Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone  (Read 95126 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #60 on: February 09, 2015, 05:02:51 AM »
Name: Michael Koridae

Race: Human (Immortal)

Age: ???, looks to be about 25 (He's forgotten how long it's been since he forgot about how old he was)

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 210 lbs

Appearance: Tall, fairly well built. Somewhat messy dark hair framing grey eyes. Fairly handsome, with this sense of inexhaustible energy about him. Usually wears a loose fitting red tunic that's been modified to be not interfere with his movement and pants that have been similarly modified.

Strength: Exceptional (Can be boosted up to Incredible with Enhancement)

Agility: Exceptional (Can be boosted up to Incredible with Enhancement)

Constitution: Exceptional (Can be boosted up to Incredible with Enhancement)

Other abilities:

Combat Mastery (Staffs): Michael has trained and fought with staffs far past the point of having gone past the absolute peak of skill, passing far into the realm of what should be impossible, and making it instinctual. If he has a staff in his hands, any projectile that can be deflected will, provided that Michael is aware of it, and it does not need to be said that attempting to take him head on in melee without some kind of trump card is folly of the highest degree. As far as particular feats go, he can transmit the force of his strikes through armor in deadly thrusts, deflect almost any projectile he can see flawlessly, disperse or rebound blasts of fire or cold with specific applications of force, attack in a sequence of thrusts that seem to multiply into a wall of afterimages, spin the staff with such skill that it appears to turn into an opaque disk. Additionally, he is almost impossible to disarm, and his feints are such that what may seem like an attack from one side is actually an attack from another, strikes backed with immense intent to kill can turn out to be nothing more than harmless feints while attacks made as if they are nothing more than friendly greetings can tear a man's head from his body before he realizes what just happened.

Combat Mastery (Unarmed): Michael's training and experience with his weapon of choice does not, by any stretch of the imagination, mean he has neglected to train himself to be able to fight without a weapon. Indeed, he has gone far beyond the supposed limits of skill with regards to fighting without a weapon, equal to his mastery with a staff. As far as raw feats go, he can move with the inhuman fluidity inherent in a martial artists of his skill level, letting him move above his abilities. He can strike above his weight class by virtue of his skill letting him put a bit more power into each strike and targeting vulnerabilities. He can tank blows somewhat above that would be grievous to someone with his durability by virtue of using his skill to roll with the hit perfectly to mitigate the damage. Obviously, he can't do all three at the same time. For example, rolling with a blow requires that he abandon any stance/grounding that would let him hit abnormally hard.

As far as esoteric martial arts tricks go, some examples are as follows, strike in ways that transmit most of the force of his blows through any armor, natural or otherwise, that the target might have to damage their internals directly, use pressure points to temporarily disable someone, either partially or entirely, let off multiple strikes with such skill and inhuman fluidity that they almost seem to be simultaneous, and redirect the force of an opponent's strikes, either away from him or using it to add power to his own return strike.

Combat Expertise (Other): Over his many millennia of battle, training, and living in general, Michael has developed numerous styles for myriad weapons, every tool of the trade something he had mastered completely, though none of them approach the transcendent heights of his skill with a staff or his bare hands.

Combat Experience: Over millennia upon millennia of battle, Michael's accumulated combat experience has reached such a degree that he has gained a sort of combat-based sixth sense, capable of instantly evaluating the situation and seizing upon even the smallest chance for victory. (Compare to Eye of Mind: True)

Indomitable Will, Indomitable Form: Michael has gone far past the point of feeling any sort of fear at the prospect of a tough fight. As such, attempting to break his will, either with an overwhelming display of power or with illusions or other kinds of mental interference is an exercise in stupidity. Furthermore, attempting to hinder him physically is far more difficult to do than it would be normally, with Michael being able to simply power through weaker hindrances as if they simply aren't there.

Immortal: Michael didn't gain his immortality by some kind of ritual or blessing that he knows of, he's simply always been immortal from his own perspective. His specific brand of immortality has frozen his body in its physical and mental prime, when his reflexes would have been sharpest even without his immense amounts of training and experience. Additionally, his body cannot degrade, useful when the boredom strikes and he goes on a bender spanning two months, five cities, and most of the brothels therein, and he is immune to any manner of illness. Additionally, he is all but immune to most poisons, though a lack of recent exposure to any poisons has weakened this resistance somewhat. Finally, his soul cannot be taken from him, bound, or otherwise affected against his will, including things like curses or geas.

In practice, he can only die during a battle, which suits him just fine.

Magical ability: Low. Michael has a large reserve of magical energy, but abstains from spell craft for the most part.

Enhancement: One of the two magics that Michael will ever use and the only kind that pertains directly to combat. With this magic, he can increase his physical capabilities beyond human limits, though there are hard limits to how much he can Enhance himself. The reason for this is that if the enhancement is pushed too far, it can result in internal damage that would weaken the target significantly.

Dark-vision: The other of the two magics. Simply allows him to see in the dark, no matter how little light there is, as if it were day.


Staff: A 20 foot long staff made of some unidentifiable, fundamentally indestructible material (All Michael has been able to find out is that it's not of the earth in any way) that can shift in length at will. He usually carries it as a small stick that can easily be held in one hand for portability. The staff has a hook on one end, primarily because he like how it looks. The only enchantments that Michael has deigned to have placed on it are enchantments to automatically repair the staff should it be damaged, though the time required depends on the degree of damage. The nature of the staff's material allows it to affect Spiritual presences just as it would things on the physical plane, though Michael doesn't care about this nearly as much as cares about it being a decent weapon.

In truth, the staff is an excellent conduit for magic. Were it to be used for spellcraft, it could be a great tool, though better suited for creation rather than destruction. None of this matters to Michael, who finds it much more fun to simply beat the ever-loving shit out of people with it.

During Michael's time in the Nexus, the staff was exposed to the Taint of the Prisoner held within the Chalice possessed by Natara. The Taint was oriented towards destruction, and the effects now show in the staff. The staff now sends out waves of physical destruction wherever it strikes. These waves cause heavy physical damage upon impact, and they can also have a limited effect on other levels aside from physical as well, but only to a restricted degree.

Furthermore, the corruption had another effect, this one being rather unexpected. Due in part to the nature of the staff itself, a sentient, destruction-thirsty entity is now hosted within the staff. The being is also capable of partially manifesting itself on the staff itself, for example, something like sprouting an extendable arm or an eye on the staff. The eye can be forsaken for limited general awareness around the being itself. The being shares a mental link with Michael, which it usually uses to prod him with dreams of destruction.

Origin: Michael has, and always will, live for a good fight. Living in Orthos, a land where mages normally hold supremacy over the battlefield and going to war without major magical backup would be tantamount to suicide, did nothing to change this. Being immortal did nothing to cool his blood. If he sees the opportunity for a fight, whether it be merely an opponent who looks like they may be strong, or an ongoing fight, then he has no reason not to get involved. Arriving the Nexus has done nothing to change this, for it is who he is.

Michael doesn't know why he's immortal, only that he is and always has been.

Weaknesses: Ranged projectiles that he can't react to. Has no healing magic or any sort of true ranged capabilities (Aside from throwing shit). Has no inborn magical resistance in general. Standard human weaknesses.

Likes: Good food, good drink, a good fight, and the occasional woman. Indulging himself in general. Cardboard boxes.

Dislikes: Cowards who are more powerful than they make themselves out to be. Pity. Cigarettes/smoking/recreational drugs (Their users are cowards who can't deal with the world around them without their fix handy. And it smells like shit. All the time.). Killing decent opponents (Waste of talent, skill, and a good time. Though he will kill if necessary.). Fighting children (No fun, though he can make exceptions).
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 11:50:15 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #61 on: February 11, 2015, 11:06:23 PM »
Name: Sakata Gintoki
Race: Human
Age: 20+
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Appearance: Young adult in his 20s with eyes that of a dead fish and natural perm silver hair. His standard outfit consists of a white yukata with a blue swirl pattern on the bottom and ends of the sleeves, worn so that his arm only goes through the left sleeve, and the right half droops down over his obi. Over this, he wears a black belt buckled so that there is leftover dangling from the buckle Underneath, he wears a black, red-lined shirt with a popped collar and black pants. He also wears knee-high black boots, buckled at the top and above his foot, which appear to add about half an inch to his height.  During the winter, he will sometimes wear a haori, thicker kimonos, or more layers, of varying colors, as well as scarves.

Physical Attributes
Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible

Magical Power: None

Other Abilities:

Spiritual Affinity: Gintoki is capable to see and interact with spirits.

Master Cook: He might not look like it, but Gintoki was noted by Sorachi as a skilled chef. It was said that he was at the "steel man" level when it comes to cooking.  He is also a capable baker, being able to bake his own strawberry cake at Shinpachi's house.

Master Swordsman: Possibly the strongest swordsman of his setting, he can compete with the best in terms of pure swordsmanship, possessed of enough natural talent and experience to invent his own style of swordsmanship. Thanks to the sheer combat experience he possesses equivalent of Eye of The Mind (True).

Equipment: A wooden katana engraved with the word Touyako on the hilt carried by his waist. Immensely durable for a wooden sword it can withstand blows that would snap a regular bokutou.

Origin: Sakata Gintoki is a veteran of resistance movement against Amanto (aliens who subjugated shogunate in a display of gunboat diplomacy paralleling real life Commodore Perry) who mostly pust aside his past and works as an odd jobs freelancer (read: glorified unemployed). How he ended up in Nexus remains  a mystery (note that it happened before the events of manga), but certainly it involved passing away from being drunk in some way. Now in need of a landlord, this unusually powerful homeless bum prowls streets of Nexus, contributing to the mess that this city is.

Weakness: While he is unbelievably powerful and skilled for a pure human, Gintoki can still be poisoned and affected by disease. He also cannot swim.

Likes: Red Beans On Rice, Sweets, Strawberry Milk, Shounen JUMP, Gambling, Drinking, Protecting Those Important To Him.

Dislikes: Ghosts and Dentists (as in being afraid of them), Clingy women, Violent Women, Tyrannical rulers, Mentors who abuse their pupils
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 12:57:32 AM by YOLF »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #62 on: February 13, 2015, 07:19:39 AM »
Name: Emiya Shirou
Race: Human Magus
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Age: 23

Physical Attributes
Strength: Human
Agility: Human
Constitution: Exceptional (Can be Supernatural thanks to his Body of Swords ability, but can also deteriorate to Human due to his deteriorating body. after receiving a puppet body at the end of Heaven's Feel True)

Magical Power
Shirou wasn't born to a magus family (as far as we know) so his circuits are a mutation that specialize in one thing. When fighting for Sakura he pushed his circuits to there limit by using the arm of himself from the future, but after the end of the 5th Grail War his body was destroyed in the process and he received his new puppet body and his circuits remain mostly in the state they were when before he put on Archer's arm. Because his body is not his own he has an even harder time of connecting to his circuits than he did before, though the effect can be lessened with practice, he is out of practice with his magecraft instead focusing on housework.

Deteriorating Body
Description: After the end of the 5th Grail War, his original body was destroyed as a result of relying on the power of Archer's arm and as such he lives today because Illya was able to transfer his soul to a container through the usage of an imperfect form of the third magic, though the first one didn't quite fit, and after a year of searching Tohsaka found an excellent puppet to use from the powerful puppeteer Touko Aozaki. Still, even with his new body working properly as a human body it still requires a influx of prana infrequently in order to function and going extended periods of time without his body will slowly revert back to it's original form of a puppet.

Projection (Gradation Air) [Trace Version]
Incantation: Trace-on
Description: A type of projection magic that not only reproduces an object of also its entire history as well. The copied object is of lower quality due to the fact that only so much information can be learned at glance alone, and power weapons like Noble Phantasms are decreased by an entire rank. Projected items have there limits as the world attempts to erase the object as the projected object should not exist. Only objects whose material composition is known to the world can be Projected.

Name: Reinforcement
Description: The ability to analysis an object's structure and increase its effectiveness or return it to normal. The object is strengthened by the magus injects prana into the item. If the object's internal constitution is not well known then injecting prana into an object would have a negate effect, though he currently has enough practice with the craft to be able to reinforce most objects with out issues other than wearing his circuits.

Structural Grasp
Description: The ability to analysis an object's structure, history. and how the item was used. When used with his projection ability he can recreate weapons (though most easily swords as they match his origin) nearly perfectly though as they are a copy they are of a lower rank.

Description: Unusable. The reality marble that is the embodiment of Shirou's existence and the source of his ability to reinforce and project. The single solitary answer of a boy who seeks to live as a sword. (As the path the boy took involved giving up the ideal of helping everyone and instead focusing on the protection of one person, reproduction of the reality marble is impossible.) A world that contains a copy of any sword Shirou has witnessed, whose copied existent is stored in the world for later use.

Body of Swords
Description: A side effect of the UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS Realty Marble. Even when unable to cast the reality marble, the world of Unlimited Blade Works remains active inside Shirou strengthening his body from incoming attacks. The ability works in two forms, body of swords, which protects his body from incoming attacks increasing the amount of damage he can take from an attack by replacing the attacked area with sword, and an out of control back-fire version of swordfication that can also increase his endurance and damage but, also causes great harm to his own body by potentially damaging tissue and organs.

Description: Without Arthuria Pendragon nearby, all it does is change Shirou's magic attribute to sword. If Active with Arthuria Pendragon nearby. Avalon proveds him with ability to greater recover nearly any wound, and when activated can guard against any attack. The sheath itself is stored within Shirou's body.

List of some of the weapons contained inside UBW

Kansho and Bakuya: A married pair swords that are a favorite for Emiya Shirou to wield and can be reproduced relatively easily. The blade represent the concepts Yin and Yang and were forged out a human sacrifice. (The True Blade are a powerful anti-monster weapon.) When both swords are equipped at the same time the rank of the blades as well as the user's anti-magic and anti-physical defense go up.

Nine Lives (Nine Lives Blade Works): The monstrous stone sword used by Berserker (Heracles) in the 5th Grail War. Shirou no longer possesses the strength or speed to use the weapon with Archer's arm, but the remin remains inside Shirou's Reality Marble.

Rule Breaker: Annuls any magical contract when used on it. Use is by stabbing the object or person affected by it. Affects creatures created by prana and objects infused with it as well, however it is not powerful enough to affect noble phantasms. This blade was the ace in hole at the end of the 5th Grail War used to free Sakura from Angra Mainyu's control.

Other Abilities:
Archery Kyūdo
Description: Skill with a bow and arrow and ability to hit a target. The capability to using a bow and arrow skillfully. Shirou has always been an excellent Archer, only missing one shot in his short term in the Archery cub, and that was because he missed on purpose. After living his married life with Sakura they would settle arguments between based on there respective skill with a bow, with the contests ending pretty evenly between the two.(Shirou can create a bow and arrows using his reinforcement and projection magic, but the strength of the create items is limited to his skill.)

Cooking and cleaning: Shirou has always enjoyed housework secretly, so during his married life with Sakura he would help around the house with many of the choirs and is quite good at both tasks.

Weaknesses: Failing to receive a prana transfer in a set amount of time can leave his body degenerate and hard to use, leaving him very vulnerable. Also, he  has yet to master his magical circuits and magecraft so over using his magic tends to wear him out quickly. Aside from that he has normal human weaknesses and dies when he is killed.

Likes: Sakura, his friends, Housework, Cooking, his peaceful life
Dislikes: things that hurt his friends and Sakura, People getting hurt, and his peaceful life(he did want to become a hero of justice after all)

Origin: After the end of 5th Holy Grail War (HF-T), after his body was restored he settled down and has since lived a peaceful life with his now wife Matou Sakura. One day she disappeared without trace, leaving Shirou incredibly worried. After working together with Rider and Tohsaka to desperately try to look for her, Tohsaka uses he contact with a powerful teacher in the Clock Tower with an old Vampire Mage to help track her down to a mysterious place known as the nexus where Shirou goes to find and bring his love back to him.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 01:10:57 PM by theunknownhero »
Even I have something I must protect.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #63 on: February 15, 2015, 07:10:35 PM »
Name: Captain Edward Coombs
Race: Homo sapiens sapiens / Recessive Pariah Gene
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 206 lbs
Age: 54

Appearance: Edward is a tall, relatively thin man. His right side of his face is covered in many jagged scars. The cheek has a sunken in appearance mostly due to the fact he is missing most of his teeth and cheekbone structure, as well as the scarred skin being pulled tight. Right eye is cybernetic. Edward's left cheek is high, his remaining eye is blue, his hair grayed.

Physical Attributes:
Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Human

Magical Ability: None


Harlech-Pattern Carapace Armor: Carapace Armor that is seperate from the Dragoon's; instead of relying on more advanced materials, it is simply an "Up-Armored" version of the Flak BDU used by Harlech grunts.

Refractor Field: This device emits a shimmering field that can protect Edward from explosions, projectiles, and even melee attacks from the likes of swords. However, this does not mean he can walk towards a machine gun nest - and can be shorted out if hit from either a powerful enough force, or a volley of lesser attacks.

Warrior's End:A Lightning Claw for the left hand that has been passed down the Coombs' family for uncountable generations. It consists of a Power Fist, three miniature Power Swords, and an energy source - the latter two mounted above the hand, so the claws are set in a way that Forest would call "Wolverine Style." These claws are able to tear through most armors of the forty-first millennium like a hot knife through butter. What they can do to flesh is self-explanatory.

The Power Fist component boosts Edward's strength, for that hand, to High Supernatural on the scale. This applies from grasping to punching.

Kantrael pattern Laspistol: a light las weapon that fires an intense beam of light. Has poor strength and penetration when compared to most weaponry of the 41st millennium, but it is more than enough to handle most situations. The reason why lasweaponry are so common is because they are effective, rugged, and easy to make (In fact, many regiments use wooden lasguns). Effects of a Laspistol are comparable to handcannons of the 3rd millennium, though with the added benefits from being a directed energy weapon: Blood boiling, nearby organs being heavily damaged, etc.

Mezoa pattern Hand Flamer:  Flame Pistols or Hand Flamers are small and good for only several shots, being designed for personal combat at close ranges. Each uses a canister mounted under the small barrel, making it a somewhat difficult to aim due to the heavy propellant case. Luckily the short ranged spray of flame it produces is enough to deal with most enemies.

Harlech Officer's Baton: These batons are handed out to every officer in Harlech regiments. They are ornate, yet durable enough to be used in melee.

Micro-Bead Transmitter: A miniature radio that can be hooked around the ear. Shot-ranged by panetary standards, but more than enough for a city.

Four Las-Weapon Battery Packs

Four Promethium Canisters

Trench Knife

Rechargeable Lamp Pack: A glow globe the size of a clenched fist that illuminates the area for a few meters around. Can last for five hours before it needs recharging.

Dog Tags

Imperial Infantry Uplifting Primer


Blank: Blanks are humans who have the recessive form of the Pariah Gene. Their souls are comparable to a fetus: Not wholly formed and almost non-existent. This has several effects, mostly to those around Edward.

First, there is the field of "Negative Magic" that is around him. If a Magi is within this field, and they rely on an outside force to either create the spell, or empower it (an example of the former are Psykers, who draw power from the Warp. An example of the latter are Nasuvese Magi, who can take in mana from the environment), not only would they be unable to form magic, but they receive intense pain, sometimes even causing them to start clawing at their sensory organs depending on their disposition. Spirits caught in this field would find themselves cut off from power sources, such as a Magi providing them Mana or the artifact keeping them in this world.

Second, this field also renders him invisible from scrying, and makes him nearly immune to magical attacks.

Finally, to those who are mundane or draw magic purely from within would barely be able to stand being around him. They will find Edward...unnatural, but not sure what is exactly wrong about him. This can range from disdain to outright hatred, though there can be few exceptions.

It should be noted that Edward does not know about the Pariah Gene, though he does know that there is something not right on his end.

Harlech Infantry Training: Edward has been trained in the same basic programs as all non-Dragoon Infantry go through.

The Coombs family is a respected one on Harlech, going so far back as to predate the Imperium. It was mainly for this reason that Edward was kept away from the public. The boy's...unnaturalness caused disdain for most of those who actually knew of his existence, his own mother incapable of standing him. The only person that cared for him was his own sister.

When Edward was a teenager, his sister died from an unknown cause. He defied his father's orders and attended her funeral, allowing the ublic to know of his existence. That night, he stolen the family heirloom, Warrior's End, and snuck out of the mansion where he was hated. He promptly signed up to join the Harlech Planetary Defense Force.

Though it was typical for the Nobility to become Officers, Edward was denied that path. He had to start from the bottom and would likely not been able to achive anything if it weren't for chance. At that time, the 833rd Infantry Regiment received substantial losses after a Dark Eldar raid on the planet Joachim, and needed new blood. Five years later, the Dark Eldar returned, and through a combination of competence and outliving his senior officers, Coombs became a Lieutenant. During a Rebellion, his commanders grudgingly made him the Captain of Second Company, the rank he would maintain until the battle against the Tyranids on Valanis Secondus.

Edward found himself in Nexus City, though he is unsure how or why. He had two Terran years to become become accustomed to this his new surroundings, and had since then become a unit leader for the Enforcers, specialized for hunting mages.

Weaknesses: He is no different than a normal human, aside from being nearly immune to magical attacks. A sword would be able to kill him as easily as a peasant in medieval times.

Likes: Plans running smoothly, Grox Steak, Being on the Hunt

Dislikes: Cowards, Heretics, Mutants, Xenos (Especially the Dark Eldar, will confuse Elves as Eldar), Those who do not follow orders

Further Notes: This is an example of a Nasuverse Mage: Though he may use solely Od, this doesn't mean he no longer feels the effects of the Blank's negative energy; the "pathways" that environmental mana travel to be use by a Magus are never closed, and the Blank's energy will creep into the body. The pain caused to the Magus will still be present and constant, and they can't even muster up magecraft using Od due to the energy being inside his body.

The only time where a mage cannot be affected is if there are no "entrances" for the Negative Energy to enter.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 06:31:33 PM by MissingMandible »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #64 on: February 18, 2015, 03:42:39 AM »
Name:Sakura Emiya
Race: Human (Magus)
Age: 44
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 50 kg

Eyes: Purple
Hair: Purple

Like her canon self, but older. However, due to use of life-extending magecraft and her natural healing factor, she actually looks like she is in her early 30s.

Still occasionally wears the red ribbon given her by Rin, but less so than she used to since it is now somewhat faded and tatty. However, she always keeps it in her possession as a reminder of her sister's love.

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Human - Can reach Exceptional with reinforcement.

Agility: Human - Can reach high Exceptional with reinforcement.

Constitution: Exceptional, with Incredible-level regeneration.

Magic Ability: Medium.

Whilst Sakura has trained significantly in the thirty years since being freed from Zouken and is now a reasonably competent magus, she still lacks the capabilities that a traditional magus would have, not to mention a crest. However, she makes up for this by having far more prana available to her than most magi, and a far, far higher prana regeneration rate.

She possesses an affinity with her birth attribute, Imaginary Numbers, as well as the Matou element, water. She also possesses the Matou family trait, binding, as well as a small residual affinity for her natural Tohsaka affinity, transfer of energy.


Cursed Boundary Layer: Using a combination of her elemental affinity, the Matou magecraft and her past connection to Angra Mainyu, Sakura can generate a cursed shadow which expands around her, and empowers her other magical abilities., However, since this ability draws on her connection to Angra Mainyu, it is weakened somewhat now she is no longer Dark. Additionally, use of it can put mental strain on her, although she has learnt to mitigate this.

Shadow dimension: Sakura's Cursed Boundary Layer allows her to absorb people and items into a shadow dimension. Whilst inside, the person or item is completely subject to Sakura's whims. She can control the environment they are in, project an avatar of herself into their mind and convert anything inside into prana.

Due to the past connection with Angra Mainyu, her shadow dimension will naturally corrupt anything placed into it. However, through much training, Sakura has learnt to prevent this happening, and now she can safely store any item inside the shadow dimension without it becoming corrupted, unless she desires for it to be of course. As a result, she does sometimes use it as a hiding place for her family, and as a method of transportation. However, she dislikes doing so due to her past as Dark Sakura, and the fact that she doesn't fully trust herself with that much power over people.

Shadow tentacles: Using her natural affinity, Sakura is able to produce rudimentary magical tentacles. Through years of training and refinement, these tentacles have got considerably more powerful, and she can now use them to bind enemies in place, even quite powerful ones. Additionally, her Matou magecraft allows her to use the tentacles to drain prana from anything they touch.

Sakura has additionally learned to produce shadow tentacles which remain active even when not in contact with her. These draw prana from the surroundings or from the person they are in contact with, and can effectively be used as magical ropes to bind captives.

Shadow familiars: Using her shadow magic, Sakura can create semi-autonomous shadow familiars. These familiars will follow her basic intentions, but are capable of acting on their own to achieve those intentions, and have a rudimentary level of independent thought in this respect. To create them requires an initial prana input, followed by a small constant prana input to maintain them.

The shadows are of variable size, from very small shadows used for spying to massive shadow giants. Their size depends on how much prana Sakura puts into them, and they can grow or shrink depending on this. However, producing a shadow giant of the size of the ones seen in HF requires her entire prana supply, and thus she doesn't tend to do so very often.

These shadows are also all connected to her main shadow dimension, and can absorb things into it, although less effectively than she can do so with other magic. As well as using them for this purpose, she can use them and her cursed boundary layer like walls, to attempt to direct an opponent in a favourable direction or to entrap them.

Shadow transportation: Using her shadow dimension, Sakura is able to travel to any location with a shadow familiar. She is also able to use this ability to transport other people or items to her location or from her location to any other familiar.

Shadow Archery: Sakura can fire shadow arrows at enemies using a bow she also creates from her shadow. These arrows are highly corrosive to anything they hit, especially magical entities.

Other Abilities:

Advanced Regeneration: Sakura can regenerate from almost any wound that is not instantly fatal due to her high prana supply and the effect of her connection with the other side.

Cooking: Sakura is an outstanding chef.

Archery: Sakura is a talented archer.

Origin: Born Tohsaka Sakura, Sakura was adopted into the Matou family at age 4. She was in the care of the family head, Zouken, who tortured her mentally and physically on a daily basis in an attempt to turn her into a second Grail. Finally, after eleven years of torment, she was freed from his control by her sister, Rin, her servant, Rider and the guy she loved, Shirou, but not before the shadow that leaked out from her due to her imperfect nature as a Grail had killed hundreds of people.

After the Grail War, Shirou spent over a year with his soul trapped in the container Ilya placed him in, weak and unable to do much. During this time, Sakura spent every spare moment watching over him and tending to him, or working with her sister to try to find a way to bring him back, never allowing herself to despair so she would be ready for him when he returned. Finally, Rin managed to locate a puppet body to use, and Sakura sold the Matou magic books to the Association in order to pay for it, returning Shirou to his old self, and to her side.

Since then, she has been living as normal a life as possible, trying to overcome her past as best as she can, whilst trying to atone for all the people who died in order that she could survive. Married Shirou shortly after her 18th birthday, and they had their first child, Aoi, not long afterwards. They now have a total of four children. The first two are adults and have now moved out, and the third was recently adopted by Sakura's sister, Rin (on her own request), although Sakura still acknowledges her as her daughter and sees her regularly. The youngest child, Kiyoshi, is still living with them, and Sakura dotes on him.

Due to Sakura's condition, she and Shirou are required to have regular sex for her to get rid of excess prana. For a while, this had become something of a chore, but, with the help of some suggestions and advice from Rider, they added some variety and kinkiness to their sexual activities, and this returned the spark to their sex life. Even now, after over 25 years of marriage, they are still enjoying theirselves and, further, are in love as much as they ever were.

As the heir to the Matou family, Sakura is rather wealthy, owning a large number of properties she inherited from Zouken on his death. As a result, she has no need to work for a living, and instead does a mixture of caring for her children, voluntary work for various charities and practicing magecraft.

Due to use of magic, she is able to age more slowly and, thus, despite being in her mid-forties, looks only around 30. By transferring prana to Shirou, she's able to allow him to age at a similar rate.

Weakness: Very attached to her family and friends, and still a little emotionally unstable. Harming (or even threatening) any of them will anger and upset her, although this might not be a good idea....

Likes: Cooking, Shirou, her children, Rin, Rider, looking after children, pretty flowers, gardening, Archery.

Dislikes: Seeing children hurt/suffering (especially her own).
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 10:05:48 AM by Kaze »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #65 on: February 20, 2015, 04:33:28 AM »
Name: Emiya Shirou
Race: Human (Magus)
Age: 46
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 75 kg


Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red, but fading somewhat, with some white strands.

Like his canon self, only a bit older-looking. Sakura and Rin have been able to use magic to slow his aging somewhat, so that he is, like Sakura, physically in his early 30s.

Physical attributes:

Strength: Human (Incredible with Reinforcement)

Agility: Human (Incredible with Reinforcement)

Constitution: Human (Incredible with Reinforcement)

Magic Ability: Low (Poor magus who is further hampered by his puppet body, but excels at projection and related magic).

Whilst Shirou’s puppet body makes it difficult for him to use his magic circuits properly, he has learnt to circumvent this somewhat, and can now perform projection magic almost to the level which he could have if he’d retained his original body. However, he cannot naturally regenerate his own prana supply, and therefore is somewhat reliant on regular prana infusions from Sakura.

Affinity/Origin: Sword


Projection: Also known as "Gradation Air", projection is the ability to materialize objects using prana, according to the user's imagination. However, Shirou can use a version unique to himself that he calls "Tracing". Tracing differs from Gradation Air in that it is used to create copies of items that already exist, however the items also have their entire history reproduced, including the skills of those who wielded them, along with the shape and substance. All items that are reproduced using Tracing are not perfect copies of the original and suffer a rank down. The items that Shirou can trace the most efficiently are swords; while capable of tracing other items, the cost in prana makes it considerably less efficient.

Reinforcement: Magecraft designed to push something’s basis for existence to the utmost. It is the same as adding something to an object that is already complete, therefore failure will cause the target to receive it as a poison and be destroyed. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with Prana. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or the physical strength and durability of muscles. It is impossible to reinforce something vague. This is the one area of magic in which Shirou is competent, even able to reinforce his own body.

Unlimited Blade Works: Shirou’s reality marble, a world containing infinite swords. Copies of every weapon he has seen are stored there. After much training, Shirou has learnt to use his Reality Marble, although his lack of prana means it is difficult to maintain it for as long as he otherwise could.

Due to the fact that he’s never fought Gilgamesh, his UBW is lacking somewhat in weapons. The only ones he can trace are those he’s seen in life and the few that he can form clear memories of from the time when he possessed Archer’s arm.

Other Abilities:

Use of technology: To compensate for his magical limitations, Shirou has learnt to use technology to aid him in battle when necessary. Whilst he doesn’t tend to go seeking trouble, he also won’t stand aside and watch people get hurt, and he also knows that Sakura in particular is a target for unscrupulous magi. As a result, he takes safeguards, using his connection to the Yakuza (through Taiga) to provide him with weapons to allow him to protect his family. He possesses some equipment designed to take down magi with minimal fuss, much like his adoptive father did, although he avoids using guns for close-range combat.

Rifle: Shirou possesses a high quality, accurate hunting rifle with a high bullet velocity and an attached scope, enhanced using magecraft to make it even more accurate. With that combined with his ability to reinforce his sight, he is capable of shooting things from a very long distance.

Body armour: Shirou wears reinforced state-of-the-art body armour into battle, designed to protect against being shot, as well as other damage. With the application of reinforcement, it is essentially impossible for a person of normal strength to pierce it, and even armour-piercing bullets are not sufficient to do so. However, a shot to the head is still capable of killing him, although self-reinforcement or dodging may protect him to a limited extent if he is aware of the attack.

Infra-red goggles: Shirou possesses a set of electronic goggles which are able to detect infra-red light and convert it into a visible spectrum light. This allows him to easily distinguish magi from others at close range, using their IR signature.

However, whilst the goggles can be switch between displaying ordinary light and an IR signature with ease, the nature of them means that wearing them will restrict his peripheral vision somewhat.

Archery: Shirou is an exceptional Archer, and can also trace a bow and arrow with little difficulty. He uses this in conjunction with his magic to trace and fire swords as arrows, using their properties against the enemy.

Sword fighting: Shirou has mastered the art of fighting with the twin blades Kanshou and Bakuya. Whilst he’s not on the same level as Archer, he has years of practice sparring against Rider, and he is now at the point where he can give her a decent fight even if she is going close to full-out (although she is handicapped by the fact that he is much more susceptible to damage than she is, and thus she has to be more careful).

Origin: After his birth parents were (presumably) killed in the fire following the fourth Grail War, he was adopted by Emiya Kiritsugu. Over the course of the eleven years, he took on Kiritsugu's ideal, to save everyone, and when the Grail War came around he saw a chance to finally act on that ideal. However, when the girl he loved, Sakura, turned out to be unwittingly responsible for the deaths of many people, he decided to put protecting those he loved over protecting the many, and refused to kill her, instead saving her from the darkness afflicting her at the cost of his own mind.

He told Rider to take her and her sister out of the cavern they fought the final battle in, before preparing to sacrifice his life to permanently destroy the Great Grail. However, just before he could do so, his long-lost sister, Ilya, showed up and sacrificed herself, sealing the Grail and moving his soul into a container where it would be safe until an alternative could be found.

For the next year or so, Shirou remained seriously ill and immobile, Sakura constantly by his side. When he finally awoke, the first thing he saw was Sakura's overjoyed expression, and he knew that everything he'd done had been worth it. Since then, he has dedicated himself to bringing her the happiness he felt she deserved, in the process gaining true happiness for himself. On her 18th birthday, he proposed to her, and they got married not long after. Since then, they have lived in their old house as husband and wife. They have four children, Aoi, Kariya, Yuki and Kiyoshi. Yuki, however, now lives with Rin and has been formally adopted by her, although Sakura and Shirou still treat her as their daughter. Kariya and Aoi, meanwhile, have grown up and moved out.

Due to Sakura's wealth, Shirou has no need to work. However, he dislikes being inactive, and so he does do some work, mostly as a mechanic fixing various equipment using his magic. He does, however, tends to be very generous about prices, given the standard of his work. Indeed, to get him to charge people at all, Sakura has to point out to him that, if he is too generous, he will end up putting real mechanics out of business. Even so, anyone poor or who can give even a slightly plausible sob-story will be able to get out of paying entirely, which is a trait which sometimes irritates Rin in particular.

Personality: Whilst he has learnt some sense of self-worth over the years, Shirou is still somewhat lacking in a sense of self-preservation. He now recognises his value to other people, in particular Sakura and his children, but he would still sacrifice himself in a second to protect any of them. Sakura constantly has to point out to him that, by rushing in to a dangerous situation to protect them, he is often putting them in more danger, since they are then forced to act in order to save him.

Still has a tendency to help people in need, although he doesn't generally go out actively looking for such people like he might in another timeline. However, if any magical threat shows up in Fuyuki, he will invariably end up assisting Rin and Sakura in dealing with it. Further, even the slightest hint that a magus is acting to harm innocents in Fuyuki as Zouken used to will result in him looking for more information and pushing Rin to ensure it is dealt with (not that it is difficult to persuade her), if he doesn't just deal with it himself. Similarly, any serious mundane threat (e.g. a serial killer) will be dealt with regardless of magical inclination. Whilst he doesn’t have anything like the reputation of his father, he has helped Rin and Sakura take down the odd magus or two who were threatening their town, and does ensure he is prepared for this eventuality.

Like Sakura, he is exceptionally loving towards his children. However, he is far more willing to discipline them when necessary than she is, particularly when it is in their own best interests, and generally acts more like a normal parent in terms of the level of control he exerts over their lives (although he is by no means a controlling person or a disciplinarian). As a result, he is often the one forced to enact punishments, and thus is seen by the children as the "harsh" parent, although they do still love him nevertheless. Additionally, the children are more respectful towards him than they are towards their mother, although, conversely, they are also less inclined to confide in him or seek emotional support from him than they are their mother.

Similarly, he is considerably more frugal than Sakura when it comes to spending money on the children (especially money that he has not earned). He will still spend money on them when he needs to or when he feels they deserve it, but he doesn’t spoil them in the way that Sakura does. Conversely, he is somewhat more willing than Sakura to spend her inheritance on himself and, even more, on her. He still dislikes doing it (preferring to pay for things with money he earned), but is willing to do so if he or especially Sakura wants something enough, particularly for bigger purchases.

Weakness: Even now, his sense of self-preservation is somewhat lacking, and therefore he tends to jump into dangerous situations rather too quickly, particularly when his wife or children are in danger. Standard human weaknesses apply.
Likes: Cooking, protecting people, Sakura, his children, swords, Kyuudo.
Dislikes: People getting hurt (especially family).
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 10:05:08 AM by Kaze »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #66 on: February 22, 2015, 08:54:36 PM »
Name: Ito Kizumi

Race: Human

Age: 30

Height: 5”5

Weight: 130 lbs

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Superhuman

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic Scale: None

Other Abilities:

Shadow Step: Kizumi’s mastery enables him to move without emitting any sound, his steps are as audible as an ant’s.

Ninja Mastery: Kizumi has trained in the art of assassination since his childhood, and is highly proeficent in combat and acrobacy, using his speed and everything at his disposal to gain the upper hand.

Afterimage Clones: Kizumi can manifest trough technique afterimages of himself to confuse opponents and have them leave potential openings. Of course, they are but an illusion, can be averted by superior perception, and cannot act on the physical world.

Pressure point knowledge: Kizumi possesses advance medical knowledge on the body's meridians, and by hitting these areas, he can cause numbness.


Dual Ninjato: Two short blades Kizumi wields in combat.

Fleeting Kunai: Transparent throwing knives Kizumi can use in combat. Sharp and sturdy, they can easily tear trough flesh, and are thrown fast enough to remain unseen to the mundane eye.

Threads: Transparent wired threads, they boast great sturdiness and can support a man's weight with relative ease. Like the kunais, they too are transparent, and can be used as platforms for Kizumi or to impede enemy movement.

Ninja Clothes: Black clothes with fancy accessories Kizumi wears at all times. Yes, ninjas usually wouldn’t wear such things, they would opt for more mundane cloth in order to stand out, but he still wears them anyway.

Origin:  Kizumi was trained to be an assassin since an early age, chosen by his clan to become successor of the family’s secret techniques. Training to the utmost limits reason can allow, he reached a level of speed far greater than anything mankind could even dream of. With time, the ninja grew more and more arrogant and bloodthirsty.

Itching to prove his superiority, he challenged his father and won with ease. But his brothers, who swore to avenge their father, did not forgive such an act. By the time he was 20, the assassin was wanted by the police state for countless kills, and was now the target of a massive manhunt.

He was not one who would be caught easily, welcoming challengers with open arms, he slain all those who stood in his way to the top. But sadly, all things come to an end. After ten years, Kizumi simply gave up. Throwing away his title of assassin, he disappeared off the face of the earth, never to be found again.

Or maybe not…


Despite being an assassin, Kizumi is a fighter at heart, even if such a train of thought goes against the teaching of a ninja, he will try to enjoy a fight to it’s fullest. Thus, he will hold back and play with his opponents, which can be used to one’s advantage.

It must also be stated that while his speed is outright inhuman, his strength and constitution is another matter. His weapons being mundane as well, it is possible to defend against them, projectiles thrown by him are deflectable or outright blockable if detected. To make a long story short, it is much easier to tank his blows than to avoid them, and fighting him in a constricted terrain where he cannot move freely puts him on a disadvantage.

His ninja clothes also make him stand out in the day, but he wears them anyway. Why, well, why not? Kizumi also possesses no defensive or regenerative capabilities whatsoever.

Finally, he will act recklessly if angered or taunted, and is quite arrogant at times. To have one question his speed would also piss him off, and cause him to make exploitable mistakes.

Likes: Fighting, fighting opponents who can match him, sharpening his skills, competent people, money, an easygoing life.

Dislikes: Being ignored or taken lightly, being called short, being insulted, being tricked, having his skills put in question, people who hold back in a fight, being called a lady.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 09:54:10 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #67 on: February 24, 2015, 02:15:10 AM »
Name: Doromizu Jirochou
Race: Human
Age: 30+
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Appearance: Asian man with dark skin and white hair, wearing scarf and kimono and carrying around a katana.

Physical Attributes
Strength: Supernatural
Agility: Supernatural
Constitution: Supernatural

Magical Power: None

Other Abilities:

Master Swordsman: A practicioner of iaijutsu, Doromizu Jirochou in his generation was an unparalled swordsman, only rivalled by his best friend Terada Tatsugorou. He is enough skilled to conceal his killing intent and the opponent may notice he/she got cut until it is too late. Even against opponents who are as fast as him there is still a chance he will get to strike first, and against less agile foes the first strike is almost guaranteed. Years of combat experience as a vigilante swordsman infamous throughout Edo bestowed him with equivalent of Eye of The Mind (True)

Equipment: His katana.

Origin: Back in his country Jirochou was a vigilante and yakuza member pursuing his own brand justice, crushing the strong and protecting the weak, popular enough to be considered one of leaders of his town. A honorable man who keeps his promises to the very end. Now in Nexus he is just one of many wandering warriors, but still true to his ideal, unwilling to let monsters, human and non-human alike, take over the city.

Weakness: Jirochou is absurdly powerful for a normal human, but he still can succumb to disease and poison like other mortal men.

Likes: Good fights as both a man and warrior, protecting the weak, smoking, anyone who reminds him of Tatsugorou and Otose, keeping promises.

Dislikes: Monsters who try to exploit people under his protection

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #68 on: March 06, 2015, 02:28:30 AM »
Name: David Newman, The Dream, The Nightmare

Race: Human

Age: It’s been three weeks since the entity dreamed of the existence known as David and made him real.

Height: 6’ 1

Weight: Approximately 180 lbs.

Appearance: A tall man with short dark red hair and brilliant blue eyes. David is usually dressed in a black suit with a tie that matches his hair. His posture radiates confidence, and he is fairly muscular. Apparently the entity has some measure of vanity as David's features look as if they have been shaped by a masterful artist. He is rather good looking and some may even call him handsome. 

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human
Agility: Human
Constitution: Human

Magic Ability: None - While David is incapable of using magic himself he can access a infinitesimal sliver of the dreamer’s knowledge to recognize most spells. Ancient spells can usually be replicated easily while newer ones may require more observation.

Other Abilities:

The Dreams at the Edge of Forever:
David is not the only dream to be manifested by the dreamer’s power. There are many of them and he is capable of calling any of these lesser manifestations to him in order to enlist their services. David can control two Lesser Dreams at the same time. Only a single Greater Dream may be summoned at a time.

Lesser Dreams:
Spoiler for Hiden:
The Joyous: A woman whose skin is as white as snow and seems as fragile as porcelain. She is dressed in golden silks and dresses that never seem to hinder her movement. Her body is extraordinarily flexible to the point where one would think that she doesn’t have a bone in her body. Considering her nature The Joyous is incapable of being affected by anything that would alter her mental state from anything but absolute happiness. Her fingers are long claws, and they can  clash with swords without suffering any damage.

Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Supernatural
Constitution: Exceptional

The Scholarly: A thin man with four arms dressed in a sickly green robe. Despite his appearance he is very strong, but his main strength is his intelligence. The Scholarly can decipher any code, understand and speak any language, solve any puzzle, craft numerous artifacts of power(treat as Item Creation: A), and can remember anything without error. He carries a bow that takes magical energy in the air and uses it to generate enchanted arrows.

Strength: Supernatural
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Greater Dreams:

Spoiler for Hiden:
The Hateful: A titan of a beast that reaches 3 meters on all fours and nearly doubles that when standing on both legs. Its head is draconic, its mouth that holds teeth sharper than any sword and releases a freezing mist, its main body is that of an enormous wolf, and its tail is a long, shadowy appendage that is covered in countless hooks that easily sink into flesh and get stuck. Early in its existence The Hateful was exposed to an enormous amount of arcane energy and since then it has been immune to all but the most powerful magecraft(treat as Magic Resistance: High). It can grow extremely angry at singular targets and persistently pursue them until it is unsummoned, the target dies, or it dies.

Strength: Superhuman
Agility: Supernatural
Constitution: Supernatural

The Hidden: A being who specializes in stealth and speed, it is impossible to see within the black cloak that it hides under. If you shine a light in the darkness persists and anything that enters the cloak simply vanishes. Entire arms have been known to simply disappear when pushed inside. The Hidden makes no sound at all, electronic equipment fails to record or recognize it, it doesn't give off any scent, and it has the ability to turn invisible(even without all of its special abilities The Hidden has the equivalent of Presence Concealment: A). It also carries around multiple knives and it generally disposes of bodies by pulling them into its cloak.

Strength: Supernatural
Agility: Superhuman
Constitution: Supernatural

The Endless Dreams: The dreams of the being at the center of everything never truly end. They shift, change, and return in a myriad of different ways. Dreams that have been destroyed will eventually resurface but they will never be the same. Anything from a mere cosmetic change to a completely different personality can occur. It can take days or even weeks for a dead dream to return.


The Scepter of Danu Talis: A creation of The Scholarly that David had commissioned near the beginning of his existence. It is long enough for him to use as a pseudo walking stick but it does have use in combat. The top of the staff splits into four spikes with a blue orb of energy between the four parts. When he wills it the orb will shift hues to a menacing red-orange and release a blast of energy with force equivalent to an RPG.

Origin: Something exists at the heart of everything. Its flesh is stars and cosmic fire. The rivers of time flow through its veins and endless universes lay within its heart. Its eyes see what was, what is, what will be, and what will never come to pass. Its mind holds the key to even the most unknowable secrets and contains the core of knowledge itself. Every breath it took pushed back the inevitability of nothingness, and every movement it made shattered the very idea of impossible. Now it sleeps. He is not it. He is but a dream. An idle fantasy made real.

Weakness: David has the physical capabilities of an average human and is as squishy as any regular person.

Likes: Living, taking naps, getting work done, driving, his siblings

Dislikes: wasteful actions, extreme laziness, pessimists

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #69 on: March 06, 2015, 02:34:41 AM »
Name: Natara

Race: Corrupted Human

Age: 22

Height: 5’ 9

Weight: 135 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Supernatural

Other Abilities:

Prayers of the Forsaken: As a Caretaker of The Chalice Natara has been made privy to specific words and phrases that calm the prisoner that stirs within it. Due to her own closeness and experience with the prisoner Natara is capable of convincing the prisoner to take action and defend her without attempting to leave, however this can only work as long as there is enough blood and death to satiate it so it does not attempt to escape its weakened bindings.

Tainted Blood: Natara had a few droplets of the black liquid that The Chalice is constantly filled with introduced into her bloodstream at a young age. Because of this her stamina and the overall toughness of her body increased and she also heals faster than a normal human. It isn't effective in a combat situation but it does lessen the time it would take to recover from some wounds and helps her endure the prisoner's games. Due to her altered blood she is also capable of perceiving spiritual entities and beings similar in nature to the prisoner.

Rites of the Damned: When she was young Natara was much more receptive and willing to listen to the prisoner who she watched over. During this time it taught her many great and terrible things about it and the powers it held. Because of this she has knows many rituals that invoke the power of the prisoner and some that can even call out manifestations of its might to fight at her command. She can also manipulate the black liquid in so that it infects weapons and grants them incredible abilities. Because of her own fear of the prisoner and the thought that this may weaken its prison she rarely ever uses the Rites.


The Chalice: A beautiful cup made of gold that is filled with a pitch black liquid. It is an ancient artifact that had been converted into a prison for the ‘god’ that is trapped within. However even something as ancient and powerful as this cannot keep the entity’s own power and influence at bay.

The most noticeable failure in its design is the black fluid that endlessly pools inside The Chalice. It is a toxic and dangerous substance that dissolves or corrupts all and any things that touch it. It can also be manipulated if Natara loosens the bindings and directs the prisoner with the Prayers of the Forsaken. If large quantities of the liquid is poured onto the ground then manifestations of the prisoner’s might can be summoned if The Rites of the Damned are used.

Those who touch The Chalice or sleep while it is close to them make themselves vulnerable to the maddening whispers of the prisoner. The words, if they can even be called that, are unintelligible but they still hold power beyond the language of mortals. Only those with extremely potent willpower can resist the call of the prisoner, however there is also another way. Those like Natara who have had the black taint of The Chalice in their veins can resist the whispers better than any other being. This is because they can understand the prisoner’s words.

Another feature of The Chalice is the sickening aura it exudes. It is a repulsive, oily thing to any good and moral person, however to the Caretakers The Chalice is no different from any other cup. This aura is in fact so unnatural and evil that it takes effort for people who aren't corrupt or a Caretaker to not outright attack the cup. The sheer disgust one feels at the sight of it makes attempting to destroy it the first instinct of most who see it. Those with a lack of any concern for morality can see it as a normal cup while darker beings are attracted to it like moths to a flame.

The Chalice is also an incredibly tough and resilient artifact. Against magic it boasts an impressive resilience that disrupts the spells of all but the greatest of magic. Weapons that are not magical in nature will simply fail to harm it at all and even the greatest magical tools would only leave a scratch that Natara can easily repair. Only the most powerful weapons or magic may hope to destroy The Chalice, however its destruction will only lead to the freedom of the prisoner.

Within the Nexus the prisoner has seemed to gain more control over The Chalice. While outside of Natara's grip it has the ability to move around. Vanishing from one place and ending up in another. However there are things that it can do within the grasp of its warden. Altering its temperature to freezing cold or burning hot for short periods of time or slightly shifting in order to burn Natara with a few drops of the dark liquid The Chalice contains are some things that it is capable of.

Origin: Although the method that was used to seal away the prisoner had been forgotten the ways used to maintain its prison was recorded. Children are taken in from a young age and are trained to be the Caretaker of The Chalice. Natara was one of these initiates and eventually succeeded in becoming the Caretaker and formally began her duties at the age of 12. Once transported to the Nexus along with The Chalice she has gone through a reasonable amount of hardship. Sleep has become a distant memory considering that she cannot trust The Chalice not to escape her and enter the city. Her appetite has been greatly diminished and she spends most of her waking hours satiating the prisoner by allowing it to kill and devour in order to distract it from escape. 

Weakness: Normal human weaknesses for the most part. She also values keeping The Chalice safe over her own personal safety which can be used against her.

Likes: Sleep, quiet company, chocolate

Dislikes: The Chalice, being unable to sleep, loud places
« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 11:57:30 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #70 on: March 13, 2015, 08:23:21 PM »
(This will replace Luvia)
Name: Hakumen

Race: Unknown(Human formerly)

Age: Unknown

Height: 208 Cm

Weight: 155 Kg


I am the white void. I am the cold steel. I am the just sword. With blade in hand, I shall reap the sins of the world, and cleanse it in the fires of destruction! I am Hakumen! The end has come!

Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Legendary

Magical Ability: None:
Hakumen is capable of recognizing most forms of magic, however he is incapable of using any magic himself.

Other Abilities:


Overwhelming Presence:
The presence of Hakumen alone can terrify others to a tremendous extent.  Upon their first encounter Ragna was terrified of him, able to feel the pressure that exuded from Hakumen. The faceless mask that he wears is a terrifying sight to behold, and when he is serious those around him can feel the sheer power that Hakumen possesses. This is to the point where even Hazama and Relius, two of the main villains of BlazBlue, are utterly terrified of fighting him at the same time.

The Power of Order:
A mysterious power that apparently comes from the ability to hold true to one’s convictions, no matter what. Those who hold the Power of Order can destroy phenomena and resist intervention of many kinds. Also personified by a willpower exceeding any before seen, Hakumen was able to live for 90 years in the Boundary, a plane at the Edge of the Universe, without losing any of his sanity. He has been proven able to nullify attempts to teleport him through sheer willpower, and other such attempts will likely meet with the same fate.

Time Killer:
This is Hakumen's most fearsome attack. His ultimate move, it uses the full power of the Susano'o and Okami to destroy the time of its target. It instantly kills the target by annihilating the time between now and its eventual death, even if that said time exists at the end of time. This move can even send an immortal onto its final journey, it is truely the deadliest technique Hakumen possesses.

However, this technique is not without its limitations: it takes a good deal of time to prepare, and using it is incredibly taxing on his existence, to the point that even while under observation it can cause his form to waver and fade away if it is not reaffirmed by a truely powerful observer.

Hakumen is a phenomena at this point: his body isn't supposed to exist anymore, and as such requires constant observation, or the affirmation that he truely does exist, at all times. In the Nexus, Noel Vermillion serves as his observer, although neither of them know of this fact. What is listed on the sheet is what he normally has, however, if Noel were to actively observe him at some point, such as when she observed Ragna in CP, more of his true power would be able to manifest temporarially, increasing his abilities greatly.


Interfectum Malus: Ōkami

Hakumen's enormous nodachi Nox Nyctores. It takes the form of an immense two meter long blade with a blunt tip. It negates ars magus, magic, and seithr within a certain distance. It is an extremely sharp sword, capable of cutting and permanently damaging the murakumo units as they were warm butter. Hakumen is capable of using it to cut through space and time through the combined use of the Susano'o unit.

The Susano'o Unit:

The white armor Hakumen wears; it grants him limitless energy and incredible power. It is one of the Sankishin, the three original units, and as such draws energy directly from the boundary and as such is immune to interference with his power source. It's white surface is covered with small fully functional eyes which he sees from, giving him omnidirectional sight. It is completely indestructible, capable of weathering the strongest of blows. However, it's true purpose is to slice through time without causing a paradox.

 Origin: Hakumen is one of playable character of the BlazBlue video game series, and the sub-boss of the first game. He is widely regarded as one of the strongest characters to the point where the player is told to proceed with caution when fighting him, or at times to simply run away. He is revealed to be a version of Jin Kisaragi, Ragna the Bloodedge’s brother, from an alternate timeline, where he was thrown violently into the past after diving into the Cauldron after his brother. He awoke a little over one hundred years in the past, just a little before the arrival of the Black Beast, and was heavily injured. There, he met the vampire Rachel Alucard, who offered him a chance to become a true hero. He accepted. Discarding the name Jin Kisaragi, Hakumen was born, wielding the Nox Nyctores Ōkami and the power of the Susanoo’o Unit. As time passed, he became the leader of a group known as the Six Heroes, who banded together to stop the Black Beast once and for all, and passed the secrets of Ars Magnus (magic) to mankind.

At the end of the war, Hakumen personally slew the Black Beast, and went on to travel with a companion of his (who would later become Ragna’s master) in order to find and close the Cauldrons, which had begun to spread toxic seithr (mana) across the world. While doing so the two encountered Yūki Terumi, who had been freed from the shackles of the control spell that was placed on him. As they were near an open Cauldron, Terumi had the advantage from the seithr seeping into the air, and would have overwhelmed Jubei and Hakumen. As it stands, Hakumen urged Jubei to use a special power contained within his right eye, forcing Terumi to be moved directly onto Hakumen’s blade. As soon as that happened, Hakumen threw Terumi and himself into the Cauldron, urging Jubei to close it behind him as he did so.

Hakumen has since found himself in the Nexus and now wanders through it, destroying many vampires and werewolves and becoming known as the white death among them.

Weakness: Hakumen is extremely prideful and stubborn, to the point of refusing to work with his allies even when he knows it's nessecarry at times. As a phenomena, he requires observation in order to maintain his existence, and as such killing his current observer will cause him to fade away.

Likes: Tsubaki, Order, Jubei

Dislikes: Terumi, the Black Beast, Ragna, Nuclear Weapons, Terumi
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 06:59:22 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #71 on: March 17, 2015, 09:49:53 PM »
Name: Cole MacGrath

Race: Human (Conduit)

Age: Early 20s

Height: ~6' 0"

Weight: ~160 lbs


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: High Supernatural

Magical Ability: None.

Other Abilities:

Parkour: Before the Ray Sphere Incident, Cole was a bike messenger and an urban explorer. He is well-adapted to navigating the urban jungle and is skilled at getting from point A to point B in as little time as possible on foot.

Martial Arts: Cole is adept in martial arts, and can enhance his attacks further by charging his hands and feet with electricity, making getting hit by him be the equivalent of taking a hit from an overcharged taser in addition to being the equivalent of being punched/kicked in the face/whatever it was he hit.

Enhanced Physicality:  As a Conduit, Cole MacGrath's strength, resistance to injury, reflexes, agility, and physical abilities have all been enhanced to levels beyond that of any normal man. For example, he is capable of holding up building support beams without use of his powers and by himself without issue. He can also survive free-falling from any height without issue. He can also withstand large amounts of gunfire without any real issue. However, while he is capable of taking a lot of punishment, he is by no means invincible. Taking a direct hit from something like an RPG is out of the question for him.

Accelerated Healing: Cole gained an accelerated healing factor from the Blast, able to quickly heal any damage his body takes in, due to his body's natural ability to heal being greatly accelerated, through the stimulation of Cole's muscle tissues and his immune system when electricity isn't available. Cole was rendered impervious to most diseases except for the strongest ones, such as the extreme toxic gases that Kessler's air balloons had released (by-product of Sasha's mind-controlling Black Tar). Even these toxins did not give the user complete control over him, only causing him a lot of pain and draining him of his powers temporarily. His healing ability is further accelerated when Cole actively absorbs electricity (Electric Drain)

Electrokinesis: Cole is able to channel electricity in and out of his body in a variety of ways. Some examples are below.

Spoiler for Hiden:
  • Radar Pulse: Radar Pulse's primary use lies in detecting energy sources and Blast Shards, but can also be used to track nearby hostiles. Can also be used to aid in tracking the faint echoes created by Psychic Vision.
  • Psychic Vision: This is one of the few non-offensive powers Cole gains. It involves Cole touching somebody who is usually recently dead to extract their residual neuro-electric energy from their neurons' synapses to create a faint outline of the deceased's or the killer's recent path.
  • Induction Jump: This move allows Cole to reach higher places with environmental obstacles such as cars and electrified rails.
  • Gigawatt Blades: Cole forms blades of pure energy around each of his hands which allow him to cause massive amounts of damage while melee attacking. This technique channels a high concentration of electricity to Cole's hands. The amount of energy is so great that it becomes visible. This produces heavy amounts of damage that is fatal to anything that isn't as hardy as a Conduit. Even then only Conduits with abilities that let them armor themselves (Dust Men Conduits, whose powers let them form Golems made of junkyard scrap around them, are a good example) or who are just extremely hardy by themselves can withstand more than one strike from the Gigawatt blades. The trade-off here is that the Gigawatt blades are single use, have to be retriggered after use, and use a fair bit of energy.
  • Lightning Bolt: Cole's primary offensive ability is to fire an Electrokinetic bolt of lightning out of his hands and onto any target he has it aimed to. This bolt passes a current through any target, stunning enemies, electrifying bodies of water (thus killing anyone in it), or charge up electric devices. The power packs a fair bit of punch, capable of killing human enemies with only a few hits, with other Conduits a fair bit more. In truth, the bolt is more like an extremely long-range static shock, crossing the distance from Cole's hand to the first thing it strikes almost instantly. After activating the Ray Sphere for a second time, Cole's lightning has become even more powerful, with a single direct hit usually being lethal to most humans and only a few more achieving the same results with normal Conduits, though Conduits with some sort of ability to armor themselves fare slightly better.

    Additionally, landing a head-shot with a bolt will trigger a massive electrical explosion, usually killing the target and severely wounding those around them, if not killing them outright as well.
  • Precision: Cole can heighten his senses and amp up his reflexes massively by "overcharging" certain areas of the brain to make his shots more accurate, increase the range of his bolts, and make each shot much more powerful than the standard shot.This mode quickly drains him of energy, each bolt thrown in this state carries a substantial cost, and Cole can't fire them nearly as quickly as he can fire normal bolts.
  • Arc Lightning: A continuous stream of lightning shot from Cole's hands that chains off of conductive surfaces and enemies. The lightning can branch off infinitely within its effective range, striking any conductive object in range (Think Sith lightning.). This power makes quick work of most foes, human and Conduit alike, and triggers massive electrical explosions upon death.

Electromagnetism: This allows him to use electricity in order to generate magnetic and anti-magnetic effects. Some possible uses are listed below.

Spoiler for Hiden:
  • Kinetic Pulse: Cole uses this power to effortlessly lift a variety of objects ranging from chairs, tables, crates, and barrels to heavy objects such as cars and dumpsters, and throw them as a projectile towards enemies. He is able to launch the object in any direction he so please with a shockwave. For some reason, objects thrown in this manner will always release an explosion upon impact.
  • Thunder Drop: Cole jumps from a high place, charges his body with electricity, then hits the ground at full force, sending a massive shockwave of energy in all directions, with the size of the shockwave varying depending on how far he fell. Anything caught within the blast radius that can conduct electricity is also electrified.
  • Shock Grenade: Using his powers, Cole binds an explosive kinetic charge with Electromagnetism and throws it, with the charge exploding a few seconds after impact. The charge bounces off walls and sticks to active hostiles and friendlies alike. At his current level, Cole launches a cluster of seven of these grenades that separates upon impact, with each individual grenade causing significant splash damage. Creating one of these clusters consumes a fair bit of energy.
  • Megawatt Hammer: Cole traps a massive explosive charge in a swirling rocket-like mass, that explodes on contact. This attack can pass through chain link fences, which Cole's normal attacks can't pass through for the most part. At this level, there are six mini-rockets attached to each 'main' rocket that attach themselves to targets before exploding.
  • Shockwave: An electric shockwave that can be used to push people and objects out of Cole's way, this move can send cars flying into the air without much issue. At this level, this blast is immediately lethal to most humans, electrifies anything caught in it, and causes cars to blow up.
  • Static Thrusters: Allows Cole to 'hover' in the air for a few seconds before gravity takes over. Regardless, it allows him to slow his fall and to glide to a degree. At this level, there is a moment of up-thrust before the hovering stage.
  • Induction Grind: Allows Cole to grind along metal wires and railings at a very rapid speed. At this level, Cole will continuously recharge while grinding.
  • Polarity Wall: Cole creates an electromagnetic force field to protect himself from most forms of harm. The shield is almost completely impervious to gunfire, though it only blocks in one direction. Additionally, it can block some conduit powers. At this level, any projectiles absorbed by the shield will recharge Cole.
  • Bio-Leech: Drains the neuro-electricity from a target's brain, completely healing Cole and restoring his energy. At this level, Cole experiences a brief high after successfully draining someone where he is briefly overcharged by the sudden influx of energy.
  • Pulse Heal: Heals downed people with a quick burst of electricity.
  • Arc Restraints: Creates electricity-based restraints that hold the target to the ground.
  • Lightning Storm: Calls down a literal lightning storm from the sky, carving out a trail of carnage in the area. All but the hardiest of foes are exterminated by this ability like moths coming too close to a fire. It doesn't need to be said that most vehicles don't even stand a chance. While this is the costliest of Cole's powers, requiring an investment to summon and further draining him as it is used, Cole can move the lightning strikes in any direction except for back towards him and can direct where they are summoned.

Equipment: A phone, a camera, and a walkie-talkie, all modified to not explode when he picks them up, and the clothes on his back.


Before the blast, Cole MacGrath wasn't someone you'd usually notice. Just a bike messenger, a guy you wouldn't know delivering packages to people you'd never see.

Then the blast happened, and city blocks were reduced to rubble, countless people killed in the blast, and Cole was right in the center of the blast. He wasn't just fine. It turned out that he was a Conduit, and the explosion awakened his powers.

After a long recovery, Cole finally gained control of his powers. By that time, the city had been placed under quarantine and three gangs, the Reapers, the Dust Men, and the First Sons, had each carved out a section of the city for their own. After a botched attempt to escape the quarantine, Cole returned to the city under instructions from an FBI agent to retrieve a man she claimed to be her husband. Cole slowly worked his way through the city, his powers developing and growing stronger as he went along. Along the way, he found the identity of the device that he'd been carrying on that fateful day.

The Ray Sphere had been specifically designed to awaken the powers of people like Cole, known as Conduits, through the sacrifice of a large number of normals. And Cole, along with his longtime friend Zeke Dunbar, found another one. A long and bloody battle, followed by betrayal and tragedy in turn, left Cole no closer to a way out, and in fact short a few friends. Zeke defected to the First Sons after failing to use the Ray Sphere to gain powers of his own, following the advice of the leader of the First Sons, a man named Kessler. Trish, Cole's longtime girlfriend, died soon after when Kessler tricked Cole, forcing him to chose between saving Trish and a group of doctors, only for 'Trish' to turn out to be a decoy, with the real Trish disguised as one of the now doomed doctors.

Yet more destruction and carnage would pass before Cole would finally find the man the agent had sent him to find. With his help, Cole finally finds the second Ray Sphere. Realizing that using it again will likely make him more powerful, Cole activates the Ray Sphere. John, the man in question, tried to stop him, only to be sucked into the vortex created by the Ray Sphere. Now more powerful than ever, Cole finally confronts Kessler. After a long hard battle, Cole finally deals the finishing blow. His revelry is cut off, however, when Kessler shows Cole a vision of the future to reveal that he is another version of Cole. One whose world fell victim to a seemingly unstoppable conduit known as 'The Beast'. Kessler had initially run away, but soon there was nowhere to run. In a moment of desperation, Kessler had gone back in time to prepare the past version of himself for the confrontation, arranging all the events just so Cole would be ready.

But, alas, it was all for naught. Cole cared not for the Beast. All that mattered was that he had power, and that gave him the right to rule over the city. A freak accident transporting him to the Nexus a few months later didn't matter too much to Cole, only that he had something to satisfy the boredom that had been plaguing him since tearing Empire City down on a whim.

Weaknesses: Large bodies of water (He'll electrocute himself if the water is deeper than waist-high), Chain Link fences (most of his attacks will get caught on the fence, leaving anyone behind said fence free to shoot away at him), his healing factor only keeps him going for so long, enough damage sustained within a short enough time frame will kill him, when out of energy, Cole can only perform minimal actions and attacks. Also, Cole's body reacts to the energy that's surrounding him. If energy is absent in the area, he will weaken, which makes him even more vulnerable, considering that there is no where for him to absorb electricity.

Cole is unable to use guns, for the gunpowder reacts to the electricity at the palm of his hand, heating it up enough for the gun to explode. For this same reason, Cole can't sit in a car, though he can stand on top of one just fine (his rubber shoes insure this.)

Likes: Becoming more powerful, getting to have his way, Zeke, Trish (though this is a bit of sore spot for him)
Dislikes: Kessler, Sasha, Alden, Zeke, water, chain-link fences, guns, large bodies of water.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 01:14:42 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #72 on: March 18, 2015, 03:25:30 PM »
Name: Urthemiel, Dragon of Beauty

Race: Old God

Age: 1000+

Height: 6 feet 2 inches

Weight: 165 lbs.

Appearance: Urthemiel was worshipped as the Dragon of Beauty for a very good reason. Even though he is male constellations of beautiful women that were attributed to him and his status as the Dragon of Beauty have  influenced his human appearance. Urthemiel embodies the best in both men and women and that is made readily apparent by his facial features. He combines masculine features and feminine features together in order to create a flawless synergy that makes it almost impossible to tell whether he is a guy or girl but achieves a beauty that mortals cannot reach. His skin is relatively pale and his luscious, raven black hair reaches down to his waist and is tinged at its edges with a light purple. Urthemiel’s eyes reflect his draconic nature much more readily with slitted pupils and the deep purple that matches his dragon form’s scales exactly. His style of clothing often changes but he does favor slightly bulky clothing with long collars to confuse other people.

As a dragon:

Physical Attributes

(Stats) = The stats of Urthemiel’s dragon form.

Strength: Exceptional (Fantastic)
Agility: Exceptional (Exceptional)
Constitution: Exceptional (Fantastic)

Other Abilities:

Magical Ability - Extremely High: Mages call upon their internal stores of mana in order to draw power from the Fade, a mystical realm that is formless unless the will of a powerful enough being enforces its imagination to give the Fade more substance. Urthemiel is one of the Old Gods, powerful entities that either were or assumed the form of dragons. All of them have shown the capability to navigate the Fade while they sleep. Urthemiel may not be the strongest of his kin but his ability to manipulate arcane power is still far beyond that of many magic users.

Schools of Magic: Mere formalities to a being that has delved as deep into the Fade as Urthemiel, the schools of magic were created by mortal mages to categorize magical phenomena.

Arcane: The most basic of all schools and the basis upon most mages hone their craft. It is mostly made up of abilities and training that help a mage master his craft in general but there are a few more direct spells to help a spellcaster. The Arcane Bolt is a relatively weak spell and is more fit to killing perfectly average humans than anything even remotely supernatural, yet it has the curious ability to phase through objects to directly strike at an enemy which is rather useful despite its lack of potency compared to Urthemiel's other spells. The other spell is a purely defensive one. the Arcane Shield. In its most basic form it helps divert attacks from the caster but doesn't make stop them from being hit if the strike is accurate enough, but Urthemiel has mastered its use so that it allows her to step partway into the Fade. This grants her Magic Resistance: Medium and is capable of dodging purely physical hits as long as they aren't accurate enough strikes to hit her directly. Glancing blows and the such are much less likely to hit.

Primal: The most offensive of all the schools is the Primal school. The elements bend to Urthemiel’s commands for terrifying effects. Fire can be launched as a stream, ball, or unleashed as a destructive column of swirling flame. Earth can coat the Old God’s body and shield it from harm, be fired in chunks at enemies, or Urthemiel can cause a minor earthquake that makes enemies lose their footing but will not cause massive damage unless the ground is already unstable. He can also turn the earth into a thick mud and harden it again to trap people. A powerful form of earth magic involves entombing an enemy in solid stone. This can only really trap enemies with normal strength. Ice can be released as a stream that coats everything in its path, chilling air can swirl around an opponent and freeze them, and terrible blizzards can be conjured. Then there is lightning which can be fired as countless bolts from Urthemiel’s hands, a single blast can be fired from longer distances, raging tempests can be called, and electricity that leaps from one target to the next can be fired. Urthemiel can use any of the elements to enchant the weapons of her allies to give them an extra boost against enemies.

Creation: The school of creation can be used for healing but also includes the creation of glyphs that affect the battlefield. Urthemiel can cast healing magic on himself or on others. He is also capable of inscribing glyphs that can paralyze, put others to sleep, send out waves of repulsion, ones that ward an area from attacks, and glyphs that neutralize the magic of a caster and his spells. The first two can be resisted by beings with enough strength although due to Urthemiel’s magical prowess it requires a significant level of physical power to completely ignore glyphs. He can also create a mobile barrier around him and others but it will weaken over time.

Spirit: A school that deals with anti mage spells and very dangerous spells involving the body. With this school Urthemiel can release a wave of his own mana to destroy his opponent’s which causes a powerful backlash effect on the victim, convert corpses into mana, create a powerful, damaging curse that makes the victim explode upon death which transmits the curse onto any other enemies near, and it allows him to animate corpses which lets him make use of a dead enemy’s skills at the cost of the subject’s intellect. There are other, more efficient ways to nullify magic. A shield can be created to absorb the mana from a spell and send it to the Fade. This weakens the magic and when used in conjunction with Arcane Shield it can nullify some weaker magic with ease, and even some higher grade spells can be made inconsequential. For a mere ten seconds Urthemiel can place an anti-magical ward on someone that grants them Magic Resistance: Extremely High for a few seconds. Due to its high cost compared to his other means Urthemiel prefers to use it only in dangerous situations. This ward cancels all magic, which means the person cannot be healed or buffed either. He can also dispel existing magical effects like barriers, buffs, debuffs, and even wards.

Shapeshifting: A less well known form of magic but still quite formidable. It requires one to know extensively about the being they wish to become and a fair amount of mana depending on how large the creature is. Urthemiel can shift into his original dragon form, a dog, a bear, and a myriad of beautiful birds. This also allows him to shape his physical features while in human form. The magic necessary to shift shapes makes using magic in his other forms impossible without reverting back to a human, so for example he is restricted to physical strength and fire breath when transformed into a dragon.

Blood Magic: A forbidden and sacrilegious art. Blood Magic requires the sacrifice of life energy in the form of blood in order to perform its spells. With this art Urthemiel can fuel and enhance his normal spells with blood, boil an enemy’s blood in their veins, heal himself, drain the residual life force from corpses to heal himself, or control another living being by damaging himself or someone else. The blood control can be resisted if one has a strong enough will but it is still very damaging to someone due to the manipulation of their blood. This control is also considered as both a physical and mental manipulation and can be overcome by a strong enough will. Blood Magic also allows Urthemiel to summon demons and spirits from the Fade and bind them to his will. If a wound or death was violent the blood magic becomes more powerful depending on how violent it was. Urthemiel can also perform blood magic rituals with his dragon blood to create Reavers.

Urthemiel can also visit other people’s dreams while he sleeps and can speak with them from within the Fade.

Other Abilities:

Dragon of Beauty: Urthemiel will look good in anything. From the flimsiest rags to the grandiose garments of a king Urthemiel manages to look fantastic at all times. He is also much more graceful than normal humans and it is extremely difficult for him to trip, slip, or fall even in the most trying of circumstances. As a man he is handsome beyond compare and as a woman the Old God is beauty unparalleled. He is also an excellent artist, cook, actor, and an occasional poet. He is also masterful with nearly any instrument that he uses.

The Calling:

“It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever heard. Aching and ethereal, it seemed to pull her toward a memory of nostalgic bliss that she had somehow lost..."

All Old Gods call those who have the Taint within them towards their prisons within the earth. When close enough the sound is clearly audible and not simply something resonating into the minds of the tainted ones through the Blight. While there may be no darkspawn in the Nexus the terrible beauty and awful yearning of the call is in no degree lessened. It may mesmerize people with its wondrous song and quicken hearts with the urgency hidden under the euphoric notes but it does not control people in any way.
Intuition: The Old Gods were fascinating beings with an ability to sense things that they shouldn’t be able to and this trait is retained by Urthemiel. He can sense mages and easily pick them out in a crowd and can also tell if something is immortal due to sensing that their blood is “old”. He can also sense if a being is affected by magic. Certain races can also be distinguished such as humans, elves, Qunari, and those touched by dragons or who are dragons.

Origin: The Old Gods are enigmas even to the greatest minds of Thedas. some consider them to be powerful spirits, simple yet powerful dragons, or even deities. Regardless Urthemiel cares not for their trifling assumptions. After the Fifth Blight and the extraction of his soul into the body of a newborn Urthemiel was eventually lost after being extracted by Mythal. His soul waited for a long time until it called out to a powerful mage which he bargained with and  possessed. Then he journeyed across Thedas for some time until he arrived at the Nexus. This is something he has found incredibly pleasing due to the fact that the Chantry apparently does not exist here. Without any Templars hunting him or any enemies at all he makes himself quite comfortable in this cesspit of a city. While he is still powerful and free from the Taint the scars left by the experience were not pleasant and have weakened Urthemiel.

Weakness: Urthemiel is much more fragile in his human form than in most of his others. His physical attributes are greatly reduced to match his frail body, so a blade to the heart will slay him and even transforming into a dragon will only magnify the wound so it retains the same damage. He is also incapable of using any magic while in a different form and must rely on the natural abilities of the creatures he transforms into.

Likes: Beautiful things. The Dragon of Beauty is delighted with aesthetically appealing people and things, but also finds a few personality traits beautiful as well.

Dislikes: Ugly things. Objects that look or smell foul are things that Urthemiel detest and he also finds quite a few personality traits quite ugly as well. He also dislikes scars.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 03:29:45 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #73 on: March 22, 2015, 04:39:51 AM »
Name:  Keji Ki
Race: Human
Age: 19
Height: 6'0
Weight: 170
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Despite his geeky appearance, his body is in fact, well toned though not particularly muscular. He's a relatively athletic person for his age.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Human
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Magic Ability: Mundane - Incapable of magecraft.

Other Abilities:
Willpower: If there was a parameter that Keji could be said to be talented in, it would be willpower. For starters, it's usually difficult to motivated him to do something - let alone protect it. However, once he is determined, Keji will stop at nothing to fulfill the task. Nothing can prevent him from continuing to persevere - Not hypnosis, not illusions, nothing. Split the universe in half and he'll still retain an unwavering conviction to do what he has decided for himself.

Willpower Manifestation - Stand (Yes, JoJo): Keji's incredible willpower enables him to manifest it in a physical form. It's equivalent to the stands that you see in JoJo. The Stand retains the same physical parameters as Keji does at all times - Temporarily enhancing his strength will also enable the Stand's for instance. Injuring the stand will also reflect the same injuries on Keji. The Stand has a range of 20 meters away from Keji and cannot individually move past that point. Something particular to note about the stand is its superhuman precision, reaction time, and sight however. Though Keji himself is not bestowed such abilities, it only takes a second for the stand to transmit the information to Keji.

One Man Army: Keji's physical parameters gradually increase as there are more people present. This is more or less limited to how many people he can perceive. The definition of 'people' extends to all living lifeforms capable of a certain level of intelligence' (Vampires would fit this definition, while canines and corpses would not). Pit him together with a million people and you'd have a game-breaker before you - He's still helpless if you put 5 people together who each all individually outclass him.

Union: Keji has this charisma that strangely bewitches and appeals to others of all shapes and sizes. It's akin to Lancer (F/Z)'s gaze and perhaps the mystical eyes, except it isn't forceful. One can choose to reject or accept it - And it's meant to be a mutual vow to become buddies with everybody. Well, almost everyone.

He also has some experience training Bajiquan (Kotomine!) and Muai Thai.

Equipment: Headsets, Cellphone, Laptop, Glasses

Origin: A regular high-school graduate. He grew up spending his days in the arcades, grinding matches at the cabinets while studying how to use to computers. He was never a social outcast, but also never possessed exceptional characteristics that would normally enable others to notice him. Over the course of the years, Keji grew to often switch 'n' change his weekly or monthly obsessions. Take for example: programming, fitness, wall 'ninja' jumps, designing 'great-tasting' energy drinks, pen-spinning, playing chicken, and so on.

One day, the Nexus popped out of nowhere and spontaneously pulled him in. He grew to become slightly familiar of the world, realizing that supernatural beings do in fact, exist here.

It didn't take long before zombies came after him - The weakened type that had the durability but not enhanced physical parameters. In the spur of the moment, Keji awoke his stand. It didn't help him too much in the battle given that he was cornered, but it enabled some lee-way to run away because the hit-while-running approach was now possible.

Right now, he works part-time in a dessert-cafe, looking for some thighs and eventually, a way out of this messy world.

Weakness: Legs. For this one fetish will cause his downfall - To this day, he is still looking for a perfect set of thick legs to hold and caress.

Standard human weaknesses also apply.

Likes: Legs. Thighs in particular. 'Thick' legs covered with black thigh-highs absolutely drive him nuts even if his facial expression says otherwise. He's also relatively fond of technology (smartphones, laptops, gadgets), mixtures of fruit-juice, manga, His parents, sharp-tongued women and heroes.

Dislikes: Coffee and tea. Loners and depressed people also get on his nerves - Basically anybody who isn't open to socializing.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 07:20:59 AM by Beyond »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #74 on: March 22, 2015, 11:59:37 PM »
Name: Tohuw Balagan

Aliases: Lliterally anything he comes up with

Race: Demon

Age: ???

Height: ???

Weight: 764 lbs


When he isn’t trying to be sneaky shifty, Tohuw assumes the form of a fairly young man, seemingly in his early 20’s. Short brown hair and a pristine face, his blue eyes woo all the ladies (to his dismay). He is rather lean, without any visible bulk, although he is actually quite more athletic than he lets believe. His most prominent feature his the single fang that sticks out, and his tail. He tries to hide it, but it’s hard, it always moves where he doesn’t want to! However, this shape he takes is but a mere facade, one of the many faces of the demon called Tohuw Balagan.

Spoiler for actual form:
His true form is one of an unsightly blob, a mass of cancerous meat goo far too disgusting and unsightly to belong to a living creature. It's swollen blisters and writhing blob-like blob are of a dark black-ish tint, numerous eyes of all possible colours, shapes and sizes bulging out of the mass of flesh.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic Scale: High

Tohuw is extremely proficient in magic, possessing the ability to bend reality itself to a degree and cause phenomena that defy logic. Truly his magical prowess embodies his chaotic nature.

Animation: The ability to give life to inanimate objects. As long as it is not magical or organic of nature, Tohuw can bring it life. Street poles will act like snakes, tables will walk, books will fly, armours will fight in his stead and so far so forth. As long as his imagination allows it, the object can be animated in any way possible. However, this magic is by no means invincible.

For one, a light emanating from the demon’s left hand must light objects animated. Very bright, if one was to cover the object or block the light trough any means, the animation would not occur. It must also be noted that the larger the object, the stronger the animation will be, thus the longer it will take to animate. While the time to do so is not too long, the window is exploitable by all means. Finally, the animated objects are still… objects. You will be fighting drawers and chairs yo. That is dope, but like, if you can break the chairs and drawers, it’s all good and stuff until Toe fixes it and it all starts all over again. Eventually he'll tire out though, so that is a plus.

Order degradation: The ability to bypass the laws of chemistry, physics and logic. You don't need them when you are awesome anyway. Floating, walking vertically and ignoring friction are all possible to him. Making things heavier then they should or making people or objects float at his leisure is also possible. To add more, he can change other objects’ properties, such as turning your computer liquid (not melting it, turning it runny like water) or turning liquid into a solid-like substance. Oh, he can probably walk on water too. This ability is mostly suited for modifying silly meaningless things, like color. Turning people green is fun and games. However, it can also be used to undo nearly any damage he causes on physical objects, and its uses in combat cannot be underestimated.

Imagination manifestation: Tohuw can manifest mundane physical objects such as glasses, toys, umbrellas, giant screws, candy canes, cakes, tables, statues and the like. He could make weapons appear out of thin air, but that’s no fun, so he won’t. Unless it’s a gun that shoots potatoes or something that is. Or unless he takes you seriously, which he won't.

He may not animate objects he manifests, and there is a limit to how much he may manifest at once. Said limit, while not massive, is clearly finite. He could make a hundred screws pop from the ground if he tried, but he couldn't make a thousand or a million no matter what. They are not as hard to break as metal at most, and even then they can be shattered with enough force. That is because Toe sucks at physics and cannot imagine how molecules work. Let's say he makes a cage of cold iron, it will not be as tough or heavy as actual iron (although still pretty close if he actually puts his heart into it.) Creating objects of grand design is also much, much harder, for he must imagine every single detail in the process. Finally, while this ability is similar to the concept of creating matter out of nothing, it is not quite it. Rather, it is imposing an image of reality into the world, to bend and twist the world into one's image. If he was to create a balloon, the balloon was not made out of nothing more than it was always there to begin with, or rather, happened.

Other Abilities:

Soul Harvesting: Toe can take souls of his contractors, the recently deceased or any that are just hanging around and eat them! He usually does this by transmuting them into candy, but he can also just take souls and store them for later consumption in some other shape. He can sort through the souls in his possession and learn things about them in appropriately cartoony fashion, but he can't alter them or twist their traits in any way. He also can't rip souls away from the living or beings in which they still sustain a will or form unless they offer it to him. Finally, plucked souls can be stored inside other things as long as they are things. For example, a mighty dragon would certainly not fit as easily in a cat themed eraser than a normal human. Note that Tohuw CANNOT put souls in other bodies, fake puppets and other body transfer shenanigans. However, if someone else could do so, the souls he harvests could be used for that effect.

Allergy to sunlight: Tohuw is allergic to the sun, and will sneeze abundantly when exposed to it’s light. Thus, he prefers shady places (wink wink).
Aversion to the divine: Divine mojo messes his game, it’s that simple.
Demonic nature: He is a demon, so yeah. He doesn’t really age either, which is cool and all.
Divination: He can tell your future! 99% he is bullshitting you though. Tarot cards are pretty stylin though, so it’s still neat.
Shape shifting: The ability to change one’s shape at will, being capable of modifying his smell, voice and appearance to nearly anything, however his weight will always remain unchanged. Not that it matters since he can float like a helium balloon when he feels like it, but if he gets careless, you could tell he is a bit heavier than he should be, especially if he takes the appearance of a mouse or small animal, even able to turn himself into inanimate objects. Thus, he can change his density to become goo, rubber, or anything! However, turning into a liquid or gas is like, bad. He is very very shifty like a master of disguise.
Thy name is not of blessed: If one is to know of his true name, Tohuw will be compelled to show grace. Because of this, he will be unable to cause any harm directly or indirectly to said individual.


There was once a girl who sat on a bed of roses. All she saw was destruction, and all she could see became real. One thing is for sure, she had the most stunning eyes.

A cane ornate with an exquisite crimson ruby (that happens to taste like cherry, not kidding.), this demonic artifact can cause small scale calamities, such as mini tornadoes, mini tsunamis, mini earthquakes… all the good stuff. Basically it will fuck shit up big time. However, he doesn’t like using it due to it’s destructive nature, and using it will make his juice go dry. Presumably he won it in a bet against some dark lord of darkness and leader of a dark army of dark demons. He actually bought it in a flea shop in India. It was quite affordable. Or maybe not. Who knows? Well, maybe not. Honestly, the story changes every fucking time. One thing is for sure, this staff is not an ordinary staff, or rather, the gem. It has a will, a persona and a consciousness. In other words, she is somewhat sentient although still bound to Toe. However, she has a pretty bad temper, so if it were more than a mere shard, shit would get real. However, its a mere shard of what Toe calls Buddy. Or is she? Probably, who knows? If one checked it, the Gem would probably appear to be some kind of eldritch abomination, a daemonic existence whose sole purpose, means and result are destruction. While she is asleep, she will awaken when turned on. Its almost as if someone was sleeping inside that mysterious ruby, trapped in Pandora’s Box.

Monocle of fanciness: A fancy monocle.
Fancy Tux: A fancy white tux.
Fancy top hat: A fancy white top hat.
Fancy Cape: A fancy white cape.
The world: He's got the whole world in his hands~!

Origin: Tohuw Balagan is a fairly powerful demon with simple tastes. He despises boredom, and loves humans. Whenever he could, he would toy around with them and cause mischief all over the world. One day, a human challenged him in a game, betting his soul. Was Tohuw to win, he would claim ownership of yet another soul to collect. However, if he lost, he would be to leave the earth forever and free the man’s wife, who’s soul he claimed in a game of ping pong a few years prior. He lost, somehow. In fact, he still blames the sun for stinging him and making him draw a bad card. Still, he lost, and had to comply. Leaving the human realm, his special train express was jumbled and it burst, leaving him to fall into the Nexus.
Well, at least it wouldn’t be boring.
Weakness: Holy or divine objects, crosses, the sun to an extent, being stuck in a small isolated area (he might be claustrophobic, but he will never admit it, ever), light based attacks (they do 2x damage he says). Pandora usage makes him exhausted, and his overall playful and aloof attitude makes him take situations lightly, which can be taken advantage of (THAT HUBRIS). While you kick his shit, he has trouble focusing on stuff, so he can't really manifest things if he is being cornered like a cur. Also, despite his demonic nature, he is quite squishy, and wounds will hurt like a bitch if he can't keep up with them.
Likes: Playing tricks and pranks on people, practical jokes, humour, popular culture, hopes an dreams of children, crushing hopes and dreams of not children, conflicts that don't involve him, interesting fellows, fooling around, fun, your tears, doing fun things with fun people, being grandiose and magnificent, being himself, cake, fun, humiliating arrogant bitches, beating arrogant bitches.
Dislikes: Boredom, boring people, overly serious situations, fighting (or so he claims), getting hurt, purple (for now), holier than thou talk, not being treated like the best thing ever, people who think they are the best thing ever when the best thing ever is clearly him, people who think they are better than him when they clearly are not since he is the best thing ever, people who are better than him period, being disrespected, you.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 05:57:20 PM by francobull3 »