Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone  (Read 95122 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2014, 10:17:01 PM »
Name: Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald

Race: Human (Magus)

Age: 35


Series: Fate/Zero

        Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Magic Ability: High (A prodigy among even those at the clocktower with the rare dual element of wind and water and often called a genius at everything he does, especially in regard to spiritual evocation and necromancy. He was also the youngest lecturer in his department’s history. Examples of his talents include his hacking of the holy grail war, the Volumen Hydrargyrum, the ability to instantly create a minor bounded field to keep normal human humans from interfering in his business, and the Hyatt Hotel.)

Other Abilities:

Water and Wind: Kayneth’s magical elements, these grant him great affinity with magical properties in regards to manipulating those elements, they also grant him expert talents in regards to summoning, alchemy, and spiritual evocation. However his lineage and crest are large enough to allow him to also expertly deal in other elements  just not as effectively as the above ones.

Volumen Hydragen: His most reliable invention, the Volumen Hydrargyrum aka the Marrow of the Moon Spirit is a mystic code hand crafted by Kayneth himself. It’s an automated self-defense/offense code designed to be usable in almost any combat situation while also allowing Kayneth to dirty his hands without having to do so himself. The speed of which it can react to danger is faster than the speed of a bullet and it active so long as Kayneth wills it to be as long as he remains conscious and has working magical capabilities. Because of it’s liquid like state and the amount of magical rituals implanted into it, it is extremely hard to destroy but because of it’s liquid form one could manipulate the differing pressures and the amount of time it takes to thicken by using a weak attack immediately followed by something far stronger. However since five years have passed since the fourth holy grail war, the mystic code has been improved over time, allowing for a lower management cost and quicker reaction times.

A Noble's Heritage: Being the ninth head of the Archibald family Kayneth's knowledge of the magical world is extensive being able to recognize things such as Kiritsugu's Time Accel from just a mere glance of it's activation. He also contains a way to contact his associates in the clocktower using the Volumen Hydrargyrum but such means are probably blocked by the fact of being in another dimension.

Other spells of note:

Spiritualis Terminus Incipe: Kayneth has great affinity with spiritual invocation, one of his greatest findings was a method to interrupt the spiritual core of a being essentially destroying them from the inside out no matter how strong their abilities are. This spell is a beam of pure light and when it makes contact with anything magical or spiritual in nature it begins to eat them from the inside out. Weaker beings such as familiars are instantly destroyed while stronger beings take a few more seconds of concentrated fire to bring down. When hit a the being will receive an intense never ending pain as if being eaten from the inside out and their body begins to disintegrate. Foes with magic resistance of C or higher can resist of ignore this attack completely while physical beings are only effected from the raw prana being flooded through the air similar to a burning beam of light. This attack resembles a grand ritual and as such requires a workshop equal to a week's worth of effort and Kayneth's full attention to be activated.


A Noble’s Coat: The dark blue coat that Kayneth wears during daily life and when going outside into the field. It has been greatly reinforced with magical charms implemented into every seam. This is the equivalent to wearing a set of steel armor while also being as light as a normal coat. However because it is so magically coated it is very difficult to hide and unless preparations are made beforehand to conceal it he will stick out like a sore thumb.

Catalyst Glove: A glove given to him by his former Servant Diarmuid Ua Dhuibne, while it is just a normal fingerless leather glove it contains a strong connection to his former Servant and would act as an excellent catalyst to summon him. Kayneth keeps it on his person at all times in case that need arrives.

Origin: After the events of the fourth holy grail war and the death of his fiance due to the curse of angra mainyu Kayneth immediately began research into curses of a similar nature while also training his only son Bram. Working to improve his offensive talents and magical potential he is silently preparing to one day recover the Greater Grail so that he might study it further.

It is during this time that he is brought into the Nexus City and the world of Cross Effects.

Weaknesses: Conventional means of attack (Guns, Explosives, etc.), Those who have a higher magical affinity than he does.

Likes: Sola, Bram, Nobles with a long line of magical lineage.

Dislikes: Arrogant students, magi who do not follow the code to the letter, Sola being mentioned.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 07:39:04 AM by Milbunk »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #46 on: December 25, 2014, 10:37:33 PM »
Name: Abigail Summers

Race: Changeling (Seelie Faerie/Human)

Age: 21

Height: 5’8

Weight: 127

Appearance:  Abigail, being Fae, is extraordinarily attractive young woman.  She has long, straight true red hair that she tends to wear in a pony tail, braid, or a bun to keep out of her face.  Her large eyes are a golden-green, like a peridot and her skin is fair with a smattering of freckles from her mother’s side of the family.  She has pointed ears.

She is slightly above average height and is slim with curves in all the right places.

Abigail generally dresses in jeans or neutral colored cargo pants, an olive green military coat and neutral colored shirts and sweaters. 

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human and Exceptional when strengthened with magic.

Agility: Human and Exceptional when strengthened with magic.

Constitution: Human and Exceptional when strengthened with magic.

Other Abilities:
Bookworm- Abigail is very talented at research and gaining knowledge, and using the knowledge she receives.
Empathy- She can sense emotions and tell if someone is lying or not.
Gymnastics- She took gymnastics and dance when she was younger to help explain why she was so inhumanly graceful.  She still keeps up with the gymnastics to this day.   She can also Parkor to a limited extent.
Pick-Pocket- It’s not an ability she likes to use often, but she’s a talented pickpocket.  It comes from her dad’s side of the family.
Regeneration- Due to a protective blessing from her Father and grandmother, if injured and not dead her body automatically starts to heal herself back to true.  If the wound is dealt with iron and no longer in her body, the healing process is slower but remarkably rapid for someone part Fae.
Magical Power: High, once she loses her Virginity, Very High.
Abigail’s magical ability isn’t about flashy destruction or raw power.  It’s for more delicate and intricate workings such as illusions, Thaumaturgy, veils, Glamour, and Shields.  (For you Dresden Files readers, think kind of like Molly.)

Divination:- Abigail can put herself in a trance so she can glimpse into the past or future.  Her visions of the future are very limited, but her visions of the past are close to post-cognitive clairvoyance.

Scrying: Abigail can find anyone anywhere with some time and something with a connection to her target.

Veils:  With a few quick chants, Abigail can hide something completely from all senses, even supernatural ones.  It only lasts a few minutes.  The longer she hides the said object, especially if it’s a big one, the more it drains her.  (Note, once post-virginity she can hold Veils up longer.)

Glamour/Illusions: With Glamour she can make something’s appearance completely change without changing the item at all.  Once the Glamour wears off the item/person returns back to true. 

With her Illusions, Abigail can make things appear that aren’t truly there and is limited by her own imagination and energy. 

Thaumaturgy- With Thaumaturgy she can take tasks that while could be done with mundane methods but take a long time into something faster and more time efficient.   She just needs the materials to do so, and she can fix broken objects this way as well.  Can do minor healing this way as well.

Also good for Analysis- she can determine something’s making and composition while doing this.   

Shields/Wards:  When given time, Abigail can create complex wards that have specific and multiple functions.  Like the ward at her apartment that allows people to enter only if they’ve been given an invitation and will physically reject someone if they haven’t

Shields are her go to for defense.  The longer prep time she has, the greater ability the shield has.  A quickly thrown up shield can do things like block bullets for a few rounds while one that she has some time to prepare will have multiple layers and can take absurd amounts of punishment.  However they last only for as long as Abigail can power them while Wards are permanent.

Extra Sensory Perception:  If focused, Abigail can become completely aware of the environment and beings around her.

Miss Dolittle: She can communicate with animals.

She can also do things like store magical energy in crystals for her to use as a boost.  She’s also learning how to create enchanted items.  She can also strengthen herself, others, and items with magic.  Like reinforcement.   

Post Virginity
These are abilities that Abigail can use once she uses her virginity.
Knockback: A defensive/offensive spell that does what it says.  It throws someone back a couple of meters.
Light Ball: A simple light spell that acts like a good quality torch or flashlight.
Flash Bang:  Combination of a highly intense Light Ball and Knockback with a deafening noise thrown in.  It’s great for disorienting someone trying to kill her.
Instantaneous Shielding:  If in danger, without even knowing it, Abigail can throw up a quick shield to protect herself before she can build a real one.

Quartz Circlet: Abigail wears a circle of quartz points around her left wrist.  They help boost her magical ability and she often stores magical power within them.

Quartz Pendulum: She uses it to scry and wears it under her shirt.

Flying Broomstick: Her first enchanted item?  She enchanted a broomstick for her to fly and hold her weight plus another person if need be.  It can reach subsonic speeds.  Perfect for avoiding the traffic of Nexus.

Familiars: Abigail has four familiars that can act as her eyes and ears and do her bidding if need be.  They are Corbie, a fledgling crow who still has blue eyes and is distracted by shinny things and has ADHD; Nihm, a giant rat who may or may not be carrying the Bubonic Plague; Marian, a vixen who likes to be coy with her information; and Boudica the Berserker, a female groundhog that doesn’t take any flack from cats.

She also has her loyal pet, an English Bulldog named Mr. Crumplebottom.  He is lazy and likes pets and holds.  May be slightly overweight.

Crystals- Abigail has a variety of crystals that she uses for things to help her focus and enchant items.

Origin: Abigail is the daughter of a Seelie Noble and a human woman.  See, her father was married to an Unseelie Noble for political reasons.  They had a daughter together, but it was a loveless marriage even though they got along and even became friends along the line and both parties were fine with the others finding affection elsewhere.  So he met this woman in the late 80’s early 90’s that was of Irish and Native American decent and fell in love.

He got her pregnant.

Unseelie wife was very cool with this and he spent his time divided between Faerie and his mortal lover and half mortal daughter.  Abigail spent half of her time in Faerie and the other half in the mortal world, getting raised equally by both.  Except her half-sister was jealous of the attention Abigail was getting from her father and the girl’s mother (the Unseelie).

She grew up with her odd but happy childhood and was trying to decide if she wanted to live in Faerie, live in the mortal world, or go back and forth.  She headed off the college to study while still taking magical lessons from her father’s legal wife.  While her father was having one of his regular dates with his mortal lover, the pair of them were attacked and killed, making Abigail an orphan.

Understandably upset, Abigail began to look for her parents’ killer and found that her half-sister was partially responsible and more disturbed than both Abigail and her own mother realized.  With the help of a werewolf and a vampire she was able to find her parents’ killer and bring them to justice.  Doing this gave her confidence in herself and she made her decision.

She was going to go back and forth between Faerie and the mortal world while trying to find out what she wanted to do in life.

Then, one day, she woke up to find herself in Nexus City with no ties to her father’s wife or her friends, such as the werewolf and vampire who’d helped her.  Seeing everything that was happening in Nexus, Abigail found herself attending school again- both regular college and a magical institute.   While having a very full bank account, she started working part time for the Nexus police to use her unique magical talents to help solve crimes.

Weakness: Being Faerie, she is weak to iron.  It can keep her from using her powers, make her physically ill, and kill her.

Likes: Sweet things like pastries and cookies, ice cream, heroic notions, animals, science (especially biology), learning new things, practicing magic, crystals, reading, listening to 80’s music and 80’s movies, goofy vampires with heroic complexes, Star Wars, Game of Thrones. Physical contact with people she likes and is close to. Baking and cooking.

Dislikes: Senseless bloodshed, gratuitous violence, harming others, drunken frat boys, threats to her life, monsters that prey upon others with no remorse, and those who disrupt the natural order.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 03:33:07 AM by Elf »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #47 on: December 28, 2014, 06:20:29 PM »
Name: Sétanta

Aliases: Cú Chulainn, Blue Spearman of the Wind

Race: Celtic Demi-God

Age: Around 20's

Height: 185 cm

Weight: 70 kg


A tall individual with a beastly vibe and scent. Cú Chulainn's azure blue hair accentuates his youth and his confident nature. Garnet red irises adorn his eyes as they serve to strike fear in many through his glares. Underneath this attire, he has a lean musculature that seems very befitting for a martial artist with an emphasis on speed and efficiency.

His long blue hair is in a long pony tail held together by a silver circular barrette. He is attired in an armor with a hunter motif with the white fur sticking out of his pauldron, suspenders on his thighs, and white bandages wrapped around metallic greaves. Around his neck is a protective amulet of sorts with a wolf's head that bite onto a crescent moon.

In a civilian setting, he has a tendency to wear an informal suit. Or even something as simple as a white shirt and a pair of jeans. On other times, he may just wear a Hawaiian shirt with said jeans.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility:  Fantastic

Constitution: Fantastic

Other Abilities:
  • Combat: Having studied martial arts of his time through Scáthach, a resident of the Land of the Shadows known for her martial and thaumaturgical prowess, Cu displays masterful use of his spear in his own legend and during the Fifth Holy Grail War. He has such aggressive ferocity and speed on his part relates him to one of a beast. As such, inferior Servants find it much difficult to deal with him for long. Especially through the use of his Noble Phantasm, Gáe Bolg.

  • Battle Continuation: Cú is A ranked in said skill, "Makes possible to fight even with deadly injuries and can remain alive so long as one does not receive a decisive fatal wound." This mostly refers to his immense fighting spirit that allowed him to continue fighting his enemies, while being tied to a tree to keep himself upright, until his dying breath. This is also a part of his notable ability to survive. It's what also makes him so beastly. 

    Even massive damage to his vitals, like the heart, would not kill him right away. Fragarach and Gáe Bolg's damage to his body is proof of this. He was capable of lashing out at Shinji Matou and Kirei Kotomine and setting the whole Einzbern Manor on fire with Runecraft even after suffering such a wound.

    Magic Resistance: His Class Skill that allows him to resist against spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.

  • Disengage: Another part of his survivalist nature, Disengage is ranked at C. While not wishing to retreat from battle, Cú is rather experienced in breaking away from combat. It allows him to return battle conditions back to they were at the beginning of the match after breaking off.

  • Divinity: Being born as a son of Lúgh, Cú has a Divinity rank of B. It is because of this descent that perhaps he would be considered a Mixed Blood. This may explain his Riastrad ability in his legend.

  • Rune Magic: His tutelage under the sorceress Scáthach has led him to a mastery of using Runecraft of the Elder Futhark style of B rank (High in this roleplay). The original eighteen runes. It has been noted that he would actually make a suitable Caster through knowledge of Runecraft. He was capable of burning down the Einzbern Castle with a simple Ansuz rune.

    The Ath nGabla spell, using Algiz, Nauthiz, Ansuz, and Ingwaz, is a curse that forces both Cú and his opponent to fight to the death. Retreat from battle is not an option for any of them unless one dies. This seems to be used with Gae Bolg to temporarily function at A rank.

  • Protection From Arrows: The increased defense against ranged attacks by predicting the projectiles' trajectories through exceptional means, such as hearing the sound of air being cut, or sensing the killing intent of the enemy. Lancer is capable of this as long as the shooter is within his line of sight, he can track down ranged weapons with his eyes and defend against them. Does not apply for attacks made from super-long-range or with a great area-of -effect.

    Being also able to read the trajectory of the projectile attack and murderous intent, Cu easily deflected all of True Assassin's dirks with swings of his spear. Rank B.
  • Gáe Bolg: The two meter long scarlet spear with vine-like design covering the shaft with a smooth handle at the other end. The blade is double edged at the top and serrated edges a little bit below. The spear given to him by Scáthach that is created by the bones of a sea monster. A deadly spear that has been rumored to be thrown by using the fork of the toes. It has been compared to Lúgh's Brionac and Odin's Gúngnir.

    It also has the ability to open up into thirty barbs once dug into enemy flesh, making it extremely difficult to heal from. In fact, it has a curse effect that wounds caused by this spear cannot be healed while still existing. Scáthach taught its techniques only to Cu. Upon receiving this spear, the warrior went through numerous tragedies through killing his own loved ones in unlucky events.
    • Barbed Spear that Pierces With Death: A B ranked Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm that manipulates Fate so that it always strikes a fatal blow to the enemy's heart. The action of using Gáe Bolg is a mere formality in which the spear would already have pierced the enemy before the attack is even made. Great amounts of Luck or any ability to manipulate Fate would be needed to survive this. However, it has a limited range so moving further back is highly advised. Impressively, the trajectory of the spear can even bend in impossible angles to hit its intended target as seen with its clash with Fragarach. What is even notable is this Noble Phantasm is so prana efficient that it only costs within the double digits, allowing him to use it seven times before needing more Prana.
    • Soaring Spear That Strikes With Death: Another Noble Phantasm of Lancer's, but this time at B+ rank as an Anti-Army type. A throwing technique applied on Gáe Bolg where he lunges into the sky before throwing it at the enemy. Strangely enough, the thirty barbed heads that are usually around now has an increased number. It boasts so much power that it was able to destroy Rho Aias, the shield Noble Phantasm on the basis of a concept of "absolute defense against any thrown weapon." However it loses its ability to manipulate Fate. But its power and range makes it up for it with a speed of Mach 2 and a range of forty kilometers.
Origin: Look in here.

Cú Chulainn is a renown Celtic hero of the Ulster Cycle. Born with divine heritage from Lúgh, Cú is a demigod with a mortal mother, Dechtire. Born as Sétanta, he later became Cú Chulainn after slaying Culann's hound and promising to replace the guard dog with another he rears himself. He later travels towards the Land of Shadows to put himself under Scáthach's tutelage. From her vast knowledge and experience, he learned the art of combat and runecraft. Under the sorceress' wing, Cú has acquired a friend in Ferdiad, a fellow student. From then on, his actions would form the legend known to others. Especially known for his tragedies, Cú lost many of his loved ones and eventually had a final stand before drawing his last breath.

Fast forward to the Fifth Holy Grail War in the modern era, the Celtic hero is summoned as of the Lancer class by Enforcer Bazett Fraga McRemitz, the representative of the Mage's Association. However, Kotomine Kirei backstabbed her and took the Servant for himself. Because of the Command Seals, he is forced to serve the Priest.

Then the Unlimited Blade Works Route happens. You know how that goes.

Before Lancer knew it, he found himself awake in the strange city of Nexus. This time without needing any Prana sustenance like before. It has now only been a month since he arrived here and is usually seen doing all sorts of odd jobs to support himself and his fishing habit.

Weakness: Really bad luck. Eating dog's meat due to his Geis. Upholding Geis/Promises. Anti-Divinity armaments.

Likes: Women with strong will. Irrational promises. Fishing.

Dislikes: Devious methods. Betrayal.

Notes: Apparently I can't do Riastrad since Cu never had it as Lancer. Apparently.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 06:19:04 PM by Puck-Chan »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #48 on: December 28, 2014, 09:27:14 PM »
Name: The Nameless Student, aka Ace (He does not remember his name, the only name he can remember from his past is Ace)

Race: Human (Magus)

Age: 18 (He doesn’t remember the exact age but he resembles an 18 year old.)


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Magical Abilities: Low, and can cast low ranked spells through much effort and concentration (Think of Waver)

Other Abilities:

Ace Reporter: Despite his inability to remember any of the past, he retains an excellent near photographic memory and has great skill with a camera as well as being quick with a pen and paper should the need arise.


Unstable Effigy:

A shapeless doll created by alchemists that is meant to resemble the base core of a Servant. By connecting to a greater record (The Throne, Moon Cell) it can manifest as a Servant. This particular doll was in the process of being activated but due to an interference was unable to manifest into a true form. Before the connection was cut however, a number of Servant identities were copied into the core and remain there for emergency use. The doll itself is connected to Ace through the same connection that a Servant and Master shares. The doll itself is simply that, a doll with no real identity. It is the empty core of a Servant that has yet to take form. As just a doll it’s power levels are stronger than a normal human but weaker than a Servant until a Servant identity manifests it acts as a mindless golem mindlessly obeying any and all of Ace’s commands.(So exceptional?)

However the doll contains a unique trait. Once a day the nameless student may call on it for help, and during that period of time the effigy will take on the form of one of it’s precopied Servants. The unique thing about this is that the Servant it takes the form of is completely unknown until it happens. (Basically I’ll make a random roll check and take whatever servant it happens to land on.) Depending on the Servant in question the amount of time they are able to be manifested varies but because of the unstable method the doll used to copy the information in the first place new data is released every time meaning that even if the same Servant is brought forth they will have no memories of their previous encounters with Ace or others.

Finally, there is a small chance that the doll will fail to manifest into any shape at all and will remain as the effigy for the rest of the day. Should the effigy take enough damage to its spiritual core it will break becoming unusable until it gets repaired by someone with experience in doll creation or item construction.

Pre-downloaded Servant forms include:

Spoiler for Hiden:



Shirou Emiya
Robin Hood


Diarmuid Ua Duibhne
Vlad III (Extra)


Gilles de Rais


Francis Drake




Hassan (For simplicity only 4th or 5th)
Sasaki Kojirou


“I just want someone to remember my name…” Those were his last words as he faded away into the darkness. He couldn’t remember why he was brought there or who he even was. All he knew was that his time was up. He had failed.

And then he awoke, in a strange new city, with limited knowledge of his past and the every silent effigy doll by his side his hope is to find a clue, anything at all a to what is going on who, or more importantly who he is.

Weakness: His effigy malfunctioning, People stronger than him (Physically, magically, or mentally.)

Likes: People who are kind to him, people who try to help him out.

Dislikes: People who attempt to capitalize on his weaknesses, people who are weaker than him.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 07:29:16 AM by Milbunk »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #49 on: January 01, 2015, 11:03:15 PM »
Name: Corporal Mathew Blackburn

Race: Homo sapiens sapiens

Age: 20

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 220 lbs

Appearance: Mathew is a soldier at peak physical shape: muscular, yet lean. He tries to keep himself clean and well-groomed, though the last few days of battle has forced him to skimp a few practices. He is now sporting a five o'cock shadow and is by no means clean as of the time of entering Nexus City.

His hair is auburn and is close-cropped. Face could be described as plain, with a thin scar running across the bridge of his nose.

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Harlech Dragoon: The top-tier soldiers of Harlech Infantry Regiments. Only the best students are filtered out from the rest at the end of the first year of the various military academies to receive a more specialized training regimen. Dragoons have a higher accuracy rating than the normal soldier, are taught how to upkeep and repair their more specialized weaponry and gear, and are taught how to operate every vehicle in use by the Harlech Armored, Infantry, and Artillery Regiments.

Magic Ability: Mundane

Spoiler for Hiden:

Harlech pattern Carapace Armor and BDU: Carapace Armor not only covers almost every part of the body, it is of better material than Flak Armor. The armor is second only to the Power Armor utilized by the Sisters of Battle or Space Marines in terms of protection. The armor itself is olive green while having gold engravings set in intricate patterns.

Dragoon Helm: An airtight helmet that protects against pathogens, chemicals, and smoke. The “eyes” glow blue, and has built in thermal and night vision. Like the Flak Helmet, it has a built in micro-bead radio. The helmet is olive green with gold trimmings.

Ryza Pattern Hot-Shot Volley Gun: A weapon normally used by the Militarum Tempestous. Harlech is a major manufacturer of the Ryza Pattern, and creates an excess amount of the Volley Gun to arm their own regiments, only issued to the Dragoons like the Hot-Shot Lasgun. The laser is intense enough to bore through the Power Armor utilized by the Traitor Legions, all the while as having a rate of fire is on par with Heavy Bolters. The only downside to the weapon is the power requirements, forcing the trooper to carry a battery pack on his or her back. The wires connecting the weapon to said battery pack can be severed, but all Dragoons have been trained how to perform field repairs. Note that the gun in the above image is a reglar Hot-Shot Lasgun as opposed to the Volleygun

Hell Pistol: A pistol that fires the same laser beam that the Hot-Shot Volley Gun. Unlike the aforementioned gun, it uses Charge Packs (Basically battery magazines) as an energy source. However, it has little range. Can fire ffty shots before needing to swap Charge Packs.

Chainsword: Chainswords are a common weapon across the Imperium. The blade tips are made of adamantium, fuel efficient, and very ergonomic. As a Harlech Dragoon, Mathew's chainsword is gilded.

1 Frag Grenade (Other was used): Self Explanatory

1 Krak Grenade (Other was used): adhesive, shaped charges used by Guardsmen to combat heavy targets. Explosive radius is small, but penetrates armor and tough hides exceedingly well.

2 Smoke Grenades: Self Explanatory

Trench Knife

Tac-Module (Broken): A now wrecked piece of equipment.


Poor Weather Gear:
A Poncho

Basic Toolkit

Mess Kit and Water Canteen

4 extra Lasweapon Charge Packs

2 Weeks of Rations

Blanket and Sleep Bag

Rechargeable Lamp Pack

Grooming Kit

Dog Tags

Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer:
A field manual that is standard issue for all Guardsmen. It must be on all Guardsmen at all times; punishment for failure to produce it when ordered is severe.


Mathew Blackburn was born into a commoner family who worked in one of the many manufactorums on Harlech. Once he turned twelve, he entered St. Garnius Military Academy. He held high rankings throughout his school career, and was no surprise to his peers that he became a Harlech Dragoon.

Upon graduating, Mathew was put into the 833rd Harlech Infantry Regiment, which was assigned to the Orwellis Subsector. Two years went by without much conflict, but a splinter of the Tyranid Hive Fleet Leviathan arrived…

It was during the evacuation of a hive city when things went south for Blackburn. His regiment was in the middle of evacuating the civilians when the Tyranids came. His squad was one of the last to leave, the Valkyrie darting through the atmosphere when Exterminatus was issued. The last thing he remembers is the ship getting caught up in the fiery explosion.

The next thing Blackburn knew was waking up in the crashed dropship, being the sole survivor of the crash in an unknown location.

Weaknesses: Corporal Blackburn is a relatively unaugmented human. If it can kill a person, it can kill him.

Likes: Well-cooked food, Harlech, the Imperium of Man, Friends

Dislikes: Xenos, Mutants, Those who contribute nothing to society


Here's an image of the Hot-Shot Volley Gun. The main coloring is olive instead of blue:

« Last Edit: October 23, 2016, 10:26:12 PM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2015, 03:50:58 AM »
Name: Guts

Race: Human? (More or less human at this point, but he exists at least partially in the Interstice between the Physical and Astral worlds thanks to the Brand of Sacrifice)

Age: 23? (He doesn't really keep track, and he looks like he's in his thirties thanks to his stressful[to say the least] lifestyle)

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 230 lbs


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Supernatural

Agility: Exceptional (Approaching Supernatural)

Constitution: High-Supernatural

Other Abilities:

Cursed Brand: As the name implies, this brand mostly makes Guts's life suck. The Brand of Sacrifice acts as a beacon for evil spirits and demons, causing them to hunger for the Branded One's flesh during the night. The brand itself is located on Guts's jugular, providing an ideal target target in battle. Additionally, the brand will bleed and cause its bearer pain while they are in the presence of demons or evil spirits, with the amount of pain and bleeding depending on the power of the demonic entity. However, as the Brand places Guts in the Interstice between the Astral and Physical worlds, he is capable of affecting both. This is to say that physical and spiritual interference are pretty much the same thing for him. Some time before ending up in the Nexus, Schierke took the time to place seals on and around the Brand to mitigate its effects.


Dragonslayer: As the name implies, it was a sword made specifically to kill a dragon. The blacksmith charged with making the sword poured all of his skill into it, but didn't bother to account for human limits with regards to actually wielding the sword. Regardless, the sword did its job, splitting the dragon's head open with a single blow. Guts discovered this sword at the blacksmith's warehouse (After the Blacksmith had forged a sword for Guts that was capable of cutting clean through another sword and part of the anvil used to make it), when an Apostle threw him into it after Guts broke the first sword the Blacksmith made for him. Upon finding the Dragonslayer, Guts won the fight in two blows, and has been killing demons with it ever since.

To call it a sword, though, would be incorrect. The Dragonslayer is far too long, too thick, too heavy to be called a sword; rather, it can be better described as a massive slab of iron in the vague shape of a sword. The sword itself lacks any sort of cutting edge, instead relying on sheer momentum to do the job. The sword itself has a fair bit more utility than a simple weapon, however. Due to the sheer width of the blade, it can also serve as a passable shield against most kinds of projectiles, acting as crude cover for him to hide behind. Despite the unwieldiness of the blade, Guts is capable of moving the Dragonslayer surprisingly quickly, capable of continuously blocking attacks faster than the eye can see.

Furthermore, due to having been soaked time and time again in the blood of various supernatural creatures, mostly demons, the blade itself has absorbed their collected grudges, becoming a cursed weapon capable of dealing serious damage to even the most powerful demons, successfully destroying a manifestation of a Godhand, though it has yet to be tested against an actual God Hand member.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Armcannon: Very simple. It's a cannon concealed within his mechanical arm. The hand hinges out of the way to reveal the barrel, at which point Guts pulls a simple lanyard to fire the cannon. Guts has found ways of reducing the recoil to manageable levels, but the handcannon can still do significant damage to Apostles without armor that is actually effective against cannon fire, though there are some exceptions. The cannon has a few uses aside from just blasting things.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Throwing knives: Guts picked up the use of throwing knives as weapons from Judeau, before Eclipse, and now makes a fair amount of use of those skills, though they tend to be useless against Apostles.

Repeating Crossbow: An attachment for Guts's mechanical arm that Guts is a fairly decent shot with. Doesn't see much use in actually harming Apostles.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Spike bombs: Small bombs(Insert obligatory Umineko joke here) that Guts mainly uses for dealing with swarms. Powerful enough to be of some use against weaker apostles and creatures like trolls.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Behelit: Just a simple keepsake from the Count (One of the earlier Apostles Guts faced). This object is how Apostles are made. When the owner of one of these reaches a moment of true despair, the Behelit will return to the owner, no matter how far it may have been before, and summon the God Hand to them. The God Hand will then offer the Behelit owner a choice. If they sacrifice that which they hold closest to them, then they will become an Apostle, an immortal demon with powers beyond the scope of humanity.

Puck has shown a liking for the Behelit, having given it the nickname 'Becchi' and tried to find other purposes for it aside from summoning the God Hand, such as attempting to fish with it.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Behelit in its natural state

Spoiler for Hiden:

Behelit when activated

Spoiler for Hiden:

Note: Normal Behelits are usually potato-colored (though eating one would be a very bad idea). The Behelit pictured here is a Crimson Behelit, which appears only to those destined to become members of the God Hand.


From the beginning, Guts's life has been a continuous struggle for survival, from the moment he landed on the ground of the impromptu gallows where he was born on. Living as a Mercenary from a very young age, Guts, through innumerable battles, found himself in the Band of the Hawk, led by the charismatic Griffith. Caught up in the storm of Griffith's ideal, Guts soon found himself caught up in the Griffith's plans to secure the throne of Midland. He didn't care much about the political intrigue, but, after overhearing a speech from Griffith to the daughter of the King of Midland, Guts decides to leave the Band of the Hawk, for the sake of finding a dream to call his own. Griffith, understandably, was not pleased by the prospect of losing someone who had become both a close friend and an important part of his plan. Regardless, Griffith is unable to stop Guts from leaving, the resulting depression leading him to ruin his own plans with a single rash action.

Guts returns, some time later, to find the Band of the Hawk declared the enemies of Midland, with Casca leading the group in Griffith's absence. Words and gestures, both tender and not-so, are exchanged as Casca updates Guts on the situation. Guts then decides to rescue Griffith, who has been imprisoned in the Midland dungeons and tortured for a year. Infiltrating the area with the help of the Princess, Guts and company soon happen upon Griffith. The joy at the reunion soon turns to horror at the state that a year of torture has left him in, unable to walk, fight, or even speak. Guts and co soon leave the dungeons (Read: Guts singlehandedly smashes through the Midland troops blocking the exit and they escape through the gory mess he leaves behind). Upon returning to the rest of the Band, Guts and Casca do their best to conceal Griffith's condition, fearing that the truth would shatter their morale. Meanwhile, Guts and Casca grow closer, though they try to spare Griffith the indignity.

Some time later, Griffith, having somehow run away in a fit of madness, recovers the Crimson Beheilt. The horrors of Eclipse that follow leave all of the Band dead, except for Rickert, who wasn't present at the event itself, Casca, who was driven insane by the horrors she suffered, and Guts, who lost an arm and an eye before being rescued by the Skull Knight along with Casca.

Griffith, meanwhile, was reborn as Femto, the fifth Godhand, with the sacrifice of the Band of the Hawk.

Swearing revenge on Griffith and making a declaration of war on the Apostles, Guts traveled the land after a short visit to an old blacksmith friend, looking for Apostles. The intended goal was to force them to a state where they would use their Beheilt's, summoning the God Hand and giving Guts the opportunity to kill Griffith. This went about as well as expected when one considers that the domain of the newest Godhand was space-time. Having been thoroughly beaten, Guts goes on hunting Apostles, meeting a fairy (Puck) along the way. Faced with a pseudo-Eclipse some time later, Guts makes the decision to put Casca's safety before his revenge. Things go on like this, with Guts fighting his inner demons (Both literal and metaphorical). After some time, Guts starts to gather a new group of companions. Finally, Guts and his new group end up in a portion of the Interstice known as Qliphoth. Desperately fighting for their lives despite having been separated, Schierke, a witch and one of Guts's new companions, manages to safely retrieve all of the, only to be left unable to retrieve Guts. Guts, meanwhile, finds himself embroiled in mortal combat with a manifestation of the sado-masochistic Godhand Slan. Barely defeating Slan's manifestation due to Dragonslayer's new status as a cursed weapon (Due to all the supernatural creatures it's been killing). The lifting of Slan's influence combined with the Skull Knight's new Beheilt sword (Capable of slicing through the dimensional barrier), allows Schierke to finally locate Guts and start to retrieve him, but something goes wrong with the spell, and Guts finds himself in a hospital a couple of days later.

Quickly accustoming to the strange new place, Guts soon acquires a new set of armor, though soon finds that he won't be needing it, as there aren't any more of the night-ghouls around here, or rather not nearly as many as before. Additionally, there aren't any more hostiles, which leaves the Beast (Guts's inner demon) a very angry puppy. To work off his debts and to help keep himself in top shape, Guts opens up a gym, deciding on a place where the only troubling presence that remains a constant is a small gang of werewolves.

At least it's not the Vampires.

Weakness: Standard human weaknesses, a powerful enough demon will cause the Cursed Brand to actively hurt him to the point that prolonged exposure will actually kill him, narrow corridors (he can't get Dragonslayer going.), and he has to keep the Beast in check now that he's not actively hunting Apostles anymore.

Likes: A good fight, Casca, his new group of companions(Sort of), people who can fend for themselves, Puck (Kinda, he isn't going to admit it any time soon).

Dislikes: Griffith, Apostles, people who live off the charity of others, the Godhand (Especially Femto and Slan), people who complain about what they've gone through, kids, bugs, the pity of others, Griffith.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 05:14:27 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #51 on: January 14, 2015, 03:50:32 AM »
Name: Vanguard

Race: Sealed soul in an armour.

Age:  His age far too great to be counted, he comes from a time prior the second genesis.

Height: 8”2

Weight: 1020 pounds.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Fantastic

Magic Scale: High.

Vanguard’s magic abilities are limited, but powerful enough to be considered a threat.

Barrier: Vanguard can create a barrier in front of him that protects him from magic spells, the amount of damage averted depending on the power of the spell itself. The more he charges the barrier, the more potent it will become.

Absolute Space: Vanguard can alter the “space” surrounding him, being able to intensify the gravitational force surrounding him up to ten times it’s original force. This only applies up to a 10-meter radius around him, and affects all excluding him for ten seconds at most. However, it must be noted that Vanguard may not move for the duration of this spell. If he was to move willingly or unwillingly, the effect would be dispelled. It must be noted that while it is usually earth based spells that change gravity, this spell is one closer to an affinity to space itself.

Lighting’s Pummelling: Vanguard may channel magical power trough his fists in order to charge them with a great amount of electricity. This gives him the ability to send powerful lightning shockwaves trough his blows, maximizing damage dealt. Additionally, the electric power can be passed onto Vanguard’s halberd, charging it with so much energy it gains the ability to shoot lightning bolts.

Lightning’s Wrath: Vanguard’s ultimate attack, by charging all of his magical energy, he is capable to bend the very weather to his whim. By imbuing the sky with foreplay, the clouds throb and channel obscene amounts of energy and smash, smite and ignite opponent(s) with a pillar of Thor's dick, dealing a devastating blow that kicks so much ass and is so fucking metal that it has Wrath in its name.  However, this attack requires a very long time to set up and drains most of Vanguard's energy.

Other Abilities:

Supreme Will: Vanguard possesses an indomitable spirit, a will so strong it endured for countless days the greater gods’ torment. Possessing this insurmountable level of mental fortitude, Vanguard has obtained resistance to practically all forms of mind control or manipulation. Although incredibly powerful mages could potentially manage to bypass his mental defenses, Vanguard will be able to fight back to some degree, perhaps even keep his consciousness and individuality.

Master Combatant: Vanguard, having been chosen as the mighty protector of the celestial citadel, has achieved an absolute mastery in combat, being the undefeated champion who toppled the very heavens. Thus, his skill in melee combat has been proven to be monstrous in his own right, and utterly unrivalled with the use of the halberd. While having lost his mortal flesh, his might is but a mere shadow of it's former self, his engrained battle technique has not left him.

I am an armor: Having lost his mortal flesh, Vanguard knows no longer of the weaknesses of a human body, thus no matter how wounded or crippled or decimated Vanguard is, he will never lose his ability to fight. It matters not if he is pierced a thousand times or shred to pieces or torn from all limbs, as long as the tiniest shred of his soul endures, Vanguard will fight to the bitter end.

Aether manipulation: Vanguard can draw aether, life force condensed and shaped into energy. While using his own reserves to cast spells is much easier, sometimes he needs to draw it from elsewhere. While in theory one could draw aether from all living things, the core makes it harder for Vanguard to do so. The reason being that a large quanitity of aether could be used for quite powerful spells, a thing that would definetely bite the gods in the ass. Because of that, he may only draw it from lesser lifeforms like small animals and plants and other less impressive creatures.


The Harbinger: A deadly poleaxe forged in the great fires of creation, this weapon is the symbol of Vanguard’s strength and tenacity in battle. Having been imbued with the very essence of weaponry, this blade is capable of harming spirits and ethereal beings as well as creations of flesh and bone.
The Harbringer has a special link to Vanguard’s very being, thus while it would be nothing more than an ordinary weapon in other hands, as long as he wields the halberd, it will never degrade, break, rust or lose of it’s initial quality.

The weapon is usually sealed, but Vanguard can manifest it in combat.

Paragon of Might: A mechanical armour-like body crafted with the finest materials of the citadel, this armour possesses the perfect combination of toughness, hardness and strength, being able to withstand powerful blows without as much as a few dents.

Veil of the Eclipse: An elaborately ornate cape that Vanguard wears. It looks rather fancy and stylish. Although capes are impractical in combat, he wears it as a self-imposed handicap. He can also use it in combat, however. Like tossing it at empresses.

The Core: A complex spell taking the form of a physical glass-like blue glowing orb composed of thousand upon thousands of magical formulaes, circles and complex layers.If even slightly chipped, Vanguard's soul will seep out and dissolve. In order to repair itself, the core needs to absorb aether, the same component it is largely made of.

The core has three main functions:

Keep Vanguard bound to the armor, prevent Vanguard from turning against the gods by sealing his abilities and soul and prevent him from dying by conventional means such as age. Because the core is bound to the armor, the armor cannot harm it.

Spoiler for Hiden:
In the days of old, there was no such thing as a divided world split in different countries. All that stood was a city resting atop the heavens, the Celestial Citadel. As chosen by the great lords that ruled this city, every ten millennia there would be a great tournament, a series of challenges in order to determine the next champion of the citadel, the Watcher who was to guard the heavenly city from all those who wished to cast harm upon it.

On the day of trials, one man alone managed to surpass every set expectation, he easily dealt with even the hardiest of challenges…
It was of course no coincidence that this prodigious champion was to become the undefeated Watcher of the Citadel, having outclassed even the mightiest of them to his day. A great halberd was forged in his honour, an incredible feast took place in his glory and no celebration could have toppled the one the one that was held in his very name.

Thus, for centuries the great Watcher guarded the citadel, protecting it from the dark forces that wished for it’s destruction. But over time the peace and prosperity that had befallen the Celestial Citadel turned into arrogance and conceit. The very people that were graced by the heavens had been blinded by greed and stagnation, and ended up abandoning the Ancient Gods.  In the end, these very Gods decided the fate of the citadel, and that fate was none other than destruction and plight.

Casting countless plagues and curses upon the city, they ended the lives of elders, men and children alike. The city now forsaken, it’s very foundations crumbled in 100 days and 100 nights.
The Watcher stood alone, surrounded by the rubble of a city left to ruins, the powerful Gods that created it destroyed all. And now covered in countless wounds, all that was left of the man was but an empty husk of flesh and bone.

Acknowledging the Watcher’s courageous deeds and heroic efforts, the Gods asked of him why keep resisting the almighty will of the gods? All knew well that a mere mortal could not hope to vanquish a God, but even so, the Celestial Citadel’s watcher never yielded or begged for mercy. The one answer he could give was that there was never a possibility to abandon his duty in the first place; that the Watcher was to guard the city until his very end. He would even face the Gods themselves, but not ever would he abandon his oath.
And with that said, the champion drew his final breath, fighting an hopeless battle until the bitter end.

Moved by such a display of virtue and bravery, the Gods decided to reward him, crafting the mightiest of armours out of the very remains of the citadel’s finest ores, that mere mortal would ascend and become legend incarnate. His soul was torn from the afterlife and imbued in an immortal body of metal. He choose to take on the name of Vanguard, the protector of all. Burdened to live an eternal life under the shackles of immortality.

Sealing himself in the coldest ices of the mightiest mountains, the immortal giant of metal slumbered for thousands of years, only to return when the earth would need his aid the most.

One day, the forgotten hero felt a sudden shift in the energies of the world, trough a strange summoning of sorts it seemed he found himself in an unfamiliar city.

The legendary hero was now but another speck of the infinite that consists Nexus City, his name was...


Weakness: While Vanguard’s battle continuation is useful, he will definitely die if one was to land a critical blow to the core or his very soul. He also possesses no regeneration factor for his armour-like body, but one could stitch the pieces back together and use magecraft to reform themi or use magecraft to reform it, altough without the pieces it would be more difficult. Vanguard’s body is also susceptible to heat.

Due to his massive mass, Vanguard's fighting capabilities will be hindered on some terrains such as a wooden bridge or a frozen lake that would easily give in to his great weight.

He is also an honourable warrior at heart, thus he may fall for underhanded tactics if he was to not expect them. He will also never fight all out unless it is absolutely necessary, only using his devastating techniques against opponents that must be defeated.

It must also be noted that if one possessed high magical resistance, it would force Vanguard to fight on close range, and if one possessed high physical defence, he could withstand Vanguard’s physical blows.

While physical combat does not seem to exhaust Vanguard’s energy, usage of magic does tire him, his spells requiring a rather steady output of energy.  Because the very link to his armour requires energy, it is necessary for Vanguard to recharge by absorbing aetherial essence over time, especially after a bout or after usage of his more destructive spells.

Thus, if Vanguard was to overuse his abilities, not only would his combat prowess be temporarily crippled, but the burden could become so great it could degrade Vanguard’s very body.

Finally, aside the barrier he can form (which only protects the direction the shield faces), he has no way to counter more powerful offensive spells, thus fighting powerful magi would give him more trouble than fighting other opponents, for aside his resistance to mind manipulation, he has no form of innate magical resistance.

Likes: Strength, displays of bravery and courage, honour, a challenge, fair duels, honesty, justice and good-hearted people.

Dislikes: Murder in all it’s forms, cruelty, arrogance, the concept of just gods, needless death, wasted potential, hesitation and those who prey on the weak.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 12:50:49 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #52 on: January 19, 2015, 08:02:24 PM »
Name: Rangel

Race: Witch

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 6' 0” (182.88 cm)

Weight: 140 lbs (63.5029 Kg)

Rangel is tall and slim with fine, red hair that spills down to his shoulders and that just cover his silver eyes. He wears a simple black tunic which is hidden by his green, gray, and brown mottled cloak which breaks his image apart to the point where he's nearly invisible while in a forest. Under the cloak are multiple artifacts that take the form of fairly simple jewelry from pendants to rings.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Supernatural (Can be boosted slightly by his staff.)

Constitution: Supernatural

Magical Attributes

Reserves: Extremely high

Casting: Exclusive to using artifacts. The more knowledge of the artifact, the stronger the artifact becomes.

Other Abilities:

Artifact smith: Rangel can create a variety of low grade artifacts. In addition, he can repair damage done to them. (Which is accomplished by carving runes into an object and imbuing said rune with magic.)

Understanding of Artifacts: Rangel has intimate knowledge of Artifacts and as a result can use almost anything provided he knows what it does.

Sense of death: Rangel can sense imminent death if such a thing might befall him or someone nearby. Even though he can sense that someone might die, he's usually not able to save anyone.


Shield: A simple ring artifact with a design of a small hexagonal shield. When used, it turns into a shield large enough to cover Rangel's chest.

Memory Eraser: A ring artifact with a single red gem set in it.. It erases the recent memories of the user and the target. Meeting the user.

Willow Staff: A willow staff carved with runes for different types of magic. This staff allows for magical strengthening (Which leaves the user fairly sore.) to firing bolts of fire and ice bolts. This staff is just a bit taller than Rangel.

Psycho Space: A simple ring artifact that creates a field that reduces magical affects.

Ritual dagger: A simple ring artifact that turns into a small iron dagger. This specific dagger was used in multiple rituals before it fell into Rangel's possession.

Ertia: An animal kept within a large jade pendant. It has long gray fur and has a body shaped like a cat's.  Its face resembles that of a dog and its eyes remind are like an iguana's.  It has spines on its back and stands at seven and a half feet (228.6 cm) tall.

Brizgany: A strange hummingbird with brilliant purple coloring that will scout and deliver messages for Rangel. This hummingbird has joined Rangel since he was a kid.

Shadow's Requiem: A ring artifact that allows Rangel to cloak himself in shadows.

   Rangel was born in the rather modest coast town of Ufany in the kingdom of Tretrea. During his childhood, he explored around the town and during one of his many explorations, Rangel felt as if he was being called to the local ruins. Rangel went on to explore the ruins that had called and found multiple ancient artifacts. Rangel, being a young boy, became enthralled with the artifacts and began training with them. Shortly after, a purple hummingbird joined him on his outing. He slowly learned about the hummingbird and began to communicate with it. Years later, an internal war broke out out in Tretrea. Rangel, now age 17, took the artifacts from the ruins and set out by himself to help the kingdom. He tried joining the army, only to be turned down. At this point, the young man decided to become an assassin of sorts and struck out on his own to attack the enemy in secrecy. A year later, the war ended and Rangel was exiled from Tretrea for desecrating the ruins near his hometown. He struck out for the kingdom of Eather where he spent half a year peacefully before deciding that he could no longer live a normal life.

The power of Rangel's artifacts comes from his physical, mental, and magical condition. As a result, after a while of use, Rangel slowly becomes weaker. Even if it's just a dagger. He's also impatient which often leads to trouble.

Likes: Justice, Renaissance art, artifacts, stained glass, non-humans, humans, squid, and coffee.

Dislikes: Injustice, useless red tape, dolphins (don't ask), and opera.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 06:28:03 PM by NinjaQ »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #53 on: January 25, 2015, 07:36:21 AM »
Name: Mille Garrison (is this her real name? Who knows)

Race: Human (Magus)

Age: 17

Height: 5'1"


Appearance: Has a constant serious or stern expression, and doesn't smile terribly often. She dresses pratically and simply most of the time, wearing boots most of the time except for when it's hot. She won't object to wearing a dress, but only if the situation calls for it. She finds them impractical for most situations. Same with any shoe type that is not boots or tennis shoes (or other flat heeled shoe type). The charm on her circlet/necklace and the beads on her bracelets have runes inscribed on them, just in case she needs to get a spell off quickly without having to write the spell in the air or on the ground.

Spoiler for portrait:excuse roughness and lack of quality:
Spoiler for from head to above knees:excuse roughness, lack of quality, and difference in style from previous picture:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional (very low tier Supernatural with reinforcement)

Agility: Exceptional (very low tier Supernatural with reinforcement)

Constitution: Exceptional

Magical Abilty: Medium (on the higher end)

Other Abilities: Runes: What Mille's spellcasting revolves around. She can cast magecraft using them either by writing them on a surface or in the air. Writing them in the air is more costly, but is good for emergencies. Writing with blood rather than an utensil can get prana into the rune faster, but also leaves an open wound until she's finished writing, risking bleeding out if she's badly injured enough.

Her runes can work in one of two ways. One is to use them immediatly upon writing them. The other is to have them store prana and discharge the prana at a later time to cast the spell. Runes are less efficient than gems, and their ability to retain prana and for how long can depend on the material, even for a more talented and proficient user like Mille. But this can be useful for if she wishes to set a trap using a circle of runes for instance, and can't afford a delay in activiating them once they step inside.

Mille's strengths lie in two areas as far as her magecraft is concerned. One is with her element, fire. The vast majority of her offensive spells will revolve around this element, and will come in a blast or in a burst. The other lies with her Origin, which is Strengthening. Because of her psychological tendency to put walls around herself, she has an incredible talent with Bounded Fields, and her runes augment this. In addition, she has quite a bit of talent with reinforcement magic, though she cannot project at all. With this, she can set traps against her enemies while reinforcing her body to get away to spring it. However, as a straightforward person, she doesn't prefer to be so cowardly with her fighting if she can help it.

She does struggle to an extent with healing magic. She can heal up to moderate wounds if need be, though it will drain her of more prana than most of her other spells would.

To avoid having to write down a rune, she can carry around something with one prewritten on it, like the necklace and bracelets she wears. Though with those items in particular, she tends to save them for emergencies.

Obsessed with Research: Mille's desire to prove herself to the Magus Association means she's done far more research than most of her peers in terms of reading books on magecraft and the like. This means she knows more than the average magus. Note, however, that this does not nessisarily give her an edge in terms of her ability, though it did help develop it.

Meticulous training: The mind wasn't the only thing Mille wished to refine in her quest to prove herself to the Association. She also trains herself hard physically, with the thought that this will not only sharpen her mind, but also prepare her for most physical conforntations.

She's also trained herself in some self defense. It should be noted that while she did train herself in this regard, she will struggle against an opponent with more specialized and professional training. She would struggle against Rin's martial arts, for instance.

Holmes Would Be Proud: She can be surprisingly perceptive about both those around her and seeing details others would not. In addition to this, she is quite intelligent. However, like this skill's namesake, this comes with being rather blunt and having questionable social skills. Thankfully there are no drugs involved. This also does not save her from her delusions about how the Magus Association operates, or change the fact that she could use some self awareness. It does make her useful when trying to solve various mysteries, however.

Shonen Levels of Determination: Will keep trying something to the bitter end on most occasions, even if it's kinda stupid and she should probably give up. This means she has a high willpower, and can sometimes resist mind control, but at the same time, she may need to be pulled away from something that could put her at risk if she continues on any further. Also somewhat of an ironic ability, given her overly serious and deadpan demenor.

Bag: It's a bag. It has her stuff in it. It's reinforced. It's not that special really.

Kaleido Stick Sapphire:

A powerful wand created by Zelretch himself, which is able to empower the wielder with a nearly infinite amount of prana and power, as taken from other selves from other dimensions and timelines. ...However, despite being far gentler of temperament than Ruby, Sapphire still forces the one who wields her to become a magical girl, and their attacks to match. Since Sapphire herself is sentient, she can sometimes lend advice as well, but is a bit on the quiet side. While less so than her sister Ruby, she also can be rebellious, and if her current master proves themselves unworthy, she will abandon said master, and go find someone else.

It should be noted that despite the infinite power and prana thing, there are limits. While still a significant upgrade, enough to reasonably upgrade the wielder's stats to at least mid-Servant tier, Sapphire does need rest every once in awhile, and there's only so much power she can provide with one shot. 

It's something of a miracle that Mille managed to take Sapphire. Even more so that Sapphire decided to stay by her side regardless. Perhaps Sapphire wanted this all along? Wanting to be with her sister would certainly be enough motivation.

Origin: A young woman so determined and desperate to prove herself worthy of membership to the Association that she'd do something as suicidal as take a Kaleidostick. This came after managing to overhear about Rin's mission. Perhaps because of the whims of Sapphire herself and the wand's desire to join her sister, the young magus was able to take the stick successfully and make a break for the portal. Why someone like Zelretch hasn't gone after her to retrieve the stick probably says something on its own.

Motivated by questioning of her worth beyond bearing heirs when she was a young girl by others not too far from her own age and some adults alike, her quest to prove herself became an obsession, at the price of her health, both mental and physical, her love of magecraft, her contact with her family, and most any joy she had. But she trundles ever onward down this self destructive path because after dedicating all this time and effort, she can't give up, because then the last seven years would have been for nothing.

However, she finally grew tired of waiting and just sticking herself in her workshop. Now that she's out in this strange new world, will she find a way to get the recognition she seeks? Will she rediscover herself instead and become both a stronger and better person for it? Or will she find death instead, by either the Association's hands or from someone else? Or something.

Weakness: Cut her off from her prana, and you cut her off from her magecraft. She's effectively human otherwise, so she'll die from the same things. Has little to no sense of humor. Is overly blunt and has questionable social skills. Can be extremely stubborn. Is quite capable of subtlety, but often prefers to be more straightforward, even if that means knocking a man unconscious rather than just sneaking by him.

Likes: Magecraft(or at least she used to), people she can respect, or otherwise demonstrate good sense or can back up what they claim, common sense, getting to the point, some nerdy things like video games (though she will refuse to admit this, thinking this is improper for a magus)

Dislikes: Manipulative sorts, stupidity, not getting to the point, lack of efficiency, her own failures and failing to live up to her own standards.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 12:34:59 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #54 on: January 25, 2015, 05:59:38 PM »
Name: Richard Maxwell

Race: Human (Mage)

Age: 28

Height: 6”3

Weight: 170lbs

Spoiler for Hiden:
A slender man of fair height and pale complexion, Richard usually wears simple black attire, leather shoes and gloves. However, he is never seen without his fancy scarf, a memento of his sister that he always keeps with him. Under his coat is a dissimulated Kevlar shirt, worn for protection. Additionally, he wears a silver sapphire ring on his left hand, the ring also dissimulated under Richard’s glove.

His lips are thin and serpent-like, complementing his cold gray eyes and sharp eyebrows that give him a sly look. Finally, his smooth black hair falls to his shoulder, contrasting his clean-shaven face.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Human

Magic Scale: High, Richard is highly specialized in the craft of hydromancy in it’s solid and liquid state.

Water Control: Richard has gained absolute mastery over the element of water, being able to bend it to his very will. He can shape water into practically anything, launch powerful blasts that can blow opponents away, compress water to strike with sharp strikes that cleanly cut all in their way or freeze the water to create frozen constructs and projectiles that can be used for offense or defense.
The shape Richard can give to water is as varied as imagination can allow, being able to manipulate 75000 liters of water at most.

Blood Dominance: As long as Richard keeps physical contact with someone, he can manipulate that individual’s blood. Subjugating his movements freezing the blood or causing it to burst from the inside, all is possible as long as he keeps actual physical contact.

Other Abilities:

Parkour Specialist: Richard is proficient in parkour, being able to get from point A to point B with ease while avoiding obstacles.


Gourd: A small gourd Richard carries with him at all times, it is filled with a liter of water.

Kevlar shirt: A kevlar shirt Richard wears under his coat. While vulnerable to cuts, it offers a certain protection against gunfire and blunt force to an extent.

Sapphire Ring: This ring possesses magic properties. If Richard were to dip the ring in water, the gem would imbue the substance with healing properties; a deep slash would heal in less than a day.

Fancy Scarf: A fancy scarf he always carries around. Touch it, and you are dead.


Richard could still remember that wretched day. It was a normal Sunday, like any other Sunday, or so it should’ve been.
He was but a child when he saw the tragedy unfold before his eyes: his sister had been killed before his very eyes by a beast that could no longer be called human.

Stricken by grief and a thirst for vengeance, he entered a bloody crusade against the undead and all wretched creatures that feast on human flesh.
For this very purpose, he learned of a powerful magic that enabled him to manipulate water to his will.

It took years, but Richard had finally managed to track down the vampire responsible for his sister’s death. He was so close to putting an end to the beast’s carnage, but before he could end it all, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.
It seemed he was to die there and then, but as he drew his final breath, he felt… reborn.

Opening his eyes, he found himself in a strange city. It seemed fate had more surprises left in stock for him


First of all, it must be noted that not only is there a limit to how much water Richard may control at once, but also a limit to the range he may control the water from (Approximately 20 meters). Not only that, but the magic requires a nearby source of water, be it liquid or solid. Being less effective without his ability to bend water, nullifying it trough any means will make him much more vulnerable.

It is also safe to say that he is also much less effective in areas without a lot of water, such as arid deserts or the like. It is important to know that Richard is not very skilled in melee combat, getting close enough to him could put him in a huge disadvantage.

Finally, while a deadly opponent in a ranged battle, he is much more manageable in a straight melee fight, his blood manipulation requires constant physical contact, and is not instantaneous. Resistance against ice or  water will put him on a clear disadvantage. Thus, even if he is effective against water and ice mages, the same could be said about the opposite.

Likes: Cold weather, friendly people, undead hunting, seeing those around him happy, serving retribution to those he believes deserve so.

Dislikes: Heat, the undead, those who’d sacrifice their loved ones, those who abuse other’s trust, empty promises, Sunday.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 07:02:24 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #55 on: January 30, 2015, 04:13:49 AM »
Name: SHIKI Tohno

Race: Half-Demon (With vampire impulses)

Age: 18


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Superhuman

Magic Ability: Low-Medium (He himself is not aware of his magic capabilities even if he has them.)

Other Abilities:

Close Combat Specialist: SHIKI is best described as a professional killer. By using either his own razor sharp claws, a knife, or his blood combined with his unnatural strength as a half-demon he can easily match normal humans in a close combat fight, combining that with his ability to see the lines of life he can take out opponents far stronger than himself.

Vermillion Blood Manipulation: SHIKI’s demon blood has granted him the ability to manipulate his own blood in any way he chooses. So long as it is his own blood he can control it at will shaping it into any form he wishes, he does not need to be in contact with the blood,  just as long as it is in the general area.

Vermilion Immortality: Shiki’s demon blood has also granted him the ability to reshape the insides of his body as he chooses. This allows him to survive even the greatest of injuries, so long as his head is not destroyed he can even recreate destroyed hearts.

Mystic Eyes of Life Perception: Being familiar with death and because of a connection with the Serpent Roa has granted SHIKI a unique ability with an awesome power. He can see the lines and points of life of living creatures and by cutting or stabbing this points can end their existence. The stronger the being the harder it is to see the points but these lines themselves do not cause him any pain or stress to see.


Robes: Shiki prefers to wear a simple blue robe that often exposes his bare pale chest. The robe itself is just an ordinary robe and there is nothing special about it.

Origin: He was on the run from Akiha, his death was certain there was no escape she would suck the very life out of him. It was then that he finds himself in the Nexus city away from the chaos undergoing Misaki during his life. Occasionally the voice in his head talks to him but by pure force alone he can contain it. The only thing that can bring the voice out currently would be his utter death but then he would be dead.

Weaknesses: Medicine, Holy Weapons, Bloodthirst

Likes: Akiha, Shiki, Killing?

Dislikes: Kohaku, Shiki, The voice in his head
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 10:24:07 PM by Milbunk »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #56 on: February 07, 2015, 02:57:13 AM »
Name: Unknown
Race: Human - Magus
Age: Unknown
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 78 cm
Appearance: A man with Redish-White Hair who stands at 187 cm with slightly tanned skin. He is wearing clothes created out of a variety of holy shrouds with the ones covering his eyes holding back his mindless amnesic rage.
Physical Attributes
Strength: Superhuman, power emanating from his left arm, total strength on a Servant Scale is about a D Rank
Agility: Superhuman, quite agile but has his limits
Constitution: Can take quite a bit of punishment

Magical Power:
Scale: Low
Possesses the attribute of sword. Has the ability to copy and reproduce any sword at a glance and store in his world, but due to the fact what he no longer believes in an ideal he once did reproduction the reality marble within his arm is impossible as his world is different from the one of the man whose arm he now possesses. Even so the blueprint of the swords are stored in that world.

Name: Thaumaturgical Knowledge (Reinforcement and Projection)
Description: The ability to analysis an object's structure and increase its effectiveness or return it to normal, and the ability create a duplicate of an object's shape after examining and understanding the object's components.

Name: Projection (Gradation Air) [Trace Version]
Incantation: Trace-on
Description: A type of projection magic that not only reproduces an object of also it's entire history as well. The copied object is of lower quality due to the fact that only so much information can be learned at glance alone, and power weapons like Noble Phantasms are decreased by an entire rank. Projected items have there limits as the world attempts to erase the object as the projected object should not exist. Only objects whose material composition is known to the world can be Projected.

Name: Reinforcement
Description: The ability to analysis an object's structure and increase its effectiveness or return it to normal. Gives an + modifier to the strengthened object. The object is strengthened by the magus injects prana into the item. If the object's internal constitution is not well known then injecting prana into an object would have a negate effect, though at this stage he is skilled enough to avoid this.

Name: Structural Grasp
Description: The ability to analysis an object's structure.

Connection to Other Side:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Though, he has lost his memories, he is in fact Emiya Shirou from the Heaven's Feel Normal ending, who sacrificing himself saving the world, not for the sake of everyone, but rather for the happiness of the woman he loved. In doing so, after the grail's destruction he was transported to this world on the verge of death having nearly lost all his memories. He still vaugly remembers the one he swore to protect and the promise he was unable to fulfill.

Name: Archery
Description: Skill with a bow and arrow and ability to hit a target. The capability to using a bow and arrow skillfully. Excels at this skill and be considered a true master.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Rank: EX
Description: Without Arthuria Pendragon nearby, all it does is change
Spoiler for Hiden:
magic attribute to sword. If Active with Arthuria Pendragon nearby. Avalon provides him with ability to greater recover nearly any wound, and when activated can guard against any attack. The sheath itself is stored within
Spoiler for Hiden:
Shroud of Martin: A holy shroud with the ability to block once foreign magical circuit with in his body, but as his body has now grown used to the circuits in the arm this shroud has little effect.

Spoiler for Hiden:
After supposedly sacrificing himself to stop the greater grail in the Holy Grail War, he was transported in to the nexus with no memories, after finding himself with no memories in a strange place the only thing he could do was move forward with knowledge from his arm being the only thing keeping him alive, to hone his skills. Moving forward without purpose he struggles to hold on to the only memory he has left, of the girl he sworn to protect and the promise he could not fulfill.

Weaknesses: Dying when he is killed.

Likes: Swords, Fighting, Remembering, Girl he fought to protect
Dislikes: That which harms him, THAT WHICH HURTS THE ONE HE SWORN TO PROTECT
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 03:08:17 AM by theunknownhero »
Even I have something I must protect.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #57 on: February 07, 2015, 10:13:03 PM »
Name: Suiren
Titles: The Raging Mountain Crusher, the 7th, the Empress, the Rampaging Battle Fanatic, the Demon Juggernaut, The Strongest in the World (self-appointed), anything else she comes up with
Race: Half Demon

Age: 32



Appearance: Her dirty blond hair almost reaches her tailbone. Her hair flows loosely until the very end, where it’s tied with a white ribbon. Loose spikes cover her forehead, and two longer braids fall down the sides of her face until a bit further past breast level, where they’re tied with smaller white ribbons. The fraction of these braids that travels parallel to her face is wrapped in white tape.

Her attire is radically different depending on her mood. When serious she is often dressed in an elaborate kimono dress which is decorated with images of mountains and flowering tree branches, as well as possessing a circlet made enchanted silver, a sign that she is part of the Counsel of Nine Great Demons. The dress itself seems to be a specially tailored work, as it is different from an actual Kimono when examined, simply resembling one in appearance, and was made as a dress for her position but something that would not restrain her in combat. When dressed casually she often just wears a one piece sleeveless dress of various colors, with an additional simple shirt and pants below it if it is cold.

She is often described as a very earthly beauty, a finely toned body suited for someone like her who lives to fight, her simple brown eyes, and her dirty blond hair. While she is certainly beautiful she does not give off the unearthly appearance some other Half Demons do, rather she seems almost completely normal.

Physical Attributes

Fantastic (Restrained from Legendary)
Agility: Fantastic
Constitution: Incredible
Note: She rarely actually fights at this level because she decreases it to match her opponents, unless or of course she believes she can’t afford to hold back, however she is known to hold back even in life or death situations depending on the situation itself.

Magical Ability: Low

General Info: Suiren is a born half demon, whose birthright is the ability to use magic, however she has absolutely no proficiency or even interest in the art of magic. However despite his she has knowledge of what magic is capable of, as she is part of the Counsel of Nine Great Demons, and does not discount its power. It’s just not for her. Perhaps her nature of the Empress, something that accepts both truth and lies in entirety, the art of magic which his found in lies is incompatible with her. It’s more likely she just does not care though. Her fists are more than enough for her.

World Attribute:
Her magical attribute is of the world, meaning magics which is aligned to this are what she is capable of learning. This would mean she would have an outstand ability to perform gravity and various elemental styles of magic, and potentially even more. Too bad she has no interest in magic in the slightest.

Other Abilities:

Demonic Nature: As a Half demon she should have some way to express the stories which compose her base. However she lacks any ability to do so. In fact she has none of the traits that a demonic nature would normally give. It is one of the great wonders of the Half Demons. The only possible relic of this present in her is her ability to recuperate from any degree of injury or exhaustion with a single good sleep no matter how severe, even if they are on the level of her existence itself missing parts.

“Come on, I will give you a lesson in kickass”: As someone who desires mastery of the self over all things her abilities in hand to hand combat at the peak, with her skill in weapons being only slightly below that despite her preference for hand to hand. She uses a mishmash of combat styles to suit the situation, never really keeping to one under normal conditions, instead just going with the flow, but she seems to prefer punches over other types of strikes. Because she wants a good fight she will often limit her physical might and speed to a level only just above or equal to her opponent, so as to test their skill.

“I will not yield. Not to men, not to demons, and certainly not to you.”: An unbreakable and unflinching will that prevents her body from being controlled or influenced, on the physical, spiritual or metaphysical level. While this does not grant her a protection against illusions it allows her to easily break them should she realize she is under the influence of one.

“I see all that is worth seeing”: A sensory ability found in her nature. She can detect things nature as an existence, but only on a very broad level. An example of this is that she can determine if one is a demon, a half demon, or a human, but she cannot determine the specific nature of a demon and what stories make it up. This extends to other existences she has not encountered, however she does not know their names so will liken them to other things, such as a Spirit or God to a Demon.

All Existence is her Weapon: Suiren is temporally able to claim ownership of any weapon, but only for moments at a time unless the weapon is willing to let her use it (if conscious or linked to someone). In addition the weapon can channel her specialized attacks as well as being highly responsive to her will. The abilities of any weapon that require a form of energy or magic knowledge to use will be locked.

This Existence is Absolute:  Her incredible sense of self comes from this ability. It is in its basis a conceptual protection, preventing her to being affected by most attacks on the metaphysical level or the conceptual level. Things of certain levels, such as from an Avatar of Nothingness, powerful attacks form the Divine Saint, or being exposed to The Story of True Destruction, can bypass this defense with high enough power. It ability is further enhanced when increasing the power of her existence. Things of incredible sensory ability which can understand things on a metaphysical level can feel this in her, and know she on some level what she is, a being that can command the present and the existence of things. In other words they know the title of the Empress is not for show.

The Weight of Existence is carried in these Fists: Her ability as the Empress is the manipulation of the entirety of existence itself. This ability while seeming unbeatable can only be simply applied by Suiren at this point, as she has not even come close to mastering it. She focuses mostly on enhancements in her quest to become the strongest, and not on any form of manipulation. She glows a golden color when the ability to activated. It is possible she can develop more usages of it, but it is doubtful it will be anything other than more specialized enhancements to her striking power. Her enhances are fundamentally enhancing the weight of her own existence or collecting the weight of other existences.
Spoiler for Uses:
Golden Mountain Punch/Kick: An attack that harmonizes her existence with the earth’s for a blow, allowing the weight of the earth’s existence to be carried in her strike. It requires both feet to be on the ground to be use, as well a moment to harmonize to the earth. The strike processes “Earth Ruler” attribute, meaning things of the earth yield to her fists by nature, such as stone and metals.  Multiple uses can be ‘stocked up’ and the blows are much more powerful than her normal blows. There are various ‘combos’ using this, but it is mostly just using this attack either in higher quantities or interesting ways. She often comes up with the names for them on the spot.

Golden Heaven Strike: A downward strike that must be made from the air, and is performed by harmonizing her existence with the sky’s. It has a “Sky Ruler” attribute, making things of the sky yield to her, such as powerful winds, ice or snow.  The blow is much more powerful than her normal blows. They can technically be ‘stocked up’, but she is generally not in the air long enough for that to matter. There are various ‘combos’ using this, but it is mostly just using this attack either in higher quantities or interesting ways. She often comes up with the names for them on the spot.

Golden Flame Ignition Blow: A skill ignited by Suiren’s rage and her interactions with the Fire Mage Lorenzo. With it she harmonizes her existence with flames, causing her fists and feet to be surrounded by a golden blaze. This passively gives her strikes a burning attribute, as well as giving her a “Flame Ruler” attribute in which makes things of fire and great heat yield to her fists. Do to the ‘lightness’ of flames compared to the Heavens and Earth, it does not enhance her striking power, but rather allows her to passively release the flames for a moderately powerful fire burst at close range. It takes slightly longer to manifest then her other strikes, and requires a decent amount of fire/flame to be in the area around her.

Armor of the Unyielding: In her travels she realized that her great power means nothing if she cannot withstand blows. And so she developed this one singular defensive ability. It is a defensive ability which is the reaffirmation of her existence around her fists and legs, allow her to literally punch and kick away magic, conceptual attacks, the light of creation and even powerful rejections, in other words it can protect against abilities until they reach the level of "laws", in other words abilities which are on the level of the natural laws of the world, or things that produce a result with such authority that they are almost impossible to overcome. It is also limited in its ability to strike away effects that cover a large area, only being able to offer protection at that point, decreasing the damage at most. Should her will falter the ability will weaken. It also passively increases her body's ability to withstand pain.

Supreme World Breaking Empress Fist: She increases the magnitude of the existence her own body over time, before releasing it in a singular powerful burst which is many times more powerful than her normal blows. It is using this that she destroyed a mountain; however it did take her ten straight minuets to prepare such a blow. When activated, light shifts all around her, causing things to flicker as different colors as the light becomes distorted and bent due to the pure weight of her very existence, the earth shakes and tremble under her weight, and the air screeches spiraling around her. This strike is fundamentally a “Supreme Blow” meaning that trying to match it with a physical, or even spiritual, attack or defense is pointless, as her existence, itself, forces things to yield, meaning a defense with impressive conceptual weight is necessary. In truth it is just better to dodge it, because it is generally not worth risking it. This is the closest thing to the pinnacle of her ability she is capable of.

The Silver Light: The light which at times appears when she uses her powers. It has becoming more and more predominant since her fight with Hamara. It seems to be responsible for her strength begin restricted, as her existence needs to use more of its power to restrain it. This power… it flows from the outside into her, and it is brilliant and familiar to all that see it, but they cannot understand why.  Suiren dislikes it for undisclosed reasons, and it is unknown what exactly it is. This mysterious silver light that seems at odds with Suiren’s gold, the golden light which is the expression of her very self.


Silver Circlet: A rather normal silver circlet with a singular enchantment. When put on and activated it causes her kimono dress to appear upon her. Replacing her current garb until it is taken off.

Origin: Suiren is an enigma among the half demons, with her first known appearance in the world being simple being raised by an old man in a remote human village, developing a more human mindset them most half demons. One day she simple left that village to explore the world and hone her skills, leaving with the blessings of the entire village that loved her as one of their own.

She simply appeared in the Silver Capital one day and with lacking any form of magic challenged the 7th seat on the Counsel of Nine Great Demons, defeating her with a powerful blow even after she activated her True Invocation and Demon Artifact. What she did was considered impossible, becoming one of the Great Demons without reaching the pinnacle of magic or obtaining a powerful Demon Artifact, instead she simply succeeded by destroying her opponent with the weight of her own existence.

Since then she has been biding her time, training and perfecting her ability while addressing the issues she is responsible to face as the 7th seat. Her actions often put herself at odds with the 2nd seat, The Mistress Which Tells Tales, due to her beliefs and lack of desire to deceive people. Her ultimate goal is to challenge the 1st seat, and defeat him/her. Basically she wants to be the strongest. And nothing will stop her from reaching that goal.

Weakness: She often greatly limits her abilities in a fight, tends to look for a reason to get into a fight with people she wants to (this can really step of people toes), dislikes learning about opponents before facing them as it takes away from the true surprise in a fight, despite her physical ability if she takes enough damage she goes down and has no form of truly advanced healing other than recovering after a good sleep, her strategies normally are just to punch the thing harder so more esoteric abilities can be difficult to adapt to fighting, she lacks ANY ranged ability other than throwing shit at you and because of this flying, hovering or enemies that can maintain range against her speed can simply chip away at her, all of her attacks are ‘bludgeoning’, ‘crushing’, or ‘smashing’ type attacks so things with defense against those type of damage had a natural advantage, she is surprisingly fragile if she is unable to deflect an attack.

Her greatest weakness has got to be her massive self-confidence and trust in her own abilities. It is very easy to guide her actions if you know this about her, making it even possible to get her to stop fighting if you word your argument right. But be warned, if she learns you are trying to manipulate her she will not take to kindly. Also, she tends to not take situations very seriously and will often let “other people have a go” before getting involved herself unless she REALLY wants to get involved.

Likes: A fight worth having, things of unique taste (even if horrible), when people don’t overcomplicate things, lazing about when there is nothing better to do, hard workers, Lanya the 8th Great Demon, sugary sweets, simple meals (she does not get why they have to be so fucking fancy sometimes), her bed (she really misses her bed), those that know why they live, people that have clear goals.

Dislikes: People who specialize in deception, people who just can’t admit what’s on their mind, people that are too self-righteous (does not dislike their deeds, but generally dislikes their false or empty motivations like “it’s the good thing to do.” There is always a more real reason than that.), politics, pastries, large bodies of water (is a surprisingly bad swimmer and is prone to sinking rather then floating), the 1st great demon, people who do not accept her strength or ability, people who mock her inability to use magic, people who give up on life.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2015, 09:39:22 PM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #58 on: February 08, 2015, 05:08:35 AM »
Luviagelita Edelfelt
Race: Human
Age: 19
Height: 160cm
Weight: 49kg
Spoiler for Magical Luvia:
Physical Attributes

Strength: Human/Fantastic
Agility: Human/Fantastic
Constitution: Human/Fantastic

Magic Ability: High/Extremely High
Gandr: A Finnish curse. Like a magical bullet, it can rip through flesh and cause a good deal of damage. Each burst is fired by concentrating prana into a finger and then releasing, somewhat similarly to firing a gun. Unlike most magecraft, there is no incantation needed to fire one, and she can fire many within quick succession of one another.

Jewel Magecraft: Luviagelita excels in the art of Jewel sorcery. Whenever she gets a moment to herself, she pours magical energy into her collection of gems that are then used as projectile weapons. They are single use mystic codes, and fade to ash after their use. She can store all varieties of spells in them, holding them for later use when the time is ripe.

Other Abilities: Lancashire Martial Combat: A style of Martial Combat oddly similar to Pro Wrestling, Luvia has had extensive training in it's techniques for whenever a combat situation required it. The sleeves of her dress are custom tailored to be detachable for quick readiness for combat.
Kaleido Stick Sapphire:

A powerful wand created by Zelretch himself, which is able to empower the wielder with a nearly infinite amount of prana and power, as taken from other selves from other dimensions and timelines. ...However, despite being far gentler of temperament than Ruby, Sapphire still forces the one who wields her to become a magical girl, and their attacks to match. Since Sapphire herself is sentient, she can sometimes lend advice as well, but is a bit on the quiet side. While less so than her sister Ruby, she also can be rebellious, and if her current master proves themselves unworthy, she will abandon said master, and go find someone else.

It should be noted that despite the infinite power and prana thing, there are limits. While still a significant upgrade, enough to reasonably upgrade the wielder's stats to at least mid-Servant tier, Sapphire does need rest every once in awhile, and there's only so much power she can provide with one shot. 

Gems: Luvia carries a large bag of gems with her at all times, all filled to the brim with magic energy.

Origin: Luvia was dispatched with Rin to investigate disturbances created by the class cards. However, after she arrived in Japan, she was mysteriously sucked into the Nexus.

Weakness:Normal human weaknesses, taking away Sapphire while in a trance forcibly ends it, magic resistant enemies
Likes: Gems, simple people, showmanship, wrestling, heavy metal
Dislikes: Rin Tohsaka, losing, imperfection in her own behavior
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 06:58:21 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #59 on: February 08, 2015, 05:40:10 AM »
Name:  Alicia

Race: False Reaper

Age:  17

Height: 5’4

Weight: 100 pounds

Appearance: Black, stiff hair, black eyes. Has practically nothing over her bones but skin, looking sickly and unfed. Her eyes have dark circles underneath them, and her face is sunken in and unappealing. Her voice is like a whisper, yet like a challenged groan from a man dying of thirst. She wears a black one-piece dress and sandals, even in winter, and the only accessory on her is a silver skull pendant.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human (Superhuman as a Collector of Souls)

Agility: Human (Superhuman as a Collector of Souls)

Constitution: Legendary

Other Abilities:
Unnatural Existence: Alicia is an existence completely irrational, misplaced and unwanted by the  natural order. Any sensitive psychically or supernaturally will sense the wrongness of her existence.

Souls of the Damned: Being an improper reaper, Alicia does not send off the souls she collects to the afterlife. Instead they are absorbed into her being as she feeds off of them, putting them in a limbo hell of pain and nothingness. When she releases her power, their screams can be heard, as well as wisps of their essence can be seen, as screaming faces or writhing bodies.

The Reaper Comes By Night: Between the hours of 11pm and 2am, Alicia’s entire body becomes an odd form of see-through, and her skeleton seems to glow in a strange way as if to gain priority over her flesh. Those observing her from afar will see a skeleton enveloped in black clothing, no matter her clothing’s actual color.

At night, her power is also increased, and she becomes essentially unkillable.

Brook No Obstacle: As Reapers can to collect the souls of the deceased, Alicia is fully capable of penetrating any standard threshold without being invited.

Spirit of Death: A reaper is normally a spirit, invisible to the naked eye as it wanders about taking the souls of the deceased. Alicia may also make herself into a spiritual body, but only at nighttime due to her incompleteness as a reaper.

Collector of Souls: At night, Alicia can unmake her body of flesh and become as close to a whole reaper as is possible for her. Fully a skeleton wrapped in the mourning cloth, equipped with her half-scythe and hourglass, she gains the ability of flight, an ethereal body and great power.

During the day, unleashing her power will simply raise all her stats but constitution to exceptional. It still unleashes the sounds and visuals of the souls of the damned, making her easy to track.

Night and day are determined by if the sun is risen or not.

What Is Dead Cannot Die: She cannot be killed or destroyed at night, maintaining her form and life at all times. Even during the day, she is incredibly difficult to kill. Weather and physical attacks cannot damage her, and more mundane magic is incapable as well. She cannot be starved, whether it be of food, water or oxygen. What is needed to defeat her is a strong spiritual attack(as in methods that directly affect the soul), such as certain higher-class exorcisms, a sealing, or a purification ritual which will send her souls themselves to judgment and starve her. Another way to defeat her, with relative simplicity, is to cut her body with a scythe. A fake reaper assaulted by the symbol of a true reaper will gather them, and make them carry her off as they would a normal soul, onto judgment. Note that even the last option can only be performed during the day.

Equipment: A Reaper’s Perverted Symbol: A scythe is the tool and symbol of the reaper, which Alicia is not truly. She can conjure to herself a scythe, but the blade does not make a full crescent due to being broken halfway, as if snapped in half.

The Time Allotted: Reapers are known to carry an hourglass with them, with which they can tell if a being’s life is at its end. Alicia cannot know the lifespan of any being with hers, but she can tell if the being will die within the immediate future if the grains of sand move even a minute amount. A tool as this was never meant to be used by a creature with a foot in both worlds as herself.

The hourglass’s sand glows with a warm light, that of life, making it easy to confuse with a lantern.

Mourning Cloth: At night, Alicia can conjure herself a black robe with which to cover herself. While defensively lacking, the cloth seems to invade an onlooker’s sight, to make itself feel much more encompassing and intimidating than it actually is, as if it eating away at light and making the darkness evermore present.

Origin: Alicia’s “mother” was a rare being, who’d found a trove of souls incapable of moving to the afterlife due to a sorcerer's ward. Seeing her chance, she lured a reaper to the area and agreed to break the ward with her physical body at a simple price: A rib of the reaper. Bound to its duty, the reaper could do nothing but comply to free the souls and bring them to judgment.

Alicia’s mother then did some unnatural science/magic, like Frankenstein would shy away kind of shit, and spliced the rib’s DNA with some sperm. Impregnating herself (as she could be the only one trusted with such a project), she looked forward to the spawn her research and experimentation would give her.

She had Alicia, a child not alive or dead, a step outside of the circle of life. A true unnatural existence, incapable of living off of simple stuffs as food or water, instead needing a more esoteric form of nourishment: Souls. Coming to this conclusion as the baby slowly died, Alicia’s mother did the one thing she could to preserve the experiment: Killed a man in front of her baby. As the man fell lifeless and the clock struck midnight, as if come from the shadows a broken scythe appeared and fell as if guided by gravity, the blade falling into the ground right next to the man. Something happened, something her mother was blind to.

And the baby cried, the first sign of vitality her mother had seen of her.

Her mother kept feeding her experiment, kept writing her notes, but one question came to her addled mind more than most: Since she fed on souls instead of guiding them to judgment, what happened to them?

On the child’s six birthday, she found out by committing suicide in front of her. The scythe, the reaping tool drawn out by a lonesome soul, came out and took her. And Alicia has never let go.

Afterwards the girl lived in foster homes and government orphanages for quite some time, never staying long due to the stench of death and sheer unnatural creep that flowed out of her.

Her mother had fed her well and souls take time to digest, so she never committed a murder. But every now and then, as she walks the streets, she can sense death, a lonesome soul, and feeds herself more in a twisted instinct for survival, and to complete a reaper’s inborn duty of collecting the dead.

Weakness: During the day, she is incapable of using most powers, and is usually not strong enough to wield her scythe without unleashing her power. With her power unleashed during the day, she is incredibly easy to track and relatively easy to overpower even for a higher-tier human. To kill her, please look at the section titled “What Is Dead Cannot Die”.

Likes:  The snow, silence, Winter, fall, taking a human form to comfort those close to death before taking them

Dislikes: Rejection, carrots, clingy people, the desire to know more, the undead
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 05:56:36 AM by NamesAreHardToComeUpWith »