Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone  (Read 95416 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #120 on: December 16, 2015, 01:08:05 AM »
Name: Irisviel von Einzbern   

Race:Einzbern Homunculus (Holy Grail)

Age: 19


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Magical Scale: High

Irisviel, as an Einzbern homunculus and the Lesser Grail, has enormous reserves of prana available to her at all times. She is an accomplished mage with great untapped potential. She can use many different forms of magecraft to a certain degree. She’s competent in reinforcement, clairvoyance, and  hypnosis. She is capable of creating many magical items, and is fairly good at the creation of bounded fields. However, she has a few fields she is particularly skilled at.

Healing: Irisviel is well versed in healing magecraft. She can heal many wounds with relative ease by applying just a small amount of prana to the affected area. However, this is not without its weaknesses. The larger and/or more complex the wound is, the more time and prana it will take. Additionally, it can’t heal a cursed wound or attacks on the soul.

Alchemy: Alchemy is Irisviel’s primary field, and she is very skilled in it. She  is capable of utilizing alchemy to achieve a wide variety of effects, limited only by her imagination and the amount of materials she has on hand. She most often uses the great mass of magically enhanced wires she always carries somewhere on her person. She can use it to attack, form a magical shield, bind people. As long as she can imagine the form, she can create it.

Einzbern Homunculus Creation: The Einzbern family is renowned for their unparalleled skill in the art of crafting homunculi. Even their reject homunculi are several times stronger than ones other mages create. Irisviel has inherited the knowledge of crafting them, and can craft them if she so desires. She has crafted a few since she arrived in the Nexus to serve her as maids. If the situation required it, she could theoretically create ones specialized on physical combat or magic, both extremely powerful in their fields of specialization.

Command Seals:
The Command Spells are three claims of absolute obedience, the crystallization of a great magic, that a Master has over a Servant in the Holy Grail War system. Unable to normally be controlled by humans, they are burdened by the "absolute condition for materialization", the authority of the Command Spell carved into them at the moment of summoning. Irisviel retains all three of hers, a relic of the Grail War. She is capable of forming a contract with a servant, as she retains her right as a master.
Other Abilities:

Lesser Grail: Irisviel was created to be the Lesser Grail in the Fourth Holy Grail War. While she never fulfilled this role, instead running off with Saber to create a new life with her, Irisviel retains the capacity to absorb the souls of the great heros upon their death, assuming they’re in proximity to her. She can choose not to do so, if she pleases, however.

Homunculus: Irisviel is an artificial human, created for a specific purpose. As a result, she is superior in many ways to a normal human. Her magical circuits far outstrips any that a normal human could ever have, both in quality and quantity. Secondly, she does not need many of the normally essential elements to live: as long as she has a steady supply of prana, she does not need to eat, sleep, or even breathe. Her body is naturally immune to most diseases, and she does not age in the traditional sense. As long as she has prana, she is golden.

Mad Driving Skills: Irisviel was taught how to drive by Kiritsugu. Sadly, he failed to teach her the basics of road safety. Combined with Irisviel’s natural inclination to drive as fast as possible and her beloved Mercedes, She is a terror on the roadway, speeding through red lights at 90 Kmph or more frequently. She has somehow managed to not crash her beloved car once yet. Perhaps that’s due to Arturia insisting on driving her around everywhere...


Gullwing: The car her late husband, Kiritsugu, gave to her years ago. She has kept it perfectly maintained, and continues to drive it around the Nexus at completely reckless speeds.

Magical Wires: Irisviel uses her prized wires for many different purposes. Her primary use for them is in combat, however. She can manipulate them into any shape, size or form.

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Avalon: The sheath of Excalibur, which belonged to King Arthur until it was stolen, leading to her death at the battle of Camlann. Irisviel later tried to return it, but Arturia insisted she keep it to maintain her body and to keep her safe. It’s power makes the owner unaging, easily regenerates mortal wounds and can be used to transport the wielder into an alternate dimension where they can be done no harm. It is Irisviel’s most treasured possession, given to her by her beloved, Arturia Pendragon, and she treasures it dearly. Without a connection to Arturia, it is rather useless, but would it would regain its powers if Irisviel ever made contact with Arturia once more. She could never dream of giving it to anyone but Arturia, and even then, only as a result of a direct request from her. She would gladly give her life if it meant keeping Avalon safe.

Origin: Irisviel was created for one sole purpose: to become the holy grail and fulfill the Einzbern most dear wish: to obtain the Third Magic. She was first lifted out of this by Kiritsugu Emiya, who she later married and had a child with, whom they named Illyasviel Von Einzbern. Sadly, Kiritsugu’s life was abruptly ended while he was out on one of his many clandestine missions. Irisviel was heartbroken. Upon finding out about his untimely demise, she decided to fulfill his wish in his stead; to save the world.

Acht, on the other hand, was furious. Without enough time to find a suitable replacement for Kiritsugu, he was forced to have Irisviel perform the summoning instead. Several weeks before the Holy Grail war would begin, using the relic meant for her late husband, she summoned the King of Knights, Arthur Pendragon using the holy sheath of Excalibur, Avalon. Instead of summoning the large man she had expected however, a small girl appeared instead.

Through the course of the Grail War, the grew closer and by the end of the war, had fallen in love, and decided to abandon the Grail War. They returned to the Einzbern Castle and took Illyasviel back from Acht.

They spent ten years together, and Irisviel has recently found herself in the Nexus. She resides within the Einzbern Castle, which has placed itself on the outskirts of the city. Iri has heard that a girl matching the description of Saber runs around on the police force, and has begun searching in earnest. She is currently speeding through traffic at breakneck speeds.

Weakness: Irisviel is fairly frail, and is quite physically weak. As a result, if you can close into close combat with her she is extremely easy to overpower. Additionally, anyone with high resistance to magic can basically steamroll her.

Likes: Arturia Pendragon, her one and only, Her late husband Kiritsugu, her beautiful daughter Illyasviel, Driving, Movies, and while the outside world is no longer something completely foreign to her, she is still finding new things in it; it seems like an endlessly fascinating thing to her now. She enjoys taking Saber out to eat at fancy restaurants and treating her to all the food she can eat. Arturia's ahoge (she finds it cute),  cute blond girls, drinking.

Dislikes: Gilgamesh, the Holy Grail War, people needlessly dying,
« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 01:37:43 AM by Sinib »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #121 on: December 21, 2015, 05:23:00 PM »
Name: Petra / Saint Peter

Race: Servant (Ruler)

Age: physically 19

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 56 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Fantastic

Other Abilities:

Baptism Rite: Her proficiency at exorcising spirits second only to her Lord Jesus Christ, and she is even capable of sublimating spirits on her level if they are not anchored to the world of living. Much weaker ghosts just perish, forced away to the afterlife by Petra’s decree.

Discernment of True Name: A class ability of Ruler class Servants, she is able to discern true identity of another Servant unless they have abilities that help clouding their identity.

Faith Healing: Blind can see, lame can walk, almost no ailment is impossible for Petra to heal as long as their causes are mundane. Supernatural illnesses take much more time and effort to handle for her. Due to her limited powers in comparison to her true Heroic Spirit self, she is unable to regenerate lost limbs or rise dead from the grave.

Magic Resistance: Very High - Thanks to her unwavering piety, it is overwhelmingly difficult to affect her even for incredibly ancient magicians. However, she is affected normally by magic traditions stemming from Abrahamic traditions, as they are said to ultimately come from the Lord.

Revelation: Thanks to the insight bestowed by the blessing of her Lord, Petra is able to sense the optimal course of action during battles. This ability accomodates all matters related to the achievement of a goal, including the most suitable path while travelling.

Water Walking: Emulating the miracle of Jesus Christ, she is able to walk on water surfaces without drowning.


Keys Of Heaven - A Noble Phantasm that marks her status as the most important Apostle, a mandate of heaven bestowed by Lord Jesus Christ. As Servants are mere copies of the original Heroic Spirits, its potency is largely restricted. It is a set of consisting of a silver and a golden sword, materialized by the Servant only a single at a time. The golden Key is able to remove curses caused by one’s sins or external influence of a malevolent being that is not much more potent than Ruler. The silver Key immobilizes demonic and pagan spirits or beings vulnerable to trappings of Abrahamic faith when lodged into them, also inflicting more damage to them.

Shroud of Saint Andrew: Her scarf is a Shroud that can dispel weaker spells with ease. She keeps her it more out of nostalgia for her brother as her Magic Resistance is far more potent already, but if loaned or gifted to another person, said person benefits from its protection.

Origin: Ruler is very hesitant to speak of the Holy Grail War she was summoned into. It tumbled down quickly, the Grail destroyed in the process and splashing Petra with its contents. Probably getting a chance at second life somewhat compensated for the stress related to helping manage the war. Unfortunately for her a dimensional anomaly also flunged her into Nexus, considerably weakening her in comparison to her old self. Though she earnestly believes in her Lord, all she wants now to live a relatively normal life for remainder of her second life.

Weakness: She cannot resist magecraft rooted in Abrahamic religions and as she possesses a mortal body, she cannot go into a spirit form like other Servants.

Likes: Jesus, her brother, fellow believers, fishing and other stress relieving activities

Dislikes: Unjustified conflict, unclean spirits, sinful acts
« Last Edit: December 22, 2015, 10:46:11 PM by Kat »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #122 on: December 22, 2015, 04:35:14 AM »
Name: Rynodd 4-Atrivus "Atri"

Race: Human (Skitarii)

Age: 5 years (Since becoming a Skitarii)

Height: 7' 5"

Weight: 240 lbs

Appearance: Atri is a Skitarii utilized by the tech priests of Agripinaa. Therefore, the exterior of her robes are pitch black while the interior is pearl white. The undersuit beneath the unpainted metal armor is red, in tribute to Mars. Goggle-like augments sit over her lidless eyes, lenses glowing blue (Though the amount of light produced can be adjusted). Out of her left side of her head sprouts a seven-inch antenna, noticibly stickking out of her shoulder-length auburn hair.

She is part of a new line of Rangers, whose augments include the spidery-yet-hooved mechanical legs utilized by the Sicarians, allowing her far greater mobility than the other "models." She has a host of other augments that are not visible, such as the black-box and emotion-dampener inside her brain, leather sac lungs, and mechanical heart.

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Exceptional (Kicks are Incredible)

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Plentiful Stamina: Skitarii don't utilize transports; instead, they march for weeks in advance to get to battle. Atri's augmentations (Mostly based around the artificial legs, but also several other locations) allows her to be in motion for days at a time before she has to rest.

Inhuman Aiming: Like the other kinds of Skitarii, Atri can rapidly aim and fire precise shots from any hand-held weapon in the Cult Mechanicus arsenal.

Literal Photographic Memory: The black box inserted into her brain provides perfect memory from any encounter since its installation, as intended by the Tech Priests. However, this was more for the Tech Priests' benefit should they deem the implant's removal at a later date.

Resistance to Gases: The artificial lungs grant tolerance to otherwise lethal levels of poisonous gases, though not outright immunity.

Binary Language: Atri can read, write, and even "speak" in the chosen language of the Machine God.

Mechanical Voice Box: Allows Atri to speak even if the tubing of her mask (see below) would normally prevent it. Adds a artificial layer to her normal voice.


Blessed Raiments: This cloak is studded lined with tiny, leaded leech-spheres that absorb harmful energies such as radiation.

Skitarii War Plate: Clothing and metal that makes up the armor, intended to be worn for years at a time. Under the ceramite metal is a layer of recombinant cells that absorbs the liquids produced by Atri. These liquids are turned into a gelatinous unguent that coats the entirety of the body to prevent chaffing. The outer plate itself offers protection on par with Carapace Armor, being only out done by power armor.

Sicarian Legs: The brutality of the Thirteenth Black Crusade on Cadia is taking its toll on everyone. With Agripinaa being the first planet that would be assaulted should the Gate fall, the more liberal members of the Cult Mechanicus started to experiment. Long story short, their interest in not being daemon-food is causing them to mix-and-match components of the Skitarii using "It's my legion, I do what I want with it." Adding these legs onto a Ranger does compliment their role rather well, actually.

Cognis Rebreather: What amounts to a gas mask connected to the pack on Atri's back. Has tubes that goes down the throat and directly into her lungs (gag reflex all but removed to ease implementation). Designed more for smoke than gases, but should she encounter poisonous air, the seals would shut and she would be breathing in a separate supply of air from a gas tank in her pack.

Data Tether and Camera:
an antenna mounted onto her pack that transmits data to and from Atri and a Tech Priest's ship. Now rendered useless because there is no one able to answer on the other side.

Rad-Censer: A pitted bronze sphere that detects radiation. Emits a clicking sound should dangerous levels be sensed, however, in the Nexus, Atri has yet to hear it go off.

Galvanic Rifle: A flintlock-looking, semi-automatic rifle made of actual wood and brass. The .40 cal servitor bullets let out an electric shock if it hits the target, causing the bio-electric pulses (Read: What your brain and nerves do for your body to function) of the poor sap to rapidly discharge as well. Eight rounds per cylindrical magazine.
Spoiler for Image:

Phosphor Blast Pistol: What essentially amounts to a flare gun intended to kill as well as mark targets in a bright light. The fired rounds can literally light up a street and be seen for miles, and burns at temperatures exceeding 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. Six rounds per magazine.
Spoiler for Image:

7's Bite: A sword crafted in the Nexus to help out with Atri's current profession. Named after her squad's ident number, it is made of cold iron laced with silver from a totally not stolen necklace of some house.

Two Ammo Crates (Kept at her apartment)

Atri finds it hard to remember what she was like before she became a Skitarii. What she can remember are loose, disjointed images: a tank on fire, a white bed, a black cloak and a mechanical voice, screams of agony, and a blood covered operating machine. What she knows is that she is a modified Ranger, and that she annoys the ever living Hell out of her squadmates. Turns out that the emotional dampener wasn't properly implanted...

Story of her arrival to the Nexus is an interesting one: Lucius the Eternal was sighted near her cohort. The Tech Priest given charge of Atri's unit knew that killing the Chaos Champion would inevitably lead to his resurrection, and decided that the best course of action was to outright banish the Slaaneshi warrior. He tasked Atri's squad to eliminate the VIP, managing to issue the Phase Taser, an ancient weapon that was capable of sending beings and objects to different realities (Or so it is theorized), to the Alpha (Skitarii equivalent to Sergeant). Before they could begin the hunt, however, the base Atri was at came under attack by a band of Chaos Terminators. Her Alpha was slain in the armory, and in haste she picked up the Phase Taser and accidently transported herself to the Nexus along with a few weapons and ammo crates (Though the taser itself did not come with). Good thing, too, seeing how said Techpriest was going to have her vivisected after the mission just to get her out of his (Metaphorical) hair.

Fast forward five years, Atri is now a bounty hunter and assassin who is known to be a bit kooky, though she does achieve results. Still, the rapid change between comically insane to downright serious tend to throw off and/or irritate the people she comes into contact with.

Weaknesses: Sometimes her irratic behavior gets her in bad situations. Also, if her Sicarian legs get gunked up, she would not be able to move around efficiently.

Likes: Visual and Audio Stimulations, the Omnissiah, Hunting

Losing the perfect shot, Poor special effects in movies/shows


Spoiler for Agripinaa Ranger:

Spoiler for Sicarian Legs:
« Last Edit: December 22, 2015, 05:37:16 PM by MissingMandible »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #123 on: December 23, 2015, 03:31:03 AM »
Character Sheets

Name: Sascha Bohn.

Race: Ghoul.

Age: 29 years old.

Height: 5'11" ft.

Weight: 154 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible.

Agility: Incredible.

Constitution: Exceptional.

Other Abilities:

- Regeneration: Depending on how much she eats, small damage, such as bullet holes, can be healed almost instantaneously. Medium damage such as cuts and gashes, can take a few seconds up to a few minutes, depending on the severity. Huge damage on the other hand may take several hours, up to a few days, also depending on its severity. It is all linked towards Sascha's diet, the amount of meat she eats, the quality of said meat, and the damage she received, exponentially.

- Ukaku Kagune/Feather Red: A feather-like apparition composed of Rc-Cells, it manifests itself from the usual Ukaku location, which is from the shoulders, flexible and equatable to liquid muscle. Though each Kagune are unique with common enough binding traits to categorize them, Sascha's own manifests from a single spot, extending outwards a set of bird-like pinions from her left shoulder, as she is capable of hardening it stiffer, or softening it up. The added capability of shooting out bullet-like shard projectiles aren't only shot from out of the pinions, but out of her overall body if desired. Usually the pinion is 4 feet, but it can be lengthened or shortened.

- Durability: At her best, Sascha Bohn's skin is tough enough to snap knives stabbing at her, without breaking skin. Yet it relies on the premise that she must have a steady diet of human meat, uninterrupted and non-hungering, to have that capability. Usually durability extends to man-made objects.

- Superhuman Senses: Capable of smelling, hearing, or seeing targets from afar, with a plethora of other senses that helps her in distinguishing her prey and the quality of their meat, whether it is edible or not. Bohn would be considered slightly above average in range of Ghouls when it comes to their superhuman senses. In short, they are supernaturally potent in what she can sense, well beyond human norms.

- Battlefield Experience: As a result of her stint as a mercenary, Sascha finds herself familiar and versed with firearms, ranging from sidearms all the way up to simple RPGs, the sort of stuff one finds common in Africa's battlegrounds. If it comes to melee range, she has a close quarter combat style familiar to Sambo, albeit being butchered and only vaguely similar.

Equipment: As it follows, the list of things Sasha carries are distinct in the fact they are dated firearms from the 1980's, and the related gear that comes from that era.

- G3 Assault Rifle: Standard model, comes with a wooden stock and modified polymer handguard, sporting a 40mm under barrel grenade launcher attachment, typical fit for the weapon in question. The gun itself is chambered for the .62×51mm NATO round, and features an Armson OEG mounted in the standard method normal to gun mounts in the mid-1980's. Usually five magazines are carried on her person, with each box containing 20 rounds.

- Wildley Pistol: Not typically found in a soldier's common arsenal, the pistol finds itself with a not all too common brand of ammunition one can scour in the battlefield. It is chambered for the .475 Wildley Magnum rounds, with a barrel length of 10 inches, and a magazine housing 8 bullets. She usually carries three magazines on her person. The gun's metallic finish is blued throughout the surface to lessen shine drastically.

- NRS-2: A survival knife usually given to Spetsnaz operators, it has found its way across the world within select markets, and some other elements related to the 2nd World Bloc, which in either cases, is not remarkably common out of the USSR. It has a single-shot built in mechanism to fire 7.62x42mm SP-3 cartridges.

Origin: A Ghoul who grew up within East Germany, Sascha Bohn took to the world at a young age, after it became clear to her that devouring humans within the slums was not an ideal strategy. When there were crackdowns on Ghouls occurring within the cities by authorities, their effective measures made it increasingly difficult to procure food, and with that, existence in itself became a struggle, a mixture between secrecy, keeping up with jobs for a facade of normality, and garnering food. As opposed to doing what her compatriots did in the Ghoul community, the appealing nature of mercenary work as someone whose skills were measured in how efficiently one can kill another, instantly clicked and found a calling in the East German ghoul.

From then on, she, along with a few other hopefuls, left for the confines of Africa, where wars, conflict, and strife were the norm in the Cold War era when it comes to proxies to the First and Second Worlds, where they would find themselves in a fertile hunting ground unchecked, and unhampered by oversight. Wars meant bodies were easy to attain, food was aplenty, and money itself was a much welcomed bonus.

It was only by a series of bad luck, that Sascha found herself backed against the wall, pitted against an enemy that outnumbered and outgunned her, in an open field where her only cover was a run down building that can barely withstand a hail of bullets. Yet for the oddest of circumstances, which was bizarre, that instead of death when an APC rolled up, and aimed its turret at the shack and shot a high explosive round, she found herself somewhere that was strange, odd, if not outright extraordinary, and that was Nexus.


- Ukaku Type Ghoul Weaknesses: Because she has the Ukaku Kagune, the release of Rc cells tends to deplete her stamina fast, which means making use of it into attacks as a primary contributor to the cause of fatigue. She also has performance issues in regards to endurance, making her less stalwart compared to other Ghouls, at the very least.

- Normal human food: It tastes disgusting to a ghoul, and tends to cause sickness, nausea, and even a decrease of performance in them and ultimately death. The exception to the rule is coffee and water, however.

- Diet based performance: Because Sascha is a ghoul, she requires to be well fed to be at her physical best, otherwise performance diminishes as a result. Exertion can also contribute towards increasing hunger, and decreasing performance.

Likes: Human flesh, coffee, cooking, gun maintenance, reading science and mechanics magazines, the smell of gasoline, and hunting.

Dislikes: Sponges, normal food, cold weather, nosy people, established institutions, and the scent of flowers.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #124 on: December 30, 2015, 03:47:03 AM »
Name: Evan Vogelsang

Race: human/homunculus

Age: 28

Height: 178 cm

weight: 80 kg

Appearance: A thin and lean man, Evan is unusually pale, almost giving the impression of something inhuman; his dark blonde hair and golden eyes accentuate this further. Even though nothing about him stands out in particular, the sum of his parts is an image that is hard to forget.

Physical attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: exceptional

constitution: exceptional

magic scale: Extremely high

Other abilities:

Deduction: the innate talent of the "detective" made manifest and honed over many supernatural and mundane cases, the ability to think outside of the box and solve seemingly unsolvable crimes. Somewhat lessened in the case of mundane crimes due to a magus' common sense.

Magic Crest: the magic crest of his family, allowing for the use of spells his forefathers devised with relative ease; the Vogelsang family mainly focused on focusing the three elements of cold, wind and fire in tangible shapes; mainly finds use in elemental spears or walls, conjuring elemental "armor" was the ultimate goal of his family's magic research.

Magic: instead of continuing his family's research on elemental magic, Evan himself specialised in high-level structural magic, including an unusual expertise in structural analysis, which he can use to pick locks or find irregularities. He is also able to analyze living bodies, allowing him to determine many truths about others.
Aside from that, he knows the standard spells like strengthening and repair, as well as pure mana explosions.

equipment: Evan owns a quite peculiar Mystic Code, a mysterious trinket he picked up during one of his earliest cases and subsequently modified to be his personal mystic code: the "Nadel des Schmerzes", a syringe's needle that used to belong to one peculiar criminal; even without a syringe, it can inject several kinds of venom, drugs and even magic extracts that can cause various effects.
It can also be used to inject a magic "doping", that way turning a non-fighter like Evan into an extremely fast  berserker; this doping, however, causes great pain to the subject and uses up their prana extremely fast.

Origin:Evan is the result of a regressing magus family secretly resorting to alchemistical means to "revitalize" their bloodline; using a homunculus surrogate mother, Evan can be described as a Magus' version of a designer child.
As a result of that, his magic potential is unusually high; as his body houses the homunculus-typical amount of high-quality magic circuits as well as his family's magic crest, allowing him to use a plethora of spells with ease.
He spent years at the Clock Tower at the behest of his family, however he was always more interested in solving riddles than in studying magic; again and again, he would descent into the bowels of London, follow his "game" of detective; sometimes he'd be gone for weeks before returning to the Clock Tower.
Eventually, he decided to truly specialize in the field and became an Enforcer of the Magus association, while freelancing as "magic detective" whenever he was'nt called upon.

weakness:as a beeing close to homunculi, he is very reliant on his mana; while a high mana pool is a given, should it be endangered, so would his life.
He is also very reliant on his Mystic code when fighting, as he is physically very weak without it
Furthermore, despite his appearance, he is quite weak to women.

likes: interesting cases, cute girls, punk rock, seafood

dislikes: heat, licorice


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #125 on: January 06, 2016, 06:43:47 PM »
Name: Gon Freeccs
Race: Human
Age: 16
Height: 5’ 1”
Weight: 108 lbs

Strength: Incredible (Can boost to Fantastic with Nen)
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible (Can boost to Fantastic with Nen)

Other Abilities:

Nen: Aura is the life energy produced by all living bodies vital for survival. Aura from all parts of the body has a tendency to flow together, producing one mass of energy. This happens without the individual's awareness, typically resulting in a slow leak of aura continually escaping the body. The pores or points on the body from which aura flows out from are called "Aura Nodes". Controlling those nodes is the first step to being a user of Nen.

The technique has the ability to enhance the strength of physical attacks or objects depending on the quantity of aura employed and an individual's aura type, as well as allows for para-psychological abilities to exist in reality.

Furthermore, an attack enhanced by Nen can cause serious damage to mundane things or objects not imbued with some kind of supernatural energy, and a mundane attack would be hard pressed to break through the protection of even a basic Ten, and it also provides a passable defense against magic.

Gon is an Enhancer, which gives him his great strength and recuperative abilities. A natural Zetsu user, Gon's talent can be found only in one out of ten million people. Although described by Kite as a "slow starter", Gon's main strength is in fight his ability to increase the size of his aura during a confrontation. This process is completely unconscious, and depends heavily on his mental state. Determination and anger, in particular, give him incredible boosts of power.

Enhancement is the most balanced category, allowing users to spread themselves evenly between offense and defense and become very strong using only simple abilities. One of the examples of more complex Enhancement abilities include enhancing one's healing factor.

Ten: Ten (Envelop; Shroud) is the process of keeping the nodes open, but also having aura flow through and around the body rather than away from it. Once maintained, it creates a shroud around the user that feels similar to standing in lukewarm, viscous fluid. Having a shroud of aura surround the body is the most basic defense against emanations from other Nen users, however, it can't defend against Nen-enhanced physical attacks. Ten maintains youthful vigor and reduces one's aging; since the energy powering the body no longer leaks away, one can keep the body from breaking down and deter the aging process. Through frequent meditation, one can improve the quality of their Ten.

Zetsu: Zetsu (Suppress; Null) stops the flow of aura from their body altogether. By closing all of their aura nodes, the user is able to stop almost all outflow of their aura like water from a valve. Since the user is no longer surrounded by their own aura, they are more sensitive to the aura of others. This can be useful when tracking another person and it will also prevent other users of Nen from noticing them. Zetsu can also be used to relieve fatigue, since it forces the body's external layer of aura to be fully contained within. However, since Zetsu involves shutting off one's aura, it can be dangerous due to it leaving the body defenseless against any aura attack. Additionally, Nen abilities cannot be used while in Zetsu.

Ren: Ren (Refine; Enhance) is a direct application of Ten. Since a user is capable of keeping aura from leaking away from the body, it's also possible for them to produce more aura around themselves without having to worry about losing it. Ren focuses on outputting a high amount of aura and keeping it on the body, expanding the size and intensity of it. Ren typically what is used for offense, though this technique can also provide a powerful defense against physical attacks, unlike Ten. This increases the user's physical strength and durability and provides a large pool of aura for any advanced techniques or individual skills they decide to use.

Hatsu: Hatsu (Release; Act) is the release or transmission of one's aura so it can be projected to carry out a certain function. In essence, Hatsu is one's personal expression of Nen that creates a unique ability (colloquially called a Nen Ability). A good Hatsu should reflect a person's own character; one can never truly master Nen if they only copy other people's abilities.

Gon’s Hatsu, Jajanken consists of three different attacks.

Gon's main attack is “Rock”, a simple but devastating Enhancer-type attack concentrating all his aura into his fist using Ko.

His long-ranged attack is "Paper," an Emitter-type attack that fires a ball of aura from his palm; at the moment, this is his weakest attack, the ball being somewhat slow, not that powerful and easy to block or change course.

His mid-ranged attack is "Scissors", a Transmuter-type attack that forms a blade of aura attached to his index and middle fingers, capable of slicing through what Rock can’t break.

Gon prefaces each attack with the chant "Seisho wa guu! Jan! Ken!"

There is one more ability that he is capable of. However, it is only something he can use once. After using it, he will lose his ability to use Nen, along with almost all of his aura and would have died had he not been left hooked up to life support from then on.

With this ability, his raw physical power and the aura pool available to him skyrocket to seemingly impossible levels, allowing him to utterly demolish Neferpitou, one of the Ant King’s Royal Guard, in single combat. At that level, Neferpitou herself claimed that Gon’s power was equal to the Chimera Ant King himself.

However, due to the price of the ability and the horror he went through after he used it to defeat Pitou, the chances of Gon using this technique, even to preserve his own life, are negligible at best.

Advanced Techniques:

Gyo: Gyo (Focus) is an advanced application of Ren by which a Nen-user concentrates a larger than normal portion of their aura into one specific body part. Gyo increases the strength of that one body part, but leaves the rest of the body more vulnerable.

Shu: Shu (Enfold) is an advanced application of Ten. Shu allows a user of Nen to extend their aura's envelopment onto an object, allowing them to use that object as if it were an extension of their own body.

Ken: Ken (Fortify) is the advanced version of the basic Ren technique. Ken is a defensive technique where a Nen-user maintains a state of Gyo over their entire body, allowing them to defend against attacks from any direction without the need to use Ryu. Ken is useful as a defensive position, but is tiring to maintain. Additionally, it is not as strong as Gyo on any given part of the body, since it protects the whole body evenly.

Ko: Ko (Temper) is an enhanced version of Gyo in which all of an individual's aura is concentrated into one particular body part. Zetsu is used to completely stop the flow of Nen in all other parts of the body. This makes that one body part exceptionally powerful, but leaves the rest of the body completely unprotected. This is used by some Nen-users as an offensive technique (a Ko-punch would carry 100% of the aura you can bring to bear with it). Ko results in one's aura creating a high-pitched dissonance, somewhat akin to the sound of metal being ground.

Ryu: Ryu (Flow) is the term for real-time use of Gyo (the adjustment of aura concentration in various body parts) by a Nen-user in battle.

Shingen-Ryu Kung-fu: A martial arts form that he was tutored in by Treasure Hunter Biscuit Krueger, Gon’s natural well-spring of talent combined with tireless and painstaking training have made him highly skilled in this fighting style.

Enhanced Senses: Likely as a product of him having spent most of his life out in the wilds, Gon’s senses are seemingly inhuman. He’s see and fight in the dark, hear things with seemingly inhuman acuity, detect substances by taste that are considered to be tasteless, and track people by following their scent, even through crowded places that host several different kinds of creatures.

Stealth Expert: Gon is fully capable of following without being detected. His aptitude at concealing his presence is an entirely natural skill, which was not achieved through any form of training, but rather his continuous being in contact with the wilderness.

Faster than norma Healing: Gon heals unusually quickly. Injuries that should take months to recover from disappear in a matter of weeks. This is true for poisons and toxins as well, as seen when Geretta paralyzed him during the Hunter Exam: according to him, Gon should have been unable to move for ten days, whereas Hisoka believed that four would suffice; however, Gon stood back up, though he was more or less helpless, soon after the poison had effect. This healing factor is augmented further by his nature as an Enhancer, however it is not applicable to mid-battle healing, and his ability to heal still has limits. It won't let him close up any holes someone has put in him, but it will let him recover from something like a broken arm in a matter of days instead of a matter of weeks or months.

Skilled Fisherman: Gon managed to catch the Master of the Swamp by himself, a fish that hadn’t been caught since his father did so at his age, and that had defeated the efforts of even five fully grown men, needing only a week to actually catch the fish.

Zoological Knowledge: Gon knows a lot about animals (and plants, to a much inferior extent), partly due to his living on Whale Island. He is able to spontaneously bond with animals, seemingly communicating with them in some cases.


Hunter License: A card designating Gon as a registered Hunter. Useless in the Nexus.

Fishing Rod: A fishing rod made of extremely durable materials for some reason, as demonstrated by Gon using it to upend the massive stone tiles that serve as the floor of the Heaven’s Arena.

Gon started out wanting to be a Hunter simply because Ging, his father, was a Hunter. He wanted to know what was so great about being a Hunter that his father would abandon his own child to keep at it. Catching the Master of the Swamp by himself at the age of twelve, Gon secured a chance to take the Hunter Exam. Along the way, he met a few friends, including the professional child assassin Killua Zoldyck, Kurapika, and Leorio. With these friends, they went through the Hunter Exam, encountering the evil magician/jester Hisoka and Illumi Zoldyck along the way.

Gon and his friends passed the exam, with the exception of Killua, who disqualified himself and returned to his family’s home after being broken down by Illumi. Gon, incensed, went all the way to Killua’s mountain home to retrieve him. Managing to do so after a few months of training to get through the front door, he and Killua went on a few adventures, and met a fair few teachers along the way. These people included Wing, who taught gave them a crash course Nen at Heaven’s Arena, and Bisky, who taught them more about Nen and its intricacies at Greed Island.

Meeting many friends and foes along their way, and even meeting up with Kurapika and Leorio on occasion, Gon and Killua met a student of Ging’s, a Single Star Hunter by the name of Kite, not long after clearing Greed Island. Under Kite’s wing, they started to investigate the resurgence of a curious species called the Chimera Ants, a unique and extremely dangerous race of carnivorous beings that utilized a sort of phagogenesis to gain traits from the prey it devoured. It turned out that a Chimera Ant Queen had escaped noticed and managed to birth a decently sized colony before it discovered humans. Taking a liking to this new prey, the Queen started ordering mass hunts for humans, drawing the attention of the Hunters. On an exploratory mission into Chimera Ant-held territory, the three Hunters were ambushed by one of the Queen’s Royal Guard, Neferpitou. To their horror, it seemed that the Ants had learned of Nen after taking on traits from humans. Kite stayed behind to hold off the Royal Guard while Killua and Gon escaped. Upon escaping, they learned of a mission to eliminate the Chimera Ants, hopefully before the birth of the King. Despite all this, Gon still held hope that Kite had survived the fight and was currently hiding due to his injuries making travel difficult.

Spending the next month training with two other candidate Hunters for the mission, Gon and Killua did what they could to become stronger, again under Bisky, but it wasn’t enough for them to defeat the other candidates. Regardless, the two went on the mission, Gon now desperate to retrieve Kite. Unfortunately, they were too late, with the King being born and having left with the Royal Guard by the time they got there.

Some time later, Gon came face to face with what was left of Kite, a zombie of sorts kept ‘alive’ by Neferpitou’s Nen Ability. Resolving to get Kite back to normal no matter what and refusing to even acknowledge the possibility that he was truly dead, Gon went on the new mission to eliminate the King, as one of the Hunters assigned to separate the Royal Guard from the King.

When the hour was upon him, Gon took it upon himself to secure Pitou’s help, displaying a cold pragmatism that surprised even Killua. When it proved to be futile, Pitou leading him on only to refuse to ‘heal’ Kite and resolve herself to kill Gon for the King’s sake, something in Gon broke. In that moment, he reached a new ability, one that gave him the power necessary to utterly demolish Pitou in single combat. Of course, the ability came at a cost, leaving Gon barely a withered husk afterwards. Trapped in the bowels of the ICU wing of a hospital, Gon proved to be difficult to heal, the Vows he’d taken to strengthen himself enough to defeat Pitou terrifying even the most experienced of Nen Exorcists.

Just when all hope seemed lost, however, Killua soon returned, having left to retrieve his sister, Alluka, a curious girl who’s Nen Ability was quite simply to grant the wishes of others in exchange for something. With Alluka’s power, Gon was returned to health, though his ability to use Nen had seemingly vanished, as Alluka’s wish had reverted him back to that state. Agreeing to meet again later, Gon and Killua parted ways, the former climbing the World Tree to finally meet his father, who suggested that he’d be able to regain his Nen, but it was entirely up to him if he truly wanted to.

Returning to Whale Island, Gon took some time off being a Hunter, having been stuck with the homework he’d missed out on while out adventuring, before returning to the question that Ging had presented to him.

Deciding that he wanted to continue as a Hunter, Gon went about the process of regaining his ability to use Nen, training some more in the fighting style Bisky had taught him back on Greed Island, and soon managed it.

Having regained his previous level of ability with Nen before he sold it all to fight Pitou, Gon was going through his daily training when, all of a sudden, he found himself in some strange new land. What he will do here remains to be seen.

Weaknesses: While Gon’s Nen provides an impressive defense, protracted battles with heavy Nen usage will eventually wear him out. Furthermore, Nen offers no protection against magic, though the reverse also applies. He also has no healing abilities beyond the enhanced healing factor common to all Enhancers, which is fairly useless in the middle of a battle.

Also, Gon’s perception is a bit...warped, to put it lightly. He's fairly easy to manipulate if you're friends with him, and it's quite easy to befriend him. Assuming you can manage that, he can and will go to incredible lengths for you, though recent events have made him more than a little wary. However, he doesn’t handle betrayal well at all.

Furthermore, Jajanken itself has two major weaknesses. First, it takes a few seconds for Gon to charge it up. Second, when he focuses his aura in his fist to increase the power, he lowers his protection everywhere else, making him particularly vulnerable when he’s charging it, this weakness is especially evident when he’s using Rock, as it focuses all of his aura into his fist for the punch, leaving him exposed everywhere else.

Finally, Gon has a tendency to not think things through sometimes, especially when he’s riled, though he’ll eventually clear his head no matter what. If you can break his will to fight, however, you’ve pretty much nullified his ability to effectively use Nen, as his ability to produce unprecedented amounts of aura is more or less dependent on his emotional state. Be very careful when you attempt this, though, as a misstep could push him further than he could ever hope to go under his own power.

Likes: Wild animals, camping trips, good friends
Dislikes: Liars, people who’d forsake their comrades/friends
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 02:55:32 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #126 on: January 15, 2016, 12:47:14 AM »
Name: Count Metatarsals Greyskull Tibula VIII

ACTUAL NAME: George (Or is it!!)

Race: Lich

Age: Past expiration date.

Height: As tall and proud as a raging boner

Weight: ???


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human!

Constitution: HUMAAAAAAN!!!

Cooking skillz: Godly

Magic Scale: 4:20 (Xtremely High)

Count Metatarsals Greyskull Tibula VIII is the GREATEST AND MOST POWERFULEST sorcerer of all times, a lich who has studied many magical crafts and graduated from the Coolleg of Weezrdy. No one can defeat Count Metatarsals Greyskull Tibula VIII in magic, but it doesn’t mean they don’t. Damn hooligans.

Bonetussle: The ability to manipulate the organic matter inside the earth to make bones pop out and shape them into anything you wish, like a bone. It takes a bit more time depending on the place, but its much faster when dead things are directly nearby.

Skullhead Legion: The ability to make skeletons friends come out of your underground closet to attend your birthday party because you are empty inside. Most skeletons are like that. If lots of friends come, they can gang up and become a really big friend.

Undying Terror: The ability to summon ghosts that don’t do much except stand around and make creepy faces. Would be neat in a haunted house… for kindergarteners.

Ice Age: While throwing ice cubes is a craft far too obtuse for Count Metatarsals Greyskull Tibula VIII, the elusive Count Metatarsals Greyskull Tibula VIII has developed the terrible technique of making his surroundings colder.

Deathfire apocalypse: Why use an oven when you can cook pizza with fire spells?

Abyssal Shade: Great Count Metatarsals Greyskull Tibula VIII has mastered the dark elements of DARKNESS and can use his magic to make places really dark.

Telekinesis: Count Metatarsals Greyskull Tibula VIII throws tiny lightning bolts that don’t do anything unless you stand still. The target then becomes blue and proceeds to get dunked on!

Other Abilities:

Undine: No man can kill that which has no life. But neither can a woman because that was a figure of speech you stoopid. Unless you hit his soul with magic or something, he won’t die. However he does seem to have things such as stamina and fatigue from cooking all the spaghetti and pulverizing him or shattering his skull, which is his phylactery btw, will totes kill him though, so there’s that.

Aura of death: A terrifying aura exhuming from his presence. One of death, war, pestilence, malice, dread and your mother’s basement. It is unsettling even for the most fearless, the most foolish of all. However, he dislikes using it and has managed to control it. It also turns his posts into comic sans.

Legendary spaghetti cooker: Never forgetti to eat the spaghetti.

Expert puzzle maker/solver: It’s true.

Greatest overlord to have ever overlorded: That’s him.

The most popular: Yep.

The best: Absolutely.

~Jobber: Unless Count Metatarsals Greyskull Tibula VIII is feeling particularly motivated, he simply cannot win. Ever. Not in a race, not in a contest, not in anything. Even a SQUIRREL can beat him! Poor guy is just bound to be humiliated and bullied, whether it is out of stupidity, laziness or incompetence. Until you harm Mr.Cookie. Then you die.~

Skeleton: Being made of bones, all characters with the CANINE status effect will have an irresistible urge to smell/lick/chew/bury him.


Evil clothes: The most dastardly fashion designs.

Evil staff: A cheap Halloween prop.

Mr.Cookie: An adorable puppy who follows him around and is his best friend forever.

Origin: No one knows. Why don’t you ask him?

Weakness: Antimagic, the fact he is a poor naïve skullboi, everything, the fact he is TOO DAMN NICE, his self consciousness and ego.

Likes: Kittens, puppies, petting kittens and puppies, spaghetti, toy figurines, cars and racing, having friends, not being a lonely bone, PUZZLES!!!, making cheesy wordplay, lazing around, boasting, making pompous evil speeches, being a respected evil overlord, goodness in general, determined people.

Dislikes: Being alone, those who harm his friends, cruelty, those who try to belittle others, being embarrassed, other things I might have forgotten about but might remember eventually, bullying, mean bullies.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 03:05:51 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #127 on: February 03, 2016, 11:43:38 PM »
Name: Lycodrake Aptera

Race: Dragon

Age: equivalent to 25 years old

Height/Weight: Variable (see Other Abilities)

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength:  Incredible

Agility:  Fantastic

Constitution:  Incredible

Other Abilities: He can alter his body's size and mass between the size of a direwolf/warg to the size of a train car. Most likely not a magical ability per-se.

Magic Resistance – as a member of the draconic species, known for hide and/or scales that repel standard attacks, Lycodrake can shrug off a wide variety of magic, excluding ice/cold element and those upper “Medium” to “Extremely High” category.

Offense-oriented fighting style “Harpe” which focuses on quickly slashing at joints and arteries close to the skin with his talons. The intention is to temporarily cripple and immobilize the target(s) in the least amount of time.

“Aegis”, a divine blessing and magic among the highest degree granted to him by Athena, that acts as a limited defense against weapons, magic, and abilities that would normally mortally wound him. It passively protects against paralysis and petrifying at all times.

Equipment:  None.

Origin: In Lycodrake’s home world, humans lived beside elementals, creatures, and monsters. In some ways, the “Age of gods” and “Age of mankind” intertwined there.

A wingless dragon in the service of Athena and her lesser form Nike, he hatched at a shrine devoted to Nike and was essentially raised there. It is theorized that he is a lesser child of Typhon and Echidna, making him a possible threat to villages, towns, and small cities should the instinct to destroy take hold of him.

He was raised at the shrine of [Athena] Nike as a surrogate son and given messenger duty across the region, mainly keeping to areas near Athens. He visited the Arena to see different sentient species compete with and against one another. He befriended djinn merchants from across the sea and often learned about the outside world from them.

He knew Nike was Athena’s “lesser aspect” but saw little difference between the two when he met with Athena. To him, the only difference was that Nike was less strict and Athena was a better fighter.

Years passed as he transitioned from childhood, adolescence and into young adulthood. News of Ares’ growing power to the west depressed Nike greatly. The change in Athena was even greater. Then the news came that Ares had gained a seat of power as “Mars” among the Roman lands, igniting the flames of war. Athena sought to protect those under her care through the least bloodshed, while Mars only wanted to destroy and paint the world in blood.

Tragedy struck when Athena faded and only Nike remained. Lycodrake had a new, two-part mission: find the source of the disturbance and locate a hero - preferably Herakles or Perseus - to help against Mars’ forces.

With the help of Marie Al-miraj, Lycodrake’s best friend, merchant, and a dual fire-and-water mage, they took the first steps in journeying out into the world.

Until, that is, Lycodrake took a golden apple to the knee and found himself in Nexus City.

Weakness:  Ice, cold, berserker effects, knock-outs, "death by a thousand cuts" strategies, anti-dragon anything, magical/supernatural metals, and heights with unstable footing.

Likes: Athena Nike, Marie Al-miraj, reasonable sentient beings – creature or humanoid, reading and hording books and maps.

Dislikes: Ares-Mars, unreasonable sentient beings, battle and war waged only for bloodshed, book-burning, being called “lizard”.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2016, 11:56:48 PM by Lycodrake »
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #128 on: February 07, 2016, 02:44:41 AM »
Name: Fiona Bacarra

Spoiler for Pictures:

Race: Human

Age: 22

Height: 5’3

Appearance: A small woman dressed in light and slightly old fashioned cloths. Her hair is somewhere between red and brown in color and is incredibly soft. Her skin is soft, as if she has not worked a day in her life. Her eyes are an abnormal silver of great beauty. She also has roses growing in her hair, but most people confuse them for ornaments unless they feel or look closely at them.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Human

Other Abilities:

Cycle Druid: An inheritor of an ancient group of what people would call druids. They maintain the balance of life and death, making sure that the dead remains dead, while the living can live out their lives as much as possible. In order to do this she has many powers, including a form of immortality, ability to access the “Garden”, the ability to bring out the powers which are kept dormant within plants, as well as draw out and utilize the powers of specific animals or the seasons themselves.

Presence of Nature: As one who is one with nature itself, a druid of the cycle, she has an effect on what is around her. Plants thrive where she has been and where she spends her time, to the degree that her apartment is filled with rose bushes, and they part for her as she walks. Animals calm, understanding her nature and feeling at ease in her presence. And finally her body does for respond to cold or warmth, and is always at a comfortable temperature, the rain falls around her, but does not touch her unless she lets it, and the wherever she falls the earth is soft. Unnatural beings are adverse to her presence.

Blessing of the Spring Wind: With spring come the bloom, all plants bloom and their beauty and scent darts across the earth. It is then when light is brought to the cold earth and warmth permeates the world, on the back of these winds. With this blessing she can obtain bursts of unnatural speed, as the special wind pushes against her back and brings her to her destination. Her speed while usage of this is increased to fantastic, but she cannot attack while moving, and can be used for short boosts of movement while airborne.

Enrapturing Briar Dance: Where roses have once, their bushes become hard and powerful briars. These briars remain far after the death of the rose, and are a testament to their power, but also a sign that one day the roses might one day grow again there. Fiona’s style of combat with her scythe is similar to the nature of briars, to the strength of an entrenched rose. She is a rose, and so when she flourishes, is able to attack constantly, her power increases, with the speed of her attacks steadily increasing the longer she attacks. Each attack flows into the next, perfectly and without pause, and these movements can be combined with impressive acrobatics. The rate of attack can easily surpass a human’s speed should it even be continuing for minimal time, but in the case of a prolonged assault, it can become troublesome even for the fastest of the supernatural, especially due to the nature of the chained attacks to trap one within a cage of death. However, in the case the chain of attack is broken, the speed will decrease. Small amounts for recoverable disruptions, and completely resetting the rate of attack should she need to re-position in a way that is disruptive. This is especially the case when she utilizes her blessing of the spring wind. It is an elegant and beautiful style that draws in the eye as the scythe becomes nothing more than a red blur around her, seeming more like a beautiful performance then a dance of death.

The Garden: A place between worlds, it contains all plants that ever were and ever will be, endless and vast. It is a place of peace and beauty, and is the home of the Cycle Druids. Druids of this place have the ability to draw out plants from it, which they can then draw out the powers of. She is especially powerful, capable of turning a location into a small part of the Garden. This causes an area of unstable reality, making so people can be drawn into the garden accidentally, although this is uncommon,  or though Fiona’s will, however those with the ability to cross over into other realms can do so willingly. Within the Garden, the roses wrap around and impede opponents while cutting at them with their thorns. In addition, spiritual wolves and crows can assist her by acting more as a distraction.

Animal Blessing: She can adopt the traits of specific animals, specifically having a relationship to crows and wolves. With crows she can call them to her, using them to transport messages and spy, Crows that serve her gain a red sheen to their feathers. Her connection with wolves is different, and is capable of gaining their senses, her hair taking the form of wolf ears and growing a soft tail while her hair turns bright red.

Blessings and Extracts:
Ability to draw out the blessing and powers of various plants, the effect itself depends on the plant, but it will general convert into the form in which the power is greatest, such as an incense, balm, salve, powder or liquid. She has a specific list of plants she can draw from at a moment’s notice, but should she search the garden mentally she could find others.
Spoiler for Plant List:
Roses: Roses, plants of death, blood, rebirth and life. They can be converted into a balm which aides in healing very effectively as well as softening the skin, turned into a powder or smoke which amplifies positive emotions, especially love, or can simply be used to sanctify graves. They are her Sacred Plant, one which she is most aligned with. 

Alfalfa: A plant associated with fortune and luck. It can be turned into a tonic or powder, and when ingested it brings fortune for some time, such as making them find lose coins, or noticing something they might miss by chance.

Anise: A plant which increases psychic abilities and wards off the Evil Eye in magical practices, giving a shield to divination magic. Anise seed can be converted into incense or a tea, and it also aids in the inducement of spiritual trances, granting one greater spiritual focus.

Basil: In Europe basil was planted to grant safety to the dead, and it carries much of the same purpose. It remains as leaves when its power is brought out, and it allows for sanctification of graves and granting spirits passage.

Chamomile: A plant which acts as a magnet for those of good natures, making people oddly drawn to the incenses made from them. It also allows for the calming of wary and troubled minds when converted into a liquid. It releases the tension from their body and calms nearly anyone.

Burdock: A root and not a flower. It is converted into a powdered form or tonic and when ingested it grants the consumer protection from lighting. It also aids in hair growth.

Wolf’s Claw: A type of moss. It is converted into a yellow oily powder that acts as a small burst of flames when thrown and striking a surface. The more powerful extraction she can draw out make this effect more like a small explosive, making it a powerful distracting flash in addition to the fireball. It was often used to impressed travelers of a Druid’s power.

Cubeb: A flower which has the power to ward off demons. It is converted into a liquid which can be poured onto a surface, such as a doorway or windowsill, to bar entrance from them, or it can be consumed to assist in exorcisms.

Elder Berries: Powerful berries which fantastic healing and warding abilities, they can remain in their raw form, or can be converted into a paste, slave, or liquid. It restores grievous wounds and protects against the elements and magic when ingested. However, due to their sacred nature, overusing them is forbidden, so she generally uses other plants to achieve similar effects.

Flax: Seeds of the flax plant. They can be converted into string. A much more mundane effect when compared to others. 

Garlic: A plant which does not change form when its power is drawn out. It can be used to appease gods, negating or weakening the power of divine curses.

Hawthorn: The berries of the Hawthorn are a sacred plant in Christianity, and were found in the crown of thorns. It is a berry which blesses and sanctifies with holy power when its power is brought out. It also acts as a symbol of rulers.

Henbane: A plant which is converted into a liquid when its power is brought out. It acts as a powerful hallucinogenic that has an effect which depends on the person.  There is no way to control what the effect is.

Mistletoe: The plant itself produces a curse when its power is brought out, which is imposed should it touch the person. It forces a physical attraction and desire to kiss the other to occur, and the effect immediately vanishes the moment their lips lock.

Wolf’s Bane: A flower with maintains its form when its power is brought out. It emanates an almost unnoticeable smell that deters wolves and like beings. It is a key ingredient in removing the curse of lycanthropy, a ritual that can potentially kill the one undertaking it. However, Fiona lacks the knowledge to perform such a ritual, only having basically understanding in exorcisms.

Life Preservation, Death Enforcement - Will of the Rose: The Rose, a flower associated with death, blood, and rebirth. It is the plant that she identifies with most, and so she acts out its power. Because of this she has many powers due to her connection to Roses. In addition it causes roses to grow from her hair, which many confuse for ornaments. At times it also appears that rose petals follow her in her wake, and she carries the scent of roses about her.

Bloodletting: The thorns remain, and the break the flesh and spill blood. From this blood new life will be born one day. She has the ability of Bloodletting, which means she can either cause the opening of new wounds, however they will generally be small, as well as a progression of bad wounds into far worse. This ability counteracts restorative abilities. She needs to be in close proximity, about 20 yards; to activate it, but it is maintained so long as the target remains within 100 yards. Old wounds open at a slow rate, and only do so if they formed a scar.  Finally, when used on someone, it becomes obvious to them who is causing it, even if they do not understand what it is, as it triggers a primal response similar to one reacting to seeing the thorns on a plant.

Bloodletting, the Blossom of Roses: Red Roses, there are many tales of their origin, however, it is common that it was blood, blood staining the white of the summer rose, is what caused it to be. An expansion of her Bloodletting ability, which causes Roses to start growing from open wounds, most effectively with the once she has caused. They become a host of the roses, as roses begin to grow from the cut, the roots spreading into the thing and the roses spreading. It is a powerful curse that she can choose to not activate should she desire.

Passage, and so the Dead Move on: The dead are the basis for the living; the world is built on them, and from the dead new life is given, for this is the way of the cycle, and this is what is enforced, because this is her duty. It allows her to grant passage to the undead or to other aberrations on life, giving their souls safe passage to a peaceful rest. This causes her wounds she causes to be highly dangerous to those beings, as they push the soul on to the next world, as well as the ability to conduct exorcisms.

Blossom, to Return from the Cold Winter: Roses bloom, returning each year from the grave that was the cold. And so, as one who is a Rose in of herself, she is the same. But it is not the winter she returns from, but from death and injury. This grants her incredible healing and functional immortality, but her body can still be disabled for a time.


Blessed Cross: A silver and red cross she carries with her everywhere, while she is not Christian she still believes in a god and finds comfort in praying. In addition the faith that many follow carries power, and is useful against those that would defy the cycle, such as the undead, vampire, spirits, werewolves, or even magicians which distort death. It is a holy cross, capable of being a purification tool, and brings harm to those impure beings.

Reaping Scythe, Rose Dancer: The Scythe was once a tool used for the singular purpose of reaping grain and wheat, but long ago the Cycle Druids adopted it as one of their many arms, as they are the sower of fields and reaper of lives should it be needed. It is a powerful weapon that removes unclean energies from its mere presence, and when combined with the blessed cross which has been facilitated into its form, is devastating against the unclean and unholy. It can be materialized at a moment’s notice and is stored within the Garden. Due to its nature as a blessed tool of the Cycle Druids, which allow life to flow properly, plants grow in its wake. Originally the Cycle Druids carried a simple weapon, but with the advancement of technology they were forced to adapt, and sought to give it more flexible forms with the power they held. Because of this, her scythe can transform into a hand pistol with an attached blade. It is not as powerful as a normal gun, but its shots are incredibly hot and possess both piercing power and spiritual impact.  The blade is made of solid light produced by the power of the Garden, with an impossible sharp edge, incredibly hot as though freshly taken from a forge. The weapon is made with a material that is found in the Garden, making it weigh less the five pounds total; therefor she is able to perform feats that would otherwise not be possible with a normal scythe, in fact, it’s only because it is so light she can use it at all.

Origin:  A druid, a simple druid who seeks to protect people and nature. There is nothing special about her past. Born into a loving family, with a good community, she began learning of the Druid arts very young, like her father was. There is nothing noteworthy in this story. The was born into a Druid family, she lived an otherwise normal life outside of that, gaining friends, having fell in love and so on.

She even went to university, with a major in History and a minor in Classics, and took many trips to help those less fortunate, constructing homes, and trying to understand the people of the world she sought to protect.

Because you see, she always wanted to be a hero, a protector, enraptured by old tales, and so she did what she could, but in her experience and with time those urges have been subdued.

She simply wants to help people.

And she will do what she can, until the end of her days.

Weakness: A normal human on most levels, so she can be physically restricted and bound like a human can. She also has a weak constitution, so cannot fight for long, and depends on evasion.  She also can’t detect the unnatural, so she might just not realize if they are subtle about it. She is truly strong when continually attacking, so breaking her flow can have an advantage.

Likes: Plants, People, Company, her Scythe, god, faith, dogs, birds, eating

Dislikes: The Undead, Vampires, Werewolves, killers, fire
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 03:57:10 AM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #129 on: February 10, 2016, 05:51:29 AM »
Name: UNSC Pillar of Autumn

C-709, Autumn

Race: Personified warship of the Halcyon-class light cruiser/extensive retrofit

Age: 45 (Launched in 2510, decommissioned in 2531, recommissioned in 2550, destroyed in 2552, reborn in 2555), physical looks to be around 15 or 16

Height: 5'2"

Weight: Tens of thousands of tons



Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Human

Endurance: Fantastic

Magical Ability: None. The fairies that "crew" her make no logical sense (Five Smart A.I.s went rampant trying to figure out how they work before the UNSC decided to just roll with it). They load her weaponry, keep her generators running and at top condition, etc. They also somehow affect Autumn's physics, so that she can actually walk around without collapsing the city's infrastructure and interact with the world like a normal human would. When Autumn eats food, the fairies convert it to munitions, Longswords, and deuterium to fuel her fusion reactors.

Other Abilities:
Halcyon-class Light Cruiser: This grants her such a high Endurance rating. The architecture designed by Dr. Robert McLees placed heavy emphasis on defence: the Halcyon-class cruisers not only had thick titanium plating, but the internal structure was honeycombed and compartmentalized. It is said that as long as the bridge and a single weapon system was intact, the cruiser was still in the fight. However, this actually was the downfall of the class: The ships ended up being too undergunned and expensive, and were quickly replaced by the Marathon-class heavy cruisers not even a decade after Autumn's launch.

Anyways, this also grants her her high strength value, because punching something when you weigh thousands of tons tends to do significant damage (And it's necessary to use her weapons). Her agility and reflexes are that of a normal human, however.

Flight: Autumn is a space warship that has the ability of operating in atmospheres, albeit in a limited capacity. She is actually unable to take off on her own, requiring assistance (No, she can't just jump off a building. Her momentum would cause her to go at a steep downward angle and she wouldn't be able to pull up in time and oh God look what you did to that school in the attempt, Autumn!). Even when she's up in the air, her maneuverability is poor enough to be compared to a flying brick using bottle rockets for thrust. She is quite fast, though: Easily outpacing frigates or destroyers in a straight run.

Sensor Array: Autumn has extra senses, such as heat detection. Normally this would go under equipment, but this suite is literally built into her, akin to eyes and taste-buds.

Terrain Affinity: Autumn belongs in the air, even if she's a bit clumsy in atmosphere. When she's flying, she's able to use her MAC Cannon and use Archer Missiles effectively. She refuses to use these weapons unless she is off the ground.


Rigging: basically her ship components that can be summoned at will. These include her weapons and thrusters.

Mk II, Light Coil - 56A2D4/Magnetic Accelerator Cannon (Modified): UNSC ships are, in actuallity, just flying guns. MAC Cannons are essentually giant coil guns that fire multi-hundred tonned, solid tungsten rounds. Autumn's retrofit for Operation: RED FLAG basically swapped out the standard cruiser rounds to that of a frigate's (Instead of a 1000 ton round, it is instead 600 tons). These are also "Shredder" rounds, meaning that they expand after penetration to stop over-penetration.

A feature of MAC Cannons is that their power level can be adjusted. The weapon itself needs to be charged, and though it might be far more devastating for a fully-charged shot, it can take minutes to recharge. So, instead they are often fired at quarter- or half-charged. Adjustable power levels also allow more versatility: Why wipe out a city block when you can just remove the building the enemy is hiding in and avoid much of the collateral?

M58 Archer Missiles: Though a secondary armament to most UNSC ships, they see far more mileage than the MAC Cannon. Extremely multi-purpose: able to track Capital Ships, to Space Fighters/dropships, to even targeted ground targets. Usually fired in such large volume that they overwhelm the target's anti-missile network.

At peak capacity (Meaning well-fed and rested), Autumn has 7,800 such missiles somehow micro-sized (Though having the same effects) and stored within the four pods mounted on her legs. However, their location makes it kind of awkward to fire when she's not in the air. Sure, they can track, but from such a low firing point actually makes it easy to dodge.

M910 Point Defense Network: The "pistol" she wields. Each of those four barrels fires 50mm HE Shells (fairy magic!). Nowhere near the range of the MAC Cannon or Archer Missiles, but they do out range most conventional terrestrial armaments. They can elevate and even rotate on the pistol, though the UNSC has yet to figure out how Autumn is able to do this.

Spoiler for One Squadron of Longswords:

Piloted by a crew of four fairies, Longswords are her spacefighter compliment. Longswords are famous for their versatility: From providing air support for ground units to attacking enemy capitol ships, even mine laying. This particluar squadron's Longswords are armed with a 120mm ventral gun, two 50mm autocannons, and  four ASGM-10 Missiles. The squadron is composed of three of these.

Spoiler for One Pelican:

The standard UNSC dropship, this vessel requires only two fairies to operate and can transport ten to fourteen fairies in the troop bay as well four resupply canisters from the aft overhang. The one issued to Autumn has a 40mm chin-mounted machine gun, eight ANVIL-II air-to-surface missiles, and two missile pods.

Spoiler for One Squad of Fairy ODSTs:

ODSTs, or Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, are elite soldiers of the UNSC. Of the twelve pertaining to the Autumn, one's a sniper, one's a spotter, one's a sapper with a handful of C4, one wields a rocket launcher, one operates a SAW, and the other seven use either SMGs, Assault Rifles, or Battle Rifles

The Package: A hardened duffel bag that, inexplicably, has the same storage capacity as when Autumn was still a ship.

Origin: Built in the vast Reyes-McLees shipyards on Mars, Autumn was lauched on December 1st, 2510. It was a dark time for the UNSC: Insurrection was spreading like wild-fire in the outer colonies and the threat of a true civil war was on the horizon, one predicted to be so horrific that it could plunge humanity back to the dark ages. Then the Covenant appeared in 2525...

Rebellion was quickly forgotten when the entire human faced extinction at the hands of a zealous alien hegemony. Though the Marathon-class heavy cruiser assumed the Halcyon's role as the primary capital ship fr the UNSC Navy, the demand for ships kept the Autumn in the fight until 2531 when she received extensive damage over the colony of Arcadia. She was then scrapped and laid to rest in a ship graveyard.

By the year 2550, most of the UNSC Navy was in tatters. The Pillar of Autumn, her thrice renamed sister ship Dawn Under Heaven, and many more Halcyon cruisers were brought back from their graves, modernized, and flung back into the war. In 2552, Autumn was selected to assist the Spatan II's for Operation: RED FLAG, receiving yet another retrofit for the mission. However, the Covenant found Reach, and the cruiser was forced to aid in the planet's defense and to evac many troopers from the surface once Covenant victory was assured. Taking a not-so-blind slipspace jump, she found herself at Halo Installation-04.

The Covenant followed.

During the opening fight, Autumn took out four capital ships. However, she was forced to crash land onto the ringworld's surface. Days went by, she was boarded by Covenant trying to access her information storage banks. Soon, the parasite known as the Flood found her crippled body and began infecting the Covenant. Her last memories as a true warship was of a sole Spartan II crashing a Banshee on her hull, fighting his way through her many hallways until he reached her reactor, and setting off a chain-reaction that blew her up and shattering Halo.

Three years later, she was reborn as a shipgirl. A slipspace jump sent her not to her assigned post, however, but to the city of Nexus

Weaknesses: Human reaction times and reflexes, a near crippling fear for things noticeably undead or Flood-like, poor flight conditions, not being able to take-off unassisted, and would be severely damaged if she has to forceland

Likes: Eating, flying, eating, the UNSC, eating (7,000 calorie meals are the norm), Fist of the Unicorn band, Flip Music in general

Dislikes: Flood (Or anyhting undead, really),  spiders (Look like Flood Infection Forms), the Covenant, the color Purple, people asking about her weight
« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 03:09:50 AM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #130 on: February 14, 2016, 07:45:57 PM »
Name: William

Race: Human

Age: 16

Height: 6” 2’

Weight: 150 lbs.

Appearance: William has short black hair that ends just below his brown eyes in the front while on the sides and in ton the back, his hair ends just past his earlobes. In general, he wears a dark gray shirt with dark blue jeans. He is rather skinny for a man of his height... For his age, William looks to be three years older than he actually is.

Physical Attributes

Strength:  Exceptional

Agility: Human

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:
Fractured Mind: A result of a curse placed upon William. This curse fractured his mind in two. One side logical, the other emotional.

Reserves: Low.
Fire: Low. Strong enough to generate flames at a distance.
Electrical: Low. Strong enough to charge a battery given time.
Air/Wind: Low. Strong enough to manipulate the air into high or low pressure.
Amp: Amp causes one of two. When focused on a spell, the spell is raised slightly in power. When used upon a physical object it improves both its compressional and tensile strength. When applied to a living being, it raises their strength slightly.
Expend: Expend drains William’s remaining reserves to be channeled into a single spell upon invoking it. When combined with Amp, resultant magic is used in multiple bursts of low power.

Shock Gauntlet: Built soon after arriving in the nexus, it is a simple gauntlet, modified to hold a small dynamo in the forearm piece. This dynamo is connected to a series of batteries and capacitors which when in use, charges the circuit. All of which is activated by one of two turn switches. The switches in question are located in the area of the inside elbow and next to the wrist. This set up gives the gauntlet two separate charges to expend upon completing the circuit. In addition, these two circuit can be activated simultaneously in order to deliver a larger shock to the target in question. The resultant shock acts much like a Taser, able to take down an average human.

Knife: A basic iron knife that William “acquired” soon after arriving in the Nexus. He carries this blade in a sheath that is held sideways, covering just above the base of his spine.

Dagger: A basic dagger acquired at the same time as his knife. The blade is forged of steel and William carries on his right leg for quick access.

   William lived a fairly mundane life for his first sixteen years. During this period, he kept mostly to himself, only making a few friends in school. At age sixteen, the growing teen found himself in a fairly mundane life complete with a part time job.
   Six months after his birthday, a voice spoke to him in his sleep. The voice offered him an opportunity to explore another world. William promptly declined. Upon waking the next morning, William found that something about him had changed. He found himself feeling somewhat empty, along with a new voice in his head that sounded an awful lot like him.
   The following month, the voice slowly grew as he found his emotions slowly dying as the new voice grew. After growing used to the voice, the visitor showed up again, offering to undo the curse provided William join him. Again, he refused.
   This time upon waking, William found himself in the Nexus with a book in his pocket and some knowledge of basic magic seemingly ingrained in his mind. In this new world, William finds himself intrigued. Having gathered some implements to defend himself with and building the shock gauntlet with what he could find, he set off to explore.

Weakness: As a human, William is susceptible to all manners of things normal humans are.

Likes: William enjoys experimenting with what chemicals or elements he can find along with building various devices.

Dislikes: William has a distaste for puppets.

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #131 on: February 15, 2016, 12:26:32 AM »
Name: Lorna

Race: Abomination/Altered Human

Age: 26

Height: 6’1

Weight: Light


Lorna is a haggard looking women who appears as if she has lacked the bare necessities of life for far too long. It is hardly difficult to see her ribs against her emaciated figure and there is an unhealthy paleness to her skin. Her short, brown hair looks poorly cut and a symbol resembling a pentagram has been burned onto the right side of her face. She wears poorly fitted rags instead of any real clothes, although she is searching for a fitting outfit that she doesn’t have to steal.


When undergoing her Transformation Lorna’s form shifts dramatically into a demonic figure that seems to have come straight from the delusions of a priest. She only grows about a foot taller but the sheer muscle of her form is quite significant as she becomes a bit more thick. No matter how she changes the brand remains a wound that she cannot heal.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional (Incredible)

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Exceptional (Incredible)

Other Abilities:

The Brand: It is the mark left upon Lorna by her captors and is a link to darker powers. There are very few things that could even begin to think of removing it. The scar has gone beyond the flesh and soul as well. This mark is what allows her to use the Transformation and become the Beast, however, it does have a rather painful drawback. All of the Abrahamic religions will instantly feel incredible disgust the moment they glance at it, as if a fiend had been called forth from the depths of hell. Even though an in depth examination will reveal no problems it does make some awful misunderstandings that have made Lorna very uncomfortable with organized religion. Other monotheistic religions or ones with a clear divide between good and evil can cause the same reaction but it is circumstantial. Even if she attempts to hide it to avoid this reaction the Brand will itch and burn as if it desires to be seen and make her life miserable. Perhaps it does.

Transformation: With her link to unholy powers Lorna can undergo a nearly instant, monstrous change that makes her stronger, faster, and more durable than she could ever hope to be in her natural form. Empowered by greater beings, her razor sharp teeth crushes bone and spirit alike. Her terrible claws are the size of daggers and carve apart men in plate armor as easily as they do beasts. Green bile can pour from her mouth in an instant, eating away at flesh and bone in moments, and her veins burn with just as destructive eldritch blood. At its worst the Beast is a being of barely controlled rage and fury that can turn on its allies the moment they show the hint of hostile intent. It doesn’t help that the creature is naturally unsettling. Her transformed appearance alone can offset the minds of even experienced soldiers and terrify most normal people to the point of them simply deciding to flee at the sight of her.

While she can voluntarily transform into the Beast Lorna will do so instinctively if she is angered enough. However, unless she completely loses control she can usually return back to normal without too much trouble. Although the wounds do carry over they are downgraded by a decent degree which usually allows her to shift out without being in danger of dying.

Slight transformations can be made by Lorna without entirely turning but they are not nearly as potent. Her teeth and nails can sharpen to easily cut into flesh and she can throw up a bit of bile to gradually melt through things like restrains. It also passively makes her much more adaptable. Most diseases, poisons, and venoms will fail unless they are incredibly potent. If a new limb is pressed against a stump  it will gradually be attached and her corrupted body will soon accept it and twist it into an exact replica of her normal one.

It should be noted that while the Beast is a fantastic killer it is not the best of trackers. While in ideal circumstances it could sniff out a target there are many natural animals more capable than it and attempting to search for anything in the city is nigh impossible for the Beast.

Absolution: There is some great irony to the fact that despite all that she has gone through Lorna is still religious. She is very private about her beliefs but there does seem to be a higher power she sends her prayers to. Perhaps because of this faith when any other would give it up is what blesses her every time she clasps her hands together. While she prays Lorna’s wounds gradually mend and will ultimately close without a trace. This does not work with fatal wounds or severed limbs but it does slow down the bleeding and grants her more time.

Weakness: While she is normally irritated by any symbol of any of the previously mentioned faiths in her Beast form potent enough symbols or normal ones wielded by those of great faith can cause great damage. The prayers of the truly faithful against her Beast form sound like bells resounding in her head. In her human form she can be killed much more easily. As the Beast is not exceptionally fast or a great tracker it is possible to run away from it rather easily, especially within a city.

Origins: Lorna was not an exceptional girl in any way. She was simply an unlucky one who had the dubious of honor of being held prisoner by a cult for several years of her life. After being prepared by the fanatics they attempted to use her as a sacrifice to communicate with their god. The deity obviously had much different ideas of what to do when offered suffering humans and instead 'blessed' Lorna with her transformation. She proceeded to eat the cultists and ultimately stagger her way back to her village. When they attempted to purify her soul through death due too the evil she seemingly contained she ate them too. She stayed transformed and would also eat the armored knights that would be sent to purify her along with their horses. As time passed she eventually got over the betrayal and managed to reverse the transformation. She reconciled her belief in higher powers and has spent the last year of her life as a wanderer.

Likes: Peace and quiet, being full, housing in places outside the reach of organized religion

Dislikes: Being mislabeled, organized religion, not having good clothes
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 11:54:30 PM by Umbra of Chaos »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #132 on: March 01, 2016, 11:52:02 PM »
Name: Numina

Race: Ascendant Cultist

Age: 18

Height: 5’5

Weight: around 130 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Other Abilities:

Eldritch Reflection: Part of Numina’s soul is a terrible, writhing thing. While some of it remains whole and human and exists within her body the rest has manifested physical form as a developing terror between worlds. They are still connected despite the distance and this very connection grants Numina her abilities and has caused odd changes to her body.

Her blood is a silvery color and is incredibly mutable. It shifts from viscous to fluid in the blink of an eye and can stay as a liquid for days or dry up in seconds. This makes it incredibly difficult to study for any extended period of time.

Vampires and other creatures that draw sustenance off of blood and the life force within it won’t have many issues with it but they can discover additions. Odd growths inside their dead flesh that can be harmless or require total removal depending on the quantity they drink. This effect is even more prominent in normal humans who can lose limbs and even be entirely converted if they receive enough of Numina’s blood.

Most diseases cannot function on Numina and even those that do fail to last long at all. Things within their body are quickly warped into harmless substances that couldn’t even begin to kill or even hurt a normal human. The same goes for poisons and venoms as well.

Numina’s body is also capable of handling damage in a very odd if not effective way. It transforms and shifts without her input or permission in order to heal her wounds and repair her body. If burned her flesh will grow and the burned portion will slough off, if she’s cut needles of bone and strings made of grey tissue emerge and spin new flesh, and if she’s torn apart tendrils will emerge from the wounds and attach to each other before pulling her together. If the piece is missing the tendrils will ever so slowly reform the new part. This has the side effect of making pain almost inconsequential to the cultist. It is a flawed method of conveying the severity of damage compared to the New Flesh. Numina is simply aware of the harm done to her body and the severity of it at all times without the distraction of pain.

Dark Premonition: Mortal limitations stop humans from ever seeing the pulleys and levers that govern luck and chance, but sometimes her gaze is long and peers into fate. A thousand limbs seize the guiding needle directing events, and forces it onto another path. Perhaps a gas explosion takes place in the kitchen you're in, or the ceiling collapses onto you, or perhaps even a stray bullet flies at your head. No matter the result it is sure to be painful to the victim; however, it is not completely unsuspected. When the hand of fate is forced ripples reverberate through space and time. The victim standing at the center of this is most keenly affected, and receives a premonition. Perhaps that spot near the fire seems dangerous or you just feel awful about standing in a certain spot,  but the warning is usually enough to deter normal folks. It is the cocky and determined, or those who have no other option who fail to take heed of this feeling and suffer for it.

Know This: Man exists on an island of ignorance. To step outside of those limitations and attempt to comprehend pure truth only results in utter madness. This power to broadcast the answer is visualized by those who are affected by the power as eyes opening up wherever they look at Numina. The insight filled orbs whisper the truth to everything around her and inflicts insanity upon most beings. They run, scream, and lose their grasp on reality. This effect grows infinitely worse if Numina focuses all of her eyes on a single target. The whispers become a terrible shout that blasts apart thought and forces utter hysteria upon any normal person. Most average humans tear out their own eyes, devour their own flesh, and those with weak enough minds can go completely insane. However, even those who can resist this still suffer the severe hallucinations that cause disorienting and overlapping views of reality and the feeling of something writhing within you. This is not something that can be defended entirely against unless your mind is completely cut off from all influence. The only factor that determines how one resists it is mental fortitude as the effects it inflicts is simply the natural reaction of the mind to truth. This strength of the mind cares not for the age. The only thing of importance is experience with things that defy understanding and logic. To gaze at the impossible, to see eternity rent asunder with black flame, to experience a truth so great and terrible that it brought you to the edge of madness, these are the only things that may prepare you for this.

Long Reach: The boundaries between places are thinner than one would believe. Using her body as a conduit Numina’s other half pierces reality and unleashes a lesser manifestation of itself. Silver-grey about the size of a man’s arm tentacles burst out of an opening in the universe designated by her open hand and reaches for whatever it deems to be hostile. While they are strong and fast enough to easily snap the neck of a normal human or strangle them to death they are not incredibly durable; however, it compensates for that weakness with the ability to quickly regenerate lost tendrils and immediately continue its assault. Despite this, considering it cannot reach too far from the tear and Numina is not used to close range combat in the first place it is a move made out of desperation more than anything else.

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Exceptional

Come Unto Your Maker: Numina is representative of a new cycle. A new god. A new flesh. It will devour the decaying worlds and spawn glorious new ones. The errant profusion of flesh that is life will be remade.

Numina transforms when she does this. Her body turns red and raw, her face twists into a monstrous visage with multiple pitch black spheres for eyes and her mouth is filled with sharp teeth.  Her physical abilities do not change at all but how she interacts with other organisms is altered drastically. While Numina is in this state she can assimilate other primarily organic beings along with undead into herself as long as they aren’t strong or capable enough to put up too much of a fight. Their bodies are shredded along with their souls and are remade within her.

While this begins in this form the growth and development of the being does not have to be done solely in it. After finishing assimilation Numina can return to her normal form, albeit with a rounder belly. Over the course of time she continues to grow as if she was pregnant. This is the sign of the progression of the entity; however, despite her appearances it is quite impossible for her to give birth in her normal state. She must change once more considering the size of the creature will generally be that of a human’s and then spawn it.

The creature that is reborn can be drastically different compared to its original form. Some may have the same build while others do not. They can be physically superior or incredibly frail but armed with the maddening powers of the eldritch truth that strikes at that mind and summons projectiles and attacks from across the veil. Others may be armed with biological weapons such as potent poisons and venoms or a hypnotic lure that makes others see them as less dangerous or more beautiful than they really are. Although in some ways the child can be just as if not even more dangerous the original being Numina still lacks the ability to produce an entity that is astonishingly more powerful than it used to be.

Numina can also only grow a single creature at a time and while she can control those that are birthed they chafe under her continued command. She may keep them around for a while depending on how amiable or servile they are but they are not beings meant to be constrained by human ideas and commands. There is a natural order that they seek to either make or find within this rotting world. Despite their appearances Numina harbors a strange affection for her ‘children’.

Origin: Numina was born into the cult and raised to be one of the additions to their gods due to her unique soul. She was taught their sacred rites and holy words and when the time came was granted a new name to herald her ultimate purpose. Eventually all the signs aligned and one of the greatest undertaking of the cult began. To birth a new god they would need to establish a connection to one of the elder ones. Although she lacked the means at the time Numina was still charged with the sacred worship of assimilation and consumption. Due to the restraints on her body at the time she was forced to do this through more messy means. The cult gleefully offered itself to be devoured and so she did. Every sample of flesh she swallowed still squirming and alive even as otherworldly powers fused the cultists to her form. Numina continued until her jaw ached and only glorious ascension kept her body from bursting due to the still living humans within her. Then, ever so slowly, she began to transform and over the course of days spawned the entirety of the branch of the cult as members of the New Flesh. The patron had accepted part of her soul rose up and was left to mature while Numina was allowed to remain for longer. An exercise of living worship to her other, childish self. Now she enjoys the time she has left and relishes in all that she does. Although, despite her beliefs she still manages to get distracted and curious which has led to her infatuation with some more mundane delights.

Weakness: Guns. Sneak attacks. Setting her on fire enough will stop her from coming back.

Likes: Her children, the cult, herself, ice cream, books

Dislikes: Stagnant flesh, heretics, killing her unborn children
« Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 02:33:29 PM by Umbra of Chaos »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #133 on: March 06, 2016, 05:57:02 AM »
Name: Roger The Hemophiliac Blade (as dubbed by Dante)

Race: Human

Age: 21

Height: 185 cm

Weight: 78 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities: The Dark Power: The thing that allows him to use all this fun stuff. Activating it gives him a big boost in power, and makes all the attacks above more potent.

The Dark Power is his right arm, or rather is his arm in a black, slick form. It gives his attacks the property of taking away the enemy’s lifeforce and taking it for himself. As such, any attack labeled with “heals him” also syphons away the enemy’s life force in a more direct way.

Also, generates a powerful substance. Roger has never found a way to harness it to his own ends, but others have attempted to.

The Dark Power takes a bit of his lifeforce away every moment it is activated, but increases his drain rate for his dark abilities so far that it doesn't even matter mid attack so long as he keeps using the DARK POWER.

When dormant passively devours life around him. Those who touch it without preparation will feel weakness and light-headedness with fair rapidity.

With the Dark Power activated, his statline becomes
Strength: Fantastic
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Fantastic

Swordmaster: Roger is a very skilled swordmaster, and he can use swords very effectively in conjunction with his DARK POWERS. He can send out beast-head looking projectiles (dead spike-like) and perform an ascending reversal attack where he contorts his body to avoid strikes and hit the enemy (inferno divider-like). Apart from that he can perform many simpler moves, like a rush attack followed up with multiple stabs, a charged slash and a propelled air kick that hits from above, followed by a dark kick aiming upwards (gauntlet hades-like).
Equipment: Red coat: It’s a red coat. Made of leather.

Rebellion-looking sword: It’s a devil arm that resembles Rebellion. Essentially a nigh-indestructible sword with a sharp edge. Not exactly the most complicated thing around.

Shotgun and ammo: Sawed off shotgun with a mix of dragon’s breath shells, rock salt rounds and baptised ammunition. Holds two shells.

Origin:  Was found without memories in an alley after a demon attack, where Dante found him with his DARK POWERS and decided to do something uncharacteristic at Lady’s continued and forceful suggestions, and raised Roger to be capable of using the DARK POWER he held. Hhaving a bit too much fun naming him, he went ahead and called him "Roger The Hemophiliac Blade", a desicion he doesn't regret due to the endless teasing material it gives him.

On the day he graduated from Dante’s teachings, dante decided to give him an old red leather coat and a sword that resembled his own. Roger, who for his final exam was torn away from bed with only the opportunity to put on pants, gladly accepted the coat to walk on his way back home. And yet he exited the doorway to dante’s office only to find himself in nexus, this weirdass town filled wiith weirdass dudes. And all the shirts he could find were sailor moon, so he didn’t get any of them.

Weakness: Pizza overdose, ghosts that he can’t hit, forceful girls

Likes: Pizza, ramen noodles, cooking

Dislikes: Whiny girls, casual semi-nudity, ghosts in general
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 06:21:31 AM by The Man With All The Cute Boats »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #134 on: March 20, 2016, 07:15:23 PM »
Name: ???? (Theodore?)

Race: Demon?

Age: ???

Height: Painfully average for an average young man

Weight: As heavy as an average young man


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic scale: Medium

Order degradation: The ability to bypass the laws of chemistry, physics and logic. Due to multiple reasons, this power has been greatly diminished. However, he can still:

Change the state of matter at room temperature
Defy gravity and walk across surfaces
Defy quantum physics to appear and dissapear in odd places
Modify the properties of light to a slight degree, to make bodies appear invisible to the naked ordinary mundane human eye.

Imagination manifestation: The ability to warp reality and the world itself to make mundane objects appear as if they were always there, and that at the imagination’s whim. Due to multiple reasons, this power has been greatly diminished. He can’t create nearly as many objects at once or as fast, and their size and complexity is also compromised. He can still create things like weapons and guns to use at his leisure, but they have no particular magical property. Just a totally normal pistol or a totally normal sword.

Other Abilities:

Soul Harvesting: He can take souls of his contractors, the recently deceased or any that are just hanging around and eat them! He usually does this by transmuting them into candy, but he can also just take souls and store them for later consumption in some other shape. He can sort through the souls in his possession and learn things about them in appropriately cartoony fashion, but he can't alter them or twist their traits in any way. He also can't rip souls away from the living or beings in which they still sustain a will or form unless they offer it to him. Finally, plucked souls can be stored inside other things as long as they are things. For example, a mighty dragon would certainly not fit as easily in a cat themed eraser than a normal human. Note that he CANNOT put souls in other bodies, fake puppets and other body transfer shenanigans. However, if someone else could do so, the souls he harvests could be used for that effect.

Allergy to sunlight: Theodore is allergic to the sun, and will sneeze abundantly when exposed to it’s light. Thus, he prefers shady places and uses sunscreen regularly (wink wink).
Aversion to the divine: Divine mojo messes his game, it’s that simple.
Demonic nature: He is a demon, so yeah. He doesn’t really age either, which is cool and all.
Divination: He can tell your future! 99% he is bullshitting you though. Tarot cards are pretty stylin though, so it’s still neat.
Shape shifting: The ability to change one’s shape at will, being capable of modifying his smell, voice and appearance to nearly anything. His body is actually a shapeless black blob, so changing its shape isn’t the way to do things. If his organs are torn, limbs crushed and bones are shattered, he can simply rearrange them, have them move and shape back to their original shape. Spiritual or magical weaponry, magic and things like acid, fire or ice are much better than mere brunt force.

Thy name is not of blessed: If one is to know of his true name, Theodore will be compelled to show grace. Because of this, he will be unable to cause any harm directly or indirectly to said individual. Too bad his name isn’t Theodore.

Masterful fighter: Despite being a lazy unmotivated geezer, Theodore is surprisingly skilled at fighting, and is quickly adaptable to different styles and weapons, and uses a style that is cheap and reliant on trickery. That and the fact he can make random ones appear at will make him an unpredictable and uncanny foe in close and mid range quarters.

The power to whack things with long sticks: To say he is particularly specialized at polearms is but an understatement, a skill honed by a mere man's thousand years of experience. Even if they are but a fake imagery, fabricated memories inserted into him along with his soul, it doesn't make his finesse any less terrifying. Just because its a fantasy doesnt mean it can't surpass the reality, and in that regard his ability to fight things with long sticks is unparalleled.

Unreadable: While he used to be confusing and unpredictable, he is now a completely unreadable individual that simply cannot crack down. Even powerful mind manipulation and reading seems to show nothing but static, while illusions are simply ineffective. How strange.


Monocle of fanciness: A fancy monocle.
Fancy white uniform: A fancy white uniform

Fancy white cravat: A fancy white cravat

A lot of cellphones: A lot of cellphones, with wifi.

Weakness:  His pessimistic, downright defeatist attitude makes him lose opportunities to win. He just doesn’t seem to put his heart in anything, if he even has one. Magic is also pretty good against him. Honestly, he isn’t as obscenely strong, so he relies on petty tricks and cheap tactics mostly. If you manage to see trough them, he can’t do much compared to other powerhouses. He also seems to have the same mannerisms as his previous self, to his dismay.

Likes: Sending SMS, cat videos, sweets, fun things, sleeping and lazing around, interesting people who aren’t idiots, being a nuisance, riling people up, riling Emiya Shirou up, riling Matou Sakura up (not too much though, just bother her a little), embarrassing love stories, love dramas, anime.

Dislikes: Not having wifi, being bothered, bothersome people, idiots, being bossed around, working, things not going smoothly, sour and bitter things, clingy people who ask too many questions, stuff, other things, himself, having to care, people making fun of his fish eyes.

Things he doesn’t care about: Everything.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2016, 03:22:41 PM by francobull3 »