Name: Rafalia Tredecim
Race: Excrucian/Faerie
Height: 188~ cms
Weight: Lighter than she seems
As above, though she does not always wear her uniform of the Bleak Academy (which is black and red rather than blue). If her simple magical disguise falters or she wills it, her eyes appear as they truly are. Twinkling lights floating in pitch black orbs, night and falling stars.
More than bearing a commanding presence, she is undeniably beautiful, although it is not necessarily because she is physically so. She seems beautiful when you look upon her because there is something bigger to her.
Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Endurance: Incredible
Magic Ability: Low
Changeling: The magic otherfolk use to seem human when they are not. To slip into places. They use it to conceal their night-eyes and other small things like scars, to seem more normal. With appropriate care and difficulty, Rafalia can conceal wounds and sickness too, mimic a particular person's mannerisms and appearance, or make a family forget she was not one of theirs to fit in. Regular use can make the effects quasi-permanent.
Night-Craft: The art to build nightmarish minions and other vile things from bodily fluids, shadows, mud and soil. To make substance from unformed things. Rafalia may mold unusually sturdy things out of dirt and sand, spin her nightmares into steel thread, and distill shadow and soil into poisons. It can make servants out of clay and mud and animate her blood or saliva, using will to move and shape them. With sufficient time, she can even construct elaborate creatures and frightening monsters from the soil, blood and her nightmares.
Other Abilities:Heartless: Rafalia has no heart. Her blood flows without being pumped, as nothing beats in her chest. So blood loss doesn't mean much, and her wounds tend to close easily. And she can't truly be moved by sympathy, wounded by empathy, or touched by compassion. She still has genuine emotions, but her soul is hollow.
This curse is so intimate with her being that she can temporarily afflict others with it. When she does, they likewise become unshackled of sentiment and their hearts empty. All it requires is her presence and intent, but she can't effectively extend this to more than one person, and it will only linger for a little while if she doesn't keep her attention on the victim.
Inhuman Physical Control: Rafalia moves with unnatural grace and precision, not just fast but dexterous at an implausible and eerie level. Her balance is borderline perfect, and even comparable beings seem clumsy by comparison. Against direct opposition, this scales; she won't be faster, but her agility will match yours, her nimbleness growing increasingly ineffable.
Keen Eyes: Rafalia's unearthly eyes grant her night vision sharper than an owl's and sight keener than an eagle's, attuned to the smallest details and slightest hints of motion, and the ability to see people's resolve as an intangible colored mist around them (acquiring a rough idea of the strength of their devotion to whatever they follow).
Terrifying Gaze: It's not effortless, but Rafalia's stare can fill you with paralyzing fear. Terrible vastness bears down on you, suffocating and crushing. You don't need to actually look her in the eyes for this to work, as she can affect even people turned away from her. You can break free if you're willing to leave yourself drained, or experience a strong mental shock as all that fright collapses on you and then vanishes. If she leaves or stops, it will go away on its own even if you don't do anything.
Soul-Carving Blade: The power to sever miracles and cut the soul as easily as she does flesh. This is her abhorrent weapon, which despite the name works through anything she wields to harm or injure, and on its own manifests as a knife tainted black. Functionally, it can nullify or break supernatural powers and even strip away immortality, but greater wonders can only be weakened or twisted.
Rider: As kin to fae, Rafalia is a exceptional hunter. She is skilled at riding and tracking, using her knife, and archery. If she calls, her pale horse will generally come riding over from the night or a shadowed corner like it was waiting for her, and he strides easily through any hedge or forest.
Iconic: Rafalia is a living story. She is a trial that takes the faces of heroes, a rider of the void, and a creature of faerie, and her ability to be recognized as such cannot be impaired. No matter how tattered she ought to be she can always fix her standard appearance, or barring the believable limits of that she can instantly restore the way that she is supposed to look.
She's also pretty good at getting from place to place, and urban or interior redecoration and redesign. A little unbelievably so.
Inconspicuous: In flip side to being recognized, Rafalia can become unremarkable and difficult to notice. When something interesting happens in the same region as her, she can be there, just another face in the crowd, difficult to spot and more difficult to realize she's important.
GearBow and arrows: A ebon bow that looses arrows of starlight; these falter neither in speed nor strength before they have crossed truly prodigious distances. She can conjure and dismiss it at will.
Pale Horse: An exceptional hunting steed that is unhindered by obstacles in thorny and forested environments or the dark. Its eyes are filled with the night and falling stars.
Origin:At the end of the world where the true thing beyond things is, lies the Bleak Academy. Rafalia came there, or from there, where she learned the arts of waging war and crafting horrors by which to put the world through ordeals. She swore to the Cant of the Warmains, like a doctor swears the Hippocratic Oath, and set out to put Creation to the trial of her blade.
Before the Bleak Academy, she murdered gods and tempered herself with the deaths of heroes, giving worth to the things that were deserving of it. Before that, she walked the lands without life where she lost her heart and danced with the mad and fair people.
Once she met a flower of evil who charmed her by his apathy, who in turn fell into the trap of her test. Who despite himself, swore he would overcome her tribulation and then her. She grew to love him for it, and he offered his hand to kill the darkest and evilest god so that he could return that love. For persisting in the face of the unfathomable and succeeding, she tried to take his life; he defeated her even then, and made her his bride in chains. Her soul was swayed by his devotion, but she did not abandon her mission and he did not forsake his role. Their treason did not change them, but made them more than themselves.
When the Headmaster of the Bleak Academy shot down the Sun, and all of creation and the lands beyond drowned in the outside, she waded through the waves of oblivion, carrying her spouse on her steed until they found the only place that was still unequivocally real. They arrived at Town, and she saw that in that oasis surrounded by nothingness there was worth which had nothing to prove, that there was meaning, and there they stayed.
Rafalia is a test of ideals. She will seldom lay her hand on a strand of hair from your head, or turn her sword against your flesh. Instead, she will push you forward and make you destroy yourself. She'll curse your efforts with misfortune, make no good deed go unpunished, and condemn your decisions to turn on you. She will answer your wish with betrayal and turn the world against you. She will make you pick up the pieces of your rusted heart. And in the end, if you still have not regretted, if you still believe and walk forward no matter how thankless and hellish your path, she will take your life herself and keep your selfish mistake, your life's work, in her heart.
That is what she used to do. She's mellowed out a bit in Town, in Fortitude, where there is no world ash to burn down and no desperate war against reality to win.
And then she tripped through the world and crashed into the Nexus.
Weaknesses:Cold Iron: In her essence runs the blood of the terrible lords of shadow and thorns, so all the same does the grudge of iron extend to her. It causes her pain to the touch, and wounds it opens will be slow to heal.
Tentacles: These are very bad. They'll make her all relaxed and helpless cause she'll be expecting massages out of them.
Dark Handsome Gods: Or the dark and handsome god of all evil, who has claimed her as his fiancé despite the impossibility of it, to be more precise.
Likes: Chips, heroes, netflix marathons, interior design, stories
Dislikes: Community slackers, anti-heroes, Deceivers, pain