Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone  (Read 95158 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #75 on: March 25, 2015, 01:32:04 PM »
Name: Aisha

Race: Template of Life

Age: 1000+

Height: 5 feet 9 inches

Weight: 165 lbs.

Appearance: Long, brown hair and bright blue eyes along with a healthy tan and an aura of vitality that you can almost feel are Aisha's most prominent characteristics. She is rather slim but her body is toned. She prefers to walk around barefoot and despises hats and more constricting clothing. Aisha looks like she's in her mid to late twenties.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Exceptional (taking regeneration into account this becomes Legendary)

Magic Resistance - Extremely High: Aisha is an ancient being and that has affected her. She existed in the core of the world where the mana was so thick that it transformed anything that wandered into its depths. Over time it made her increasingly resistant to magic and has come to the point where mana based magecraft is incapable of harming her.

Other Abilities:

The Heart of God: Blood is life. That is true of all living things but for Aisha this carries far more importance. Her blood is quintessence of Life itself and is also white. Even the most grievous of wounds can be healed with a careful application of blood and even the regeneration of limbs is possible. Things like poison are also neutralized with ease. It also carries curious properties if ingested. Enough of it will dramatically boost anything's physical capabilities(equivalent to full rank up in all stats) but it is also dangerous. Something so pure was not meant not be drank by anyone. It will only last for a few minutes at best with a safe amount and too much guarantees death in a few seconds even for the hardiest being. The body simply begins to be overrun by cancerous tumours. However the careful use of drops over a large period of time can permanently increase physical capabilities and reverse aging.

This also grants Aisha an extremely powerful regeneration factor that preserves her even in the worst of situations. A wound from a blade would begin to heal before it even finished slicing through her. Only the complete and total annihilation of her body would kill her. Foreign objects like bullets are pushed out of the body before it begins to heal.

Plant life also grows rapidly in her presence. They run rampant and will even flourish in places they normally shouldn’t. This becomes even more potent if she waters the flora with her blood. A seed could grow to the size of an ancient oak within mere moments.

Animals, insects,  and more bestial mystical creatures will refuse to attack her because of this. On a primal level they can recognize their progenitor. The source from which all Life sprung is something that their instincts scream at them not to attack. This also applies to elementals for they were created when her blood flowed into the earth, mixed with water, danced in the air, dripped into fire, and were smothered in the shadow.

The First Tongue: The language spoken before man broke away from its family and created its own. The First Tongue is something spoken so that all the beings above and below the earth may communicate with one another. Humans hear it as a mix of bestial roars, the chirping of birds and insects, and thousands of human voices speaking all the languages of the world with the recipients native tongue heard above all other sounds.

Protection of the Elementals: Aisha is blessed by her children. Those that were fire, water, air, earth, and darkness aid her even now. Fire and heat will never harm her and even in the frozen wastes she'll remain comfortably warm. A raging flood would wash over her as if it was a gentle wave and even in the fiercest weather it will be like she's standing in the eye of the storm. The earth will always yield to her touch and will never block her. The toughest terrain can be traversed with ease and when climbing she will always find a convenient foothold. Finally the darkness will hold no secrets from her. Even in a world without light Aisha can see perfectly.

The First Mother: What mother would she could not recognize her children? Aisha is gifted with the ability to pick out those born from her blood along with their offspring with only a glance. All living things that are born are her children. From the least of insects to the greatest of men. This mostly used for identifying strangers masquerading as her children.

Origin: In the time before time the world was silent. Then there was the Heart. The mother of all. Her blood met the sea and from the mixture of water and Life the first of all living things was born. But the mother was not finished. This world would not support these children. She journeyed to the depths of the earth and sacrificed. So that the world may live the mother was skewered on crude spears and let her blood flow. Now the mother is free, but at what cost?

Weakness: Aisha is an untrained civilian. She cannot defend herself and even if she could she usually refuses to raise her hand against her children.

Likes: Humans, animals, insects, flora, elementals

Dislikes: Undead, industrialization, technology, clothes
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 08:11:56 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #76 on: March 25, 2015, 05:08:13 PM »
Name: Roxas

Race: Nobody (Human)

Height: Tall

Weight: Average 14 year old boy


Physical attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magic ability: High

Roxes can use a wide array of spells including Thunderaga, Gravitaga, Firaga, Curaga, Areoaga, Stopaga, Magnega and Reflectaga  However usage of these spells are limited and Roxas cannot use too many in rapid succession without a cooldown period.  In addition he does not need the keyblade to use these spells.  However, using them with the keyblade enhance their power.  In addition, he can enhance the keyblade with a specific type of magic and throw it at an opponent, causing its corresponding effect.

Thunderaga:  Roxas can call a strong lightning strike to land anywhere he chooses or he can strike the area with weaker lightning strikes.

Stopaga:  Roxas can stop time for his opponents from 2 seconds to 8 seconds.  However, if a person has a certain level of magic resistance this spell can be ignored.

Magnega:  Roxas can create a magical ball above him that will suck in enemies.  If they reach the ball they will be damaged.  However, this ball tends to not last long.

Fire:  Roxas can do a variety of things with this element.  He can cause a light barrier of fire that damages nearby enemies.  He can also shoot a singular fireball that has homing properties if Roxas chooses.

Gravitaga:  Roxas can create a small gravity field anywhere in blades length away from him that intensifies gravity.  He can also fire a purple sphere of light that upon impact will create a circular field of gravity.

Aero:  Roxas can create a small wind barrier that halves the damage that he takes.  He also can create a large wind vortex around his body.

Blizzard:  Roxas can fire a small sphere of ice magic at an opponent.  Unless it is nullified, it can travel through opponents.  He can also cause the sphere of ice to float atop an opponent and explode.

Reflect:  Creates a magical circular barrier that can protect Roxas from almost any attack.  In addition, if the barrier is struck, a spread of light magic will erupt near the barrier, dealing damage equal to the attack that struck the barrier.  However, the barrier doesn’t last long.  Only 5-10 seconds even with concentration.

Power of light:  This form of magic is one that Roxes can use more freely.  He can use it to empower his keyblade for a limited time or cause a large succession of laser strikes.  He can also fire a light beam from his keyblade that can open doors and harm enemies.

Other Abilities:
Chosen of the Keyblade: Roxas is a wielder of the keyblade and can use its abilities pretty efficiently.  He is a excellent swordsman, able to to keep up and overpower weapons experts more experienced than him.  He has physics breaking agility, able to run on walls and maneuver in mid air.  When he attacks a person in midair both him and the victim tend to stay at the same altitude until the combo is done.

Glide skill:  Roxas has the ability to glide.  If he choses not to move he can remain at the same altitude for a long period of time.  He moves extremely fast while gliding, able to outspeed a train.

Air dash skill:  Roxas has the ability to maneuver in midair and can do so up to five times.

Quickdash/dodge roll skill:  Roxas can utilize his unnatural agility to perform quick dashes, dodge rolls and other athletic feats using a quick burst of speed.  This ability also allows him to glide forward quickly, closing gaps between him and an opponent. 

High jump skill:  Roxas can jump several feet in the air, able to easily jump on top of small buildings.

Different styles:  When wielding only one keyblade, Roxas assumes a more balanced style emphasizing control over offence and defence.  He is more like a typical swordsman, taking care to guard and counter strike.  When dual wielding,  Roxas goes completely on the attack, doing everything he can to break through his opponents defense and using magic more explosively.  He prefers to dodge his opponent rather than guard.


Keyblade:  Roxas can summon the keyblade, a magical sword in the shape of a key.  Roxas can summon either Oathkeeper or Oblivion.  It can guard against magic and is the tool Roxas uses to wield magic.  If disarmed he can teleport the keyblade directly back to his hands or simply make it disappear.  Keyblades cannot be used by people who are not keyblade wielders.  If someone attempts to even hold a keyblade who is not chosen, the keyblade will vanish or teleport to the original owner.  Keyblades also have the power to open any door and manipulate magic locks of any kind so long as they have a key hole.

Double keyblades:  When Roxas is fighting at full power, he wields two keyblades, Oathkeeper and Oblivion.  Oathkeeper is a keyblade with a wing shaped hilt and a star shaped tip.  Oblivion is a keyblade with a protective hilt and a comb shaped tip.    Same as the other keyblades, Roxas can summon or make them disappear. 

Oathkeeper:  A blade with a heavenly look that is shaped like a key.  It increases the output of magic that Roxas can dish out and allows him to use magic longer.

Oblivion:  A keyblade with a dark and archaic look.  It restricts the amount of time Roxas can use magic in quick succession in exchange for more strength to the blade itself.

Black coat:  Roxas wears a hooded black coat that allows him to travel between worlds without being harmed.  It is a magical one size fits all coat. Accessories that come with the coat vanish when it is removed.  When putting on the hood, Roxas can completely hide his face.

Origin:  In the world of Kingdom Hearts there are humans, heartless and nobodies.  Humans are simply normal humans with different abilities depending on the person.  Heartless are humans whose hearts have given up or succumbed to darkness.  Roxas is a nobody, a powerful emotionless empty husk created from a normal human who turned heartless.  Roxas is the nobody of Sora, the main character in the series.  His name eludes to this and is an anagram of the name Sora with an X added to it.

When Sora was turned heartless he was able to miraculously come back, thanks to the aid of his friends.  Either as a result of this or some other unknown reason, Roxas still retains his emotions.  Roxas is more like an alter ego of Sora rather than his empty husk.  Later on, Roxas merges with Sora, deciding to reside in his heart along with several others.

After merging with Sora and accepting him as his other half, Roxas found peace in Sora’s heart.  However, sometime later, a door appeared in the world of Sora’s heart.  Curious, Roxas headed through the door, arriving in the Nexus.

Weakness: Roxas is extremely rash and dislikes being contained.  If in a dire situation with seemingly no way out, he will irrationally lash out at his opponent.  Roxes is naive and often hesitates in delivering his final blow which has often been his undoing.

Likes: Seasalt icecream.  His friend Axel.

Dislikes:  Being constrained,  being talked down to.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 10:08:39 AM by Kaze »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #77 on: April 07, 2015, 02:45:42 PM »
Name: Gigus

Race: Demi god

Age: 25

Height: 6’1

Weight: 180Ib

Appearance: Gigus is a lean, muscular looking man.  His hair is a crimson red. His eyes are sky blue.  His skin is tan and brown, like the earth.  He wears a T shirt and black jeans. 

Physical Attributes

Strength: Superhuman (Exceptional when weakened)

Agility: Supernatural/superhuman when enhanced (Human when weakened)

Constitution: Supernatural (Superhuman depending on the environment)

Other Abilities:

Immortality:  Unless the nature itself begins to die, Gigus cannot die and will regenerate.  If his body is completely destroyed, he will reform in a safe spot closest to his death.

Elemental armour:  Gigus can use the power of nature to enhance his body in different ways.   He can use the earth around him to harden his skin or change his body to have the form of lightning.

Elemental enhancements:  Gigus can also manipulate the elements to gain speed advantages as well.  He can charge his feet with lightning to run faster.  He can skate on the earth, water, air and other elements using his powers.  He has also learned to use their power to enhance his attacks while fighting.  For example, he can attack with a punch charged with lightning or a kick where his foot is covered in stone.

Elemental attacks:  Gigus can fire elemental attacks such as fire, lightning and ice.  These attacks vary in power depending on where he is.  For example, during a hurricane, water, wind and lightning attacks my reach legendary levels.  However, in a volcano, water attacks would be unusable or weakened to the point where he can only attack with water vapor.

Complete control over the elements:  Gigus has complete control over the elements.  As long as he can see the object, he can manipulate them.  For example, he can manipulate the earth and walk underground or even walk through metal doors by manipulating their structure.   If he can’t see the element, such as blood in the body, he can’t manipulate it.  He can also do things such as walk on the air and water.

Immunity to earthy poison:  Gigus was born with the power of nature.  Almost all poisons are completely eradicated by his immune system, which is able to instantly adapt to any poison.  Extremely complex poisons will hurt him for a bit but cannot kill him. However, any poison conceived by resources that are not of this planet can kill him.  in addition, magic curses work with their normal effect.


Origin: Gigus is the son of Gaia.  In his early life, Gigus spent all his time surrounded by nature, learning to harness his powers.  Gaia hid him from Uranus in a specific area of the planet where he could not be seen.  She also gave him devine clothes that would hide his powers from Uranus.  One day, Gigus left, leaving his comfortable life in nature behind.  He went on many adventures, learning of both the good of man and the corrupt.  Above all, he was disappointed that humanity seemed to treat the environment as their plaything.  When he learned about the existence of Gigus, Uranus banished Gigus to the Nexus, where his power is weakened.

Weakness: Gigus is only as powerful as the environment around him.  If you were to throw him in a desolate wasteland with nuclear fallout then he would be helpless.  Also despite having knowledge of magic power, he has no resistance to it.  While Gigus is good at street fighting, he never learned any martial arts skills and can be overpowered by a master.

Likes: Evolution of people, Environmentalists

Dislikes: Blatant disrespect to nature


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #78 on: April 09, 2015, 10:01:19 PM »
Name: David Borrus

Race: Human

Age: 35

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 160Ib

Appearance: David has a lean build with a light complexion.  He has sky blue eyes and often wears a suit, even when he is off work.  When he is not wearing a suit, he is wearing khaki pants and a polo shirt, or some other type of formal wear.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human (none in ghost form)

Agility: Human (Incredible in ghost form)

Constitution: Human (Incredible in ghost form)

Other Abilities:

Influence over dreams and emotions:  By making contact with a person directly or using one of his magical tools, David can manipulate memories, emotions and plant subconscious ideas in their heads.  However, unlike in his ghost form, most people can resist his mental prodding to an extent. Different actions have different strengths levels and the ability to resist these attacks will depend on the person.

Manipulating memories:  This skill is the hardest to use in human form.  On stronger more independent minds, David cannot use it unless the person is aware and willing.  Although he can use it freely on weaker minds.  Basically, he can replace people or events or simply erase memories entirely. (Ability is meant to be used with approval of other player)  He can also make a person relive their memories, either all at once or in small doses.

Emotional manipulation:  He is quite good at this skill and is able to the mood of a person by touching their body or using one of his tools. He can give a person a boost of adrenaline or increase their stress.  He can also change their moods, often subtly.  He can even seal off emotions of a person entirely.

Planting subconscious ideas:  While people don't always follow these ideas.  David can plant ideas in a person’s head.  These ideas are often hard to differ from normal thoughts.  For example, he could plant the idea punch joe and that person despite how he/she was feeling will start to consider punching joe.  However, someone of a abnormally strong or highly trained mind should be able to resist or disregard it.

Mind reading ability:  With no exception aside from being in ghost form, this ability can only be used when David has direct contact with a person.  It allows him to read a persons mind.  It is important to note that he can use his other abilities without actually reading a persons mind.  It is also worth noting that he cannot use this ability without touch.

Ghost form: He cannot take over another character's body in the traditional sense but he can hide inside their mind.  This also includes the minds of animals.  In this form he is much better at influencing others mind.  (Although, memory manipulation will still require permission.)  He can also use it to travel, as unless you have a special sensory ability you cannot detect him.  In this form he cannot physically interact with the world, aside from sentient minds.

High psychic resistance:  David has trained himself to resist almost any kind of psychic prodding.  Only those with superior psychic abilities can affect Davids mind.


Pocket watch:  David owns a pocket watch which he can channel his powers through.  As long as the person is focused on the watch, he can use any of his powers without fail.

Knife:  Because the streets are so dangerous, David often carries a knife with him.  It has no special properties.  It is simply a sharp knife.


David a man who spent his whole life as a ghost, both metaphorically and physically.  His ability to control dreams and change his form has distanced himself from people.  He once had a family, although they all died in a mysterious fire.  He works as a hypnotist, secretly using his powers over human psychology to solve patient problems.  He is called the miracle psychologist, surrounded by myth and legend.  Those who have had his treatment refer to him as a pleasant man, with a surprisingly childish personality.  He was born in the Nexus and learned how to survive and harness his powers with experience.
   In his younger days, David spent his time underground as a mixed martial arts fighter.  IT was a way for him to take out his frustration out on this corrupt city, which likely had taken his parents away from him.  In that underground world of fighting he experienced many things.  He fought violent sociopaths, supernatural creatures and ordinary people.  He learned that while everyone was different in their own ways, each person tended to be not as different as people tend to think, among other things.  After a while, he outgrew his rebellious ways in the arena and decided to become a psychologist, helping people cope with life in the Nexus.

Weakness: Despite having ghost powers David is a normal human with normal human weaknesses.  He can still be shot or burned and will die easily.  He also has no special resistance to magic.  In addition, if his powers don't work on a person he is more or less completely helpless.  While he can use his abilities to affect others minds, he cannot control his own, so he is still susceptible to emotional damage.

Likes: Pure hearted minds, hot chocolate

Dislikes: Morally ambiguous people.  Dark corrupted minds
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 10:10:42 AM by Kaze »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #79 on: April 11, 2015, 06:30:20 AM »
Name: Tohsaka Rin

Race: Human Magus

Age: 21

Height: 5’3

Weight: 110

Rin has grown up since the events of Heaven’s Feel, she’s now in her very early twenties and her style has changed a bit and she’s filled out slightly.  She has a more athletic build than her sister, and getting older did not stem her physical activities.  If anything, being part of the mage’s association has made her more apt to work out just to blow off steam.

Being Asian she’s still not very tall, but has long raven hair and striking aquamarine eyes that are very expressive.  She also has amazing legs, thighs, and rear.

She tends to dress in red, black and white.  She also wears her spinel pendent, the same one that  saved her Brother-in-Law and she summoned Archer with, under her clothing. 

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional (Amazing with reinforcement)

Agility: Exceptional (Amazing with reinforcement, Incredible Reflexes)

Constitution: Exceptional (Amazing with reinforcement)

Magical Power:Very High

Rin excels at Conversion of Power, storing prana into objects, mainly gemstones and using them as a limited mystic codes.  They can be “A” rank Spells, even matching Age of the Gods magics.  Her use of gemstones is generally elemental in nature.

She can also form temporary “contracts” with people to give them prana as well.  Theoretically. 

She has the extremely rare trait of “Average One”, being able to use the five “great” elements and has exceptional magic potential.

She also has the Second Magic “in her grasp”, or so she likes to say.

Her most used offensive spell is the Gandr curse.  In Rin’s hands, it takes an entirely corporal form that can be fired at rapid rate, like a machine gun.  Her Gandr is very violent and can even punch through concrete.  Since it is a part of her magical crest, it requires no casting time.

Rin’s also highly proficient at reinforcement as well, herself and objects.  Reinforcing someone else is tricky, but in a pinch she would be able to do so.

Other Abilities: Rin hasn't lapsed in her martial arts training a single bit since the events of Heavens Feel. She works out her body and practices almost daily. As a result of her hard work, Rin can hold her own in melee unless they simply outclass her. While reinforced, she could even destroy trees in the same way the fake priest did in the fourth holy grail war.

She’s also good at baseball.

She’s a good cook as well, especially with Chinese dishes.

Equipment: Gems. Gems and more Gems.  A pair of garnet earrings that constantly absorb the prana escaping from her hair that she can use as a last resort.

Rin has a dozen gems with her at this point in time.  She can use these gems as mystical codes or use them as sort of a makeshift armor if needed.  The problem is, if she uses a gem it becomes useless and destroyed after she’s finished with it.

Origin: Fate/Zero and The Heavens Feel route are the basis of this Rin’s Origin.

After the events of the Fifth Grail War and becoming Zeltrech’s “Apprentice” Rin is still currently studying at the Association.  She has a rivalry with Luvia Edelfelt, a comfortable relationship with her sister, and is still slightly hung up on her Brother-In-Law, both current and alternate future self.   She’s determined into inheriting the Second and doing the Tohsaka name proud on her terms.

She’s also been trying to hone her combat skills somewhat, in case any of her “Master’s” enemies (and he does have a lot) decide to strike him through her.

Weakness: Sakura.  Shirou.  Things that would kill a normal human being.  Her “goof-up” trait at screwing up at the worse possible time. An enemy with a high amount of magical resistance.  A limited number of jewels (see TOOLS).  Even though she has a high prana store, she can only use so much at a time.  While she can handle herself in hand to hand against someone with no or very little training, someone who's a skilled melee fighter who can close on her quick can overwhelm her.

Likes: Strawberries.  Gemstones.  Polishing her gemstones and jewelry.  Teasing serious people.  Teasing Shirou, even though since he’s married Sakura she doesn’t indulge in that as often. The color red. Her family- Sakura, Shirou, and Rider.  Baseball.  Cute blond girls.  Going her own way.

Dislikes: Technology.  Unexpected occurrences and emergencies.  Sending money. 
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 01:37:31 AM by Sinib »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #80 on: May 12, 2015, 01:29:49 AM »

Name: Medea (Caster)

Race: Servant

Age: Appears to be in mid twenties-thirties

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 51kg


Constantly wears a hood over her head to hide her face.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional (Able to cut off human limbs with a single strike)

Agility: Supernatural

Constitution: Supernatural

Magical Abilities:  Extremely High

High Speed Divine Words : An ancient form of magic that Caster is able to use. Modern humans cannot understand the language therefore they cannot use this type of magic. Examples of her spells include various beams, blades of wind, and spatial freezing.

Reinforcement: Caster can reinforce herself or other people allowing them to fight foes far stronger than they should normally be able to face. The reinforcement stays in effect for as long as Caster wills it.

Bone Soldiers: By throwing bones of a dragon onto the ground Caster can spawn a multitude of bone warriors. While one is stronger than the average human most magi or Servant can handle normal ones with ease. Various forms include normal bone soldiers, dogs made of bone, and water bone soldiers that reform upon destruction.

Body Doubles: Caster is able to manipulate her form and upon doing so can create illusions of herself in attempts to trick her foes. These shadow copies can look and act just like Caster or anyone she desires though they have no real combat capabilities.

City Wide-Surveillance: Inside her territory Caster is able to watch the city and can watch as events unfold. Those with Presence Concealment of a high rank or others who specialize in hiding themselves can escape from her sight.

Teleportation: Upon the formation of her Territory Caster can perform feats such as teleportation in order to accomplish her goal whether that ‘s to protect someone or to escape from danger.

Mass City Resource Gathering: Upon the formation of a Territory Caster can tap into the leylines and sap the magical energy from anyone in the city, such an act may cause normal humans to pass out and attract attention to herself.

Item Creation: If Caster devotes time and effort she is capable of creating various items such as high ranking mystic codes and even a fake immortality potion. Stronger mystic codes require a few days to make while minor ones such as the bone soldiers can be made in seconds.

Territory Creation: When Caster creates a Territory her combat potential increases greatly granting her various buffs. This also allows her to store very large amounts of magical energy which she can use to cast powerful forms of magic.

Rule Breaker
Title: All Spells Must Be Broken
Description: Its unique ability is that it is the ultimate anti-magic Noble Phantasm capable of dispelling and destroying any kind of thaumaturgy, an effect suitable to the Noble Phantasm that is a manifestation of Caster’s nature as It "transgresses" on all the magecraft of the targets it pierces, contracts made from magical energy and life born from magical energy. Once it comes into contact with the ensorcelled item or person, enchantments, connections bounded through contracts, and creatures created and maintained by prana will all be returned to their original components in a state "before they were made." Contracts will be wiped clean and those with life will immediately cease to exist. There is a limit to what it is able to dispel, meaning artifacts on the rank of Noble Phantasm will never be returned to their original state no matter how low their rank.

Golden Fleece/Argon Coin

Description: The golden fleece from her legend, supposedly she can throw it down to summon a dragon but in this form she only holds the Golden Fleece and is unable to use it.

Caster’s Cloak

Description: Her purple cloak that she uses to aid in flying and to hide her face.

Caster’s Staff

Description:An ancient staff that Caster sometimes uses to cast her spells, it is unneeded in combat.

Origin: The princess of Colchis and known for her mass spree of killings and ability to manipulate people, this particular version of Medea is a fresh copy summoned from the Grail. Summoned by Kayneth’s chaotic spell casting she was brought into the Nexus City directly after her summoning.

Weakness: Magic Resistance of the highest caliber, Presence Concealment, physical fighters in enclosed spaces.

Likes: Men of few words and sincerity, girls in cute clothes

Dislikes: Muscles, Good looking guys
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 01:48:36 AM by Milbunk »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #81 on: May 18, 2015, 01:34:10 AM »
Name: Dante (Son of Sparda)

Race: Human/Demon Hybrid

Age: ??? (Dante is more or less ageless)

Height: 6’ 3”

Weight: 170 lbs


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes:

Strength: High Superhuman

Agility: Superhuman

Constitution: High Supernatural

Other Abilities:

Demonic Physiology: Dante is ageless, with his body being at its physical prime. He can heal very quickly from any injuries he suffers short of the total loss of a limb (This would probably take a while to regrow). Furthermore, poisons have no effect on him and he can’t get sick. He also demonstrates the ability to seemingly ignore the need for breath, carrying out protracted fights while underwater with no ill effects. Furthermore, Dante appears to have high environmental resistances, appearing to be unaffected by extreme temperatures and suffering only minimal effects from things such as lightning. It also seems to granted him a degree of resistance to magic.

Telekinesis: Dante is capable of minor telekinetic feats, though this is mainly restricted to his own weapons and things like the odd motorbike.

Air Hike/Sky Star: By focusing his power underneath him, Dante can create a platform to jump off of in mid-air.

Combat Mastery: Dante is an expert with all of Devil Arms, usually mastering use of them shortly after acquiring them. In addition, Dante is a peerless marksman with Ivory and Ebony, and he’s no slouch with his other ranged weapons.

Devil Trigger: Dante can unleash the full power of his demonic heritage, taking on an appropriate form and physically enhancing himself to degree in addition to heightening his mobility with the ability to glide on demonic wings. Furthermore, Dante’s healing factor is accelerated further in this form. However, he can only remain in this mode for so long, and the energy that this ability draws on drains rather quickly. If his reserves of this energy are completely full, Dante can maintain a Devil Trigger state for a full thirty seconds. However, this is shortened if he activates Devil Trigger multiple times, as activating it has an energy cost all on its own. The activation causes a damaging explosion, which can be magnified at the cost of more energy being required to achieve the Devil Trigger form.

Spoiler for Devil Trigger Stats:

Strength: Borderline Lengendary

Agility: Borderline Legendary

Constitution: Borderline Superhuman

Spoiler for Hiden:


Spoiler for Dante's Devil Arms:
Rebellion: Dante’s favored weapon, a physical manifestation of the Dark Knight Sparda’s power. The Rebellion is a magic-aligned demonic weapon with cutting power far beyond what one would expect from this type of blade, though its power pales in comparison to its sister sword, Yamato, which is capable of cutting through even dimensional barriers. It doesn’t need to be said that the sword is capable of powerful spiritual interference.
Spoiler for Hiden:

‘Shock Steel’ Gilgamesh: Gilgamesh is an armor-like weapon made of a devilish metal which absorbs organic material and transforms it to steel, and its techniques can be powered up by engaging the thrusters on the gauntlets and greaves. The gauntlets have small drills on each arm capable of extending during some attacks, while the greaves have small circular saws allowing Dante to cut through enemies with kicks.
Spoiler for Hiden:

‘Inexhaustible sword’ Lucifer: Lucifer takes the appearance of a hellish backpack, shaped like a streamlined skull with large glowing red eyes that stare in fury, with metallic projections protruding from its forehead, giving Dante a semblance of folded wings. It is a hellish weapon worn like a backpack, and is able to spawn a countless number of spectral swords to hover around it. These swords can be rearranged, thrown, or wielded, and will explode either after a short duration, at a command from Dante such as a clap or throwing the rose held in his mouth, or once enough blades have been spawned.
Spoiler for Hiden:

‘Calamitous Ordnance’ Pandora: Simply put, Pandora’s Box, or Pandora’s Briefcase if you want to nit-pick. It is a powerful Devil Arm that can potentially assume 666 different and devastating forms, but Dante only has access to seven at this point in time. Use of certain forms of Pandora deplete a store of ‘Disaster energy’ held by the Devil Arm, while successfully landing blows with other forms of Pandora adds more of this ‘Disaster Energy’. To compensate for its extreme firepower, each of Pandora’s forms take a little time to activate, and Dante cannot move while using them, with the exception of PF-594: Argument.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Pandora's Forms:
PF013: Epidemic: An explosive Bow gun (Adds Disaster Energy)
Spoiler for Hiden:

PF124: Hatred: Transforms Pandora from a bowgun to a bazooka that fires off massively damaging rockets (Adds Disaster Energy, can only be accessed from PF013: Epidemic)
Spoiler for Hiden:

PF398: Revenge: Transforms Pandora from a Bazooka to a massive laser cannon capable of searing blasts (Adds Disaster Energy, can only be accessed from PF124: Hatred)
Spoiler for Hiden:

PF262: Jealousy: Transforms Pandora into a Gatling gun. This can be accessed straight off the bat, but is the weakest of Pandora’s forms. (Adds Disaster Energy at a substantially increased rate)
Spoiler for Hiden:

PF594: Argument: Transforms Pandora into a mobile missile battery capable of firing a barrage of homing missiles. (Consumes Disaster Energy)
Spoiler for Hiden:

PF422: Grief: Tranforms Pandora into a massive bladed boomerang. (Consumes Disaster Energy)
Spoiler for Hiden:

PF666: Omen: Opens Pandora’s Box and savages enemies with a flash of violated taboo. (Consumes Disaster Energy)
Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Dante's Ranged Weapons:
Ivory and Ebony: Twin custom handguns, styled after the Colt M1911 and chambered for .45 ACP. The guns are designed to fire bullets instilled with Dante’s own demonic power, with Ivory being designed for rapid firing and fast draw times and Ebony being designed for long-distance targeting and comfort. Dante can fire them quickly enough to emulate a fully automatic barrage.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Coyote-A: A shotgun, need I say more?
Spoiler for Hiden:

Also, his clothes regenerate for some reason. Be it the fiery tail of a demon of hell or the destructive eyebeams of a demon God, nothing will permanently damage that red duster. Or those pants. Or just about any clothing he wears.

For some reason, his shop, 'Devil May Cry', came with him as well, and he's open for business for all your demon problems. Sometimes. Usually. Just leave a message.

Weaknesses: Beheading is a sure way to bypass his healing factor, enough damage or having to fight for long enough will eventually tire him out, and he rarely takes a fight seriously, preferring instead to toy with his opponents, which has resulted in him being caught completely off guard on multiple occasions. Use of his regen outside of Devil Trigger will eventually tire him. Furthermore, Dante isn’t usually one to think things through inside of a combat situation, preferring to learn about his foes by fighting them rather than by doing any sort of research before hand.

Powerful anti-demon weapons should, in theory be capable of causing more severe injury to him, though they would have to be specifically anti-demon.

Likes: Pizza, a good fight, being lazy when a good fight isn’t available, having a good time in general, Vergil, Lady, Trish.

Dislikes: People who give up on their humanity, those who are willing to sacrifice innocents, Vergil, Mundus.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #82 on: May 21, 2015, 04:21:49 AM »
Name: Seras Victoria

Race: True Vampire (Formerly human)

Age: 79 (Looks to be about 19)

Height: 5’ 9”

Weight: 130 lbs


Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for non-angry Seras:

Spoiler for angry Seras:

Physical Stats:

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Pseudo-Immortality: Being undead, Seras is immune to poisons, toxins, disease, or the ravages of time. Futhermore, she regenerates from any wounds she suffers very quickly, even fatal wounds may be recovered from so long as she has souls in reserve to die in her place.

Vampiric Senses: Seras has a strange Vampiric sense, capable of revealing to her what her human senses cannot, like a sort of sixth sense. With this sense, she can sense and accurately targets out of the range of her human senses, even if there is some kind of obstruction blocking them, whether said obstruction is physical or something like illusion magic. Furthermore, said human senses have been amplified dramatically, though she doesn’t usually need them. She is also extremely skilled in predicting the moves of her opponents based on even the most minute physical cues.

Hypnosis: Basic Hypnosis. Not much to see here. Can easily be resisted by anyone with a modicum of supernatural mental resistance or strong willpower, due to her being somewhat weaker than Alucard.

Advanced Marksmanship: Seras is capable of accurately shooting targets from extremely long ranges, even if through visual obstacles or while in an unsound shooting position. She prefers use of her Harkonnen, but didn’t have the weapon with her when she was taken to the Nexus.

Spoiler for Shadow Arm abilities:
Prior to becoming a True Vampire, Seras got her arm cut off by Zorin. While she healed her other injuries, this one was left as is, and strange black shadow matter now sticks out of the stump where her arm used to be.

Familiar Summoning: Seras is in theory capable of summoning those whose souls she’s taken through the shadow-matter in her arm, as demonstrated when she summoned Pip during her fight against the Captain.

Shadow Manipulation: Seras is capable of manipulating the solid shadow-matter coming from where her arm used to be to any shape she chooses. For example, she once used the shadow matter to replicate Alucard’s entire outfit for the sake of a joke. The shadow matter is capable of affecting even spiritual beings.

Flight: By turning the shadow matter into wings, Seras can achieve true flight. Strangely, the wings do not actually flap during flight. Seras's flight speed is dramatically faster than her ground speed.

Resistance to standard Vampiric weaknesses: As a True Vampire sired by Alucard, Seras is resistant to most of the traditional vampiric weaknesses, with even sunlight having no effect on her whatsoever. Powerful enough holy weapons can be especially effective against her, but even this can be mitigated if she has souls to take her place. The only weakness neither she nor her master have surmounted is the inability to cross bodies of water without some sort of vessel or other kind of assistance.

Mental resistance: Due to the disarray of souls, minds, and memories contained within Seras, mental interference, is nigh-impossible to perform on her. Furthermore, attempting to read her mind is an exercise in futility, due to the aforementioned amalgam of minds, souls, and memories. Furthermore, she can break illusion magics with a mere thought, though this requires that she realize she’s within an illusion.

Telepathic Link: Seras has a telepathic link to any vampire she sires, allowing her to communicate directly to their minds share their senses to a degree.

Origin: Seras was born a human, serving in the police force like her father before her. That all changed when her next assignment turned out to be at a village that had its populace turned to ghouls by a singular vampire. Helpless to watch as her squadmates were killed, Seras was seemingly doomed to her fate, with the vampire planning to rape her before killing her to ensure she didn't rise as an actual Vampire. Then a man came along, another vampire, who asked her a simple question.

"Are you a virgin?"

With her answer, the newcomer shot through her to kill her captor and then offered to make her a vampire to save her from death.

Adjusting to her new life as one of the undead was difficult to say the least, and managing to retain most of her humanity despite her transformation even more so. Regardless, she managed both. Soon after she was sired, Hellsing, the organization her Sire, and Seras herself by proxy, worked for came under attack from an unknown group. With scant clues, Hellsing chased this hidden foe, occasionally clashing with their Vatican counterparts from Section 13: Iscariot. Along the way, they hired the Wild Geese, a band of mercenaries, to replace the personnel that had been killed in that initial attack. Seras herself became good friends with their leader, Pip Bernadotte, as time went on.

In time, Hellsing learned of its hidden foe, Millennium, the remnants of a Nazi organization that could be seen as a German counterpart of sorts to Hellsing. Finally, while Alucard was trapped out at sea on a boat that had previously been captured by Millennium agents, the Millennium struck with a blitzkrieg from the newly vampirized Letze Battallion, supposedly the last 1000 Waffen SS left from the Second World War, wiping out most of the population of London before the 9th Airborne Crusade could rush out to meet them. Seras, along with the Wild Geese, stayed at the Hellsing Manor, tasked with defending it while the world burned around them.

Eventually, a division of the Letze Battalion struck there as well, headed by the officer Zorin Blitz, whose illusion magic allowed her battle group to get past the extensively placed defensive measures and penetrate into the Hellsing Manor itself. While Seras did what she could to fend off the invasion, the remaining Wild Geese held out in the Round Table chamber. Seras arrived to deal with the last of Zorin's troops just in the nick of time, only to be caught in Zorin's spell, along with the other Wild Geese. Mortally wounded by Zorin while in the grip of the illusion, Seras was saved by the timely intervention of Pip, only for Zorin to strike him down as well. Seeing no other option, Pip convinced Seras to drink his blood.

With gift of willingly offered blood, Seras became a True Vampire, no longer a Fledging of her master Alucard but a Vampire all on her own. With her newfound power, she shattered Zorin's illusions with a thought, effortlessly slaughtered Zorin's reinforcements, and then killed Zorin herself. With the assurance from the remaining Wild Geese that they would hold the fort, Seras then flew away to London to assist her Master's master, Integra. When the war finally died down, Seras and Integra found themselves the sole survivors on the battle field, with even Alucard having been taken out of commission by the machinations of the Major.

Thirty years passed since that day, with no sign of Alucard's return. This changed one night, when Alucard miraculously returned yet again. The reality they faced, that Hellsing's responsibilities would soon be assumed by a government agency and that Alucard and Seras would be working for that agency as they had worked for Hellsing, was soon interrupted when the Nexus suddenly plucked Seras from her world. In the time since her arrival, Seras has managed to get a job working for the police, if only to help keep in touch with her human side, the police officer she once was.

Weaknesses: Powerful holy artifacts should be particularly effective against her, especially anti-vampire weapons. Furthermore, despite her resistance to most of the traditional weaknesses of vampires, Seras, like her master, cannot cross a moving body of water without assistance, such as a bridge or a boat. Seras can be killed permanently like a traditional vampire after all the souls within her have been killed (though sunlight still won't affect her in this state). Beyond that, she doesn't have much in the way of true weaknesses.

Likes: Pip (though he really does need to stop smoking), Integra, Alucard, Walter (The less that is spoken about this, the better.), O-negative blood, humans who value their humanity above all else, perseverance in the face of daunting odds.

Dislikes: Nazis, those who treat war as a game, those with no respect for innocent life, Iscariot, sexual harassment, Zorin, The Major, Schrodinger (confusing little bugger that one).
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 07:41:58 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #83 on: May 23, 2015, 12:42:47 AM »
Name: Sakagami Kenzo

Race: Demon

Age: 1000

Height: 6”7

Weight: 189 lbs


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible (Oni essence can boost it up to Fantastic)

Constitution: Incredible

Magic scale: None.

Other Abilities:

Oni essence: Sakagami Kenzo is still deep down a demon. It took a girl's whole life to appease the troubled current within, but while the river is calmer it is by no means inert.

His limiter alone would not be enough to keep his inner demon at bay, Kenzo must constantly exerce effort to suppress his demonic essence. He can, however, use part of it to enhance his speed and reflexes. But using it for extended periods is risky indeed, for it might cause him to go berserk.

The way of the sword: Sakagami’s very being is one that is deeply connected to swords. The connection to this very concept is so deep that his spirit itself is one that accommodates this type of weapon. Thus, as long as it is a sword, Sakagami will be able to wield it to it’s fullest potential and beyond. To him, a broadsword would be no lighter than a feather and a dagger would be as mighty as a zweihander.

Masterful swordsmithing: Despite being an incredible swordsman, Sakagami’s greatest skill is his incredible forging skill. By simply glancing at a sword Kenzo can tell all that there is to know about a sword, from it’s components to the wielder itself, and would be able to forge a perfect lookalike. The weapons his forges have bred were of the greatest caliber by sheer design, blades so immaculate and perfect that they withstood the test of time for centuries.

Soulsmithing: Sakagami’s forgery goes beyond blades of ordinary origin. By harnessing the soul of a deceased person, he can imbue a blade with said soul. With that, the sword will go beyond the capabilities of an ordinary sword, depending on the soul itself. Most of it depends on the individual soul itself, but one thing is very clear: the soul cannot be harnessed unless it is willing.

Soul reaping: Sakagami can also aid souls of the deceased pass over and meet their afterlife. If a soul possesses strong grudges or obsessions, it will require an exorcism. However, Sakagami prefers to help the soul find inner peace not trough exorcism, but by helping it move on.


Benisakura : A  long and refined crimson nodachi sword forged in the blood of a demon. Its beauty is only matched by its sharpness. While it is so long one would find it unwieldy, Kenzo can wield it with perfection beyond all other swords. If one defined a sword as an object that severs, then it could be said that Benisakura is the strongest sword. Because of its particular component, the sword has strong spiritual properties and can sever spirits, ghost and creatures that the mundane cannot normally reach.

Hot springs: Healing hot springs owned by Sakagami. The waters range from tepid to scorching hot, and are imbued with potent healing properties. However, the healing will only be applied to beings that are ‘strong’. A mundane human would melt into a puddle in the waters while a powerful magician or a legendary warrior would have even the greatest wounds heal in less than an hour. That is, of course, if the healing is applied.

When not imbued with those healing properties, the waters still act as a slow healer and possess relaxing and soothing qualities that are quite enjoyable. The gardens are quite beautiful during the summer, and the food and drink is said to be exquisite. Clearly an enjoyable family trip to not miss out!

Spoiler for Hiden:
Long ago, there was a terrifying demon who spread terror and destruction wherever it went. Villages were plundered and razed to nothing, and it seemed that there was nothing that could stand in it’s path. Fearing destruction, the elders sent a young girl to the demon with hopes to appease him. She was the daughter of a poor sword smith who was resented by all villagers for a crime he never committed, and by sacrificing herself, she hoped her sickly father would not have to suffer longer. 

But the demon saw this, and was moved by that girl’s courage and selflessness. When she came to him, he did not devour her. He took neither her life, nor her body. Instead, he asked for a song. So she sang, the one song she knew of. With that, the demon made a deal with her: he would not destroy a single village or take a life ever again, as long as she came to see him every day. She complied, and so her village was saved.

Years passed, and the girl slowly became a woman. They had passed so much time together, they became not unlike siblings. She taught him of everything she knew of, just as he taught her all he knew of. The demon loved her, he loved her with all his heart and soul. And so, the demon slowly became more and more human. She gave him love, she gave him solace, she gave him a name and she gave him company.

She taught him of the art of sword smithing, the same art her father taught her. So he worked, he worked the craft that humans had created for the human he loved. Years passed, she grew old and weakly. Even so, she always kept him company, and he kept on smithing swords.

When she was about to die, she gifted him a sword she had forged.

So he would forge swords for the rest of his days, dedicating himself to this art that was created by humans. That way, he would not forget of the little girl who had the kindness to move even the most terrifying of demons.

That is the story of Sakagami Kenzo, a demon that became human thanks to the warmth of a girl’s heart.

One day, the demon woke up from his rest to find himself in a strange city. He didn’t know how he got there, but he didn’t care either. He would protect the humans of this city, keep it safe from harm and keep making swords.

Weakness: Because of his love for thrills, he will pull his punches against weaker opponents unless directly challenged, tends to fight recklessly and is easy to deceive due to being somewhat trusting of people. His pride can also be used to taunt and bait him. His vow to never take a life again can also make him hold back subconsciously.

Likes : Company, kindness, humanity, good honest people,  good food, a good fight, a challenge, smithing swords, beautiful things (especially swords), helping out others.

Dislikes : Treachery, deceat and dishonor in all shapes and forms, brutality, those who hurt loved ones (especially family).
« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 07:34:49 PM by francobull3 »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #84 on: May 23, 2015, 02:31:07 AM »
Name: Sarah Gladstone

Race: Human

Age: Approximately 3,000

Height: 5’9

Weight: around 155 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Supernatural

Agility: Supernatural

Constitution: Supernatural

Magic Ability - Extremely High: Sarah is highly adept at the Craft, the magic from her world that relies on the power of one’s soul. At its most basic the Craft can be used in combat. Thaumaturgical shields can block potent magical attacks but will fail to interfere with physical phenomena. Those must be countered with defenses Crafted by Sarah from physical elements. She can even use the Craft to grab onto the spells of an opponent and redirect them although a powerful and wary enough mage can see and resist this. Manifesting claws of light that shred through steel like paper, summoning weapons made of the elements, and conjuring blasts of energy that shatter the earth and sear the heavens. But it is far from limited to such simplistic method.

The dead can be forced to rise and perform any number of deeds from combat, to delivering messages, to entertaining guests. The Craft can also be used to from constructs that carry out tasks such as scanning documents to sorting out information and analyzing objects. It also allows a bit of telekinesis.

A major component of the Craft is using it in the creation of powerful contracts. They are mostly used to impose limits upon demonic entities when they are summoned but Sarah will never risk giving a demon too much power, which limits her to singular demons within the supernatural category of physical ability and Medium ability in magic. Contracts can also be applied to other entities if they willingly accept which can force them to do a certain action or limit their abilities.

The Craft is dependent on the power of the soul and Sarah is always willing to consume other souls to increase the potency of her own

Sarah can also use the Craft to repair damaged objects and heal herself or others. The culmination of this particular facet of the Craft is immortality. Her soul is incredibly powerful and with it she is capable of extending her lifespan. Even a violent end means little to her unless her soul itself is targeted. It may take time but a confused mind after death can slowly come together and the reconstruction of flesh, blood, and bone is much easier than pulling her mind back together. Then the process of reentering the hollow vessel is easy. However if severe enough damage is caused she may not come back with all of her wounds completely healed. She once spent a few years as a skeleton. It was rather uncomfortable.

Other Abilities:

Scholarly: There is a certain level of devotion that Sarah has given her studies not only in her Craft but in a variety of other fields. Immortality means that she had an endless amount of time to learn how to do a myriad of things so she could sustain herself properly and without suspicion. Talents such as cooking, gardening, cartography, hunting, and poker are things Gladstone had picked up during the years.

To Slay a God: During the God Wars Sarah (although she went by a different name then) contributed along with many others in the fight against the divine. And she, like some of her colleagues, had the honor of slaying one of these entities and tearing their souls to shreds. She has been altered by the experiences which makes divine powers along with their worshippers feel uncomfortable around her. 

Great Soul: All magic is based off of the potency of one’s soul. For a Crafter as powerful as Sarah her soul is incredibly potent. It is easily worth more than thousands of normal humans but it can attract entities that feed on powerful souls to her.

The Pact:
Sarah had made numerous deals with demons in order to win the God Wars and survive the aftermath. The reason for enhanced physical state is one of these demonic contracts.


Blood Pen: The indispensable tool for any Crafter of note. Instead of needing to cut yourself to sign your contract in blood this pen siphons it directly from your body so you can write your signature neatly.

Origin: A long time ago gods wielded the Craft and were worshipped by all, but one day a group of humans sneaked into the Land of Gods and stole this knowledge for themselves. They learned and experimented for years before the furious deities waged war on mankind itself. Those who had stolen knowledge from the gods saw this as their opportunity to cement themselves into the good graces of society by defending them from the vengeful gods. Sarah, although she went by a different name then, participated in this war. Humanity won and the Craft was now their tool to keep. She refined the system, spent decades of her life poured into it, but ultimately abandoned that style of life in favour of a more laidback and carefree one.

Weakness: Sarah is a mage specialized in attacking singular targets. While she can hit multiple opponents by piercing through them it is possible to swarm her with weaker enemies. Reviving her body leaves her spirit exhausted for an extended period of time and makes her incapable of performing the Craft.

Likes: Ice cream, shaved ice, frozen yogurt, candy

Dislikes: Apprentices, broken contracts, blind loyalty


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #85 on: May 23, 2015, 04:25:07 AM »
Name:  Ryner Lute

Race: Human

Age: 25

Height: Tall

Weight: Slender


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional (Low supernatural with enforcement)

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic Abilities: High

Alpha Stigma:  Ryner Lute is in possession of the Alpha Stigma, a ocular power that allows him to analyze and copy different forms of magic.  If he views the magic being cast through his alpha stigma, he will instantly be able to use it, even if it was only partially cast.  In addition, if he is able to successfully copy it, he develops extreme magical resistance to that spell, able to weaken or even nullify it.  The Alpha Stigma can analyze any form of magic in great detail.  It can be used to decipher ancient language and analyze ancient artifacts.

Izuchi:  A basic lightning spell.  A magic circle will form in front of his body and fire a lightning bolt where he aims.

Mizuchi:  A basic water spell.  A magic circle will be formed and Ryner can fire concentrated pressurized water to harm opponents.

Spirit beast of light:  This spell has can be used in two ways.  The first allows Ryner to enforce himself, enhancing his speed and agility.  The second method of use is to summon ghostly spirit beasts that can attack an opponent.

Kurinai:  A basic fire spell.  This spell summons fire that expands to engulf a certain area, similar to a powerful flamethrower.

Flare burst:  A basic fire spell  This spell summons a fireball.

Lonely demon:  When pushed to the absolute mental limit, Ryner will be possessed by a demon.  In this state he possesses extremely powerful magic, able to disintegrate a human body by looking at it.  He also gains enhanced strength, able to grab people by the throat with ease.  He will destroy anything and everything around him, be it friend or foe.  He will only stop once everything around him is destroyed or his eyes are closed.

Other Abilities:

Assassination training:  Ryner was a former soldier of war and as such was trained in hand to hand combat and assassination techniques.  During his time in the nexus he has worked to improve those skills.  However, he does not have that much actual combat experience with close quarters combat.

Knowledge of ancient lore:  Ryner spent a good amount of time researching ancient artifacts and magic from his world.  This in combination with his Alpha Stigma helps him analyze magic much easier.  During his early years in the Nexus, he spent time understanding magic from worlds that frequently drop people in.

Knowledge of ancient symbols and glyphs:  Thanks to his reaserch and his Alpha Stigma, Ryner is extremely knowledgeable of ancient symbols and Glyphs and can understand them.  In his time at the Nexus, he has expanded on his knowledge.

High comprehension of magic:  Ryner has a natural talent for understanding and processing magical information, which goes well with his ability to decipher magic through the Alpha Stigma.  He also has a natural talent in the use of magic itself.

Equipment: None currently

Origin: Ryner Lute was known in his world as “Roland's strongest mage”.  Thanks to the alpha stigma, he was feared and branded a demon by the common people.  He spent most of his life keeping to himself, avoiding others and keeping his power a secret.  Eventually, he meets and befriends Sion, the future king of his country.  Sion sends him on a quest to find several artifacts in order to achieve peace in the kingdom.  He was not sure when, but sometime after he returned to Rolland, he was transported to the Nexus.

He has been here for several years, getting used to the hyper advanced society that is modern technology.  He has reluctantly trained to improve his skills, recognizing the danger of this city.  He works as a magic researcher for various companies, expanding his knowledge of magic using his Alpha Stigma.  In his free time, he enjoys quiet naps at his apartment.

Weakness: Ryner is far too nice for his own good and tends to hold back during fights if he thinks he will kill his opponent. He is also very lazy and might be able to be manipulated with the promise of no work.  While the alpha stigma is powerful, it cannot copy any magic that comes from an artifact or items, even if he can understand them.  He is also a normal human with normal human weaknesses.

Likes: Naps

Dislikes: Work, Racism, War
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 04:41:46 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #86 on: May 24, 2015, 02:52:32 PM »
Name: Nova Tiburtius

Race: Highly evolved human

Age: Under 100 (Early 20’s physically)

Height: 6’3

Weight: 170 Ib

Appearance: Tall, lean and athletic, Nova has deep red eyes and short brown hair.  He typically wears jeans and a sleeveless shirt, though since it is winter he wears a long sleeve shirt instead.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Ability: Low-All members of this species are taught to sense and analyze magic but are rarely taught any.  Nova indulges in magic as a hobby.

Magic aura:  Nova can reinforce his body using a magic aura in order to reach superhuman levels of speed.  Since it is his only spell, Nova has taught himself to sustain it for long periods of time and can use it freely.

Other Abilities:

Access to a physical manifestation of his mind:  Nova’s species has the ability to access a physical manifestation of their own mind, a dimension created by the birth of one of his species.  It changes depending on the mood and mental state of the person but as interdimensional creatures, this tends to be the place of both rest, meditation and deep intrapersonal communication.  Using this ability, many of his species has become spiritually complete.  However, Nova is still a baby in the context of his species normal life expectancy. 

Access to a personal bank of items:  He can open a portal in order to access his own personal inventory.  This space contains everything that he owns, which is mainly weapons and extremely personal items.

Limited manipulation of space:  Nova can create portals to any place he has already been, though the farther away it is, the more it drains him  He typically is capable of interdimensional travel through the use of a portal but the nature of the Nexus has rendered this impossible.  For whatever reason, he can only access dimensions that belong to his own being.

Manipulation of wormholes: Nova can create large or small wormholes in order to redirect attacks, move non organic things or utilize his martial arts skills.  Only his species and non organic things can move through these wormholes safely.  He tends to only use the smaller wormholes in close proximity because the bigger and medium ones have a bad habit of sucking things in.

 Terepōto no ken:  A martial art that utilizes the ability to manipulate wormholes into a martial arts practice.  By creating small worm holes just big enough for limbs to pass through, Nova can seemingly teleport his punches and kicks to anywhere he can see.

Trained in weapons:  Nova is trained to wielding different kinds of weapons including spears, swords and knifes but he is best at wielding a sword.  He is capable of holding his ground with experts using his speed and cunning.


Sword:  Nova carries a sword that he can access from his personal inventory.  There is nothing particularly special about it other than that it is very well crafted.  Swords are Nova’s weapon of choice.

Magic lunchbox:  A lunchbox that can hold any food that can hold any food the owner wishes.  It was given to Nova in case the Nexus was devoid of any food.

Origin:  In our world, the earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago and civilization was formed 6,000 years ago.  In Nova’s world, the earth was formed 9 billion years ago and civilization was formed 1 million years ago.  This group of humans evolved with the ability to manipulate time and space and their average lifespan of humans on this version of earth 100,000 years old.  However, this humanity also evolved past the idea of war long ago and are overall a spiritually enlightened species.

Using their ability to manipulate time and space, humanity has sought to use its ability to research other dimensions, fathering their knowledge.  Because humanity is a peace loving race, they have sought to help other dimensions with human life.  They quickly realized that their version of humanity was an anomaly and now seek to understand human nature.  They have entire organizations that regulate and research different versions of earth.  Nova is a member of one of these organizations.

Nova Tiburtius is a baby in the context of his species.  He can't regulate time and space on the same level as many of the others and he hasn’t achieved spiritual enlightenment.  However, because of his potential and youth, he was selected to investigate an anomaly known as the Nexus.  He arrived several weeks before the current events of the Nexus and has been researching this world until he can find a way to get back home. 

Weakness: If anyone were to access his own personal world, they could see all of his thoughts and personal strife, which can be used against him.  In addition, destroying this world will cause Nova to mentally collapse. 

Likes: Honest people, Free spirited people, Childish personalities, Ancient people, Powerful mages, Magic

Dislikes:  Obvious corruption, Black and white senses of morality
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 10:15:21 PM by YOLF »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #87 on: May 25, 2015, 09:00:53 PM »
Name: Ghost Child

Race: Spirit

Age: 1000+

Height: 3’ 5’’

Weight: Weightless


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Fantastic

Other Abilities:

Phantasmal Being - Medium: Spirits are strange even to other supernaturals. Magical and other forms of supernatural abilities of lesser power either don’t affect them or phase right through them like a mundane attack. Only more powerful abilities have been shown to actually affect a spirit.

Possession: The Ghost Child is incapable of interacting with the physical world for the most part unless he takes over humans, animals, or inanimate things such as cars or computers. Living beings that he possesses become extremely powerful and quick but the Ghost Child cannot fully express his power through the bodies of most humans or animals (any normal thing that the Ghost Child takes over will only reach Incredible in all stats). They are also difficult to keep down since the Ghost Child will keep a shambling body together until it is completely unusable.

Any inanimate thing Ghost Child possesses is also heavily reinforced. The object is much more difficult to break than usual and can exceed its limitations in ways that shouldn't be possible. 

The Ghost Child can also perform a much more milder form of possession. Instead of just completely suppressing the mind and soul of the host he freeloads in their mind. If it so desires the Ghost Child can reinforce the body at any time and speak to its host or cause hallucinations and nightmares. This is generally reserved for people that the Ghost Child considers to be friends or especially heinous enemies although he has be known to use it for fun on occasion.

Possession can be resisted or even completely repelled with enough willpower or with the aid of another spiritual entity. With either form of possession the Ghost Child is capable of accessing the memories of its host.
Essence: The strength of a spirit is determined by the amount of Essence it has. As an old spirit the Ghost Child has a large amount of Essence to draw on and can use it in a myriad of different ways. He can grant physical things a spiritual attribute so they can interact with spiritual entities or expend Essence to weaken other spiritual entities. He may also use Essence to heal from damage or perform some cosmetic changes like altering his clothing or hair.

The Ghost Child can also have some influence on the physical world by expending Essence. While he can’t pick up or toss anything especially heavy like a car or even some especially heavy humans he can do things like pull the trigger of a gun or push on the accelerator of a car. He can also perform feats that are linked to a traditional haunting such as throwing around objects and shaking furniture.

Essence may also be used to conjure phantoms. These constructs are always shaded black and look as if they are decaying. They can make sounds and move around but they lack any physical substance and will dissipate once touched. The Ghost Child usually uses these to scare people for fun.

While even the Ghost child lacks the Essence to do so, with enough it could manifest into the world and directly interact with it. This would allow him to fight with its own body and even once he is defeated he would simply return to spiritual form. However, he would require another spiritual being’s support to manifest. This body in inhumanely flexible even compared to the best of humans. Every part of his body twists around as if he has no bones to snap. When cut he will not bleed and when struck he will not bruise. Instead he will crack and splinter like wood. Despite this he will still feel warm to the touch and it will be as if he is perfectly normal until he's harmed. Utilizing Essence he can also make minor changes such as altering his fingers into claws or sharpening his teeth. He can taste and eat but don't ask where the food goes.

The Ghost Child can harvest Essence from the victims of murderers and receives a substantial bonus if the victim was a child. He can also devour lesser spirits and convert them into Essence. However this does have the side effect of affecting the Ghost Child’s personality if it is a potent enough entity.

The Marionette: Almost every spirit of note has a special ability relating to their nature. The Ghost Child can control wayward spirits and force them into its service. This manifests as translucent threads that Ghost Child can create or dismiss at will. They grant limited control over something they're wrapped around such as allowing him to mess with the limb of spirit he's fighting if a thread is attached to it. A completely subjugated spirit have dozens of threads manipulating its every movement. During his existence the Ghost Child had frequently enslaved the souls of child murderers and used them as puppets to punish others. He can only use this ability to control  spirits that are weaker than it or extremely weakened spirits although if the latter is potent enough they can subvert the Ghost Child’s control. It can also be used to trip up stronger opponents by messing with body parts but they can be severed with ease if the spiritual entity is potent enough.

Origin: The Ghost Child was originally a child who was murdered by a serial killer. As the killer murdered other children he devoured their souls and slowly grew in power before attaining enough strength to possess its killer and forcing him to commit suicide. However the Ghost Child was deeply changed from the experience. As a fledgling spirit the intake of other souls had scrambled his personality for a while. The Ghost Child spent multiple years killing and terrorizing people that looked like his killer, however it eventually managed to form a central consciousness. His intake of souls was much more carefully regulated following that incident but His actions also changed. The Ghost Child would spend its time viewing and watching over children. However his actions were often extreme and usually ended with the death of parents and guardians which rarely helped the situations. Despite this the Ghost Child was still very adept at violently ending killers that targeted children throughout the years.

Weakness: The Ghost Child is easily soothed by music and can be put to sleep for extended periods of time as long as comforting music is played. He is also very hesitant to attack beings that look like children and will more often than not leave people with kids alone.

Likes: Children, nursery rhymes, soothing music, puppets

Dislikes: Fire, child murderers, purple, people trying to tell it what to do
« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 03:14:03 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #88 on: July 01, 2015, 07:38:32 PM »
Name: Ametsuchi Noriko

Race: Human

Age: 18

Height: 155 cm

Weight: 48 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Magical Power: Medium

Noriko's Magic draws powers from Supernal Realms, planes of higher existence representing the higher truths of  the existence, seperated from the Fallen World by The Abyss. 

She can cast spells only in her sensory range as she does not possess knowledge of Space Arcanum.

Spells the mage cast fall into 13 Practices, each one tied to a certain level of mastery of an Arcanum. There are 10 Arcana, each with its own purview.

Arcanum of Death: darkness, death, decay, ectoplasm, enervation, ghosts, soul stealing. Noriko is an apprentice of this Arcanum.

Arcanum of Matter: alchemy, elemental air, elemental earth, elemental water, shaping, transmutation. Noriko is an apprentice of this Arcanum.

Arcanum of Mind: communications, hallucinations, mental projection, mind control, telepathy. Noriko is an apprentice of this Arcanum.

Arcanum of Prime: Hallows, magical imbuement, Mana, Supernal Truths. Noriko is an initiate of this Arcanum

Initiate level Practices:

Compelling spells nudge something into doing something it could have done naturally. A bored worker can be made to take that coffee break now (Mind), a ghost can be forced to avoid its bane (Death), dropped coins bounce toward her (Matter), gathering Mana where it would already gather (Prime). Making the coin hover and spin in midair, making the worker walk into her boss’s office and quit, or making the ghost ignore its object of its grudge are beyond the bounds of a Compelling spell.

Knowing spells deliver knowledge about something directly to the mage (or to another target). A mage can divine the cause of a corpse’s death (Death), detect a presence of a particular substance (Matter), sense the presence of consciousness around the caster (Mind), scrutinize an enchanted item (Prime). This knowledge is a direct awareness of Supernal truth; the mage doesn’t have to interpret evidence based on her senses or try to divine the truth out of cryptic riddles.

Unveiling spells expose hidden things to the mage’s senses, or expand the confines of those senses. Discern emotional states of others (Mind), perceive ghosts in Twilight (Death), find secret compartments in seemingly solid matter (Matter), or see the flow of Mana across the landscape (Prime).

Apprentice level Practices

Ruling spells grant fuller control over phenomena than a mere Compelling spell. Water can be made to flow uphill or into unnatural shapes (Matter), animals (or even human beings) can be commanded (Mind), corpses can be controlled like puppets (Death). A Ruling spell can’t fundamentally alter its subject’s abilities: Water can be directed, but not turned solid or gaseous. An animal can be commanded, but not made stronger or fiercer. A corpse remains a corpse, not truly brought to life and without mind.

Shielding spells, sometimes called Warding spells, offer protection against phenomena under the Arcanum’s purview. A Shielding spell might protect against a ghost’s Numina (Death), allow her to survive in a caustic atmosphere (Matter) or resist hypnosis (Mind)

Veiling spells are twofold: Firstly, they can conceal things under the Arcanum’s purview from detection: A subject can be made to be unable to detect Mage's thoughts (Mind), a medium can be prevented from perceiving ghosts (Death), making a building all but impossible to notice (Matter). Secondly, they can conceal a subject from concrete phenomena under the Arcanum’s purview: a mage can render herself invisible to ghosts (Death), or walk unnoticed through a crowd  (Mind) or conceal a hidden trap from scrutiny (Matter). Short of archmastery, it’s impossible to Veil something against an abstract concept or force: a mage can’t Veil herself against death or hide from time, for example.

Mana cost of spells varies depending on whether they are improvised, they belong to Ruling Arcana (Death and Matter count as Ruling to Noriko), deal supernatural type of damage or how much they alter reality. Rotes which are trained spells cost less Mana than improvised spells, but require specific hand gestures to be performed while casting.

The mage can maintain up to six active spells at a time, and has to cancel a spell before casting a new one if she reaches that limit, the act taxing her willpower.

Noriko learned following Rotes during her career as a Mage:

Alter Aura (Mind Arcanum, Practice of Veiling): The mage can alter his own aura. Noriko can create the seeming of any mental or emotional state she wishes (she does not actually alter her emotional state, only its appearance in her aura). She cannot, however, alter her nature to appear to be something she is not (she can’t take on the aura of a Sleeper or vampire).

Aura Perception (Mind Arcanum and Prime Arcanum, Practice of Unveiling): The mage can discern the mental and emotional states of a thinking being by reading its aura. Some mages perceive auras as a series of colors, while others describe them in terms of musical notes, odors, tastes or other purely non-physical senses. With addition of Prime Arcanum, she can discern aura's nature, whether it belongs to a mortal, a supernatural creature or a fellow Awakened.

Crafter's Eye (Matter Arcanum, Practice of Knowing): The mage can see any wear, flaws, breaks or damage to a particular object with an eye towards repairing it. Some mages liken this to comparing the object’s present state to its “ideal” or original state of existence.

Forensic Gaze (Death Arcanum, Practice of Knowing): There are times when the most useful thing one can find out about a given dead body is how it got to be that way. An ability that most crime-scene investigators would give their eyeteeth for, this spell enables a mage to discern at a glance exactly how a creature died and how long ago. Thus, the mage might be able to realize that a cause of death obvious to all modern forensic evidence is in fact a ruse designed to distract from the subject’s true cause of death.

Gain Skill (Mind Arcanum, Practice of Knowing): The mage temporarily gains knowledge and use of a particular mundane Skill through tapping into the collective unconscious.

Quicken Corpse (Death Arcanum, Practice of Ruling): The mage animates a corpse which is mindless and forced to obey her commands. Left to its own devices and outside sensory range it's just idle, and Noriko must continuously concentrate on commanding it.

Soul Marks (Death Arcanum, Practice of Knowing:) This sense enables a mage to perceive a
soul’s health. She can discern the presence of derangements, but not necessarily their kind.

Oblations and other ways of replenishing Mana: Oblation, or a ritual associated with her Path as a Mage, allows to replenish Mana if performed at a Hallow, a place that collects it like a dew. To perform such oblation it takes a hour, and it can be only performed once a day in a given Hallow. She can also perform an oblation tied to her Legacy outside a Hallow and replenish Mana, but also once per day.

Scouring her own body to replenish Mana is another way, but it temporarily damages her body which cannot be brought to full health through magical means if that happens. She can drop one of her Attributes lower which can be performed only once per day. Reverse thing can be done, using up Mana to heal her body, but that can also only happen once per day. However, if she elects to scour her body for Mana without dropping one of her Attributes, she can do it as many times as she wants to, even if that kills her.

She can also kill a living creature as the size of a house cat or larger once per day in order to replenish Mana. Sentient beings provide more Mana than animals, depending on their Constitution.

Other Abilities:

Attainments: They are supernatural abilities available to a Mage that is part of Legacy. Attainments do not rely on drawing power from Supernal Realms and  appear to be mundane even to those who can detect magic. They cannot be countered or dispelled, but any form of magic resistance still works if they target directly a target. Noriko belongs to a Legacy of Uncrowned Kings:

Nigredo: Her mind and soul are honed to the point she resists powers which attempt to control her mind, detect her thoughts or influence her better than usual. She can also see through mind illusions. By meditating on an object altered or enhanced by her Matter Arcanum spells she can see into her soul, perceiving her own aura and seeing her mental or emotional condition.

Mage's Senses: Mages have an innate “sixth sense” concerning all things supernatural. Their bodies react to the active presence of unseen forces (i.e., the use of a supernatural power, not simply the presence of a vampire or werewolf — unless it is using its powers). They can’t actually see or hear anything, and they might not know at first what causes the strange reaction. To understand the feeling and its source, they can cast the Mage Sight spell (part of Unveiling Practice) upon themselves. The Mage Sight spells allow one to read resonances tied to the domain of the used Arcanum.

Supernatural Tolerance – Incredible (Noriko's Gnosis is high enough for her to be accepted into a Legacy, offers her some resistance against all manner of supernatural powers)


Her Path tool is the amulet she wears. She also had dedicated tools for each Arcanum. They help her focusing her will when casting spells.

Death: a stone engraved with a rune of Ihwaz

Matter: a stone engraved with a rune of Thurisaz

Mind: a stone engraved with a rune of Ansuz

Prime: a stone engraved with a rune of Kenaz

Origin: Awakened in her early teenage years, Noriko is considered talented for her age, enough to be admitted as a junior member of her Legacy. As a person she was deeply impacted by death of her parents, her mother passing away when she was 7 and her father passing away when she was 12. Without any remaining relatives in Japan, she got fostered by her grandfather's family in Norway. Her trauma related to how quickly her closest kin passed away led her to being borderline obsessed about research of immortality. If she could find the answer and share it with the rest of humanity, then without natural death, the suffering would be diminished. With unlimited lifespan humanity could realize its potential. And even if she was overly optimistic, if she alone gained immortality without losing her Awakened powers, she could use her eternity in order to Ascend and change the fate of humanity for better. In spite of her insecurities she has confident air around her, rarely loosing her cool and thinking to some extent she's superior to many by the dint of being one of Awakened to the Truth of Supernal Realms. Nevertheless, she treats even her lessers with respect and manners, after all, a 'princess' like be an example to those below her. Her kingship may be mostly over her soul and mind, but she's one of royalty nonetheless. And the fate of humanity is rightfully in her hands.

Weakness: In contrast to her superhuman mental fortitude, she's just an average human. She will be usually overwhelmed easily in close combat.

Likes:  Improving herself, confident and ambitious people

Dislikes: Laziness, giving up before doing your best, untimely deaths
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 01:59:46 AM by Kat »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #89 on: July 30, 2015, 01:58:23 AM »
Name: Kongou

Race: Fleet Girl

Age:No idea lol

Height: pretty normal I guess

Weight:Never ask a girl about her weight, that's just rude!(several tons on water)


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Exceptional(Incredible on water)

Constitution: Exceptional(Fantastic with rigging)

Other Abilities:

Gymnastics: Kongou is a master gymnast, and can pull off ridiculous gymnastic feats.
Soul of a Fleet Girl
Kongou posesses the soul of a battleship, the Kongou. As a result of this connection, she is able to utilize the power of her battleship while on water. Her physical parameters are all greatly enhanced, and her weight is significantly increased as well.
Ship Rigging Training:
Kongou has gone through extensive and rigorous training to learn how to use her ship rigging properly and effectively. She can aim rapidly and accurately with her fourteen inch guns. Furthermore, it will not hinder her movements, except in a tight hallway or the like. She is capable of preforming basic maintenance on it, but complicated repairs is best left to a professional.

Fleet Girl Rigging: The special rigging worn by all Fleet Girls. It allows them to stand on top of water and move at great speeds, but more importantly it gives them access to the powers of their ship.

Kongou is a fast battleship, and has eight fourteen inch cannons, which while downsized, have firepower comparable to that of a normal battleship. She also has a radar array, and thick armored plating. Even though this plating only covers the rigging itself, her entire body gains the benefit of it. Althought her armor is not quite as strong as that of a normal battleship, she compensates for this by being significantly faster, able to keep up with a carriar moving at top speed. The rigging is exceedingly heavy normally, but Kongou says it doesn't weigh much to her.

 However, as her rigging consumes a prodigious amount of energy, she is required to eat a great deal more food than a normal person to power it.

Origin: Kongou was born in a world where humanity has lost control of the oceans to the Abyssals, and the only hope to counter this threat are the Fleet Girls, a group of girls who were born with the spirits of warships.

Kongou was born in Japan but raised and trained in Britain, where she learned to speak English and picked up many of her quirky habits.

However, she eventually returned to Japan and joined the Naval Fleet in order to help her home country defeat the Abyssals and take back the seas.

After a while, she ended up being dragged into the Nexus while on a mission.

Weaknesses: Magic. She has zero knowledge about magic, and can easily be caught off guard by it. Skilled melee fighters. While she is by no means a poor fighter, melee combat is not her specialty and she can be easily overwhelmed by someone of skill if they manage to close with her. If her rigging was somehow damaged, it would be somewhat difficult for her to find someone to do complex repairs.

Likes: The admiral, tea time, scones, english stuff, fubuki, her sisters, cooking, most things really
Dislikes: The Abyssals
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 01:54:24 AM by Sinib »

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