Author Topic: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP  (Read 211048 times)


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #525 on: June 09, 2014, 05:53:11 AM »
Ash rubbed her forehead at the Draculas' comments and said, "Look, making a forest out of people is sodding messy and not worth the trouble.  You three are living nightmares, and a source of inspiration, awe, and hatred for the rest of us vampires.  You're badasses, we all see that and the lot of these folks will bow down to you.  However, if you start planting people as trees you will get stopped."

She held up her hands and said, "I'm not stupid enough to get into a fist fight with motherfucking Dracula, but this is Nexus.  There's always someone bigger and badder."

The Count very slowly put down his goblet. He was not smiling. Alucard, on the other hand, was openly grinning as his shadow climbed up the walls.

"I like her."

As eyes opened where they should not be and teeth grinned in places that defied the laws of nature, the platinum blonde pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

"Do not leave yet another mess, Alucard."

The shadows devoured the room in an instant wrapping around every being at a booth or bar. Blood splattered across the inside of the building as every bar-goer was brutally torn apart, save for Ash, Frost, the three who bore the name of Dracula, and the barmaid. The blood donor's legs were missing, but had surpringly been left untouched to bleed out on the floor, her face blank as she fled deep into the realms of unconsciousness. Alucard was still grinning.

"Messy? Me? I wouldn't dare."

Vlad glared at the red-cloaked vampire, the area around them being remarkably clear of blood. He shook his head.

"Completely insatiable, as expected."

The Count lowered his goblet. He too, had been untouched by the splatter of blood and entrails that marked the walls of the bar, and his gaze made it completely clear that if anyone else moved, he would destroy them. Rising to his feet, Dracula spoke.

"…It matters not. We are leaving."

Vlad turned from the others to regard the vampire, quirking a single, elegant eyebrow. He made no protest or dissent, however, and moved over to Dracula, dismissing Ash's words like they had never been - though, each of them had taken her words with caution. Alucard looked visibly disappointed.

"Right now? I haven't even gotten the camera yet."

Both of his companions stared blankly at him, neither one of them being born in a time when such things were prominent.

"For the Youtube channel."

The Count took no notice of Alucard, turning to go.

"Come. The forests of our homeland will require careful seeding to prosper."

Alucard let out a completely exaggerated sigh, completely uncaring of the mess he had left around him. With but a thought a shadow with too many eyes had decapitated the blood donor and shredded her corpse like so much meat. Vlad twitched, but made no move to rebuke him as they moved towards the door.

"Yes, Mom."

He gestured carelessly over his shoulder with one white-gloved hand.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 12:24:13 PM by Mooncake »
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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #526 on: June 09, 2014, 05:53:52 AM »
Quote from: Wynn
"A Little Mouse, how boring," Wynn said with a sigh. She smiled and said, "You are quite the interesting one, Mister Hale.  As for protection and shelter, I know where she can get those things, and if I did not offer someone very dear to me would become quite cross."

"Very well." Tom lowered Hakuno closer to the ground before making a brief slashing motion with his hand. The girl dropped unceremoniously to the ground.

It took her a moment to come back to her senses, but when she did, she breathed a sigh of relief. Plucking up her courage, she gave them a long bow. "Thank you."

Tom gave her a simple nod in reply, almost dismissive in nature. He turned to Wynn, not noticing Hakuno looking slightly irritated despite the dire situation she had been in only moments before.

"'Interesting' is one term to describe me, I suppose. For the present time though, we should deliver the girl. Am I correct in assuming that this 'someone' of yours is Law Unto Herself?"

I have a name, you know. You looked in my head, so you should know it.

Tom mentally replied to Hakuno without even bothering to look in her direction. That would imply that calling you by that name is of any concern to me at the moment. It should be enough that you are going to be receiving the shelter you so desired. Do not assume simply because your life has been spared that your circumstances are not subject to change. Take comfort in the fact that you have received the best possible outcome. Beyond that, it is not my concern.

Hakuno glared at him for a moment, but did her best to quiet her mind. Still, this guy certainly wasn't giving her a great first impression.

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #527 on: June 09, 2014, 05:59:30 AM »
Henry smiled as she took and started to eat it. But she made it clear that she did not trust them. Not that the doctor could blame her, he was the same back in his younger years during the Japanese invasion. But the only difference was their upbringing. And like what Forest said, it probably isn't too late.

"Why should we? Not like we have any agendas for you," he answered with his arms folded over his chest, "And besides, you shouldn't be eating that if you don't trust me. I could've drugged it earlier."

The bar had signs of being open before it was in her hands. Though the chocolate, itself, was untouched until finding itself being bitten off by the nameless girl. Of course it was free of any harmful taint of drugs or poisons. Henry wasn't going to carry around a poisoned chocolate bar and just expect to someday give it to someone. It would be an utter waste. The chocolate, that is.

Taking another one from his pocket, the doctor started to unravel its wrapper to start nibbling on it as well.

"I'm Henry. So, mind telling us your name? Or will we have to give one for you?"
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 07:52:08 AM by Salto »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #528 on: June 09, 2014, 06:12:42 AM »
"Thank you so much, um, s-Sir Knight?", Caules being entirely unsure as to how to refer to the armored man.

"Hey, can I have a look at that map?"
"Sure," The Chosen Undead rose up from his spot and handed him the slip of paper, "However, buildings are drawn to this place as much as people are. A map is only good for a few weeks at a time."

The Knight then walked over and picked up a bucket. "It is more efficient to choose one area at a time rather than to wander aimlessly. I'm going to go fill this bucket with sea water while you figure out the place that we should search through first. However, I will advise against No Man's Land; it is most certainly not safe at night."

With that, he walked towards the door. "I'll return shortly," the Undead man called back.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 08:57:44 AM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #529 on: June 09, 2014, 07:10:05 AM »
And so, vampire and werewolf went back. Kyle didn't pay attention to the trio of men walking past him and Ellen as they entered the establishment once more. He instantly detected something wrong in the air and rushed in the bar. The violence and cruelty displayed here was barbaric, even going by Nexus standards. It was a fucking disappointment to notice that Deacon Frost was among the survivors of what had killed so many people at once.

"Charming," he growled, while checking the room in detail. "Ash, you okay?"


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #530 on: June 09, 2014, 07:20:43 AM »
Ah overconfidence, as rare as fruit flies and only half as long lived.

Don't overconfident people tend to stay that way for a long time though?

Not in this city.

"I meant that this district in particular is more dangerous than usual; There is a vampire gang trying to take over and they're harassing the locals. So now I have to hunt them down."

Minato heard the chinking of chains nearby.

"Either way, if you aren't heading for shelter would you mind following me until the problem is dealt with?"

Why are you...

I can heal her if I'm there when she gets herself dismembered.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 07:22:18 AM by Kurogami »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #531 on: June 09, 2014, 08:11:37 AM »
“Honestly, parading servants around in such clothing. Has my system truly just become a tool to satisfy the base instincts of children?” 

A calm voice echoed though the firebird, the disapproval was obvious in the tone. All the while magical binding spells wrapped throughout the engine of the car, locking it in place.

“In truth however, I am far more curious how you were even able to summon a servant in the first place boy. Do you mind explaining it to me?”

And there, in the back of the firebird sat a man with blue hair dressed in traditional Japanese clothing. Yes, in the back of the firebird, riding bitch, was Zolgen Makiri. 

“Well boy?”

Mordred wished she focused more on what was happening around than bickering with her Master. She turned around materialized Clarent and pointed it at the magus. If he tried to attack Law, his head would roll faster. "Hey, mind your manners" she certainly didn't like the way he adressed her Master "Do something funny, and I'll make sure that won't pay off"

Ivan The Mouse

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #532 on: June 09, 2014, 08:23:26 AM »
Neo planned to explore the city by himself, despite knowing that his two companions have already done so. For him, it was inevitable that they'll miss some places in the city because their main objective was to shop for groceries and not to know more of this new place. So he decided to joyride around its streets, although he planned to find a park or greenery first because of two things. First, he needs to find a place where he could get his supply of herbs and plant stuffs he could use for his alchemy, now that the forest that formerly surrounds the Manor has now disappeared. Second, he wanted to spite the authorities of this city by planting marijuana in the park and see how they would react to such discovery.

After he began to accelerate out of the Manor's garage riding his black Electra Glide, he started his search for the park he wanted while playing 1960s music loudly on his bike's stereo. Eventually after an hour and a half, he found the city's greenery, predictably near the river that seemed to run through the city proper. He immediately didn't stop upon arriving there and instead opted to drive around it's perimeter to see how big the park actually is. However, while doing so, he noticed someone in the Northern Gate of the park...

Building up a reasonable speed, Fiore rolled towards the northern entrance of the park, wanting to get a look around the city and learn her situation.

In her suitcase, tugged into a space behind her feet, a cellphone set to 'mute' vibrated impatiently.

Caules's face was displayed on the caller ID.

It was a girl with a long and slightly curled hazelnut-brown hair, wearing a white blouse and black slacks. She was on a wheelchair and had a suitcase in the space behind her feet. What captured Neo's interest, however, is her right arm which seemingly is, instead, an artificial replacement. This, aside from the fact that she was decently attractive, made Neo decide to meet her, even only for the prospect of annoying her using her disability. He made one last drive around the park's perimeter before he stopped right near her and unmounted from his motorcycle.

He then began to approach the woman of the wheelchair, while he taunted "Hey ya' gimp bitch, 'the fuck are you doing here, huh?! Ain't you supposed to beg for bucks or chow on them streets, bitch?! What ya' doin' here?!"
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 08:25:09 AM by Ivan The Mouse »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #533 on: June 09, 2014, 11:14:02 AM »
Gabriel started to glow with a groan as La Folia's movements became more frantic.  He started to drive his hardness into her harder and faster, meeting her movement for movement.  He rubbed at the tiny nub even harder as it began to retreat back into its hood.

La Folia kept thrusting herself down on his girth, almost filling herself with him entirely, as he rubbed the apex of her hood to the best of his ability. She wanted more.

Forest laughed at the girl's asking for chocolate and grinned at Karna.

"Maybe she's not as fractured as you thought," she said stepping back and letting Henry hand off the chocolate.

"A child soldier that, according to the truth visible on your mind, swings between a ruthless hunter, a broken little creature and this. Forest, I fail to see how you have proved me wrong", came from the man of the sun with his hand raised into the air in a dismissive gesture.

"Sure," The Chosen Undead rose up from his spot and handed him the slip of paper, "However, buildings are drawn to this place as much as people are. A map is only good for a few weeks at a time."

The Knight then walked over and picked up a bucket. "It is more efficient to choose one area at a time rather than to wander aimlessly. I'm going to go fill this bucket with sea water while you figure out the place that we should search through first. However, I will advise against No Man's Land; it is most certainly not safe at night."

With that, he walked towards the door. "I'll return shortly," the Undead man called back.

Caules began to examine the map with gusto, even as he listened to the advice to not entirely trust it. The city was not as massive as he had expected but the knight was right; Trying to find Fiore unaided in this place would be like finding a slightly off-color stray of hay in a thousand haystacks. Memorizing the map, Caules went through the possibilities bit by bit. His sister liked other people a lot, so she would probably be in an at least somewhat public place. But this was a metropolis of a city, so his only proper hint for her possible location was, to put it mildly, completely useless. His only hopes were that Fiore would stay out of trouble long enough for him to find her, however long it might take.

Considering his possibilities, Caules waited for the return of the knight.

Fiore was rolling down the street at a reasonable pace when the sound of an overtly loud motorcycle and it's stereo, blasting music for all it's worth, pulled up close to her.

He then began to approach the woman of the wheelchair, while he taunted "Hey ya' gimp bitch, 'the fuck are you doing here, huh?! Ain't you supposed to beg for bucks or chow on them streets, bitch?! What ya' doin' here?!"

'Well, that's just mildly rude, isn't it?'

"Excuse me? What would I have done to earn your ire, sir?"

Even as she responded to his extremely rude sentence, Fiore gave the best bow she could from in her chair. It was a habit, not necessarily a bad one, that she bowed her head to people out of mere courtesy.

Ivan The Mouse

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #534 on: June 09, 2014, 04:47:54 PM »
"Excuse me? What would I have done to earn your ire, sir?"

Neo then answered, talking with a General British accent, "Well, what hath ye done to earn me ire? Let me count the ways..." And after a very short pause, he segued back into his normal General American accent. "Nothin', bitch! I just thought that fucking gimps like you shouldn't be all by themselves in a park, with nobody watching keepin' an eye on their useless ass so that they ain't gonna roll down a steep incline if ever they decided to be dumb and go by themselves alone, ya' understand? If you're fuckin' doin' that shit, then chances are you're a beggar and I could shiv you on yo' side and take yo' stuff."

He then approached her and eyed her more closely, before saying "But damn, gurl. Yo' legs might be vegetable now, but fuck me if I didn't say that you're cutie pie. In fact, you don't look like one of them limp bums on the street, baby. Them clothes on you look so fuckin' good, the only way they'll look better is if they're crumpled at the bottom of mah bed. Ya' fuckin' catch me?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively.

He then chuckled twice before saying, "So yeah, you don't look like a beggar, you're all alone here with your things in your suitcase, so all I can just say is that yo' parents finally realized that you ain't gonna be walking no mo' and decided to just fuckin' leave ya' here just like the assholes that they are. I dunno, so maybe you can just tell me what the fuck are you doing here without any other motherfuckers on yo' side. Maybe my awesome and sexy ass can help you go back home and beat the shit outta' yo' mom and pop, because I'm fuckin' awesome, ya' see?"
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 04:49:03 PM by Ivan The Mouse »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #535 on: June 09, 2014, 05:31:49 PM »
Amelia walked towards the entrance of the park, hoping to get some sleep with nature. She always liked nature better than cities. However as she walked towards the entrance she saw a man with blond hair harassing an ADORABLE girl in a wheel chair, poor thing. 

Feeling annoyance at the man for what he was saying she stomped over the pair and yelled at him, “HEY, ASSHAT! LEAVE THE GIRL ALONE!”

She pulled out a white book from her bag in case this idiot didn't leave. Seraph can get him out of here without an issue.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #536 on: June 09, 2014, 06:36:09 PM »
Fiore felt really uncomfortable. Not only was he bringing up the rather sensitive subject of her parents, he was also doing some foul-mouthed combination of insulting her and hitting on her at the same time. Shrinking in her chair, Fiore wanted to run and fight at the same time. But even if thaumaturgy was something that wasn't hidden from the public, Fiore was scared of actually coming this man to serious harm. Her Mystic Code was made with destruction in mind, and she'd possibly tear him apart if she actually fired upon him.


Fiore couldn't feel relieved enough when she turned her head to see a girl, roughly her own age, tell the creep before her off. Rolling slowly backwards, Fiore tried to get a reasonable distance from the bike and it's rider.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #537 on: June 09, 2014, 06:58:32 PM »
"Well, you have a plan yet?" The Knight asked after a few minutes away. He stopped by the fire with the full bucket in hand.

Ivan The Mouse

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #538 on: June 09, 2014, 07:25:32 PM »

Neo heard somebody yell at him while talking to the brown-haired girl. It was another girl with a black hair, wearing a coat, a tank top and slacks. He saw her pull out a white book out of her bag, which made Neo recognize instantly that she wasn't a normal human being and more probably a magecraft user.

Another thing he noticed is that Neo's manner of talking had finally crept up to the girl in the wheelchair, as she looked like she felt insulted by how he delivered his message, rather than to listen closely on what he was trying to say. These two observations just made him feel highly disappointed, as he wiped his face with his palm downwards. "You fuckin' idiots," he muttered under his breath.

Wanting to avoid a fight due to his highly vulgar way of conversation, he exhaled out of exasperation first, then began to talk again. "Look, bitch." he addressed to the black-haired girl. "I know it sounds like I'm trying to pick the gimp out for a one night stand or somethin', but you're painfully wrong. Yes, you are. All I'm trying to tell is that she ain't supposed to be here all alone by her-fucking-self because of damn obvious reasons and I'm trying help her get the fuck outta here so that she could go home, 'kay? I mean, just fuckin' look at her and tell me she doesn't need help, I fuckin' dare you. And oh, those words about her clothes or somethin'? All I wanted to say is she's beautiful. That's just the way I tell it, because that's how I roll. Ya' understand? The bottom line: I am an asshole, I know that, but I don't attack cripples. I just wanted to help her. And about the way I yap? Bitch please, I insult everybody because it's fun. Yo' shouldn't mind it, baby. I mean, go ask the two guys I live with since 1970s. I call them a shitload of names but they know it's just a part of me. So they don't mind it. So there, I told you a sum of my style, so don't ya' go thinkin' that I'm here to piss absolutely everyone off, ya heard?"

He then started addressing the brown-haired woman again. "And you, whatever your name is. I want to help you badly. You shouldn't even be here. I don't know why you're here and I usually don't fucking help people, but allow me to do this, okay? You might not like my style, but I'm sure you'll love the two guys I live with. They'll help you further, especially my boss. Please, have mercy on yo' fuckin' self. I ain't no angel because I don't believe in shit like that, but let me do good for now. Because I want to, that's all. You understand me?"

He then scoffed, "I usually don't fuckin' help people but when I do, they think I'm an asshole anyway. Please don't make me reach the point of me saying 'What's the fuckin' point then anyway?'."
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 07:30:20 PM by Ivan The Mouse »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #539 on: June 09, 2014, 07:26:39 PM »
Ash shook blood off of her and her jacket.  It was even thick in her hair.  Frost was licking it off of his lips and she noticed that his eyes had taken that strange, blood filled look again. 

Frost called out, "Well, if you're wanting to make a forest out of dead people, I suggest heading to fucking Golden Rule.  The son of a bitch who runs it is apparently the major fucking player here in Nexus City.  You want to make a mark, deal with him.  Can't miss it.  Big golden tower because apparently the guy has a tiny dick."

Kyle approached with Ellen in tow, the dark-skinned werewolf's eyes wide with disbelief.  She squeezed blood out of her hair as she looked at the retreating Vlads.  Or rather Vlad, Dracula, and Alucard, who apparently liked her. 

"Ash, you okay?"

Ash shook blood off her hands with a sigh and answered, "Bloody ducky, love.  We have a bit of a problem here."

"No, we have a fucking revolution right there," Frost said, gesturing at the three of them with a wide, fanged grin.

Ash glared at him and then looked at Kyle.  "Take her to Forest, get her safe.  I'll follow those three.  The fellow in red likes me you know."  Then she looked at Ellen and said, "I promise things normally aren't this bedlam."


Forest glared at Karna and said, "Because she can go back and forth between them, it means that there is something that can be salvaged, you giant wanker.  If not, what do you suggest I do?  Take her down stairs and put a bullet through her head?  If so, you can go sod yourself right here and now, I don't give a goddamn how bloody powerful you are."


Wynn nodded, idly brushing off her suit.  She said, "Yes.  It is one of her downfalls that she has this annoying need to help the less fortunate.  Its quite vexing really.  There are better ways to spend her time."

Then she turned to the young girl and said, "Little Mouse, you have been very fortunate tonight.  Either one of us could have ended your measly existence with a flick of our fingers, but we have decided to be generous and, in my case, severely inconvenience someone quite dear to me.  You owe your bit of gratitude to Lady Umbra."

Even though she could have easily Shadowed the three of them to Forest, she was curious to see what this white cat could do.  She gestured with a smile, "After you, Mister Hale."

She gave the Little Mouse one last look and said, "Do try to keep up."


The former Servant Lancer was currently getting ready to tuck into his sleeping back for a long night's sleep.  It was a fairly nice night in Shawnee Park and he was tempted to bring his sleeping bag out of his tent and enjoy the stars.  After all, he was working a double at Wal-Mart tomorrow for some extra coin and, even though the work wasn't overly taxing, it was tedious, so he wanted to be well rested.

The Celtic demi-god looked up at the stars, not realizing the irony that Ireland's Son of Light worked at a Wal-Mart, but instead wished for someone to fight.  Last night he had gone into No Man's Land and picked a fight with a pack of werewolves.  That had been mildly fun, but he needed something more.

He had half a mind to go find either the Iron Maiden and Law Unto Herself and pick a fight with one of them (or both).  Part of the rumors he heard was that the women were as beautiful as they were deadly.  So I'd might get a good fight and a good fuck out of it.  Just that they were vampires, which meant they were like some sort of Fae that drank blood or some sort.  He ran into a couple of them in No Man's Land too.  They were kind of idiots, but the timid voices liked to talk about things that scared them.  Which the two vampire women came up a lot.

His keen ears heard a young man's voice harassing someone, a "gimp" whoever that was, and heard the sweet voice of a young girl reply.  He listened to the conversation and frowned.  The girl wasn't interested and the guy was being a dick.

Then another girl came to the sweet one's defense.

Still, he got out of his sleeping bag to go see what the hell was going on and to teach this dick how to properly treat a young lass.


Gabriel sensed that his Folly was close, but not quite there.  He stopped his thrust before lifting La Folia off of him and turning her around.  He didn't bend her over the tub, as nice as that would have been, but he did lower her back down on him, her back against his chest.

Which gave his hands full access to play with her while he thrust from behind.