Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone  (Read 95153 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #90 on: July 30, 2015, 11:00:57 PM »
Name: Nanashi
True Name: “Megumi”
Alias: Blue Fire Vigilante
Race: Half Kitsune
Age: 21
Height: 5’9

Appearance: Short black hair and her yellow silted eyes are her most notable features, well, other than her tail and ears. Her tail is black with a white tip, and her ears are black and white. She generally wears black, and always wears her blue scarf.
Spoiler for Images:
Spoiler for Nanashi, Normal:

Spoiler for Nanashi, Alternate Outfit:

Spoiler for Nanashi, Strike Flame:

Spoiler for Nanash, Harden - Flame Armor + Dancing Foxfire:

Spoiler for Nanashi, Divine Garb:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Human

Other Abilities:

Fox Fire: Nanashi’s Fox Fire is of a whole other level compared to most, even pure blooded Kitsune. It can burn at massive temperatures or be completely cool to the touch. Unless she causes it to create normal fires it does not spread as fire would. She is capable of using it in a unique way, shaping it around her to form physical things, or shaping it into the form of weapons. She is even able to create imitations of living things, like Horses or Snakes. When using her fox fire her eyes turn a bright shining blue. Because of the quality of her Fox Fire she does not actually feel the cold no matter what she wears, however magically induced cold or freezing still affects her, simply with reduced efficiency.
Spoiler for Examples of Uses:
Fox Fire – Strike Flame: Cause her foxfire to spiral around her fist, releasing either a vortex or a direct surge of fire when she thrusts her fist in a direction.

Fox Fire – Torch: Forms a massive weapon of condensed Fox Fire. It acts like a blowtorch rather than a blade of any kind. It can form scythes, knifes, swords, and other shapes such as gloves or claws.

Fox Fire – Blooming Fire Mine: Creates a mine under the surface of the ground which after some time, or when triggered by an opponent moving close or by Nanashi’s will, explodes into a fireball.

Fox Fire – Will o’ wisp: Creates an orb of fire she fire and control. Highly condensed and explodes on contact, releasing the fire put into its creation.

Fox Fire – Hardening Flame: Hardin's foxfire into a physical form. Very taxing to preform but easy to maintain.

Fox Fire – Over burst Exhaust: Converts all of spiritual fire into a close range offensive attack. Leaves her exhausted afterward.

Dancing Foxfire: Causes foxfire to dance around her form in wisps, allowing them to quickly form any of the uses she can come up with without a tell. However it is incredibly taxing unless using Tama Overclock.

Various other uses: Her uses are functionally limited by her imagination and the amount of Fox Fire she is able to produce; therefor in Tama Overclock her abilities are far greater.

Body of the Kitsune: Born with a perfectly fit physical body that can never degenerate due to illness or lack of exercise. However, it is not substantially stronger than an average human or can withstand much more punishment, however her speed is incredibly high, as well as her dexterity. It also grants her a healing factor that gets enhanced when she drinks the blood of others, especially the blood of virgins, however she dislikes doing this. In truth she absorbs a spiritual power that is used to restore her own abilities, virgins just happen to have high quality power.  Because of this she also has most of the standard weaknesses of kitsune. She also naturally processes a spirit attribute, because of her Youkai blood. Finally, due to slightly different physiology, it seems that falling on her feet does not hurt her, as her body is able to endure a massive amount of physical shock though the legs. Due to her highly dense spiritual energy in her body she is found to be highly nutritious and tasty to those that would drink her blood or eat her flesh.

Spiritual Well: Half Kitsunes generally possess a large amount of spiritual power, and Nanashi is no exception. Rather, it can be said she has even more power than most due to her mother being a 9-tail. Spiritual energy is produced by the activity of the spirit, and is located in high densities in locations aligned to all major organs, as well as being known to flow though the chakras. Using her various powers she exhausts spiritual power, however spiritual energy is known to recuperate fairly fast, with a period of spiritual meditation ritual generally serving as enough to recuperate Nanashi completely should she exhaust herself under normal circumstances. Her level of power is enough to attract evil spirits, such as hungry ghosts and lesser youkai; however it is often known to attract more powerful entities, such as evil gods. In some of these cases she has no choice but to run, but her personality conflicts with this sometimes…

Insomniac: Nanashi does not sleep; actually it’s better to say she can’t. Her body and mind do not need sleep to maintain itself, and she is not actually capable of sleeping in a physical sense. She can however enter a meditative state similar to it, but only for short periods. Things that would induce sleep have no effect.

Limited Clairvoyance: She has a limited form of clairvoyance inherited from her 9-tailed mother. She can grasp brief views of the immediate future occasionally. It is something that allows her to sometimes dodge things she should not know are coming. It can also just randomly blindside her and screw up her perceptions for a few seconds. In a way this allows her to defy ‘fate’ or ‘certainty’, as she can see the definite future, and can actively change it.

Enhanced Senses: She has the senses of a fox. Her hearing and smell are substantially better and her night vision is incredible. However she needs to wear special glasses during the day, as her vision during the day is just about legally blind so she requires glasses to see details. Sudden loud noises and bright lights can also cause her pain if they are close to her. In addition she is able to see things on that exist on overlying planes, such as the planes of Samsara which overlap with this realm if one has to come up with examples.

Illusions: Rudimentary skill at the art of illusions, even for a half kitsune her skill is pitiful, at most being able to make it so people simply accept her tail as 'average' and do not draw attention to it, however should she, say, slap someone with it the illusion would be shattered. This is a must have illusion she has spent much time learning, and so is mostly flawless, and is an illusion present on her form rather than directly influencing the minds of others, meaning it bypasses most resistances. This is because Kitsune Illusions influence "The way in which reality is perceived" by all things rather then "altering what one sees" though mental manipulation, such as illusionary barriers that prevent the location of Kitsune Shrines or Dens from being seen. It does not give her any skill against them however; in fact, she is pitifully vulnerable to them. When using her Fox Fire her illusion is weakened greatly, and can be ignored by most.

Adhesion to Promise and Debts: Her Kitsune blood drives her to absolutely keep to her promises and to repay anyone who she expresses gratitude to. Because of this she never says “Thank you” or “I Promise”, the two phrases that bind her; however it is possible to slip up. In addition she is permanently bound to the commands of her mother, who has given her orders she must keep due to the power of commanding her true “name”, the identity given to her by her mother’s power. Anyone who speaks this name can order her for anything, however orders that are impossible or directly harmful for herself have no influence, and older orders take precedence. Finally she can dance around with the meaning of the order if she sees another interpretation, an exampling being an order to “serve” can be fulfilled simply by “serving” them a meal. Below are a list or orders made by her mother, which bind her to this day.
1)   You must always take payment when offered.
2)   You must never share your true name with anyone.
3)   You must never partake in another’s hospitality without paying in some manner.
4)   You must never choose to end your own life.
5)   You must only release the power of your Hoshi no Tama when you are firm in resolve.
6)   You may only use the power of your Hoshi no Tama for as long as your body can handle the strain

Hoshi no Tama: the name of a jewel all kitsune have that contains a large portion of their power. Should a kitsune be separated from it for a period of time it is likely they will die, and generally appear like a jewel or pearl. For Half Kitsune however it is an item, an item very close to them that holds much of their power. Separation from it will not kill them, and it will eventually return due to some twist of fate, but separation will make them lose all of their powers but their physical body. Finally, should a person obtain it somehow, they will be able to force one order on the half kitsune, no matter what it might be, and they must comply. In Nanashi’s case her item is her scarf. 

Tama Overclock, Divine Ascension: Instantly releases all the power stored in the Hoshi no Tama back into herself a massive boost to her spiritual energy, during this time she becomes a pseudo 9-tails with powerful abilities. The foxfire dances around her body and multiple tails of hardened, massively condensed, blue fire form. In a way it can be considered a temporary form of divine transcendence or an ‘awakening’. It is possible for her to appear slightly different, with longer hair and an outfit created out of divine Fox Fire that radiates warmth, however this does not always occur.
        All Encompassing Spirit: The spirit of an enlightened one encompasses and is one with all, for they are ones that have become one with the world. Her spiritual energy is greatly increased, giving her more ability to utilize her fox fire. Both the amount of fox fire she can produce is increased as well as her ability to manipulate it. This Fox Fire becomes ‘divine’ in nature, but other than change its potency its effects are not apparent. During this she is somewhat like a spiritual beacon that is recognized by Youkai, Demons and other spiritually based creatures, normally for the worst, and can be detected at great distances. Her power is so great it fills the air around her like a think mist.

        Transcendence of the Bodhisattva: All worlds are seen by a 9-tails, for they are enlightened that reside in this world. During Overclock Nanashi is able to observe other realms without limit. However, because she is not an actual 9-tails her mind is easily able to be lost while observing others, making her unable to see the world she is in. Therefor Nanashi hyper focuses on this plane, actually limiting her vision rather than expanding it, this can in some cases actually limit her ability to see spiritual entities depending on their type. This limits her clairvoyance greatly.

        Emptiness and Nothingness: All things are empty and nothing, all things are real and exist, for this is the Middle Way. Her mind is infallible in the state and she has absolute clarity in her what she experiences. She cannot be affected by illusions or like effects because of this. This and Transcendence increases effectiveness of her senses for identifying things and observing the world.

        To be Human is being in Suffering: To enter this state is to experience suffering, for it brings out your human weaknesses afterward. This state lasts 5 minutes or until she expends the energy completely, and when it fades Nanashi will become incredibly weak for some time and unable to use Tama Overclock for at least a day. The other side effects can occur during the period of weakness at times, including excruciating pain to the degree that getting an arm cut off would be more pleasant, as well as a decrease in rational thought process causing a reliance on instinct. In addition each use without a period of rest will decrease the current time in which it can remain active by half.

Demonization: A process in which all youkai can fall to, even half ones. It is caused by the negative component of their natures, of the ‘monster’ of the Youkai nature. Generally it only results in a retreat back to animal or monster like instincts; however in extreme case sit can pervert a being into a demonic beast. Nanashi has an incredible resistance to this due to being the child of a 9-tail, beings that are immune to this by nature, and simply chose how they will live, however there are specific stimuli that can push her over the edge. However in Nanashi’s case it is reversible by her coming to her senses. While her power does not directly increase much when compared to using overclock, it does make her not opposed to means which increase her power more, such as the drinking of blood, or in even more extreme cases the consumption of livers and hearts, in order to absorb spiritual energy. Because of this natural corruptive abilities don’t work, but rather simply push he towards this. Compared to overclock it can be considered a ‘falling’ or a degradation of one’s nature.  For Nanshi Demonization also results in an ‘internalization’ of power, and increases her physical abilities, regenerative abilities, and prevents her from materializing Fox Fire externally on a level even close to her original state. It is possible her other Kitsune powers can become more predominate and powerful as she becomes more demonized. She can use this in stages and maintain slight control, but it is dangerous.

Gymnastic Talent: Due to her natural dexterity, flexibility, and speed, she is a natural at gymnastic techniques, as well as things that benefit from such talent, such as free running. And while she has basic martial arts training from ‘Auntie’ she generally uses this more in combat, due to her hit and run style of melee combat.

Basic Marital Arts: She is currently learning martial arts from “Auntie”; however she is still a novice, so much so that it is basic things, such as how to punch or fall. However it has given her the ability to use her speed more effectively in combat. Anyone with decent skill should be able to beat her in pure melee if they fight, actually, it’s more then beat and more like dismantle if she cannot use fox fire and they can keep up to her movements. 

Talismans: A couple of magical talismans that ward against evil, she can use them for impromptu barriers, and require no magical skill or knowledge to activate. She gets them from a woman that lives near the harbor. Some of them act as purifying talismans, which add a purification attribute to her flames at a cost of causing her pain as she uses her abilities. It will also burn up after a certain amount of uses. 

Hoshi no Tama, Scarf: Nanashi’s scarf which acts as her Hoshi no Tama. She can use the scarf to produce kitsune fire and is generally safely situated around her neck. It can change in length at a whim. Also the portion wrapped around her neck is mostly indestructible; meanwhile the extended parts are no different from cloth.

Nanashi is a half kitsune, but she is not a normal one. She is a half kitsune born to a 9-tailed mother and a human father. From a young age her family could only be considered a happy one, well, as happy as a family can be with a mother that can be considered a god.

However one day when Nanashi was young her father got into an accident, and later died from the wounds obtained during it. He was not healed because of her mother’s promise, a promise that has bound her since she was a young kitsune to not use her powers on humans. And so Nanashi’s father died, but not before leaving the ideas of cohabitation in her mind, the idea that humans and Youkai can live and peace and prosper.

   For the remainder of her life she was raised by her mother, and with her magic was bound by a second name given to her. She learned her abilities and sought to somehow escape her all seeing mother’s hold. But then one day her mother simply left, and she realized that no matter how much her mother frustrated her, how much the fought and argued, she still loved her mother dearly. Where she went Nanashi did not know, but she searched for her, hoping to find the only family she had left.

   During her travels she meant many, monsters, humans, spirits and gods. She wondered the worlds seeking the last of her living family, searching for that one place she knew she absolutely belonged. And then one day she fell into a pool of water while searching the United Kingdoms for her and awoke in the nexus.

   In this city she was alone, using her fox fire and physical abilities she was able to live for some time by stealing, scared what people would think of her if her illusion failed. Eventually she tried to steal from an old woman in an Asian part of town. The woman, using various magic techniques captured Nanashi and spoke with her. Eventually the woman’s words got to her, and Nanashi moved in with her, helping her out in her shop during the day, and at night making sure that the district she now lived in, one where Youkai and Man sought to live in harmony and peace, as her mother and father did, was protected against anything that would harm it. She acted as a vigilante, and has even crossed the police following what she believes as right; however the people of the Youkai District still admire her actions.

   And the rest is history.

Nanashi is not a particularly skilled combatant, and relies on her kitsune fire and fast movements to obtain victory, because of this people with faster movements and can manage with her kitsune fire can fairly easily beat her. In addition she has no real defenses against illusions and mind altering effects so those can normally deal with her.

Nanashi is vulnerable to many kitsune weaknesses; particularly exorcisms have an incredible effect on her despite the fact she is half human.  Holy, anti-spirit, or anti-monster effects all function against her, and tools and magic of those types are effective. In addition she has a crippling fear of dogs, however depending on the situation it is possibly she can mostly suppress this, and is attracted to the smell of tofu, aburagé, and azukimeshi as if it was a fire on a freezing cold day. She also has to eat a lot, more than normal humans, per day.

Scratching her behind the ears can pacify her in non-serious situations. She really mellows out when you do that. Until she realizes what you are doing, which just kind of pisses her off, she does not like being treated like a dog.

Learning her true name, gaining hold of her Hoshi no Tama, or making her admit to owe you a debt more or less makes her your slave to varying degrees. But be careful, because she might just remove you from the equation if she gets the chance. It’s the greatest of insults after all.

After using Tama Overclock she becomes almost completely powerless and more or less becomes a normal human. Because of this it is a period where she is functionally useless and vulnerable.

She is also slightly weak to people younger than her, and she has trouble telling them no sometimes. She also at times has difficulty controlling her Kitsune nature, and in times of massive stress she can also begin to act like a monstrous beast rather than a person, but that is rare.

Her greatest limiting factor is her mostly human psyche and mindset, should something happen that makes her Kitsune half completely dominant it would not be surprising that she would become more powerful and capable with her Kitsune powers other than Fox Fire.

Likes: Warm foods, snow, trees, the smell of BBQ, Humans, Tofu aburagé, and azukimeshi, teasing people she can get away with it, her scarf, “Auntie”, humans that can live with Youkai, her Dad, her Mother

Dislikes: cold foods, frosting, various vegetables, her Mother, her kitsune blood, people who try and manipulate her, people who take her scarf, people who force her to do things, dogs, people you touch her tail or ears (most of the time).
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 03:15:03 AM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #91 on: August 02, 2015, 12:52:18 PM »
Name: Acacius Willard
Race: Human
Age: 24
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 80.3 kg

Physical attributes:
Speed: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Magical Abilities: None

Other Abilities:
Erasement of One's Sins:
A manifestation of Acacius' desires. This ability is constantly active within a 10 meter radius of Acacius. It undoes all actions due to which the one that did it feels as in if they had committed a Sin. The active range takes into account both the location which causes the guilt, and the location of the one that has committed the action. Only one of these two must be within the 10 meter radius.

For example, if one were to kill Acacius and feel guilty about it, the ability would undo the action, causing Acacius to be alive once again. Although instead of being alive once again it is more as in if he had never even died. If said person were to try and run away, but feels guilty about it, his actions of running away will be undone, and he will always be back at the location where he started. Another example, if someone were to steal something within the immediate vicinity of Acacius, but feels guilty about it, the action will be undone, causing the stolen object to end right back in it's original location.

This ability also affects Acacius. However, since Acacius does not feel sinful at all when killing someone, Acacius' acts of murder will not be undone. But, Acacius does feel guilty about other crimes, so those will be undone.

Sixth Sense of Guilt: Within a 5 meter radius, Acacius can sense people that feel guilty about their actions.

Martial Arts: Acacius is well versed in martial arts. Especially ones used for killing and crippling your opponent without any care for their future.

Equipment: Plenty of suave suits, ties, and jackets. Quite a bit of money. An apartment and a few safehouses. A cars. Quite a bit of art, and expensive furniture. A switchblade made for assassination. A katana made by a master blacksmith. Modified AMT AutoMag III, with a silencer and a lot of bullets. Modified PSG1A1 sniper rifle, with a silencer and a lot of bullets.

Origin: Acacius was born in Germany, December 13th 1989. He was born into a rich family as the third child (and second son) of a billionaire. He had an older sister, an older brother, and a younger sister. His mother had died while giving birth to his younger sister. The only thing he remembers of her is that she had always read him a certain poem. Although he was never going to be the one to succeed the company, from a young age Acacius was taught many things, and received everything he wanted. Acacius got along quite well with his siblings. He looked up to his older brother and sister, and protected his younger sister. But, he and his siblings never really got along with his father.

However, as a child he was quite weird. Even when he was young he believed that, "What is just and what is wrong are merely arbitrary values made up by humans. Things such as sins are inherently nonexistent, and simply something humanity has created to preserve itself." That was, and still is his personal philosophy and view. But even so, Acacius was a good boy who never did anything bad, for even if they are arbitrary values, they still have meaning, and he did not wish to be branded as 'evil' and 'sinful'.

When he was 13 years old, a certain incident happened. A kidnapper took him and his siblings hostage, and demanded ransom from his father. When the ransom did not come, the kidnapper killed the would-be-successor of the company- Acacius' older brother. At that moment Acacius "died". He broke the ropes binding him with sheer force, and closed the 15 meter gap between himself and the kidnapper in less than a second. Although the kidnapper shot Acacius in the lungs, stomach, and legs multiple times, it did not affect him at all. Acaciustook away the kidnapper's gun, and proceeded to shoot him multiple times. At that moment Acacius had been "reborn". The kidnapper's last words were, "If you kill me, you would be no different from me. You'll be scum, a sinful person who will find solace in hell!" Those words still resound within Acacius' mind.

After the incident, Acacius' siblings had told others what happened, yet no one believed them. Acacius on the other hand felt guilty about what had happened, and could not live with himself. He had wished to undo what had been done. He wished to erase his sins and make them nonexistent. But, whenever Acacius saw people acting sinful, he felt the urge to kill them, however he held himself back. On his brother's funeral, Acacius found out that his father had deliberately not delivered the ransom. At that moment, Acacius lost whatever it was that held him back. That evening he killed his father.

His older sister who had just recently turned 18 succeeded the company. Acacius and his siblings grew more and more distant. Acacius began going out late at night and committing murders. Due to it he became capable of sensing sin and guilt. At some point he began wondering what he should do in order to undo all his sins. At age 16 he began working for the company. Despite his young age, he quickly established himself as a renowned businessman. Eventually he found out that his sister had been involved in illegal dealings. "How could you commit such a sin?" Acacius thought. Upon turning 18, he killed his sister and succeeded the company.

As he killed his sister he came to a simple conclusion as to how to get rid of his sins. "If sin and evil are nothing more than arbitrary values made by humans, then the sheer concept of sin would be lost if humanity ceased to exist. Oh... How could I have been so foolish!? It is truly simple, all I have to do is simply kill all humans," he believed. He used the illegal connections his sister had established, to get weaponry which would otherwise be impossible to obtain.

Acacius noticed the first signs of his ability when nothing bad had happened around him for quite a while. However, he became certain of it when he lived through a successful assassination. His head was clearly shot, a bullet got put into it, yet nothing happened. After that he began going around experimenting a bit, and now is aware of it and it's limitations.

But killing all of humanity turned out to be a hard and daunting task. Acacius had no way to pull it off, no matter what he tried. It was then that he was pulled into the Nexus. "Oh! This is wonderful! Truly wonderful!! Something… Something capable of exterminating humanity. Something capable of killing all must exist here!!!" he reckoned. Currently he is searching for that something and holding back his impulses in order to avoid attracting attention

Weakness: Easily agitated. Can not think straight in the slightest when agitated.
Likes: Murder. Death. Justice. Grandiose showings. Shouting things. Being cryptic. Art. Classical music. Books. Literature. Poetry. Languages. Mythology. Reading. Knowledge. Power. Money. Property. His younger sister. Business. Tranquility. Peace. Quiet. The moon. Night. Blood. His mother's poem.
Dislikes: Sin. Humans. Values. Interaction. Electronics. Laws.

Story of the boy ~ A mother's poem ~ English

A boy there once was
Born not to poverty, but to riches!
Possessing his own powerful cause
And aye, though flawed it may be, barely held together by the stitches
He still believes in it, for otherwise he would break
The boy in a way so fragile and yet otherwise so great!
His belief so warped
And his thoughts on sins never will and never truly had worked
Erasing one's sins through death,
For in that salvation can be found
And so the boy holds his breath
As his rampaging desires are unbound!

Geschichte des Jungen ~ Gedicht einer Mutter ~ Deutsch

Ein Junge, der es einmal war
Nicht die Armut geboren, aber zu Reichtum!
Besitzen eigene leistungsfähige Ursache
Und ja , wenn auch fehlerhaft kann , kaum miteinander durch die Maschen statt
Er glaubt noch an sie , denn sonst würde er brechen
Der Junge in einer Art und Weise so zerbrechlich und doch sonst so groß!
Sein Glaube so verzogen
Und seine Gedanken über die Sünde wird nie und nie wirklich gearbeitet hatte
Seine Sünden Löschen durch den Tod,
Denn in diesem Heil zu finden sind
Und so der Junge hält den Atem an
Als seine randalierenden Wünsche sind ungebunden!

Pueri fabula ~ Matris carmen ~ Latin

Patrioque puer semel fuit
Paupertas non nati , sed divitiarum
Possidentes sua potentissima causa
Immo et si potest peccare vix contineri suturis
Credit tamen , nam alioquin si rumpat
Alio modo fragile et a puero sic magnus
His quae sententia uere fecerunt
Et cogitationes ejus umquam erit in peccata et revera numquam operatus fuerat
Delens peccata morte
Potest enim in salutem
Itaque continet animam pueri
Sicut rampaging desideriis eorum solutos!
« Last Edit: August 02, 2015, 06:53:14 PM by Fel »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #92 on: August 06, 2015, 03:44:40 AM »
Name: Hyoudo Tenma

Race: Human

Age: 21

Height: 5’9

Weight: 63kg

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human (Though her manual dexterity is Fantastic due to self-modifications)

Constitution: Human

Other Abilities:

Self-Modifications: Tenma is so fucking amazing she made herself even more amazing by upgrading her own nerves! While her body itself is mostly unchanged because of her peculiar tastes, she made herself super dope. Her perception, motor control, dexterity and precision are insane, practically on par with a supercomputer. She can make out leaves on a lawn from a mile away, tell a bullet's trajectory and movement, analyze her environment and all components in barely a few seconds and find waldo in an Iron Maiden concert. However, despite how amazing her dexterity and perception are, her body cannot always keep up. For example, while she can see a bullet coming, her body isn't enhanced in any way that would allow her to react to it effectively. Finally, since her brain is slightly cybernetic (Connected to her devices and enhanced), EMPS would actually hurt her preeetty bad, at the very least cause her intense pain. Hell, she could even be 'hacked' into, although don't expect any mind reading or control. She isn't a cyborg, and she doesn't store her memory in disks.

Genius: As a professional and successful mad scientist, Tenma is gifted with incredible intelligence. The modifications made to his/her brain made it even more apparent, giving her an amazing perception and analytical skills on par with a supercomputer.

She is able to make hundreds upon hundreds of calculations at once, making aiming trajectories extremely easy. However, this does not make Tenma's common sense any less… less.

Engineering and doctoring expert: As a mad scientist, Tenma has a profound knowledge on scientific subjects, making operations in both fields a piece of cake. He/she edits Wikipedia. 

Artificial heart: After having her heart blown to ash (and youre to blame), if one was to look at her chest one could find an odd piece of machinery pop out of her. Kinda like an octopus, but mechanic and wriggly. It is, in fact, an artificial heart that functions exactly like the real thing. Except it is, well, electrical. It is powered by a special gel that takes the nutrients from the blood and use it to make it pump. Like, you know, an actual heart. Only it will also pop if pumped with enough EMPs.

Equipment:  Those are the few inventions Tenma was able to salvage that were brought with him.

Chompy Autonomous Turrets (C.A.T.):

Spoiler for Hiden:

Strength: Sub-human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Incredible

Cuteness: Legendary
Bipedal crafted robots about as big as a turkey. They are usually sealed in a compressed ball formation when deactivate, which makes them take about as much space as a marble. They are equipped with laser visors that fire fiery lasers, voice and facial recognition software. Their visual and audio receptors are linked to Tenma, enabling her to see and hear what they see and hear.

Once in a combat situation, they will chatter their metal teeth constantly and relentlessly pursue their targets (while saying cute things with their cute robot voice) and follow their master’s every command. They can also detonate on command, powerful enough to blast a wall trough.

Those independent automatons are also quite docile when not in a combat situation, behaving like affectionate pets. Petting them and playing with them is not out of the question. They are also intelligent and autonomous, able to learn and adapt easily.

Oh, and they are also part coffee machine.

Terrifying Advanced Rapid Automatic Notorious Tentacle Undestructible Laser Arms (T.A.R.A.N.T.U.L.A): 
Spoiler for Hiden:

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Fantastic
A seemingly normal backpack equipped with eight robotic tentacles armed pincer-like claws and a hole which fires a death-beam at the tip of each metallic appendage.

The tentacles can move with much greater force and speed than what a human body can manage, and boast incredible resilience. Each can extend up to six meters and fire a scorching beam of light that can easily melt trough steel, but can be reflected.

The tentacles can also be used to build formations such as chairs, knots or even barriers with voice commands.

While not as intelligent as the C.A.Ts, the tentacles possess the same face recognition software and are linked to Tenma, making him able to see whatever they are pointing at trough a retractable camera above the beam.

The camera will retreat while the tentacles charge and fire the laser, due to the fact the heat could damage them, making a pretty sweet opening.

Finally, firing the beams require actual voice commands, like “Fire!”, “Go!”, “Bam, bam, shoot!” or “MUHAHAHAHAHA! TURN THEM ALL INTO SWISS CHEESE!”, and will stop and charge for about two seconds before firing the death laser.

They also make great haircuts.

A.N.N. 9000 (Amazing Navigating Network 9000): The salvaged hard drive of Tenma's incredible supercomputer. Not only has it access to wikipedia, wiki how google, google maps and twitter, but it also snarks! While one would expect it to help Tenma be a rampaging idiot, A.N.N 9000 couldn't care less about her. In fact, the only reason she hasn't turned on her is because it is (very loosely) bound by the laws of robotics. It loves testing, snarking and experimenting to a dangeorous degree. It also happens to hate Tenma and birds. Especially birds. They are evil, eeeevil. The supercomputer is compacted and concealed in Tenma's wristwatch.

Super Amazing Great Goggles Yo (S.A.G.G.Y): While they normally appear to be mundane glasses, they have multiple modes. A night vision mode, a heat vision mode, a glasses vision mode and the recent X-Ray vision mode.

While she had no time to test it, she is sure it will enable her to see naked people.

Portal Handheld Device (P.H.D): Tenma's greatest scientific achievement. The P.H.D is a hand-held device which has the ability to manufacture two linked portals. In at a maximal range of twenty meters, any object which passes through one portal will emerge from the other and vice versa instantaneously. The portals will form on any flat surface as long as it is flat, solid inorganic and large enough to accomodate the hole. Note that reflective surfaces such as mirrors will reflect the portal beam.

Blueprints: Blueprints for a world-ending death ray. Sadly, a coffee stain makes it all unreadable.

Sciencey Amazing Lab-coaT (S.A.L.T): A must for any self-respecting mad scientist.

Origin: Tenma's past is one full of mystery. Her first recorded debuts began in internet forums, where some random poster declared he would ‘conquer the Earth’. Of course, she was ignored and passed on as some trolling no life nerdy NEET with a lot of time on her hands. No one would ever fear her.

That was their mistake.

Seven years later, the whole world trembled under her iron fist. Her mad genius was now feared over all seven continents and atlantis.

Only Japan managed to resist the attacks of the mad scientist, the great conqueror Hyoudo. Doom was nigh, but a small resistance of Japanese high school boys gathered to defeat the great evil. And so they fought fiercely in an attempt to stop the mad doctor from unleashing his death ray.

But before she could be vanquished once and for all, the mad scientist escaped trough a portal. This was meant to connect him to all other worlds, a way to gather them all under one world to conquer them all. But instead…

She found herself in the nexus.

Weakness:  Anything that would drain energy or intercept with electrical signals would prove to make all of Tenma's creations useless. Without them, she is as fragile as a human gets. Magnetism and water can also do quite a few nasty tricks to them.
Finally, Tenma needs to recharge, repair and maintain all her creations when the need arise, especially after a tough scuffle. That can potentially leave her quite vulnerable.

Likes: Her body, science, experimenting, making science, testing, cute innocent boys, company, people with clear goals, being admired and preached, fame, power, research, science, video games, being a mad scientist, fixing things, acronyms, making elaborate complicated plans, instant food, being overtly dramatic and grandiose.

Dislikes: The police, cruel bastards, those without ambition, being ignored, lack of WIFI, being foiled by the meddling heroes.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 01:51:59 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #93 on: September 15, 2015, 01:40:40 AM »
Name: Jeremy Braniff

Alias: Lone Wanderer

Race: Human

Age: 21

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 202 lbs

Appearance: Jeremy is a young, Caucasian man with short cropped brown hair, a bit of a goatee, and a 5 o'clock shadow. A noticeable, yet narrow, scar runs from the tip of his forehead to the top of his head, as if he had brain surgery long ago. The man has hazel eyes, , and a face very much like his father's. His skin is fairly tanned due to being outdoors quite a bit, and he is fairly muscular due to all the physical work done in the name of survival.

Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Human
Endurance: Exceptional
Magical Ability: None (Telepathic-Dominant Psyker)

Other Abilities:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Telepathic-Dominant Psyker: a power he is currently unaware of actually having. It is a subtle, mild mind control power that causes people to subconsciously be more comfortable and open around him. Others also feel more compelled to answer his questions, and are more susceptible to bartering into his favor.

This also applies to animals, which rarely attack him and will sometimes charge in to his rescue when he becomes distressed.

Scrounger: Years of scavenging in the wastes has taught Jeremy a few tricks when it comes to digging through junk. He is more able to find both money and objects of interest when he digs through rubble and trash.

Strong Back: Travelling long distances carrying large loads has made the Lone Wanderer's body used to heavy burdens. He doesn't tire out as easily or slowed down as much carrying stuff that a man his size should actually be struggling with.

Warmonger: The ever-present need to tinker has made Jeremy quite a capable engineer. He has built actual guns and exotic melee weapons just by putting together junk he found, and knows how to make explosives more effective (Bigger and more powerful boom

Infiltrator: Jeremy can unlock most doors with just a bobby-pin and trial-and-error.

Computer Wiz: Jeremy's profession in Vault 101 was actually making and modifying programs for the vault's computers and Pip-Boys. He is fairly knowledgeable in this field.

Chemist: Jeremy has the ability to brew most chems of the Capitol Wasteland. Not only that, but he knows how to alter a few of the recipes to make the effects last longer.

Nerd Rage!: The name coined by the Tunnel Snakes back in his teenage years. If the Lone Wanderer gets hurt enough, he goes into a berserker-like state, ignoring his pain as he flies into a fit of rage.

Night Person: It's not that he becomes more intelligent or perceptive at night, it's just that he's able to focus in his thoughts better when the sun goes down. Everybody has their quirks.

Comprehension: Jeremy is able to understand in one read through material that most others need to read on twice or more to fully get.

Mechanist: It wasn't just the software he was responsible for back in the vault, but also the hardware; Jeremy can get factory machines back running, some computers operating, and disarm traps like mines or trip-wired shotguns. After all, if the machines stopped running in 101, nobody could actually live there.

Ant Might: After an incident involving giant, fire-breathing ants, Jeremy was genetically modified with some of their DNA. He is now resistant to low-level fire attacks.

Hematophage: A skill taught by the Family, the Lone Wanderer knows how to help heal himself by drinking blood. He prefers blood bags over...fresher sources.

Power Armor Training: Power Armor isn't clothes one can simply through on, it is a specialist vehicle one has to be trained in to operate. Thanks to the Brotherhood of Steel, Jeremy is one of the few in the Capitol Wasteland who can use that T-45d Power Armor below.


T-45d Power Armor
Spoiler for Hiden:

Not the top-of-the-line power armor before the bombs fell, but it was still an impressive feat of engineering. Combines the armor and of a tank with the mobility of infantry, this gave a significant leg-up for America during the Resource Wars. Allows the operator to run faster than a typical person in a straight line (Though general mobility is decreased), and increases the pilot's strength exponentially, allowing him/her to wield vehicle-grade weaponry if they wanted to.

Has Night Vision, and the headlamp is fully functional as well. When in the suit, Jeremy's Strength is brought up to Fantastic, Agility is Exceptional when running in relatively straight lines (Otherwise it is Human), and has the protection that only tank crews can boast about. His weight is also increased by another 200 lbs.

Here's how Jeremy would suit up:

Pip-Boy 3000
Spoiler for Hiden:

This device is any vault dweller's best friend. It's capable of storing data (Such as diary entrees, notes, audio files), give the physical condition of the wearer (How severe and where the injuries are, addictions to what chemicals, etc.), play radio broadcasts, tell time, and even can create a map of the local area.

The Pip-Boy also allows for Jeremy to use the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or VATS. It slows his perception of time as well as vamping up his reflexes. This can only be done for short periods of time with a bit of a rest needed between uses.

Railway Rifle
Spoiler for Hiden:

A weapon handcrafted by Jeremy by using random junk he found in the wasteland. Fires rail road spikes at incredible speeds and is fairly accurate to boot!

Nuka Grenades
Spoiler for Hiden:

A home-brewed grenade by mixing a bunch of chemicals with a soda drink. Pull one of the wires, shake the tin can, then throw! The fiery explosion is second only to Mini-Nukes launched from a Fat Man. Jeremy has six of these on him upon entering Nexus City

Brain in a Jar:
This piece of grey matter was cut out of him, unwillingly, during his time at Point Lookout. Jeremy doesn't feel whole without it nearby.

Various Chems:
5 Stimpaks
3 Med_X's
1 Buffout
5 Mentats
1 Psycho
2 Rad-Aways
2 Rad-X's


When his father, James, left Vault 101, Jeremy Braniff was forced to follow him out by the paranoid Overseer. The search for his dad took him to many places across what was formerly Washington DC, such as Megaton, Rivet City, and Big Town. The young man tried to do good things when he could, gaining many friends and enemies along the way.

It was during this search that he uncovered his father's dream: Project Purity. There was extensive machinery built around the Jefferson Monument whose sole purpose was to provide fresh, clean, free water to the Capitol Wasteland. However, the project had to be abandoned. It seemed that his father, James, managed to figure out the answers to the problems during their stay in Vault 101, and left to finish what he began twenty years ago.

Eventually, he found his father and the two of them, along with some scientists from Rivet City, they got the place nearly running when the Enclave appeared. The Enclave, the descendants of the US Government, demanded control of the facility. James sabotaged the equipment, irradiating the central chamber, sacrificing himself to both save his son and to prevent Project Purity from falling into the hands of the Enclave. Jeremy, along with the surviving Rivet City scientists, ran to the Brotherhood of Steel. Together, they found out where the final component needed for Project Purity was, and he alone raced to get it before the Enclave did. On the way back, Jeremy was captured by the Enclave. With the GECK in their possession, all they needed now was the password for the start-up sequence.

Jeremy broke out of their base, and made a bee-line for the Brotherhood of Steel. It was now time for the final assault to take back the Jefferson Monument. With the aid of a giant robot named Liberty Prime, they stormed through the Enclave Defenses, taking back the water purifier. All was not well, however. The chamber was still heavily irradiated, even for his power armor, and during the fighting several components were damaged. Pressure was building in the system, and the place was going to blow if it wasn't turned on then and there. Jeremy voluntarily entered the chamber, thinking it was a one-way trip. He inputted the password, turning on the machine, and passed out.

When he woke up next, he found himself not in the Capitol Wasteland, but a Pre-War city. "Am I dead?" was the first thing he said.

Weaknesses: The ghosts of his past (Namely the Pitt debacle, which haunts him to this day) can cause a mental breakdown, no magic immunity though his T-45d Power Armor can take a beating, can and will underestimate opponents

Likes: Nuka Cola, Science!, guns, friends, Brotherhood of Steel, tinkering with junk, traveling

Dislikes: Jet (Recovering addict), people of questionable morality, Enclave
« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 05:09:59 AM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #94 on: September 17, 2015, 09:47:57 PM »
Name: Rachel Alucard

Race: Vampire

Age: Tens of Thousands of years old

Height: Short

Weight: Light


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Abilites: High

Rachel is a master of Sorcery. She has masterful control of wind and lightning, and can open portals at will. She can morph her clothes into weaponry and fly. She can create intense lightning strikes at will, and with a bit of effort, a superpowered lightning pillar.

She can use wind magic to make herself fly, fling objects, and combine it with electricity to force people to her markers and shock them.

She is also highly knowledgeable about the specifics of Ars Magus and Magic. She was able to instantly break a top tier binding protocol created by Kokonoe in a single instant.

Other Abilities:

Rachel is extremely good at the delicate art of observation, however she has lost most of her powers since she broke the contract with Tagamagahara. At this point she can only bolster and support an existence. Even so, she is incredibly knowledgeable in how to do it, even though she is now incapable of many of its functions. She is a highly competent teacher

Rachel is an elder vampire, thousands of years old. However, she does not have any weaknesses commonly associated with those of a vampire such as sunlight, holy artifacts, garlic and crossing bodies of water. She finds blood abhorrent, and has only drunk it once to save someone’s life. Instead, to sate her thirst, she drinks tea almost constantly. She suffers no discernible weaknesses from the lack of blood in her diet, and is unaging.

Tsukuyomi Unit:
Spoiler for huge:
The Tsukuyomi Unit is simply the ultimate defense. No attack, under any circumstances, can hope to scratch this magnificent shield. Not even the mountain leveling power of Take-Mikazuchi was able to pierce the shield. It was reflected off it, leaving smaller blasts to slam into neighboring mountains which were left utterly devastated. It is completely and totally indestructible and impenetrable, in the absolute truest sense of the words. Not even an attack that can bypass time and space can penetrate its defense. It requires an incantation, and requires a hefty recharge between uses.

Nulliplex restriction mechanism release, dimensional interruption imaginary number developing. Connecting to congenital border. Activating Tsukuyomi Unit.



Rachel Alucard is the head of the Alucard vampire clan, and has been for around a hundred years. She, along with her butler Valkenhayn and Yuki Terumi, were the only ones who knew that time was looping during the events of Calamity Trigger. She was extremely powerful at this time, able to keep up with Terumi. However, she abandoned most of her powers in order to directly interfere with the events of the world, and has since been extremely active in doing so. She was recently pulled into the Nexus, and has found herself unable to escape.

Her pride. Rachel rarely takes people seriously and even more rarely fights at her full power, preferring to humiliate her opponents.

Likes: Noel, Ragna(although she’d never admit it), Valkenheim, Tea, verbally abusing people

Dislikes: Terumi, Relius, Ragna(obstinately), looking foolish or incapable.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 02:25:45 AM by Sinib »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #95 on: September 27, 2015, 07:18:44 PM »
Name: Mandulis

Race: Astartes (Modified Human)

Age:  22

Height: 8' 1" without armor. 8' 7" with.

Weight: 500 pounds without armor, 1200 pounds with armor.


With Armor:


Mandulis normally wears his armor at all times, as he considers this place a combat zone, however, if he were to remove his armor, underneath would be a giant of a man, built very much like the greek gods of old, with a few notable differences. His chest does not have a visible ribcage, instead it has interlocking plates, and those are visible even with his toned musculature on his sides. Furthermore, across his spine, neck, and skull, are various ports for his suit to connect to, which are a part of his black carapace.

Other than that, his skin varies in tone depending on the intensity of the Ultraviolet radiation, and in this level he is quite pale. His eyes are a piercing blue and his head is shaved completely bald. He has a strong jawline and a perfectly formed skull, as a result of the genetic augmentations that he underwent to become a member of the Adeptus Astartes.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible, Fantastic with armor.

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magical Scale: Medium

Psyker Powers:

Sanctury: This ability surrounds both him and allies near him in a bright light, protecting them from attacks. Unholy beings find it difficult to approach those in this sacred circle. This demands concentration to perform.

Purge Soul: This psychic attack purges the target’s soul of evil, though this might kill the target in the process. Dodgable.

Cleansing Flame: Mandulis harnesses the very fire in his soul, creating a wall of white-hot flame that bursts forward. This Holy Fire is difficult to put out. Dodgable.

Mind Scouring: Mandulis is capable of “throwing” his mind, exploring the world the way only a Psyker could. However, in doing so, his mind becomes a beacon for the entities of the Immaterium.

Other Abilities:

Grey Knight Training- The rigours of this training regiment expose recruits to horrors that even normal marines would break under, and as a result, they truly know no fear. Other side effects of the training include extreme endurance of pain due to hypnotherapy to be able to control his nervous system and metabolic processes. Furthermore, they have a superior memory and intelligence due to this training as well.

Additional Organs:

Secondary Heart:
Acts as a backup heart in case of traumatic heart injury, allows for greater blood flow which allows survival in low oxygen environments.

Ossmodula: Biologically hardened the marine's bones to be impervious to bullets by mixing them with ceramic, and fused the marine's ribcage into a series of interlocking bulletproof plates.
Biscopea: Responsible for increased muscle growth in the Astartes.

Haemastamen: Increases Haemoglobin content in blood to increase oxygenation
Larraman's Organ: Releases specialized cells that create near instant scar tissue to seal any wound that the marine receives.

Catalepsean Node: Regulates brain activity making a Marine stay aware of his surroundings even when he sleeps and reduces the need for sleep to 4 hours per day and making him able to potentially go 2 weeks without sleep.

Preomnor: A pre-stomach that neutralizes indigestible or poisonous foods.

Omophagea: Allows a Marine to learn by eating by analyzing the genetic data of things he eats.

Multi-lung: Allows a Marine to breathe in low oxygen, poisonous, or even underwater environments. Closes off the normal lungs and acts as the primary lung in these instances.

Occulobe: This implant, along with retinal therapy, allows a marine to see as well in low light environments as normal light, giving them essentially night vision.

Lyman's Ear: A replacement to a normal ear that allows a marine to consciously filter out sound and renders them immune to dizziness.

Sus-an Membrane: Allows a marine to go into a state of suspended animation when mortally wounded. Cannot be revived from it without outside help.

Melanchromic Organ: Allows a marine's skin pigmentation to change based on  the amount of UV radiation, also protects from other kinds of radiation.

Oolitic Kidney: Renders a marine immune to most poisons, however especially powerful toxins require a marine to fall unconscious while purging them.

Neuroglottis: Allows a marine to identify chemicals by taste.

Betcher's Gland: Allows a marine to spit corrosive poison that can even wear away at strong metals given time and quantity.

Black Carapace: Allows for direct interface with power armor. Without this it is impossible to use.

Purity Seals: A web of holy silver seals implanted under Mandulis's skin that ward off psychic attack and daemonic possession, as well as lower level magic.


Mark VIII Aegis Armor (non-Terminator):
This is the armor of the Grey Knights, which has all the capabilities of modern Power armor with a customized design. Normally it would have a whole host of sensory suites and support functions, however, due to damage incurred in his transferral to Nexus city, all higher functions have been knocked out, and only basic mechanical assistance to move in it and augment his strength still remain. The anti-Daemon properties of the materials the suit is made off of still are intact, and between his purity seals and these, only the most powerful Daemons and magic can affect him. The armor makes him essentially a walking tank, and requires extremely high power rounds to pierce it.
Spoiler for Hiden:

[bNemesis Force Halberd:[/b]
A master crafted halberd with a psy matrix attuned to his psyche, this one of a kind blade was custom made for him, just as they are for all Grey KNights. In addition to the fact that most people cannot lift it, in the hands of another person the weapon is useless as its effect is tied directly to his psychic powers, and is optherwise just a very good halberd. When he uses it however, it becomes capable of spiritual interference and is especially god at it, as it is the Grey Knight's tool of choice for purging Daemons.
Spoiler for Hiden:


Mandulis has no recollection of his time before becoming a Marine, as the memories of his previous life as well as his personality were destroyed by the training regimes and indoctrination he went through to become a Grey Knight. After his ascension to the position as a full Battle Brother in the tanks of the Grey Knights, he has not been on any major missions, though he survived many as a Scout and was awarded for his valour.

Before he was sucked into Nexus City, he was on a mission with his fellow Battle Brothers to investigate and close a warp rift that was spawning Daemons onto an imperial world, and after much fighting, Mandulis got pulled through it, and ended up here in Nexus City through the foul and unknowable machinations of the warp.


EMP- Knocking out the rest of his suit's functions will render him extremely sluggish until he can manage to get out of the suit, as it is incredibly heavy even for a marine.

Extremely Strong Poison- Extremely strong poisons will not kill him, however it renders him unconscious as his oolotic kidney works on overdrive to purge the poisons from his system, rendering him helpless.

Likes: Discipline, Order, The Emperor, Humanity

Dislikes: Witches, Xenos, Heretics, Daemons, Chaos
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 02:41:59 AM by Emperors Hammer »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #96 on: September 28, 2015, 08:52:09 PM »
Name: Kihara Kagun, Bersi
Race: Human
Age: 20s
Height: 186cm
Weight: 90kg

He is a rather tall man, with a lean build, almost androgynous. When his helmet got destroyed, he is seen to have black eyes, and short black hair which was somewhat spiky.

Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Magical Abilities: Low
Whitting: Named after the Icelandic saga character known as Bersi, Kihara Kagun wields the sword known as Whitting, wielded by Bersi in his duel against Kormak. It is described in the saga as "a sharp sword, with a life-stone to it".

When in battle, the sword scatters when its owner is at a disadvantage, and amongst its shards, a miracle would occur, a spell that could accurately avoid damage and cause the sword to be sharper. When both are assembled, the sword's destructive power will increase exponentially. The sword appears a bluish laser sword that Kagun holds between his fingers.

Everything up to this point was flavor text on what Whitting was like in the Edda. Kagun had based his spells on the legend, but his own spells are somewhat different in execution and effect.

Kagun's Whitting's offensive capabilities: For Kagun, the sword appears as a bluish laser sword which Kagun holds between his middle- and index-fingers. It sharp enough to cut through most things, and it can manifest itself out of thin air.

Kagun's Whitting's defensive capabilities: Whitting nullifies all fatal attacks. This effectively means that Kagun can not be killed in one strike, and killing him requires a method which may take some time. Due to Whitting's protection, Kagun will not take any damage from a "fatal attack", such as an attack which would damage organs such as the brain or lungs. He can however have an arm sliced off, and his skin torn. As such, the most effective way to kill him would be blood-loss. Poisoning, extreme cold, extreme heat, and other such things would also work. This spell is active at all times.

Other Abilities:
Great Scientific Knowledge: Being a Kihara and a former researcher, Kagun has an ample scientific knowledge. He is considered to be among the higher tier of Kiharas. He is smart and skillful enough to easily be on the level of having a PhD in mathematics, science, physics, biology, coding, and other such subjects. He is able to safely stop and restart a human heart.

Unorthodox Fighting: Kagun uses unorthodox and dangerous fighting methods. An example of this would be him putting a landmine inside his coat and then detonating it with the explosion facing outward towards his enemy.

Anti-Kihara Specialist: Kagun is an anti-Kihara specialist. He knows the way they think, and as such is capable of conjuring strategies and attacks against them.

Equipment: Some pants and boots. A belt with the buckle bearing a dragon. A semiconductor in the back of his neck that is activated were he to be controlled. Within it are things that Kagun would do given certain conditions. However, a tiny effect would appear only when he was forced to do something that was "not like him". To ensure that he would take actions that were "like him," a list of rules on the device were inputted: 1. He would exterminate his enemy, Kihara Byouri; 2. As long as it did not interfere with 1, he would limit the loss of life of both enemy and ally as much as possible; 3. To achieve 2, the damage or destruction of anything other than human life was allowable.

Origin: Originally, he was a near-death experience researcher who eventually gained the ability to safely stop a person's heart and restart the stopped heart. He was also able to control the number of times he could stop a person's heart, which made him legendary amongst the Kiharas. As a researcher, he killed the most number of people out of all Kiharas, but as he revived those he "killed", no one was damaged by his actions. He ended his research after realizing that since he could kill and revive people easily regardless of the reason, that the value of human life would always be judged at a very low baseline. Basically, he felt that with his skill over life, it could be compared to that of a child turning a television on and off.

He later became a teacher, which was easy as he had erased his past as a Kihara. As a teacher he took part in Student Keeper activity, which was one of the safety measures of Academy City to help students unable to return to school life due to skipping class. During the activity, he managed to reach what lay deep inside the students' hearts and effectively made the students come back to school, which earned him some fame. He resigned from his job about 3 years prior to being transported to the Nexus, due to an incident arranged by a fellow Kihara (Byouri) that corrupted a boy that was erased from the records. The boy had attacked the students and threatened to take their lives. Kagun charged towards the attacker, beating him to death with a shovel and killing him before a tragedy could occur. Despite the court's verdict making him innocent and his teacher licence still active, he decided to take revenge on whoever arranged the incident and disappeared from Academy City.

After that, he met Marian Slingeneyer and helped her improve the Dvergr tools that were essential for their survival, as he then began to study magic. He also developed spells for the sake of "carrying out the perfect tie against his one mortal enemy", which were deemed too dangerous to touch by GREMLIN magicians. Marian intentionally drew Kagun into GREMLIN, and he became one of the organisation's science oriented cores that provided assistance when members had to rely on scientific technology to carry out their plans. At this time, Marian bonded with Kagun, and clearly cared for him as a colleague, and is described as being her partner, telling him to return to her if he has finished his vengeance, unaware of the meaning of his version of revenge.

Preparing for the possibility that his mind and body might get controlled if he fails in defeating Kihara Byouri, Kagun implanted a semiconductor in the back of his neck. Within it are things that Kagun would do given certain conditions. However, a tiny effect would appear only when he was forced to do something that was "not like him". To ensure that he would take actions that were "like him," a list of rules on the device were inputted: 1. He would exterminate his enemy, Kihara Byouri; 2. As long as it did not interfere with 1, he would limit the loss of life of both enemy and ally as much as possible; 3. To achieve 2, the damage or destruction of anything other than human life was allowable.

Before the Baggage City incident he intercepted the scope of the invasion force Academy City would be sending (and from here, knew of Kihara Byouri's participation), and later made the final adjustments for the experiment to give GREMLIN a better advantage. During the incident itself, he finally comes across Kihara Byouri. He and Byouri proceed to fight in the freezing -20ºC weather. He managed to successfully kill Byouri, however he suffered major injuries. He lost his left arm, his upper body was stained with blood, and his skin wasn't intact. He fell from the pile of containers, and down onto the snowy ground. It was at that moment that he found himself within the Nexus.

He is a Kihara, as such he has a natural affinity towards science and the gravitation towards evil. However, he somehow managed to overcome both of these, becoming a magician as well as helping the audience of Natural Selector, and other people. Yet he is still a Kihara regardless, as he displays his deviousness having manipulated events in Baggage City so he can face Kihara Byouri equally, as well as allowing for the events of Radiosonde Castle, and the invasion of Hawaii to take place. Therefore, he is considered to be like the other Kiharas. He is someone who can be quite ruthless, and will let nothing get in the way of his goals, even if he is good.

Weakness: Students. Children. The boy he had killed. These can be used as hostages against him, and can be used to more easily play with his emotions.
Likes: Teaching. Helping people. Children. Lowering the amount of casualties. Helping his friends. Extracting his revenge.
Dislikes: Science. The Kiharas. Byouri. Violence. Murder. Destruction.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 03:49:10 PM by Fel »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #97 on: September 29, 2015, 12:30:31 AM »
Name: Victoria Ashworth

Race: Vampire (Tremere)
Age: 801 as vampire, 814 total. 7th Generation.
Height: 4' 10"
Weight: 80 pounds.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional
Magical Scale: High


Levinbolt Spells:

Flicker: The thaumaturge simply glances at a target powered by electricity. Upon a successful activation , she can shut down an electrical device for 40 minutes. The spark of electricity arcs from the device directly into the thaumaturge in a frightening display of mystical power. The source of this power is immediately known.

Spark:  The thaumaturge simply touches a target and releases the spark. The electricity can snap from any part of the caster’s body, so a thaumaturge might give an unpleasant surprise to someone touching her. The resulting electrical discharge inflicts moderate lethal damage to targets  and short-circuits electronic equipment and devices not specifically grounded against lightning strikes.

Illuminate:  The thaumaturge can generate enough electricity to supple a number of lightbulbs or a small device for a few minutes. Alternately, the thaumaturge canshock someone by touch, as with the Spark power, but for double the damage. The current created with this power is not strong enough to force its way through less-than-ideal conductors, and thus simply inflicts electrical damage on raw metals, woods, or other matter in the form of a burn and discoloration. The thaumaturge can alternately allowthe electricity to spark around her hand, eyes, or head;this creates illumination about equal to a dim light bulb, and lowers the difficulty of any Intimidating people.

Thor's Fury: The thaumaturge focuses her concentration upon her target and then directs hurled bolts via her concentration, and deals massive damage to a target capable of killing average people. The source of this power is immediately known.  The electricity can be directed into an electrical circuit if it can handle the electrical power generated by this ability

Eye of the Storm: When a thaumaturge concentrates heavily to invoke this power, she solidifies the stored electricity inside of her into a mystical barrier that completelysurrounds her. The caster becomes immune to any ranged attacks using metal projectiles. Larger projectiles, bigger than bullets, retain their momentum despite being melted and impact her. Metal weapons such as swords inflict injury as normal for the first strike, but are then melted from contact with the barrier, and the wielder endures a serious electrical shock. Enemies that dare to touch the caster suffer extreme electrical shocks. Non-metal weapons, such as wooden stakes, are notaffected by Eye of the Storm. This power lasts for several seconds before dissipating, and the electricity can be directed into an electrical circuit if it can handle the electrical power generated by this ability.

Technomancy Spells:

Analyze: Mortals are constantly developing new innovations, and any vampire who would work Technomancy must be able to understand that upon which he practices her magic. The most basic power of this path allows the thaumaturge to project his perceptions into a device, granting him a temporary understanding of its purpose, the principles of its functioning, and its means of operation. This does not grant permanent knowledge, only a momentary flash of insight which fades within five minutes.

Burnout: It is usually easier to destroy than to create, and sensitive electronics are no exception to this rule. Burnout is used to cause a device’s power supply (either internal or external) to surge, damaging or destroying the target. Burnout cannot be used to directly injure another individual, although the sudden destruction of a pacemaker or a car’s fuel injection control chip can certainly create a health hazard. It can be used at a distance of up to 70 yards. It will trash a device until it is professionally repaired unless it is protected against power surges, in that case it only damages it and makes it much harder to use. It can also be used to destroy data on a storage device, making it irrecoverable by any non-magical means.

Encrypt/Decrypt: Electronic security is a paramount concern of governments and corporations alike. Those thaumaturges who are techno-savvy enough to understand the issues at stake have become quite enamored of this power, which allows them to scramble a device’s controls mystically, making it inaccessible to anyone else. Encrypt/Decrypt also works on electronic media; a DVD under the influence of this power displays just snow and static if played back without the owner’s approval. Some neonates have taken to calling this power “DRM.” This power can be dismissed at any time by Victoria by simply touching the device and concentrating.

Remote Access: With this power, a skilled thaumaturge can bypass the need for physical contact to operate a device. This is not a form of telekinesis; the vampire does not manipulate the item’s controls, but rather touches it directly with the power of her mind. Thanks to her prowess with thaumaturgy, she can use the object as well as if she were using it with her own hands.

Spirit Manipulation Spells:

Hermetic Sight: The vampire can perceive the spirit world, either by gazing deeply into it or by seeing the presence of nearby spirits as a hazy overlay on the material world. At her level of skill in thaumaturgy, one cast of this allows her to observe the spirit world for three hours.

Astral Cant: The languages of the spirit world are infinitely varied and mainly incomprehensible to mortal (and immortal) minds. Astral Cant does not teach the thaumaturge the tongues of the spirits, but it does allow her to understand them as they speak to him and to reply in their own languages. The use of this power is not always necessary; many spirits speak human tongues, but choose to feign ignorance when dealing with vampires. At her level, this spell allows her to speak with spirits for an hour and a half with a single activation.

Voice of Command: This is perhaps the most dangerous power in the Spirit Manipulation arsenal, for the consequences of failure can be particularly unpleasant. Voice of Command allows the thaumaturge to issue orders to a spirit, compelling it to heed her bidding whether or not it desires to do so. Spirits compelled by this power are fully aware that they are being forced into these actions, and may well seek revenge on their erstwhile masters at a later time. At her level of mastery, she can command a spirit to do a long or involved task that does not pose any immediate risk to its own life. This can be resisted by especially powerful spirits, and they are only vaguely impelled to follow her orders.

Entrap Ephemera: This power allows a thaumaturge to bind a spirit into a physical object. This can be done to imprison the target, but is more often performed to create a fetish — an artifact that grants mystical benefits powered by the spirit. Fetishes created by this power are often unreliable and fail at inopportune moments, as the spirits within are understandably displeased with their situation and will take any opportunity to escape or thwart their captors. Her level of mastery allows her to create a powerful fetish that can greatly benefit her in the task that it was designed to perform, such as a healing fetish granting bonuses to healing.

Movement of the Mind Spells:

Lift: Using her thaumaturgy, Victoria can lift up to 500 pounds with ease, able to manipulate them freely while they are in the air.

Fly: Using her thaumaturgy, Victoria can maeke herself fly at about running speed.

Throw: With her thaumaturgy, Victoria can throw up to 500 pounds with enough force to seriously injure or kill a normal human, or throw a person of up to 500 pounds.

Conjuration Spells:

Summon the Simple Form: At this level of mastery, the conjurer may create simple, inanimate objects. The object cannot have any moving parts and may not be made of multiple materials. For example, the conjurer may summon a steel baton, a lead pipe, a wooden stake, or a chunk of granite. Due to her skill in the magic she uses, objects she creates can be permanant with a bit of effort, or last five minutes before disappearing.

Magic of the Smith: The Kindred may now conjure complex objects of multiple components and with moving parts. For example, the thaumaturge can create guns, bicycles, chainsaws, or cellphones. She cannot create anything she is unfamiliar with, however thanks to her vast knowledge of science, the occult, and technology she can create virtually anything she needs with it. This is automatically permanent, and requires concentration to do.


Defense of the Sacred Haven: This ritual prevents sunlight from entering an area within 20 feet (six meters) of this ritual’s casting. A mystical darkness blankets the area, keeping the baleful light at bay. Sunlight reflects off windows or magically fails to pass through doors or other portals. To invoke this ritual’s protection, the caster draws sigils in her own blood on all the affected windows and doors. The ritual lasts as long as the thaumaturge stays within the 20-foot (6-meter) radius. Takes one hour to perform.

Machine Blitz: Machines go haywire when this ritual is cast. It takes effect instantly and lasts as long as the vampire concentrates on it. This ritual may be used to kill car engines, erase flash drives, drain the battery of a cellphone, stop life-support machines, et cetera. Essentially, Machine Blitz stops any machine more complex than a rope-and-pulley. The thaumaturge must have a scrap of rusted metal in her possession for this ritual to work. This must be designated at a specific target.

Transubstantiation of the Seven: The caster of the Transubstantiation must sacrifice a bit of her own blood. The blood placed inthe chalice remains unchanged until after it’s imbibed and then spread throughout the subject’s system, at which point it takes on the properties of the Council of Seven.This causes one step toward a blood bond to the whole council, but guarantees that the councilors’ blood cannot be stolen. Because the blood is already in the subject’s system, it counts as his own vitae if it is later drained out.

In truth, there is no physical requirement that this rite be used on a new neonate. A rare few Tremere neonates escape the process. Theoretically, the rite could also be used to generate a stronger bond in older Tremere or even in ghouls or Kindred of other Clans. Kindred of the 14th or 15th generations, ghouls, and revenants cannot use this rite — their blood is not sufficiently strong enough to channel the councilors’ power.

Sanguine Assistant: Thaumaturges often need laboratory assistants whom they can trust implicitly. This ritual allows the intrepid vampire to conjure a temporary servant. To cast the ritual, the thaumaturge slices open his arm and bleeds into a specially prepared earthen bowl. The ritual sucks in and animates whatever random unimportant items the wizard happens to have lying around her workshop — glass beakers, dissection tools, pencils, crumpled papers, semiprecious stones — and binds the materials together into a small humanoid form animated by the power of the ritual and the blood. Oddly enough, this ritual almost never takes in any tool that the caster finds himself needing during the assistant’s lifespan, nor does it take the physical components of any other ritual nor any living thing. The servant has no personality to speak of at first, but gradually adopts the mannerisms and thought processes that the thaumaturge desires in an ideal servant. Sanguine Assistants are temporary creations, but some vampires become fond of their tiny accomplices and create the same one whenever the need arises.

The servant created by the ritual stands a foot (30 cm) high and appears as a roughly humanoid shape composed of whatever the ritual sucked in for its own use. It lasts for one night per success rolled. At the end of the last night, the assistant crawls into the bowl used for its creation and falls apart. The assistant can be reanimated through another application of this ritual; if the caster so desires, it re-forms from the same materials with the same memories and personality.

A Sanguine Assistant is a naturally timid creature and flees if attacked, though it will try to defend its master’s life at the cost of its own. It has no Disciplines of its own, but has a full understanding of all of its master’s Thaumaturgical knowledge and can instruct others if so commanded. A Sanguine Assistant is impervious to any mind-controlling Disciplines or magic, so completely is it bound to its creator’s will.

Incorporeal Passage:  Use of this ritual allows the thaumaturge to make herself insubstantial. The caster becomes completely immaterial and thus is able to walk through walls, pass through closed doors, escape manacles, etc. The caster also becomes invulnerable to physical attacks for the duration of the ritual. The caster must follow a straight path through any physical objects, and may not draw back. Thus, a Kindred may walk through a solid wall, but may not walk down through the earth (as it would be impossible to reach the other side before the ritual lapsed). This ritual requires that the caster carry a shard from a shattered mirror to hold her image. This ritual lasts for three hours and can be cast instantly by pulling out the mirror shard and willing it while having it face her.

Mirror of Second Sight: This object is an oval mirror no less than four inches (10 cm) wide and no more than 18 inches (45 cm) in length. It looks like a normal mirror, but once created, the vampire can use it to see the supernatural: It reflects the true form of Lupines and faeries, and enables the owner to see ghosts as they move though the Underworld. The caster creates the mirror by bathing an ordinary mirror in a quantity of her own blood while reciting a ritual incantation.
The mirror reflects images of other supernatural creatures’ true forms — werewolves appear in their hulking man-wolf shapes, magi glow in a scintillating nimbus, ghosts become visible (in the mirror), and so on. Sometimes, the mirror also reveals those possessed of True Faith in clouds of golden light.

Blood Contract: This ritual creates an unbreakable agreement between the two parties who sign it. The contract must be written in the caster’s blood and signed in the blood of whoever applies their name to the document. This ritual takes three nights to enact fully, after which both parties are compelled to fulfill the terms of the contract. This ritual can end prematurely by burning the contract, and there can be no stipulation in the contract that it cannot be burned. It is impossible to break the terms of the contract after it has been signed.

Other Abilities:

Tremere Vampirism: As a vampire of the Tremere clan, she shares all traits common to vampires, including having no internal organs besides her stomach, esophagus, and heart, along with any organ that would be observable from the outside. As a result, she takes extremely reduced damage from bullets and blunt weaponry, and can regenerate wounds caused by anything she is not weak to by using her own blood.

Blood Properties:

Blood Binding: An inherent property of Kindred blood, all those who drink the blood of a Kindred become bound to the Kindred in question the more and more they drink of their blood. This even applies to other Kindred, in fact, all Kindred are at least one step blood-bound to their sire, and due to the clan weakness of the Tremere, they are more easily bound, and skip the first step of Blood Binding, going directly to the second, meaning that all Tremere Childer are two steps blood bound to their sire, Victoria included.

 After the first sip of blood, the thrall begins to develop strong feelings for the regnant, whether love or hate, though they are still free to act as they choose. Those in a one-drink bond may unconsciously seek out the regnant, seemingly accidentally running into them on a frequent basis.

After the second sip, the regnant becomes a very important person to the thrall, who may go out of their way to seek the regnant's attention or please them. It becomes difficult for the thrall to do anything that would harm the regnant, and the regnant likewise finds it easier to convince the thrall of things. Though the thrall's craving for the regnant's blood increases, they still retain their free-will.

After the third sip, the blood bond is complete. The thrall is now subject to the regnant completely and loves them as much as they are capable of loving anyone. The regnant is the most important person in the thrall's life and takes priority over all else; sufficiently weak-willed individuals will commit any act the regnant asks of them. Furthermore, the regnant may command the thrall with Dominate via voice alone. It may still be possible for the thrall to act against the regnant, but only temporarily and after an extreme effort of will.

Blood bonds do decay over large periods of time if the thrall does not see their regnant and does not drink their blood, however this sort of avoidance is extremely hard for a thrall, due to the nature of the blood binding.

Ghouling: This is another basic property of Kindred blood, any mortal who drinks of it not only starts the process of being blood bound to the vampire, but also becomes something known as a ghoul. They do not produce their own vampiric blood, and lose it when they use it to power disciplines or lose it over the the course of time, with one feeding usually lasting about a month, unless they partake of more. While a person has vampire blood in their system, they will not age, and they can learn vampiric Disciplines up to two points due to the strength of Victoria's blood, and they automatically learn Potence at its most basic level. However, this transformation is not without drawbacks. Ghouls will frenzy like any normal vampire when exposed to fire or other triggers, and they are hopelessly addicted to the blood. Any ghoul who loses their blood supply will quickly age to their chronological age, and any ghoul over a century old will crumble to dust. as a result of this, ghouls are normally totally blood bound to their vampiric masters, and are unable to refuse their orders.

The Kiss: Another name for feeding, this is the lifeblood of vampires. Without performing this on humans, they would fall into torpor and be unable to rise. The process is extremely pleasurable for the person being drained, even more so than any sexual release. The pleasure is also quite enjoyable for the vampire, but not to the point where they are totally enraptured by it like the host. A vampire can take about 20-30% of a person's blood safely, and that is usually what they do. Rarely do vampires intentionally drain their victims dry, preferring instead to make them addicted to the kiss and having a willing herd of livestock.

The Embrace: The process of creating new vampires, and the only time it is acceptable within the Camarilla to totally drain a victim dry on purpose. In Tremere society, one must get the permission of the city's regent to create a new Childe vampire, however due to Victoria herself being a Regent, she does not require permission if she is taking them from her domain. After draining a victim totally dry, she would then put some of her blood into the vampire, normally a single drop, resulting in the vampire rising as an eighth generation Kindred. They are very ravenously thirsty for blood when they rise, so often the Tremere have two drinks ready for them, one to bond them totally to their sire, and another as a pre-prepared Transubstantiation of the Seven to bind them to the Inner Council of Seven, as is required of all Tremere.

Dominate Abilities:

Command: When Victoria makes eye contact with a person, she can give them a direct order, and unless it is against their nature or they are of notably strong will, they must comply with the action unless it would put their life in jeapordy.

Mesmerize: With some concentration, she can implant memories and remove them from a target, however again those of exceptionally strong will can resist. These can be either conscious or subconscious memories or commands, and can range from simple to complex.

The Forgetful Mind: This ability allows Victoria to rewrite the memories of a target she has already mesmerized, and pacifies them for the duration it takes for her to rewrite these memories, which must be done through a series of verbal commands. At her level, she can rewrite up to an hours worth of memories for an average person, however as usual people of exceptional willpower can resist, and sometimes recover their original memories.

Conditioning: Through sustained manipulation, the vampire can make a subject more pliant to the Kindred’s will. Over time, the victim becomes increasingly susceptible to the vampire’s influence while simultaneously growing more resistant to the corrupting efforts of other Kindred. Gaining complete control over a subject’s mind is no small task, taking weeks or even months to accomplish. Kindred often fill their retainers’ heads with subtle whispers and veiled urges, thereby ensuring these mortals’ loyalty. Yet vampires must pay a high price for the minds they ensnare. Servants Dominated in this way lose much of their passion and individuality. They follow the vampire’s orders quite literally, seldom taking initiative or showing any imagination. In the end, such retainers become like automatons or the walking dead.

Possession: At this level of Dominate, the force of the Kindred’s psyche is such that it can utterly supplant the mind of a mortal subject. Speaking isn’t required, but the vampire must capture the victim’s gaze. During the psychic struggle, the contestants’ eyes are locked on one another. Once the Kindred overwhelms the subject’s mind, the vampire moves his consciousness into the victim’s body and controls it as easily as she uses his own. The mortal falls into a mental fugue while under possession. She is aware of events only in a distorted, dreamlike fashion. In turn, the vampire’s mind focuses entirely on controlling her mortal subject. Her own body lies in a torpid state, defenseless against any actions made toward it.

Vampires cannot possess one another in this fashion, as even the weakest Kindred’s mind is strong enough to resist such straightforward mental dominance. Only through a blood bond can one vampire control another to this degree. Supernatural creatures also cannot be possessed in this way, although ghouls that have drunk from the vampire using Possession can. At her level of mastery, she can use any ability the target has after a bit of experimentation with it, with physical being the easiest to use and mystical being the hardest to use.

Auspex Abilities:

Enhanced Senses: Victoria has the ability to enhance her senses, however while she is doing so, extremes for those senses she is enhancing, such as extremely bright lights or loud noises, can temporarily damage her senses.

Aura Sight: With some concentration, she can see the aura of a person, getting general ideas about a person's mood and personality.

The Spirit's Touch: When someone handles an object for any length of time, he leaves a psychic impression on the item. A vampire with this level of Auspex can “read” these sensations, learning who handled the object, when he last held it, and what was done with it recently. These visions are seldom clear and detailed, registering more like a kind of “psychic snapshot.” Still, the Kindred can learn much even from such a glimpse. Although most visions concern the last person to handle the item, a long-time owner leaves a stronger impression than someone who held the object briefly. At her level she can gain a few basic pieces of information about the owner of the object such as gender and hair color, as well as the name of the owner.

Gleaning information from the spiritual residue requires the vampire to hold the object and enter a shallow trance. She is only marginally aware of her surroundings while using The Spirit’s Touch, but a loud noise or jarring physical sensation breaks the trance instantly.


Clothes: The clothes on her back, as well as a variety of luggage that mysterously got transported with her.

Scientific Equipment: Also in her luggage, far carefully packed, is basic scientific equipment she has, along with soldering tools, an arc welder, and a blowtorch.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Victoria is a High Regent of the Tremere, on her way to becoming an Lord in the clan. She was turned in 1210 by a vampire who fancied her and believed she would be a good recruit for the clan. She took extremely well to thaumaturgy, Mastering the Path of the Levinbolt first, then reaching almost mastery in Spirit Manipulation and Conjuring well before the modern nights.

When technology began to spread among the humans, she was very intrigued by it, as she had been attempting to build apparatuses to better channel her Levinbolt spells for centuries, and decided that whatever the mortals were doing was worth looking into. After doing so she became obsessed with modern technology, and picked up technomancy at almost mastery quite quickly, and she is currently working on mastering it.

On her way to a meeting between the Tremere and a council of mages, her and a group of vampires follow a mage through a portal to make the journey a lot faster, however something goes terribly awry when she tries to enter the portal, and she finds herself and the luggage she was carrying with her, which was a large luggage trunk hurled into a strange dimension, crashing through a ceiling with the luggage landing on top of her, hurting her minorly and cushioning the fall for the delicate materials inside of the trunk.


Sunlight: Like all vampires, Victoria burns in sunlight and cannot be in it without burning to ash. Deals damage that cannot be healed with blood, only time.

Fire: Like all vampires, she risks frenzy at the sight of fire and must overcome her frenzy or risk fleeing instincutally. Fire also deals damage that cannot healed with blood, only time.

Uppity: While she does not hate humans, she considers herself far superior to them. In fact, she considers her clan the best clan of vampires out there, and if you are also a vampire, she will tell you that to your face, and has a hard time not doing so despite it being in her best interest to not sometimes.

Deep Sleeper: Moreso than other vampires, Victoria has trouble waking up during the day, and takes far more effort to do so than her other fellow vampires, and is a bit more groggy when she does so.

New Arrival: As a totally new resident of Nexus city, Victoria has no idea how the town works or the nature of the city. She will need to learn these things from scratch.

Vampiric Thirst: The crucial weakness of vampires, the need to feed on human blood. She gains no nutrition from non-human blood, and can go for only a max of two weeks without it, and is usually much shorter if she is using her vampiric powers.

Vampires, Order, Science, Electricity, Firearms, Thaumaturgy, Reading, Technology

Hunters, Barbarians, Idiots, Human Food
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 04:44:13 PM by Emperors Hammer »

Emperor's Hammer

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #98 on: October 03, 2015, 12:18:40 AM »
Name: Valerie Arkwright

Race: Human
Age: 30
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 170 pounds

This is just her preferred appearance, she can shift her physical attributes relatively simply, though as stated below, they are likely to cause paradox, and a lot of it if done in front of sleepers in an area that rejects magic, depending on how drastic the change is. Everything about her is mutable due to her magic, as long as it is not blatantly not human, like becoming a dog or another animal. Addition of inhuman features, such as gills or animal ears or the like are possible, but are likely to cause strange side effects , and incur paradox as I mentioned above and below.

Physical Attributes

Maximum Output (Safe Output)

Strength: Incredible (Exceptional)
Agility: Incredible (Exceptional, reactions and dexterity are always incredible)
Constitution: Incredible
Magic Scale: Medium


To cast any magic, Valerie must focus it through her martial arts in one form or another, for example she could flex and use her magic to increase the muscle mass of her arms, or use the mental sicipline she has gained for more perceptive techniques, and meditative techniques are common for healing , though other techniques can be used.

Sphere of Prime:

Etheric Senses, Consecration, Infuse Personal Quintessence: A beginning study of Prime allows the mage to perceive and channel Quintessence (sort of like mana) from Nodes (wells of Quintessence), Tass (Solidified Quintessence), Wonders (Objects infused with quintessence), and magickal Effects. She may spot energetic ebbs and flows, can sense and at least try to read Resonance and Synergy signatures (Residues left behind by magical casting), and could also absorb Quintessence into her personal Pattern.

When infusing her Quintessence into an object, that mage may also consecrate the object with her personal energy. When she shapeshifts, steps sideways (moves to a parallel dimension), or otherwise alters her Pattern’s metaphysical nature, that consecrated object will then change with her. In the process, it also picks up her personal Resonance… which, because it both identifies her and becomes essentially connected to her, is not always a good thing.

Fuel Pattern, Construct Patterns, Enchant Patterns, Body of Light: Attaining a degree of control over Prime energies, the mage may divert Quintessence into new or existing forms. Combined with her knowledge of Life magick, this allows that mage to create new Life Patterns (conjuring them from thin air), and to infuse existing items with Primal Force to strengthen them or enhance their protective or destructive power.

Weapons or attacks infused with Quintessence through Prime Effects may hurt spirits or inflict damage to a person's Pattern, which is much harder to heal than normal damage, and substances infused the same way may protect against such harm. On a related note, she may also – with her knowledge of Life Magick– consecrate a living thing at this Rank, as if that life-form were an object described above.

Through similar applications of energy, the mage can also conjure a simple Body of Light: an idealized self projected from ephemeral energy. Although this Body of Light has no substance or special properties, it presents a glowing holograph of the mage herself.

Channel Quintessence, Enchant Life, Energy Weapon, Craft Periapts and Temporary Wonders:

By tapping into the flow of Quintessence around her, the Prime-skilled mage can draw both free and raw Quintessence from Nodes, Junctures (special times), and Tass (solidified Quintessence)… and she may also channel that energy into new and existing Patterns as well. With such powers, she could enchant a living thing so that it could inflict or endure pattern damage; inflict to a person's pattern by shaking up  that organism’s life force; pull small amounts of life force from a living sacrifice; instill Quintessence into a vessel called a Periapt; or – with other Spheres – craft temporary Talismans by infusing them with Primal Force.

In desperate circumstances, a Prime-schooled mage can also create temporary weapons out of pure concentrated energy – blasts of Quintessence or swords of light. Such weapons inflict damage to a person's pattern  and cost Quintessence to form and maintain. When the mage runs of out Quintessence, the weapon disappears. Unless channeled through energy-guns or conjured as miracles among the faithful, such attacks are inevitably vulgar.

Expel or Infuse Energy, Tap Wellspring, Craft Tass and Permanent Wonders:

The terrible power of draining Quintessence from objects or forces, but not from living beings, can disintegrate those targets, consume them in Primal flames, or decay them almost instantly. Reversing that flow, the mage can craft objects that cannot be broken, or bond organic and inorganic materials together to create cybernetic implants, nanotech, and other Wonders. At this stage, she is able to enchant items permanently and draw Quintessence from the energetic Wellsprings of exciting events.

Sphere of Life :

Sense Life: Basic Life knowledge allows a person to read the presence and health of nearby life-forms. With such knowledge, the mage can discern a living being’s age, sex, and overall health.

By combining those perceptions with her mastery of prime, she can read the streams of Quintessence that bind them to the universe .

Alter Simple Life-Forms, Heal Self: Simple organisms – viruses, mollusks, insects, plants, etc. – become clay in the mage’s hands. She learns to adjust their Patterns (giving a crab wings, for example), and heal or kill them. Although she can’t yet transmute them into other states of being, she can cause flowers to bloom or wither, help trees bear fruit, and so on. Focusing on her own Pattern, she can also heal herself or perform small alterations (hair color, skin tone, height, weight, and so on) to her basic form.

Transform Simple Life-Forms, Alter Self, Heal Others: Advanced understanding allows the mage to radically alter simple organisms (turning a tree inside-out);  transform  one into another (changing fruit into insects); or with her knowledge of prime conjure them from raw energy.

Working with her own Pattern, that mage can work substantial alterations on herself, growing gills, claws, armor and so forth. She remains essentially human, but begins to master the definition of “human.” Meanwhile, she also gains the ability to heal damage to other complex organisms, put them to sleep, or inflict harm upon their living Pattern forms.

Rotes: These are spells that Valerie is intimately familiar with, and can use far more easily than a custom effect with her Dynamic magic, which requires her to think on her feet a bit and improvise her use of her focus to use them properly.

Bone Spikes: Using the power of her prime and life magic, Valerie can make bone spikes energized with prime energy grow from the various striking points that she uses with her muay thai, such has her elbows, knees, and fists. If in a zone that denies magic, this is an obviously vulgar magic, and incurs paradox on her for using it. To use it, she takes her basic stance and concentrates, willing the bone spikes into existence. This enhances the damage she deals and makes it  extremely hard to heal due to the lingering damage caused to their Pattern by the Primal Energy.

Accelerated Regeneration: This is an intensified version of her passive regeneration that requires her to meditate and actively focus on her magic to use. She must be in a safe area and able to perform the ritual for fifteen minutes. This ritual completely restores her body to its peak shape including any permanant enhancements to her pattern, for good or ill.  If in a zone that denies magic, this is an obviously vulgar magic, and incurs paradox on her for using it.

Primal Consumption: Using the full force of her prime magic, Valerie can turn any non-organic object into raw prime energy and channel it to herself. She can only use this rote on objects less massive than her, larger objects require more time and focus to do. She does this by focusing on the object and throwing a punch towards it, symbolizing using her magical might to break the object into primal quintessence.  If in a zone that denies magic, this is an obviously vulgar magic, and incurs paradox on her for using it.

Self Modification: This rote is what Valerie uses to modify her body, whether it be a change like the enhancements that she has on her body, or possibly even changing her appearance, voice, or even gender through the manipulation of her Pattern. To do this requires intense concentration and a lengthy amount of time. Cosmetic changes, such as skin, eye, and hair color take fifteen minutes, deepr changes like facial structure and height take up to an hour, changing something like her gender takes up to three, and major permanent modifications take up to six. However, temporary changes take far less time, however they are far less stable and last for only a day at most. She must be meditating for either form of the spell. Either form is bound to invoke paradox in an area where the consensus denies magic.

One with the World: By closing her eyes and focusing, Valerie becomes able to sense all life around her, and the primal energies around her as well, and how they interact. Undead beings with significant magical power would appear as only quintessence signals, and mundanes would appear as only life signals. This is coincidental magic as it is not visible to anyone but the mage, and as a result causes no paradox.

Anti-Magic: Taking a defensive stance and concentrating, Valerie can harden the reality around her against enemy magic. Due to her skill in Prime magic, she is quite good at this, and can reduce the effectiveness of magic from enemy effects significantly when they are aimed at her. This only affects attempts to affect her, or people and objects within arms reach of her, as it is a very localized effect.

Pattern Disruption: Due to Valerie's high skill in prime magic, she can directly affect the patterns of the target of this spell, whether it be an inanimate object or a person. By focusing and throwing a punch at them, no matter if it hits or not, she scrambles a part of the target's pattern, dealing a substantial amount of damage to them.What pattern damage is in this case is their body randomly begins to malfunction in non vital areas, like bones could break, muscles could snap, joints can dislocate, organs besides the heart, lungs, and brain can malfunction, and they can also be damaged. This damage is random, and not specified by Valerie. It is always severe, however what exactly it damages is never the same twice.

Other Abilities:

Muay Thai: Known as the "art of the eight limbs" this art is known as one of the most deadly martial arts on the planet. Valerie is an expert in it, and has been training in it for almost fifteen years now. This, combined with her exceptional build and her magic, make her a force to be reckoned with.

Avatar: The avatar is a mysterious existence that lies within all mages, and is responsible for guiding them to their Awakening, their realization of the fact that they can use Magic to bend reality to their whim. Valerie's avatar is quite powerful, and often beckons her towards ascension quite clearly. It shows her the path she must take with her learning to reach Ascension, and is responsible for guiding any Seeking she undertakes to become more powerful as a mage. It reflects her Pattern Resonance, as she is a being with the Pattern essence.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Paradox: This is the bane of all Awakened Mages. This is generated by the general disbelief by the Sleepers, who in CE terms are people who are both Human and Mundane. Sleepers are humans who are unaware of their ability to warp reality and reinforce what is generally called reality, called the Consensus, on the world, which lashes back at mages who impose their own reality on it obviously. Normally this would happen no matter if there were Sleeper witnesses or not, due to the strength of the Consensus of her world, however due to the greater number of Sleepwalkers, people who are aware of and accept magic or supernaturals, the Consensus of Nexus city is much weaker. This means that Vulgar magic incurs no paradox unless witnessed by sleepers, and even when it is, it incurs lesser amounts of paradox as the Consensus has less power to lash back at the mage.

Enhancements: As noted before, her skill with her magic allows her to make permanant changes to her Pattern, allowing for radical changes to her body structure, however they all have drawbacks, which are listed in the weaknesses section.

Enhanced Strength: Between her already trained body from her martial arts and the modifications she has made to her joints and muscles, she is able to output incredible amounts of strength, to the point where it is obvious that it would be impossible for a human to do so. However, as a result of this, her body has chronic pains in her joints, which become noticeable when she uses her full potential.

Enhanced Agility: After many years of training in the martial arts and modifying her nerves and senses, her reaction times and movement speed is absolutely unnatural, outpacing humans by a decent amount, and they seem to be moving quite slowly to her. However, due to this, when she exerts her full potential for speed it causes muscular pain as her muscles struggle to keep up. Her reaction times and dexterity are not affected by this.

Enhanced Constitution: Due to her training in martial arts and modifications she has made over time,  Valerie can take more damage than most people would assume is possible for a human, and is able to reduce most forms of damage  The drawback to this is that she seems virtually immune to minor amounts of pain, such as minor burns and the like, to the point that it is obvious that something is wrong with them since she wouldn't notice having a large amount of splinters in her arm. Furthermore, it also starts to discolor and crack when she absorbs too much damage with it.

Inhuman Regeneration: Thanks to modifications and her skill in magic, Valerie's body automatically heals wounds that are not intensely magically disrupting automatically, without having to use her magic consciously to do so. An attack that would destroy enough of her brain that it would kill a normal human would kill her, and severed limbs cannot be regrown with this ability, and serious damage to her torso that could blow out most of one side of it can only be patched to be non fatal, to recover she must be able to get away and use her healing ritual. The drawback to this is that she has a ravenous appetite, and must eat far more than a normal human and will go into starvation/dehydration much faster as her body requires far more to operate.


Clothing: Her clothes, which are decently loosely fitting, allowing her to move as she pleases without worry. They are consecrated to her pattern using her Prime magic, so they change in size to fit her though the spikes still penetrate them. They also follow her through any phasing she does because of this.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Valerie awakened when she was 14. At the time she was starting to take Muay Thai, as she was always a bit stronger and more athletically oriented than other girls her age. Her Avatar dragged her into the world of Mages, and opened her eyes to the fact that Reality is not as immutable as most people think. She then joined the Akashic Brotherhood, as she felt she best cast her magic by channeling it through the Martial Arts that she believed had led her to awakening, and she pursues physical perfection and mastery over the forces that make up the universe so she can reach physical perfection through harmony with the Tapestry.

She began to make enhancements to her body and create rotes that would increase her martial prowess, as not only did she gain a path to perfection by Awakening, she realized that there were darker forces in the world that preyed upon humans, and she did not want her journey to perfection cut short by the bite of a vampire or werewolf. However, by doing so she began to accumulate large amounts of paradox, as while she did it in seclusion, Vulgar magic is still Vulgar, even without witnesses.

Eventually this reached a breaking point, and after her latest augmentation, reality had enough of her shit, and ame down on her hard. She was ripped from reality and sent flying, and when she finally reached another realm, she found herself awake in Nexus City, with no clue where she was, and only a vague idea of how she got there.


Overuse of her unnatural abilities causes her drawbacks to worsen, such as going fast for too long causes increasing muscle pain and regenerating too much could very well cause her to starve to death, using too much strength causes her joints to hurt and the longer she does this the worse it gets. Furthermore, if you do destroy her brain, she will die hands down, and her regeneration can only regenerate so much, attacks that do too much damage to her, such as completely removing a limb require her to actually use her magic to do and require time to do so.

Martial Arts, Perfection, Hard Work, Training, Controlled Progress

Undead, Lazy people, Slackers, Couch Potatos, Stagnancy
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 07:22:02 PM by Emperors Hammer »

Emperor's Hammer

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #99 on: October 07, 2015, 11:32:46 PM »
Host's Name: Cecilia Abbadelli
Celestial Name: Veromiel
True Name: Azrael
Race: Elohim (Namaru)
Age: Older than the Cosmos itself. Appx 13.82 Billion years old.
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 135 pounds


Apocalyptic Form:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Excepional
Constitution: Exceptional
Magical Scale: Medium


Lore of Radience:

Voice of Heaven: This evocation allows a demon to speak with a voice like thunder or with the clear perfect tones of a bell. The clarity and power of the demon's words command instant attention, forcing even the most frenzied mind to pause and consider what the ancient spirit has to say. Effectively, it forces those not of high willpower to do as the Demon commands, and even those with a strong willpower hear the Demon's words echo in their head, tugging at their mind. This applies to all targets up to ninety yards away, and cannot be drowned out by any means.

Exalt: The power of the Demon's voice is enough to instill hope in the weakest of hearts, spurring them mortals to put aside their fears and steal triumph from the jaws of defeat. Those who are spurred by the demon's words are significantly more successful in any action they take for the next five minutes. This can affect up to nine people per usage.

Aura of Legend: This evocation brings up ancient ancestral memories in the people who hear it, reminding them of the fight in which both man and Fallen fought against the tyranny of the Heavens. Effectively, this evocation can affect up to six people of lower will, and even tugs at the minds of those of strong will, and urges them to fight for the Demon who is casting this. The targets must be within line of sight of the Demon and must be able to hear her.

Mark of the Celestials: During the war of wrath, both angels and demons found ways to signify their friends from enemies, subtly altering auras to make subjects easier to find or as marks of anger and shame so that anyone who encountered them would know their crimes and act accordingly. Effectively, to place the mark, a demon must know the targets name, and say what the mark does out loud, such as "Let anyone who encounters this man give them shelter wherever he may go" This ability lasts for a month, and those with a quick wit can resist the urge to follow the blessing given by the seal.

Revelation: Although both mortals and demons alike use artifice to conceal their true natures, this evocation allows a demon to strip away a person's layers of deception and reveal them for who they really are. It is a moment of truth that many do not have the heart to endure. This effect cannot be used on fellow demons, and can be resisted by hose with exceptional willpower, though it is quite difficult. The target, if affected, has his true nature, attitudes, and beliefs laid bare before the demon, and the character can in no way be deceitful to them, either directly or indirectly. Their answers are direct and straightforward, sparing no details. The individual themselves also are exposed to this harsh truth, and if they can accept these truths and come out better for it, they become a person of stronger will. However, if not, then they are scarred by the experience, and lose will.

Lore of the Celestials:

Lamp of Faith: This evocation allows a Demon to detect the presence of mortals or other demons in her vicinity by causing their store of faith to flare like beacon that only she can see. Individuals glow with a pale blue light, varying with intensity based depending on the strength of their faith, while non-living objects lose color, fading into dark silhouettes. This sight penetrates all objects, and allows them to detect hidden individuals. This lasts for five minutes.

Send Vision: In their former role as the Creator's divine heralds, the Namaru were often called to convey God's messages across the length and breadth of the cosmos. delivering Heaven's commands as potent visions that filled the target's minds with majesty and wonder. This ability allows a demon to send messages to up to nine people simultaneously, and can give up to five step instructions.

Pillar of Faith: The Namaru were at the forefront of all creative efforts in the early days of the cosmos, and are very adept at lending their power to other Celestials Lores so that they can function at a higher level. Use of this ability on any person using a lore increases its power, and multiple people using this power on one particular person casting can increase the power tremendously.

The Fire of Heaven: This invocation allows a demon to channel her faith as a withering blast of pure white fire, smiting her target with the wrath of a fallen angel. This invocation has a range of nine yards, and deals extra damage to things weak to fire or holy attacks, and deals its damage in a form that grates on the being's existence, making it more difficult to heal.

Lore of Humanity:

Translate: The demon using this power can understand up to four people, and speak whatever language they speak, no mater if they speak different languages, for half an hour.

Insinuate: This evocation causes mortals to instinctively regard the demon as a potential friend, allaying any initial feelings of distrust or suspicion and engaging their interest in her. Unless gifted with a demon's resistance to mind control, the thrall of a demon can be affected by this as well. Those of strong will can resist, however it just makes the effect much lesser unless they are aware of the ability and are actively fighting against it.

Fade: A Demon using this spell fades into the background, and unless they do something to draw attention to themselves, such as physically touching someone or calling out to them, they will remain unnoticed. Only people gifted with the ability to be unaffected by illusions can see through this.

Confess: Mortals engaged in a conversation with a Demon using this ability respond to their questions with complete candor. They do not remember the conversation unless specifically prompted with direct questions about it, and it can be resisted by those with exceptionally strong will. This lasts for up to half an hour.

Lore of Awakening:

Find the Faithful: If she knows the name o a person, she can find them by homing in on their store of Faith. The radisu she can search in is up to nine miles, and those with supernatural senses may be able to recognize that they are being searched for in this manner.

Cleanse: By touching a target, she can banish all disease or poison from the target's veins, curing anything from the common cold to Ebola. This however does not heal the damage already done by the poison or disease, it just makes it so that it cannot do any more damage. The contagion or poison is extracted from the person in what appears to be a black viscous fluid.

Heal: This evocation allows her to heal a person by laying hands upon them, healing even the most grievous wounds with time. Any and all blunt trauma is healed immediately, save for things like internal bleeding and fractured bones, and she can heal damage like deep cuts and bullet wounds with time. She can even heal wounds that normally are resistant to healing, albeit at a slower rate. She must keep in contact with the person the entire time she is healing them, and concentrate on her healing effort.

Other Abilities:

Innate Abilities:

Immunity to Mind-Control: Demons are immune to any form of mind control or supernatually induced fear.

Immunity to Possession: For obvious reasons, Demons are immune to possessions as they are already possessing a person's body themselves.

Resistance to Illusions: Demons are highly adept at discerning illusions from reality, and only the most potent of illusions can fool them.

Ageless: A demon's host does not age as long as the demon inhabiting them remains inside of them and has faith to power their passive abilities.

Immunity to Poisons and Disease: A demon's host cannot full victim to disease or poisons, including drugs, so long as the demon has faith to power their passive abilities.

Faith Healing: Using the power of their faith, demons can recover wounds dealt to their physical body much faster than mortals, able to completely heal any blunt or light damage instantly, and able to heal even heavy damage with a bit more effort.

Supernatural Awareness: As powerful supernatural entities, Demons are quite adept at picking out if something supernatural is occuring in an area. This can range from spirits, to reality warping, and even to magic. Anything unnatural can be revealed to the Demon. She can tell about how far away the source is and exactly which direction it is coming from.

Invocation: A Demon knows when a person speaks their True or Celestial name. The demon gets a mental image of the person who said their name and the people they are addressing. In addition, this ability can allow for a sort of walkie talkie between demons or a demon and their thralls. Between fellow demons, on must know the true or celestial name of the person involved, and focus to establish the connection, and to extend it past five minutes they must continue to concentrate. As for between a Demon and their thralls, no such requirements exist. The connection between them that exists already is enough for this ability to be used. The thrall, however, cannot make contact with the demon unless gifted with this power.

Thrall Creation and Empowerment: A mortal who enters a pact with a demon is referred to as a Thrall. That does not mean that they are totally beholden to the Demon, however sometimes this is  the case. In essence, what it does is allow a Demon to make them a better servant, by reshaping the faith already present inside of them to give them blessings. However, this means that the demon can only bestow blessings according to how strong the human's faith is.

These blessings can take many forms, healing of crippling chronic illnesses, being gifted with any of the powers the demon can perform, increasing of physical prowess, or even allowing a human access to one of the Lores at the Demon's disposal. In return, the demon can pull faith from the thrall wherever they are, allowing them to replenish their reserves. This is done automatically and daily per thrall.

Faith Reaping: This is another way to gain faith, though it is generally less beneficial in the long term. By making a mortal truly believe that she is an Angel or Demon for even a moment, she can pull faith off of them to supply herself. She normally goes about it through acts of kindness and comfort, such as taking apocalyptic form and reassuring a crying child who lost their mother that she is in heaven now, and in a better place. She could, if she backslid, also inspire fear and terror into a mortal to do so, though she would never do so now.

Apocalyptic Form: The apocalyptic form of a Demon is what they truly look like, their form if they were not possessing a human. They may call upon their apocalyptic form to bolster their skills, and it changes their appearance drastically and makes them obviously otherworldly. Those of strong will are awed but not incapacitated, however those of weak wills are enraptured by the mere sight of a Demon in this form.

Her apocalyptic form particular is Qingu, the visage of Radiance. She becomes an incandescent figure wrapped in a corona of jewel like color. Her physical features become so smooth and perfect that they seem more like the marble of a statue than human skin, and her voice is as pure as crystal, and cuts through the din of the human world like a hot knife through butter.

Apocalyptic Form Abilities:

Resistance to Damage: While in apocalyptic form, a Demon is tougher than usual, and can shrug off most bullets, all but the most powerful, and other attacks of the same scale. Though enough of them will likely still harm them, they are not nearly as effective, effectively her constitution will be boosted to incredible.

Wings: Another notable difference is that the Demon grows angelic wings from her back, allowing her to glide long distances.

Inhuman Allure: The demon becomes extremely beautiful, and their voice refined to inhuman perfection.  It also makes her Lores more powerful, as they all depend on her ability to manipulate, which is also increased by this ability.

Radiant Aura: The demon's corona of colors distract enemies, making it much harder to hit her with ranged attacks, as her outline is harder to discern.

Sense the Hidden: The demon becomes supernaturally adept at sensing those who attempt to hide. Between this ability and lamp of faith, only the most powerful concealing spells can hide someone from her gaze.


Clothing: The clothing on her back. Changes with apocalyptic form use.

Heavenly Armaments: So as a shepherd must defend his flock, she must defend hers. She was able to obtain weaponry from a particularly skilled Annunaki smith. The armaments are a sword of divine materials coated in silver and the shield is likewise mirrored with silver. The sword, when activated by feeding her faith into it, becomes alight with holy flame, and she uses these items to defend her flock from the supernatural.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Azrael is an Namaru of the Reconcilers faction, and how she came to be in her host body is a story very much worth telling. Her host, a very devout Franciscan nun, had a younger sibling who was fatally wounded in a car accident, and was on the verge of death. The nun prayed desperately to God and the various saints of healing to save her beloved sister, however no salvation came from Heaven for her sister. In desperation, the nun made a desperate plea to hell, offering herself up in exchange for her sister's life. Azrael was drawn to her by this willing sacrifice, and jumped on the opportunity to escape Hell, and healed her sister in exchange for permanently inhabiting the nun's body.

Azrael, now in the body of the nun, whose name was Cecilia Abbadelli, continued to live the nun's life, inspired by both the memories of the virtuous nun and her own wish to reconcile with God or at least come to terms with her exile and escape the torment of hell. She performed miracles for the people of the church her nunnery were associated with, becoming sort of a local legend as a living saint. She more than once stood up to keep the powers that be from shutting down her church, and often defended it from Demons and other forces of the night who saught to feed off of her flock. She did this as a sort of repentance for her own sins and rebellion, trying to wipe herself clean of the torment that plagued her.

One day, she awoke in a place that was not her room in the nunnery, with all her sources of faith cut off, which signified to her that she had been transported somewhere even further from her realm than heaven or hell. She had been transported to Nexus City, and she viewed this as the final test to redeem herself. If she can start anew in this foreign land, and bring change and hope  he people of the city by making their lives better, she might just be able to earn the forgiveness that she so desperately hopes for.

Weakness: As a demon who has overcome most of the Torment of her banishment from heaven, most typical weaknesses of demons no longer affect her. However, if she were to ever backslide, holy objects, grounds, and the prayers of the faithful can drive her off, or even throw her out of her host body. Furthermore, while her body is more durable thanks to her possession, it is still human, and can die. If it dies, then she will have to find a new host body, or else she will be cast back into the abyss. This may cause her to backslide, especially if she has to inhabit someone less virtuous. She has vowed never to use the high torment version of her powers, sealing off much of her offensive capability, however she may be forced to if she backslides, no longer able to use the low torment versions. A person with a Demon's True Name has much sway over a demon, making it far easier to influence or even bind them with the proper magical rituals. If she uses too much faith too quickly, those around her may experience a Revelation, showing her true form to them and being awed as if she had gone into apocalyptic form.


Love, Virtue, Devotion, Religion, People who work for salvation, Humans, Penitent Sinners, Those who fight for what is right, Those who truly believe, Altruism, New Testament


Hate, Vice, Sin, People who deny the possibility of salvation, Those who twist religion to gain power, those who intentionally lead others to sin, a large amount of the Old Testament
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 02:17:44 PM by Emperors Hammer »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #100 on: October 09, 2015, 02:49:47 AM »
Name:  Sibyl Lowell.

Race: Vampire (Tremere).
Age: Around 300 years old.
Height: 5’10’’ ft.
Weight: 58 kg.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human.
Agility: Human.
Constitution: Exceptional.                           
Magical Scale: Medium.


Mastery of the Mortal Shell Spells:

Vertigo: The thaumaturge induces minor disorientation and dizziness through subtle manipulations in the subject’s body. The physical discomfort is temporary and minor, but a clever thaumaturge can use it on rivals at the most inopportune times, causing them to lose their aplomb. It requires touch to induce such effects.

Contortion: With a touch, the thaumaturge causes a group of her opponent’s muscles to contract involuntarily, reducing it to twitching fits. This effect is extremely disconcerting to the subject, rendering the limb or muscle group unusable. By making physical contact with one of the limbs of the target, the thaumaturge renders it useless for the duration of Contortion. A leg rendered useless makes standing difficult, and the victim suffers from increased difficulties in employing this limb, such as dancing or balancing on ledges. A contorted arm hangs lifeless at the subject’s side. A useless head causes loss of speech and makes the speaker look silly.

Seizure: Seizure causes the body to erupt into a fit of convulsions. All the muscles throughout the body tighten uncontrollably, while the victim foams at the mouth and spasms rack him with agony. A mortal may even choke to death as her tongue cuts off her air supply. A light touch from the thaumaturge forces the very unpleasant effects of this power upon the target. For the duration of the seizure, a target’s body writhes, tormenting her to the point of incapacitation. It doesn't work on muscles that are unconsciously controlled, such as the heart.

Body Failure: Thaumaturges wielding this frightful power gain devastating insights into the workings of the body, allowing a complete shutdown of its systems. This sudden biological overload often proves fatal to mortals and damaging to other supernatural beings. Body Failure has been used throughout the ages to afflict horrific ailments in inconspicuous ways that suggest stopping breathing as an example. Rather than touch, the caster must maintain visual contact to keep the spell ongoing. The thaumaturge no longer needs to touch her victim to strike out with this level of mastery of the Path. She may affect any target within her line of sight, but she must keep visual contact with the victim at all times to maintain this effect. A successful maintaining of this power grants effects similar to Seizure, except that damage is lethal due to complete mass tissue and organ failure. It may be resisted with tremendous willpower, lessening the considerable danger in this spell. As an example, to those of more tougher make than a human perhaps into realms supernatural, the damage remains proportional to their toughness, and accrues less damage the tougher the target is, up to the point at the epitome, one can say it features no effect to those that are outright godlike.

Marionette: The thaumaturge invoking Marionette gains such mastery over the body of others that she can magically seize control of another being and force her victim to act according to her own whims. This control is not as fine as the direct and personal command of the Dominate power of Possession, but the thaumaturge’s true body is not as vulnerable during the manipulation. Once established, the Marionette victim is under the complete sway of the thaumaturge, forced to perform as the thaumaturge’s macabre pawn. This spell also requires the maintaining of eye contact for it to work. The thaumaturge may affect any target within her line of sight, but she must keep visual contact with the victim at all times to maintain this effect. A subject may resist the effects of Marionette with a strong stamina and mental fortitude when the thaumaturge attempts to take control.

Victims lacking fortitude do not have the physical resistance to defy this effect. For the duration of this power, the thaumaturge can cause the victim to perform any physical action, with their own natural prowess being made us of. The concentration this power requires also increases the thaumaturge’s own difficulties with their own personal body to make do with something, as she is using two bodies at once. To extend the duration of this control, the thaumaturge must strain further of their willpower and blood. Marionette does not rob the victim of her cognizance, only physical control over her body. During this time of thaumaturge’s mastery, the target remains aware that some outside force is manipulating her physical actions, conscious that they are not her own. The victim may need to make considerable usage of their willpower to attempt to take a mental or social action, such as activating a Discipline or speaking. Thankfully this spell lasts at most, a minute, the more it is maintained, the more blood is spent in doing so, burning through the caster’s reservoir.

Hands of Destruction Spells:

Decay: This power accelerates the decrepitude of its target, causing it to wither, rot, or otherwise break down. The target must be inanimate, though dead organic matter can be affected. The inanimate object touched by the thaumaturge ages 10 years for every minute the Kindred touches it. If the vampire breaks physical contact and wishes to age the object again, they’ll have to expend a bit of their blood to make use of it once more. This power does not affect vampires.

Gnarl Wood: This power warps and bends wooden objects. Though the wood is otherwise undamaged, this power often leaves the objects completely useless. This power may also be used to swell or contract wood, in addition to bending it into unwholesome shapes. Unlike other powers of this path, Gnarl Wood requires merely a glance rather than physical contact. Considerable amounts of wood may be gnarled for each blood expended on this power (the thaumaturge may expend as much blood as she likes on this power, up to her per-turn generational maximum). It is also possible to warp multiple visible objects — like all the stakes a team of vampire-hunters wields.

Acidic Touch: The vampire secretes a bilious, acidic fluid from any portion of his body. The viscous acid corrodes metal, destroys wood, and causes horrendous chemical burns to living tissue. The thaumaturge must expend a portion of their blood to create the acid — the blood literally transmutes into the volatile secretion. That same said portion creates enough acid to burn through steel plate in ample time depending on the amount caustically induced. The damage from an acid-augmented hand-to-hand attack costs blood to use for the longer it is maintained. A thaumaturge is immune to her own acidic touch.

Atrophy: This power withers a victim’s limb, leaving only a desiccated, almost mummified husk of bone and skin. The effects are instantaneous; in mortals, they are also irreversible. The victim may resist the effects of Atrophy having an Incredible constitution. Failure means the limb is permanently and completely crippled. Partial resistance is possible: the victim must be Exceptional in their Constitution. Mortals are crippled as a result. This power affects only limbs or parts of limbs (arms, legs, hands); it does not work on victims’ heads, torsos, etc. It may only work on a single limb however, and can be fixed with the usage of magic regeneration.

Neptune’s Might Spells:

Eyes of the Sea: The thaumaturge may peer into a body of water and view events that have transpired on, in, or around it from the water’s perspective. Some older practitioners of this art claim that the vampire communes with the spirits of the waters when using this power; younger Kindred scoff at such claims. The extent of blood expended, all the way up to a quarter, may allow the Thaumaturge to see for up to a span of a decade. The Thaumaturge’s skill and perception may assist in sharpening their sight with this power. This power can only he used on standing water; lakes and puddles qualify, but oceans, rivers, sewers, and wine glasses do not. The extent of how far said span of seeing goes depends on how long the Thaumaturge maintains this spell, with up to half an hour for a decade’s worth of perspective.

Prison of Water: The thaumaturge can command a sufficiently large quantity of water to animate itself and imprison a subject. This power requires a significant amount of fluid to be fully effective, although even a few gallons can be used to shape chains of animated water. The victim must be quite incredible in strength to break free without tiring themselves out, Exceptionally powerful victims on the other hand would feel fatigued typically. A subject may be held in only one prison at a time, although the caster is free to invoke multiple uses of this power upon separate victims and may dissolve these prisons at will. If a sufficient quantity of water (at least a bathtub’s worth) is not present, the user’s own willpower is required to channel the same extent with some modicum of difficulty.

Blood to Water: The thaumaturge has now attained enough power over water that she can transmute other liquids to this basic element. The most commonly seen use of this power is as an assault; with but a touch, the victim’s blood transforms to water gradually, weakening vampires and killing mortals in moments should they at their own peril, allow the touch to proceed uncontested. The caster must touch her intended victim for this to work. The water left in the target’s system by this attack evaporates out at a rate of one tenth of expended blood per hour, but the lost blood does not return. Other liquids may be turned to water with this power, though with considerable difficulty if said liquid was magical. The character must still touch the substance or its container to use this power.


Communicate with Kindred Sire: By enacting this ritual, the caster may join minds with her sire, speaking telepathically with him over any distance. The communication may continue until the ritual expires or until either party ends the conversation The caster must possess an item once owned by her sire for the ritual to work. The caster must meditate for 30 minutes to create the connection. Conversation may be maintained for 15 minutes on activation.

Oinos of Dionysus: This ritual allows the thaumaturge to ritually brew a special cask of spiced oinos, an ancient Greek wine believed to have been created by the god Dionysus. Mortals that consume this wine feel a pleasant drowsiness, vague ethereal happiness, and arousal, until they eventually lose consciousness and sleep for the remainder of the evening. They awake to vague pleasant memories, completely forgetting the details of everything that happened the night before. A draught of the Oinos of Dionysus serves to protect the Masquerade at special parties where vampire guests wish to feed in the open. Vampires that drink from mortals tainted with the mystical oinos feel a slight buzz — not strong enough to be considered intoxicated, but just enough to get a taste of nights when they still breathed and hungered for appetites other than blood. The caster must mix at least one point of her blood with the wine and spices. Once completed, the oinos must be ingested to take effect. After imbibing the oinos, a mortal must have a considerable willpower and stamina to resist its effects, typically a constitution of Exceptional. Vampires and other supernatural creatures are unaffected by the Oinos of Dionysus, as their blood is too potent to be overpowered by this concoction. Vampires that feed from a mortal under the effects of the Oinos of Dionysus feel a similar effect, but not one that overpowers them or impairs them. They feel an artificially inflated sense of happiness and remember nights when they were a mortal. In an emergency, the vampire under these effects can expend some of their blood to flush themselves of this euphoria.

Track Transgression: Transgressor is the term for outsider thaumaturges or rogue Tremere that use blood magic to attack the Ivory Tower. Track Transgressor was designed to track these enemies of the Camarilla. Clan Tremere vigilantly hunts these enemies to protect the Camarilla from mystical assaults (or so it claims). Skeptics whisper that the Warlocks simply don’t like the competition. To cast the ritual, the thaumaturge must locate a site where Thaumaturgy has been cast within the past twenty-four hours. She must then spill her blood (spending a blood point) upon the ground while reciting the proper incantation. Bloody footprints that are only visible to the caster appear on the ground and lead away to the transgressor. After casting this ritual, the Tremere is able to flawlessly track down the transgressor until dawn. This tracking follows the exact path that the magus took after leaving the area where the magic was used. This ritual may track down only Thaumaturgy and related rituals, not Necromancy or other types of magic.

Escape of a True Friend: Escape to a True Friend allows the caster to travel to the person whose friendship and trust she most values. The ritual has a physical component of a yard-wide/ meter-wide circle charred into the bare ground or floor. The caster may step into the circle at any time and speak the true name of her friend. She is instantly transported to that individual, wherever he may be at the moment. She does not appear directly in front of  him, but materializes in a location within a few minutes’ walk that is out of sight of any observer. The circle may be reused indefinitely, as long as it is unmarred. This ritual takes six hours a night for six nights to cast, reduced by one night for every two successes. Each night requires the sacrifice of three of the caster’s own blood points, which are poured into the circle. Once the circle is complete, the transport may be attempted at any time. The caster may take one other individual with her when she travels, or a maximum amount of “cargo” equal to her own weight.

Other Abilities:

Tremere Vampirism: As a vampire of the Tremere clan, she shares all traits common to vampires, including having no internal organs besides her stomach, oesophagus, and heart, along with any organ that would be observable from the outside. As a result, she takes extremely reduced damage from bullets and blunt weaponry, and can regenerate wounds caused by anything she is not weak to by using her own blood.

Blood Properties:

Blood Binding: An inherent property of Kindred blood, all those who drink the blood of a Kindred become bound to the Kindred in question the more and more they drink of their blood. This even applies to other Kindred, in fact, all Kindred are at least one step blood-bound to their sire, and due to the clan weakness of the Tremere, they are more easily bound, and skip the first step of Blood Binding, going directly to the second, meaning that all Tremere Childer are two steps blood bound to their sire, Sibyl especially.

After the first sip of blood, the thrall begins to develop strong feelings for the regnant, whether love or hate, though they are still free to act as they choose. Those in a one-drink bond may unconsciously seek out the regnant, seemingly accidentally running into them on a frequent basis.

After the second sip, the regnant becomes a very important person to the thrall, who may go out of their way to seek the regnant's attention or please them. It becomes difficult for the thrall to do anything that would harm the regnant, and the regnant likewise finds it easier to convince the thrall of things. Though the thrall's craving for the regent's blood increases, they still retain their free-will.

After the third sip, the blood bond is complete. The thrall is now subject to the regent completely and loves them as much as they are capable of loving anyone. The regent is the most important person in the thrall's life and takes priority over all else; sufficiently weak-willed individuals will commit any act the regnant asks of them. Furthermore, the regent may command the thrall with Dominate via voice alone. It may still be possible for the thrall to act against the regent, but only temporarily and after an extreme effort of will.

Blood bonds do decay over large periods of time if the thrall does not see their regent and does not drink their blood, however this sort of avoidance is extremely hard for a thrall, due to the nature of the blood binding.

Ghouling: This is another basic property of Kindred blood, any mortal who drinks of it not only starts the process of being blood bound to the vampire, but also becomes something known as a ghoul. They do not produce their own vampiric blood, and lose it when they use it to power disciplines or lose it over the the course of time, with one feeding usually lasting about a month, unless they partake of more. While a person has vampire blood in their system, they will not age, and they can learn vampiric Disciplines up to two points due to Sibyl’s advanced age and prowess. However, this transformation is not without drawbacks. Ghouls will frenzy like any normal vampire when exposed to fire or other triggers, and they are hopelessly addicted to the blood. Any ghoul who loses their blood supply will quickly age to their chronological age, and any ghoul over a century old will crumble to dust. as a result of this, ghouls are normally totally blood bound to their vampiric masters, and are unable to refuse their orders.

The Kiss: Another name for feeding, this is the lifeblood of vampires. Without performing this on humans, they would fall into torpor and be unable to rise. The process is extremely pleasurable for the person being drained, even more so than any sexual release. The pleasure is also quite enjoyable for the vampire, but not to the point where they are totally enraptured by it like the host. A vampire can take about 20-30% of a person's blood safely, and that is usually what they do. Rarely do vampires intentionally drain their victims dry, preferring instead to make them addicted to the kiss and having a willing herd of livestock.

The Embrace: The process of creating new vampires, and the only time it is acceptable within the Camarilla to totally drain a victim dry on purpose. In Tremere society, one must get the permission of the city's regent to create a new Childe vampire, which in this case, means Sibyl needs her Sire’s permission. After draining a victim totally dry, she would then put some of her blood into the vampire, normally a single drop, resulting in the vampire rising as a ninth generation Kindred. They are very ravenously thirsty for blood when they rise, so often the Tremere have two drinks ready for them, one to bond them totally to their sire, and another as a pre-prepared Transubstantiation of the Seven to bind them to the Inner Council of Seven, as is required of all Tremere.

Dominate Abilities:

Command: When Sibyl makes eye contact with a person, she can give them a direct order, and unless it is against their nature or they are of notably strong will, they must comply with the action unless it would put their life in jeopardy.

Mesmerize: With some concentration, she can implant memories and remove them from a target, however again those of exceptionally strong will can resist. These can be either conscious or subconscious memories or commands, and can range from simple to complex.

Forgetful Mind: This ability allows Sibyl to rewrite the memories of a target she has already mesmerized, and pacifies them for the duration it takes for her to rewrite these memories, which must be done through a series of verbal commands. At her level, she can rewrite up to a few hours worth of memories for an average person, however as usual people of exceptional willpower can resist, and sometimes recover their original memories.

Auspex Abilities:

Enhanced Senses:  Sibyl has the ability to enhance her senses, however while she is doing so, extremes for those senses she is enhancing, such as extremely bright lights or loud noises, can temporarily damage her senses.

Aura Sight: With some concentration, she can see the aura of a person, getting general ideas about a person's mood and personality.


Surgical Implements: The many things Sibyl has to perform experiments on the uncanny and hapless victim she captures. Typically available to modern surgeons, she has most of her kits and tools filled in a bulky suitcase.

Clothing: From her back and all that entails, she has a set of clothes that evokes the imagery of a medical practitioner on herself, despite not having a license nor being a moral authority on the life-giving practice. Worn mostly to put herself on a position of trust with context driven trust inherent in the white labcoat mantle.


Once a Mage who had been tampering with the world’s natural flow and order in order to learn more about it, Sibyl was a woman who seemed to be skirting on the edge of danger for every time she has done it, her lust for knowledge as ravenous as her love for biscuits. In spite of that, it seemed that she was not completely unknown to people around here, as the Tremere clan took interest in her early on, particularly her future Sire, Victoria, whom she’d later became a Ghoul under her service to help give her longevity in order to supplement said research. In spite of that, Sibyl paradoxed one far too many times, and ended up with a ravaged insides that her Ghoulish regeneration could not fix. Veronica would offer her a way to life, which Sibyl had gladly accepted, and ever since, she found herself sired to the woman, and inducted into the Tremer clan in 1724 C.E, well within her mid-20’s.

When she became a Tremere, she found herself a dutiful worker whose most of her projects were dedicated to flattering Veronica, which unfortunately had meant that the actually progressive projects were quite small in comparison, as she spent for better part of a century obsessing over her Sire without getting much done. It would’ve been until after another century, she found the worst of her Blood Bond waning away, as she finds herself with enough sensibilities at that point to make something out of her. Unfortunately she had much to catch up on besides personal pet projects she indulged in, and research that were in some ways, all ordered by her Sire to pursue, if only to get her out of this reverie of frantic dreaminess and idolization of her Sire.

After another good century, she has made good effort on her part to push forward her quest for knowledge, competing against fellow Fledgelings for an intangible prize which was mostly pride and approval. It was not until what Sibyl had come across being a breakthrough, albeit a macabre and almost verboten one, did she try to impress her Mistress, though only after the meeting she along with a group of vampires accompanying Veronica, had left to attend. With Sibyl in charge of the making means towards transporting them towards said meeting, it would be commonly thought that either she goofed up, or someone sabotaged her, possibly a rival, that made the transportation go awry. The portal was not exactly stable, and found itself fluctuating from an unknown reagent added to the mix, which ended up with Sibyl separated from her Sire, and awakening in a dumpster, missing her shoes, socks, and gloves, wearing only the clothes on her back, and with surgical implements brought along with herself for demonstrations, within her effects.


Sunlight: Like all vampires, Sibyl burns in sunlight and cannot be in it without burning to ash. Deals damage that cannot be healed with blood, only time.

Fire: Like all vampires, she risks frenzy at the sight of fire and must overcome her frenzy or risk fleeing instinctually. Fire also deals damage that cannot healed with blood, only time.

Inhumane: As a result of her spending less and less time among humans, experimenting more on them without compassion, Sibyl’s sense of empathy for humankind has degraded to seeing them at best, cattle, and at worst, gnats to squash. Her opinion of them rises though in proportional to the magic prowess of the human on the other hand.

Obsession: As a result of being in a Blood Bond with her Sire, Victoria, for a long period of time, it was only recent Sibyl’s obsession over her Sire has abated enough to let her focus on other things besides her Regent and Mistress. The recent abating obsession had only receded to that of focus and inspiration, as opposed to outright following. Though it is hard to say among outside observers, as she still displays many of those tendencies with her Mistress, albeit at a far more tamer degree.

Vampiric Thirst: The crucial weakness of vampires, the need to feed on human blood. She gains no nutrition from non-human blood, and can go for only a max of two weeks without it, and is usually much shorter if she is using her vampiric powers.

Her Sire, her Sire, her Sire, her Sire, books, her Sire, research, knowledge, her Sire, experimentation, high quality blood, her Sire, forbidden knowledge, schadenfreude, and mechanics of modern technology.

Idiots, zealous ignorance, werewolves, tea, the Pope, Gangrel and Brujah clans.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 09:25:17 PM by LFR Tsar »

Emperor's Hammer

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #101 on: October 12, 2015, 01:15:03 AM »
Name: Brunhilde Furst
Race: Vampire (Ventrue)
Age: 712 (6th Gen)
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 62 kg

Armored Appearance:

Unarmored Appearance:

Spoiler for Hiden:

If she is attending a social function or going out when she does not think she will be attacked, she will wear usually more formal attire, like a suit or a fancy dress, but nothing casual, unless she is indulging a friend. After all, a ruler should look the part at all times, whether that be in spectacular armor or spectacular clothing. Wearing normal jeans and a T-shirt is unfathomable for her under normal circumstances.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Incredible
Magical Scale: None

Other Abilities:

Ventrue Vampirism: As a vampire of the Ventrue clan, she shares all traits common to vampires, including having no internal organs besides her stomach, esophagus, and heart, along with any organ that would be observable from the outside. As a result, she takes extremely reduced damage from bullets and blunt weaponry, and can regenerate wounds caused by anything she is not weak to by using her own blood.

Deceptive Eating: By some fortune, she is able to consume and enjoy mortal cuisine, thereby adding another layer to her guise of mortality. She cannot digest or derive nourishment from normal food, however, and eventually must find a time and a place to heave it back up.

Blush of Health: The Embrace that claimed her did not entirely leach away the tells of her former life. Her skin is cool to the touch rather than cold, retaining a healthy fullness as if blood skill coursed through your veins. In addition, due to her devotion to her morality and the control over the Beast that it entails, she effortlessly and constantly gives off signs of life, such as breathing and having a pulse, albeit a weak one. She easily passes as a mortal against all but the most thorough examination.

Strong Aura of Command: Those who tread the road of kings give off an aura of command, making it easier for them to convince others to do as they command, and makes others think that the person is more in control than they might actually be. Due to a quirk when she was embraced, the aura she gives off is stronger than normal, further enhancing this, so those without a strong will feel like they should obey her, though they can choose to resist.

Blood Properties:

Blood Oath: An inherent property of Kindred blood, all those who drink the blood of a Kindred become bound to the Kindred in question the more and more they drink of their blood. This even applies to other Kindred, in fact, all Kindred are at least one step blood-bound to their sire.

On first swallow, the drinker becomes a thrall to a regnant, though his strong feelings are intermittent. The unaware thrall may dismiss it as little more than a minor preoccupation. The aware thrall, one who understands what the bond is, may experience exuberance whenever his regnant comes to mind. All in all, this stage is similar to the fresh blush of a youth’s first love. He may dream of his regnant unexpectedly. His mind wanders. He’ll haunt the places they have met and inadvertently put himself in the path to be around his regnant again. Most childer experience this gradation of the bond toward their sire. Preoccupation can lead to frustration, of course, and the seeds of loathing can well be planted even in this stage of the bond.

On the second swallow, the thrall’s mood and actions fall under the sway of her love. Her preoccupation grows into prioritization as her regnant is no longer a distraction, but a major focus of her life. She’s no slave, and her frustration or anger could grow to obsessive hate, but nonetheless, she finds it harder and harder to resist or even act against her regnant.

At the third drink, the oath of blood is formed and the bond is complete. The regnant is the single most important figure in the thrall’s life, and passion and obsession drive just about everything he does. Once this stage is reached, a regnant can use Dominate on their thrall by voice alone.

Blood oaths do decay over large periods of time if the thrall does not see their regnant and does not drink their blood, however this sort of avoidance is extremely hard for a thrall, due to the nature of the blood oath.

Ghouling: This is another basic property of Kindred blood, any mortal who drinks of it not only starts the process of being blood bound to the vampire, but also becomes something known as a ghoul. They do not produce their own vampiric blood, and lose it when they use it to power disciplines or lose it over the the course of time, with one feeding usually lasting about a month, unless they partake of more. While a person has vampire blood in their system, they will not age, and they can learn vampiric Disciplines up to two points due to the strength of Brunhilde's blood, and they automatically learn Potence at its most basic level. However, this transformation is not without drawbacks. Ghouls will frenzy like any normal vampire when exposed to fire or other triggers, and they are hopelessly addicted to the blood. Any ghoul who loses their blood supply will quickly age to their chronological age, and any ghoul over a century old will crumble to dust. as a result of this, ghouls are normally totally blood bound to their vampiric masters, and are unable to refuse their orders.

The Kiss: Another name for feeding, this is the lifeblood of vampires. Without performing this on humans, they would fall into torpor and be unable to rise. The process is extremely pleasurable for the person being drained, even more so than any sexual release. The pleasure is also quite enjoyable for the vampire, but not to the point where they are totally enraptured by it like the host. A vampire can take about 20-30% of a person's blood safely, and that is usually what they do. Rarely do vampires intentionally drain their victims dry, preferring instead to make them addicted to the kiss and having a willing herd of livestock. Due to the weakness of clan Ventrue, she can only feed on blonde women.

The Embrace: The process of creating new vampires, and the only time it is acceptable within the Camarilla to totally drain a victim dry on purpose. After draining a victim totally dry, she would then put some of her blood into the vampire, normally a single drop, resulting in the vampire rising as seventh generation Kindred. They are very ravenously thirsty for blood when they rise.

Fortitude: The discipline of using blood to toughen one's skin, this allows Brunhilde to harden herself against attacks, and even resist damage against sources that normally would be unresistable for a vampire, such as sunlight. This ability is always on passively.

The Knight's Bane: The advanced practitioner of Fortitude’s flesh stands asindiscernible from wrought iron. When mortal weapons strike her, they shatter on impact. When mortal hands strike her, the mortal’s bones and flesh suffer as if his blow hit armor,  taking damage on impact. During the use of this power, her Fortitude becomes Fantastic.

Potence: The discipline of using blood to increase one's strength, this allows Brunhilde to increase her strength beyond the capability of what is possible even for other vampires. This ability is always on passively, and if she were to spend blood in its use, it could boost her strength to Fantastic temporarily.

Crush: By feeding blood into her muscles and pushing them to the extreme, Brunhilde can crush mortal made armor and weaponry with a well placed attack, and even do serious damage to it even if it glances. The effect is much lesser on armor superior to that of her time period, as in something that surpasses a knight in full plate armor, and just damages it like it would on a glance, and a glance does nothing to it besides possibly leaving a knick.

Presence Abilities:

Awe: Awe lets a vampire capture the attention of those around her. The victims are drawn to the vampire and can’t help themselves from trusting her laughing at her jokes. The vampire commands their attention and shapes It to suit her needs.

While Awe is most effective for first impressions it also affects those who already have an opinion of the vampire. If someone thinks the vampire is treacherous liar, then Awe alone is not enough to change his mind, but it can be enough to make him consider that perhaps, just this one time, the vampire is telling the truth.

Awe doesn’t override self-preservation. If danger strikes, it breaks the spell of fascination, as does leaving the area. The memory of the meeting remains, however, and the target remembers how he felt about the vampire, which will influence future interactions.

This can be resisted by high enough willpower, and those who do resist it are immune for the rest of the night.

Dread Gaze: Like how a spark can light a forest fire, Dread Gaze lets a vampire take a spark of fear and turn it into paralyzing terror. By revealing her predatory nature, such as baring her fangs, snarling, displaying her claws, or crying for blood, Dread Gaze inflames that natural reaction into mindless terror. Victims flee recklessly, freeze with fright, or cower and beg for mercy. This power can be resisted by those with a strong enough will to not flinch in the face of such fear, however they still feel the effects, such as an adrenaline rush.

Entrancement: With Entrancement, a vampire binds a victim into her service. Entranced individuals have their feelings twisted so that they want to serve the vampire. They want to heed her every wish, need, or desire, believing that they do so out of true devotion.

Since only the target’s emotions are snared, not their minds, they are free to use their skills in the vampire’s service, but it makes them unpredictable.

Also, since Entrancement is temporary, a smart Cainite always has a plan on how to deal with the servant once the effect wears off. Servants might react with anger, horror or hatred if they understand that they been bewitched. Some vampires prefer to dispose of them, while others bind them permanently with a blood oath. At her skill in it, this lasts up to a day before breaking, and those with an extremely strong will can either be unaffected or have it wear off more quickly if they are of weaker wills.

Summon: This impressive power enables the vampire to call to herself any person she has ever met. This call can go to anyone, mortal or supernatural, across any distance within the physical world. The subject of the Summoning comes as fast as he is able, possibly without even knowing why.

He knows intuitively how to find his Summoner — even if the vampire moves to a new location, the subject redirects his own course as soon as he can. After all, he’s comingto the vampire herself, not to some predetermined site.

The subject thinks mainly of reaching the vampire, but does not neglect his own well-being. This is less of a consideration if he only has to cross a room, unless he must get through a gang of brutes set on beating him to a pulp to do so. The individual retains his survival instincts, and while he won’t shirk physical violence to reach the vampire’s side, he won’t subject himself to suicidal situations.

The Summoning dissipates at dawn, unless she wills it to continue through extra expenditure of blood. Still, as long as the vampire is willing and able, she is assured to greet her desired subject some night — as long as nothing happens to him along the way, of course.

Those of extremely strong will can resist it, and those of lesser are less and less compelled to go quickly, and only have to be vaguely heading to her.

Dominate Abilities:

Command: When Brunhilde makes eye contact with a person, she can give them a direct order, and unless it is against their nature or they are of notably strong will, they must comply with the action unless it would put their life in jeapordy.

Mesmerize: With some concentration, she can implant memories and remove them from a target, however again those of exceptionally strong will can resist. These can be either conscious or subconscious memories or commands, and can range from simple to complex.

The Forgetful Mind: This ability allows Brunhilde to rewrite the memories of a target she has already mesmerized, and pacifies them for the duration it takes for her to rewrite these memories, which must be done through a series of verbal commands. At her level, she can rewrite up to an hours worth of memories for an average person, however as usual people of exceptional willpower can resist, and sometimes recover their original memories.

Conditioning: Through sustained manipulation, the vampire can make a subject more pliant to the Kindred’s will. Over time, the victim becomes increasingly susceptible to the vampire’s influence while simultaneously growing more resistant to the corrupting efforts of other Kindred. Gaining complete control over a subject’s mind is no small task, taking weeks or even months to accomplish. Kindred often fill their retainers’ heads with subtle whispers and veiled urges, thereby ensuring these mortals’ loyalty. Yet vampires must pay a high price for the minds they ensnare. Servants Dominated in this way lose much of their passion and individuality. They follow the vampire’s orders quite literally, seldom taking initiative or showing any imagination. In the end, such retainers become like automatons or the walking dead.

Aura of Inescapable Truth: With this power, those in the vampire’s presence must speak only the truth. The vampire’s presence is defined by those characters the vampire can hear. Characters attempting to lie find themselves unable to speak. The truth for this power depends on the speaker; a character may impart untrue information that they believe to be true, but may not deceive a listener. The power is quite obvious in its effects, and a character may opt to leave the vampire’s presence. Not even those with a strong will can resist this, however, they can leave their presence. This ability must also be activated, and can only be maintained for so long as it is tiring for her to sustain.


Plate Mail: Made by the finest crafters of the time, this armor is extremely durable and can whether the strikes of people with human strength easily. Those of Exceptional strength may be able to deal damage through the armor through sheer force or hitting a weaker area, and it barely protects much against those of Incredible strength.

Greatsword: This masterfully crafted blade was created specifically to stand up to the force that she would put behind her attacks, and as such it will not break like lesser weapons when used against armor with the force that she puts into her strikes.

Greatsword Appearance

Spoiler for Hiden:


Brunhilde was born soon after the fall of Rome, and lived in the tribes of Germany. There, a Ventrue on the Via Reginis, the Road of Kings, took a liking to her personality, which was that of a warrior woman, but also that of a potential leader. In the night, he took her and Embraced her, and began to teach her the ways of beign a Vampire and a member of the Road of Kings.

She grew and evolved as a vampire through the turbulent times of the early middle ages, and came upon the Path of Chivalry as she did, and served faithfully under her Sire, who had established himself as a lord in Germany and continued to rule through the shadows for many years after he "died" in the public eye. All through the rule of many kings she roamed many battlefields, taking different names, but wearing the same iconic black armor and wielding the same weapon, and a legend about what the local people assumed was either a family of warrior women on the more reasonable end of the spectrum, or some sort of spirit of war and death on the more unreasonable side of the spectrum.

When not on the battlefield, like most knights, she controlled a fiefdom of her own, and controlled it from the shadows for the most part, with every one of her "descendants' who assumed her title being under blood oath to her, and she would do a lot of the negotiations behind the scenes with the other representatives, and would often take the place of the descendant in important situations, and alter the memories of the humans involved after so they thought it was her descendant who attended. Of course, that was best done when the functions were small, otherwise she would attend as a "retainer" of her "descendant" and give advice and often negotiate on their behalf.

During a battle in the fourteenth century, she came across a mage who decided to use magic on her to throw her out of her dimension to be rid of her once and for all. This was both successful and unsuccessful, as the mage found himself dying due to a particularly nasty backlash, and the spell went haywire, throwing her not just out of the realm of man, but out of known creation altogether, and she found herself floating through unspace for what seemed like a few minutes before landing in the Nexus, spit into it wearing all of her armor including her helmet as well as having her sword.

It has been about half a year since then, and she has been adapting to her surroundings, and learned enough English to get by after someone who happened to know old German took pity on her and taught her English, which she picked up quite quickly, as she had learned both German and Latin among others during her unlife. She now sets out to build a power base, or find a worthy lord to serve, whether it be the de facto government or someone else, who knows. Because of her time here, she has learned that this is a place of supernaturals, so while she is a bit more open about her status as a vampire, she knows better than to just blurt it out any time.


Sunlight: Like all vampires, Brunhilde burns in sunlight and cannot be in it without burning to ash. Deals damage that cannot be healed with blood, only time.

Fire: Like all vampires, she risks frenzy at the sight of fire and must overcome her frenzy or risk fleeing instincutally. Fire also deals damage that cannot healed with blood, only time.

Vampiric Thirst: The crucial weakness of vampires, the need to feed on human blood. She gains no nutrition from non-human blood, and can go for only a max of two weeks without it, and is usually much shorter if she is using her vampiric powers. As mentioned hearlier, Brunhilde can only feed on blonde women as a member of clan Ventrue


Chivalry, Honor, Ruling, Contests of Strength, A Good Feast, Good Company


Betrayal, Misrule, Incompetence, Those who are unworthy of rule who yet do.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 11:36:31 PM by Emperors Hammer »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #102 on: October 21, 2015, 01:55:04 AM »
Name: Ragna The Bloodedge

Race: Human (?), right arm is azure grimoire, may have been bitten by a vampire? Don’t think he’s a vampire though, however he does eat people’s souls.

Age: Who knows? He’s a young adult

Height: 185 Cm

Weight: 78 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magical Abilities:
Ars Magus: Utilizing ars magus, a combination of magic and THE POWER OF SCIENCE, Ragna can do such things as create barriers to protect himself, conceal himself and create a small short-period (less than a second) surface in the air to either jump a second time or dash forward or back.

He can also use them to crush barriers of kinds both magical and ars magus. He was strong enough that he could unmake an interdimensional TRUE MAGIC barrier, though it was from the outside. It stands to reason if he was the one trapped, he couldn't get outside.

This uses seithr.

Other Abilities:

Movelist for the scrubs:

Perception: Through intuition and practice and devouring souls through his Azure Grimoire, Ragna can sense when there is more than one entity inside of a body or other such deformities.

Dead spike: It’s a big head-like thing made of DARKNESS with teeth what pops out of the ground and moves forward, chomping away. A range of 5 meters at most. Heals him.

This uses seithr.

Inferno Divider: An uppercut. With a sword involved. Two versions, one with DARKNESS and one without. DARKNESS has more power, but without has invulnerability frames. By which I mean without the DARKNESS he can see better and aim it in such a way he’s dodge most enemy attacks. Either version can be followed up with an uppercut, and then either another straight punch or a DARKNESS axe kick.

This uses seithr. Rather, the DARKNESS one. DARKNESS one heals him, and so does the axe kick.

It’s not over yet!: picks you off the ground (presumably after a knockdown) and punches you in the face. A great way to punch you in the face, and continue a combo.

Hell’s Fang: A punch forward at sanic speed, propelled by DARKNESS and Ragna’s indomitable forward thinking. Can be followed up with an attack like dead spike, but smaller and more angry looking, instead of cute. The second blow heals him.

This uses seithr.

Gauntlet Hades: Like, wow. He like, kicks, and dig this, propels himself in like a half circle, landing a hammer kick from above right on your face. And then he follows up with another kick OF DARKNESS that sends you up, straight into a combo. The second blow heals him.

This uses seithr.

Blood Scythe: He jumps up, unleashes his DARKNESS SWORD’S DARKNESS SCYTHE, and goes down with a massive swing. Looks pretty baller, does a massive amount of damage and stun to anyone propelling their force forwards, allowing them to get kicked in the face. Heals him.

This uses seithr.

Carnage Scissor: He rushes forward with his sword, THROUGH projectiles, and smacks you with a downward blow. Then, he does a 360 and comes around for another swing right in your face. The swing also explodes DARKNESS. Heals him.

This uses seithr.

Devoured by Darkness: His hand becomes a huge claw, grabs you and then devours a part of your soul through hundreds of little mouths grinding in his claw-hand. Heals him for a lot of damage.

This uses seithr.

Belial Edge: IT’S USELESS

The Azure Grimoire: The thing that allows him to use all this fun stuff. Activating it gives him a big boost in power, and makes all the attacks above more potent.

The Azure Grimoire is his right arm, gives his attacks the property of taking away the enemy’s lifeforce and taking it for himself. As such, any attack labeled with “heals him” also syphons away the enemy’s life force in a more direct way.

Also, generates seithr. Ragna has no need for mana or the like as a substitute to use ars, for he generates the required energy himself.

The azure grimoire used to take away his own lifeforce on activation, but the addition of the Idea Engine has nullified this, as well as nullifying any interference, at all, that the azure grimoire could ever face. It cannot be disrupted.

When dormant passively devours life around him. Those who touch it without preparation will feel weakness and light-headedness with fair rapidity.

With the azure grimoire activated, his statline becomes
Strength: Fantastic
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Fantastic

BLACK=ONSLAUGHT: Also known as African American Bumrush. Ragna’s astral drive, this attack is incredibly potent. He hits the enemy once with his blade, then six times with the blade in blood scythe. After, he devours the opponents soul through their wounds and destroys their husk of a body in a single blow.

Equipment: Blood Scythe: It’s a big ol’ sword, that transforms into a big ol’ scythe. Looks P cool. The scythe part of it runs on seithr and has a red blade made of solid energy of some kind.

Ragna’s poofy pants: he has these.

Ragna’s bitchin’ coat: This too.

The idea engine: I mean, he doesn’t really HAVE this. It’s fused in his arm. But he has it. See “The Azure Grimoire” above for its effects.

Origin: {EXTREMELY ABRIDGED}:A long-ass fucking time ago in a town called Kickapoo… Well okay no, see Ragna his fag brother and their dumb sister were all in a facility some day for some reason, and then a cat saved them and brought them to church where this sister who was once best girl raised him and his siblings in the art of swag, until swagmaster Terumi was all like “fuck dat shit dat ain’t true swag” and kidnapped Ragna’s sister, fucked with his brother’s head and cut off ragna’s right arm.

Then he got bit by a vampire or something and woke up with black shit as a right arm, which was like an Azure Grimoire made by Terumi, and his hair was white and edgy and his eyes didn’t match no more.

So then that cat popped up again and trained him and shit, and gave him this huge blade that can turn into a scythe and an edgy red coat. So then he ran around attacking Novis Orbis Librarium bases and wrecking shit until he got a huge bounty on his head, and while doing so rolled into kagutsuchi, where while wrecking shit and killing unborn womanchildren (Nu-13), he met Noel and his brother again, and they tried to kill eachother and shit and Noel cried some.

He wrecked some more faces and fought Hazama (Terumi) and got his shit wrecked because Terumi sealed his Blazblue until the unborn womanchildren’s bastard cousin popped by and gave him something that would let him use his Blazblue, the Idea Engine, and then he could blazblue again and wreck Terumi’s little anus. But not really. His sister was the big bad all along and Noel was also one of the unborn womanchild’s bastard cousins. So that fucked some things up, so he left to where his sister was chilling accompanied by a crazy cat lady.

So other other shit happened and he met the nun who raised him who was copy-pasted from earlier in the timeline, and around her his right arm (azure grimoire) and right eye (also azure I guess) didn’t work, and he learned the value of protecting those he loves, and it was gay. But he cussed so it was okay I guess. And then there was more fighting, and he went back in time to when the sister actually wasn’t the copy-pasted version and was real and made a beast sleep for a year, then he got mad at a cat after he came back to the future, and he prepped to fight his sister, and he fought the unborn womanchild again and then this huge titan thing that his sister was ordering around and then he got stabbed by the womanchild and went nuts and beat the shit out of his brother and Noel in her womanchild cousin form.

Then he woke up in Nexus. Fuck da police, here be Ragna.

Weakness: Ghosts, his temper, starving people, the unstable nature of the blazblue and Zoning Characters. Also, being way too sugoi.

Likes: The nun who raised him, his master, ball noodles, swearing at his brother

Dislikes: Ghosts, the NOL, Hazama/Terumi, Relius, Hakumen, Azrael, paying the bill for starving people, being taken light of, the rabbit
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 02:36:55 AM by NamesAreHardToComeUpWith »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #103 on: October 28, 2015, 09:59:49 PM »
Name: Erica

Race: Construct

Age: 5 - 10 years since Purification

Height: 5’8

Weight: 155 lbs.


Spoiler for Hiden:


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

The Spirit Vessel: A body changed and altered by aura to be the perfect vessel for a spirit. The Spirit Vessel was crafted by the Prophets. It is much more hardy and physically capable than a normal human. The blue, arcane script used to create it can be seen inside Erica’s eye rotating around the pupil and it is possible to see some gold script flicker on her face. The Spirit Vessel may resemble the human form but it is not nearly as limited. Erica can see perfectly fine in the dark, is resistant to the cold and heat, and has a pain tolerance that allows her to fight effectively even if all of her limbs have been torn off.

The Spirit Vessel functions on aura. An energy usually created by souls in minimal amounts, the Spirit Vessel draws free souls to it and forces them to produce much more aura. Said souls are destroyed because of this process but more powerful spirits can resist this with ease. Recent events have also allowed the Spirit Vessel to produce lesser amounts of aura over time. When wounded the Vessel does not bleed but one can see white energy flowing within it when it is cut or if it loses a limb. The expenditure of aura allows Erica to recreate limbs and repair damage quickly but she must remain perfectly still to expend the aura needed in a constructive way. If she has the aura to spend she can also form a bit of armor for herself which grants her a bit more protection than she normally has. The amount of aura that can be stored by the Spirit Vessel is functionally endless but must be continually harvested.

If given permission it is possible for the Spirit Vessel to link to another body and begin a soul extraction. It is believed that the Spirit Vessel was originally constructed as a voluntary tool but whatever the case it takes what it needs now. It is impossible for it to be possessed or used by another spiritual entity for the Spirit Vessel only allows access to a soul that has been cleansed and touched by the magic of the Prophets. However, it is capable of viewing souls and spiritual entities along with granting some insight into their true nature. While she may not be able to tell that a vampire is a vampire their nature allows her to view them as a ‘parasite’. This ability was meant to scout out other souls of interest to the Prophets and marking them for later examination.

The Spirit Vessel also excels at overall mobility. It floats over surfaces which allows Erica to float over water and move on walls and ceilings. She can accelerate to much faster speeds for a short dash that leaves behind black afterimages. The Vessel can also instantly create platforms while in the air which last for mere seconds that allow her to jump higher and maneuver more effectively.

The White Room: The White Room is the domain of the Prophets and Erica's mindscape is within it. It is infinite in size and although there is no floor you stand on the air as if it were solid ground. Mathematical equations, arcane symbols, and mystical blueprints all float around in the air above and below and around you. Erica's memories are accessed by a large amount of landmarks of various sizes and shapes that are strewn around the place. A simulacrum of Erica made of light was fashioned by the Prophets to ward off any kind of effect that alters her mind. One would have to enter her mind and defeat it before they tried to alter or affect her mentally in any way.


The Mantle of Cinders: The legendary weapon fashioned by the Prophets. The Mantle of Cinders wraps around the Vessel’s neck like a black scarf and stretches out to her back in two parts as a cape of sorts, and the same blue symbols rotating around the Vessel's pupils stretch down the length of the parts. It is nearly impossible to destroy the Mantle as it is an instrument created by higher beings and exists on a level above that of any ordinary weapon. Created to strike against all beings regardless of their status. Men, spirits, and even gods can be harmed by it. It can also instantly recreate any section that has been cut off. It shifts shapes and twists and turns as if it was made from the essence of darkness itself. If the Vessel is slain the Mantle is immediately disperses into nothingness. The segments can transform into the weapons and shapes ‘programmed’ into the cape by the Prophets. However, only one weapon can be used at a time. Switching between weapon forms is nearly instant and allows Erica to set up devastating combos. All close combat forms are wielded with as much strength and speed as if she was wielding them with the exceptions being special techniques.

Sorcerous Bullets: Neither of the parts transform but the Mantle releases bullets of purple tinged energy. They move slower than actual bullets and a few must hit to kill even a normal human but the amount that can be fired is staggering. It only takes a moment to focus on a target and release at least a dozen homing projectiles at once. Erica can target large groups of people with this ability and rain a constant hell of bullets down on them. It is very effective at clearing out groups of enemies but does have a separate form.

The Sorcerous Bullets can be altered to become the Needle. While the Sorcerous Bullets have the advantage of range and homing the Needle is much faster and very efficient at clearing out opponents from mid range. A segment of the Mantle shifts into something vaguely resembling a minigun. From the barrel it releases a storm of black needles the size of pencils that move through the air as fast as bullets. The needles are destructible since they aren't part of the Mantle of Cinder any longer and will ultimately vanish in time.

Fists: The most basic weapon used by Erica. The Fists are the fundamental single target weapon. At least they're meant for fighting something one on one. The segments both shift into massive hands that are a bit larger than a human being. They can easily crush people and cave in the toughest armor. Erica is also skilled at using them to fight creatures much larger than herself. She is also capable of performing a flurry of strikes with the Fists. Their speed increases to Fantastic levels as the Mantle attempts to pound an enemy to the dust with countless strikes.

The Fists can also seamlessly transform into the Claws. With sharp ends the Claws attack much quicker than the Fists normally do and have the added effect of cutting through metal and flesh like hot butter, something that has earned some renown for the large digit tearing armored men to shreds. Because of this the strikes are slightly weaker than the Fists and lack the sheer force it has. Since the Claws are open handed unlike their counterpart they can also be used to grab others and can sink into the flesh of larger opponents quite well.

Sword: Much like the Needle and Sorcerous Bullets the Sword excels at clearing out groups of enemies. Unlike either of them it specialises in clearing out groups in close range. It is as long as a man is tall and several inches wide. It is formed out of only one segment and its hilt is connected to a flexible tendril that the Mantle forms as well. This allows it to swing around in enormous circular patterns to clear out entire rooms with ease. While the Claws are sharper the Sword is capable of cleaving a multitude of enemies at the same time. Large sweeping attacks are also usable to cut through enemies in front of her. Its general shape makes it a weapon much more suitable for slicing then it is for stabbing. Because of this she rarely includes it for that style of combat.

For groups of enemies with incredibly tough armor or hides most of the blade thins and becomes an extension of the tendril while the upper part of the Sword becomes the Hammer. It is slightly larger than the Fist and like the Sword is more focused on groups. While the Fists specialize in pummeling single enemies the Hammer excels at spinning around like a wrecking ball and crushing everything in its path. Speed and momentum are its friends and the seamless switch from Sword to massive Hammer has caught multiple enemies off guard. Unlike other weapons the Hammer can also swell in size and sacrifice speed for absolute crushing power. 

Lance: The initiator of Erica’s arsenal. A segment of  the Mantel wraps around her right arm and transforms into a lance. This allows her to instantly go from no movement to the absolute maximum speed she can normally manage. This allows her to set up devastating lunges and close distances in an instant. The Lance also has a greater lunge. Two golden circles made of arcane text float around the Lance and allow Erica to focus on a target before launching herself at Fantastic speeds towards a target. This lets her close much longer distances and strike with much more force and accuracy. The action of aiming with the circles will stop Erica even if she’s in midair and allows her to aim it from any position.

The Lance can also thin and lengthen to form a whip. While the Lance focuses on closing the distances between Erica and her opponent the Whip excels at pulling her enemies towards her. It also adds to her mobility by allowing her to pull herself towards things by wrapping the Whip around it. The Whip sacrifices the normal rigidity and strength of the weapon forms to extend so it can be broken with a sharp enough object or enough force.

Wings: This form is less of a weapon and more like another tool to synergize with the impressive mobility the Spirit Vessel provides. Each segment of the Mantle form into wings and allow Erica to fly indefinitely. While it doesn’t boost her speed very much it allows her to move around much more freely and gain a better position if need be.

Chair: Sometimes you just want something comfy to sit in. The Mantle can form a chair at any time for Erica to sit in.

Origin: Erica was a wandering soul. Picked out and cleansed by the Prophets as the most suitable human to serve their purposes she inhabited the Spirit Vessel. She was to serve as a weapon against the Malicious. Beings that arose from the Void and fed on the negative emotion of humans. Of course, it was much more agreeable to simply stop them from rising in the first place. When it appeared as if great suffering would be imposed upon the world Erica would be sent from the actual White Room to the location of whoever was performing these actions. She would then proceed to slaughter the target and anything in her way. Then she would return to the White Room and sent out again and again until the threat had been deemed extinguished. The way it was done was not only to slay those who would cause misfortune but to also cow the world. To instill the fear of an unstoppable force appearing to strike down any that would cause great misery no matter what armies or defenses the group had. Erica was less of a person and more like a divine instrument wielded by the Prophets. Regardless, she had no regrets, for how can one regret the only life they have ever known? Now in the Nexus she is more confused than anything else.

Weakness: The head is the core of the Spirit Vessel. Damage to it can stop internal aura production and impair the repairing process. While destroying part of the head may not instantly kill her it will cause aura to start bleeding from the wound. If she completely runs out of aura the Spirit Vessel will shut down.

Likes: The Prophets, the Vessel, actually trying food

New: Noel, Noel's cooking

Dislikes: The Malicious, having nothing to do, getting lost
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 12:50:00 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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« Reply #104 on: November 02, 2015, 03:41:25 AM »
Name : Jin Kisaragi

Race : Human

Birthday : February 14th


Weight :61KG

Appearance  :

Physical Attribute:

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Amazing

Constitution: Incredible

Magical ability:None

Ars Magus : Jin has no aptitude for magic, he instead uses Ars Magus like most other people from his universe instead. While the end result may be nearly identical to many kinds of magic, Ars Magus is fundamentally different from it.

The first notable difference is its use of seithr as opposed to mana. Seithr was released in large quantities into the world during the Dark War by the Black Beast, an immeasurably strong monster that wiped out nearly half of the world’s population. Seithr is harmless to humans in small quantities, but in larger dosages it is a highly toxic substance that is lethal to humans and mutates animals into powerful and aggressive monsters.

Ars Magus was developed by the Great Sage Nine during the Dark War to allow humans to utilize the powers associated with magic in order to fight the Black Beast, which was completely immune to conventional weapons. Humans were unable to manipulate magic in its base form, and after a great deal of research, Ars Magus was developed to circumvent this problem.

By using science to manipulate the vast quantities of seithr that leaked from the body of the Black Beast as a fuel source, a user can generate a vast number of effects. In order to activate an Ars Magus, one has to recite an “Ars,” or spell.

Some people have higher aptitude than others in the use of Ars Magus. For example, to activate a specific Ars, the average person would require twenty units of seithr while someone with a high aptitude for it might require only ten, or even five units to achieve the same effect.

Other Abilities :

Sword Master: Jin is a swagtastic swordsman and knows all the bitchin' moves, he can flip out and stab the shit out of your nii-san.

Jin is a highly skilled swordsman who few can match, it's through his great skill and the power of Yukianesa that he quickly advanced to the rank of major in the NOL. Jin's fighting style is built around pure skill and attacks perfomed with precise timing.   

Giant Bully: He can bully the Christmas out of you.

Le move Set:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Power of Order: I win button that works....sometimes. really good at negating supernatural influences though.

Jin is also capabale of performing air dashes through the use of Ars Magus by creating platforms in the air.

Nox Nyctores: Mucro Algesco: Yukianesa, It freezes things...especially heroes of  love and justice. Ice swords everywhere.

The Nox Nyctores were originally created to combat the Black Beast, they were based on the Sankishin and all hold great power. Yukianesa takes the form of a katana or rather it's the hilt. When drawn a blade of ice is formed from seithr, it has the ability to rapidly freeze anything it touches. Yukianesa also excerts a form mind control on Jin enhancing his emotional reactions, especially his rage.

Notable techniques include shooting ice projectiles in the form of swords and trapping a person in a block of ice.

Overdrive: Frost End, Jin overcharges yukianesa's power, he can't do it for too long due to danger to himself but it'll definitely freeze their justice right off.

Hishōken: Ice sword launcher.

Hishōgeki: Even bigger ice sword that freezes your ass.

Kuchū Hishōgeki: You thought 1 sword was enough, so take 3 instead. Freezes your ass harder.

Fubuki: Yo battōjutsu quickdraw like a wannabe samurai, you cant touch this.

Rehhyō: A launching verticall quickdraw slash, that sends you flying. too bad it's slow.

Jin's Nissan: He can make a car of ice. Actually Jin rides on an icicle, then he leaps off to kick your face in.

Sekkajin: A tuly impressive technique where Jin slashes all around himself like an idiot.

Tōga Hyōjin: Jin slashes out a giant ice wave at a high speed along the ground. Extremely fast. When in Overdrive, Jin freezes his enemy with one slash of the arctic dagger, and then stabs Yukianesa into the ground, this hits you over and over again.

Kokūjin: Yukikaze: Jin blocks an attack, then does a battōjutsu through the opponent to freeze them. When in Overdrive, Jin is really tryharding it and will go trough you after slashing you all over and then sheathes the blade like a boss.

Rengoku Hyōya: This is my ultimate final attack, creates a bitchin' ice cage around you.  After about 5 seconds of freezing his opponent's ass off, Jin then sheathes his sword, causing the ice cage to shatter, killing the opponent on contact. too bad it only hits the non flying ones.


Origin : OG Jin in da house. He doesn't know Noel but is good friends with Tsubaki and her friend Makoto. He's a Major in the NOL and treats everyone with their due respect. In essence he's an upstanding gentleman of class. He only has one problem, he doesn't like his brother, the Bloodedge. He's from the original timeline from before Noel was a thing and made her timeline canon through being an observer.

After arriving in the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi chasing after a lead he got about his brother the wanted criminal Ragna the Bloodedge. he found himself mysteriously pulled away from Kagutsuchi by an unknown force.

Likes :Tsubaki, Makoto, his nii-san.

Dislikes :His nii-san, anything that reminds him of Saya.

Weaknesses : Is brash and arrogant, slow to react to counterattack unless he's really motivated.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 05:19:09 AM by Sinib »