were just as real as a physical being.

Platform Sandles: Shiro likes to wear platform sandals in her human form, to compensate for its height. While she is totally aware she could easily just make her human form taller, she chooses not to, because it’s the same form she’s always taken ever since she was a weak one tailed kitsune.

A Bag: Shiro carries around a bag that she keeps filled with cherry blossoms, about the size of her head..

Origin: Shiro was not always known as Shiro. Truly, for most of her life she wasn’t. She was simply the fox who protects the cherry tree. She was the fox who was worshipped as a god. And she was fine with that.

But all of this changed one day, when a young boy came up to her, and simply said hello, sat down, and stayed with her. It infuriated her. How dare he show her such flagrant disrespect? She wanted to tear him apart!

But another part of her was surprised, and happy. It was a new experience. She was curious about what he was thinking, why he wasn’t rightfully afraid of her. So she let him stay with her, and he continued to come back, every day. Eventually she transformed into a human, to speak with him, and they became good friends. He never treated her like anything other than just another human. And she grew to like it. She grew to despise the adoration that most of humanity gave to her true form. So she remained transformed into a human, and stayed friends with the boy, who was now a man. He’d named her Shiro, after the color of her beautiful fur.

Eventually the boy died. Of course, Shiro lived on. But she always remembers the boy in her heart, and will never forget how he changed her life.

Weakness: Her biggest weakness is easily the fact she loves to pretend to be more human than she truly is. She dislikes transforming into her true form, enough that she might not choose to do so even if it would mean she would easily win against someone by adopting her giant bear-fox form. She is a good-natured person, and this can be taken advantage of. Holy Water. It dunks her. She possesses no resistance to it, and it can douse her fox fire with no problems. If all her fox fire is doused, she dies. Even without foxfire active, it still will harm her greatly.

To apply foxfire directly to another person, she has to be directly touching them.

Likes: Fried tofu, Cherry Blossoms, nature, books, human things, friendly people, socializing normally

Dislikes: rampant industrialization, energy sources that aren’t renewable, bad cooking, taking her true form
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 07:10:50 PM by Sinib »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #136 on: March 27, 2016, 06:15:07 AM »
Name: Chloe von Einzbern, Kuro

Race: Homunculi

Age: She's legal

Height: Tall enough

Weight: Not that much

Face claim:

Physical Stats:

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magical Ability:High

Kuro can detect magecraft and even recognize basic forms, She's proficient in various tantric rituals as demonstrated by transferring prana to herself through kisses. She's also capable of performing a form of teleportation. Kuro also posses great magical reserves herself being an homunculus. She has wishcraft from being a former holy grail whatever.

Other Abilities :

Class Card: Archer

Class cards are mystical cards that grants you some of the abilities of a servant, they are however diminished. In Kuro's case it's the Archer card which mainly grants her the ability to partially use Unlimited Blade Works. It also grants her a high level of analytic skill that makes it easier for her to deduce the easiest way of achieving victory. She also gains mastery off an weird form of combat where you create fake openings.

Unlimited Blade Works:

This is a Reality Marble that grants three abilities; Projection and Reinforcement and the deploying the reality marble itself.

Projection allows her to materialize any melee weapon whether it's magical or mundane that she has stored in her reality marble at a slightly reduced quality compared to the original. Swords however are the easiest and generally of the highest quality, she's also capable of materializing shields but the cost is much higher. The weapons themselves are stored in there after Kuro has “analyzed” them, this process is near instantaneous and happens whenever she has seen something that could be classified as a melee weapon. A copy of said weapon will be created inside her Reality Marble, however she cannot analyze certain weapons of divine nature. She's also capable of altering the structure and form of the weapons in the Reality Marble changing the ways it can be used.

Reinforcement is a degraded version of what she can do to weapons, she's capable of enhancing the properties of an object or her own body making them tougher and better at what their supposed to do, like a knife gets sharper or a light bulb shines brighter.

The final application of it is the deploying of it, where she and whomever is in the immediate vicinity is “pulled into” the Reality Marble. Unlimited Blade Works look like an endless plain with a few hills, there are innumerable swords stuck into the ground as far as the eye can see, these blades ranges from ordinary to the greatest blades of legend. The sky is red an filled with large spinning cogwheels. Whether or not she can actually use it currently is another matter entirely.

Origin :

She is the true personality of Illya that was sealed by her parents when she was young, they didn't believe she should carry on the legacy of the Einzbern so they left. She was still conscious of what was happening though and started resenting the fake personality that had taken her place as she was sealed. After she managed to regain control she had however split from the other 'fake' Illya and gotten a body of her own, She immediately tried to kill he other fake Illya but failed and was tied to the fake using a complex seal. The sealing still left her bitter and she was unwilling to cooperate with the magical girl squad due to her circumstances. She eventually warmed up to them and became friends.

Wekanesses :She’s pretty arrogant and can underestimate people if she misjudges them. overestimates herself. 

Likes : Teasing people, showing off, swet things

Dislikes: Not being taken seriously, people thinking she’s fake.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 05:19:46 AM by Sinib »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #137 on: April 13, 2016, 11:48:33 PM »
Name: Dante (Alias: Tony Redgrave)

Race: Human/Demon Hybrid

Age: ??? (Appears to be in his twenties)

Height: 6’ 3”

Weight: 170 lbs


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Demonic Physiology: Dante seemingly ages very slowly, with his body being at its physical prime. He can heal very quickly from any injuries he suffers short of the total loss of a limb (This would probably take a bit of time to regrow). Furthermore, poisons have highly reduced effect on him and he can’t get sick. He also demonstrates the ability to seemingly ignore the need for breath, carrying out protracted fights while underwater with no ill effects. Furthermore, Dante appears to have high environmental resistances, appearing to be unaffected by extreme temperatures and suffering only minimal effects from things such as lightning. It also seems to grant him a degree of resistance to magic.

Air Hike/Sky Star: By focusing his power underneath him, Dante can create a platform to jump off of in mid-air.

Combat Mastery: Dante is an expert with all of his weapons, usually mastering use of them shortly after acquiring them. In addition, Dante is a peerless marksman with Ivory and Ebony, and he’s no slouch with his other ranged weapons.

Styles: Dante makes use of four fighting styles, and can switch between them with ease. The styles are as follows.

Swordmaster: A style that makes full use of the Dante’s Devil Arms.

Gunslinger: A style characterized by emphasis on gunplay.

Royal Guard: A style characterized by focusing on blocking/parrying and counterattacking against most manners of assault. The pinnacle of this style is a technique where Dante creates a solid shield of demonic energy to block attacks from a single direction that can take a decent amount of punishment before shattering.

Trickster: This style is characterized by emphasis on fast movement to reposition and dodge enemy attacks. The pinnacle of this style is a technique that allows Dante to briefly break his own limits to move blindingly fast, seemingly disappearing for all of an instant before reappearing in the perfect position to strike an opponent within relatively close range.

Devil Trigger: Dante can unleash the full power of his demonic heritage, taking on an appropriate form and physically enhancing himself to degree in addition to heightening his mobility with the ability to glide on demonic wings. Furthermore, Dante’s healing factor is accelerated further in this form. However, he can only remain in this mode for so long, and the energy that this ability draws on drains rather quickly. The activation causes an explosion of energy, which can be magnified at the cost of more energy being required to achieve the Devil Trigger form. This energy is recharged by the adrenaline rush that comes with battle. The harder Dante fights, the quicker this energy recharges.

Devil Trigger stats:

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Incredible(Fantastic with Beowulf)


Spoiler for Hiden:


Rebellion: Dante’s favored weapon, the Rebellion is a magic-aligned Devil Arm with cutting power far beyond what one could possibly expect from this type of blade, though its power pales in comparison to its sister sword, Yamato. It doesn’t need to be said that the sword is capable of powerful spiritual interference, like all Devil Arms. Rebellion’s Devil Trigger further enhances Dante’s strength on top of the Devil Trigger’s basic enhancements. The sword can also launch powerful waves of energy if Dante channels his power through it.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Beowulf: A pair of flash gauntlets and greaves imbued with holy light. Greatly enhances Dante’s striking speed and power in close quarters, though he can also cast bolts of this same holy light. Beowulf’s Devil Trigger has a shorter wingspan, but allows him increased defenses in compensation.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Ivory and Ebony: Twin custom handguns, styled after the Colt M1911, designed to fire bullets instilled with Dante’s own demonic power. Dante can fire them quickly enough to emulate full auto fire.

Shotgun: A shotgun, need I say more?

Perfect Amulet Half: Dante's half of the Perfect Amulet, a gift from his mother, who was in turn given both halves by Sparda. If both halves of the Perfect Amulet are united, the full power of the Force Edge, which contains Sparda's demonic power, can be unleashed.

Also, his clothes also regenerate for some reason. Be it the fiery tail of a demon of hell or the destructive eyebeams of a demon God, nothing will permanently damage that red duster. Or those pants. Or just about any clothing he wears.

Origin: At first there were two brothers, Dante and Vergil, orphaned by the death of their mother and the absence of their father. While Vergil sought only to gain more power in response to this, Dante simply went into the business of hunting demons. They clashed numerous times over the years, usually with Vergil emerging the victor. Then, one day, after finally getting his store set up, a man with a cryptic message appeared, shortly followed by the emergence of a massive, demonic tower and a swarm of demons that more or less wrecked his shop, much to Dante’s annoyance. The demons in question never got around to paying for the damage.

Dante sought out the tower, knowing that Vergil was behind it. During the events that followed, however, the half-demon discarded the more selfish motivation and learned to do what was right thanks to the determination of a human woman who managed to keep pace with him. All in all, the whole adventure was crazy.

Afterwards, life went on as usual for Dante. Then, one day, he left the shop on yet another job only to find himself in an unfamiliar city.

Weaknesses: In spite of his healing factor, Dante still has limits to how much punishment he can take. He rarely takes a fight seriously, which has resulted in him being caught off guard on multiple occasions. Furthermore, Dante isn’t usually one to think things through in the midst of a combat situation, especially if there’s a good, challenging fight to be had, possible ulterior motives be damned.

Likes: Pizza, strawberries sundaes, a good fight, being lazy when a good fight isn’t available, Vergil, Lady.

Dislikes: People who give up on their humanity, those who are willing to sacrifice innocents, Vergil.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 11:09:13 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #138 on: April 17, 2016, 06:58:05 PM »
Name: Sakura Matou

Race: Advanced AI

Blood Type: O

Height: 156 cm

Weight: 46 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Legendary

Other Abilities:

Fragment of the Moon Cell: Because of the unusual nature of the way the Nexus works and what kind of world she came from, the fragment of her home world, the inside of a gigantic magical supercomputer, was carried with her into the real world. This allows her to interact with the real world just as she could have inside the Moon Cell. For example, she can automatically gain access to almost anywhere, although high-level magical defenses can stop her, repair herself and others when damaged, create entities which will protect her, and create objects out of 'thin air.'

However, due to the fragmentary nature of this, her powers are nowhere near as great as what she had access to in the moon cell. She cannot affect or create things on a large scale, nor can the entities she creates last for more than an hour at most, minutes at the least. The more powerful the item she creates, the more short lived it is. For example, if she created something small totally mundane, like a pot, or a scalpel, it would be effectively permanent, with a timespan of hundreds of years. A large but mundane thing, such as a car, would last about a day. She can also create magical items, including some noble phantasms which she has stored in her information banks, but those would barely last a single battle and are exceptionally trying on her to create.

Spoiler for Noble Phantasms:
Armour of Fafnir: An armour that makes her invulnerable to all but the most powerful attacks except for on one weak point: a leaf shaped scar on her back.

Balmung: The sword the hero Siegfried used to kill the dragon Fafnir. Using the beam-wave function will instantly end this already short-lived Noble Phantasm and almost completely drain her of energy, requiring her to allow her time to siphon energy back from the Moon Cell.

Hades Cap of Invisibility: This Noble Phantasm lasts longer than the rest, due to the low power of it in comparison to many other Noble Phantasms. It also makes her look really cool when she wears it.

Rho Aius: A beautiful shield of bronze and seven layers of cowhide. It is an unbelievably powerful defense, and can block nearly any projectile attack. It is exceedingly costly however, and she can only manifest it for a few seconds without putting herself in danger.

Gae Buidhe and Gae Dearg:
She creates these two spears together, and one cancels magical power while the other creates cursed, unhealable wounds. Unfortunately the unhealable nature of the wounds only lasts while she maintains the spear, so only through combat.

Artificial Intelligence:
As a computer program, she can instantly and perfectly recall any information from her memory whenever she wants nearly instantly.

Equipment: None

Origin: Sakura was an advanced AI created by the moon cell whose purpose was to keep the masters in good health during the duration of the Holy Grail war. Some complications happened, and she ended up being pulled into the Nexus with a small connection to the Moon Cell. She's been there for about a week, and is currently looking for work as a doctor or nurse practitioner.

Weakness: She lacks access to any external maintenance programs that she had access to in the moon cell. While she has created an emergency rudimentary one for herself in the Nexus, it is far inferior and prioritizes the integrity of her most important code, leaving many vulnerable weak points that one would not expect in an AI of her level. While it still wouldn't be easy, someone with the technical knowhow could modify her code if they so wished, for better or for worse. Furthermore, she's noticed some of her data slowly corrupting over time, despite her best efforts to purge and keep herself clean.

Likes: Doing her job well, Hakuno, good wholesome food, helping people

Dislikes: Being Hacked, being reminded of her problem, thinking about her purpose
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 07:33:15 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #139 on: April 23, 2016, 04:17:47 AM »
Name: Alarice

Race: Human

Age: 20s

Height: 6’2

Weight: around 150 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic Resistance - High: The bones of the dragon not only shield Alarice from physical harm but also nullifies all but the most powerful magic. Necromancy and fire magic encounter even more difficulty than the other arcane arts due to the nature of the Ahamkara. This also allows her to ignore the effects of mystical wards, illusions, and curses without too much difficulty. Static magic and barriers can also decay depending on how long she interacts with them and how badly she manhandles them.

Other Abilities:

Chosen: Those who are blessed by the Ahamkara are enhanced in many ways in order to be more fitting bearers. Alarice is physically superior to any normal human and has a natural understanding of how to best wield the old dragon’s bones. She is very resistant to most forms of fire and could nap on a bed of burning coals in complete comfort. Alarice is also immune to most mundane diseases and can overcome lesser supernatural ones without any large issues.  However, the enhancements bestowed upon her are not solely physical.

Alarice is attuned not only to the supernatural but the strange and esoteric energies used by such beings. She can see a spirit, but she can also taste and smell and see its energies. This allows her to identify most beings unless their ability to disguise themselves is incredibly potent and lets her track down many supernaturals as well. This is made much more easy if they have recently expended some form of mystical energy as it leaves a trail for her to follow. Of course, this also means that especially foul powers can distract her and a powerful enough entity can coat the area so thickly in its own power that finding anyone is nigh impossible.

The Chosen also has an instinctual understanding of how to use the skeleton for maximum effectiveness. She can wield claw and fang as if she had used them all her life and the impossibly sharp tail is maneuvered with practiced grace. This allows her to fight against warriors far more skilled than her due to the memories of eons overwriting her body’s natural reactions.

Alarice can also enter a sort of hibernation. She falls into a deep sleep reminiscent of the legends of the Ahamkara and begins to heal much more quickly. Of course, this also leaves her very vulnerable as it would take something threatening to wake her back up before she has finished recovering.

Cook: Alarice is an excellent cook and it was a trait supported heavily by the noble family she lived in. She was given all the resources, training, and time she needed to refine her talent. While she can work miracles in a kitchen with the right ingredients she can more than make do with less than exemplary resources. However, if given the chance to she will experiment and the results can be rather catastrophic.


The Bones of the Ahamkara: Once there was a race of dragons who granted the wishes of mankind. Then, one day, the skies were filled with hungry darkness and a terrible light and the Ahamkara were made no more. At least, that is what all were lead to believe. The bones of these wondrous creatures sought out worthy wielders with their dead whispers and those that unearthed them became the founders of the great noble houses that rule the land.

The bones of an ancient dragon cover Alarice’s body and the skull serves as her helmet whichs makes it incredibly difficult to injure her; however, she is capable of demeterializing them if need be. Normal metals couldn’t hope to scratch it and utterly inhumane amounts of strength is required to outright break any of the bones. There may be openings for an opponent to strike but the Ahamkara is aware and while nothing as overt as the skeleton coming to life will occur the subtle shifts of bones can cover spots that someone could usually strike at. While sheer blunt force is more effective the Ahamkara bones outright ignore normal law and stop most of the attack from harming Alarice. This is more burdensome on the bones but considering their durability it is not an impossible task. This is further aided by the natural tendency of the skeleton to repair itself. Cracks can be healed in battle but broken or lost pieces will require a bit longer.               

However, the Ahamkara are also beings beyond the realm of mere physical interaction. They show a degree of sentience on occasion when they care to speak and they occupy the minds of their bearers. This makes telepathy and mental manipulation very difficult as the Ahamkara take great offense to the alteration and spying of their hosts. However, at the same time the dragon is not entirely benign and can be convinced to allow the invader a few nuggets of information. Of course, they can also try to engage the dragon in a mental battle but unless they are incredibly skilled the battle will be long and hard fought with a very unlikely chance of victory. Their bones also carry an ancient, dead power that Alarice can call upon inside of combat and in everyday life.

Oracle Bones:

“Behold the whims of fate, oh bearer mine. The knowledge is yours for the taking.”         

A pair of redundant bones grow downwards along the noble’s waist. They are much more pliable than the others and it is simple to snap them off and cast them into a fire. Normally they can give her a vague impression of an area and what may come to pass in it. If she can wrap someone’s hair around them or a personal belonging she can gain insight into their lives, what they can do, or what they may become. However, the future is far from set in stone and it is more than possible for what she sees to not come to pass.

Life-Hating Flame:

“Look at all this life, oh bearer mine. There is so much left to burn.”         

In her left hand Alarice can summon a ball of green flame. It is not something she can manipulate or control. She simply directs it and lets the flame loose. It cares not for steel, or iron, or paper, or corpses. It cares only to burn all that lives to cinders, for life is its enemy and it despises its enemy. With greedy hunger it spreads across flesh and gnaws on bone but there is no heat or chill. There is only hate and an unending animosity that is almost palpable. It spreads with great urgency when it encounters living beings which makes it very powerful, but it can still be choked to death by more mundane methods. While cutting off the air supply will do little smothering it with nonliving objects can stifle the flame if it no longer has any room.

Dagger of Maws:

“Give me your arm, oh bearer mine. Let me help you fill the world with teeth.”

A dagger of bone emerges from a plate on Alarice’s right arm. It is relatively simple and does not even have a jagged blade, but when it strikes it does not cut; it shreds and swallows with rabid abandon. As the blade moves across your flesh chunks are savagely torn out. When the blades clash the smell of a burning breath fills your nose as if you were holding back the maw of a beast. A normal sword would have pieces bitten out of it if it clashed with this dagger. More hardy weapons can have traces of hot, acidic saliva found on them after a similar clash.

Void Fang:

“The world is made of such succulent flesh, oh bearer mine. And are you not hungry?”

The skull that serves as Alarice’s helmet shuts close and its teeth undergo a dramatic transformation. They change from ancient bone to emptiness made sharp. The horrible hunger of the void made manifest in the physical world. With this almost all anything  can be torn off and swallowed never to be seen again. However, the effect is incredibly noticeable and vanishes after one bite. While Alarice does say that she doesn’t actually eat them the taste does linger in her mouth.

Dragon Wish:

“Tell me, oh bearer mine. What is your heart’s desire?”

The Ahamkara are most famous for granting the wishes of humans in the time before their fall. By sacrificing the armor for a day by expending its ancient power Alarice can call upon a lesser wish. The Ahamkara do not deal in absolutes or strict wording so simply wishing a person to death or transporting them to the center of the earth is implausible. While it could certainly call up chains to bind them, weaken them physically, or even displace them to some area away from Alarice that is the best a Dragon Wish will do for that type of offensive purpose. The wish is much more useful for supportive purpose. The grand alteration of weather, miraculous enhancement of natural healing, and increases in power based on existing attributes are all examples. However, as a lesser wish all of these are temporary and will fade long before the armor returns to her.

Origin: The Ahamkara were ancient when man was stumbling towards his first true ideas. Throughout history stories have been told of scaled beasts that would grant the wishes of men. But one day the sky erupted and ancient forces clashed. In the aftermath all that was left of the dragons were bones, but they are beyond death. The Ahamkara seek Chosen to bear them and Alarice was lucky enough to make a wish with the dead entity. Although it would shame her to admit it she wished for power. Righteousness and justice were nothing without power to enforce them was the initial reasoning she used to convince herself that she made her wish for the right reasons but the truth was much simpler. Alarice hated being so weak and for all her morals she relished in the thought of the strength that could be at her disposal. Regardless, the deal was struck and she inherited the power she asked for. Already a part of a noble house, the Chosen quickly ascended up the political and military ladder and made a name for herself as one of the more compassionate nobles. Of course, this by no means made her soft and the bones of the Ahamkara made sure she could enact justice in her territory to a degree that most other could not. Exceptions were rarely, if ever, made; however, in more controversial issues she was known to personally intervene. While she did not always alter the outcome the laws were usually revised afterwards in order to make sure similar situations did not happen again. 

Weakness: Explosions cause shrapnel and while her armor is good it can’t block every single piece simultaneously. The holes in the skull of the dragon can’t shift like the rest of the skeleton can so it’s an open weak point. A Wish removes her armor for a day. Hibernation also leaves her incredibly vulnerable.

Likes: Keeping the peace, cooking, sleeping

Dislikes: Being forced to use a Dragon Wish, having to gamble with the lives of others, getting vague messages from the Oracle Bones
« Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 11:17:16 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #140 on: June 04, 2016, 04:58:32 AM »
Name:  Misaka Mikoto

Race: Human

Age: 14

Height: 161 cm

Weight: Who cares


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

AIM and Personal Reality
AIM is a weak energy that is unconsciously emitted by espers. It cannot be detected by the five senses, and can only be detected through the use of special machines. They basically create a bubble of altered reality around them that overwrites that of normal reality around them. It allows them to shape reality through the use of a certain ability. It's pretty weird. Misaka's passively creates an effect that makes her immune to telepathy of any kind.

Misaka is the strongest electromaster, a type of esper that can manipulate electromagnetic forces with their minds. With this ability, she can wield lightning as a casual weapon, run on walls, control magnetic fields, hack into computers, etc etc. She's strong and can do crazy things with electromagnetism. That's all there is to it.

Using her mad electrical skills, Misaka can fire metal objects at several times the speed of sound by forming parallel currents along her arm. It takes a few seconds to charge and overexerts her powers, causing her to decrease in strength for several minutes afterwords. It's strong enough to punch through several buildings, however. She normally uses small coins she carries around in her pocket, greatly limiting her range due to the fact that they disintegrate after going a certain distance. If she used a more durable object with her railgun, she'd be able to fire at much greater distances.


She has a bunch of coins

Origin: Mikoto Misaka is one of the series' main heroines in Toaru Majutsu no Index series and the protagonist of her side story, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun. A psychic user of Academy City, her powers are ranked Level 5, the highest rank for the most powerful psychic users, and she ranks as third-strongest out of the seven people who hold this rank in Academy City. She attended Tokiwadai Middle School, a famous girls' school for the rich and elite psychics and one of the five elite schools of Academy City. Now she's in the Nexus.

Weakness: While she has strong esper powers, she is still, in the end, just a human, and will die from attacks that would kill any other human. She gets weaker for a short time after she uses her railgun attack, and prolonged usage of her powers will exhaust her.

Likes: Gekota, doing her own thing, crepes

Dislikes: rules and regulations, being sexually harassed, bugs
« Last Edit: June 04, 2016, 02:05:21 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #141 on: July 15, 2016, 05:59:18 PM »
Name: Utsuro, Dai Rokuten Maou and 7th lord of the hundred demon house.
Race: Demonic grudges and curses personified

Age: 1000

Height: 245 cm (sword where his spirit resides is 2 meters long)

Weight: As heavy as his blade, but the puppet is about 300 kg.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Incredible

Magic scale: None.

Other Abilities:

Oni essence: Because he had finally accepted what he truly was in death, his spirit is much more in tune to its demonic nature. Because of that, he is no longer able to “reject” his essence and his limiter is thus rendered useless. Because of that, his dark aura is now left unchained and restored his body closer to its original demonic state without subjecting his mind to its past limitations. If he wishes it, he can exert said aura like a thick fog of pure malice and wrath so intense it takes tangible form as a torrent that can be sent out like his own limbs to whip, slash and crush its surroundings under the pressure. The weak will simply suffocate under the malicious spiritual pressure, while even those with stronger will shall find themselves slowly corrupted and eroded if exposed to the miasma.

The way of the sword: Even as a curse forged of all the feelings and regrets he carried in death, his very being is one that is still deeply connected to swords. The connection to this very concept is so deep that his spirit itself is one that accommodates and understands this type of weapon beyond a physical or intellectual level. Whatever blade he wields will become an instrument of destruction, a beautiful and deadly creature that will rage across the battlefield in a symphony of destruction. A knife will cut through stone as easily as it was made of butter, and even a greatsword as massive as a house would be as light as a feather to him. The difference between him and a great swordsman should be as great as heaven and earth, that is a fact as natural as the color of the sky. And yet...

However, what had once been a pure bond can be no more. His innocence torn forever along with his life, Kenzo has acknowledged his hatred and emotions, which sink into the swords he holds as a vile chi that envelops them. It is more brutal, more focused on the killing than the cut itself, and because of that its purity is corrupted. As monstrous as his swordsmanship is, he can never hold a sword as innocently as before. His eyes have finally acknowledged the darkness of his heart, it can see it in all its beauty and all its terror. As such he can only match the greatest of swordsmen, rather than see through them like broken glass.

Masterful swordsmithing: Despite being an incredible swordsman, his greatest skill was his incredible forging skill. Even in death, that fundamental part of his being lingers in the very blade he forged. By simply glancing at a sword he can tell all that there is to know about a sword, from its components to the wielder itself, and would be able to forge a perfect lookalike. The weapons his forges have bred were of the greatest caliber by sheer design, tools of destruction meant to take lives and annihilate all in their path, to destroy and kill without discrimination. Only love and hate.

Soul reaping: People say Utsuro is a demon who can feed off the souls of the slain. That is false and very discriminatory, for while he does not always eat souls, he can take them and imbue objects with them (mostly swords) to turn them into powerful artifacts of destruction, beautiful beings that can cut and annihilate all in their path. It doesn’t mean he wouldn’t eat one, but still…

Puppet:His body being clinically dead, it is now nothing more than a puppet, a vessel the spiritual mass of memories, grudges and demonic curses uses to wield its anchor. One could compare it more to a doll than an actual corpse of flesh and blood, an undying pillar of flesh overflowing with demonic energy that sustains and controls it. While he still sustains damage normally, he can use the blood of his fallen foes as steel to rebuild himself. Even if the body is completely annihilated, his demonic spirit will not fade. With time, another Utsuro could emerge and the cycle of hatred will begin anew. To truly kill him, one must destroy the sword; cast it in the fires where it was once created.

But that means he will never be saved.

While it is possible to exorcise him, even the most powerful ones will have immense difficulty doing so, and there is always the risk of the spirit coming back and reforming itself. However, if the source of his earthly attachments his grudges and his cravings were faltering even for a moment, it would be possible to rid the world of him.


Benisakura : A  2 meters long refined crimson nodachi sword forged in the blood of a demon. Its beauty is only matched by its sharpness. While it is so long one would find it unwieldy, he can wield it with perfection beyond all other swords. If one defined a sword as an object that severs, then it could be said that Benisakura is the strongest sword.

Because of its particular component and wrathful spirit it anchors, the sword has strong spiritual properties and can sever spirits, ghost and creatures that the mundane cannot normally reach. It can also serve as a vessel to his demonic energy, built up and accumulated only to be released as a powerful blast that annihilates whatever stands in its path.

Incidentally, it also the anchor that binds him to this world, his demonic spirit linked to the sword due to the fact that the wishes, hopes, joys sorrows, rage, despair bonds, grudges and the very being of its maker that he accepted in death are imprinted in the blade and carry on.

Origin: There was once a demon who was very lonely. Humans shunned and feared the creature, and thus they tried to kill him. Over time, he became cruel and ravaged on, annihilating entire villages and ruling as a monstrous demon king. In truth, he was simply angry, angry and lonely. He could never have a truly meaningful bond; the carnage that was imposed upon him became synonymous with love. And so he hated, and he loved, and he destroyed everything, until one day he met someone he couldn’t bring himself to destroy.
And for the first time, he learned of something other than violence. He learned to create, to hold and to cherish. She was his light, but as time carried on that light of hope only ended up growing an even greater shadow. He tried to contain it, splitting his intellect, his memories, his emotions and his very being into the swords he crafted. He tried to run from himself, but all he did was making things worse. And in the end, he couldn’t escape from her. Dying, his emotions that had been sealed ran amok and came back to him, and on that moment he realized one thing.
Truly he was an inhuman monster.

Weakness: His aura is slow and sluggish, and isn’t that particularly potent to begin with. While it can certainly hurt a normal human, a normal human could manage to avoid it. The damage it inflicts is mostly mental, an overwhelming sense of hate that slowly corrodes everything. He is a rather straightforward fighter, so trickery and roundabout fighting styles can manage much better against him. While he can use his demonic body better than before, he still is far from an accomplished fighter in other areas and will be overwhelmed in a fight of skill if he cannot use his blade for any reason. At the same time, there is still a trace of the merciful Kenzo in him, so he won’t kill someone if he can help it. Moments of hesitation like this can be an excellent opening. His body can recover through bloodshed, but it can be incapacitated and destroyed. Then you can shove the sword in mount doom or whatever, as long as it doesn’t corrupt you. Finally, he has no ranged option aside his getsuga tenshou, which is fairly telegraphed, and zoning and long ranged pressure can prove much more effective than melee.

Likes : Company, kindness, humanity, good honest people,  good food, a good fight, a challenge, smithing swords, beautiful things (especially swords), helping out others, being accepted, everyone.

Dislikes : Treachery, deceat and dishonor in all shapes and forms, brutality, those who hurt loved ones (especially family), himself, the way humans reject him, Misaka Mikoto, everyone.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2016, 01:49:14 AM by Sinib »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #142 on: July 17, 2016, 08:47:11 PM »

Name: Boss

Race: Human (Stand User)

Age: No record

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 65 kg



Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human (Perception is Incredible due to stand)

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Stand User:
A stand is the manifestation of a person’s will  as a supernatural  power, often a ghost-like being that can be brought out at will or subconsciously. Through mysterious means, Boss seemed to have developed a stand at an early age.

   A Stand protects its user, like a guardian. The name comes from "standing by" the user, sometimes using their powers without direct orders in order to protect the user, and by extension, themselves.

   A person can have only one Stand (though their Stand may evolve (e.g. Echoes)).

   Stands can be inherited.

   A Stand is part of its user, and damage is usually reflected between the two. Usually, if a Stand's leg is cut off, its user will lose their leg as well. Certain aspects of some Stands, such as the armor of Silver Chariot, are immune to this effect. If the Stand is not exactly humanoid, they may reflect damage to their user's body relative to the area of the Stand that was damaged, or are an exception.

   Stands may only be seen by Stand users or those who can perceive the supernatural; the exception being Stands bound to physical objects (e.g.Strength; attached once to a boat).

   A Stand can only be directly damaged by another Stand, magic or supernatural forces.

   A Stand's energy or power is inversely proportional to their operating range. The further a Stand is from its user, the weaker it becomes – Long-range Stands and/or Stands' long-range abilities are simpler in mechanism.

   Stands are usually bound to their user's body, but exceptions abound; Wheel of Fortune being bound to a car, and The Fool being bound to sand.

   When a Stand User dies, their Stand typically disappears with them; however, exceptions do exist, such as Anubis, who stayed in the sword he was bound to, and Stray Cat and Notorious B.I.G., who both only activated after their User's death.

   When a Stand is defeated, their user is either knocked unconscious or killed, depending on the level of injury.

Black Sabbath:

Because their senses are connected, he can perceive whatever the stand can perceive and can communicate through it.

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Exceptional (Precision and perception is incredible)

Constitution: Incredible

While not very durable or fast compared to other stands, its striking power is enough to make it a hard hitter. While its range is 40 meters, it cannot physically move more than 2 meters outside of a source of shade. Its main ability is to move and transport things into the shadows, making them act like portals.

However, once he does that he becomes leashed to the shadow, bound by the same 2 meter range. Any damage inflicted upon its corresponding object is reflected on the stand, thus its user, which makes attacking people from their own shadow impossible as long as they are not within Boss's two meter range, but attacking those standing two meters or less from the shadow he is bound to is indeed a possibility.

Because of that, going further from its usual range is a risky maneuver that makes Boss more vulnerable, since he cannot immediately use his stand to slip through a nearby shadow or defend himself while it is so far away.

Slim Shady’s stand power is to walk through shadows. Simply put, he can turn any shadow within his range into a portal where he and his user can slip in along with any objects or people he chooses to, being able to exit to another shadow up to 30 meters away, far more than the stand's own range. It is a very potent ability that lets him easily slip through, maneuver and strike in unorthodox and unpredictable ways, hiding in the shadows to strike with stealth. As long as anyone is standing near a shadow (their own not included), they are within Slim Shady's reach. However, there are three major weaknesses to this stand.

Whatever slips into the shadow must be able to fit in the entrance and the exit.

Shadows can be shifted by the object in question or by light itself.

Slim Shady cannot transport the target through its own shadow.

Slim Shady can also “cover” its user in shadow. While it doesn’t conceal his presence, it does make his features unrecognizable while he lurks in the shade as long as there is a darkness to cover him.

Ventriloquist: He can throw off his voice skillfully, making it so that he can disorient others and pretend to be people he's not.

Fancy suits: The finest of fancy tailored suits, so stylish they would fit the king of the world.

Origin: Not much is known about this enigmatic man's past, if anything at all. Records and all testimonies of his past are practically non existent, as if he had no past to begin with. A ruthless and conniving gangster who did not hesitate to involve innocents if it furthered his gains, he terrorized the streets of Chicago for years. It was even said that he once blew up an entire airplane in order to get rid of a single enemy. He spent years building a veritable criminal empire that managed to stand toe to toe with the Mafia and eventually stand at the top of America's criminal underworld. But one day, he simply vanished...

Weakness: He is a coward who will only fight when victory is 100% assured, and dislikes direct confrontations. Ruthless and conniving, he will do whatever it takes to win. However, he will not act in ways that would expose his identity, even if they granted him an advantage.

He also needs to lure people close to shadows in order to attack them, or get them very close to him. However, he dislikes it since it makes it easy to expose his own identity.

Likes : All things shiny since they are made of gold, loyalty, himself, standing at the top, beautiful women, classical music and books, peace and quiet, luxury in all shapes and forms, crushing those who stand against him like insects, cheese, fine company.

Dislikes : Cameras, bad luck, questions, loud things, loud people, contrived or narrow spaces, useless people and useless things, incompetence, when things don’t go as planned, being read, having his secrets and his identity uncovered, needless noise, meddlers, annoyances, impediments, anything that threatens his peace, danger, uncertainty, unpredictable situations, worthless cretins and people, traitors above all else.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 05:29:38 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #143 on: July 24, 2016, 11:18:32 PM »
Name: Vergil

Race: Human/Demon Hybrid

Age: ??? (Appears to be in his twenties)

Height: 6’ 3”

Weight: ~170 lbs


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Demonic Physiology: Vergil seemingly ages very slowly, with his body being at its physical prime. He can heal very quickly from any injuries he suffers short of the total loss of a limb, which would probably take a little longer to heal. Furthermore, he can’t get sick. He also demonstrates the ability to seemingly ignore the need for breath, carrying out protracted fights while underwater with no ill effects. Furthermore, Vergil appears to have high environmental resistances, appearing to be unaffected by extreme temperatures and suffering only minimal effects from things such as lightning. It also seems to granted him a degree of resistance to magic.

Trick: As Vergil has embraced his demonic heritage to a far greater degree than Dante, he can make far better use of this technique than his brother. Using this technique, Vergil exceed his normal limits to briefly move quickly enough that he seems to vanish and reappear at his destination. For the most part, however, Vergil can only make use of this technique for short distances. The sole exception to this is that he can use Summoned Swords as beacons of sorts to cross longer distances with Trick, though this still has limits to its range and requires a Summoned Sword to be embedded at his destination.

Combat Mastery: Vergil is a highly skilled warrior, equal to his brother in terms of sheer skill. Vergil primarily makes use of Iajutsu when using Yamato, though he switches to Western swordsmanship when using the Force Edge, and eschews the use of firearms entirely, though he has been demonstrated to be a decent shot the one time he tried.

Devil Trigger: Vergil can unleash the full power of his demonic heritage, taking on an appropriate form and physically enhancing himself to degree. Furthermore, Vergil’s healing factor is accelerated further in this form. However, he can only remain in this mode for so long, and the energy that this ability draws on drains at a decent pace. The activation causes an explosion of energy, which can be magnified at the cost of more energy being required to achieve the Devil Trigger form. This energy is recharged by the adrenaline rush that comes with battle.

Devil Trigger stats:

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Incredible(Fantastic with Beowulf)


Spoiler for Hiden:


Yamato: Vergil’s favored weapon, one of the keys used to separate the Demon Realm from the Human Realm, the Yamato is a dark-aligned Devil Arm is said to be able to cut through anything, even the fabric of space itself. This last property of the sword is harnessed by Vergil in one of the pinnacle techniques of the sword, Judgement Cut. This technique creates a distortion in space to surround the opponent with a barrage of slashes, though there is a distinctive sound of space being distorted in the instant immediately before the attack lands. Vergil can also launch cutting waves from the blade. As with most legends, there appears to be a grain of truth to them regarding Yamato, as the blade is incredibly sharp, standing far and above even Devil Arms as a whole with regards to its sheer cutting power.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Force Edge: The favored weapon of the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda, this blade was imbued with Sparda’s own power to ensure the strength of the seal when it came time to seal off the Demon World. The sword’s power was then sealed with the Perfect Amulet, reverting it to its current form as the Force Edge. He can also channel his power through the blade to launch powerful waves of demonic energy.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Beowulf: A pair of flash gauntlets and greaves imbued with holy light. Greatly enhances Vergil’s striking speed and power in close quarters, though he can also cast bolts of this same holy light. Beowulf’s Devil Trigger allows him increased defenses in addition to the standard Devil Trigger boosts.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Summoned Swords: Spectral blades resembling the Force Edge, Vergil can freely create and fire these blades in a number of different configurations, from surrounding himself with them to raining them down on his enemy from above. However, they can be broken if struck with enough force or after enough wear and tear. Furthermore, if he summons a large number of them at once, their durability is reduced even further, with the swords usually breaking on impact with something or shortly after.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Perfect Amulet Half: Vergil's half of the Perfect Amulet, a gift from his mother, who was in turn given both halves by Sparda. If both halves of the Perfect Amulet are united, the full power of the Force Edge, which contains Sparda's demonic power, can be unleashed.

Origin: At first there were two brothers, Dante and Vergil, orphaned by the death of their mother and the absence of their father. While Vergil sought only to gain more power in response to this, Dante simply went into the business of hunting demons. They clashed numerous times over the years, usually with Vergil emerging the victor.

In the times between those clashes, Vergil would do whatever research he could about Sparda, searching for ways to grow more powerful, closer to the power of his father. It was during these times that he met a man turned demon by the name of Arkham, who offered a way to accomplish this.

During the madness that followed, Arkham revealed himself to be playing everyone involved for fools in his bid to attain the power of Sparda. He managed to accomplish this, only for the Sons of Sparda to defeat him in the end and strip him of the artifacts he used to maintain that power. Unfortunately, Dante and Vergil were forced to dive into a portal to the Demon world to keep the artifacts in question from falling in. However, Vergil instead emerged not in the Demon World, but in the Nexus, with the Force Edge and his half of the Amulet in tow.

Weaknesses: In spite of his healing factor, Vergil still has limits to how much punishment he can take. Furthermore, he is an honorable warrior and as such holds himself to a strict code, despising fighting dirty or using cheap tactics, and eschews the use of firearms entirely. He also tends to be rather dismissive of his opponents until they give him a reason to think otherwise. Skilled ranged fighters can keep him at bay, if they can dodge and/or destroy the Summoned Swords, preventing Vergil from being able to close the distance quickly. His nearly constant pursuit of power can also be used to manipulate him, though at a definite risk.

Likes: Gaining more power, finding out more about Sparda, a good fight, Dante
Dislikes: Alcohol, being helpless, allies proving disappointing, Dante
« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 07:43:47 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #144 on: August 09, 2016, 07:35:24 AM »
Name: Katarina

Race: Human, Mage

Age: Unknown, looks to be early twenties (She herself does not know)

Height: Below Average

Weight: You don’t need to know


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Human

Magic: Medium

Magic Style: Katarina uses magical tomes to cast her magic, each tome contains the abilities to cast a single type of spell but without the tomes her ability to do magic is greatly diminished. Her Levin sword also acts as a type of tome allowing her to cast magic from its blade while still being a sword. Additionally though wielding such a heavy book may seem odd to fight with she can still move relatively well evading attacks and casting simultaneously.

Other Abilities: Katarina has an affinity for fighting other mages.

Shadowgift: Normally a mage in her world would require special training to use the dark arts but Katarina despite her kind nature was gifted with the ability to use any dark magic she can get her hands on, this is due to her upbringing in a cult of assassins.


Levin Sword: A magic blade that with an odd design, Katarina can either attack like a normal sword or fire magic bolts from it.

Katarina’s Bolt: A special tome of Katarina’s own creation. The tome itself calls down a lighting strike from the sky. It is Katarina’s preferred tome and it also has a chance to deal more damage when striking an enemy's weak spot.

Hellfire: An Elfire tome that was modified by Katarina improving its strength to be on par with Bolganone the highest rank fire tome. When cast the user surrounds the foe in a purple flame and incinarates them.

Mire: A tome that allows the user to target a foe from a very far range, because the tome requires a complex casting process the user is unable to counterattack while using the tome.

Nosferatu: A unique tome that sucks the life energy out of the target healing the user in the process.

Origin: Katarina was an orphan who was discarded at birth and taken to an orphanage. The caretaker of the orphanage was a cruel woman who treated the children as nothing more than tools and trained them in extremely harsh environments so that they would become master assassins. Despite her cruel upbringing Katarina was never sad or lonely, this was because she had befriended the other orphans and together the group were able to face any hardships they encountered. It was through these experiences that she came to call her friends Eine and Legion siblings.

Eventually when they were finally tasked with the killing of King Marth they failed in their task and one by one the group were picked off until only Katarina remained. In a last desperate act to accomplish her mission she went on a lone man suicide mission only to come face to face with the only other person she had befriended on her journey’s Marth’s tactician. After a desperate battle she was ultimately defeated but not killed, it is through these experiences that Katarina finally found a place she could truly call home.

Personality: Katarina is a shy individual but when she makes up her mind she becomes completely determined, she will not let anything stand in her way until her goal is accomplished whether that be assassinating a King or simply making a new friend. Despite all his and her rough past she is a very kind person who will always help someone in need regardless of who they might be.

Weakness: Her average constitution, Her past

Likes: Eine, Legion, The Tactician, Marth and the rest of his army

Dislikes: Gharnef, Loneliness
« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 09:01:27 PM by Milbunk »

Arturia Pendragon

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #145 on: August 28, 2016, 04:29:14 PM »
Name: Arturia

Race: Human/Servant

Age: Late 20s - Early 30s

Height: 5’1

Weight: Around 93 lbs


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Resistance - High: Lived during a time of much stronger magi and was apprenticed to Merlin, one of the most powerful magi to exist.  The resistance she has built up from exposure to magic on his level means that no modern magi in practice can hurt Arturia.

Other Abilities:

Healing: Heals her body and armor at the cost of magical energy

Magical Energy Burst: Transfers magical energy into one’s weapon and body, and by releasing the magical energy instantaneously, it increases one’s ability.  Arturia made use of these abilities in life and in the Holy Grail War to fight Fantastic level warriors such as Heracles in direct combat, as well as fantastic beasts like dragons.  Usage requires a powerful weapon with divine protection, otherwise the weapon will be destroyed by the infusion of such a strong surge of magical energy.  Due to Saber’s current lower level of magical energy, she cannot readily use this ability without reserve due to focusing what she has on her healing abilities.  It may be possible in small bursts but she cannot continuously use it in an actual fight.

Instinct: The ability to always “feel” the best course of actions for oneself during combat, close to precognition levels.

Riding: Natural skill for riding things.  Arturia can ride most vehicles with above average skill, even those of which she has never seen before in her time such as a modern motorcycle. She cannot ride holy or demonic beasts however.

Invisible Air: Layers of magical wind that are wrapped around her sword, changing the refraction of light to make her weapon invisible.  This allows her to more easily conceal her true identity from others in addition to confusing her enemies by denying them knowledge of the shape and size of her weapon as she fights, it also increases the damage done by her weapon.  The wind can be released from the blade to create a vacuum state which can be used as a one shot projectile attack.  The initial release of the wind also can circle around her with enough strength to shake large trees around her, even with so little released that her blade still appears invisible.

Blessing of the Lady of the Lake:
Saber is unable to be hindered by bodies of water.  She an walk over water without even being aware of it, however she can still choose to submerge herself in water if she wishes.  Outside influences such as pushes or pulls can forcibly submerge her however.

Knight Armor: As a Servant, Arturia’s armor is formed from her magical energy.  The armor offers substantial protection, however it costs magical energy to form.  The benefits of this are that she can summon her armor instantly on her body and she can repair it instantly after it is damaged, however repairing the armor costs her much more magical energy than healing her own body.  She also has to will the armor away on her own, it will not disappear on its own if she falls unconscious, however it can be removed from her body like regular armor.

Excalibur:  The Sword of Promised Victory given to King Arthur by Vivian, The Lady of the Lake, it is one of the most famous weapons in mythology, said to be the planet’s weapon of defense, an assembly of its light, and the crystallization of the wishes, hopes, and dreams of warriors on the battlefield.  The weapon displays its true power only when the planet as a whole is threatened, however its power outside of this circumstance is still very high.  It transforms the possessors magical energy into “light”, increases its kinetic energy by converging and accelerating it, and allows for output comparable to sorcery on the level of divine spirits.  To those who observe, it looks like a beam of light but its target point is the tip.  It is the “ultimate slash” that cuts through everything in the “area” that the light goes through.  Its enormous power heats around the tip, and as a result it is interpreted as a wave of light that mows across the earth.  You could call it a directed energy weapon.

Weaknesses: While Arturia’s natural abilities are impressive, many of the powers she uses to supplant them are based on magical energy, so if she runs low then she will be unable to use those abilities effectively and if she runs dangerously low then she runs the risk of becoming incapacitated until she recovers enough.  Her healing and repairing her armor combined cost her about 1/6th of her total magical energy reserve during the multiple fights she took part in on her first night in the 5th Holy Grail War.  Using Excalibur is especially draining, and under normal circumstances, she does not have enough magical energy to use it twice in a row without recharge, and doing so would kill her.  Additionally those who possess certain weapons, such as Gae Dearg, which dispels magical energy have advantages against her armor and her Invisible Air.  She is also extremely attached to Emiya Shirou, which while a source of great emotional strength, can also be used against her as he would generally be her priority in most if not all situations.  She also is a sore loser and highly competitive.

Likes: Well structured meals, Shirou, sports and other competitive physical activities, small animals, lions, plushies, swordsmanship, seeing other people smile and be happy

Dislikes:Poorly structured meals, Shirou’s tendency to put himself in danger, losing in competitive activities, dressing up too much, battles where people die, seeing other people suffer in misery.

Bio: The legendary King Arthur Pendragon, unknown to most was actually a woman whose real name was Arturia.  Living in adopted poverty in the dark ages, she wished to become strong and help all those who were suffering around her.  She became the king of England and disguised herself as a man named Arthur.  She adopted a mind state of suppressing all human emotion in order to be the perfect tool for her country and people.  After 10 years of success, a rebellion by her illegitimate son left her mortally wounded and her kingdom in ruins.  Unable to cope with this result, she made a contract to enter the Holy Grail War and use it to change the past.  After failing in the 4th Holy Grail War, she entered the 5th as the Servant of Emiya Shirou.  Over the course of the war she grew closer to him, eventually falling in love with him.  She also was consumed by the corruption of the Grail midway into the conflict, but was later freed.  On the final day of the Holy Grail War, she was offered the chance to obtain the Holy Grail if she killed Shirou, but was unable to do so, and resolved to accept the outcome of her life for what it was, be proud of her efforts, and act with her human emotions, putting her loved ones over intangible ideals and cold efficient logic.  After a final battle, the Holy Grail was destroyed, however due to having a physical body from the previous Grail corruption, she was incarnated into the present world.  She will return to her original time when she dies in her current existence, facing death in her real body, however until then she continues to live with Shirou and help his growth as a human being.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 03:29:55 AM by Arturia Pendragon »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #146 on: September 06, 2016, 10:17:05 PM »
Name: The Highwayman
Race: Human

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Height: 5"9 
Weight: Shut up.
Appearance: Red blonde hair, with a baggy crimson cloak concealing all his magic, a crimson bandana of JUSTICE with two holes, of small height but fairly muscled build, which makes him pass for a very effeminate man. But the most striking part of him isn't just his fist, but his vulpine emerald eyes that shine bright like a diamond, burn like the sun yet gaze as coolly as the sea.
Physical Attributes
Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Exceptional
Other Abilities: 

Peerless Acrobat: The Highlander is the swiftest and most nimble man in all the land. He can leap gracefully from any surface, run quickly with such softness her movements are not unlike the skitter of a squirrel and perform inhuman feats of acrobacy as if he was made of wind. After all, the wind is the wind... because it cannot be caught.
The Highlander is the smartest and most clever man of the land, able to quickly think on his feet and set up elaborate plans, traps and ruses in a matter of seconds. His mind is his most valuable asset, with a wit so sharp it out sharps his own blade. He can use any part of his environment to his advantage, conceal ruses within ruses within more ruses and psych out his opponents with clever tactics and taunts that confuse and bedazzle all!

Skilled swordfighter: Due to his extreme training, the Highwayman became the best swordfighter of the land, right after best sword fighter of the land n.435

Blade tosser: Ha! You tought the Highwayman was merely the greatest swordman around, but he is also the greatest sword thrower EVER! He can throw blades with such precision and skill he can slice perfect slices of salami in midair.

Smoke and mirrors: Thanks to his great skill and history as a circus performer and the power of bullshit, the Highwayman uses impossible tricks, concoctions and mechanisms to deceive the eye. No man can resist his tricks, and no magician reveals his tricks. 


Smoke bombs

Invisible smoke bombs that not only cast a cloud of invisible moke, but also turn things and people invisible (until the smoke


Invisible iron strings

Throwing daggers

Invisible throwing daggers that can EXTEND into invisible throwing swords or invisible swords!!!!

Leather armor

Fabulous cloak, hat and bandana

String Bracer mechanism
of convenient trap setting that holds several dozen meters of string that he can set up into various formations and traps, attach it to his daggers and throw them all over the place to make platforms to fly on or just tie people up.

Gunpowder boots that make your face explode when kicked, but conveniently shield his feet from the blast

Fancy silver sword

Origin: There was once a girl who read a lot of stories. One day, she was sold off to a circus, but she didn't care. Over time she honed her skills on stage as well as on backstage, and was so chuuni that she believed to be some grand thief hero or something and thus became even better. But she found that the simple spotlight wasn't enough. Nay, she needed a greater performance! So she decided that instead of stealing mere purses from spectators, she would perform the greatest acts of all time! So she became a grand phantom thief, and also became a he. Because she said so.

He is the shadow that flaps in the night, and the Nexus City will shine the brightest spotlight for the Highwayman. Beware, wealthy aristocrats!!!
Weakness: He says he has no weaknesses, but standard human weaknesses still apply to him in spite of his boast..

Likes: Being dramatic, cunts, cocks, BEING A GENTLEMAN,  food, honest people, teasing others, stealing in the loudest ways possible, movies, putting a good show, kicking ass, slapping ass, fantasy, mystery and action novels (especially those with awesome heroes-heroines), the hard way, being cornered, badassness.
Dislikes: Laziness, unmotivation, thinking before punching, being made a fool of, those who exploit the weak, damaging books, cheap tricks and underhanded tactics (pot call kettle black).
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 02:59:34 PM by francobull3 »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #147 on: September 19, 2016, 04:09:30 PM »
Name: Unknown(goes by Paladin or Captain)

Race: Human

Age: 33

Height: 6’1

Weight: 165 pounds

Appearance: He is never seen without his plate armor and helmet on while in public. His armor is a light shade of blue with a large white serpent, the symbol of the ice god Stribog emblazoned on it. He also carries a large, white kiteshield that vaguely resembles a scale along with a sword made of ice which is usually kept within a dark blue sheath. His helmet has to slits that allow him to see and is a light blue color. It also alters his voice to sound the same as the deep voices of all paladins of Stribog.

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Amazing

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Resistance: Medium - Divine blessings allow Paladin to negate lesser magic and resist stronger types. Any magecraft that utilizes ice will fail to effect Paladin at all.

Other Abilities:

Swordsmanship: Paladin has practiced with a sword and shield for years, and he has trained under the finest of instructors of the Order. Few mortal swordsman can claim to be as well trained as a Captain of a Paladin Order.

Monster Hunter: Years of training and combat allow Paladin to analyze the attack patterns of beasts and people who emulate the attacks of monsters. Even if he has only fought you for the first time if it is in a manner similar to some beast or creature he will be able to anticipate your moves very quickly.

Willpower: All paladins have great wills, but the followers of Stribog consider this virtue even more important than the other Orders and as such Paladin is a being of immense will. Direct attempts to alter his mind end in total failure.

Blessing of Ice: Paladin can never be hurt by the cold, and always feels more comfortable in chilly temperatures. He walks upon the snow and it never gives way unless he wills it, and water freezes beneath his body so that he may walk across it without issues. Fierce winter winds do not even phase him and the snow does little to obscure his vision.

Every once in a while Paladin can tap into this natural blessing for a more direct effect. A sudden and deadly blast of chilled air escapes him . This is so cold that it can kill small mammals, reptiles, and insects in an instant and also inflict painful ice burns on nearby enemies. Thankfully it does not travel far at all and the temperature returns to normal rapidly.

The Gifts of Stribog: Paladin can make a sacrifice to Stribog in exchange for a blessing. There are two forms of blessings; the first is slaying a favored animal of Stribog to ascend its spirit to his most holy realm while the second is slaying a powerful and sometimes sinful creature to cleanse the world in the name of his god.

With a sacrifice Paladin can ask for a roughly proportional blessing. He could ask for a weapon to be improved, or for an animal to be enhanced, or he could call on Stribog to aid him in battle with the weather and animals associated with his realm.

At its best Paladin can be given the chance to act as a small, temporary manifestation of Stribog’s will. He grows several meters taller and both his strength and constitution increase a whole rank as he turns into a massive knight of ice. Any damage done can be repaired by blood or water, and he periodically releases the cold waves from his body. He is almost perfectly representative of an unstoppable glacier in this state. However, it will not last for more than one fight and requires a significant sacrifice for Stribog to grant to him.

The Tooth of Stribog:

This blessed sword was made for Paladin once he became a Captain and is capable of harming all forms of beings even if they are intangible or resistant to mundane attacks. The hilt was created from the bones of a frost wyrm and blessed by the priesthood of Stribog which makes it incredibly durable and grants it a special effect. Any water or blood close enough will flow towards the sword and repair or recreate the sword if it is damaged. Paladin is also capable of firing the blade from the hilt if he wants to.

His time in the Nexus has furthered his faith and his blessings. With this has come enhancements to the sword. It is incredibly cold, and when it harms a living being it freezes and expands their blood into spikes that worsen the damage. These icicles can and will melt down to repair the blade if needed. Paladin can also grip the blade with two hands when in the presence of either blood or water to lengthen the blade and enhance its edge for a killing blow.

The Scale of the Winding One: During his trials in the Nexus Paladin’s previous shield failed him. In response he journeyed into the forests and slew a fire drake in single combat and sacrificed it to Stribog and asked for nothing, for it was nothing more than a show of dedication and gratitude for helping him survive the first battle.

In response, the White Serpent, the Winding One who coils around the right arm of Stribog shed a single perfect scale. It fell to the earth before Paladin and he took the durable offering as his shield. The scale has special properties and is capable of blunting physical force and magical power (High) alike. There is also the fact that the shield is still quite alive. If struck hard enough it can bleed, but it will heal rapidly.

Ice Bag: A small pouch carried by Paladin at all times. It is used to subdue enemies who can regenerate or heal quickly. First he immobilizes them, then he takes out one of the ice shards from the pouch, and then he shoves it down their throat or into a deep wound. The target then begins to freeze from the inside out. This doesn’t truly freeze them but places them into an unthinking stasis until they are exposed to sufficient heat or Paladin frees them. Almost anything else will simply fail to harm them as it bounces off the ice. Even something such as sunlight will not harm a frozen vampire.

The Book: Given to every Initiate before their first mission this book has an infinite amount of pages. Paladin writes down the monsters he encounters in here, however he also uses it as a journal. It is rather durable and has powerful magic resistance (High). It would take something powerful to ruin this.

If necessary Paladin can contact the servants of his god to return the book to him if it is lost or stolen. Spirits and creatures from Stribog’s realm will constantly venture forth to retrieve it as they respect Paladin’s faith and dedication.

Origin: Many years ago Paladin was a criminal of great renown, but, eventually, he was brought down and after his imprisonment he was given the chance for repentance. He cast aside all that he was before and took the title of paladin along with his brothers in arms. At some point he ended up in the Nexus and spent quite some time dispensing justice and spreading the good word. And with every act he grew in faith and power due to the goodwill of his god. Even now he seeks to do right by the Lord of Winter and makes sure to uphold the law in this chaotic land.

Weakness: Ranged combat, people who are much faster then him, very powerful magic users, people with more endurance than him.

Likes: Anything cold, worshiping Stribog, writing in his book, working with allies.

Dislikes: Blasphemy, monsters that attack the innocent, hot places, criminals
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 09:19:53 PM by Sinib »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #148 on: September 23, 2016, 08:30:32 PM »
Name: Malcolm Kimberly

Alias: Billy the Kid

Race: Human

Age: 20

Height: 152 cm

Weight: 50 kg



Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional (Incredible with reinforcement)

Agility: Exceptional  (Incredible with reinforcement)

Constitution: Human (Exceptional with reinforcement)

Magic Scale: Low

While Malcolm is far from an accomplished magus, he has a good grasp at the basics, one he could have furthered if he wasn’t a terrible dropout student. Some say Lord Melloi never recovered from the headache.

He can repair objects, perform some healing, light up or extinguish mundane flames, set up fields, use familiars, reinforce his body, perform weak suggestive hypnotism and use some alchemy in order to detect magical energy in an area. Nothing quite extraordinary but, to his teacher’s credit, not a complete and utter failure.

Other Abilities:

Sharpshooter: Malcolm always had a love for western flicks, even as a kid he would play with bb guns instead of playing with other kids, unless it was to play with other kids with his BB gun. Eventually, he’d become the king of the playground, the bullies bowing at his feet and the kids admiring his awesome can shooting skills. With time, he’s only gotten better. He can fire rapidly with great accuracy from various angles, draw his gun like a lightning flash and play awesome gun tricks.

Magitech: While Malcolm didn’t have enough patience to sit through an entire lecture of Mystic Code 101, he did have a knack and passion for building all sorts of objects. Even with his limited knowledge of magecraft, he was passionate enough about this subject to read books on the subject in his spare time and actually get good.

You would think his headmaster would be proud and impressed of such dedication and accomplished practical skills, however, this was mostly just so he could learn how to make magic guns and bullets, much to the headmaster’s chagrin.


The Tangler: Magic rope concealed through a mixture of alchemic and thaumaturgic processes that render it invisible until activated with mana. It normally surrounds his gloves, but by pouring magic energy into it he can control and expand it up to 10 meters, but need a considerable amount of energy to be controlled precisely from such a long range.

The growing rope vines are as tough as metal wire and harden in reaction to magical energy, which gives him the ability to use it in order to detect other mages. He can also use it to restrain and/or drag his opponents, as well as use it like a grappling hook to move quickly from place to place, but it also has various other creative applications he has learned over the years.

Annie: A custom made revolver with a six bullet chamber. Its innovative designs mixes magic and modern weaponry into a tool of mass destruction. This piece of beauty  weighs 1.5 kg and has a whole bunch of awesome gun nomenclature I don’t know. It is an incredibly potent revolver powered by magic that can fire rapid powerful shots. Basically the last thing you want to have pointed at your face.

Bullets: Custom made ammunition  with various uses and effects.

Bullet Type A

Primary use:
Fill a target with an  armour-piercing, 13mm hollow point bullet. The rounds are jacketed with a casing of blessed Macedonian silver and features a tip containing a charge of pre-blessed mercury.

Bullet Type B

Primary use:
shoot an enemy mage, the mana they are gathering is disrupted and absorbed into the bullet, causing it to detonate with the prepared spell at power proportional to what was taken.

Secondary use: charge the bullet with mana yourself, shooting the spell on pulling the trigger or bullet impact.

Etched spells:

Burn baby! : A basic fire spell that generates intense heat and once activated catches fire along with everything it connects with, potentially submerging whatever it hits in a flesh melting inferno akin to napalm if granted a large enough amount of mana, which is very large.

If fired itself, the bullet and wound will simply catch fire for a while.

Freeze! : A basic freezing spell that makes whatever it hits and its direct surroundings colder, how cold proportional to the amount of energy. With a maximal charge, it can freeze part of a mage’s body solid.

If fired itself, the bullet will simply grow very cold, cooling down the target’s body further.

Boom! : A basic explosion type spell that turns into a bomb, the radius and power of the explosion greatly increasing depending on the amount of mana.

If fired by itself, the bullet will explode weakly, causing the wounds to tear open.

Gotcha! :  A basic magnetic explosion type spell that causes the bullet to become magnetic, sending powerful electromagnetic charges through its surroundings  and pulling itself to the closest magnetic surface,  the magnetic force growing greatly depending on the mana.

If fired itself, the shocks and pull will be negligible.

Bullet Type C

Primary use: shoot against a spell or boundary field or whatever, bullet activates and the detonation twists or disperses a completed magecraft to a point proportional to the quality of the bullet and mana used.

Origin: Malcolm was born of a wealthy fairly influential magus family long descended of british loyalists. Born with great talent and potential, he was sure to become the heir of the Kimberlee family. With the opportunity to frequent the prestigious london Clock Tower, he would certainly become a fine magus. 

However, it simply wasn’t in him, the life of a magus didn’t thrill him and the teachers looked down on him.

Because of that, he’d prefer to dick around with his friends and watch western movies, which he was very fond of. While he did develop skills over time, he was as far from a magus as heaven and earth. Wishing to follow a more thrilling life, he employed his abilities to hunt heretical magi and those who received a sealing designation.

Weakness: His gunmanship is formidable, but even with reinforcement he loses against most skilled opponents in a close quarters fight. Even if rapid, his reloading is still a time window where he cannot shoot which can be taken advantage of. If forced into a prolonged battle, his ammunition and magic will eventually deplete.

Likes: Hunting, a challenge, lazing around when not on the job, guns, cool objects, western movies, drinking, friendly banter, looking cool, indulging himself, stealing, dueling, his gun, going up to people who think they’re hot shit and say no straight to their faces.

Shit talk, condescension, annoying assholes, his time and patience being wasted, being looked down on, snobby magi fucks.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 10:23:26 PM by Sinib »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #149 on: October 03, 2016, 05:06:01 AM »
Name: Rafalia Tredecim
Race: Excrucian/Faerie
Height: 188~ cms
Weight: Lighter than she seems

As above, though she does not always wear her uniform of the Bleak Academy (which is black and red rather than blue). If her simple magical disguise falters or she wills it, her eyes appear as they truly are. Twinkling lights floating in pitch black orbs, night and falling stars.

More than bearing a commanding presence, she is undeniably beautiful, although it is not necessarily because she is physically so. She seems beautiful when you look upon her because there is something bigger to her.
Strength: Incredible   
Agility: Incredible
Endurance: Incredible

Magic Ability: Low
Changeling: The magic otherfolk use to seem human when they are not. To slip into places. They use it to conceal their night-eyes and other small things like scars, to seem more normal. With appropriate care and difficulty, Rafalia can conceal wounds and sickness too, mimic a particular person's mannerisms and appearance, or make a family forget she was not one of theirs to fit in. Regular use can make the effects quasi-permanent.
Night-Craft: The art to build nightmarish minions and other vile things from bodily fluids, shadows, mud and soil. To make substance from unformed things. Rafalia may mold unusually sturdy things out of dirt and sand, spin her nightmares into steel thread, and distill shadow and soil into poisons. It can make servants out of clay and mud and animate her blood or saliva, using will to move and shape them. With sufficient time, she can even construct elaborate creatures and frightening monsters from the soil, blood and her nightmares.

Other Abilities:

Heartless: Rafalia has no heart. Her blood flows without being pumped, as nothing beats in her chest. So blood loss doesn't mean much, and her wounds tend to close easily. And she can't truly be moved by sympathy, wounded by empathy, or touched by compassion. She still has genuine emotions, but her soul is hollow.

This curse is so intimate with her being that she can temporarily afflict others with it. When she does, they likewise become unshackled of sentiment and their hearts empty. All it requires is her presence and intent, but she can't effectively extend this to more than one person, and it will only linger for a little while if she doesn't keep her attention on the victim.

Inhuman Physical Control: Rafalia moves with unnatural grace and precision, not just fast but dexterous at an implausible and eerie level. Her balance is borderline perfect, and even comparable beings seem clumsy by comparison. Against direct opposition, this scales; she won't be faster, but her agility will match yours, her nimbleness growing increasingly ineffable.

Keen Eyes: Rafalia's unearthly eyes grant her night vision sharper than an owl's and sight keener than an eagle's, attuned to the smallest details and slightest hints of motion, and the ability to see people's resolve as an intangible colored mist around them (acquiring a rough idea of the strength of their devotion to whatever they follow).

Terrifying Gaze: It's not effortless, but Rafalia's stare can fill you with paralyzing fear. Terrible vastness bears down on you, suffocating and crushing. You don't need to actually look her in the eyes for this to work, as she can affect even people turned away from her. You can break free if you're willing to leave yourself drained, or experience a strong mental shock as all that fright collapses on you and then vanishes. If she leaves or stops, it will go away on its own even if you don't do anything.

Soul-Carving Blade:
The power to sever miracles and cut the soul as easily as she does flesh. This is her abhorrent weapon, which despite the name works through anything she wields to harm or injure, and on its own manifests as a knife tainted black. Functionally, it can nullify or break supernatural powers and even strip away immortality, but greater wonders can only be weakened or twisted.

Rider: As kin to fae, Rafalia is a exceptional hunter. She is skilled at riding and tracking, using her knife, and archery. If she calls, her pale horse will generally come riding over from the night or a shadowed corner like it was waiting for her, and he strides easily through any hedge or forest.

Iconic: Rafalia is a living story. She is a trial that takes the faces of heroes, a rider of the void, and a creature of faerie, and her ability to be recognized as such cannot be impaired. No matter how tattered she ought to be she can always fix her standard appearance, or barring the believable limits of that she can instantly restore the way that she is supposed to look.

She's also pretty good at getting from place to place, and urban or interior redecoration and redesign. A little unbelievably so.

Inconspicuous: In flip side to being recognized, Rafalia can become unremarkable and difficult to notice. When something interesting happens in the same region as her, she can be there, just another face in the crowd, difficult to spot and more difficult to realize she's important.

Bow and arrows: A ebon bow that looses arrows of starlight; these falter neither in speed nor strength before they have crossed truly prodigious distances. She can conjure and dismiss it at will.
Pale Horse: An exceptional hunting steed that is unhindered by obstacles in thorny and forested environments or the dark. Its eyes are filled with the night and falling stars.


At the end of the world where the true thing beyond things is, lies the Bleak Academy. Rafalia came there, or from there, where she learned the arts of waging war and crafting horrors by which to put the world through ordeals. She swore to the Cant of the Warmains, like a doctor swears the Hippocratic Oath, and set out to put Creation to the trial of her blade.

Before the Bleak Academy, she murdered gods and tempered herself with the deaths of heroes, giving worth to the things that were deserving of it. Before that, she walked the lands without life where she lost her heart and danced with the mad and fair people.

Once she met a flower of evil who charmed her by his apathy, who in turn fell into the trap of her test. Who despite himself, swore he would overcome her tribulation and then her. She grew to love him for it, and he offered his hand to kill the darkest and evilest god so that he could return that love. For persisting in the face of the unfathomable and succeeding, she tried to take his life; he defeated her even then, and made her his bride in chains. Her soul was swayed by his devotion, but she did not abandon her mission and he did not forsake his role. Their treason did not change them, but made them more than themselves.

When the Headmaster of the Bleak Academy shot down the Sun, and all of creation and the lands beyond drowned in the outside, she waded through the waves of oblivion, carrying her spouse on her steed until they found the only place that was still unequivocally real. They arrived at Town, and she saw that in that oasis surrounded by nothingness there was worth which had nothing to prove, that there was meaning, and there they stayed.

Rafalia is a test of ideals. She will seldom lay her hand on a strand of hair from your head, or turn her sword against your flesh. Instead, she will push you forward and make you destroy yourself. She'll curse your efforts with misfortune, make no good deed go unpunished, and condemn your decisions to turn on you. She will answer your wish with betrayal and turn the world against you. She will make you pick up the pieces of your rusted heart. And in the end, if you still have not regretted, if you still believe and walk forward no matter how thankless and hellish your path, she will take your life herself and keep your selfish mistake, your life's work, in her heart.

That is what she used to do. She's mellowed out a bit in Town, in Fortitude, where there is no world ash to burn down and no desperate war against reality to win.

And then she tripped through the world and crashed into the Nexus.

Cold Iron: In her essence runs the blood of the terrible lords of shadow and thorns, so all the same does the grudge of iron extend to her. It causes her pain to the touch, and wounds it opens will be slow to heal.
Tentacles: These are very bad. They'll make her all relaxed and helpless cause she'll be expecting massages out of them.   
Dark Handsome Gods: Or the dark and handsome god of all evil, who has claimed her as his fiancé despite the impossibility of it, to be more precise.

Likes: Chips, heroes, netflix marathons, interior design, stories
Dislikes: Community slackers, anti-heroes, Deceivers, pain

« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 08:12:54 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts