Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone  (Read 95153 times)

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #105 on: November 14, 2015, 08:56:46 PM »
Name: Akatsuki, Nameship of the Akatsuki-class Destroyers

Race: Personified Warship: Destroyer-class

Age: 83 years since launched. Time spent operational: 10 years. Time as a Ship girl: 3 years. Looks about 13 years old.

Height: 148 cm

Weight: Literal tons (See fairy magic)


Physical Attributes

Strength:  Fantastic (see terrain affinity)

Agility: Human

Constitution: Fantastic

Magic Ability: Difficult measure. Fairy magic. Better known in the naval base as “Convenience magic”. The various fairies inhabiting the ship and equipment utilize a specialized form of magic to facilitate tasks for the shipgirl. It is thanks to them that despite their multi-ton weight, they do not crash through the naval base’s floor at all time. It is also thanks to them that food is processed into oil and ammunition for the continued operation of the shipgirls as military vessels.

It is also thanks to them that one moment the girls are capable of being lifted by a human, like the admiral, and the next they are striking abyssal ships with hits backed by literal tons in weight.

It essentially allows the shipgirls to function as humans would, outside of battle. A downside is that even in battle shipgirls will lose strength and durability due to their own subconscious making them think they are not as strong or durable as they are. This strength can be unlocked through usage of “KAI NI”. See below.

Other Abilities: Warship: As the qualifiers for certain stats up above are for living beings that do not find their root in the same place as Akatsuki, clarification is required. Specifically, for the constitution stat and agility stat.

Akatsuki is at such a high level because she literally has armor plating on par with light cruisers from most other countries of the time, and because her ammo consumption is such that she can fight in seven large, fleet to fleet battles in succession. She can also go four days and three nights, at the very least, without sleeping or requiring rest as long as she is undamaged.

Also steel is her body and oil is her blood, etc etc.

For agility, her speed is that of a destroyer. Her max speed can hit 70km/h at sea, and her strength allows her to obtain a lot of speed on land as well. However, her dexterity and reflexes are at a human level, albeit that of a trained human.

KAI NI: Akatsuki is capable of going KAI NI, releasing the limiter on her power as a shipgirl and being able to produce 100% of her ship-self’s strength into her humanoid body. This gives her a boost over her normal self and does not cost her energy, in fact, it heals her to full health. A single time. Which she already used up.

KAI NI is not a temporary state, it is a permanent remodel and she went through it. Mentions of limiters and such in the sheet were for clarification and also to make people read through a few more words that I wrote down. Kinda like now, and we keep going. Okay, I’m done now.

Terrain Affinity: Due to the nature of ships, on land, convenience magic restrains her strength to fantastic to protect her full weight from damaging her structural integrity. On the water however, her weight is unrestrained and her strength hops up to Legendary, allowing her the full, unrestrained use of her strength and weight.

Important note: Strength is the ONLY STAT to receive this boost.

An Elephant Lady: Akatsuki is like, so fucking elephant dude like holy shit so elephant wow I can’t even dude just check her elephance ohmygod

Equipment: Extra Armor Shield: It’s a big old shield she carries on her right side. It’s large enough to cover her body, and while already armored and tough, due to her time fighting abyssal ships she’s trained herself into keeping it up towards the enemy, and shifting it around depending on the flanking angles they attempt.

Two 12.7 cm (?) gun mounts: These gun mounts are far smaller than what the original Akatsuki had, to the point where it feels inaccurate calling them 12.7 cm, but due to certain unexplained factors relating to spiritual miniaturization and fairy magic, they happen to pack the same punch as the ship-version’s full size cannons.

Also due to the unique nature of the akatsuki-class’s gun turrets, it can be elevated for anti-air fire as well as ship to ship fire. Their rate of elevation and rotation is six to twenty seven degrees per second, and 6 degrees per second in that order. Akatsuki keeps the cannon on her right arm pointed either forward or at a ninety degree angle, however, for quick preparation and firing.

One of these mounts is on her shoulder, and the other is on her right arm.

61cm (?) triple (oxygen) torpedo mount: Akatsuki sports 2 torpedo launchers on her hips, both of them triple launchers of the 61 cm torpedo type. Same as the 12.7 cannons, the scale is not accurate but the power is. Unlike their predecessor, the fubuki class, the akatsuki class had enough space in the ship to carry torpedo reloads. This brings the maximum amount of shots from six to eighteen.

The torpedos themselves are magnetized, to better hit enemy ships. They are unusable on land.

Searchlight: It’s a searchlight, what else is there to say. It’s like a bigger flashlight. Once again the scale is off but the power remains the same, and this searchlight has the same strength as one that would be installed on a warship.

Her anchor: It’s an anchor. She uses it to dock, or because of her humanoid body, to whack the tar out of people. It’s super heavy and well suited for either task.

Thunder God (Raiden) Gloves: Made by Akashi, requisitioned and named by Nagato. They’re gloves that are created with a strong current inside of them, enhancing her punches with electrical force, allowing her to cause power spikes on opponent ships that may fry their electronic equipment. They also make a loud, thunderous noise due to her own strength and the durability of the opponents she faces.

Their effects on more living targets, of course, are the same as being given an incredibly strong shock.

Requisitioned by Nagato and given to Akatsuki due to her sisters’ absence at base, the remind the destroyer that while her sister ships were not in the same base they were still fighting alongside her to protect her country.

Origin: She fought in world war two, got rekt after flashlighting the USS Atalanta, the end.

Reborn as a shipgirl she spent a lot of time in her naval base as the sole akatsuki-class, making her super lonely. But she made friends with another ship which was alone in its class, Nagato. Their friendship was super sugoi and allowed Akatsuki to see and experience the true power of the big seven, which translated to makeshift MMA lessons.

She strives to be an elegant lady, but because it’s an English word mixes it up with elephant, an error Nagato never corrected because she found it was cute, unique and had style.

She strives to be calm and in control as nagato, and perhaps due to being a sisterless ship in the base, is at least somewhat capable of keeping up the façade and not having it broken. Of course, due to her size and childlike voice, she sounds just like a kid who has it a bit more “together”, while still being a little bratty.

Weakness: green peppers, stormy nights, human reaction time and agility

Likes: Nagato, fine and elephant ladies, being treated like an adult, eating

Dislikes: Green peppers, storms nights, being alone, green pepperssssss
« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 04:44:54 PM by The Man With All The Cute Boats »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #106 on: November 19, 2015, 03:06:35 AM »
Name: Darcy Hugh

Alias:Mary Jane

Age: She looks like a young lady.

Height: As tall as an average tall lady.

Weight: Never ask a lady her weight.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Human

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic Scale: Nope, but low. He is borrowing power from something, or someone. It's power and link with him is still weak, and its not likely to get stronger. His magic potential is non existant, so there had to be some borrowing involved.

Judas Priest- Bites the dust : His one and only power, granted by a mysterious creature. By touching with his left hand, Darcy may charge any object as a bomb by infusing it with magical living fire. If a charged object is touched by another object, the charge can travel from that object into another before exploding into a fiery burst, shattering the object and sending waves of fiery shrapnel. The object needs to be limited in size, ranging from a coin to a stereo. Logically, the size of the object determines the size and radius of the explosion. A coin for example would simply burst and shatter into flying shards of burning metal while something like a printer would be as powerful as an explosive shell. Darcy may also detonate this bomb at any previous point. However, only one bomb can be maintained at any given time.

Other Abilities:

Skilled driver: Be it cars, motorcycles or bicycles, this girl makes damn fine moves and stunts. It’s like she really likes GTA or something. Priestly driving is the best kind of driving after all.

Gunslinger: This skill proves the subject has watched too much gun-fo and should not be trusted with a gun ever. Good aim, great draw and better trigger finger, sometimes too good for its own good. Priestly shooting is the best kind of shooting after all.

Trickster: This skill proves the subject is a cheating sniveling bastard and should not be trusted in combat or in life. The lord said thou shalt not steal and thou shalt not lie, but rules are meant to be broken and shit!

Sleigh of hand: This skill proves the subject is a criminally charged thief and/or sexual harasser and should not be trusted period. She is also crafty at escaping binds and stuff, so you should cut his arms off before handcuffing him.

Boxer: This gal his fairly well trained at the oh so refined art of punching shit with the swiftness of a butterfly and the gracefulness of a gorilla. Could’ve gone pro if he didn’t join the Vatican. Simple enough? Simple enough.


NOTHING (for now)

Origin: There was once a man who found something to cherish, but he lost it in the flames along with his life. But just before he perished, a demonic bird of fire appeared before him and granted him a chance to destroy the one who caused this tragedy, the cruel messiah that met his only true prayer with a fiery hell and claim everything he deserved. It was his luck that had taken them away from him, and it was his luck that had given him a chance to have it all back.... with intrest.

But this isn't his story. Mary Jane is just a normal average everyday girl.

Weakness: She is just a mortal humie and aside her good physical strength and skills, she is far from a powerhouse. Because of that, she is more likely to rely on cheap trickery and cowardly tactics rather than go balls out.

Her only power is a demonic curse that turns objects into explosives, and while it is difficult to detect the fact that an object has been turned into one, the instant he turns an object into an explosive can be recognized as magic by those keen at detecting such things. His explosions, while deadly, are mostly fire and heat based excluding the potential sharpnel.

Because of that, those who can resist such an intensive heat explosion will survive. Finally, it is an unreliable power to use in a fight, coupled with his unimpressive physical abilities compared to more powerful citizens of nexus, it is much more suited for assassination. While such a roundabout approach is one where he proves deadly, he has less chances in a direct fight.

Likes: PREACHING THE WORD AND LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST, girls, drinking, whatever she wants you to think she likes. Living a quiet paceful life, luck.

Dislikes: Whatever she wants you to think, being called a dude, fire, those who disturb his peaceful life, God.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 04:05:08 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #107 on: November 22, 2015, 07:14:41 PM »
Name: Alma

Race: Human

Age: 22

Height: 5’8

Weight: 140 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Other Abilities:

Spirit Medium: Do not mistake the powers of a spirit medium as mere possession. It is something much more potent and personal than a spirit simply taking over a body. It is a collision of souls. The entanglement of the eternal and infinite in a way that nothing short of absolute fusion can surpass. Like two trees whose branches are intertwined and are made all the more mighty because of it.

Alma can house and from there channel the spirit of any being regardless of strength and strengthens their abilities greatly to the point where they are better than their solitary selves although not by an enormous margin. Her physical form is enhanced to match their own and although her body mostly remains the same a few changes can happen. Even things such as magical ability are retained and she can call upon tools that are closely related to the being she is channeling. It is also worth noting that she is not controlled as much as she is sharing her body. While a soul can act more dominantly it is only for a short while as these swirling sources of power and self remain in a careful balance. Ending and beginning this process is not fast and does require a bit of work on Alma’s part to perfectly mesh their souls.

This process is also an incredibly personal experience. The contact of souls is an exchange of experiences and identity. To mantle another being and draw on their strength is intoxicating to Alma. Their lives and every thought and emotion they felt bleeds into her as she does to them. It is not obvious when they are still one united being but when they untangle themselves there are memories and odd feelings that remain for a little while after.

As a spirit medium Alma is also capable of viewing the souls and spirits of anything. While she usually uses this to figure out what kind of person you are she also uses it to scout out partners. It is true that all souls are infinite it is equally true that there are limitations on the power that can be drawn from it. Some beings by their nature are capable of understanding and drawing upon the full might of their soul to great effect but that is far from the norm. Alma scouts out those with especially strange or experienced souls usually, but this has changed in the Nexus. Since very few are the same as her Alma attempts to pick out those with more powerful souls. If she has knowledge of a soul she is also capable of calling it from any distance. It is not forcing them to appear but there is a pull to answer her summons which generally interests spirits or the deceased.

True Soul: What is a soul? Power and identity. There are no limitations on it. A soul is not limited by size and cannot be changed or destroyed by any power but one’s own choices. Just as with all the beings of her world Alma’s soul is infinite and eternal. Nothing can even begin to change or alter it in any fashion. She is only capable of pulling on this strength for for certain abilities that a spirit medium may use it for. This also negates any abilities that target the soul in either a benign or negative fashion.

Siphon Soul: It is a misconception that a spirit medium can only channel the souls of those who no longer have or are no longer attached to a body. That only applies to the young and inexperienced. Several stronger spirit mediums are capable of drawing out a soul from the body it inhabits and housing it. The person that undergoes this simply loses the will to do much of anything. Their body will perform only the most basic functions but will refuse to move around or even eat. However, the soul is still tethered to its body. Once Alma has finished taking in a soul and meshing with it the soul will immediately return to its body after they have been untangled.

Initiating this is done by close, physical contact. While some do it through hugs or sex Alma generally prefers doing it with a kiss. It is by no means a fast process and considering that it will be used for channeling it is almost always done by mutual choice. However, it is possible for her to do it on the unconscious. Even if she did attempt to do it forcefully for whatever reason Alma is as flimsy as tissue paper and easily manhandled. Souls that are taken without consent cannot be made to unite with her in any circumstance and the desire of a soul to escape her is such a revolting feeling that she is incapable of holding it for any more than a short period of time.

The Breath of Time: Spirit mediums are remarkably fragile beings despite their potential for immense power. Because of this they have found a few ways to express and utilize their soul to keep themselves safe. With this ability Alma draws upon her soul and exhales eternity. The endless ages of the soul slam into mortals with the weight of a world and brings their minds to a screeching halt as they try to comprehend forever. While an exceptionally powerful will can lessen the effect only one who has taken on the weight of countless years and endless time to the point where the idea of death is almost foreign to them can negate this. When channeling another spirit her work in keeping their souls perfectly together and in balance does make her incapable of using this ability. She doesn’t see it as much of a loss.

Enhanced Healing: It is true that spirit mediums are prone to dying violent deaths when attacked before being able to channel a spirit, but there were issues with them dying after a spirit left them due to the injuries sustained. This led to the development of utilising the soul to heal the physical body of injuries. While any damage will be overcome it happens at a slow but steady rate and is far from instant. It is also impossible to use it in combat while channeling for the same reason as the Breath of Time is unavailable. It is something more commonly used to avoid dying due to damage taken once the entanglement is undone.


Spirit Cloth: Artifacts draw upon the smallest portion of power from the soul to perform their functions and this cloth is attached to her own. Alma’s outfit is resistant to both heat and cold and whether she is standing in the arctic or on a tropical island she will always remain at a comfortable temperature. It cannot be stained as it actively repels liquids along with filth and if it is damaged it will generate new strands to weave itself back into form. It can change shape and become various different outfits. If removed it can always remake itself around her as it is anchored to her spirit.

Origin: Spirit mediums are treasured in the mortal world. Treated like the greatest nobles as they channel the souls of the dead. In the Courts of the spirits they live like gods. Under the command of greater beings lesser spirits flock to them and serve faithfully. They inhabit castles of thinking metal and mansions of sentient wood. It was inconceivable for a spirit medium as powerful as Alma to be anywhere but here. She lived in a palace of of glass so deeply blue it ached and entertained visitors from various nations and Courts. In exchange, all that was required was the channeling of spirits for various reasons. On occasions she would interact with normal humans and live a few instances of a normal life but her abilities were requested too often for anything to last.

Weakness: She is very squishy when not channeling another being. Alma is neither a runner or an athlete of any sort and that does make her little better than the most average human. When she takes on the soul of another being if their weakness is intrinsically tied to their nature it carries over. If she channels a spirit of frost fire will still do more damage to her and things like that.

Likes: Channeling powerful spirits, finer foods and clothing, killing something in melee combat, sleeping

Dislikes: Fools, people who talk too much, having to channel lesser beings, having to endure filthy conditions
« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 09:49:53 PM by Umbra of Chaos »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #108 on: November 29, 2015, 02:43:29 PM »
Name: Lumen (The God of Five Elements)

Race: Divine Patchwork

Age: ???

Height: 6’2

Weight: 160 lbs.

Appearance: As a result of her nature Lumen is a being of fractured beauty. Her head is the most normal part of her. The features may be a bit too perfect to be natural, or her steely grey eyes too knowing to be human, but her dark hair seems rather normal and can maintain the idea that despite her beauty she is still human. The problem comes with the rest of her body. Her right arm is a scarlet with a circle of copper on the palm that draws the eye and entrances others with the ghost of flame along the muscular limb. Lumen’s other arm is a deep tan. Colored by healthy soil and filled with the vitality of the earth. The rest of her upper body is as grey as stone. Solid as the foundations of the earth and capable of making the pieces almost look right together. Her lower body is separated in two distinct parts. Her left is incredibly pale and at some times almost translucent. The other is the blue of the ocean. Beautiful but at times one can almost see it rippling. 

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Divinity: Lumen is a patchwork of gods, but she is divine nonetheless. Mortal weapons shatter against her body. Lesser magic (Medium) is negated without the slightest concern. She can walk and not grow weary. She can abstain from food and not go hungry. The ravages of time will always ignore her. Even when faced with attacks that can actually harm her the damage is reduced. Deep gashes are reduced to painful, but less damaging cuts and even magic or other supernatural powers do not work as effectively. Sustained magic such as curses or bindings will also lose potency much faster and must be renewed or will soon fade. She can also affect spiritual beings with any of her abilities and see them. As her body carries metaphysical weight solely by being what it is Lumen can strike nearly any being that has limits on what can actually interact with it.

This does contribute to her beauty as well. The perfection of the divine remains even in the pieces of their corpses and while her nature does diminish it somewhat each part is still stunning. Nevertheless it is more common for people to focus their gaze on a single body part rather than the disorganized whole. It is not painful but the image is bothersome. An itch in the back of your brain. Imperfect perfection does do that.

Being divine also allows Lumen to utilize Essence. The flow of power that originates from the wellspring of all creation. This powers most of the abilities of her limbs and allows her to heal nearly all forms of damage using her soul as a template to restructure the body. However, while not slow it is certainly not fast enough to instantly repair damage. Any ability that attempts to manipulate, control, or alter the elements Lumen is controlling will have extreme difficulty doing so as they will have to overcome her authority as the god of these elements. While it is theoretically possible it is absurdly costly and difficult compared to normal manipulation. Essence must also be gathered through the creation of large ritual circles. As all existence sprang from the source so it is that any part of it can be connected back with the correct rites. 

As it is still divine flesh so does it that it carries the same properties as normal pieces when devoured. It is more filling and more delectable than any earthly dish. There are few things that can rival the taste of godly meat. It also carries more practical uses. Divine blood spilled on materials can confer blessings against certain elements or grant strange properties. Mages and alchemists can use her skin or hair as powerful reagents for spells or items.

The Mind that Knows All: Lumen’s head comes from a god of knowledge. It knew much but lacked wisdom, and so a blade that was an ocean severed its head and destroyed its name. With it Lumen can understand most natural and supernatural phenomena with ease. More esoteric phenomena must be examined through repeated usage and can be more difficult to figure out. If it utilizes an energy she isn’t familiar with it can take even longer due to her having to recognize the source of the ability first.

The Hand that Holds the Sun: Lumen’s right arm comes from a god of fire. So great was it that it slew the old lords of the mountains and oceans but was felled by a union of several gods. In its rage it slew them all and shattered their names as its was shattered. This limb grants several fire and heat based abilities one of which is the manipulation and growth of fire. A stove fire could rapidly grow into an inferno and be wielded with incredible finesse. Even fire generated by supernatural means are not immune to this. Lumen can easily take control of normal conjured fire unless the creator pours energy into keeping control over it. While less natural versions of flame cannot be simply controlled Lumen can still deflect it or force it to move around her instead of striking her directly.

As expected this arm is completely immune to heat and can withstand incredibly high temperatures without the slightest drawback. It can also become hotter if Lumen focuses Essence into it. This can be increased to the point that metals melt in an instant through touch alone.

The arm of the fire god is also capable of utilizing Essence to generate its own flame. Large bursts and blasts of fire are both possible and very destructive but it is the supernal flame hidden within the arm that is to be most feared. At first glance this green flame appears normal but the sheer terror it inspires within living beings is far from natural. It is a promise of destruction. The understanding that your souls are nothing more than kindling before this godly fire. Anything struck by it is completely and totally destroyed. No defense can stop it. Even space is scarred by its burning touch. The wounds it leaves are very difficult to heal but it is not impossible to do so. Thankfully this supernal fire does not spread at all. Due to the massive cost Lumen can only release one of these and the range is incredibly close. The fact that it takes a moment for the green flame to be collected and released makes it so that Lumen saves it for when she’s almost certain that it will hit.

The Hand that Sows the Earth: A kindly god was the origin of this limb. When the war threatened to approach its domain destroyed itself, and through this sacrifice an oasis of life bloomed even after the battle ravaging the world was finished. The most basic power it has is mastery over altering the earth to bear life. It is functionally a tool to terraform the world. While making existing patches of earth fertile is easy and doesn’t even require Essence more drastic changes do. With the introduction of Essence even concrete and stone can become vitality filled soil. As long as it is the ‘ground’ it can become the ‘earth’.

Plant life can also be animated by this limb as long as it is touching the ground. Trees uproot themselves and their limbs and roots and trunks twist unnaturally to try and crush or bind you. With the use of Essence the creative nature of the limb allows the forming and infusion of nature spirits into flora. While this makes the targets superior to normal variants it also allows a degree of intelligence and autonomy when animated to the point where they can quite literally uproot themselves and chase someone down. This also makes it so that constant contact with the ground is not needed for maintaining animation.

The enhancement and creation of entirely new plant life is also possible through this limb. Existing flora can have their growth accelerated and become overall improved through Essence. Trees can be made to bear fruit much more succulent than any normal variants and can become fully grown very quickly. As this limb has not been mastered in its entirety Lumen cannot call upon the soul fragment related to it to produce the immaculate tree but the variety of strange and unnatural flora she can create are powerful enough. The stonebark trees have bark hard enough to make steel look like clay and the thorns of the bushes that formed the inner walls of the capital’s garden can cause a terrible loss of balance, partial blindness, and deadly paralysis. Through more time and experimentation plants with medicinal or toxic properties can be properly created and used in a variety of ways.

The Foot that Stirs the Rivers and the Seas: A god of water torn apart six times over by a divine beast is the origin of this body part. This limb allows Lumen to skate on the water and swim much faster than one would expect. Like her right arm this limb can also nullify attacks from its element. High pressure water is harmless, ice is easily broken against it, and steam feels rather nice instead of painful.

For manipulation water requires more movement than most of the other elements controlled by the limbs. It must be guided and animated by both movement and will. The foot must constantly be in movement in some way or the water will simply collapse uselessly. However, what can be done with the manipulation of water is impressive. Blasts of water can be fired with enough force to puncture steel and constant movement can animate a wave to forcibly drown someone.

Lumen also has the capability to purify existing amounts of water and create springs of holy water. Any body of water as large as a small lake can be rid of all foreign elements and be made clean for anyone to drink no matter what was previously affecting the liquid. As long as it is still possible to call it water it can be cleansed. The springs of holy water are called up by use of Essence and will continue to flow for quite some time. The water is forever untainted by foreign material and is always safe to drink but it also has supernatural properties. It can heal and clean wounds, drive out foreign entities that inhabit a body, and serves as a very potent area of meditation. It mirrors the act of pure power flowing from the wellspring of creation and allows people meditating to catch a glimpse of it.

The Foot that Tames the Furious Winds: The god of this limb was a carefree thing that was rendered dead twelve times over due to its own carelessness. With this limb Lumen can stand on air as if it was solid, albeit only with this one leg. To supplement this it can release bursts of air that allow her to greatly enhance her jumping ability. When faced with with a great wind of either natural or supernatural origin Lumen can dissipate it or force it away from her to keep herself safe.

The wind is perhaps the most difficult of all the elements to tame. Water and fire may be guided while earth has substance but air is the element of freedom. When moved it must be done so powerfully and forcefully. Normal manipulation must be done so with with powerful movements that direct the air in a single solid direction. While this basic manipulation is less flexible its power can shatter bones and crush concrete. While she cannot produce her element with Essence it does allow her greater control of it. Sacrificing the singular power of the strikes she can sweep people away with powerful winds or slice at them with blade of pure air.

By pouring in even more Essence curious effects can be given to the air she manipulates. The easier version is the winds of life. The winds of plenty. It is the fresh air after years of stagnation. Fresh soil after the decay and rot of the ages has been brushed away by this wind. It is progress and movement and energy. While water will heal this wind revitalizes. It grants strength to limbs that have none and energy to bodies that should no longer have will to keep going. But it has a counterpart in the winds of death. The dry wind. The wind that blasts sand across wastes and reduces everything to dust. This is more costly than the wind of plenty but when coupled with her offensive manipulation it is devastating. When it strikes it is a dead wind that brushes away life wherever it is. Being struck makes the vitality flee from your flesh and bones. While it doesn’t necessarily hurt you more it makes every effort more draining and tiring. A sustained fight with the use of this ability forces the opponent to use more and more energy just to keep up with their normal standards.

The Body that Lifts the Mountain: A chunk derived from a god of mountains who withstood the burdens of the war until the final days. While time could not begin to wear it down the sorrow of loneliness led to its own destruction. The solidarity Lumen’s upper body is what keeps her pieces in unity and allows her to be so proficient with them. Striking it hurts about as much as hitting a literal mountain. It is proud and unyielding. As the element of stability and defense this piece is much more durable than any other part of her body and because of this she prefers just tanking hits with it. Despite its importance Lumen has not advanced far in her understanding of it and its placement makes it solely capable of defensive manipulation. With Essence she can armor up with a layer of enhanced earth that greatly improves her defence. However, this manipulation requires constant concentration and prevents her from using any other limbs for manipulation.

Origin: Ages ago the gods warred with themselves and brought the world to the brink of disaster. Imagine, the natural world at war with itself. Storms that will never curse the world again ravaging continents and clashes of Essence that warped countries into otherworldly realms. However, while no god survived their corpses did. Madmen and geniuses alike salvaged these parts after the disaster. While some would devour the parts and the mindless souls within to gain power some fused the soulbound fragments together to make new and terrible beings. Gods to replace the ones that have passed. While the Divine Patchworks failed in this regard many were either taken in by their creators or scattered.

Lumen found her place within a large human community along with her creator. While she was originally used to ward off beasts with her manipulation of elements she was much more useful as a provider of food and water as. In time her creator passed and Lumen simply continued. Her life was not the best but it was pleasant. There were people to argue against, the occasional beast to kill, and a few other Divine Patchworks or God Eater who wandered in. There was no intoxicating joy but it was warm, and perhaps that was all she wanted. Waking up in the Nexus was not a pleasant surprise.

Weakness: Lumen is incredibly vulnerable to items with extra effectiveness against the divine. She is also fundamentally a ranged fighter and while she can throw a decent punch she lacks any skill in other melee weapons. If one learns her true name they can force her away or in some cases bind her to your service, although the latter option is not the wisest as she will be most displeased if she ever breaks free.

Likes: The sun, blue skies, books, occasionally getting people angry, drawing Essence from the wellspring

Dislikes: Being low on Essence (it’s like feeling dehydrated), small spaces, people who can’t look through other views, getting less than ten hours of sleep
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 07:42:09 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #109 on: November 30, 2015, 06:34:36 AM »
Name: Gabriel L. Umbra

Race: Unseelie Faerie - Incubus Hybrid (He likes to call himself a "Shadow")

Age: 127

Height: 6'1

Weight: About 180

Appearance: Gabriel is tall, broad shouldered, and fairly well built.  He has very fair skin, actually appearing truly "white".  When excited or arouse, he glows slightly, like moonlight. 

He has long black hair, but his hair looks odd.  There's no highlights, it's almost like his hair was just liquid darkness or India Ink.  It also doesn't reflect light either.  He uses his hair to cover his pointed ears.  He has fine boned features- think Tom Hiddleston as Loki and you're not too far off.  He has a wide, mobile mouth and his grin has a bit of a knowing wickedness to it.  His eyes are violet.

He dresses in either fine suits in dark colors such as black, burgundy, gray, and violet.  He's also been known to sport poet's shirts and leather pants as well.  He also has a black cashmere duster that he'll wear when the weather permits it.

In short, Gabriel is a gorgeous, gorgeous man.  Then again, he's Half Faerie and Half Incubus.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Amazing

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Amazing

Magic: None

Other Abilities:

Magical Null- Gabriel is a magical null.  He nullifies all magic within a one foot radius of his body.  This is especially effective against Faerie magic.  He can kill a Fae from his world with prolonged physical contact.  However, he cannot kill a Servant by hugging it to death.

Shadow Walking:  A pocket dimension of Shadows can be accessed as portals to other places and Gabriel can open up doors to enter this interconnecting pocket dimension.  Using this he can travel great distances rather quickly.  He can also go into the shadows to keep someone from getting him.  However using this too many times and too fast will wear him out.  This is a trait that all of the Umbra family shares.

Now within the Nexus he finds he can only travel within the Nexus.

Lure: This is something he can "turn on", making his intended target, as long as they are sexually attracted to men, want him.  To the point that it starts to become a need and obsession.  However those who are already in love with someone else, such as Sakura with Shirou or those with enough will power, like Forest, can resist it. (Note though, the Lure is always active at low levels even when it is not “on” or being focused.)

Sex Sense: He can sense a person's sexual desires, kinks, what they like, dislike, and their sexual history.  He can read if someone's been raped, if someone is a nympho minx, or if they're a virgin.

Double 0: He has knowledge in martial arts (look who raised him) and fought in World War I and II under the British SAS with all the training that would entail (weapons, hand to hand, survival).  He also served with MI6 for a time.  Gabriel has some James Bond spy skills. (Things like hot wiring cars, communication, and picking locks are among these skills.)

White Tower Magician:  Despite being a Magical Null, Gabriel is a genius at magical theory and arcane knowledge.   He can figure out a spell's  source and how it works.  He can also sense magic at work as well.  It is like extrasensory perception, not a "physical" sense like sight or sound.

Sexual Healing: While Gabriel does have regeneration (not to the point of a vampire or werewolf), sexual activity can actually speed up the process.   Even though he doesn’t feed like an incubus does, he does have to have sex regularly or he’ll get depressed and show signs of illness such as headaches etc.

Gentleman of the Blade: Gabriel's favorite martial weapon, perhaps due to his birth mother's influence, is the sword.  He is best with a rapier and dagger combination and is an accomplished duelist.

Haymaker: Gabriel is a skilled boxer, and still keeps the practice up to this day.

Supernatural Extra Sensory Perception: He can sense the supernatural.  He is aware if someone is Fae, Vampire, or Other.  He can also sense magic and anaylize it before it is destroyed by his null field.  (To touch the field it's going to get destroyed.)

Due to his ESP, he can use it as a homing beacon of sorts when traveling in the Shadows.  If he knows someone and is familiar with them, he can sense out their energy in the Shadows to help him locate them. 

Even though it is magic, he can sense spells that his mother has worked simply because of their family ties.  It calls to him even though he can destroy it.

Linguist:  Due to him being a spy, Gabriel is fluent in German, French, Russian, Latin and several forms of Gaelic (due to his magical studies).  He's also conversational in Japanese and can muddle in Mandarin.

Equipment: His 1911 Military issue semi-automatic, a rapier and dagger made from Fae alloys (a gift from Wynn that she forged herself), the Umbra signant ring, and his cell phone.

Origin: Wynn Umbra, in her days of political climbing within the Unseelie Court and Council, wanted to make a weapon that would strip a Faerie of their magic.  To do this, she needed to temper the blade with an incubus' blood.  As part of their bargain, this incubus could call upon Wynn for sex to feed off of whenever he wanted for a time.

The last time he called Wynn just happened to be in her once every decade fertile period.

Wynn was pregnant, and was fully aware of the child she was going to give birth to.  Faerie and incubi had tried to breed in the past- the best cases ended with still born babies and the worse had the babies killing their mothers from in the womb due to the magical nullifying nature.  Oddly enough, Faerie seed wouldn't take in a succubus's womb.  Anyway, due to her knowledge of intertwining demonic and Faerie natures and that she made a safeguard so her own blade couldn't be used against her, she was able to carry the child to term without either dying.  Even though the pregnancy was very difficult; Wynn had no access to her magic and was ill the entire time.

Luckily, Wynn's closest friend was Forest. 

Knowing that she couldn't raise the child herself (Gabriel's presence in Faerie starts to dissolve it if he's there for too long), Wynn gave him to Forest to raise as his Godmother.  In fact, when Gabriel calls Forest "Godmother", it's pretty obvious he wants to call her "Mother".  Wynn gets called "Mommy Dearest" because Gabriel has some resentment issues towards her.

Anyway, Gabe grew up like any kid being raised by Forest would.  There was violence, learning how to fight, and then joining the military to fight.  He served as an intelligence operative in WWI & WWII and was even part of MI6 for a time until he retired to become what he jokingly called a "gentleman of leisure".  And the affair in the Balkans in the 80's left a very bad taste in his mouth.

Now he sort of wanders the world, helping his Godmother and extended family from time to time, and mucking about the affairs of magic users that would harm others.

Weakness: Iron.  Physical violence/harm.  Even though a spell to the face won't hurt him, but using magic to knock a building down on him could hurt him. May be considered an alcoholic.  If he does not have sex for an extended period of time it will weaken him.  Threats to his godmother make him lose his temper.  He is also sort of lazy.  Also he cannot lie; he can obscure the truth and give misleading answers, but he cannot truly lie.  If asked a question three times he has to answer truly.

Likes: When his Godmother is happy, and when he can tease her. Matchmaking. Curvy women with fair hair (not a fan of Brunettes, has to do with Mommy Dearest).  Scotch. More scotch.  Did he mention that he really likes scotch? Sweets and baked goods (he can bake as well). Good coffee that is half cream and sugar.  Boxing.  Studying magic.  Messing with egotistical magic users. Friendly animals.  Provoking others, causing minor chaos/mischief and watching the results.

Dislikes: Egotistical magic users who would harm others.  Those who harm children.  When Mommy Dearest is being her normal self.  When Godmother is moping.  Bad coffee and scotch.  Nazis.  Anyone attempting to commit genocide.  Those who have no regard for life. Bigots. 
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 08:38:28 PM by Sinib »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #110 on: December 01, 2015, 08:15:17 PM »
Name: Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro Chan

Race: Angel, obviously. (from the future)

Age: 12

Height: 153 cm

Weight: 40lbs 9oz

Literally the most waifu thing possible.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Legendary

Agility: Human

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Angel Powers: As an angel, Dokuro Chan can do...stuff... by chanting pipirupiru pi pirupiru pi. One example is changing a person's head into that of a baboon's or a doge, or pull objects out of thin air, such as a book. She claims she's also a cupid and can make two people fall in love by using Excalibolg but in reality all she can do is help them out.

Another use of her angel powers is the ability to run on water, just like Jesus.

To use any of her angel powers, she needs to hold Excalibolg and spin it around.

Flight: As an Angel, she obviously has wings and can fly. However, they're not always visible.

Unbelievable Strength: Dokuro is ridiculously strong. By lightly tapping Sakura on the head, she managed to create a shockwave that cut through a water faucet, and by splashing a bit of water, annihilate a sturdy bridge, boulders, and trees. She doesn't consider her strength to be insane though, and is apt to hurting other people as a result with it.



A super powerful magical spiked club that Dokuro uses to annihilate her friends. If it is used to kill someone, it will kill them in the most comically overblown way possible. Dokuro Chan keeps it hidden perfectly behind her back, nobody can see it when she has it stowed.

The Excalibolg has an underwater mode, in which Dokuro throws it underwater and it acts as a torpedo, honing in on it's target and causing them to explode into gorey bits.

Tear Gas Bombs: Dokuro chan carries around tear gas bombs and enjoys using them on passersbyes.

Dokuro is a seemingly innocent 12 year old angel from the future. Despite the fact that she is 12-years old, her body is fully developed, the most notable feature of this being her well-endowed bust. Dokuro is easily insulted by Sakura, often got him killed in the process. Though Dokuro constantly kills (and then revives) Sakura when he ends up in compromising positions with her, Dokuro often uses her body to entice Sakura into doings things for her, though she never lets him get too far. To distract Sakura from finding the solution to immortality she once again uses her body pulling up her skirt making Sakura forget about his studies. She is often coveted by most of the boys, getting Sakura either beat up or yelled at, and she doesn't seem to have any female rivals.

Dokuro Mitsukai is an angel assassin sent from the future to kidnap Sakura Kusakabe and to kill him so that he may never in the future discover immortality. Not much else is known about her past.

Weakness: Removing an Angel's halo gives them crippling Diarrhea. However, be warned, they slice and dice like a japanese samurai sword, but only when you take them off an angel. If you put it back on it doesn't cut. Sitting in the overhead bin on a bus makes her carsick. Wet towels

Likes: Bludgeoning, Red Sausage, Mayo, playing games, making people explode and turn a river red with gore, being a giant self centered asshole, fun people, bullying, getting her way, woodworking glue

Dislikes:stupid people, boring people, being groped
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 08:40:13 PM by Sinib »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #111 on: December 05, 2015, 04:44:46 PM »
Name: Adella Chapel

Race: Transcended Human

Age: 224

Height: 7’1’’/215cm

Weight: 198 lbs/90kg


With mask.

Without mask.

Generally speaking Adella is incredibly tall, largely due to the numerous self-experiments she went through as she turned herself into a walking nightmare. Her image is only mildly distorted, influenced by the inhabitants of the dream, robbing her of all colours but red. Her attire consists of a mixture of leather garments and coats, in a victorian style dress-code. She almost always wears The Jailor, so the mask, as it is her oath of repentance for her sins, to never take it off until the nightmare that keeps her and the remainders of the dreamers suffering, ends.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Incredible (Fantastic inside the nightmare, or when using the ‘Shade’ phantasm)

Constitution: Exceptional (only applies inside the nightmare)

Magic Scale

None – While her abilities are definitely supernatural, technically they are just an advanced realization of what can be considered “possible”. In effect it is a result of transcending human understanding, by achieving a new common sense, based on the realization of dreams, allowing her to represent a gateway between mind and matter, blurring the lines by forming a world from one’s mind that works as a parallel to the otherwise perceived reality.

Other Abilities:

Ascension: Adella is capable of aiding normal humans in finding something akin to ascension, transcending their human shell in various manners. The simplest, most barbaric form of this, is a treatment that immunizes them to disease, by infusing them with blood carrying the strains of certain animals, afflicting them with a form of genetic curse that will turn them into mindless monstrosities the moment they make contact with the animal-factor that has been integrated into them. Their stats would rise to a straight “incredible” in this case, with few exceptions being capable of reaching a single rank in fantastic, if they are extraordinary humans to begin with. Note that this actually requires a relatively long term treatment that requires the patient to undergo blood transfusion. It would take about a week to implement the curse into a person.
The alternative to this, is in fact far more complex requiring a long term psychological treatment, along with vials of phantasmal Solution, based on the manifested ideals of the False God. The treated person would be put to sleep on a regular basis, having the solution infused into their marrow and brains, as they’d slowly begin to form a phantasm of themselves under guidance of Adella. The first stage results in a form of lobotomy, where the patient would be only capable of uttering single words, ideals and ideas, as well as pictures and sounds associated with it. The second stage results in them turning into something akin to large ammonite, which would have something like a humanoid shape growing from itself. The final stage is then the new body, the one that had once grown from the ammonite, while the ammonite itself would turn into something of a tentacle tumor on the back of their heads. They would now be impervious to disease and only based on their own imagination, being practically immortal outside their own dream world. The side effect; they tend to lack all drive, spending their days sitting around, dreaming, as nobody of them has a dream they truly wish to flee from. This process takes roughly half a year and will turn a person into a living vegetable that will just sit there and do nothing, but be immortal. In their particular case, destroying the outgrowth on the back of their head would result in them losing their physical shape, if not made aware of the loss, so they could technically disappear physically since they forgot they existed physically.

Phantasms: Adella is capable of manifesting parts of the nightmare as phantasms, dreams given physical form, yet is limited in how extensive these phantasms can be. The general rule of thumb is: The larger the phantasm, the shorter she can maintain it. 
List of phantasms:
-   Shade: Allows her to spontaneously convert her body into a bloodied shade, based on the skies of the nightmare. This drastically increases her speed, functioning of something of a high-speed movement that renders her intangible for a second, as she moves. In effect it boosts her speed to fantastic. (Passive, only usable when Love's Excrement is active as well)

-   Love’s Excrement: Represents the sea of blood left behind by ‘Love’, in effect it drastically increases the potential range of her blades as a form of enchantment, turning them into corrosive, bleeding curses that are especially effective against conceptualized protections, but usually just melt things on a physical level. (Passive, once activated)

-   Gnawing Guilt: Manifests a gigantic dog/human hybrid’s head from her left arm for a single attack that can chew through and devour literally anything. Just… dodge. (Active, Single use)

-   Chains of Responsibility: These temporarily cause chains to sprout from her body that can allow her to tie a target to a specific object. While the chains can be evaded, being caught by them would make you dependant on outside help, as the chains would have to be severed by somebody else, before you yourself can destroy the object you are tied down to. While you are tied down however you cannot be killed, as your life would be tied to the object in question. Anyone chained in this manner, could not move from the object in question over a distance longer than ten meters. (Active, Three uses per fight)

-   Love’s Embrace: Allows her to manifest tentacles from either one of her arms as a secondary, rippling weapon that coils and recoils, while exuding the corrosive Love’s excrement. Their peculiarity is that they home in on a target without her conscious will, pursuing it with relentless obsession. They may only target one person however while active. (Passive, once activated)

-   Sheep of Purgatory: This literally manifests flame, creating a delayed aftermath to either one of her phantasms. It devours the phantasms in combustions of varying size, making her overall style very unpredictable, especially when used in tandem with Love’s Excrement. It represents Self-loathing. (Passive, once activated)

-   Untouchable Authority: This phantasm allows her to become immune against any single attack from a person physically shorter than her, once. (Active, Single Use)

Adella’s Nightmare: The nightmare is the source of her entire being, an imagined world given shape through advancing further as a human. It is her personal reality, alternative to this one and the only realm where she is technically alive. As long as she exists within the nightmare, she can endlessly project her image onto other worlds, rendering her practically immortal. Any attack directed at her material body, would be directed into the nightmare, thus rendered nil, her body's construct would however be temporarily destroyed through such attacks. She can rematerialize it within roughly an hour, or update it to nullify wounds once she realizes the projection is damaged. Adella herself simply functions as a walking gateway to the nightmare itself, yet cannot force anybody to enter, she can only force the content of the nightmare to surface into the material world for a while. This is what the so called phantasms are. What is however possible, is to enter the nightmare willingly; however that would require knowledge of the nightmare itself, to realize the potential of using her as a gateway. Adella herself will be in one of the locations inside the nightmare, which one however is random and depends entirely on Adella’s own whims. Note that the Nightmare bypasses forms of immortality, as it does not kill the body, but the mind.

Inside the nightmare, all who enter would start at the same point; a giant cemetery, where malformed corpses endlessly devour each other, whilst attempting to form a hill to reach over the cemetery’s fence. The cemetery however could only be left through the gate, guarded by Responsibility, the Executioner chained to the gate. The Executioner is a giant man, with a huge axe and a top-hat.
He can only be set free in death and only being set free will kill him.

The realm then leads further to a city complex, a tower seen in the distance. Inside the city one would be constantly chased by a variety of werewolf like beasts, but especially dogs whose entire heads are nothing but gigantic human mouths spiked with canine teeth. These mouths would finally summon Love, it not killed quickly enough. Love is a gigantic mess of tentacles, its head a massive earth-worm looking thing with rows and rows of teeth. If you get eaten, it is over as you will find yourself in an eternity of being chewed to shreds without dying.
Love will inevitably consume itself in its obsession.

The city then finally leads to a huge brilliant forest filled yard, with a tower in its center. By this time, deepest night has fallen over the dream, as you make your way through the ‘small dreamers’, harmless translucent, dimly glowing humanoid shapes that only sit there, chained to the in kind glowing trees and hum a dissonant hymn to the tower. Atop the tower sits Authority, a giant angry bird that will fuck those in the ass that do not belong, or act against the ‘rule’ of the nightmare, by staving from the intended path. Do not however insult the Authority, for the dreamers do not see kindly to disrespect of their savior.
To lift Authority one requires a higher authority.

Upon entering the tower, one will step down a staircase, seemingly endlessly, before reaching a sea of blood, where the corpses of the large dreamers plaster the thick liquid as rocks along a coastline would. Inside this excrement of Love’s affections, sits Guilt. Its left side looks like a human infant’s, its right like a hound’s. Its size is such that the infant’s pinky would be 6 feet in size. Guilt keeps feeding on both the corpses of the larger dreamers, as well as everything else within the nightmare, devouring walls, Love’s Excrement, the ceiling, guests and any other creature of the nightmare, while being in kind corroded by Love’s Excrement. However, it cannot corrode Guilt nearly as fast as it regenerates, feeding on the nightmare. Guilt will attack any that do not belong with extreme prejudice.
Guilt must not be allowed to keep gnawing!

Finally, inside the tower one will be faced by test-tubes, small dreamers running around, happily, always in circles, others creeping over the ground, crying and moaning. A staircase leads up to a large garden, atop the tower, where sunflowers grow and dip the world into a candid, white light. Only when Self-loathing enters the garden, will its flowers wilt, bleeding into the soil, turning it into a wet swamp that stinks of death.
Free her from this nightmare.

Melee mastery: In her time as a researcher and purging doctor, Adella refined her use of the blade to a level where one could call her technique itself transcendent. She can utilize movement techniques that make it almost seem as if she teleported at times and can formulate attack patterns in combination with phantasms that give the impression as if her blade was everywhere at the same time. She fights either with a single curved sword, a dirk, or dual-wielding both.


Sanguine Sancti: A mix between a curved sword, akin to a scimitar and a katana, it possesses the hilt of the former and a blade somewhere in between both, its guard is that of a katana however. Using its connection to the nightmare, the blade can allow phantasms in connection with it to be sustained indefinitely, such as the Love’s Excrement. It is the last remainder of the False God, capable of lowering that of otherwise inexplicable, inhuman status, to rational levels, by adapting its wielder’s and its own common sense to it.

Dirk: A side-arm that spawned from the dream as well, it is only really used to stab people and to direct phantasms, as well as to catch blades and disarm opponents. Pretty effective.

Jailor: The mask she is wearing, is a symbol of punishment, she will wear is for as long as the nightmare exists.


Adella was a doctor in a town-state whose name has been lost in history. Her specialty was treatment of blood-based and genetic diseases. After the town had been befallen by an epidemic that befell nearly all inhabitants and slowly caused their blood to crystallize, Adella, in cooperation with other doctors and researchers, came up with a way to cure the plague, hastily trying the treatment out on a number of volunteers, among them the son of a close friend of Adella’s.

While apparently a success, as it made the treated people immune to the disease in question, the genetic curse they had developed soon caused uproar, as the moment these people made contact with the animals their altered DNA deviated from, transformed into maddened, man-eating beasts that butchered everything surrounding them. The worst part was that those who actually had their own blood mixed with the beast’s blood turned into the same kind of monstrosities only days after the fact.

Being forced to establish counter-measures Adella was announced the leader of the purging squads, which were to hunt down, kill and burn the beasts ravaging the town. At the same time they develop a new means of getting around this disaster. Being forced to kill the people she had desired to help, brought Adella into an internal conflict, as, as much as she hated it, the rush of blood she could feel in her veins was undeniable when she slaughtered them.

Worse, the means they now used to experiment on people were nothing short of monstrous. Her idea had not been to make them incapable of living, but to make them live their dreams! But what did that matter? The authorities had ordered her, she had to continue… cowardly as it was. She turned her best friend into a vegetable, a babbling, drooling fool that only talked about the sounds of birds… then the growths came, she turned into a monster. Yet another monster, but one that lacked all beasthood , so they called it a success. She had not wished for any of this… but she could not stop now. They had not created the False God from these poor souls for nothing. Julia’s dreams would live on inside the God.

But they did not; instead the False God turned the dreamers into his own kin, transforming the city into a pulsating, festering horror, after consuming all its inhabitants, including the authorities. Only Adella remained… and she knew that she could not physically kill a dream, so she… created her own nightmare, forced herself to relive these events, her own feelings and disasters put into a condensed form, again… and again… by merging herself with the dreamers. So she created the Nightmare, the genocide and prison of the dreamers and the False Demon, opposing the False God, until the God’s dreams were devoured and its form locked inside her killing tool, for a God’s mind could not simply be slain, it could only be given a new form.

Since then she kept living, dreaming, and fighting herself through the nightmarish world she could not ever escape from, whenever attempting to sleep. She could not die, she could not eat, she could not drink, nor feel pleasure. She could only feel the nightmare closing in, to announce a new torment.

Entering her nightmare enables you to kill her by any conventional means. Inside the nightmare she is just as prone to being targeted by its horrors as any person ‘invading’ it, however instead of killing her, they would jump her to torture her, which would still include dismemberment, being chewed to bits and worse, she can however not be killed by her own nightmare.

Likes: Helping people, killing people, killing beasts, helping beasts become human again, killing humans that were once beast, hurting, harming, dying, popsicles.

Dislikes: Killing people, following orders, loving to harm others, pleasure, failing to save others, chocolate, living forever.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 05:58:41 PM by Adella »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #112 on: December 07, 2015, 06:31:36 AM »
Name: Alpha-05

Race: Prime Field Device

Birthday: April first

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 54 kilogram


This is a better shot of the murakumo robes
Spoiler for Hiden:
This is her in her standard outfit
Spoiler for Hiden:
This is her in her second set of clothes
Spoiler for Hiden:
This is her with her murakumo unit active
Spoiler for Hiden:
And with her boyfriend.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magical Abilities: No
Ars magus: Utilizing ars magus, a combination of magic and THE POWER OF SCIENCE, Alpha can do such things as create barriers to protect herself, conceal herself and create a small short-period (less than a second) surface in the air to either jump a second time or dash forward or back.

She can also use them to crush barriers of kinds both magical and ars magus. She managed to destroy a true magic barrier created by Rachel, though it was from the outside.

This uses seithr.

Other Abilities:

Azure Grimoire: A part of the black beast, molded to fit Alpha’s right arm. Through it she can pull out what seems like parts of the black beast to assault her enemies, or sometimes just use its raw power to increase her attacks.

Activating it gives her a big increase in power, and lets her absorb her enemy’s life force with greater damage to health ratio.

Being a miniature cauldron, the blazblue is a direct link to the boundary, which is where it gets all of its juice.

Activating the azure grimoire changes her statline to Fantastic/Incredible/Incredible.

Interface Prime Field Device: An interface prime field device is made to explore the boundary and find god. Therefore she is Immune to seithr and has an incredibly high ability to process information. This allows her to transform a normally incomprehensible scenario into something she can sense with her traditional five senses, and through the process she does not go insane.

Observation: It’s like, does a tree make a sound in the forest if no one’s around to hear it? She can see and hear every single falling tree in desolate forests, and choose the only one that makes noise.

It’s that kinda thing.

Murakumo Unit: Lux Sanctus Murakumo is a nox nyctores, a causality weapon, that gives her the ability to change costume like a magical girl, and shit swords. But due to her condition of the azures, her sword shitting abilities are incapacitated and instead she just has 8 swords that are bigger than the other murakumo’s, and turn into blood scythes. Well that and the swords she has stuck to her legs and arms, which help with her figure skating career.

It also lets her make a gravity well type of thing, that wells gravity. Slows shit down and stuff. If you hit her while she has a gravity well open, they go away like a shy child seeing mommy get beat up by the gym teacher.

She can also combine her 8 swords, either independently or all together at once, to make bigger blood scythes.

She also has eleven strobing lights on her murakumo unit outfit.

As a murakumo, she’s always kinda floating. Like, when she walks, she’s floating around, barely scraping her sword feet on the ground.

Once in murakumo mode, her statline is Fantastic/Incredible/Incredible.

Murakumo/Azure Grimoire addendum: They don’t work well together. On a more stable unit, she would have gotten straight high fantastics, but because of her imperfect smelting, imperfect azure grimoire and the fact she’s a hiccup in the continuum shift, her statline just becomes Fantastic(on an incredibly high level)/Incredible/Incredible.

Astral Finish: Bloodedge Emporium. She hits the enemy into the air with her own, non-murakumo blood scythe, and then flows up by consecutively attacking with her 8 murakumo blood scythes, and once her enemy is sufficiently weakened and depleted, she combines them all for a giant blood scythe guillotine attack.

And then she strikes a pose.

Figure Skating: taken up as a hobby post-smelting.

Equipment: The REAL blood scythe: A non-murakumo blood scythe that is real as can be, obtained through time shenanigans. It’s a big old sword machete looking thing that turns into a scythe. It’s all edgy and has blood in the name.

Original do not steal.

Her other set of clothes: She only has two sets of clothes, one her red and black edgy outfit, and one a spare she got from makoto during an incident with the spectacles of eros.

Origin: In west Philadelphia born and raised, in the lab is where she spent most of her days, getting tested on, takin drugs and being all cool, until a cat broke them out, and took them to school.

I’d keep going like that but I can’t, so let me just quit the chant. They went to the church where Celica was at, and they made a happy family, complete with welcome mat. But everything changed when Hazama came by, said hello to celica and stabbed her in the eye. He laughed at them all, stole jin and saya, then chopped her arm, oh poor little alpha.

Wait that rhyme’s  terrible.

Anyway her arm gets cut off, some dumb vampire gives her a prosthetic black evil arm thing, and then brings her to a cat where she learns how to fight like a real pussy. For some reason though, during the entirety of training, both Rachel and Jubei kept giving Alpha strange looks.

And so she went off, her training done, to flatten some NOL bases and shit. It was super sugoi. Eventually she got to Katgutsuchi, where the pussy master came by to give her a warning about public penetration (through Hakumen). So she went in though the railway, fought Rachel for a bit, fought a big hentai doujin blob, fought her creepy brother Jin who was trying to grab her ass the entire fight, went to go fight Hakumen who for some strange reason kept feeling very awkward about grabbing her for combos. Then she fought nu, which was somehow even more sexually awkward than the other two.

But after some double penetration from Nu, Noel came in and saved the day, and she and alpha a dang good time! Until Hazama came by, laughed for a while, and then kinda kicked everyone around, and left with a content smile, for her is a nice man with a nice, charming smile, and alpha found herself falling in love with the idea of kicking his face in. Because she’s a bully who destroys smiles.

Then a laser hits the city or something.

Rachel bring noel and Alpha to the surface, where they decide to stick together for a bit, and figure out all this nonsense and Noel being the successor to the azure. They decide that hazama must be plotting something, and to lay low for a while in the Kaka village with their brohomey Taokaka. During this time, Bang sheltered a wounded Jin with a broken wrist, and Makoto managed to reunite with Noel and Alpha in the super basement. Noticing the poor condition of Alpha’s clothes, she offered to fix them, and in the meantime gave her a set of her own.

This delay of a few days is enough for Kokonoe to call in support from Kagura. It is also enough time for Hazama to find Alpha and the gang through Tsubaki, forcing Noel to fight her old friend, chasing after her once she loses her light while Alpha chased down the real Hazama, because she decided to throw Rachel’s warnings to the wind.

So Alpha fights Hazama, her Blazblue locked down as Lambda and Tager watch in the distance, waiting for a chance to strike, until Hazama gets fed up with this world and fighting this dumb bitch, so he chucks her in the altar instead of noel, as a kind of test run.

! No longer available

Alpha comes out, as a Murakumo unit, with nothing but hatred aimed towards the world in her heart. But, because she can’t phase through fucking concrete like some other world’s noel, she just decides to make her way down to the cauldron the old fashion way, by slam dunking every asshole in her way, starting with the man she hates most of all.

With both the power of the azure and the power of a murakumo, Alpha becomes a weapon to surpass Hazama, and completely destroys him over and over again, incapable of leaving until he is dead, which his lifelink with Noel made impossible.

In this moment, Kokonoe saw her chance and sent in Lambda to finish Terumi, but Alpha was having none of that and did a full turn around and blood scythed her without aiming. Lambda, failing, received final instructions from Kokonoe to give the Idea engine to her ally, who had just entered the plateau.

That man’s name was Kagura Mutsuki.

Realizing the threat to the world and the incapability of fulfilling her goal of killing Terumi, Kokonoe orders Scooby and the gang to incapacitate Alpha to fight another day. Tager and Kagura do a good job of fighting her, but Kagura, a deep romantic of the school of “if it’s a girl it’s okay”, decides there must be a way to save her, and Terumi gave him that chance. While Tager was holding Alpha in a Gigantic Tager Driver, Terumi told Kagura to reverse the flow of the idea engine while he sends forward all the power from his azure grimoire of a body towards her, nullifying the mental effects of the smelting through the soul-damaging properties of the azure. They successfully manage this triple man assault, as Terumi poured his azure power into her and Kagura pulled it out and nullified its effects, causing him to lose an arm, and for Terumi to go limp for a couple of days, long enough for Kokonoe to make a restraining device, and for Alpha to beat him into being her bitch, of sorts.

As thanks for saving her from the mental effects of the smelting, Alpha let Kagura take her out on a date. Despite his tendency to stare at the waitress a bit too long, he was a true gentleman all the way through to the pocky game.

She may or may not be the direct product of a continuum shift where Ragna and Nu fell into the cauldron, but during their worldwide rampage spent the entire time doing it like rabbits, and Alpha is their offspring experimented on. It's just a theory. A sexy theory.

Weakness: Ghosts, the unstable nature of the azure, her imperfect smelting affects her mentally in murakumo mode, making her far more aggressive and easier to counter predict and counter, she is much slower than standard murakumo units

Likes: Noel, Makoto’s tail, noodles, the nun who raised her, the nun who raised her’s gym shorts, Jubei, Kagura

Dislikes: Jin’s attempts at grabbing her butt, Hakumen’s awkwardness in combat, Terumi, ghosts, Rachel

I made all the pictures except one canon. I have failed.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 04:11:44 AM by NamesAreHardToComeUpWith »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #113 on: December 07, 2015, 06:30:14 PM »
Name: Garou XIII


Age: 666 years old (21)

Height: Average I guess?

Weight:  As heavy as a FITNESS should be.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible (Maximum OVEREDGE can boost this to Fantastic)

Agility: Incredible (Maximum OVEREDGE can boost this to Fantastic)

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Scale: Low but specialized in blood thanks to shonen training arcs and modifications.

Bloodbending: Despite his okay-ish mahout family line, Garou is an utter shitter at being a maho shoujo. However, he has a rather excellent affinity with blood magic, also known as the magic of bleeding a lot. This along with the experiments that resulted in BODY MODIFICATIONS gives him the ability to control his blood and shape it into practically anything. His preferred technique would be to simply crap bloody thorns out of his body, which hurts like a fuckton normally but less if he already hurts like a fuckton.

He can also make some binds that take time to set up and require prolonged lewd hand holding. Binds that happen to constrict like a motherfucking boa. He can also kinda ignite his blood to make it explode weakly, like a crappy grenade, but using it on his own body would be retarded so he won’t. Blood that he is spewing all over is fair game.

However, his one impressive technique would be OVEREDGE

Overedge: A sadomasochistical blood magic curse that revolves around empowering one’s body trough getting it wrecked. Blood is the essence of life, the loss of it meaning death. Not his of course, but yours! The more he is beat, broken and bloody, the stronger he will get up, the amount of asskicking proportional to how kicked his ass is. While a few good punches will only make him slightly stronger, utterly wrecking him without finishing him off for good will result in an utter monster annihilating your shit.

Other Abilities:

Ultimate Survivor Garou-kun: Due to his body’s unique properties, Garou possesses utterly ridiculous amounts of Shonen Power™. Even if given the Ra-Ra-Rasputin Russia’s Greatest Love Machine Treatment™ , he will keep getting up and fight like nothing. Smashed ribs, torn lungs, minced kidneys, Swiss cheese bullet holes and sliced ham slashes will not kill him outright unless his vitals are touched. It’s as if he was an immortal vampire, except he’s just a poser. This also gives him unnatural resistance to pain and faster recovery than any human.

Sensational: Garou, being a good puppy, trained very hard to see, smell, hear and taste better than a normal man. His perception is like a hawk’s, his scent like a dogs and his hearing like a cat’s. Cats have good hearing, right? It means he can smell your last night’s shame and regret from a mile away basically.

Twisted: The ability to contort and shape one’s body to impossible degrees at will. Twisting or bending any part Garou’s body will prove useless. Its basically like being double triple super jointed. Weirdly enough, Garou uses this to his fullest advantage, dodging and striking from impossible and unpredictable directions and angles like a snake, only not as scaly. He has yet to lose a game of twister.

Genius Combatant and Martial Artist: Garou is an extremely skilled fighter and martial artist who adapts to combat and uses the advantage of the opponent’s weak spots to give himself the upper hand in fights. He jobs holds back at first, studying his opponents and their fighting style, movements and patterns while getting fisted and waiting until they tire or show an opening. Then, with his asspull bullshit shonen power OVEREDGE and monstrously feral martial arts, he can turn the tables and crush his enemy.


Shades: As if the pale complexion, blood mojo, fangs and white hair didn’t give it away, Garou felt the need to buy sunglasses to hide his vampiric red eyes that are really just Halloween contacts.

Halloween contacts: Eye contacts to have his eyes look spooky and vampirish.

Butterfly knife: To peel apples in the middle of the night.

Origin:  Garou was always the odd one out. In the lone town of New Jersey, blessed with any talent, he was neither strong, nor smart, nor beautiful nor good at anything in particular. However, he always had a liking for comics, especially super heroes. Except Aquaman. Oh, but unlike the other children, he did not root for the heroes. He admired the villains, the monsters who always tried their and despite always losing to the unfair heroes, always stood back up.

Unwilling to accept the status quo, Garou resolved to become the strongest monster and never lose, and to change the scenario. So he worked harder than anyone, struggled more than anyone and even went as far as enrolling in a superhuman project experiment for the sake of becoming that monstruous ideal. He would defeat the Shonen heroes by outshonening him!

And then he awakened one day to some strange city. Well, every Gotham needs a Batman, and every Batman needs a Joker.

He would do.
Weakness: Funnily enough, Garou is actually considerably weaker when in top notch form than when beat up, so rend him unable to move and go for methods that don’t necessarily result in harm. Use the power of love. Or you can just go for the limbs, so it doesn’t matter if he gets stronger since he won’t be able to hit shit. Well, I guess he could try to bite, but you get the point. He also put the whole monster façade above practicality, behaving like a comic book villain and an outright vampire for the sake of it. He also has a softer spot that can be taken advantage of, and he has an actual no kill policy. Finally, his cocky bullshit can come back to bite him in the ass.

Likes:  The thrill of the hunt, monsters, scary things (especially movies), the ‘villains’ (the ugly, weak losers who fail and fall but always get back up to fight the strong, misfortunate people, shonen jump, beautiful, likeable heroes), protecting his nakama, tomato juice, ‘ugly’ things.

Dislikes: The strong, the beautiful, the smart, the pretty, the over achieving people, the likeable people, those who never have anything wrong or unfair happen, the unfair heroes who trample on the ambitions of the monsters, shonen jump, goody two shoes, the useless heroes who can’t even protect anything, hypocrites, heroism, Marvel and DC, Batman.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 04:51:41 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #114 on: December 07, 2015, 08:16:04 PM »
Name: Annabeth Miller

Race: Human

Age: Mid to late twenties

Height: 5'10"

Weight: That’s a nice grave over there, sure it ain’t yours?


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:


A supernatural ability mostly used by Hunters in the world she’s from. Nen is the life force inherent in all humans and a user can project this in what’s known as “aura”. There are 4 basics techniques known as: Ten, Zetsu, Ren and Hatsu. Furthermore there are several categories among Nen users which reflect the nature of their ability. Annabeth is an Emitter, and thus specializes in maintaining her aura at a distance from her body.

Aura is by default invisible to mundane people. Furthermore a Hunter surrounded by Aura is harder to harm by mundane means. While possible, it is much harder than if the opponent were to be empowered by Nen or something equivalent. Finally a user of Nen will have an oppressive, almost crushing presence on mundanes who are really close when actively using their abilities. Prolonged exposures are lethal.

Ten is the basics of all basics, it revolves around controlling the flow of your aura and finding your Nen. It also has a passive effect of slowing the rate of aging among practitioners

Zetsu is a state in which you draw all aura inside yourself, effectively becoming a blank to anyone trying to sense you, however this is not an invisibility technique, people can still see you.

Ren is an active reinforcement of your aura which in turn enhances your strength and your defense. However this state is draining to maintain for long periods of time and even more so in combat.

Hatsu the final part of the basic techniques and is most simply explained as the expression of a person’s individuality through their Nen. It’s special techniques that are in most cases unique to their creator. The nature of these techniques highly depend on the category of the Nen user.

Advanced techniques:

En is an expansion of the users aura to cover a large area in which the user can intimately feel every moment of every being within it. It’s usually only usable when the user is standing still and concentrating. Annabeth can cover an area within a radius of 50 m.

In, which is the advanced version of Zetsu allows you to mask your aura, rendering it invisible even to supernatural beings. It can however be countered by Gyo or something similar to it.

Gyo is a technique in which the Hunter focuses their aura into their eyes, reinforcing their overall vision and also allowing them to see through the invisibility of In.

One-Eyed Jack: A horse made from Annabeth’s Nen that is significantly faster and stronger than her, leaves blazing trails in its wake, and can fly. It isn’t much hardier than her, however, and it will be dispelled if it takes enough damage.

One-Eyed Jack: Inc/Fan/Inc

Wolf-Blooded Healing: Due to repeated exposure, for lack of a better term, to Ron, Annabeth has developed a minor healing factor of her own, though it's not much help when dealing with anything above minor injuries in the midst of a battle.

Enhanced Senses: Annabeth possesses seemingly inhuman level of acuity, to the point where she can easily carry out a firefight in the dark or in a similar situation.

Skilled bounty hunter: Even before she took the exam, Annabeth was a master at tracking her quarry, usually people, without drawing notice, and also in spotting anyone tailing her.

Furthermore, she’s skilled with a number of rudimentary traps, though it usually takes her too long to set them for her to rely on them unless she’s luring a target into an area she’s prepared beforehand.

Marksmanship: Annabeth is extremely skilled, even in comparison to most ‘experts’, as a marksman and gunslinger, her skill making her lethal at any range with most kinds of firearms.

Survival training: Due to her upbringing and her career path, Annabeth is easily capable of surviving in inhospitable climates and locales.


Colt .45 ‘Peacemaker’: Will put a man down at a hundred yards.

S&W Model 500: Will put a man down, followed by the next few people unfortunate enough to be standing close behind him.

Bowie Knife: They say it’s just a big knife, but it’s useful for spit-roasting, peeling, shaving, and more! Whoever says this ain’t a utility knife is lying out their ass.

Hunter License: Fancy card with fancy words, and that’s about it. Opens a lot of doors though.

Origin: This is the story of a girl. She was born in a simple little town in a nameless waste, to a loving mother and father. Even in the lawless wastes of her home town, she found she was quite happy. One day, she came back home after playing a game of cowboy with her friends, but instead of the usual greeting, all she saw was blood. Someone had killed her parents in cold blood.

Vowing she would find the killer and make him pay, she realized all too soon she couldn’t reach him that way; She was simply too weak. One day, she heard of an association with money and power enough to help her get what she wanted. And so, she decided she would join them and become a Hunter.

And she did, and one day she found that man. And just as he had killed her parents, she shot him in cold blood, moving to Meteor City soon afterwards to lay low. But she eventually came to realize, she never knew why he did that. And now she would never know the truth. This realization drove her mad, the guilt and regret of that careless action, that fleeting instant where rage overtook her.

And so, she swore to herself she would never repeat that mistake. She decided to hunt down criminals, not for justice or for money, but for her quest for truth. Ending up in Nexus City did nothing to change that, aside from providing a new ground for hunting her quarry.

Weakness: Annabeth also has a habit of ignoring more subtle, efficient methods for the sake of more bombastic solutions. Furthermore, she lacks much in the way of skill in close combat. Standard human weaknesses.

One-Eyed Jack, while fast and powerful, is limited by its physiology and thus isn’t as acrobatic as most people with Fantastic agility.

Her new ability comes at a price. Wounds caused by silver weapons are especially difficult to heal, and even contact with silver provokes a visible rash.

Likes: Meteor City, personal freedom, most animals, card games, sweets, strong coffee, baked goods, good booze, the Phantom Troupe

Dislikes: Self-righteous idiots, bitter foods, children’s card games, the booze being gone, having to come up with names for stuff
« Last Edit: April 25, 2017, 11:39:29 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #115 on: December 07, 2015, 09:56:19 PM »
Name: Kagura Mutsuki

Race: Human

Birthday: January 15

Height: 187 CM

Weight: 83kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Scale: None
Kagura has no aptitude for magic, he instead uses Ars Magus like most other people from his universe instead. While the end result may be nearly identical to many kinds of magic, Ars Magus is fundamentally different from it.

The first notable difference is its use of seithr as opposed to mana. Seithr was released in large quantities into the world during the Dark War by the Black Beast, an immeasurably strong monster that wiped out nearly half of the world’s population. Seithr is harmless to humans in small quantities, but in larger dosages it is a highly toxic substance that is lethal to humans and mutates animals into powerful and aggressive monsters.

Ars Magus was developed by the Great Sage Nine during the Dark War to allow humans to utilize the powers associated with magic in order to fight the Black Beast, which was completely immune to conventional weapons. Humans were unable to manipulate magic in its base form, and after a great deal of research, Ars Magus was developed to circumvent this problem.

By using science to manipulate the vast quantities of seithr that leaked from the body of the Black Beast as a fuel source, a user can generate a vast number of effects. In order to activate an Ars Magus, one has to recite an “Ars,” or spell.

Some people have higher aptitude than others in the use of Ars Magus. For example, to activate a specific Ars, the average person would require twenty units of seithr while someone with a high aptitude for it might require only ten, or even five units to achieve the same effect.

He uses these powers in nearly all of his attacks, and can also use them to create barriers, small platforms to jump off, and other various effects. Almost all of the ars that he uses in combat are draconic in nature, and he uses them all to great effect in tandem with his sword.

Other Abilities:

God of Lame Pick-Up Lines
Kagura is a master of the art of picking up girls. He can reliably pick up the ladies with even the lames of pick up lines. His innate natural charm makes them not make a girl think they're stupid, instead they find them oddly charming.


Kagura’s Sword: It’s unnamed, and is a gigantic beast of a sword. Even though it's unweildy, Kagura knows how to use it to its maximum effect and can inflict intense damage with it by combining it with his dragon-themed ars magus.

Origin: Kagura is the leader of the Duodecum, the elites of the elites of the NOL. He worked with Kokonoe to overthrow the government and all that fun stuff in Chronophantasma, and has since been pulled into the Nexus.

Weakness: Women, Hangovers, Things not going according to plan

Likes: The Ladies, Makoto, Noel, being an upstanding gentleman, Alcohol, fishing

Dislikes: matters that are unclear, Azrael, Terumi, the Imperator
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 03:49:13 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #116 on: December 13, 2015, 09:53:48 PM »
Name: Oren

Race: Formless One

Age: 100+

Height: 5’6

Weight: 130 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Fae: Oren first assumed the shape of a Fae and all the power that comes with it. While thought of as magical such an idea is as correct as calling a werewolf shifting form or a dragon breathing fire magic. What they do clearly defies natural law and can be considered as ‘magic’ in that same sense but it has little reliance on mana or spells. Their power comes from belief. The truth they sing into the world from their mysterious Gardens; the only world they recognize as the true one. Since everything else is but an illusion Oren can sing, speak, and dance with the truth of the Gardens to enforce this power over the false world.

This is what allows Oren to sing the skin off of dead beings and infuse the pelts with the power to transform whatever wears them into said creature until they wish to remove it. She can press lesser spirits into plants, animals, or even the land itself. With words more dexterous than any set of hands she can shape wood and carve cold stone and metal. Plants can be forced to take on the characteristics of flora from the Garden and bear mystical fruit as well.  Oren can even shape herself into the opposite gender or cause minor cosmetic changes but nothing as drastic as her shapeshifting.  But the best of all is her dancing. Fluid and wild, mortals and immortals alike can forget themselves in the rhythmic movements if they lack the will or desire to resist. The motions are pleasant and the silent symphony they dance to is intoxicating. Unfortunate humans drawn into the dance by Fae are sometimes only released as nothing but bones.

Shapeshifter: The Formless Ones, as their name clearly says, lack any form. From the hides and bodies of creatures with shape they learn how to emulate and take on multiple masks to hide under. This is not magic; it is a natural ability that any Formless One can use no matter the circumstances. The transformation goes beyond simple shape. Oren truly takes the place of that creature in the natural world perfectly, possessing whatever power the creature had. It is widely understood that shifting in form takes longer depending on the size or complexity of the creature. While it isn’t slow the greater forms are not usable in combat without leaving herself incredibly vulnerable. Oren can acquire new forms by wrapping herself in the skin or body of a creature. Her base form is that of a wayward Fae who met a rather unfortunate end at the ends of of a few cold iron swords. All of her forms strike at flesh and spirit alike as they are more than simple shapes. Each steps into the realm of the fantastic. It is nearly impossible to tell a transformed Oren apart from the actual specimen. Even her soul seems to emulate it although closer examination on a spiritual level reveals slight inconsistencies.


Strength: Incredible
Agility: Amazing
Constitution: Incredible

The Lycan is a form that Oren acquired when she skinned a werewolf she initiated the creation of. It is one she can shift into and out of effortlessly from her Fae form. Not only is it stronger and more durable than she usually is but this form has extraordinary senses and tracking capabilities. Tracking a target even in a city is possible and it is capable of seeing in the dark. However, very potent scents can throw it off track and distract Oren while in this form. It does not have powerful regeneration but wounds stop bleeding much quicker than they would normally which stops bleeding out from being a large concern. As its name implies the Lycan form can either move on all fours or on two.

Great Stag:

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Fantastic
Constitution: Incredible

It is a sin beyond measure that this creature was ever slain. In admiration of it Oren convinced the hunters of several villages to hunt this lord of the wild. It took decades but eventually it was murdered by magic. She wore its hide after killing the survivors and took its form as its own.

The Great Stags are known as the lords of the forest, however, they are not called so for their combat abilities. At best it is capable of trampling and charging into other creatures. The power of this form comes from its ability to rejuvenate and restore nature. Wherever her hoofs tread nature blooms no matter where or how impossible it may seem. With a noble nod of its head plants burst into full bloom even in the worst of conditions and resist both dreadful heat and terrible chill. When it runs near a body of water the current abandons its path to join her and stifle the flames bothering it. A power frequently used to save burning forests. With her breath she can blast away pollution and plague. They are really more custodians than lords.

World Parasite:

Strength: Human
Agility: Human
Constitution: Incredible

This filthy thing was something that the denizens of the forest took care of themselves. Oren simply made use of its carcass in order to grant herself better sustainability. Writhing about on the earth like a worm this shape makes use of its appendages to sink into the earth and drain life from the life force of the world. While this does sound rather frightening they are functionally the ticks of the planet. Not only do they sustain themselves but they can also accelerate their healing greatly by doing this which is the primary reason for Oren’s use of this form. However, as it does take a little longer to go into this form and the tendrils can be cut off along with the fact that the World Parasite is practically defenseless she is highly vulnerable in this state.

Sea Dragon:

Strength: Fantastic
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible

While dragons are generally rather powerful this particular specimen betrayed the Domain of Fire and suffered a loss of strength when converting to the Domain of Water. Oren took its shape during one of her adventures outside the forest when dragon hunters slew it. She convinced the native spirits to play with the hunters and they were soon lost as she assumed power over the body.

The sea dragon can survive in any body of water and while it is capable of going on land (with great effort as its arms can barely support its body) its scales quickly dry up and flake off as it is not a very potent specimen. Within the water the sea dragon is an excellent swimmer and can survive tremendous pressure on its body. From its mouth it can release a torrent of pressurized water (hydro pump!!!) at opponents but can tone down the potency so that it’s more like a hose than an attack.

LAND SHARK Earth Dragon:

Strength: Fantastic
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible

A dragon born into the Domain of the Earth this creature was slain by its successor and its corpse defiled by Oren despite the sacred rites placed upon it. It is physically the most powerful and durable of all of Oren’s forms. The only truly vulnerable part of its body are the eyes. It is also very heat resistant as earth dragons are often found resting in lava.

The greatest power of the earth dragons are their ability to ‘swim’ through the earth. As its custodian the earth bends to this form and allows Oren to move through the ground without practically any resistance which allows her to move at full speed. Those holding onto her while she goes under can experience flowing through the earth but if they let go it will return to normal around them. To compensate for lack of sight while under the ground the earth will inform her of those that rest their feet upon it so that she can reliably pick targets and not devour her allies. On accident anyways.

While not the most adaptable of dragonkind the mages of the dragon hunters and their repeated assault on the earth dragon has led to its body growing resistant to magic (MR - Medium). It is nothing compared to the greater dragons of water but is is sufficient. Before its death it devoured warrior and sorcerer in almost equal measure.

Origin: As a Formless One Oren, like many of her kind, seek shapes to hide their naked self. First was the Fae but she took more and more until she felt fairly comfortable in her skins. She made a name for herself in the forest the Fae came from but frequently ventured out to examine humans. She peeked under their masks to see who they really were by heaping choice upon them. It was her delight to slam her fists against every facade as she asked them for their truth.

Weakness: In her normal form Oren is still vulnerable to things like cold iron, in her Lycan form she carries an aversion to silver, her water dragon form suffers more when struck by extreme heat or fire, and her parasitic form is vulnerable. When transforming into larger or more powerful forms the shift takes longer and leaves her totally defenseless with damage resistance little better than her base form. In combat this makes transforming near suicidal.

Likes: New forms, flattery, pretty girls, drinking mystical berries under the moonlight, making mortals show their true faces

Dislikes: Losing what's hers, having to use parasite form, bad food, heavy rain, mishandling the antlers
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 07:40:25 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #117 on: December 14, 2015, 12:41:13 AM »
Name: Chiasm

Race: Spirit (Deep sea)

Age: 400+ Not clear.

Height: Variable, usually 5’3’’

Weight: about 400 lbs but can reach about 50 times that, so about 20000 lbs, or about 9-10 tons.

Appearance: As she can alter her form, roughly her features can change rather drastically, but her neutral shape looks roughly like this.

Or alternatively sometimes, like this…

In short, she always appears unnaturally pale, with relatively bright almost glowing eyes. Her hair goes from shades of grey, to white or black, depending on her mood and she sometimes dons horns, sometimes does not. Clothing too is rather vague as it is technically part of her body as well, so while she might appear clothed at one point she’d appear butt naked at another, whilst being naked, strictly speaking, all the time. Using your own body for clothes is not really being dressed after all. She does however stick to feminine shapes, if only because she took her form based on a drowned woman and uses it as the basic template for her various ‘forms’.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible (Fantastic for Maws, or when Shark)

Agility: Exceptional (Shark form: Human (On land), Fantastic (in water).)

Constitution: Incredible.

Other Abilities:

Endless Maws: She loves to grow shark-like maws the size of cars from her body, in order to eat things. These maws possess tremendous power (fantastic) and can chew through just about anything they can physically bite. What they swallow goes right into her belly, where it will be either decomposed or repurposed. The maws possess a lot of mass so generating them takes her a few seconds, as she has to multiply her mass first. Altogether she can grow about five of these things and they can extend to a length of fifteen meters each, with a head of about 3-4 meters in size.

Shapeshifting: This ability just describes her ability to take on the rough shape of most objects and any female humanoid, as well as some underwater animals she has seen before. This includes a shark, other fishes, but also an octopus and even a star-fish. In case of the shark her strength rises to that of one of her Maws, while in her shark shape, as it would be an absolutely massive shark with a size of roughly twenty meters. However, it would also drop her agility to human, unless in water, in that case it’d become Incredible. The other shapes put no real changes on her stats but allow her to… improvise more. In addition to this, she is capable of growing tentacles, tendrils or other additional appendages at a moment’s notice, allowing her to add up to 100 tentacles of adjustable length to her repertoire of limbs.

Mass Alteration: While atypical, she possesses the ability to drastically add or take from her overall mass. This is largely based on her ability to multiply her body-mass to roughly 100 times the original. Now, while this does make her almost invulnerable to most physical attacks, anything that actually severs mass from her body could become a problem, especially attacks that cause water to turn to vapor or do mass scale damage. Simply because it’d rip her body to pieces or just… make it go poof.

Vomiting: Yep, she can vomit out what she ate. This ability ties in with her ability to crush-crumble and even dissolve almost anything she eats, compressing it into a form of everything-waste, which she can either shoot with high water-pressure as projectiles, or just vomit out in a flood of iron, stone and whatever else she has eaten since her last puking session. She can eat about five tons of material.

Equipment: N/A

Origin: Her story is actually rather simplistic and kind of stupid… she is a spirit responsible for guarding the depths, conceived by the world itself. Being more of a ‘will’ of the ocean than anything else, getting in touch with a drowning diver… was actually a very unfamiliar experience to her. It had apparently been some form of mage, or magus… whatever they called themselves. However, when she ate her, devouring her in the bowels of the ocean, she learnt about a world beyond the abyss. So… for no real reason, other than out of a curiosity that had delved into her upon assimilating the human, she moved out of her home, her guarding place… searching for new experiences akin to this little human’s… which inevitably lead her to the nexus, for better or worse, where she found herself in a sewerage… fun.

Weakness: Great heat sources capable of making even large amounts of water vaporize. Net-like surfaces with sharp edges, as she’d literally slip through them, as well as ice… as it could freezer her, duh.

Likes: Playing around with things, researching new creatures and… things, studying people, eating, eating, drinking, drinking, breaking stuff, fixing stuff, plugging things up.

Dislikes: Being heated up, being frozen, being prevented from having fun, people without a  sense of humour, prudes, people trying to walk into her, or people who randomly stick their hands into her body.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 08:49:20 PM by Adella »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #118 on: December 14, 2015, 05:07:37 AM »
Name: Corbin A. Winterborne

Race: Ascended Dhampir (He feeds on vampires, yo.)

Age: 664 (Physically looks late teens-early twenties)

Height: 5’11

Weight: 154


Corbin is tall with a lean build.  He has a very lovely face that is able to turn heads.  Generally wears sensible clothing: jeans, T-shirt and his black leather motorcycle jacket.  His bangs are long while the rest of his hair is generally nicely trimmed.

He has aquamarine eyes and if the light hits his hair the right way, the black has a bit of green iridescence, just like a crow’s feathers.

He's literally a very pretty boy.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible (Fantastic under Blood Fury)

Agility: Incredible (Fantastic under Blood Fury)

Constitution: Incredible (Human under Blood Fury)

Other Abilities:
Blood Fury: When Corbin is cornered, injured, or his blood lust heavily invoked he can enter a frenzied state where his strength and agility go to Fantastic.  However, he’s physically more fragile in this state as well.  His durability drops all the way down to Human.  If he cannot get a decent supply of vampiric blood after going into Blood Fury his body starts to cannibalize itself until he can feed.  If he goes longer than 24 hours without feeding, he can slip into a comatose state. 

He cannot keep up the Blood Fury for an extended period of time either.  Anything after five minutes he exhausts himself, and he reverts back to his normal state.  However, without feeding his durability stays at Human.

Like a Photograph: Corbin possesses a photographic memory. If he sees it, he remembers it.  However if he just hears something it is not clearly recalled. 

Crow and Wolf:  From embracing is vampire half, he has also gained the ability to shape shift into the avian and mammalian predator of his choice.  He can turn into a crow and a wolf.  The crow is slightly larger an average crow, while the wolf is equivalent to his size and body weight.  The only noticeable odd thing about these forms is that they keep his aquamarine eyes. 

His crow form really doesn’t have any special abilities, but he is much faster and stronger than a normal wolf when he is in that form.  His bite is even more powerful than a normal wolf’s as well.

Animal Magnetism: He can communicate with both crows and wolves.  Since dogs are descended from wolves, he can also communicate with dogs as well.  Any other animal he’s as clueless as any normal person.  (“Especially cats.  Jerky buggers.”)

Agony and Ecstasy: If he bites a vampire, he can control what the vampire feels when he feeds.  He can make it euphoric, orgasmic, a drunken, peaceful sensation, or he can cause hallucinations or crippling pain.

Flight: Even in his human form, he can fly.  Not at super speeds or anything like that, but he can defy gravity.  He doesn’t like doing it too much because it costs energy to do so.

Linguistics: Because he’s traveled as a vampire hunter for so many years, he can speak English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Romanian, Latin, Portuguese, and Italian.  Since he’s never really been to Asia (“A sore thumb would stand out less than me there.”), so he doesn’t speak really any Asian languages other than Russian, because technically part of Russia goes into Asia.

Crows Actually Use Tools Too: Corbin likes to tinker with things.  A lot.  He likes to take things apart, fix them, and improve upon them.  It’s something he’s gotten really good at during the ages. 

He’s especially good at fixing things with motors that were made before the year 2010.

Veteran Vampire Hunter:  Corbin has been vampire hunting for a long time and had one hell of a teacher.  Because of this, he is more than a little proficient in both unarmed and armed combat.  He knows his way around swords, fire arms, bows, axes, and pretty much anything that can be used to kill a person.

He is more than competent in Savate.

Regeneration: He heals fast.  He can regenerate limbs within a day or so with a proper feeding.

Heightened Senses: All five senses are heightened to supernatural keenness.  Even taste and touch.  That also means he’s more able to feel pain as well.

These Are Not the Droids You’re Looking For: Neat trick, Corbin is good at hypnotism.  Unless someone has a natural immunity or can make a strong enough fight with will power, he can make them believe what he wants to believe.

It also means he’s got immunity to most forms of mental influence as well.  Unless he needs to feed; then he’s more susceptible.

He’s also mildly telepathic.  He’s better at communication than straight up thought reading.

Vampire Sense: He can sense out vampires by either smell or physic ability. 

Equipment: AMT Hardballer .45 Longside. Triumph Bonnieville motorcycle.  Bastard sword given to him by his mentor.  A selection of wooden stakes. Swiss Army Knife. Multi-tool.  A neat Android smart phone of some sort.

Origin: Corbin’s mother was a whore.  She as a pretty good whore; she almost had all of her teeth and everything.  So before the Black Death hit England, a vampire paid to bleed and fuck Corbin’s mom. 

Nine months later Momma Whore gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who already had canine teeth!

So Corbin grew up with the whores (who a lot of died; that plague was a bitch) and was going to be made a boy whore himself when a Spanish knight made his way into the brothel.  That Spanish Knight, who Corbin dubbed Sir Galahad because he was so noble and pure, was like Corbin.  That is, his mother fucked a vampire and gave birth to a not-quite-human called a damphir

So Galahad took Corbin to this keep and there were other dhampirs there who fought vampires and stuff.  Since Corbin was one of them, they taught him to be a bad ass vampire hunter as well.  Just one thing that marked Corbin above his peers was he was quite a bit more intelligent than those who went charging with their sword drawn.

Well, one day, on one of his first solo hunts, he faced a really bad and nasty vampire.  Probably ate babies by the dozen.  Real asshole who was a lot older and stronger than Corbin.

Pinned down and not wanting to die, Corbin broke his Order’s greatest taboo.

He drank that asshole’s blood.

However, he didn’t drink the blood from the living.  He drunk from another vampire and instead changed him.  Made him something that neither the Order or other vampires had even seen or dreamed about.

In other words, Corbin became the thing that fed on vampires.

So he used his powers for the Greater Good, still following the Order for the most part, and kicked lots of vampire ass while keeping himself fed on their blood.  See, he found out it wasn’t just some one shot deal.  After drinking the metaphorical V8, he realized he needed a steady diet of it or it would be very bad for him.

Then one day, about a year or so ago, he found himself in the Nexus.  Luckily there were vampires there to kill and keep himself fed (even though he doesn’t need to kill a vampire to eat).  One night while hunting he ran into an Elite that was a vampire hunter too and somehow got recruited as well.  Now he is one of the Elite’s vampire hunters, so at least he’s getting paid for it.

Weakness: Beheading is the certain way to kill him.  Impaling him in the heart and leaving the impaling agent in there will put him in a coma until it’s removed.  If he loses a good quantity of blood he will become sluggish and his stats will weakened the longer he goes without blood.  Needs to feed on vampire blood once a night.  Is also easily distracted by pretty people and shiny objects.  Sunlight-  If exposed to sunlight for more than four hours at a time he becomes ghastly ill and needs to rest in a dark area.  Not even feeding can stave off the need to rest after contracting Sunlight Sickness.

Likes: Women with bright colored hair.  Shiny things.  Things he can tinker with.  Gum.  Good Beer.  Horror movies with practical effects (that aren’t vampire movies).  His motorcycle.  Birds.  Dogs and wolves.  Really good pizza.

Dislikes: Shitty CGI effects. Vampires who think they’re on top of the food chain and a tendency to monologue.  Cats (“Bloody hell they’re assholes.”).  Soda that has gone flat.  Things sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup.  The Black Death.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 04:09:27 AM by Elf »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #119 on: December 15, 2015, 04:08:04 AM »
Name: Rynodd 7-Atrina "Atri"

Race: Human (Skitarii)

Age: 5 years (Since becoming a Skitarii)

Height: 7' 5"

Weight: 240 lbs

Appearance: Atri is a Skitarii utilized by the tech priests of Agripinaa. Therefore, the exterior of her robes are pitch black while the interior is pearl white. The undersuit beneath the unpainted metal armor is red, in tribute to Mars. Goggle-like augments sit over her lidless eyes, lenses glowing blue (Though the amount of light produced can be adjusted). Out of her left side of her head sprouts a seven-inch antenna, noticibly stickking out of her shoulder-length auburn hair.

She is part of a new line of Rangers, whose augments include the spidery-yet-hooved mechanical legs utilized by the Sicarians, allowing her far greater mobility than the other "models." She has a host of other augments that are not visible, such as the black-box and emotion-dampener inside her brain, leather sac lungs, and mechanical heart.

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Exceptional (Kicks are Incredible)

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Exeptional

Other Abilities:

Plentiful Stamina: Skitarii don't utilize transports; instead, they march for weeks in advance to get to battle. Atri's augmentations (Mostly based around the artificial legs, but also several other locations) allows her to be in motion for days at a time before she has to rest.

Inhuman Aiming: Like the other kinds of Skitarii, Atri can rapidly aim and fire precise shots from any hand-held weapon in the Cult Mechanicus arsenal.

Literal Photographic Memory: The black box inserted into her brain provides perfect memory from any encounter since its installation, as intended by the Tech Priests. However, this was more for the Tech Priests' benefit should they deem the implant's removal at a later date.

Resistance to Gases: The artificial lungs grant tolerance to otherwise lethal levels of poisonous gases, though not outright immunity.

Binary Language: Atri can read, write, and even "speak" in the chosen language of the Machine God.

Mechanical Voice Box: Allows Atri to speak even if the tubing of her mask (see below) would normally prevent it. Adds a artificial layer to her normal voice.


Blessed Raiments: This cloak is studded lined with tiny, leaded leech-spheres that absorb harmful energies such as radiation.

Skitarii War Plate: Clothing and metal that makes up the armor, intended to be worn for years at a time. Under the ceramite metal is a layer of recombinant cells that absorbs the liquids produced by Atri. These liquids are turned into a gelatinous unguent that coats the entirety of the body to prevent chaffing. The outer plate itself offers protection on par with Carapace Armor, being only out done by power armor.

Sicarian Legs: The brutality of the Thirteenth Black Crusade on Cadia is taking its toll on everyone. With Agripinaa being the first planet that would be assaulted should the Gate fall, the more liberal members of the Cult Mechanicus started to exeriment. TL;DR, their interest in not being anally raped is causing them to mix-and-match components of the Skitarii using "It's my legion, I do what I want with it." Adding these legs onto a Ranger does compliment their role rather well, actually.

Cognis Rebreather: What amounts to a gas mask connected to the pack on Atri's back. Has tubes that goes down the throat and directly into her lungs (gag reflex all but removed to ease implementation). Should she encounter a gas that can't be filtered out, the seals would shut and she would be breathing in a separate supply of air from a gas tank in her pack.

Data Tether and Camera:
an antenna mounted onto her pack that transmits data to and from Atri and a Tech Priest's ship. Now rendered useless because there is no one able to answer on the other side.

Rad-Censer: A pitted bronze sphere that detects radiation. Emits a clicking sound should dangerous levels be sensed, however, in the Nexus, Atri has yet to hear it go off.

Galvanic Rifle: A flintlock-looking rifle made of actual wood and brass. The .60 cal servitor bullets let out an electric shock if it hits the target, causing the bio-electric pulses (Read: What your brain and nerves do for your body to function) of the poor sap to rapidly discharge as well. Eight rounds per cylindrical magazine.
Spoiler for Image:

Phosphor Blast Pistol: What essentially amounts to a flare gun intended to kill as well as mark targets in a bright light. The fired rounds can literally light up a street and be seen for miles, and burns at temperatures exceeding 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. Six rounds per magazine.
Spoiler for Image:

7's Bite: A sword crafted in the Nexus to help out with Atri's current profession. Named after her squad's ident number, it is made of cold iron laced with silver from a totally not stolen necklace of some house.

Two Ammo Crates (Kept at her apartment)

Atri finds it hard to remember what she was like before she became a Skitarii. What she can remember are loose, disjointed images: a tank on fire, a white bed, a black cloak and a mechanical voice, screams of agony, and a blood covered operating machine. What she knows is that she is a modified Ranger, and that she annoys the ever living Hell out of her squadmates. Turns out that the emotional dampener wasn't properly implanted...

Story of her arrival to the Nexus is an interesting one: Lucius the Eternal was sighted near her cohort. The Tech Priest given charge of Atri's unit knew that killing the Chaos Champion would inevitably lead to his resurrection, and decided that the best course of action was to outright banish the Slaaneshi warrior. He tasked Atri's squad to eliminate the VIP, managing to issue the Phase Taser, an ancient weapon that was capable of sending beings and objects to different realities (Or so it is theorized), to the Alpha (Skitarii equivalent to Sergeant). Before they could begin the hunt, however, the base Ati was at came under attack by a band of Terminators. Her Alpha was slain in the armory, and in haste she picked up the Phase Taser and accidently transported herself to the Nexus along with a few weapons and ammo crates. Good thing, too, seeing how said Techpriest was going to have her vivisected after the mission just to get her out of his (Metaphorical) hair

Fast forward five years, Atri is now a bounty hunter and assassin who is known to be a bit cookie, though she does achieve results. Still, the rapid change between comically insane to downright serious tend to throw off and/or irritate the people she comes into contact with.

Weaknesses: Sometimes her irratic behavior gets her in bad situations. Also, if her Sicarian legs get gunked up, she would be in quite a pickle.

Likes: Electricity, Visual and Audio Stimulations, the Omnissiah, Hunting, McDoogle's Hamburgers

Losing the perfect shot, Poor CGI in a Movie, King's Burgers hamburgers


Spoiler for Agripinaa Ranger:

Spoiler for Sicarian Legs:
« Last Edit: December 20, 2015, 01:55:41 AM by MissingMandible »