Name: Adella Chapel
Race: Transcended Human
Age: 224
Height: 7’1’’/215cm
Weight: 198 lbs/90kg
With mask.

Without mask.
Generally speaking Adella is incredibly tall, largely due to the numerous self-experiments she went through as she turned herself into a walking nightmare. Her image is only mildly distorted, influenced by the inhabitants of the dream, robbing her of all colours but red. Her attire consists of a mixture of leather garments and coats, in a victorian style dress-code. She almost always wears The Jailor, so the mask, as it is her oath of repentance for her sins, to never take it off until the nightmare that keeps her and the remainders of the dreamers suffering, ends.
Physical AttributesStrength: Exceptional
Agility: Incredible (Fantastic inside the nightmare, or when using the ‘Shade’ phantasm)
Constitution: Exceptional (only applies inside the nightmare)
Magic ScaleNone – While her abilities are definitely supernatural, technically they are just an advanced realization of what can be considered “possible”. In effect it is a result of transcending human understanding, by achieving a new common sense, based on the realization of dreams, allowing her to represent a gateway between mind and matter, blurring the lines by forming a world from one’s mind that works as a parallel to the otherwise perceived reality.
Other Abilities: Ascension: Adella is capable of aiding normal humans in finding something akin to ascension, transcending their human shell in various manners. The simplest, most barbaric form of this, is a treatment that immunizes them to disease, by infusing them with blood carrying the strains of certain animals, afflicting them with a form of genetic curse that will turn them into mindless monstrosities the moment they make contact with the animal-factor that has been integrated into them. Their stats would rise to a straight “incredible” in this case, with few exceptions being capable of reaching a single rank in fantastic, if they are extraordinary humans to begin with. Note that this actually requires a relatively long term treatment that requires the patient to undergo blood transfusion. It would take about a week to implement the curse into a person.
The alternative to this, is in fact far more complex requiring a long term psychological treatment, along with vials of phantasmal Solution, based on the manifested ideals of the False God. The treated person would be put to sleep on a regular basis, having the solution infused into their marrow and brains, as they’d slowly begin to form a phantasm of themselves under guidance of Adella. The first stage results in a form of lobotomy, where the patient would be only capable of uttering single words, ideals and ideas, as well as pictures and sounds associated with it. The second stage results in them turning into something akin to large ammonite, which would have something like a humanoid shape growing from itself. The final stage is then the new body, the one that had once grown from the ammonite, while the ammonite itself would turn into something of a tentacle tumor on the back of their heads. They would now be impervious to disease and only based on their own imagination, being practically immortal outside their own dream world. The side effect; they tend to lack all drive, spending their days sitting around, dreaming, as nobody of them has a dream they truly wish to flee from. This process takes roughly half a year and will turn a person into a living vegetable that will just sit there and do nothing, but be immortal. In their particular case, destroying the outgrowth on the back of their head would result in them losing their physical shape, if not made aware of the loss, so they could technically disappear physically since they forgot they existed physically.
Phantasms: Adella is capable of manifesting parts of the nightmare as phantasms, dreams given physical form, yet is limited in how extensive these phantasms can be. The general rule of thumb is: The larger the phantasm, the shorter she can maintain it.
List of phantasms:
- Shade: Allows her to spontaneously convert her body into a bloodied shade, based on the skies of the nightmare. This drastically increases her speed, functioning of something of a high-speed movement that renders her intangible for a second, as she moves. In effect it boosts her speed to fantastic. (Passive, only usable when Love's Excrement is active as well)
- Love’s Excrement: Represents the sea of blood left behind by ‘Love’, in effect it drastically increases the potential range of her blades as a form of enchantment, turning them into corrosive, bleeding curses that are especially effective against conceptualized protections, but usually just melt things on a physical level. (Passive, once activated)
- Gnawing Guilt: Manifests a gigantic dog/human hybrid’s head from her left arm for a single attack that can chew through and devour literally anything. Just… dodge. (Active, Single use)
- Chains of Responsibility: These temporarily cause chains to sprout from her body that can allow her to tie a target to a specific object. While the chains can be evaded, being caught by them would make you dependant on outside help, as the chains would have to be severed by somebody else, before you yourself can destroy the object you are tied down to. While you are tied down however you cannot be killed, as your life would be tied to the object in question. Anyone chained in this manner, could not move from the object in question over a distance longer than ten meters. (Active, Three uses per fight)
- Love’s Embrace: Allows her to manifest tentacles from either one of her arms as a secondary, rippling weapon that coils and recoils, while exuding the corrosive Love’s excrement. Their peculiarity is that they home in on a target without her conscious will, pursuing it with relentless obsession. They may only target one person however while active. (Passive, once activated)
- Sheep of Purgatory: This literally manifests flame, creating a delayed aftermath to either one of her phantasms. It devours the phantasms in combustions of varying size, making her overall style very unpredictable, especially when used in tandem with Love’s Excrement. It represents Self-loathing. (Passive, once activated)
- Untouchable Authority: This phantasm allows her to become immune against any single attack from a person physically shorter than her, once. (Active, Single Use)
Adella’s Nightmare: The nightmare is the source of her entire being, an imagined world given shape through advancing further as a human. It is her personal reality, alternative to this one and the only realm where she is technically alive. As long as she exists within the nightmare, she can endlessly project her image onto other worlds, rendering her practically immortal. Any attack directed at her material body, would be directed into the nightmare, thus rendered nil, her body's construct would however be temporarily destroyed through such attacks. She can rematerialize it within roughly an hour, or update it to nullify wounds once she realizes the projection is damaged. Adella herself simply functions as a walking gateway to the nightmare itself, yet cannot force anybody to enter, she can only force the content of the nightmare to surface into the material world for a while. This is what the so called phantasms are. What is however possible, is to enter the nightmare willingly; however that would require knowledge of the nightmare itself, to realize the potential of using her as a gateway. Adella herself will be in one of the locations inside the nightmare, which one however is random and depends entirely on Adella’s own whims. Note that the Nightmare bypasses forms of immortality, as it does not kill the body, but the mind.
Inside the nightmare, all who enter would start at the same point; a giant cemetery, where malformed corpses endlessly devour each other, whilst attempting to form a hill to reach over the cemetery’s fence. The cemetery however could only be left through the gate, guarded by
Responsibility, the Executioner chained to the gate. The Executioner is a giant man, with a huge axe and a top-hat.
He can only be set free in death and only being set free will kill him.The realm then leads further to a city complex, a tower seen in the distance. Inside the city one would be constantly chased by a variety of werewolf like beasts, but especially dogs whose entire heads are nothing but gigantic human mouths spiked with canine teeth. These mouths would finally summon
Love, it not killed quickly enough. Love is a gigantic mess of tentacles, its head a massive earth-worm looking thing with rows and rows of teeth. If you get eaten, it is over as you will find yourself in an eternity of being chewed to shreds without dying.
Love will inevitably consume itself in its obsession.The city then finally leads to a huge brilliant forest filled yard, with a tower in its center. By this time, deepest night has fallen over the dream, as you make your way through the ‘small dreamers’, harmless translucent, dimly glowing humanoid shapes that only sit there, chained to the in kind glowing trees and hum a dissonant hymn to the tower. Atop the tower sits
Authority, a giant angry bird that will fuck those in the ass that do not belong, or act against the ‘rule’ of the nightmare, by staving from the intended path. Do not however insult the Authority, for the dreamers do not see kindly to disrespect of their savior.
To lift Authority one requires a higher authority.Upon entering the tower, one will step down a staircase, seemingly endlessly, before reaching a sea of blood, where the corpses of the large dreamers plaster the thick liquid as rocks along a coastline would. Inside this excrement of Love’s affections, sits
Guilt. Its left side looks like a human infant’s, its right like a hound’s. Its size is such that the infant’s pinky would be 6 feet in size. Guilt keeps feeding on both the corpses of the larger dreamers, as well as everything else within the nightmare, devouring walls, Love’s Excrement, the ceiling, guests and any other creature of the nightmare, while being in kind corroded by Love’s Excrement. However, it cannot corrode Guilt nearly as fast as it regenerates, feeding on the nightmare. Guilt will attack any that do not belong with extreme prejudice.
Guilt must not be allowed to keep gnawing!Finally, inside the tower one will be faced by test-tubes, small dreamers running around, happily, always in circles, others creeping over the ground, crying and moaning. A staircase leads up to a large garden, atop the tower, where sunflowers grow and dip the world into a candid, white light. Only when
Self-loathing enters the garden, will its flowers wilt, bleeding into the soil, turning it into a wet swamp that stinks of death.
Free her from this nightmare.Melee mastery: In her time as a researcher and purging doctor, Adella refined her use of the blade to a level where one could call her technique itself transcendent. She can utilize movement techniques that make it almost seem as if she teleported at times and can formulate attack patterns in combination with phantasms that give the impression as if her blade was everywhere at the same time. She fights either with a single curved sword, a dirk, or dual-wielding both.
Equipment: Sanguine Sancti: A mix between a curved sword, akin to a scimitar and a katana, it possesses the hilt of the former and a blade somewhere in between both, its guard is that of a katana however. Using its connection to the nightmare, the blade can allow phantasms in connection with it to be sustained indefinitely, such as the Love’s Excrement. It is the last remainder of the False God, capable of lowering that of otherwise inexplicable, inhuman status, to rational levels, by adapting its wielder’s and its own common sense to it.
Dirk: A side-arm that spawned from the dream as well, it is only really used to stab people and to direct phantasms, as well as to catch blades and disarm opponents. Pretty effective.
Jailor: The mask she is wearing, is a symbol of punishment, she will wear is for as long as the nightmare exists.
Origin: Adella was a doctor in a town-state whose name has been lost in history. Her specialty was treatment of blood-based and genetic diseases. After the town had been befallen by an epidemic that befell nearly all inhabitants and slowly caused their blood to crystallize, Adella, in cooperation with other doctors and researchers, came up with a way to cure the plague, hastily trying the treatment out on a number of volunteers, among them the son of a close friend of Adella’s.
While apparently a success, as it made the treated people immune to the disease in question, the genetic curse they had developed soon caused uproar, as the moment these people made contact with the animals their altered DNA deviated from, transformed into maddened, man-eating beasts that butchered everything surrounding them. The worst part was that those who actually had their own blood mixed with the beast’s blood turned into the same kind of monstrosities only days after the fact.
Being forced to establish counter-measures Adella was announced the leader of the purging squads, which were to hunt down, kill and burn the beasts ravaging the town. At the same time they develop a new means of getting around this disaster. Being forced to kill the people she had desired to help, brought Adella into an internal conflict, as, as much as she hated it, the rush of blood she could feel in her veins was undeniable when she slaughtered them.
Worse, the means they now used to experiment on people were nothing short of monstrous. Her idea had not been to make them incapable of living, but to make them live their dreams! But what did that matter? The authorities had ordered her, she had to continue… cowardly as it was. She turned her best friend into a vegetable, a babbling, drooling fool that only talked about the sounds of birds… then the growths came, she turned into a monster. Yet another monster, but one that lacked all beasthood , so they called it a success. She had not wished for any of this… but she could not stop now. They had not created the False God from these poor souls for nothing. Julia’s dreams would live on inside the God.
But they did not; instead the False God turned the dreamers into his own kin, transforming the city into a pulsating, festering horror, after consuming all its inhabitants, including the authorities. Only Adella remained… and she knew that she could not physically kill a dream, so she… created her own nightmare, forced herself to relive these events, her own feelings and disasters put into a condensed form, again… and again… by merging herself with the dreamers. So she created the Nightmare, the genocide and prison of the dreamers and the False Demon, opposing the False God, until the God’s dreams were devoured and its form locked inside her killing tool, for a God’s mind could not simply be slain, it could only be given a new form.
Since then she kept living, dreaming, and fighting herself through the nightmarish world she could not ever escape from, whenever attempting to sleep. She could not die, she could not eat, she could not drink, nor feel pleasure. She could only feel the nightmare closing in, to announce a new torment.
Weakness:Entering her nightmare enables you to kill her by any conventional means. Inside the nightmare she is just as prone to being targeted by its horrors as any person ‘invading’ it, however instead of killing her, they would jump her to torture her, which would still include dismemberment, being chewed to bits and worse, she can however not be killed by her own nightmare.
Likes: Helping people, killing people, killing beasts, helping beasts become human again, killing humans that were once beast, hurting, harming, dying, popsicles.
Dislikes: Killing people, following orders, loving to harm others, pleasure, failing to save others, chocolate, living forever.